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Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 18:55:07 Id:5c96c5 No. 125148
Just found out that a 660 pounds chinese woman died from overeating... on stream. I haven't been able to find any videos of her, nor where she streamed, nor that last stream itself. Anyone knows anyting? Also, Asian SSBBW thread I guess
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More pics of her
>>125148 Where did you read about it? If that’s her in the pics doesn’t look 660 lbs.
>>125150 If you look it up, you'll find tons of articles. Her name was Pan Xiaoting, chinese mukbanger, which I should've mentioned earlier but I'm fucking retarded
>>125151 Ok found it, damn that’s nuts!
>>125148 >According to comprehensive Chinese media reports, Pan Xiaoting was originally an ordinary waiter with a well-proportioned figure and a delicate appearance. She had a small appetite. >She originally had a normal body shape, but in just one year she gained nearly 100 kilograms. Legendary pig. I'd kill for some stream recordings at different stages of her gain.
Unless this woman is like 6'5" or taller, the first news org that got a hold of this story definitely mistranslated "Jin" (斤) as kilograms. Most chinese women are pretty short and it seems believable that she was like 5'2" and 300 jin, which is 330 pounds. Hell, if she self-reported her weight as 300kg, it's quite likely that rather than lying about it, SHE made the mistake of thinking that jin and kg were the same unit. Anyway, the thing that killed her was not her fat, it was literally the quantity and pace at which she was eating. She wasn't digesting her food fast enough, so one of her long livestreams of constant eating caused her stomach to literally rip open from the pressure of the food in it. She was a fat girl for sure but she was nothing like the long-term grazing gigawhales we have in America lol
>>125156 Damn... May sound morbid af, but what I'd give to see that livestream lol. Or any livestream of hers
it's also illegal to mukbang in china, seriously she risked all that just to gorge and be a pig... fuck.
Self-loathing fap coming up!
>>125149 Is that third picture her corpse?
>>125166 highly doubt it
I’ve seen there’s a Gofile link around somewhere but yet to find it
>>125160 >it's also illegal to mukbang in china, seriously I'm not trying to turn this thread political but I'm really not looking forward to the CCP ruling the planet.
>>125230 they won't, obesity will always win.
Sick thread
>>125230 Get used to it western swine. Shouldn’t have let “those” people run your government. Now where are the videos of this yellow pig?
Hot stuff. But everything posted here sounds like LARPing, from her weight to the stomach-rip thing.
>>125156 Good catch. This makes sense. A 330lb Chinese mukbanger died. And since the CCP doesn’t want people to mukbang, who knows how much of this is just propaganda.
all completely gake news, and those pics in the op arent even of the same person. below is her actual channel and her reaction to the fake news story. Many comments are advising her to pursue legal action for defamation https://www.kuaishou.com/short-video/3xdxm9c7jbdcc72?authorId=3xhrdka6cukfq9g&streamSource=profile&area=profilexxnull
The story's fake, but are there any decent videos of the actual girl?
>>125263 LMAO thank you for this! Been a while since we've had a channer show up with such an authoritative debunking of a news article And what did I tell you? I'm >>125156 and I was right that she's only 300 jin from the pictures. That's confirmed by the video you linked--her literal profile name starts with "300 jin", which is only 330 pounds. So she never even lied about her weight, the news orgs that made up the story just got confused about jin vs kilograms. (apologies for spreading the misinformation about how she died in my previous comment--I was only interpreting the words of the news orgs, while correcting the weight units)
She's still alive. Apparently she just got pregnant and stopped uploading. I can't find the video now but there was a lady who spoke Chinese reading Chinese language news and it was completely different from English language news.
