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For those who like 'em bigger than big

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Boberry thread Anonymous 03/18/2025 (Tue) 21:53:13 Id:3c0428 No. 149867 >>149981 >>149988
Making one so people don't forget about her. Here are some recent images.
>>149870 why we can't have anything good in this chan? 😭😭😭😭
Could someone drop the last livestream she did ? Thanks
>>149871 Because LtBarclay=Cocksucking Fag also>>149870 Fucking Asshat
...just be grateful for free content and not spew hate and BS? At least I no longer have to scroll thru the shit on /gen/
she's gettin BEEG
>>149879 Can you please send the video
>>149878 Full vid please bro
>>149879 It's definitely a lot bigger, that's a good sign folks!
>>149879 Definitely starting to show her age in her face
>>149879 OH MY GOD
Whyd she even lose weight in the first place if she just gonna go right back? she just pulling some coka cola classic shit
She's on vacation again. Caribbean trip, most likely all-inclusive dining resorts and/or cruises again. We can almost 100% guarantee she's gonna continue to gain.
>>149875 At least for now. Let's see how long it takes you fuck nuggets to fuck it up again
I thought she was dead?
>>149902 already see a "why she lose weight" comment, it wont be long before someone fucks it for the rest of us
>>149879 OMG she is looking ENORMOUS. What a sexy woman!
Holy shit. We need this video. She's back to being massive again.
If anyone does end up uploading any vids, could you use mab instead of gofile? They should last a couple days at least, instead of getting DMCA'd instantaneously
I always thought she was a very beautiful woman, her pear shape, I love it, especially now that all her parts are bigger and she's starting to look rounder, I love her chubby face, she looks too cute for how big she is overall.
Good lawd she is looking hot. Absolutely massive, AND she still moves around like she’s *only* 400lb.
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Is she on a old clothes try on run
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>>149878 >>149879 Can someone please upload this? I'll share some recent videos of her's. https://mab.to/t/oltFCxu2XZw/us2
In the vid, she talks about having to walk slowly and step only on the nail heads (where the crossbeams meet), so she doesn't "break another deck" Oof... I think I'm in love 🥵 We desperately need a new weigh in. If she was 624 before, she's looking 650+ now
I actually can't wrap my head around how somebody can get this fat (supposedly) unintentionally. Either you Yankees eat nothing but pure concentrated calories or you genuinely have absolutely zero self control.
>>149939 Yes and yes. I'm no patriot, but God bless the obesity epidemic 🇺🇸
>>149938 Anyone noticed how fucking massive her arms are looking latley?!
>>149939 Even among Americans, Mary is particularly predisposed to gaining a lot of weight. She was over 500 when she graduated from high school. She also has admitted to being in a near-perpetual state of hunger. As a teenager, she was eating full trays of pillsbury biscuits as a between-meal snack.
>>149944 She truly is exceptional. Not jut in how enormous she has gotten, but also in how smart a woman she is. Most women who get this big are, to be kind, a bit slow. But she is most definitely not (only other woman I would say is of her caliber is Heather, and both are very successful business people in their own right) and totally seems like the sort of person who wouldn't let herself get that huge, yet she did.
Food addiction is a helluva drug. In her own words several dozen lbs ago: "I just think, what is it i want to eat most in the world? And then I eat it. Every meal, every day. This is what happens when you have no self-boundaries with food."
>>149944 >She also has admitted to being in a near-perpetual state of hunger. Holy shit. She might actually have Prader-Willi syndrome.
Can't lie, I love the "yoyo gainers." Bo went from like 550 to 300 to 614 to 550 to 624+ (more like 650+ by the look of things now). Adeline followed a similar trend before exploding past 700. Same with other ussbbws. The swing gainers always swell up in the long run. Think Bo can put the breaks on the gain train, or is immobility inevitable? 😈
Uh-oh! BIG!
>>149942 Per her recent measurement vid, her arm fat is 30+ inches around. Wider than some girls' waists. 💪
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>>149932 Do you remember this (bike.png)?! If Mary now is like over 630/640 lbs, do you think she could beat Eve or not? Do you think she's wider then her or Eve is just taller?
>>149957 For one, Eve is taller standing at just over 6 feet... another is that Boberry is sitting in the trunk of an obviously smaller European vehicle while Eve is in the trunk of an American van. Not a good comparison... but if I had to guess, I would actually believe it's pretty close w/ Eve just barely edging out the win.
