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M4rie Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:41:40 Id:011bf4 No. 125303
Please upload what you have. I don’t have a single one of her videos so here is some Ella eats in return. https://mab.to/t/dCIY8S4P0wi/us2
>>125303 Looking for these or any other stuffing vids. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/44601-handsfree-cake-stuffing/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/37231-now-vs-then-feeding-weigh-in/ https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/38742-pov-feedee-doordasher/
Does she still have an OF?
>>125398 the hardcore one has been removed, anyone have a rip for that? her fetish OF with 8 of her Curvage vids is still up.
and before you guys link to the coomer, that one is not complete
>>125403 What's her OF @?
>>125411 greedygirlmarie
bump let's get some new content https://gofile.io/d/9LJ0LC
Here's "Public Stuffing" aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LThkQ3JJSnM2UnU=
>>125975 Her jumping jacks destroyed the sound
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>>125975 Thanks
>>125975 >>126019 Good drops, would appreciate fore stuffing videos. I can post some other models if you’d like
Did her and weirdo Stefan break up? Wasn’t she his like favorite girl?
Why does her face look like that does she have Down syndrome or something???
are you going to say the same lame ass thing everytime there’s a thread about her??>>126095
For fuck sake, either share some content or shut the fuck up. >>126095
>>126075 They are engaged again, but she is on diet and had lost a little bit of her mass
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>>126095 too me it looks more like FAS doesn't matter though she still cute and has a nice body so really no reason to complain
>>126119 What seriously? That’s lame I was down to buy her OF and everything but if she is losing weight i’m out. I wanted to subscribe to a feedee gainer.
>>126121 That explains asians.
>>126123 Her tummy got already a bit shrinked down in my opinion and when they go out to restaurants on videos, she stopped to finish the meal and declined deserts. Also did they cut a lot during the eating sessions, probably to make it look like she ate more (than she had done).
>>126121 Do you mean like Nicolas Cage (Coppola)? One of the worst examples of this is the son of Katie Price, for what she ought to have been sentenced to jail in my opinion, like every woman which take drugs, alcohol or smoke during pregancy (if they are addicted, then send them to it/ a place where it is not available before till birth)!
>>126130 Where did you get this news? Did she say it herself or are we just guessing here?
>>126197 Yeah great idea, let's start a second thread about every model if you want to gossip about them...*sarcasm off*
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>>126210 the chick is hot as fuck you all can say what you want, also looks like she’s definitely still gaining, she’s huge.
>>126136 I have watched it in recent videos, where where she went out, but also is it partly visible on her gut.
>>126249 Keep in mind this chick is 5'11". Truly behemoth.
She’s a true amazon. Looks kind of hot occasionally but also looks a bit slow…if you know what I mean.
Lmfaoooo, i’m definitely have no types of disabilities nor am i losing weight or on a diet… you men gossip more than girls. Anyways check out my newest curvage video 🤭 https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/162090-greedygirlmarie/ >>126334
>>126342 You handle these few douche’s comments like a champ. I think they know you’re not slow and are just upset they thought you were losing weight. Thank you for clearing up the gossip and letting us know the truth. You are sexy as fuck and that’s the real reason we are all here! We love how big you are and how you keep eating and gaining you’re a sexy milf and I’m here for it.
>>126123 Lmao can’t even start a sentence off right XD i think it’s weird to jack off to a special needs person just sayin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>126342 As someone who has bought both her most recent weigh in and the one before that (from May 2nd), I can definitely confirm that she did infact gain a nice chunk and is supposed almost back up to her highest ever.
>>126352 I think it’s weird you’re on here to find porn of her on bbw chan if you believe she is special needs. Does that mean you jack off to special needs people? Or are you mad to find out that she isn’t and now you’re taking it out on all of us?
>>126362 These actual retards have been gossiping about this since the thread was created, thank god she finally came here to clear it up even though it was pretty obvious she’s neither special needs nor losing weight…. Hopefully they can fucking move on now and stop wasting bumps and we can get to sharing content. >>126352 Leave it to the actual retard to call out a typo as any indication of being retarded.
>>126350 It is not the truth; it is either hijackjng the identity or promotion of her, but a lie: I have seen her lettting half of her (average size filled) plate staying there and refusing deserts in the restaurant, but her friends took such. So she is definitely not binge eating anymore and she looks slimmer than some months ago. Maybe just a fake feedee like Geparke (Weronika) from Poland, which attempt to sell both gaining and losing weight at the same time (one on fetish sites, as Feabie, the other on casual social media as TikTok and Instagram) with her hoe-mother Schwester Ewa (from Poland too and few years ago in prison).
Marie. Get yourself into the 650 range ASAP. Please and thank you.
I also think Angel possible said something on her random social media channels about losing weight/ change to a healthy lifestyle (like in her TikTok profile) and even on commercial videos she ate currently smaller protions, like half of a plate.
