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BigBootyAsshley BigBootyAsshley 12/07/2024 (Sat) 20:22:02 Id:ba9df7 No. 139684
She had a cute face and a massive booty. Here are all the pic sets I have:https://gofile.io/d/ZLVCSY Here are the vids I have: https://gofile.io/d/UyYfRM
>>139684 Here's all the vids I have, Most of them are short,repetitive, and low quality but there's definitely a few bangers in there. https://gofile.io/d/cUuGIe
>>139684 >https://gofile.io/d/ZLVCSY your pics link says "no items to display"
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>>139713 >>139684 Thanks for the drops, kings!
>>139684 Is she Jewish?
She's honestly got the sexiest upper arms out of anyone, except maybe roxxie. so underrated.
>>139684 thanks a lot! people don't know this but for me Asshley was like the first randalin. praying to see more women like them in the future
>>139780 Jewish and Italian
>>139825 So Jewtalian...
the pic sets wont work :(
I shall reupload the pic sets right now !
>>139851 You gave them free fire pweed and they still dissed you. Let that be a lesson
So was she for sure her heaviest during those weigh ins at the height of the pandemic? Ik she's lost weight since, good for her. I just wonder if she was heavier in her younger days. I've got a bad eye for these things.
>>139859 no idea what she was weighing in her earlier days but there was a stretch back then where she looked absolutely massive. she's gone up and down a few times though so it's hard to tell.
Here is part 1 the other 3 parts are still uploading ! https://gofile.io/d/oDs7RB
Parts 2-3 https://gofile.io/d/RcdwOU https://gofile.io/d/Q8I2P9 https://gofile.io/d/jBk0mt
>>139866 2021-2023 she got so close to 400lbs and then vanished. Next time we saw her deflated so much. Such a shame.
>> were you sitting on the toliet before you took that nude shower pic? I know it's you no more hiding it's the same bathroom ! Hello!
>>139893 Why did she even make a comeback if she lost so much weight? There’s another ssbbw I’m a fan of that has disappeared after such a big weight gain and I’m worried if she ever returns she’ll also have lost weight
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Guys does anyone have their Big Butt Asshley content to share please.
>>141259 Pic sets coming up
>>141284 Sry scratch that, just saw someone already did this month so I don't have to now lol
I Wish she did b/g more often
That booty is so thicc and that face is cute
>>141389 In the past she had a cute face and great ass. She lost 200 pounds and it made her face saggy like her body. She looks 20 years older. She is showing even more G rated content if she does a clip.
This makes me so sad, just before Covid I met up with her after a conservation on Reddit (when she joined) and had sex with that wonderful ass. She was so promiscuous before Covid and then Covid happened and suddenly she seems to have met a guy and had them weight loss injections and she’s shrunk. She doesn’t even reply to any messages anymore.
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>>141648 "had sex with that wonderful ass" CAP 🧢 If you did, then you were the one that posted that insane back shot video a few (2?) years back. Still waiting for part 2 video that's there. Looked like a threesome vid that never got released. "She was so promiscuous..." this is true I believe, well partially... I've determined that she married roughly 3(?) people in the past or had her name changed quite often based on public records. Looks like she's settled down though. Also, she does respond if you're nice about it since she's still trying to keep her following. Here's what I know so far based on assumptions. To me at least, it seems like she's trying to fade out though or make her existing fans less into her. She hardly posts any videos anymore, or social media, most likely for health concerns and life longevity is my leading theory. She's probably taking the path similar to StatuesqueBabyDoll AKA: KourtneyCakes, or Jennifer Williams. Whoever her photographer is (most likely boyfriend or husband), they always take pictures in extremely low light conditions, have blurry photos, or have lots of noise in the photos/shooting with too high of ISO. Bugs the hell outta me, file formats are jank for older videos, screen resolution & naming schemes are bad. I'm very interested in seeing any of her vintage footage of when she did hardcore videos and photos. I'm also very interested in interviewing her & hearing how she got into this industry. I live within drive-able distance from her and resisting the urge is killing me. I even know what hotel she shot at for one photo shoot. I'd totally pay to interview her.
