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Pame Pear Anonymous 12/14/2024 (Sat) 04:28:34 Id:71e72f No. 140434
There hasn't been a thread about her in a while. Does anyone have something to share please :) thanks in advance
I need to know that weigh in result !!!
>>140632 She has teased it for a while. I doubt we will hear what it is unless you telegram her for t and get scammed potentially.
>>140434 god her friction burns are hot as f
>>140665 Thanks for the video my king
More than 400 pounds 🔥
466lbs incredible hope there is more weight to come from her. She has already surpassed Randalin.
>>140681 I'm hoping she gets fat enough to be wider than door frames. But its crazy how most of her weight is in her ass and her tits are still small
>>140688 Fr, wild to think that there are a lot of woman 1/5 her weight but got tits biggers than hers. Don't bother me tho
Bare with me. Its my first time, but here's the ones I got. Even though I think this is it with the weight, I really hope she gain enough where her ass gets stuck when going sideways. https://gofile.io/d/wmwZ9c
>>140755 Thanks but these are all from her (public) Instagram.
Is there a video for that asshole picture?
Her weight gain since coming out is wild. Doesn't look like she is stopping either. Surprised no guys in the picture tho'.
>>140434 Her vids with lourdes la rubia are just awesome!
>>144581 What’s her deal with video. It’s worse than UFO footage played on VCR from 1981 with a bad connection.
>>144606 Every amateur model, especially the good ones use some crap phone.
>>144627 I know of no phone that is cheap or expensive in the last 10 years that doesn’t record in HD.
>>144636 Welcome to latin America
Dam her ass and hips are GIGANTIC imagine when she reaches 500lbs…
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>>144606 Now we know why we can't get good footage of UFOs even with HD modern cameras everywhere, they're all being piloted by bottom-heavy SSBBW latinas whose fat asses are jamming our recording technology
How much does she charge people for vids?
She's at 480 now
Did she post that somewhere?
Makes you wonder what the timeline of her gain is..
>>146217 here's the timeline: (made up date) -> (made up weight) (another made up date) -> (another made up weight, sligtly larger than before)
She'll post it soon. Nothing made up about it.
Does she have an account on onlyfans????
>>146345 she had one for all of like 6 hours then immediately backed out of it. she genuinely prefers the fucking hoops you have to jump through to buy her content off telegram
this woman has a mega ass , but she doesn't fuck with men 🤔, she makes videos with the other big ass argentine [ pearrubia ] in my opinion , this kind of content does not deserve more than 10 $ but this whore demands a lot of money , and the big problem you would be nothing special from what she will send you , and you will feel that you are throwing your money in the air , i was betrayed once by her on Telegram about a year ago , or maybe i was betrayed by someone else that i considered a friend ! because he charged with this mission , and he sent me the little videos of 20 to 60 seconds which are everywhere of her, and nothing special , and if anyone here wants to see these Old videos , i will share them , but i don't have any new videos .
>>146658 Share whatever you have, my friend, that's the goal of this site.
>>146658 That is a truly beautiful free-form poem.
>>146707 Thank you bro 👽
>>146811 there are people actually paying for content this short...this woman is fucking delusional oh my god
She continues to get hotter and bigger. Her booty is first place in the world.
>>146901 Her ass is nice but thats it. For whatever reason, she sticks telegram. You would think she would post herself more with something that massive.
Looks like she's just into other women. Too bad...she would look awesome doing cowgirl...riding that pony!
>>146831 You can buy customs. She'll do almost everything but for some reason, she does it through telegram. But I heard she'll do nasty shit if you throw her enough money
New Drop, look at that fat ass belly. https://gofile.io/d/RDXfFL
I'm feeling generous today. https://gofile.io/d/7rLzOV
Hell yeah! Very generous. You da man.
