/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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BBBXXL 10/22/2024 (Tue) 07:53:21 Id:fa5637 No. 134769
It wasn't a joke or a larp. My system is functional. Here is a drop of 200+ videos totaling over 70gb. I expect nothing in return. The HDD these were extracted from was failing so some of these may be corrupted and there may be a few duplicates. Have fun. https://gofile.io/d/v4YNKs
God blesa people like you!
heres my link from earlier https://gofile.io/d/BosgEP not sure if these are all included in this new link
What happened to the old thread? Who did people think you were LARPing as?
>>134869 They thought that I was larping as a guy with a completely stacked workstation rig, right now my workstation is in the middle of a 5tb transfer and for whatever reason my keyboard and mouse wont respond but the transfer keeps going. gonna wait until it's complete to restart my stystem. May reup but this link (https://gofile.io/d/BosgEP) has 80% of what I dropped in it, may drop some other content or reup some content dropped here a long time ago, been archiving all year.
Is it true she beat up her husband and that she’s a scammer? Does she do meet ups or customs?
>>136033 She's completely trustworthy, you should definitely ask her for a custom. If you send her money ahead of time without even confirming that she'll make it for you, then she'll just send the money right back because she's so honest and trustworthy. So basically, you should just send her money now, because you definitely aren't risking losing it instantly.
>>136035 LMFAO
>>134773 Man, that Starvin marvin one was a gem. She had one similar about some XXXL pants made in some sweatshop I wish more bbw/ssbbw/feedees made content like that. Talking about their visibly obvious priviledge of being spoiled, stuffed and fat while some people are starving. Any recommendations?
>>136379 If anyone has a C4S link or title of that sweatshop pants vid, I'd be very grateful.
Reup of my BBBXXL collection from when I started the thread, might have another couple files I've found since. https://gofile.io/d/YcmaTL
>>139743 KING. Thank you
She is actual just a BBW, I am not really into her similar as too Roxxy
>>139833 who asked?
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>>139743 There's a few duplicates but aside from that, pretty sure this makes ya the thread's MVP Thank you for this gift!
>>139839 I know you are, you don't have to maintain it, for most people is it obviously!
>>139833 dude, come on, the act is old. find something new to do, please. it's not even funny anymore. if your life really that boring you have to keep coming back here to start shit?
> so you're gay
>>139886 bro. he's not a troll. he's severely mentally ill, that's why its not an "act" and it doesnt get "old" to him. schizophrenics exist and they're on the internet too
>>139888 you have to know this, is it your diagnosis? >>139886 do you know the difference between normal BBW and supersized BBW? Summer was a SSBBW for instance, Plump Princess a BBW...
Bought these years ago and thought I lost them. Never seen them shared before. I probably won't be able to reup if they go down so hoping someone else can share if they do. https://gofile.io/d/wAuMcQ
>>139833 Facts
>>140195 I can see it on your face. Youre bitter. No one to hold you and love you. Sucks being black and alone huh?
>>140188 This is amazing thank you!
Didn’t she cop domestic abuse charges from dropping her fat ass on her husband?
There was a pic going around showing her mugshot wonder if anyone could find it?
>>140517 She’s got a mugshot? Hot.
I've asked about the mugshot before, I'd love to see it. She gets a lot of criticism from fandom but I got a custom from her way back and she was really helpful and accomodating and fun to chat with
I'm sure these are new to here, apologies for the quality on one of em: https://gofile.io/d/LNRAgY
>>140542 It's really not that exciting. All you see is typical mugshot so it looks like a fatty wearing an orange shirt you can only see the collar of. The one of her in underwear holding an AR-15 wearing sunglasses is much more choice.
I hope one day to find the site of her detainment photo. rumor has it, she was arrested due to an argument of which Wendy's her and her husband were going to visit the night of the detainment, which obviously escalated highly.
is there a source for this or is it just a bbwchan poster
Has anyone purchased her recent videos? The last two don't seem to have sound in the preview, and I can't tell if it's Clips4Sale fucking up, or she did.
>>142898 There is a mugshot of her, I saw it at least 3 times. But I haven't saved it.
Knowing she was abusive to her husband, is it wrong to be attracted to her/wank to her?
>>147887 If you have to ask, you know the post-nut clarity ain't gonna be worth it.
>>147887 maybe if you're low test
>>147893 nah man. I be shooting ropes watching that fat ass move and thinking about eating her assholes and never got that guilt/post-nut clarity you're talking about. Especially now that she's a fat, sloppy milf, hotter than ever. Would hit that every day, multiple times a day
>>147887 Lol, imagine getting abused by a woman, just throw her bum ass out or stand up for yourself
>>147937 buddy was too invested for the ass
