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Snowangelcake 07/18/2024 (Thu) 05:26:14 Id:3c30d7 No. 124598
Anyone have any content on this chick that isn't already on coomer? She has an amazing set of legs and belly but asymmetrical tits, but if you don't care about that she's not bad. https://gofile.io/d/Jnjivw
>>124598 5 gigabyte? Is it wort it? Seen her stuff, low quality video
>>124605 lol, no, I was hoping for something that was worth it, but I guess it doesn't exist
If you check her ig she’s clearly put on some weight. Shame her content is ass and she doesn’t do feederism
>>124621 No doubt she’s put on weight. She told me she did when I dm’ed her. She’s a bit embarrassed about getting fatter. Doesnt really like her belly and thinks she has too much cellulite.
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>>124621 Doesn't do feederism... officially yet* if I had to guess. Pretty shamelessly talks about binging fast food and sweets in her insta stories. Other day it was something along the lines of "guess who just demolished 5 Guys and Krispy Kreme?" Not to mention posting W.G. before and afters, and her man's hands all up on that belly lol. Maybe wishful thinking, but seems to me she's lowkey enjoying the gains.
>>124631 Capitalism… there’s a difference between enjoying the gains and not doing anything about it.
>>124633 Smartest thing said on here for a long time!
>>124598 >>124610 Why not worht it?
>>124633 Not everything is capitalism retard. FYI the west hasn't be capitalist in maybe 100 years. Look up what Blackrock and Vanguard own - basically every big company is majority owned by them. You can't have capitalism if two banks own everything.
I'll be posting some goodies once I get back home from conference in a couple days. Her OF has gone from amazing to trash in the last 6 months or so. Can't recommend. You get less than what she posts for free on Instagram / X / Reddit /etc. Also, she no longer talks to you but instead pays someone overseas to send you canned responses and overpriced videos. Luckily she lacks in the brains department and has accidentally sent me a couple of things she wanted to charge $50+ for. Also, her last known weight is 391 lbs if anyone's curious. Only thing she has going for herself at this point is pack on some more pounds.
She’s a babe…and no she still isn’t into feedism. She just hasn’t figured out how to stop growing and she realizes that some of her client base is into it.
>>124706 Monopolies are a feature of capitalism, not a bug.
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>>124752 She has teased it, and does claim to have a stuffing video available. But yea, probably not legit into it. It's honestly way hotter this way though. My understanding is she's akin to Boberry in that she just loves to eat and doesn't mind if weight gain results from it. Natural gains trump forced gains for me. I would also bet money that she currently resides with a sugar daddy of sorts. Whereas before she had a dead end job, now she has no job but does have unlimited income which will help with the gains.
>>124762 good for her! can't imagine her not ballooning out of control now
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>>124725 To echo his sentiments, I agree. She used to talk with you about 2 years ago and it was nice, but whoever is running her account now is trash. Guy literally sent me videos that I had already paid for, and was denying it. I’m all for supporting models, but the way her shit has gone, I wouldn’t spend my nut on her anymore. Whoever she’s hired is scamming everyone and I’m not supporting this bs anymore. Anyway, how can I make a file to share things? Got loads of vids on her
>>124979 Try gofile.io lad
>>124981 Get it while it’s hot. And remember, don’t support scammer models https://gofile.io/d/lVxEll
this girl is 5'10" she is so fuckin massive
>>125048 Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you for what you do.
>>125059 >>125060 I do it for the people
>>125068 thank you very much comrade
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Posted a weigh in to Reddit of all places lol
Lot of potential here
>>127374 potential? she's already goated
Imagine her as a Ussbbw
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>>127359 Slow and steady wins the race
>>124631 Look at her Tumblr or her reddit page. She's 100% a feedee, I think she just keeps it on the DL on insta cause of how brutal the community is there
>>127555 This for example:
>>127555 what is her tumblar sir?
>>127555 I don’t think so. It’s more that she’s continued to gain and realizes that she can monetize it. If you had a food addiction and realized that you could make money off it what would you do? The alternative is surgery or dieting. That doesn’t mean she’s a feedee.
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>>127559 She just confirmed that she is NOT on Tumblr and someone is impersonating her... :/
>>127752 Damn. She is cute.
>>127752 Fat chicks with skinny faces are OP
>>127752 Dude she's so fucking cute
>>127752 >>127763 >>127772 >>127791 I hate that I fawn over Ally as I know I'll never have her. But, yes, every hour of every day her beauty only seems to grow.
