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Cookie 06/29/2022 (Wed) 17:20:02 Id:55e191 No. 48389
the other one was locked it seemed, also she's MASSIVE now. so to start us off YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVlZYV2pSUFRGQlFWazA9 does anyone have the new exercise video?
>>48389 Both of these are on coomer already. Also mods are being weird and keep deleting replies to her threads so they don't get bumped for some reason
>>48389 >does anyone have the new exercise video? Maybe YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMVUYzWVcxYVZISXlXVms9
Does anyone have the new funnel video?
>>48528 King shit hold this crown 👑 thanks bro
>>48528 Thank you!
Someone could reup her latest pizza video?
anyone have the video where she eats stuff in her bed, then shows off her huge gut but at the beginning she puts on pants or something and her gut is just absolutely massive in them.
>>50062 Friday Night Stuffing? What a great vid, if that's the vid I'll upload it when I got time. If someone had Exploding like a Balloon, that would be a great exchange
does anyone have her video of the second workout? "Workout Attempt" Will be very grateful
>>50282 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LWZoQWtMR29TUjU= There it is
>>50304 Do you have "Your Boss wants Feeding"? 🔥
>>50304 by the way thanks for the video
>>50322 Sadly not, but if someone has it, please upload it and keep this thread alive
Someone has a reup for pizza n coke chug? This video looks great
New from her Insta
>>50322 https://we.tl/t-L7kldDZgS6 here you go my brothers
>>50451 Really kind a generous person, thank you.
thanks bro
anyone have "maid caught eating your food" https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/21589-maid-caught-eating-your-food/
>>50605 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LVkzRk9oY21Fc2U= There it is, sir
>>50628 >>50245 based thank you anons
>>50244 holy shit it is, friday night piggy, right?
>>50451 Reup?
Can somebody reupload the maid video? Please, thank you if you could!
>>51400 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUpKMW13YnFuMzg= And here, my gentlemen, you have Maid and Secretary vids Keep a look on the new vids, they seem fucking great
I got it, Thank you!
Somebody has the workout attempt and the Feed your stepmom? I Missed it :(
>>51461 I got the Workout attempt (uploading later), me too I'm interested in the Stepmom one, it looks really great If someone has Exploding like a balloon and other chugging and stuffing vids I would be grateful
>>51462 As I promised aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTkwaWFrUHVxTmI=
Guys pls There's content, keep this thread alive!
Anyone got "Exploded like a Balloon". https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/68614-video-exploding-like-a-balloon-ssbbw/&do=userPosts&mid=125378
>>51613 I was searching for that, too I'm really curious about how she handles these role-plays
Can I ask for a reupload of the friday stuffing or boss feeding pls
>>52397 At your service aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vOTVqTjFRSURC
This thread is getting boring :((((
>>52414 Many thanks
bigger Belly
>>52583 That clip is a bit old. I hope she is still eating like that, and still growing!
Keep Eating Pizza
Keep Eating
FUCK did I miss friday night piggie? Reup anyone?
>>52686 I could reup it but I'm so tired of upping and reupping stuff and get nothing in exchange, so if someone has Exploding like a Balloon Snacking Feed Your Stepmom Please upload it and I'll reup Friday Night
Love the way her bellyfat is all swollen up gor gaining so fast. That is hot stuff. Did you notice it in latest stuffing video? Would marry her in a blink of an eye, i had a change 😍
>>52797 No doubt she's doing a lot of roleplays where she pops at the end, that belly really seems like it's going to pop!
I have Both Of the videos an I'm happy to upload them for videos that haven't been posted in this thread already.
>>52859 https://mab.to/T7eKHNbqm Hope you appreciate these
>>52862 Much appreciated my friend
>>52909 Very very very very thanks bro Soon reupping Friday Night
https://mab.to/kwRAOuLls There you go
am i the only one who thinks cookie gives off extreme "friend's hot fat mom" vibes?
>>52938 Maybe not, the inspiration for her last video could have come just by reading someone who thought the same ahahah
Wishing and Hoping
Does anyone have her custom vid walking with the cam on the floor or the first workout fail vid?
Is her OF worth it?
