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For those who like 'em bigger than big

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FatmissT Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 18:38:52 Id:3afbe5 No. 128776
To me she’s the OG. I don’t understand how she got this big at 26. I even less understand how she gets around. Does anyone have any content? Does she have a feeder or do meetups?
Remember to share content when starting a new thread
Well there vid of her using exercise byke and looking smol so she’ll be getting around soon
>>128797 Why comment like the HOA? Look at the other threads next to this on the main page. Do they start with content sharing? Give the dude a break, he is just trying to get the content sharing started in regards to the GOAT.
Guys I’ll be honest I’m actually retarded and don’t know how to share content. I have plenty of it tbh. Someone should share a “how to”. I’m not tech savvy I just like fat chicks. In all honestly I’ve got a good bit of heavy Adeline, Fat Miss T, LisaLou, some old Kitty Piggy, Emma, idk a lot honestly.
>>128819 Use gofile or we transfer or myairbridge. Those sites are really idiotproof
>>128819 https://gofile.io/welcome Once you're finished uploading post the link that it gives you here.
Do I have to download to my PC first? Most is C4S. Can they trace it to my IP at all ?
>>128835 Download the videos onto your PC and then link them with gofile.
>>128835 >Do I have to download to my PC first? yes >Can they trace it to my IP at all ? Who? You won't get banned from the interwebs for sharing obscure fetish porn
>>128835 Ivy once made C4S ban someone who bought and shared her content here years ago but I think it where patterns rather than tracking which made her notice who was sharing content. If you bought those clips over the years you're safe.
Is she loosing weight?
>>128889 It seems so, maybe had she already a little bit Would think her heaviest was possible 2 years ago
I guess I could never be with someone this big because they’d never lose the weight.
>>128899 We are here to jerk off, not to date anyone.
Def losing. Same playbook, disappear, get sick, and show up smol
>>128776 She already has a thread up
>>128801 With a duplicate thread, faggot
>>128899 She is literally losing weight currently
>>128935 What’s your problem asshat? Who gives a fuck. Go fist yourself.
>>128907 Actually, I thought about trying to date her, but her ethical opinions are too delusional and I know she'd hate me Sorry for the quadruple post, although this thread should be deleted anyway for being a duplicate
>>128938 Who gives a fuck about a duplicate thread? Anyone less retarded than you. Don't shit up the board, faggot. Choke on thr next cock you suck, retard newfag.
What are her ethical opinions?
>>128940 Whip out that dick then babygirl and let me slob on it. Eat my ass too while you’re at it. No but really… you’re a cunt. You “thought” about dating her? Her ethics were why it wouldn’t work? Not the fact you are a total dickhead and have shitty character? Fuck off loser.
>>128971 A total deal-killer for those of us with ethics. *what the fuck are we talking about????*
>>128971 For one, she was mad that that cop didn't let that one black girl stab that other black girl after telling her to stop 5 times and shot her mid-swing.
So if that's what we're leading with, I guess there's actually nothing
>>128940 Jesus Christ. How many people reopened this, dick in hand, because you saw the post number went up and thought it’d be some actual content instead of a couple of dudes incoherently screeching at one another? You’ve ruined my boner, gentlemen. I hope you’re happy.
>>129191 Lmfaooo facts just enjoy her wile she shutting out content at the size she is if she looses weight boo hoo worlds smallish violin if your not paying her bills and scrubbing her fupa you have no right to care for real just appreciate it while it lasts
Knight in armor to the rescue over here
>>128973 I'm not a dickhead. You're just a retarded faggot who thinks shitting up the board with duplicate threads is a good thing. Kill yourself, nigger.
>>129067 White knight faggot LMAO what a gay retarded nigger. I guess black lives only matter when it's convenient huh faggot? Seriously commit suicide now.