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Thanks for answering cause I was hoping a part two to that doggy vid was out there. There has to be more forsure cause I found this pic which looks like it’s from that vid
The coomer just updated and hoooooly fuuuuck is it bad. There is FINALLY video and it is just the absolute most grotesque piece of trash she's ever posted. I've beena pretty apologetic and accepting fan of hers for a long time and this is the final straw for me Cameraman is a dumbshit, zero actually enticing angles, no nudity, nothing. If I wanted to see an old lady's humpback I'd go to my local seniors lodge. Stop giving this leech money for absolutely mediocre ( at best) content. She should shut it down and fade out like she is clearly wanting to do but can't because she gets that easy bank. I'm just as guilty as the next porn brained fapper on here but, We as a collective need to stop supporting these women who put zero effort. That's what they will continue to do BECAUSE we keep throwing cash at them.
https://t.me/GoblinMine_bot/start?startapp=1975254203 🐒
>>142076 Pretty much it's guaranteed with age that Porn is not forever. We all get older & get less sexy, but for milfs it's a good thing 😂 With Asshley it's probably bad luck for her that her body aged the way that it did, especially with likely the Ozempic treatment she's on, because it LOOKS very much like Ozempic, & looks gaunt and unhealthy, but who knows... maybe she'll gain some weight after her Ozempic treatment & look healthier again. But with her age, it's likely a doctor told her that to prolong her lifespan she will need to lose weight, it's either Ozempic or the exercise. Same issue happened with SSBBW Lailani. I remember Lailani posted an vlog in tears a while back about what her doctor said to her, she also looks like she aged quite a bit. No clue if she as well went on Ozempic. Only sell & market what you've made in the past them move on to another product. Sell while you can. For instance, Sara Jay now sells weed & care products & uses her notoriety to do that. Still does Porn from time to time. Same with Angela White, does porn & goes on a lot of social media posts, cameos, & interviews. StatuesqueBabyDoll AKA: KourtneyCakes, or Jennifer Williams, removed all of her Only Fans & products & basically cashed in all of her porn star fame for TV fame & went on many interviews & YouTube series/interviews & went forward as a Lipoedema removal sales person (that's what it feels like to me) & pretends like she never did porn. Honestly, I think her subscription fee is a little high, but it's most likely staying there for two factors: - Only Fans processing fee (20%) (Asshley Charges $10.99, not a lot but not small either) - & the amount of remaining fans, (probably low) so to make it worth it, she has the subscription higher than most. I think she should go on interviews, promote her career/past & tell stories. To really do this porn game you need: To be on as many platforms as possible: - FaceBook - Instagram - SnapChat - Reddit - Tumblr - etc... all the mainstream ones (& have backup pages, THEY WILL GET REMOVED) Be on as many porn platforms as possible: - PornHub - SpankBang - XHamster - XVideos - OnlyFans - LoyalFans - Clips4Sale - Even Coomer! (Some artists & creators actually have a Coomer Account to moderate what gets posted so they have more control of what gets released and shown) - Etc... Problem with porn-sites, is they will get re-posted, even if they are behind a paywall. Most sites will have an incentive to upload to download videos. So to stay relevant you will need to collaborate with other creators, remove links when you can. Cater to your niche, for Asshley, it will be BBW milf or maybe GILF at this point & she will likely need to create video scenarios that will follow that pattern. Sell a product or promote a lifestyle, by going on interviews & social media you will be able to succeed or make a decent living/paycheck, or maybe go on a reality TV show. Who knows. Dr Phil maybe LMAO. That's what Randallin did. Most likely since Asshley works at a public school & works closely with most likely hormonal teens or men in their 20s, it's a bad idea to have a Porn Star career & get recognized at where you work, especially at a school. I sure as hell would be embarrassed. She basically needs a manager or at this point to make any kind of divet in the porn industry again, and it's apparent that her partner does not want that for her based on how they shoot & how much effort is shown to promote any kind of current material. Only 5-7 photos from one photo set, posted every other day at midnight on the dot. No Doing any kind of collective effort to stop supporting Asshley won't ever happen, there's still one or two schmucks out there that will continue to subscribe to her or forget that they are subscribed to her. (me included, guilty as charged) & there's no harm in letting it fizzle out until you're physically unable to perform for videos anymore. Us being subscribed is probably what paid for her cruise ship ticket. 😂
>>142076 shes been making the exact same content for 15 years, she's not changing the formula man
>>142092 Been a while since I've seen you post on here. I remember that you were trying to make a really comprehensive archive of all of Asshley's stuff a while back but it was tough because of how the sets are numbered and privacy issues with your roommates iirc? I've always wondered if anyone at the school she works at knows about her online presence.