>>149965 Does it matter if the manufacturer is European or American? For a lorry maybe, but anyone could tell you that a minivan has more space than a Mini Cooper
>>149867 https://mab.to/t/vfkXr9mCLiw/eu1 This is what I have from the latest, who has new videos?
>>149982 This is it, my dudes. This is what you've all been asking for. OP, you are the fucking man.
>>149980 Maybe not so much nowadays BUT it does matter the market said vehicle is manufactured for... and Mini Coopers are NOT made for Americans (except maybe minimalist vegan hipsters) which means it does not meet the American standard of Everything Bigger >>149981 >>149982 You two are gentlemen of the finest quality... THANK YOU! 👏
The videos all recorded at the same house are at least a couple months old now. If her photo of her in the Bahamas is anything to go by she could be even bigger. She’ll probably need 3 seats to fly back home at this rate. >>149982 Incredible drop, thanks king!
>>149986 Yeah, I hope she posts some new vacation content soon. Last thing on her vip site was a si gole picture posted 9 days ago... Like I know you're ok vacation but just taking a couple pics/short vids every day and posting them ain't that hard...smh I can only hope she's paranoid after the stalking incident and is secretly shooting tons of stuff which will get released after the trip. Also did not even respond once to comments about people wanting some content or another Livestream. Almost like she doesn't even read the comments...?
>>149867 >>149867 https://mab.to/t/lhU2il656UR/eu1 Here are some more good videos
At least she's alive, thank God.
>thread gets moved to /gen/ >we get crumbs for content - an occasional update and some pictures from a video >new thread on /ssbbw/ >new video we've been slobbering over for a week gets dropped two days after thread is created I know this will get deleted but whichever mod dug in their heels to keep the thread on /gen/: you are such a fucking dumbass it's not even funny
Glad to see her back in /ssbbw where she belongs. thanks for the new content, fellas.
>>150010 iam not as often on this site as i once was, but i noticed the missing of Bo on "ssbbw", can anyone explain why it she go tmove to /gen or whats happening here?
>>150027 The final straws were people speculating if she was dead or hurt because she didn't update her page for over a month. In truth she was being stalked (also it was the holidays, go figure) so she wasn't active. No one was willing to let that go so it was relegated.
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>>149980 >>149984 >>149987 Ok guys, look at those screenshots and tell me if she can fit inside your car: (also yes, if you look at her stretch marks and cellulite ... it seems she lost weight, so YEP all the fat is going on lower parts such as her thighs and belly rolls) PS: That glass in the shower is like the car's suspensions (a JOKE related to LYFT, because I really want to drive MINICARS and let these women break everything) PLEASE for God sake, let these fat women destroy nature in piece!
>>150046 Piece
Anyone got that old video where she destroys burgers in a car? Love her eating videos
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>>150053 Ditto. Really hope we'll get new stuffing vids soon at this new weight. Girl seems to get literal food orgasms. Love the way she talks about food.
>>149982 >https://gofile.io/d/7grO2o plz reup
>>149982 Damn, missed it!
>>150080 https://mab.to/t/gbv7XOJEqdy/eu1
>>150089 Here's most of her old BC updates and a complete rip off her old Tumblr.
>>150090 Forgot the link...FML https://mega.nz/folder/6FRTBTxC#wceXnW6Kuc-qWROQzycvEw
>>149886 >>149918 >grateful
>>149982 >>149983 It’s gone already 😢
>>149953 I think she’s smart enough to not go immobile. Hopefully
>>150188 For sure. She clearly values her ability to go and do, and while she’s definitely approaching an inflection point, I suspect she’ll find a way to adjust the pace of her eating, exercise, and/or life that keeps immobility at bay.
>>150091 Insane drop
Is it just me or did she look way better in BC?
>>150197 You aren’t crazy. She was younger and less of a butterface back in those days
>>150197 Face looked better in BC. Body looks better in VIP
>>150199 Heather also seems to encourage WAY more makeup on bigcuties than even regular bbw pornsites like jeff's models, which is why I never understood the hype for her before but now think she's smoking hot lol
>>149965 Boberry is listed at 5’8 I think. I just watched the video of her and Eve together and Eve only looks about 2 inches taller. So, one of them is actually 5’10. Comparing to Sadie, I can believe Boberry is 5’10 and lied about her height lol and Eve told the truth about her height at 6’0
>>150200 It's literally right here >>150087
>>150199 She’s pretty old. Her face needs makeup now more than ever. The weight loss gain cycles have made her fat looser, and less round. She’s really dropped off and I’m kinda sad to say this is why you don’t wife em up.