>>52978 This is so cringe and autistic why can't you guys just fap
>>50605 There are also pics vids where she pulls in pure packs of heavy cream and also flows over her body?
>>53977 https://stufferdb.com/picture.php?/392658 This?
>>53844 fantasizing is part of the fun. also using autistic as an insult in current year is cringe and a massive L
>>55906 stfu
>>55906 Shut it autist.
>>55906 He’s right though.
>>55906 Autistic FAGGOT
Has a sale on atm
C'mon guys don't be mean, leave the autist alone it's not his fault.
>>52978 Yeah totally wishing that she’d be a 50 year old hag that lethargically lays on the guilt each video “I stay this fat for youuuu guyyyys” and is also now dead. Yessiree
>>57877 am too young to know who that is but that sound whack
>>57877 Yeah, I’m sure that’s what OP was hoping
>>57878 Then you have to be under 20, as Goddess Patty attend even in the Best of Jackass (as Cameo, as she was already in Jackass2.0) and was interviewed when the marriage of Prince William was in 2010.
>>57967 am 22 lol
>>57967 Whereabouts is her royal wedding interview?
>>57967 LOL Why tf did they want to know about Prince Willie from a perma-stoned hyperobese Chicana from Long Beach?
>>58051 Maybe they interview in many events (like boxing in Germany) pseudo-celebraties, which have absolute no clue about the subject but are forced to give something of their wisdom about what will happen (or has already), as the interview-woman is even more simple minded. But here was it because she decorated her living room and worse something to celebrate it on TV. She was maybe a big Royalsfan, so what she said can't be less meaningful than the talk of someone else. As I maintained she was in the last two decade on of the most well known American SSBBW erotic performer, maybe aside of Teighlor and Zsalynn. She was in some TV formats and even in a music video (first). I also think she was original from Texas (maybe El Paso or San Antonio), but moved just over a decade ago to Reno.
New vid
Another one
Any reups?
>>58102 what are you even talking about can you guys go to /gen with these irrelevant ramblings
Does someone have her newest videos? Everything ok with her, cause she isn't that active recently?
>>62631 I don't know let me ask her
Definitely I love her appetite and gain weight distribution is amazing, I wish she keep gain and make some stuffer fart burping content
Does anybody have 'Jeans Try-on'? My birthday is coming up, and I think I want dis
No, I don't think you guys get it. I really, really need dis
>>62766 >My birthday is coming up, and I think I want dis it's a bit tempting to react with a mom joke
Mom jokes don't make my dick hard.
https://spankbang.com/7grtu/video/eibueda >>51613
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/27331-mcdonalds-breakfast/&tab=comments Guys new vid is out and seems fucking great
if somebody posts the new curvage vid, then i will post the weighin clip from only fans
>>63536 noooo, you post the weigh-in clip from OF and then just hope someone posts the new curvage video
Could some post the new vid? https://mab.to/t/gP7dcxdY6kJ
new vid someone?
https://mab.to/t/2iIEir0iisn Guys, this chick is releasing very great material, especially the last one Profiterole's, somebody must come in our help! This is all I've got of her
Bump How is it possible the Echo thread is more bumped than the one about this ??
>>66900 cause echo has the death feederists in a chokehold. They circle her thread like literal vultures
>>66900 Because people have content to share. Stop bumping threads if you don't have anything to share
>>66800 Great drop. Thank you!
>>66800 could someone re-up, it's down
how much did she gain over christmas
https://mab.to/t/MbrYNQng2km Could anyone drop the easter video or her most recent measurements video
https://www.myairbridge.com/en/#!/transfer/GoWQUI1AMz2 Updated Link
>>67536 Legend! Easter: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzh5VFhOVVNtWm9Obm8wWWc9PQ==
>>67536 Sorry for begging but could you share the breakfast video on we? mab doesn't work for me
>>67536 Such a legend! Anyone have the Krispy Kreme video?
Bro......that easter video my god so amazing
>>67627 can someone reup please? somehow the link before is actually still working
>>67627 reup, if you're feeling charitable?
>>67781 What's the pic on the right from?
its over guys, she said she losing weight
>>69341 When did she say this?
