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Letakelsie / scotiansmiles Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 14:54:55 Id:4dfd01 No. 79392
Leta’s thread went down again. Any idea why? Someone posted a link I didn’t get to just yet.
>>79392 Prolly cuz there's no content posted. And she's not doing anymore modeling. Even if it was nothing, I wish someone posted whatever she had from her OF return. Well, here's what I have to contribute. Long live Leta, fattest girl in all of Nova Scotia. https://we.tl/t-ixki34e4we
Tried opening that link a dozen different ways with no luck
Disregard previous haha
This girl messaged me on feabie cus we live in the same city
>>79482 How'd that turn out? She looking for action?
>>79491 she wants to fulfill your wildest sexual fantasies at your earliest possible convenience
Lol, this girl is about as vanilla as they come. Too bad she has an amazing body. It's wasted on her.
Lol, this girl is about as vanilla as they come. Too bad she has an amazing body. It's wasted on her.
Hol up what got deleted
I saw some her personally shared videos floating around. Would love to get those! I heard shes sent hundreds of pics / vids out personally
>>79394 I missed this. Could we have a re-up?
I have watched on Youtube a video where she put her belly over a couch or arm-chair, bounce it. But it was not her own channel (rather recorded from her Onlyfans contend).
>>80637 Motherfucking HERO.
>>80637 disabled for me.
Had to upgrade my Dropbox. Only temporarily disabled
Dropbox keeps disabling
maybe give wetransfer a go? im not sure
>>80658 Say's link temporarily disabled (might happen with too many daily downloads)
>>80658 Try posting your things on Wetransfer. It's easier for everyone to download them.
>>80710 Wow! Great items here. You have some I don't have, but I also have some photos you don't. Here's all I have of Letakelsie: https://we.tl/t-05VqKTCGmv
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>>80823 >https://we.tl/t-05VqKTCGmv Rather disappointing, I will be vulgar with you. 2 of these aren't even her and so many of the rest of the pics is tiny, what is the uickfgn point?
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>>80835 Wow 2 out of 200 photos aren't her. Who cares?
Some of the nudes shared today are being posted on here for the first time (I think), but I'm sure that so many of us have them from our chats with her over the years. The shots showing her beside 'normal' people are so helpful to really get a sense of her true size. She's enormous.
her fat sister is kind of hot too
The nudes on the bed. WOW
>>81119 Missed it. Any chance you can re-up?
Please reup
It never ceases to amaze me how she gets new people to message her all the time and she will talk to them like they are the only one she’s talking to. Send nudes, claim to love, and then once you give her what she’s looking for she will self implode and ruin everything lol. Last step gaslight her victim and on to the next one. claim you'll never be loved and you’re good to go with the Leta Lowthers effect
>>82779 I've talked to her a few times and I gotta say, there really isn't anything there. She's just not that interesting. I can't imagine being in a long term relationship with someone so dull. It IS a little pathetic how she will throw herself at anyone she likes though.
Yeah it's a real shame. There's potential there physically but it's like talking to a brick wall. Zero personality and honestly a bit "slow"
Sounds like she’s just your typical BPD & cluster B narcissist, explains why nearly all the pics on her wall are of herself 🤷‍♂️
Please re-up
>>83084 i remember having to explain to an ex that yes, surrounding yourself with pictures of yourself, as your wallpaper, forcing it to be mine, pictures all over your walls, IS in fact narcissistic, not "confident" lol insane how ludicrously dull and lacking those people tend to be. like talking to the color gray
I just tend to look at these babes as eating machines designed to provide sexual pleasure. Who cares if they have a personality…if I wanted companionship I’d get a dog.
>>83293 Best Laugh of the Day so Far, You are Appreciated!
>>83264 wait till this guy hears about facebook
Please re-up
She was told me she has sex tapes. Were?
>>84637 how about asking her? why do yall want to keep talking about this chick?
>>84637 She'll probably just give them to you if you ask or pay her a little something. Some of these women just have videos of themselves saved for people they like & want to fuck or ones they can get something out of.
