/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Charlotte Shellshock Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 20:30:33 Id:7c7633 No. 118101
Here's a thread about my favorite SSBBW model, Charlotte. Her body is just look sooo hot as her belly spills over her legs.
I'm interested in seeing some of her videos that anyone can send me through gofile or airbridge. I would like to see these: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/62253/9099142/cheesecake-sampler https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/62253/9050177/ice-cream-gorging https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/62253/8966105/soapy-shower https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/62253/7699967/charlotte-shellshock-voyeur-bath
She is underrated imo
She had a perfect belly, like Cookie. I wonder how she is now, any if she ever lurks about her topics.
>>118101 I think she's the only woman out there that has absolutely huge boobs, is not pregnant and her breasts sit on her belly. Off course there are other ssbbws with boobs that sit on their bellies but none have such big ones. or am I wrong?
Here´s the Cheesecake Sampler Clip: https://gofile.io/d/GJ3oyD Would appreciate if someone shares other vids
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>>118364 for good friends who knows to share too, not beggars, everything I have from her! Enjoi it! https://gofile.io/d/qd7yWy
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She is totally one of the GOATs - really underrated! Thanks for giving her this thread.
Best shaped ssbbw IMO
>>118610 Please! Change my mind if you can!! LOL
>>118332 I’m sure there’s others out there but BC Marilyn was well on her way with the figure she had. Shame she lost weight from her peak so fast.
>>118615 Marilyn doesn't get talked enough around here. Love that round babe, even her newer previews don't look half bad --- even if she's not as enormous as she used to be