You do realize I dont have to stuff myself at every single meal & can still gain? I know what i’m doing I didn’t gain this much for no reason… I still very much AM gaining & the proof is in my weigh-ins, my scale doesn’t lie 😂.>>126369
>>126375 Why do you not speak fluently English? Is this possible your second language?!🤔
>>126375 Well and this is was done in a hospital with a physican as witness, on an analog scale, right...?
Scales lie often (depending how you adjust these), at least electronic ones >>>Lailani
Oml can y’all just stfu y’all really arguing with HER about whether SHE’S gaining weight or not ???? Seriously???
>>126391 I’m on your side here. She came in and cleared everything on what she is doing and these idiots need to lay off already. She’s still gaining and she is working hard to make content. Let’s get back to just posting what we like about her and sharing things hot about her.
She’s so tall that it will take a lot of new fat for us to really notice. Give her some time. I wanna see her challenge Boberry for the crown.
The face still looks awful better to give funds to someone like Sadie
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>>126401 You mean the bitch that’s built like krabby patty thigh squidward? Her ass is gross. But if that’s how you feel gtfo out this thread and go do it then no one’s keeping you here faggot.
>>126391 Do you believe this was really her? I doubt any native English speaker start a question with "You" (in a sentence)...
>>126395 Did you actually read the last post of that person (who alleged to be Angel) carefully? Then you ought to notice, who admited to eat smaller portions:>>126375 I wonder what the reason for this (to eat just half of her plates) is; is it gaining or losing weight?🤔
>>126415 Objectively wrong. Her ass is awesome.
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>>126415 i'd like for her to sit on my face
It actually is me, and you’re truly doing to much by judging and picking apart everything even the way I am texting, also please stop using my real name when addressing me, it’s very clear I dont want that and that I go by Marie online for a reason. If you think I’m losing weight (which i’ve stated multiple times i’m not) then stop keeping up with my content and keeping tabs on me in general because not only are you on here trying to act like you know me when you absolutely do not, but you’re trying to object to me saying what my ACUTAL intentions are, you clearly keep up with me fairly well considering you watch my tiktok aswell. Also just a PSA to everyone don’t put other models down on my thread, Sadie is beautiful. >>126444
>>126458 This is either a fake (maybe man who promotes the content) or the next Geparke, trying to catfish...
>>126458 Pathetic lmao
Look up a picture of a down syndrome person first before saying shit. She doesn’t at all look like she has down syndrome or any stuff like that.
>>126461 Halt die fresse, Kilotroll!
>>126458 It’s too much….not to much. Get it right.
>>126453 Who is she,??
>>126458 >PSA to everyone don’t put other models down on my thread Who the fuck do you think you are? Fucking idiot.
>>126132 >>126121 People on here always think they're fucking doctors or something. Price's kid has Prader-Willi syndrome, not FAS. Marie also doesn't have FAS, the clearest symptoms are a smooth philtrum and small head (small brain). Marie has a normal philtrum shown clearly here: >>126249 and she has a normal sized (fore)head. Some people just look a bit like Downies. Doesn't mean they are ffs
>>126453 Who is she? Does she have an onlyfans?
Thread barely a week old and instead of getting any content the whole tread has been arguing and circle jerking about complete bullshit. I genuinely hope you all die.
Mods please purge this nightmare….. I regret even making this thread. Can’t even get a fucking video without some ass hats ruining everything.
Yea this happens with litterally every thread made about me, message me on any platform i’ll send my my most recent video for free 💁🏻‍♀️ >>126498
>>126504 Messaged you on tumblr. Last two digits of my username are “23” first letters “mi”
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Just wanted to show you losers that it is in fact her and you get bees with honey! She just gifted me her newest vid. Sucks to suck. Appreciate you Marie keep gaining!
>>126510 Lmao nice bro, and you’re awesome Marie. So satisfying seeing the losers who ruin threads with their ridiculous bs “gossip” and insulting models get shut down
>>126513 Yep and 100 bucks says next they’re gonna say that I was using a vpn and just bought the video myself Lmaoooo. I bet even if I posted the actual text screenshots from her these retards would say it was edited. Can’t win an argument against a rock. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I got nothing to prove and I got a free video straight from the source! Enjoy the preview of it tho y’all lol maybe I’ll send some screenshots.
>>126487 Nice try, but you are exposed as fool: The boy of Katie Price has not just Prader-William-Syndrom, but also other medical issues, as who is blind and mentally underdevelopped, which was caused by the alcohol consummation during pregnancy and possible cocaine abuse
>>126513 You are litterally kids, arn't you?! Accusing of ruining a subject just by pointing that someone is on diet is ludircious!! I have watched it with my own eyes, she ate just half of normal sized plates and withdraw deserts and models pretending of gaining is just for promotion to sell more of their content! How simple minded can you people be to trust everything some promoter is alleging here to get more customers?! It doesn't matter if she weight 140 or 170Kg, one cause for her losing weight may be her child, what she has with Stefan73 together (but she was never a André The Giant, who weighted 500lbs, but was 2,24m tall/ height over 7'4 feet)
>>126546 The problem is that even if you were right, which you aren’t, no one cares and you’ve been dragging it along with the idiots that think she has fas or Down syndrome. So you are ruining the thread. Move on.
