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Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 09:56:31 Id:d0240b No. 122163
Can we get a thread of girls who got WLS but bounced back? Mine is looking into gastric bypass, but I’m hoping her eating habits mitigate it. Curious to see how much a girl’s shape can change from it, too.
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Great idea for a thread. Princess Pear is the first who comes to mind. https://gofile.io/d/dEEgYy
>>122192 Who's the Blue sundress? That's a crazy body.
>>122195 Reread the post you're replying to. It says right there who it is.
Destiny had WLS twice, if I remember correctly. Second time was to have a kid. Shes not the best, but she’s a lifer. Cant easily find pics of her at her lightest and heaviest. Sorry.
if people have before + before + afters of dumpling, that would fit the bill
>>122192 God her face looks rough when she’s thinner. WLS makes these women absolutely ghoulish
Actual posts or attempts at discussion get taken down, but some knuckle dragging MAGA chud can spew hate speech in between insisting that some chick waffle stomps. Brilliant board.
>>123837 I don’t see any mention about politics in this thread. Only you. Fuck off you stupid brainwashed faggot. Anyone who sides with any puppet politician in this fake democracy is a bitch
>>123837 >>123840 why the fuck are either of you bringing politics into a board about fat girls what the fuck is wrong with you schizophrenic retards what do fat bitches have to do with politics
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My wife was over 600 lbs when we started dating in 2019 (I found her on WooPlus almost two states away). She decided to have gastric bypass in 2021 as we wanted to have kids. She got down to 370 at her lowest, about a year ago. The last year she’s gained back over 80 lbs and is over 450 currently. First pics are from when she was her biggest.
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Her at about 370
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Tonight laying her giant legs on me, back up over 450
>>124233 appreciate the pics homie but I do wonder if you're sharing too much of your home life with pervs online.
>>124235 I'm ok with it tbh. Keep fattening her and keep the pics flowing, thanks!
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>>124276 Great pic that shows off how massive her calves still are (they were 35 inches at her biggest and are still 30)
>>124280 Those legs are massive! That's a keeper You got kids after the weight loss? Why is she gaining back?
>>124302 No kids. She just has no self control and is ALWAYS hungry. Sadly she wants to start one of the new weight loss shots soon. So that might end the gain. :(
>>124305 There’s always baby weight, and it’s not like she’ll be working out after the kid’s born. Keep your chin, and her chins, up.
>>124231 doggies :)
Any wls, breast reduction, tummy tuck = dump that bitch.
>>130076 don't make any rash decisions my nigga, some of them really get into perfect form after "wls"