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Looks like she's getting bigger again. Don't think the thigh rolls were that prominent before.
can we get a re-up of her OF stuff?
It’s hard for a girl like her to lay off the junk food. Without WLS the pounds will pile back on….she was made to be super obese.
>>88197 I don't know if there are any studies or surveys on extreme childhood obesity, but that seems to be the case for girls like Leta. She was definitely 300 or so when she graduated high school and just fucking ballooned from there. Sure she lost weight a couple of times but those pounds always found their way back. She's cursed to be this huge without surgery. Fuck even with surgery it's a toss-up. I know personal anecdotes aren't worth a damn here, but it can't be a coincidence that most of the girls I met that got WLS when they were young never stayed thin. Some looked goddamn blobbier than before.
If she was a feedee she’d be bigger than Haley.
>>88240 This is revisiting past conversations on here, but I think (deep down) she WANTS to be a feedee, but is struggling with the idea of giving up her government career to do so. She needs to accept that she was designed to be a massive eating machine. I've been following her for 5+ years now, and she's tried and failed some form of weight loss several times now.
>>88243 I think, given what the consensus about her personality and online presence, is that she knows she's got admirers because she's so uniquely obese and that's enough to put gas in the tank to stay fat. If she had someone she's wild about reveal he's a feeder, she'd probably eat herself silly. I think I remember reading her ex eventually dated Adeline and we all saw how that went. I can't explain why she's attempted to lose weight but if I had to guess her family may have promised her rewards like vacations if she made an effort, since she ballooned back up after any Instagrammable trips. I don't think she's been under 400lbs since college. I don't think she likes being so fat, but if it gets her attention I don't think she's complaining too hard.
How does someone “date” a 700 pound woman?
>>88246 Re: family -- she's got all the hallmarks of a trainwreck. Major daddy issues, and both her mom and sister are fat (but not her level of fat). I think the desire to lose weight is mostly career-related: she is very well-educated, and has been groomed for a public service career for more than a decade. People are more inclusive now, but you're not getting a top post if you're 500 pounds (particularly as a woman).
>>88249 Shes well educated but that doesn't mean she's smart. Girl made an Onlyfans with her first and middle name. Idk if it was her dream to do public service but she does have a career and that's all that matters. I remember some people were talking about her running for office in another thread. Can you imagine being represented by the fattest girl in your area?
>>88251 She's definitely done some working cleaning up her name online. Last year if you Googled her first and last name one of her nude videos would come up. Not anymore. She's attempting some image rehab after the massive blunder of using her real name on OnlyFans.
>>88253 I still think enough damage was done to exclude her from public service, unless StufferDB complies with what I'm sure have been several requests by this point. After all, searching her username will still lead to enough to expose her. But as far as working her way up with the program she's working with, it's not out of the question. I can't speak to how ambitious she is but she's doing well for herself at least. Part of me still wants her to blob the fuck out on camera, just full on give into her binge eating.
Her feabie says she “down” to 502
>>88251 I'll always vote for a massive ssbbw if on the ballot.
>>88283 I wanna see her tackle widespread obesity by volunteering to eat all the greasy fatty foods herself.
>>88284 ....if elected.
>>88285 She’ll do that anyway, elected or not. Call it volunteer work.
She’s a whopper.
>>88265 Whether she's losing or gaining, she's still fucking massive compared to normal women.
>>88335 Yes. But she should really really consider picking some other style of eyeglasses. Those damn squares make her look like she's 55+ And it's literally just those damn glasses. She is young and beautiful otherwise.
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Afatvikingbabe, Hailey and Letakelsie should form a fat Coven.
>>88335 Her friends/coworkers are all hideous, good god
>>88864 You have very high expectations of Nova Scotia
>>88852 Is she still making content?
>>88251 >Shes well educated but that doesn't mean she's smart. Girl made an Onlyfans with her first and middle name. It was such a bizarre opsec fail, especially coming from a girl who didn't come across as the usual dumb trashy OF hoe, that I always wondered if there was a deliberately self-destructive / flirting with danger aspect to it.
