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Ivy Davenport Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 07:49:36 Id:8fb866 No. 141170 >>141214
Starting a proper thread of this ssbbw slob. I'll start. Here's Marital Gains: https://gofile.io/d/CBaINR Looking for any Pudgy Petunia content please.
>>141170 The slightest remark of the mods being a bunch of retards and thread disappears. Hilarious. What a set of butt hurt simpletons
Ngl, she’s really fucking ugly
Does anyone have these In https://l.clips4sale.com/clip/25485811/layla-moore-ivy-davenport-gassy-slob-girl-friends-mp4
I’ve got a heap I’ll start with this one https://gofile.io/d/2ULDHO
Unfortunately the content isn't public
Here's some more: https://gofile.io/d/eLA3u3 Seconding the petunia ask
She’s not pretty but leans into it in a way that oddly works. Also the way she’s sort of the next generation Heather and seems to have a bit of a sadist streak in her
Should be public now my bad
Yeah it's good to go now, appreciate it
Gentlemen, in thanks for all the many good vids I've had for free, I've ponied up the cash for Pudgy Petunia. Enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/yVDrxD
>>145236 King shit right here for sharing this one. May you be blessed and escorted by 72 SSBBW/USSBBW to Valhalla
Bro, we need for this clip gofile Premium
(839.09 KB 358x270 fucking-bullshit-iron-sheik.gif)
>>141222 >>141234 She looks like she lost her beauty in the fat, which is 300x hotter
>>145250 this guy fucking knows ball
she looks like a total pig, might as well act like one
She was cute when she was a plumper but once she got passed 300 lbs everything went south
>>145248 >>145236 Legend! Didn't realize this video would be over an hour.
>>145250 Exactly, she looks almost inflated, it's its own weird sort of hot.
The video is incredibly hot. I will say that even with editing, Ivy puts down an insane amount of food. I love that it's a feature length film and tells an actual story. The blonde with the glasses deserved more screen time. She's incredibly hot and a natural actor. The ringleader....well...I've seen better acting in high school dramas. I know I'm complaining about the acting in porn, but Ivy has the potential to do incredible things with this fetish. It's just a shame she couldn't find anyone with mediocre acting talent willing to do this.
She just posted on Twitter that she'll be deleting another of her videos from before 2021
https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/14798/28567423/ella-raines-immobile-lover-ivy-davenport-mp4-sd Anyone have this? This is what I got https://gofile.io/d/tAIUi2

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