>>142227 Yep. It's a very time labor intensive project. I've decided to put that on indefinite hold til I can get my life together. Since the last time you saw the folder, it's still at that same point. I need to use theWayBackMachine site to get specific time-stamps & file names. That site is very slow due to their hacking issue. I'm missing a few clips like the thigh clapping vid. I wonder if anyone at the school knows too. I'm assuming she has a couple of Girlfriends at the school, because I'll see a manicure or long fingernail clip covering the camera in on some of her OF content. If I remember correctly, I think Asshley is BI? Not entirely sure. Anywho, at this point, I'm a little tired of older content being re-posted by Asshley or this forum. I look forward to any kind of new content that Asshley makes, even though it's mediocre at most.
she might be bi she might not some her friends done porn und they film each other doesn't mean they lovers
Asshley has turned into a deflated, skinny woman who still has wide hips and a big butt.
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>>142385 She is bisexual. She says so in a Q and A video from way back. Might have been in the bio of her old bigcuties site as well. I'm the opposite, I look forward to the older rare content popping up. I don't like her shape now. She's still my favorite model of all time though, I wish her the best in whatever she chooses to do. Speaking of rare content if anyone happens to have these: 1. A higher quality video of from the first pic. File name that I have is asshleyjiggle4_x264. 2. Full length video of her walking in the park. I actually had this at one point but I lost it. All the vids floating around currently are like 1 to 2 minutes long. Full vid is much longer. 3. The basketball video. I don't think I've ever seen this posted. I really wish I had bought these clips when her c4s was still up. Sucks when stuff gets lost to time.
She’s literally the hottest woman ever. She had the belly, the ass, the personality, cute as fuck. Even at her deflated state, I’m still a loyal fan and would drop everything to be her man.
>>144569 Have you seen her recently? All those thing are near non existent. She looks like a deflated balloon
>>144569 You're the reason why models get away with shit content
She literally looks like the fertility statue; the ancients would approve
>>144709 She doesn't look like this anymore. She lost 150 pounds.
>>144584 You don't even have the right to call it shit, you retards get it all for free here lol
I'm with you mate lol
>>144858 You've got me all wrong broskie. I've paid for content, many times over the years. I've personally updated her coomer a handful of times. Shit I've even purchased lingerie from her (way back before OF, the yellow bustier and thong set). Don't assume I'm a leech
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She may have deflated, but holy hell she is still sexy as fuck. I’d smash all day every day! I image she’s super soft and melts all over you now she’s lost so much weight
>>145298 To each his own, I guess. I wish she had gotten another hundred or two hundred pounds bigger.
>>145298 Damn! She has lost a lot of weight, she's definitely thinner... I'm shocked. She wasn't that fat even before
>>145298 so much flabby cellulite, the backshots must be diabolical, Yep, would still smash 1000%
>>145298 I pounded her at her heaviest I honestly wouldn’t look twice at her if I saw her on the street now. She would have been a sexy GILF if she didn’t lose the weight.
>>145298 ffs, just retire.
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>>145317 She was pretty big at her heaviest >>145348 How'd that go? You meet her at a bash?
>>145298 This shit is fucking nastier than purple rose at this point. Holy fuck. >I’d smash all day every day! anon. . .
>>145355 What does Purple Rose look like these days? I'm actually kind of curious now.
>>145351 This was definitely prime Asshley and during covid when she was nearing 400. Definitely should retire now a days.
She’s been around for along long time. Are her way up to around 400….she actually had WLS and lost about a hundred pounds…gained it all back and reached a second peak during covid…but now makes the awful decision to become a saggy bag of skin.
I still think she's pretty though. It was a good run and some great memories / mammaries
>>123990 >>145400 she should have done what graciebon did. sculture the body
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Peak collaboration. Asshley, Plump Princess and GainingGoddess
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Does anyone have this, probably her best set ever done, not sure if it was with Mercedesbbw but that ass was clappin in her prime
>>145498 Pinnacle of online obesity
>>147687 Here you go broseph: https://gofile.io/d/ixF30D Threw in the pics and clip from the image above just cuz
>>147714 How can I see the vids I can’t watch them even when I download them
You patriQts want a 201 video drop with a side of MAGA? https://gofile.io/d/eNI6AV
>>148708 My president. thanks again
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https://gofile.io/d/WNpnET I'm throwing in a couple of my favourite videos that i never see floating around that are both really hot, Asshley at her best. You even get a tiny little peak at her pussy in one of them. This woman has been my favorite for years, i just absolutely love the way she's built and that big fat ass! Enjoy the vidoes.
>>148708 Those face sitting vids are so hot. Love watching this absolute l goddess get worshipped by black men 🥵🥵