>>88869 No, she's just dim-witted. She kept the same name from her Instagram, made an AllMyLinks page and linked it from her Instagram, and didn't see any issue with it prior to it getting canned. She already used ScotianSmiles before as a username on Feabie have worked. Honestly, talk to her for a little bit and you'll see for yourself she doesn't have that much to say. Being 500+lbs was legitimately the only interesting thing about her.
>>88874 She's fat with glasses, and probably worked hard in school (despite being dumb). So people told her she was a smart/bound for greatness, cuz they couldn't tell her she was beautiful. So she's spent her whole development believing she was a smart cookie headed for greatness. The fact her career has been stagnant is a pretty big marker of that.
>>88877 She was headed for circus lady fat. That’s what she was headed for.
>>88877 Those glasses has to go. Seriously. Pretty much any other form would be okay. This ones are so bloody ugly on her.
>>88877 >>88878 I think that's the case with a lot of people that grew up at the turn of the century - they were told they were special and could do anything. And then there's Leta, who was probably the fattest in her class, being told she had a lot of potential and a great personality because she wasn't going to win beauty contests (unless the judges were FAs). I think everyone really didn't think she was going to do much except get much fatter. So she went to college like everyone else did, got a degree in something, and worked desk jobs like a lot of us unremarkables - something sedentary that anyone could be trained for and she doesn't have to move around. I think if anyone was expecting anything, it's that she would have a heart attack by 40.
>>88877 Her background actually showed her achieving quite a bit in school (I originally found her through pics posted on non-FA sources), so much so that I was surprised to find that she actually did things like OnlyFans or Instagram posts that showed off her fat. I have never interacted with her, so not sure how "dumb" she is, but it is entirely possible to be smart but socially awkward, which could make you come across as stupid or uninteresting. Maybe that is the case? Here is an example of what I mean - http://www.globalvision.ca/gva (she was a Global Vision Junior Team Canada Ambassador and seemed pretty articulate. Definitely not the sort of person you would expect to end up with an OnlyFans page (though 500+ pounds seemed pretty likely, even then) - http://www.globalvision.ca/gva.
>>88335 I like how in the first image, her massive gut is eclipsing like half of her friend's body
>>88972 That’s it. I’m going to date her, so everybody stop talking about how hot my future gf is
>>89009 I’m gonna impregnate her first lol
Has anyone here fucked her?
It’s >leta kelsie But for some reason I always read it as >let kels eat
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Please re-up
Tbh I don’t see her as being dumb per say, I think she was short on cash and seen modelling as a way to make a quick buck and essentially retire from her day to day job. As someone who has fed and fucked her she was a sight to behold at her largest! Thighs thicker than my waist and an ass that speaks for itself! (Still cable of being fucked on her back tho!). Without getting into her personal life too much, I do love how she says she doesn’t eat alot and she blames genetics for being obese, over the last year she’s come to terms with her binge eating tho! In that respect I find her dumb, too dumb to count calories that is! Leta is destined to forever be a blob of a woman. She has had chance after chance to change and ate them away! She’s at the point of no return and I can’t wait for her next binge eating spell! >>79392
>>89360 Yes! Fucked at her largest! >>
What we COULD be seeing if she found the right man. I also clipped her out of the morph and tried to superimpose it on the latest IG post. Her feet were a bit stubborn so I gave up. Anyone else wanna take a crack at it?
>>89818 She will end up immobile it’s just a matter of time! As she gets older her knees will give way (I suspect in the next 3-5 years) and that’s when she will expand until something gives in! She’s too greedy to change her ways now…
>>89838 Something about your candor, I think you're writing fanfiction here.
>>89842 Can’t quite recall her age (32 I think?) but it’s common sense that the older you get the harder it is to lose weight, that and her being a bit of a failure leading to comfort binge eating and she’s at 512 pounds now! (I once seen her break down in tears and swear she would never be over 500 again)
>>89818 The funny thing is my neighbour looks like her face wise, not body, but 95% exact same face...