>>127804 That first pic with her n the hotdog, can see the shape of that gorgeously massive belly 🤤🤤
ashes is just the juiciest ripest peach out there.
She looks like she continues to be very well fed on her Twitter. However, the copy/paste replies on her Reddit leave it a mystery if she's intentionally gaining or not.
>>128519 It's an impersonator. "Her" tumblr and reddit are both ran by a man that just reposts her content and pretends to be her
>>128540 I sent her a dm on Instagram and she said the Tumblr is fake but the reddit account actually is her
My boner made me buy a belly video she had, as hot as it was it was way too expensive for what it was. If she goes more of the feedee/bbw route she could make so much money. She allegedly doesn't pay someone to run her OF bit I don't know whether or not to believe it, she does talk like a real person that doesn't only push to sell videos
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>>128589 >BC/C4S I'm probably delusional, but as another FA/Feeder I felt I almost won her over. My dream was to support her in every way I could doing her thing. I have lots of expendable income to do so, as does her current boyfriend I'm guessing. And, as stated, he does seem to also really appreciate her. We used to legit chat daily on Instagram despite me only subscribing to her Onlyfans maybe 4 or 5 times tops. I was even her exclusive mutual follow on her backup account for several months. Needless to say it devastated me when she ghosted me after hooking up with her current partner. I get it, though. I'm happy she's in good hands and I think her current situation will result in some amazing things given time.
She looked better in 2022 ngl w her different hairstyle/ hair length as well
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She's been emitting hella feedee vibes lately. Even just opened a Feabie account I'll believe it all to be true once we get a stuffing video, but until then there's a lot of hope to be had.
>>128708 What’s her feabie account name?
>>128732 Beefy Jane Addams
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Today I learned she's active on Curvage once again. I honestly can't take much more teasing of the feedee thing. Really hoping it becomes a full reality, though. She's perfect for it
>>128672 It’s an inevitability
>>129564 Might be fake
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>>129600 Fairly certain that this account is legit. She did acknowledge it as fact it on her Instagram. The real question is if she's committed or not. We can only hope she is
>>129564 5'10? Plump princess 2.0 incoming?
>>129604 truly impressive picture, these hips are insane
I don't normally go for ssbbw but this girl is ridiculously hot. A gift for you gentlemen. https://gofile.io/d/g8wfrT If anyone's got anything else please share. Her price's are crazy.
>>129824 Seriously crazy to think people spend $10+ dollars a minute for content that isn't even custom.
>>129824 >https://gofile.io/d/g8wfrT uhhh... folder not found? did it go down already? if so could you please upload to Mega? Mega files are only up for 2 days so they don't have to respond to dmca requests.
>>129840 I'll make her, or her simp, try slightly harder for this one: aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC92Y2FOWXE= I'm thinking there has to be an anonymous file hosting site off of US soil that doesn't give a shit about DMCA. Someone help us out.
>>129842 down again already rip
>>129842 >>129847 nevermind just was taking a while to load ignore that. thx champ.
>>129842 bunkr and pixeldrain are the best
>>129842 Holy crap, shes doing it, feel like shes smart and wont take it too far tho.
>>129842 not a bad start to the feedee videos, but woulda loved it to have been a little longer with a coupla burps tbh
>>129856 >she has a copyrighted song playing the entire video Yeah, she's really smart. I'm hoping she's dumb enough to accidentally take it to far and gain a ton of weight
Yep…they’re geniuses these girls.
What does she go under on curvage? Can’t find her under snowangelcake. Even with 2 Ls
>>129842 i understand its base64 but i put this shit in and i get nothing, any help?
>>130068 just tried it and was able to decode fine. the file's still up too
Someone asked for content in BBW, I reposted stuff. Here's the link: https://gofile.io/d/NqYVfZ
>>129842 reup?
>>130164 Thanks king. That dumper is the shit.
>>130344 dumper ? people just outright calling them poop dispensers now ?
>>130359 or, just simply, pooper
>>130359 Turd cutter what I call em
>>130460 > Turd cutter what I call em That’s what I call the big cheese knife we keep on the bathroom for the shits that won’t flush.
This is probably the best video of her at this massive size https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_yxjXcyjJB/?igsh=MTVpMG1iNjIwdHZqOQ== File to big to upload here, vid to short to fuck with gofile
Her hips make me so weak
>>130597 They make me hard
>>130596 Hip-mo-tized...
>>130596 is she really 5'10? looks more like 5'2 in that door frame
>>130769 Yeah I wasn't sure either. In photos in her flat she looks short. But in public she really does look 5'10. I think it's just whatever way they've made her flat the doors are tall or something. If any autist wants to do comparison photos and we'll get to the bottom of this.
