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For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Bigcuties Marilyn Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 02:50:31 Id:e8d8cc No. 118736
Here's videos 150-179 I have slow internet but let me know what sets you want https://gofile.io/d/xyD27B https://gofile.io/d/vM9gLJ I'm just sharing because i have everything but if anyone has videos from models similar that would be cool
Thank you for the generosity. She's amazing.
>>118736 Thanks for the upload! Anything from like 190 on would be amazing!!
>>118743 here's 190-205
>>118743 shit forgot the link https://gofile.io/d/hqeH7s
>>118743 and 206-214 https://gofile.io/d/P6SEMy
Anyone now what her highest weight and current weight is?
>>118736 >>118747 >>118753 Thank you! I'm missing pretty much all the photo sets, quite a few videos from 44-148, as well as 189b. I'd like to return the favor. Which models would you most like sets/videos from? or do you have any missing you'd like to complete?
Here's some MsFatBooty that I have: https://gofile.io/d/TsrVeV
>>118788 here's all the pic sets https://gofile.io/d/iDaEz7 >>118789 idk why this guy is pretending to be me but then not asking for anything, very confusing lol >>118800 thanks for these too. probably a bit of a stretch but if you have any ssbbw kiyomi or thebreakfastchub videos that havent been shared before that would be cool
>>118859 >https://gofile.io/d/673I3V Folder isnt public
>>118873 thanks for letting me know, still new to gofile. fixed now
Here's 127-107 https://gofile.io/d/peooqt
forgot again oops 148-128 https://gofile.io/d/673I3V
What sets was she at her biggest?
>>119185 highest weigh in was set 193, hit her goal of 400
Heroic from OP.
>>118853 Looks like the pic sets are gone now: "This folder was not found" Any chance the pics can be re-shared? If I have anything of interest to you, I'm happy to share regardless.
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When was she pregnant? Or I am just misremembering some anon saying how good she would look pregnant.
I don't know why, I think she would be in some treatment and that's why she gained a lot of weight and quickly, but then she would end it or she didn't like being so fat and lose weight, very unfortunate because at her highest weight she was at a hyper mega goddess level and It could have been a beautiful ussbbw but unfortunately it didn't happen
Marilyn was my favourite of all time but it feels to me like she retired when she started losing weight, quitting when she was just hitting such an amazing weight
Hey yall! I haven’t been as frequent in my sets but I just want to let you all know I’m coming back full swing. :)
>>126228 Hey just lurking threw threads and just wanted to say you’re a legend in this community.
>>126228 Bro, you're the GOAT. Plz bring back the photos!
>>126228 this is stunning news, hope you are doing well after some time off, you're sorely missed on the scene
>>126228 Are you gaining again?!
yooo lets go
Im not gaining atm. But im holding steady. I had some personal stuff happening.
Please go back to the point about the increases, for me you are a role model of a happy couple, I loved seeing the before vs after photo of your husband containing all that power :D and at least in the photo they looked very happy and laughing at those great changes, also the more fat you got, for God's sake you looked more like a goddess than ever.
Well that’s great news Always the #1 model for me
>>126670 Spiting facts. Her at her heaviest was goddess status.
It’s all about that Belly :)
I can't find marilyn in coomer
>>127557 Bigcuties bro, not OF
(151.13 KB 864x1152 283marilyn_uncensored.jpg)
>>127557 Looking very good in her latest
I think she is recovering and is making a point of returning to her best weight gain, fingers crossed.
This is very exciting!
Where can I find photosets by any chance?
She's definitely back and aiming for big goals. She looks incredible!
Has anyone got the recent sets since her comeback?