She keeps like 20 men on retainer at a time but you can tell when she’s having issues with one of them because of the boundaries posts she’ll throw up lol. Every time she posts some heartbreak or in her feelings posts. Weight goes up. Truly she’s one male letdown away from 600
>>89883 Facts! Funny thing is she used to fat shame her sister lol her mother must be be so proud she has too fat blubber girls
>>89991 Okay, this I have a hard time believing. Leta has always been noticeably fatter than her sister. The idea of fatshaming your younger sister while probably being 100lbs heavier takes some pretty big cognitive dissonance. I don't think Leta is THAT hypocritical.
>>90005 You can't analyze Leta through normal parameters. She has learned that positive attention in her life comes from being enormous and gaining weight. So while she while she probably deep down wants to be a more healthy weight, the only male approval she has ever received (MAJOR daddy issues) has been from gaining weight. So she strings dozens men along at a time to chase that high. I'm sure many of us have played that game with her.
>>90007 She's aware enough that losing weight and being thinner is something to be desired at least, so I can't imagine she would tease her sister for being fat when she herself is significantly larger. Seriously this reads like fiction, the same guy pushing this diatribe excited about her becoming immobile since 32 is too far gone to successfully lose weight, apparently.
>>90012 She's never gonna be immobile. It's too bad she's waffling on the hardcore gaining, because she's built like a brick house. With her age, build and how well she carries being 500 pounds, I bet she could make a legit run at 800 pounds. Someone needs to get themselves to Nova Scotia and wife her up.
>>79392 >>90012 Oh 32 is not too far gone to lose weight for sure, but I think it’s too far gone for her she’s stuck in her ways! (I’ve personally seen her turn down paid for weight loss surgery, and let’s be honest she won’t stop eating too much anytime soon)
>>79392 >>88878 Want to see her shove a cucumber up her pussy then eat it? It’s a rare video of leta eating a vegetable for a change
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She just posted on feabie and Instagram “looking at going away first week of October! Any ideas on where to go!? Would you come with me!?” So all of you dreamers have your chance now. Be money ready
Something tells me she doesn't have much going on in life. I'm not terribly active on Snapchat and we never really talk (echoing an earlier post where she doesn't have much to say), but whenever I post on there she's almost always one of the first people to view my story. Imagine my surprise when she removed me as a friend lol
>>93973 I can identify a lot with her (besides being so fat) -- you make your whole personality being smart and scholarly for so long, and then you get a boring-ass day job and suddenly you are just an empty shell. You can tell from her social media posts that besides a couple vacations a year she just kinda exists.
>>94084 This hits close to home with being smart and then just having a job, but I don't think she does a lot of social stuff either. Not to knock on anyone who likes sports either, but most of her social media story posts are F1, basketball, hockey, or baseball highlights, so I'm wondering if most of her time off work is just watching sports. Rarely ever is it with friends, but there are updates about family things. Kinda makes me wonder how many friends she has. I'd want to be friends but either she really doesn't have much to say or I got the cold shoulder.
>>94087 You can tell from those sports posts that she doesn't actually watch the sports. Just the social media highlights from front-running teams. She was a big Raptors fan, then a Lakers fan, then a Mavs fan... When she does post pics with friends, it's like a reunion with her friends from school. I'm not gonna knock her for this because it's similar to my life, but she seems lonely. Not many social opportunities in rural Nova Scotia.
>>94089 Yeah... wonder if she has any hobbies or has tried to get into anything, y'know? If what you're saying is true and she's only watching the highlights, then I guess all she's doing is scrolling through Snapchat, IG, and TikTok. And since that's boring as hell after a while, I can't imagine how hard it's gotta be to stave off her binge eating. Shit, her blowing up to 500lbs makes a lot more sense now. Wonder if she's ever considered moving to somewhere a bit more populated? She's gotta be near Halifax, right?