>>130769 She really is that tall
>>131783 Pretty sure she just passed the 400 mark, 402 in her last weigh in I think
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>>131805 Where is said weigh in? I must see. Last I noticed she was 397 in the one she posted on Reddit. In other news she doesn't fit on motorcycle seats or through very narrow doorways.
>>131819 Unless she is a giant, ain't no way she's over 350 and still look like that. She'd be way more obese
>>131834 I believe she's 5'10"
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What an absolute UNIT
>>131834 lmao you have no idea how leg gainers work. Randalin is another example, she explicitly is not a gainer and hit 400 pounds while looking even slimmer, because thigh fat just never looks as big as it really is
>>132489 I'm taller than her and weigh a bit over 100 and she looks way bigger than me, what the fuck are you smoking lmao
>>130474 >>131842 5’10”, she could easily be 380. Some fat women also just have heavy bones.
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>>132491 Obvious troll is obvious. 100 lbs at 5'10" would mean she's anorexic, which she clearly is not. I'm still trying to figure out where she passed the 400 mark though. The weigh in posted on Reddit a little over a month ago shows her at 396.8 lbs. Her Feabie page reports her to be 391 lbs
>>132515 This is the kilotroll guy, he means she weighs less than 220 pounds (100 kilos) which yes, is fucking retarded
A couple of my favorites https://gofile.io/d/pb1dVP
>>132530 Vibrator play is still top tier
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She posted and deleted this one fast.
>>132930 god bless you
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from feabie
>>132930 Probably because it's a morph I'm guessing this was from her Reddit? Whoever pretends to be her on OnlyFans is pretty dumb, but the person posting on her Reddit truly takes the retard cake. Sometimes posts pics that aren't even her
She’s got the airframe to become the next Haley
Coomer is updated, just saying
>>133530 Thanks for the heads up. So glad I haven't been subbing lately. Pretty much everything posted is copies of, or something very similar to, what she posts for free on her socials. Not sure what she's doing with her life now tbh
Snow Angel is literally almost perfect. All she needs is another 50 to 100 lbs to go to her belly and tits. Absolutely beautiful girl massive ass and hips. Would love to see her gain more
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Holy Moly
>>134652 She does seem to be filling out quite nicely. Better yet are all the new friends she's been making as of late. No doubt they will continue have a positive influence
>>134663 who is next to her?
>>134735 You know that they are both tagged, right...? But anyways, girl in the red parents and yellow top even had a thread on here... Other girl is named Audrey. Apparently she's friends with pearadise guy aka ssbbwfan73 aka Stefan aka the dude who hosted the party and owns the house... She's been staying at his house for some time now and you can often see her in his Livestreams.
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>>134741 Idk about that... Bc: 1. Angel is taller 2. Angel send a bit wider 3. Keep in mind Angel already weighs 561.8 lbs according to her weigh in earlier this month, so I doubt Audrey weighs more than that...? But if any one wants to get Audrey's attention she's apparently taking money on PayPal... Maybe she would be willing to step in scale and reveal the misery??
I like the fact that SnowAngel has found a posse where she’s the little one.
I hope her gaining doesnt start messing with her boob ratio even more.
>>134767 What weigh in? She's nowhere near that big and the last weigh in I saw she was only approaching 400 lb
>>134821 Pretty sure he meant Marie, that’s approximately what she’s been at
>>134821 >>134822 Yeah, he's right....I forgot to mention but I was talking about Marie/Angel in that post.
>>134770 honestly if anything it looks like it has evened them out quite well.
I just spoke with whatever it is is chatting with you in her dm’s but I was asking a for a custom a few minutes long jiggling her belly and thighs and it said she charges $800 for customs, wtf is wrong with these people who is paying that shit that makes these girls thinks that that’s acceptable 🤷‍♂️
>>134973 Recently dm'd Morgan Louise aka Morganbehindthescenes on of about a possible 5k stuffing custom. Her response was: a) that she doesn't really do customs unless I'll buy all of her PPV video's (some of them literally cost 100$ for a 14min pizza stuffing vid...) first, as I'm apparently to broke otherwise and b) "I've never done a stuffing custom for under $600 plus the cost of the food. And if you’re asking for such extremes as 5000 calories and soda,…I would charge a lot more because that doesn’t even seem humanly possible to me" So yeah just goes to say some of these models have crazy high prices. From chatting a bit with her she claims that people did pay her this price so she does not see the need in lowering her rates. That being said she was very nice throughout the whole exchange and chatted for about 1 hour back and forth with me. Coco craves on the other hand charged me 25$ fee plus food cost for an attempted 5k stuffing, which in my mind is a very fair price.