>>126546 Also get grammar and spelling lessons. The only person who should be accused of being retarded here is you.
>>126604 I think these videos are possible even her uploaded, where she was shown of eating little. I am absolute right, more than 90% of the fat fetish models exaggerate their weights, partly extreme: the wrestler Andre the Giant, was at his peak estimated with 500lb, who was maybe a half meter taller than her. So short girls (as Kass too) shall have more mass than him; these which believe this also believe in the Easter Bunny and Sandman. >>126605 At least my grammar is superior to the here claimed Marie or fake-Angel (I don't begin question sentences with "You")...
Marie has been hanging around the hoop for a long time. She’s an obvious phony who is only in it for the money. Her friend Kayla who is also in it for the money at least works for it.
Looks like she’s gained some weight >>126628
>>126510 Lmao even more pathetic to plug your shit in after knowing people here don’t give a shit and will pirate your stuff anyway
That second pic she looks like an absolute smoke show
>>126634 Are you aware the right one is older than the left (most likely)?!
GreedygirlMarie…not greedy enough. Girl should be much bigger by now.
Given her height she should be 650 minimum if she was a real feedee.
>>127107 What do you even mean...?! She's well over 550lbs and seems to be gaining her way up to 600lbs. If that's not a "real feedee" anymore I don't know what is...? It's not like she's a chubby 8ft 500+lbs woman...
>>127108 Plenty of other girls that are that but that don’t look like they have Down syndrome lmaoooo
>>127629 we don't give a fuck bruh the only shitty thing she did in my eyes is cancelling her uk/germany sessions
>>127108 No she weight 15000...
>>127846 Peak German humour
>>127859 It is as realistical as the other numbers here; as you guys are just number-fixed, not real fat admirers
Bringing this thread back on track and uploading some shit. Can someone please upload STUFFING + WEIGH IN https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/49868-stuffing-weigh-in/ 2 new vids: https://gofile.io/d/y7rDnT
>>128150 Thanks! That new bikini try on is really something else. Sadly she edited the video after uploading and removed naked booty parts, but oh well... Anyway I'll do you one better. Here's her last two weigh ins: https://gofile.io/d/nfUImZ
>>128051 Halt die fresse, Kilotroll!
>>128150 >>128161 Thx a lot guys!
God damn, that young and almost 600lbs. I would pay so much money to slide those panties off and lick every inch of her fucking ass. God damn.
>>128227 Stupid promotion attempt...
any of her other weigh ins? I'd like to fill out the chart and see how much she's gained and how fast she's gained it
>>128227 Lmao plenty of other models that don’t look like they have Down syndrome get some standards bro get some standards
>>127629 >>128313 Say it again bro maybe we’ll give a damn this time…. Why are you even here if you believe that fuckin loser
>>128313 And are you that bothered that other people think she’s attractive that you have to spew nonsense on repeat like a broken record ? She must have hurt you bad since you seem to care so much lmaoooo… your opinion actually means nothing to anybody here you idiot… think about that before you talk… next…
>>128320 > think about that before you talk British government, is that you?
Even the face of Angel looks in recent videos on TikTok like having shrinked down; as of a normal sized person
this woman is hot af and I frankly don't give a fuck what any of you morons think. all of your assholes must be jealous of the amount of bullshit that comes out of your mouths
>>128313 Maybe. There’s a few genetic disorders her face is a spitting image of.
I can’t believe you fucking idiots are still talking about her face…. MOVE. ON. It’s so pathetic that y’all take time out of your day to do this.
>>129323 I only maintained that it doesn't appear fat or less fat than previously (which is a hint for losing weight)...
>>129323 Imagine being able to get out of real work by modeling with a mug like that.
70% of the time you dudes on bbw chan say that someone looks like they have x or y condition, I look at them and they just look Finnish.
You people on here are weird. She does NOT look like she has downs lol. Honestly I actually think she's got a cute face, but to each their own with that. But what's more important - and what we're all here for - she's packed nearly 600 pounds in all the right places
>>129431 What is most important, you are a numbers-troll and not into fat fetish! She is about half that weight
gtfo you fuckin idiot, post the same shit every time
>>129464 And no 300Kg-woman is mobile like that; you little kids have most likely never seen a woman which has really over 200Kg, let alone met one!! And by the way this is not her highest weight, which was possible higher than 140
She is certainly closer to 130 than to 250 kilogramme...
>>129494 >you little kids have most likely never seen a woman which has really over 200Kg, let alone met one!! Rubber, meet glue
>>129500 We really need to figure out how to re-permaban kilotroll, the couple months we had without this delusional eastern european teenager polluting the board were so nice
>>129566 There may be more than just Marie’s mental capacity diagnosing. Methinks the ‘tism is afoot in Dutchland.
>>129573 Is that a pseudonym for Netherlands or your own creation (according to their language)?