>>94091 IIRC, she's like an hour drive from Halifax. Which despite the known name is not a big city. Probably a real opportunity for someone in this community to step in to be her sugar daddy and move her away.
>>94093 Not the worst idea, but she used to date Adeline's beau right? Fucking imagine if we saw her gain like we did we Adeline - she'd probably need a crane to get out of bed. I imagine the lack of personality is a factor - I'm friends with a few SSBBWs in the community and it's a coin flip on whether they can hold a conversation, but if they have their own interests it helps move things along. Adeline looks like she at least has her own interests to keep her engaged with her bigglooom modeling and goth style, whereas Leta seems like the type to want attention but not so anything to warrant it or seek out excitement, so that's a no from me.
>>94094 Big-time daddy issues. Seeking constant attention from men, but can offer nothing in return. Would be a struggle to keep up a conversation. You'd have to hope the sex was good. Buddy made quite the upgrade from Leta to Adeline.
>>94098 If what I'm reading in the thread is accurate, she sounds like a pillow princess. So the sex might not be that great aside from getting to bag a whale. Wonder if there's any truth to her having a sex tape then, or even a masturbation vid. I'd cough up some money out of curiosity.
>>94099 She gave up on the modeling almost 2 years ago. If it hasn't surfaced yet, I doubt it will.
how do you know her ex is dating adeline?
>>94094 >>94098 You sound like quite the catch yourself.
>>94360 That was rumored a while ago, I don't remember seeing proof but then again I'm not on Feabie
Bring it back for the nudes
>>79392 >small boobs Yuck!
>>98630 Small tits on a fat girl just make the rest of her look bigger
we need this years update for the Snapchat archive. Did anyone save them?
She’s looking huge on her recent IG post 😍
She deleted her Feabie I think
>>104183 Yeah, she looks bigger than ever. >>104191 Willing to bet she'll be back soon
>>80831 Does she have lipedema
>>104216 Re-up of >>80823 https://we.tl/t-e0D3R4aULx
What is/was her OF?
Who's deleting posts here? I posted pics of her from Instagram last night, but the post is gone. Very annoying.
>>104473 It included a child. Not the one who deleted your post, but don’t post shit with children in it.
>>104373 LetaKelsie
Her OF content isn’t on OF or Coomer. Does anyone have anything from it they can share?
>>104474 That is ridiculous. I could understand if she posted this on a personal page, but it was on IG, for goodness sake!
>>104688 And this is a porn site fucktard. No children
>>104688 Dawg. No children. If the next 100 photos she posts on IG have her holding a child, none of them end up on here. Capisce?
And they're gone from her IG
Anyhow, she has gained weight, that was visible on the photos
>>104691 The elegance and wit of the prose of posters here is beyond compare... :)
I’m gonna fuck her. Anything I should know?
>>104940 She's a crazy person. Very self-centred. Will adjust her likes and interests to what she thinks the person she is interested in will want to hear. If you're serious, be careful bro.
>>104953 Be careful? What, is she going to chase after you?
>>104961 No, she's a nutcase, used to anyway.
>>104940 Don’t get pinned.
Thank you for the advice. She’s way fatter in person, right?
>>105293 She almost certainly follows the comments on this thread, knowing her personality. So if you are serious about meeting up with her, maybe limit what you say before you blow it for yourself. Just go in with the mindset of banging her and having a good time. She's not the relationship type, so don't go on that wild goose chase.
>>105302 Leta if you're reading this thread give us a sign Share something by Taylor Swift to your IG story idk We miss seeing more of you
>>105302 lol is she fatter in person?
I know she went on a date/trip with a guy in an Airbnb in Toronto, she freaked out at his at the second day or something and stayed alone in the Airbnb for the rest of the week. cuckoo.
>>106147 Details?
>>106147 Does not surprise me at all. Poor guy paid for a week and likely didn't get to bang her.