>>134974 She's hot and needs another thread
>>134929 >https://thisvid.com/videos/sac-belly-play/ Good lord could someone reup this to gofile? I dont think i see it on her goomer
>>134974 That’s what I mean the discrepancy is huge, some models charge like $20 to see them get fucked or do anything then you’ve got these ones who for some reason think it’s okay to charge hundreds and hundreds of $ for a couple min showing off, it doesn’t make sense, some fucknuts must be paying those prices which is insane
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>>135001 Trolling, or just stupid?
>>134991 It really is just the difference between the chicks who started on feabie and bigcuties and the tidal wave of tik tokkers. The new gen of E whores can barely focus long enough to break 5 minutes and usually wont take their clothes off till the views slow down.
>>135017 Morgan is like a 35+ single woman that fancies herself a """model"""
>>135001 Last I checked, 400 lbs is SSBBW status
>>135029 >Morgan whomst???
>>135040 Morgan Louise / morganbehindthescenes
>>135001 You got second-hand body dysmorphia.
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>>134974 To be fair, 5000 calories is quit unrealistic. An average woman would struggle to eat 1500 calories.
>>135344 Not that I want to argue that it's hard, but frankly there are a lot of meal options in chain restaurants that are 1,500 calories alone. Add in a drink and bites of an appetizer and you have your day's worth of calories already.
>>135344 Average woman, yes. 400 lb cow that works up to bigger and bigger meals, totally doable. And there are plenty of girls eating that much in a stuffing, usually by adding to their stuffing a weight gain shake.
>>135344 I disagree that 1,500 is something extraordinarily large, at least in the US. and for the way it's crafted our women, I'm extremely happy for that fact.
>>135344 https://www.webmd.com/diet/calories-chart 1500 calories is mid range for a teenager you retard. an adult eating that would be rail thin
>>135375 He meant in a single sitting you fucking retard.
She posted this very, very quickly on her OF then deleted it. Her hips are absolutely wide, so if you ask me, 400 is surprising. https://gofile.io/d/RG3Nn2
thank you!!!
>>135502 Backbone!
Any b/g?
Isn’t she like 6 feet tall? Besides Amazons, I can’t think of more imposing ssbbw other than Plump Princess and BBBXXL
>>136022 Isn't bbbxxl only 5'4? I love girls taller than me [5'11] but I'm pretty sure she ain't it
>>135402 >https://gofile.io/d/RG3Nn2 nothing there :(
bigger for sure https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCSYTJ5ySy_/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
>>136050 Perhaps intimidating would have been better word than imposing.
70 some intchs in that chair.
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Is there actually a video to this pic
>>139749 There is, and it's here: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/313493/snowangelcake There's a 30 second preview for free. Anyone who wants to share the full video will be my forever hero. As encouragement, here's one she wanted money for but didn't get: https://gofile.io/d/vyx5DB
more b/g content of hers?
https://www.tumblr.com/snowangelcakes Is that’s really her ?
>>141509 No mention of the only fans while asking for money. I doubt it
>>141509 def someone larping based on some of the responses to asks
How is her ass so huge but so flat at the same time?
>>141675 Facts, I've been trying to figure it out myself lol
>>141675 She’s so wide tho. And loads of lite.
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>>141675 She’s growing her belly to compensate.
>>141675 Either a genetic disease or a surgical operation
>>141692 crazy how yall mfs really dont know women and theyr anatomy
>>141802 lol OR just how her fat is distributed
"Either a genetic disease or a surgical operation" are you fucking retarded?, man maybe gooning fucked us up way more than we're willing to admit
>>141777 She's looks at least 6'2, damn >>141774 Duder, her right tit is spilling out of the bra, but her left tit is visibly too small for it. Crazy asymmetry. Also it's clear that she's so dumb she's like barely sentient
>>141827 You don't have to be an awful person.
>>141827 Have you had sex before? It's super common for women to have uneven boobs.
>>141800 💯 She should do that and yes absolutely yes please oh God yes.
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>>141802 >>141827 Holy fuck. Do you have to think about breathing? You need to go to school and stop typing dumb shit online. It hurts to read it. Breast assymetry is very common. Her ass isn't even flat, just very wide and her thighs are thick AF with it. Just look how much a dress sticks out on her backside. >>124725
>>141865 Seriously, in what world is that ass flat when it consists 3/4 of her whole body lmfao
>>141800 that's not how bodies work...