>>69343 In the beginning of the month
lmfao she's not even that fat! She should fat transfer some of her stomach to her face though. It lacks "cuteness"
>>69345 I mean she is like 370+ probably 420+. Anywhere but this community thats like huge so I can understand her decision. She also didnt say she was losing weight just not actively trying to gain
>>69343 also in her insta story she said she wants to lose
>>69345 I swear I can find people like you only on the Chan, these women are around 400 lbs at 5'2 and get to see people saying they're "not that fat", go touch some grass rofl
(3.12 MB 498x280 you-played-yourself.gif)
Sucks for her she'd choose "health" over dick? Bummer. What a way to go!
Well now i wont even search her name anymore just like boberry etc......
Alr but who’s got content
>>69356 they've never actually seen a woman in real life so hw would they know how huge a 400+lb one is
The annoying stuff with it all is the blatant deception/lying though. For instance her videos around Christmas or after were focused on seeing how much she could gain for the holidays, and how big she could get… Fast forward less than a month and it’s this lol. Same kind of bullshit when celebs are body positive because they’re bigger then they drop a shit ton of weight. Good luck to her.
honestly the fact that she gave it a legit shot, went further than she was comfortable with (unnnnfffffff), stopped while she was ahead and was honest about it is super endearing. would much rather see more models take the "this is a fantasy, let's not get too out of hand" approach.
>>69344 the smartest ssbbw model not listening to you idiots telling her to keep going lol
>>69402 well shes smart for not lettng t get out of her comfort zone. And I will add I don't think her intent was to decieve, one thing your not taking into consideration is that a lot of these models see their family over the holidays. Im guessing not only did she get a reality check about how big she was/is but also a lot of people in her ear about her weight
Her honesty is refreshing. I look forward to some XXX material if it's professionally done.
>>69402 Lol the Adele Effect Be "body positive" but then use incredibly risky procedures to lose as much weight as quickly as possible
>>69416 It's not talked about enough that losing large amounts of weight quickly is bad for you too. If she calls it quits and slowly loses that's one thing. But the operations and dropping it all at once could be worse for her health wise than if she stayed big.
i'm also going totally white night here. She plays the game well! Will gladly watch her going back to chubby or even curvy. Her personality is great,
Did she delete her Twitter?
Did she delete her Twitter?
Any chance for a reup?
>>69480 when your fat fetish is so bad you think you know better than doctors/surgeons and that women should just stay fat lol
Has anyone got her January weigh-in video, please? 😊
>>71165 If you actually look into this yourself you will find out that rapid weight loss is not good for the body and often even a sign of illness or conditions when not done routinely via diet or exercise. Neither really are these operations they do. They are recommended because the doctor believes it is the lesser evil at a certain point. I also said if she routinely lost the weight more healthily over time it's her decision and her life. I can respect it done the right way. It's a crapshoot if she stayed fat or got the surgery. Might as well enjoy life instead of eating herself fatter again after scarring her organs.
Thanks, damn she looks big. The description on Curvage said the pizza one one was filmed in Jan, so if that was basically right prior to her decision stop gaining/lose some (and she actually does) I guess that might be a high watermark video right there.
>>72973 yeah, she looks great in those vids. Sexy as fuck at that weight. >>72950 Thank you for sharing those.
I missed it again, rip. Any chance for a reup?
WOW Cookie ❤️ Anyone have the video?
>>72973 >Any chance for a reup?please
Here ya go. Fill in the gaps with other content if you can https://we.tl/t-9HkFSsUSAz
Nem Outfit Try on please! https://we.tl/t-hDJEGW6XUL
>>52583 anyone got this vid?
Please guys measuring videk of cookie bbw( plus size clare?
>>74076 >https://we.tl/t-hDJEGW6XUL re-up? pleaase
>>76069 Good upload, my dude... Many thanks!
>>76069 Re-up?
Here's something semi-recent and new to here YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlIVGxWUmRtYzVNbEphTkM5bGRURT0=
>>77632 Thanks King
>>77632 reup please?
>>77706 Lol try it again. Link works fine.
>>77921 Says Expired here too
>>78367 myairbridge links last for 2 days, so, yeah, no need to be dense
I'm sure this against some rule, but this morph I find breaks me...
somebody has the newest vid?