There’s no shortage of simps willing to throw money at these girls. I never understood why
>>106157 Because they're hot due to and/or in spite of being ridiculously fat. Even with the general population of the Western world getting fatter on average, it's still rare to find a super obese girl over 500lbs if you're into that. Only issue is these simps forget is it's even rarer to find someone over 500lbs who doesn't have emotional or mental baggage that got them to that size. Even the ones that aren't covered in tattoos and piercings still have some deep-seated reason they're that huge - they're just able to hide it better on social media. Guarantee even the most well-adjusted SSBBWs have something to hide. There's a reason why you rarely see posts of her with another man, and it's not because she has a shortage of suitors. I know it might be rich to read that here of all places and the stories above might all be fake, but you can't look at that and her somewhat frequent story posts about being lovesick and think she's not scaring them off.
I briefly communicated with Leta, and she has some major daddy issues. Which is sad, because I don't think she is able to form normal relationships. She is constantly flirting, looking for attention -- but doesn't actually want to form real connections/relationships. Which explains why she let that dude fly her to Toronto and then push him away. She got off on the attention; she didn't want the intimacy.
This is honestly like an encounter group. Some really sad wanna be psychologists on here.
>>106165 She truly is a fascinating case. Incredible body, but truly bungled her brief entry into modeling. And has clearly kept her toe in the water of this community in some respects, making some interesting choices.
Is she fatter in person?
I can’t wait to see updates from her. I bet she’s bigger now
She’s fluffy af
Just wow
>>111377 Don't I feel stupid for thinking she stuck to a diet
Is she getting bigger?
>>106152 she doesnt strike me as the escort type?
>>111596 I am not OP but i assume "paid for a week" was referring to the AirBnB someone rented for a week to stay with her, only for her to freak out 2 days into the visit, rendering the remaining time in the AirBnB a waste.
>>111598 She definitely gives off "afraid of commitment" vibes, especially if it was just a week with an AirBnB. I don't know the full context or anything but I can see her doing that and making it weird or tense.
From the BBBXXL thread. Weird how someone thought to include Leta, a girl who was on OnlyFans for less than 2 months collectively, on a scale with girls who have been at this for fuckin years. Who here did this?
>>112731 Leta probably isn't the best example you could put there but I'm pretty sure the graph is simply about how truthful SSBBW can be when reporting their weight gain. I don't think there's anything wrong with the examples really, although perhaps there could be an extra category on the right for the more dedicated gainers like Tara or Hailey/GingerBunny
Without WLS Leta is a 700 pounder for sure.
>>112735 I don't think she has had WLS. She's bigger again now, compared to last year. I think she has periods where she focuses really hard and drops weight, and then she gives up. She definitely doesn't like being fat -- but she is fat, and she loves the attention. If you gave her a magic button to be skinny she'd push it for sure.
>>112736 I think >>112735 meant she's destined to just get bigger as a net result of weight gain/loss unless she gets WLS. I'd go conservative with 600, but the point still stands: she's such an addict that she won't be able to help herself but blow up.
I just hope she shares with us all
Is she fatter in person?
Patiently waiting for her return
>>120451 Looks like she's lost some weight
>>120455 Milwright & distro crazy combo lol
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The contrast...
>>120805 go Mavs! ❤
damn, she's got to be nearly as big as ever, right?
>>120860 Definitely looking bigger. Those knee rolls are fucking epic.
>>120860 >>120879 It's a shame really...she could be making some of the greatest content pit there if she wanted
>>120880 She's clearly decided that a career in the public service is better than a 10-15 peak as a fetish model. Which, maybe she's right? She can probably make $80-100K Canadian + benefits and pension living in a pretty affordable area.
>>120891 Kinda sucks she's not able to do both. Like I get why but when you hear about other models being able to hold down a job AND stuff themselves on camera, you wish others didn't have to make that choice.
>>120892 I think the feasibility of that really depends on the nature of the (non-modeling) job.
>>120897 Totally. Very feasible for a random working at a call centre or a Wendy's. Not so feasible if you have a public facing role in government. Poor Leta is already walking a fine line, with nudes out there in the ether.