>>141777 i genuinely think she’s the hottest woman i’ve ever seen
>>141894 +1 hottest and most breedable with these insane hyper hips
You can talk with her easily on feabie. She said she was gaining intentionally on there
>>141911 is she the one replying on feabie or rather her community manager aka feeder?
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>>141984 bruh, I'm glad she takes this BS in her stride. I don't even get how you come to this site hating instead of getting your nut and being satisfied. You have to be levels of fucked up/lonely. If you don't feel her, just move on.
She begged me for money on Tumblr even I'm not a fedee
>>142985 Warning!!! I believe she mentioned a couple weeks ago that she does not have a Tumblr page, so it's most likely a scam!
>>142986 Is absolutely a scam lol She’s said it multiple times.
>>142985 not her fault you're a moron. she posted a few weeks ago abt being impersonated on tumblr
>>143376 The tiny little eunuchs that enable there crazy, lazy whores are the morons...
>>143379 please seek help for your crippling autism, incelus
>>143379 Ok try typing that again without crying this time
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Old videos of SAC getting fucked. I hope someone has longer versions or any boy/girl content of her
>>143722 Do you miss it
>>143722 jesus christ
Just a reminder this bish is huge. She seems really sweet too, it's nice to see
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>>146148 God I love giant women
Does anyone know if shes a gainer or just big?
>>146834 she's definitely gained quite a bit of weight since she first started posting but idk if its deliberate or just incidental. She doesnt really talk about weight gain on her socials/coomer so i doubt its intentional.
>>146845 I think she flip flops with it. Now that ewhoring is super common, she started dabbling in something more broad and just wanted to be the curvy girl. Lately she started to lean more to the base giving her the most attention.
>>142754 Woman turned me lesbian. Bish is a trophy.
>>146988 First of all, why are you even here? Secondly, if you can't wrap your mind around the fact that women can have fetishes and desires that don't align with what you *think* women are capable of then you need to expand your pea brain. Get some perspective. You have no idea what goes on in people's minds.
>>146848 Hi Snow Angel Cakes
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>>146845 >>146877 The only socials I trust as actually being her posting are Instagram and Twitter. Onlyfans and Reddit definitely aren't her doing any of the communication, so I'd take any feedee chatter on either of those platforms as meaningless. I think she was warming up to the idea of intentionally feeding/gaining throughout 2024, then has recently put the brakes on it. It may be because her doctor has informed her she'll be dead by 40 if she continues down that path. Who knows for sure, tho.
>>147057 Why would she even post that if she wasnt doing the "doctor visit" thing that FAs like.
>>147061 i mean normal fat women complain about this, too
Well there goes the dream of her getting to 600
>>147057 These fully clothed posts have shown just how damn hot she is. I bet that doc was already shocked at her weight on chart, then walked in and saw how huge her legs are. She keeps looking better, hope she keeps putting lbs on.
>>147243 I used to feel this watching clips of udderlyadorble walking around in normal clothes, the things that chick had to wear just to cover her ass.
>>147254 seeing the size of her in person around her peak i can tell u it was amazing
>>147272 Jealous, how did that go down?
>>147274 nuthin went down just saw a ridiculous ass walking around the city and did a double take when i realized it was UA
>>146148 Never seen an ass be huge and flat at the same time like that before
She grows more beautiful by the day
>>147357 Guess you've never seen Jae.
>>147440 She has not missed any meals. All those worries laid to rest
>>147448 And gingerbunny, from the back she is as wide as a double door fridge, and flat as a double door fridge rofl
>>147500 I heard somebody say box butt for girls like jae, but at least jae and snow's ass still has a consistent full shape from top to bottom, unlike gingerbunny and like..jae, who look weird as hell from the side, their asses going concave below their lovehandles.
>>147513 unlike jackie I meant
>>147057 The thought of the doc seeing nearly 400 on the patient chart and then seeing how gorgeous she is…
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This is your content president, 210 video drop coming in for all patriQtic gooners: https://gofile.io/d/jzFXgJ
>>148393 thanks king.
>>148393 Thanks again Mr. President. That's what I'm talking about!!!!
>>148393 It’s really cool to see how much fat she’s gained since her Peachyqueen days.
>>148393 god bless you mr president
>>148436 its not like she doesnt change her online alias every three months.
>>148393 Tyvm!!!!
>>148393 Now this is what I voted for.
