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thenotmecami Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 18:26:13 Id:4e7c96 No. 123763
Not sure who this chick is but she came up on my insta. Says she’s disabled but wow if she isn’t young and huge. No links to anything and I don’t think she’s a model but worth a follow.
>>123763 She’s not a model. Don’t be creepy and scare her off, she’s just a normal person living her life, even if she is super hot
Don’t make your socials public then?
>>123767 Bro I have pictures of myself posted on the Internet, but that doesn't mean that I'd be happy if they just showed up on a random fetish site. If she's not into this, then I don't think she'd be happy at all to have this up here. Just learn some basic compassion If she isn't a model then I really think the mods should nuke this thread before things get out of hand, cuz she could start getting a lot of unwanted attention from this
I DM’d her to let her know this is posted. You’re so weird for this.
>>123771 this. Plus imagine having to explain your photos on some fat fetish websites to your new employer who decides to to a background check on you...not fun
Public photos being posted on a public site. There is nothing wrong happening here, as long as the creepos don't post personal information. The whiteknighting is disgusting. She's hot.
>>123773 your such a pussy
>>123763 She’s she’s pretty (and photogenic). The spaghetti strap sundress center bottom and bikini pictures top right are golden.
Good job guys. We could have just enjoyed in peace but apparently we have to tell her about how weird we are.
>>123773 that a dork!!!!!!!!
>>123789 >>123773 Lmao she will find you as creepy as anyone else in the sit dumbass, you're here too Brainless
>>123850 Site*
There’s hoping she’ll start OnlyFans, she looks like a model already ☺️
>>123773 You know his next message to her was trying to find out if she was single and how he actually finds her to be “a natural beauty.” Fucking turd!💩 The chick is posting picture for anyone to see, and I’ve seen her photos on other sites like tumblr. I don’t think she would be offended to people thinking she looked good. Now if people start talking mad shit on here like they do to all other models then maybe… but this was just retarded baby dickness
>>123771 >but that doesn't mean that I'd be happy if they just showed up on a random fetish site Then don't post pictures of yourself on the internet. If you post it *publicly* to the internet, it's fair game.
>>123773 Socially-inept retarded faggot
What did she rename to?
>>123771 >>123774 Retarded newfag cucks, there's a literal thread devoted to amateur tiktok girls. The fact that you have so much shame for your preference for fat girls that you stigmatized it as a fetish is pathetic.
>>123885 Nothing
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WOW ... great belly & underboobs plus cute too - anyone get any pics they'd share? Got no IG here anymore.
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Her account went private And we wonder why we can't have nice things
If I have to play devil's advocate for a bit..she did start tagging her posts with #ssbbw shortly before she went private. When you use that term you have to be aware that people like OP will stumble upon on you. Now this whole situation could cause her to go into hiding forever but there's also a little chance it will make her interested in showing off on the long-term. It happened with KenzieKinzie, though with a substantial influence from her FA BF. Let's hope for that best case scenario.
>>125904 I used to be a follower and now I don't see her account at all. And I don't think I ever did anything other than like pics, so don't see why I would have been blocked. Anyone else able to find her anymore?
>>125904 The creepy German guy is following her.
>>125917 And a number of bbw models are following her too. She's not following them back. She's mutuals with Stefan. Pray for her.
>>125904 It's not private anymore
she is super pretty, super sweet face, can you imagine guys, meet her make it gain even more weight... and have sex with this amazing woman? definitely i dream awake on the job jajajaja :'(
>>125918 Its already over with lol
>>125918 He can't keep getting away with this.
>>126071 Bro how old are you? Not sure you should be here.
