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theresasweetpeach MIA Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 14:21:13 Id:781438 No. 122865
Anyone know what happened to Teresa/@theresasweetpeach? (also @keeblagangsta bitd) Killed her insta and X accounts suddenly last year. TikTok is still online but nothing new since 3/23. I'm addicted to her massive legs and girl-next-door looks and going through withdrawal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UiFnjr4kjY
Internet creeps turned into IRL stalkers trying to take her away from her Husband.
>>122867 Oh yikes... Why we can't have anything nice on the internet, chapter 2,638.
I was thinking about her the previous days, couldn't find her.. that's a shame, a hope she comes back bigger and better
>>122870 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6UiFnjr4kjY&pp=ygUPbHltcGhlZGVtYSBzZXh5
Anyone have some content of her?
>>122876 She never had an OF or anything but her instagram was pretty great in a PG-13 kind of way. Had I known she'd disappear I would have downloaded some of it. :(
>>122878 Lol did you just start using the internet? If you really like a a girl's ig content you should deff do a site rip. Luckily for you she was pretty popular and I have some of the content, but it hasn't been updated in a while.
Fuck this woman has legs of legend.
After reaching out, shes apparently been bedridden sick and trying to recover
But she's a different medical case. Lymphedema is not fat. An extreme case was Echo, or Purple Rose. She's not a porn model. She had a lot of glamour photos and activist material. And my personal opinion, it's an unattractive 50+ aunt or GILF.
damn Theresa lv her huge fat ass and her thunder thighs, her big legs.
>>122895 Lesson learned. Feel free to post what you've got.
https://gofile.io/d/bV0xv5 one of my absolute favourites! lucky hubby! Pay it forward :) Thanks for the terabytes of porn you guys have supplied me over the years
>>123437 nice. do you or anyone else happen to have a recent rip of finausuliana_'s IG? she hid most of her posts in a act of mourning for her dad. fatcatfar also (temporarily im sure) disabled her account. I need to rip more IG profiles but it's pretty easy to get rate limited/banned by doing that.
whenever a username isn't available a few months after the account dissapeared it's probably a temporarily disabled. some women will want to do this to beat a social media addiction
Huge thanks to whoever left the big collection of her material earlier. Does anyone have any more nude pictures of her like these ones posted earlier in the thread? That was pretty much the only thing missing from the compilation.