>>120900 Yeah, I hate to rehash what's been said, but she genuinely shot herself in the foot by making her OF model name her actual first & middle name. Now you can argue she can neither go back to modeling OR get too far ahead in a public servant role. Granted she's working at an employment center so it's not like she's being groomed for public service or anything, but any future background checks are going to show more than what's polite to bring up in conversation. It's a fine line indeed when you consider her role is public-facing and she's not some nameless bean counter in a back office.
>>120901 She definitely has a ceiling on her potential public service advancement, given that nudes are out there easily connected to her name. I think people would be tolerant of someone with regular nudes, but fat porn is a bit odd for the average bureaucrat.
Would love to meet her. I bet she looks massive in person. Photos just don't do most SSBBWs justice.
>>120916 She really doesn't seem like she has much of a personality tbh. Like I know you wanna just see her in person to really get a feel for how huge she is, but I don't know how long I could keep up that encounter personally. I have an opportunity to travel to Halifax coming up but I'm hesitant to see if she'd want to go for a date if it's just going to be awkward.
>>120918 Bruh, you are not marrying her, just bang some fat fold and call it a day.
Leta definitely does not seem to be losing weight, and may be packing it back on based on her latest Insta posts.
>>120924 She’s an amazing person. She’s so big because her body only grew to accommodate a heart so large. If she could save the world she would in a second.
>>121289 damn! She does have a big heart, that girl should go back to making content, she is losing money
>>121279 😍🤩
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Wonder how she got such a good job
Still wild to me how she is by and away the biggest person in her circles. It's not even a contest.
>>125134 If you look at any female friend group of 5-6+ women, there is always one outlier who stands out. Either in terms of appearance (like Leta), or is of drastically different background. The truth is that most women like to keep one oddball around so they can say, "times are tough, but at least i'm doing better than my single, 500lb friend". Haul her out to the pub with you and you suddenly seem a lot more fit. Leta may not actually have anything in common with these other woman but was their friend/roomie in college and has just kept hanging around. Sadly the more you get to know about Leta, there is just nothing of substance there.
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If by “biggest” you mean the fattest, then yes
Anyone know what Leta weighs at the moment?
>>126064 Her last weigh in was 515, and she doesn’t look like she’s gotten bigger. She posted something a few months ago about losing a bit of weight intentionally but by the looks of things, she has either gained it back or didn’t lose it in the first place.
>>126064 She's not in the scene anymore. So we won't know. But she clearly let's people fly her to their city for a weekend of fun. I hope Jamie in Toronto got to hit it.
>>126069 To my knowledge, her highest weight was around 550, but that was a while ago.
>>126204 I think she was near 600 at one point, but that was years ago. To the best of my knowledge, she's been holding steady in the low 500's for the last few years
>>126204 561 is her highest recorded weigh-in according to the vids
>>126217 Judging by her latest pics, she's probably high 400s at the absolute lowest. Girl is a TANK.
>>126229 I'd guess she's in the low 500s right now. With her build I actually don't think she could ever go sub-350 without medical intervention.
>>126227 Do you have the vid at all?
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Kinda blurry from the zoom in but looking large
>>130141 She's absolutely fatter than ever. I don't think it's close.
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Fuck's sake, her thigh is as big as her chubby friend. Whatever diet she was on before, it's well over now.
Her upper arm is the size of her friend’s waist
>>130141 >>130183 Goodness gracious she’s attractive rn🔥
>>130183 It is called lypedima
>>130279 it's called fat. My gf has too bigger diameter in thighs than my waist and calves allmost as thick..
>>130281 She’s built different
>>130290 My school had a girl like this when I was growing up. Leta's just built big. Big frame. No matter what -- even with WLS and Ozempic -- Leta would never be "small". Linebacker body. It's a big frame + a lot of fat.
>>130281 That are lymphoedems, you can google it... Anyway it is not true, that slimmer friend is almost twice as wide as the leg