>>150203 Eve is definitely 6'2". Met her so BoBerry being 5'8" is a fact.
>>150239 But Eve only looked 2 or 3 inches taller than Boberry. If Eve is 6’2, Boberry is around 6’0.
>>150091 I have run into a slight issue with this MEGAfile. It appears that video files: 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, and 128 have become corrupted. They cannot be viewed or downloaded. Can this be fixed?
>>150238 have you ever been attracted to a woman as a person? jfc you incels
>>150060 I love it when they dance when they eat, pure pleasure.
I love comparing huge chicks so here’s some for you.
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>>150281 Which is why I asked if Boberry NOW has become wider or even bigger than Eve, since I do remember that set you know? It was the 138 right? (>>150242, >>150239) also nope Mary is 5'8, the reason that sometime she feels bigger is the camera-man zooming and AGAIN her weight, as you can see very well even in the 138 set she was pretty big. That's why I asked you if Mary could be bigger or not, BECAUSE I CAN'T MEASURE HER in REAL LIFE!
please tell me she's filming more content at this new size. we need updated body tour, weigh in, exercise attempt, stuffing, etc vids 🥵🥵
Also she hasn't posted since starting her vacation two weeks ago. Think she's still packing it on?
>>150246 Don't remember any broken videos but it seems like you're right... My quick attempt at trying to recover the broken files did not work. If anyone got them and is willing to share I could add them to the MEGA. Same thing goes for any videos after 262.
>>150285 1000%
>>150286 Thank you for checking. I'm sure they were perfectly fine at some point. Corrupted or broken files are just a fact of life when it comes to sharing these kinds of things online.
>>150283 It’s a hot idea to imagine that Boberry has ballooned past Eve in the years since that tandem photoshoot but Eve has also put on about 60 pounds since then. Look at how many more bulges and rolls she has on these recent sets since this B&W one from around the time of the Boberry shoot. As far as Bo’s height, she’s indeed 5’8” but her fat makes her feel taller when standing next to her (which I have.) She has fucking PRESENCE. Both these girls are shockingly fat if you haven’t seen them in person for a while.
Photos didn’t attach from my last post: Eve is a huge girl.
>>150296 she's too damn underrated... i know she's doesn't have the best face on a SSBBW like a Boberry, Roxxie, Thickaliciousent, Sadie, Jackie or FatWaifu but she makes some of the best content on BigCuties
>>150283 The pic above you literally shows Eve is not more than 2 or 3 inches taller than Boberry. If Boberry is 5’8 then Eve is less than 6’0
>>150343 Nigga why do you care so much
Can she just post a god damn video already
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>>150378 She had a stalker incident so she is protecting her privacy but yeah man going on 15 days without even a mirror selfie is weak :/
>>150388 Yeah, that's quite sad indeed. She could also post the stuff a couple days late, so that money knows her exact current location. And tbh unless her Instagram stories were also hella late a stalker would already know which part of the Bahamas she's staying at, so there's that...
boberry acts deliberately vauge about having a BF so ofc there's going to be a dude at her side of the country who thinks he has a chance with her in other words we're in need of a smother video that makes it abundantly clear someone is clapping dem cheekz
>>150403 The longer you're invested with her, the more it strains credulity that she's single. She's been modeling for over a decade, is one of the most recognizable and followed SSBBWs on the web, and is away from home on vacation easily half of the year. Also her personality is fucking adorable. And you want to explain to me how she's been single this whole time? Do you think no one's hitting that because she's the size of a cow with the appetite to match? Get fucking real.
>>150406 she's not single. Who takes her photos? Some random who just happens to have a good eye for light and composition?
>>150418 I mean she had an ex boyfriend of hers do basically all her BC stuff, so I believe he might still be somewhat involved in taking pictures for her vip site. But all of the vacation pics/vids, yeah I'm pretty sure that's her boyfriend's work. ..
Jeez now I understand why mods moved this to /gen/ last time. Boberry threads invariably devolve into gossip and idle speculation. Constant bumping with scant new content. If you're here to goon just get it over with. Why stick around to chat?
>>150284 JFC she's huge! I hope she continues packing it on.
>>150403 bruh, don't you know how this works by now? you've always just got to assume there's a man behind the camera and that they're involved. it's the safest assumption you can make.
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She is back home and posted a 50sec clip of her sitting on the beach...

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