/ssbbw/ - Super Sized BBW

For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 21:27:16 Id:d22094 No. 136224
You know I'm surprised there isn't a thread for SSBBW she's quite an underrated fat model. I only have 2 vids of her, so feel free to share more of her https://gofile.io/d/qgqYVJ
And she is.... ???
>>136224 Underrated? >>136232 Bigcutie Sasha. She's been a legend on the scene for like 15+ years.
Her coomer's been updated but almost all her clips are ppv, kinda shame..
In my eyes, she's one of, if not THEE GOAT. I've had a crush on her for like, 15 years at this point. All the way back to chatting on the dimensions magazine forums back in the day. She's just always been the epitome of everything I'm attracted to. Gorgeous face, amazing body (and she never seems to lose weight, just saying), and a great voice/personality/sense of style. I've subscribed to her content whenever I could; she regularly puts out the best fat chat content out there. Easily worth the price of a sub if you want consistent new content.
Sasha is definitely somewhere between legend and unsung hero IMO. She's been around forever and has been putting out quality content almost the entire time especially once she got off the BigCuties train. I think if a couple things had broken differently she'd be a bbwchan front page regular - she's really sexy, a great talker, does pretty much everything besides traditional b/g hardcore (I think?) but for whatever reason she just doesn't attract a lot of attention these days. Wonder why that is. Most importantly she's gotten really, really fat. Want proof? Here's her most recent weigh-in and a little bonus: https://gofile.io/d/bkBft5
>>136278 Thanks a lot for the drop, been years since we saw a weigh in of her on here, and she really hasn't let off the gaining pedal after bigcuties...
>>136278 Thanks for the weigh-in! I thought she had been looking a bit bigger in her previews. Updated her coomer the other day, will update again at some point before my sub expires.
whats the coomer link?
Whats the coomer link?
>>136289 king shit, also why are her livestreams paid and are they worth it?
>>136278 This is what I meant by underrated, ever since I've been using BBWchan I haven't seen an Sasha thread appear ever. Like legit wtf?? Also thanks for the drop man, need to filly up my Sasha collection
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>>136278 Fantastic upload. Here's some older weighins to give some context. https://gofile.io/d/1LhN4x
Does she have also filmed feeding content?
Sasha is a legend in this community. One of the best looking gainers of all time. She’s really pushing for 600 and it’s incredible sexy. Her double belly rolls have inflated big time. Hopefully she keeps on the gain train after hitting 600.
Ah, finally some cultured anons! I just uploaded a little vertical slice of her career, kinda picking whatever looked nice to me. https://gofile.io/d/g6eENI >>136277 Aging like wine, she's really something special. >>136375 Sasha doesn't tend to do a lot of collab content, but she's done many sets where she feeds herself a whole fuckin' lot of food. Does that count?
Sasha is the quintessential example of how huge girls with smaller asses need to work so much harder to get the spotlight over pears that just show up and have waves of fans slobbering over them. She's gorgeous, she carries her weight well, her fat talk and roleplaying are top-notch, she actually likes being the size that she is and doesn't seem to be making the best of an out of control eating disorder, the list goes on and on. Really, she should be a mainstay on this board but she doesn't get nearly as much fanfare as girls with proportionally bigger asses or blobs. Crossing my fingers she enters the second camp when she passes 600, which is well in sight boys!
>>136398 Yeah right, pears are all up on chan, even the recent ones like snowangelcake. They definitely have a larger audience but likes of sasha are unmatched too...
>>136397 Cheers legend!
>>136397 Anyone know that year and month for the becoming 400lbs and 500lbs videos?
The Sasha Coomer videos seem quite good, but were cut down to 15 sec up to 1 minute long. Is there anywhere that the full length OF videos are posted?
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>>136327 Do you know which month of the year each of these took place in, I'd like to get a grasp of how much she was gaining per a month
I still can't believe it took Adeline like 10 months to gain more than Sasha has in 10 years
>>136560 But she’s still at it unlike adeline so…
>>136571 true, for her to still be gaining is better than to be deflated and branded right over the belly like Adeline
As per her twitter she just uploaded a squashing vid on her Of...
>>136298 Because... she does this for a living and needs to get paid? For the record I am a long time on/off subscriber to her OF and have had some really fun times in her livestreams. She is one of the few girls on there where the interactions don't feel forced or awkward.
>>136278 https://gofile.io/d/fddOMc Yo thank you so much for the weigh in. She was my first ssbbw fav and is still up there. Suppppper underated. Her face is gorgous and she just keeps blimping up. Here's her burp vid. I don't even like burps, she's just so damn hot in ir anyway
>>136959 The hairy pits really throw me off
>>137023 Bro, do you even like super fatties? She is an absolue smokeshow
>>137023 Hairy armpits are hot what the hell are you talking about?
>>137023 Pleb filtered
I find hairy armpits and hairy legs on a woman repulsive and it makes me not be able to watch or purchase any content from them. Obviously to each their own but I can't look at it at all.
I am not watching her videos anymore
If you can't handle a little hair in the armpit you can't handle a mature woman anyway some of you guys complain way too much when you are probably covered in hair yourself grow up
>>137260 b-b-but the women in their animes don't have that
>>136959 Won’t let me download 😭😭
>>137023 I am legitamately mad at you. I downloaded an 800mb video with the promise of hairy pits and there isn't even stubble. She looks like she shaved them two days ago. Neck yourself. You have never met a woman.
bumping for the GOAT
>>136277 Gorgeous face?? I mean she’s definitely fat as fuck but cmon the face isn’t her best quality lol
Anyone got some of her stuff from her bigcuties days?
>>147341 She's underrated, in an overall sense, but the face objectively leaves a little (or more than a little) to be desired
>>147354 seconding this, would love to see some picsets
>>147341 >>147356 are y'all high? her face is the icing on the cake
>>147595 I'm really starting to think that a lot of people in here expect women to look like the TikTok thirty traps with makeup and filters except with a 700 pound body, and they look like that when they wake up hungover. Considering the user base here though, I'm really not surprised.
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>>147617 Thirst traps. Goddamn even i post like a tard.
I second that I think her face is one of her good things. Belly number 1 though. She films great content too.