Nice morph but i think shes throwing in the towel on gaining.
>>83692 She literally said that she stopped gaining because of her health. Bruh...
>>83703 That was a while ago. I'm still holding on to hope. She wouldn't be the first to publicly stop gaining just to go back to it later.
That new try on looks crazy
I have my fingers crossed she just gains unintentionally now She is super cute and gains in all the right places
Doesn’t really seem like she’s lost any since she made that announcement though.
She's even on YouTube under the name Flare. It's not much, and all clothed, but fairly recent and delicious.
Any reups?
WoW A very huge cow! Anyone have?
Anyone have the “Trying on Cow Outfit!” video? Here is something in return aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC95SkJIU3F2UWRaei91czM=
>>87060 same but wetransfer link aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTg4Z1hHWWRvSnc=
>>87060 https://we.tl/t-ZkmcsOCv0q heres a offering
awesome contribution, i always love when she eat so much, i hope she make more like this but even with more food like mochi, imagine looks her belly super mega stuffed burping and farting a lot
>>88254 I really enjoyed when she was at her fattest tbh
>>88364 huh? shes definitely at or near her biggest
Does anyone have this full video?https://coomer.party/onlyfans/user/cookie_bbw/post/421744156
Does anybody have this in full? https://coomer.party/onlyfans/user/cookie_bbw/post/576281629 Or any of her other recent masturbation vids?
https://we.tl/t-YuSWWYlAXO Enjoy! Bunch of vids
Can anyone re-up this? Found on spankbang but it's half glitched
>>92702 When she was at her heaviest, damn
>>92702 nevermind in my request, just got file from post above mine downloaded was in of the videos inside the zip file.
>>92707 You don't know, if she put some pillow into the clothes...
>>92726 kilofag conspiracy theory
Bump https://we.tl/t-FZjxPmSayS
Has she stopped putting out new content? Only ask because her co om er is like three months out of date...
Dunno if it was even someone here who did so, but the coomr has been updated. Many thanks to a hero!
Looking for “dreaming of a fat Christmas” Here’s a few in return, might take a few to upload if I did it right https://mab.to/t/jlgMd8EABJb/us2
>>113223 https://gofile.io/d/XmdDUm
>>113229 Thanks man!
Cant find her curvage’s page, it is still exist?
>>113244 Can't find it either.... Alltough her cookie_bbw of abd clareplussize of pages are still up...
>>113244 It does, I was on it today. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/profile/125378-cookie_bbw-%F0%9F%92%9C/&status=398756&type=status
I like how she has not really dropped any weight despite saying over a year ago she had to stop gaining for her health (unff).
>>117148 lmao she said she was gonna stop gaining, never said shit about losing
(1.90 MB 1080x1080 pizza.png)
and when suddenly I thought I had left the world of feederism, I found this and OMG that belly I think is growing again :D We just need to revive the coomer website :'(
Anyone have the funnel maid video?
>>123099 damn she looks good
https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/48866-weight-measurements-and-qa-2024/ Oh damn
Here's the new pizza stuffing... she's looking bigger👀 https://gofile.io/d/0PFdhB
>>126563 KING!!!
>>126563 not working for me anyone else getting 502 errors?
>>126611 1,400+ downloads lol. I’ll try reupping for u when I get the chance.
>>126611 >https://gofile.io/d/0PFdhB nope, worked fine for me just now
i think she is back because the model thing won't work like she thotd (less $$$$$), but anyway i love she is back and she start to eat a lot like the first time and i hope she bloat like the pizza/pepsi/red cheek makeup video, my god i think is the most stuffed moment in her life
Posted a new video already?! This time it's subway. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/50042-stuffing-myself-with-subway-%F0%9F%90%B7/
I want to make and share her entire collection but we'll need 1. Reups 2. Whatever anyone has or is willing to buy 3. Files named by dates I'm working on what I have and I'm willing to buy so let me know if anyone's down
>>127813 https://mab.to/t/VxIPhyf4pQ1/eu1
>>127813 Here's what I've managed to collect over time, none of them have dates and some don't have titles though- https://gofile.io/d/1AikAB
>>127829 Much appreciated I'll start organizing them
