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SSBBW Emma Anonymous 04/21/2023 (Fri) 13:48:03 Id:b6d16a No. 79512
Wanted to get a thread going for one of the more underrated models in the game. She’s been gaining a ton lately right along her friends Lisa Lou and Summer Marshmallow. I’m sharing five of her vids, none of which I believe have ever been shared on this site. This upload includes videos of her fucking, sucking, taking it in the belly button, teasing you with her fat, and more: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzgyU25kWFUwWTVSblYwV0M5MWN6ST0= I am interested in any videos you might have saved of her, but particularly the “Our Sloppy Stuffing” video that she recently made with Wilson: https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/201495/27406103/our-sloppy-stuffing I hope you all enjoy the videos and have a great day.
>>79512 Quality Post, Quality Drop. Nice! Ill share some later, i ripped while subbed to her OF.
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>>79512 Thanks king, this is the best drop I’ve seen on here in some time. I hope someone gets around to uploading that sloppy stuffing video because it looks crazy hot.
>>79516 Yeah, she’s real dream girl material. The type that’ll suck you dry with remnants of that day’s stuffing still strewn across her fat tits, lodged between her sweaty folds, and tucked inside of her cavernous belly button.
She and Lisalou used to be roommates…can you imagine what the floor joists are like in that place?
Honestly i love their content but imma hold off until 1 ir 2 years before i really crave or buy their stuff. The moment they hit 600 and pork up to 700 will be golden.
what is all the drama behind her, in twitter all the e-thots are made at her lmao
>>79574 Where've you seen that?
>>79574 Interesting there are so many women on bbwchan, dead give away because there's no way a man would care so much about drama and gossip.
>>79560 Wow, that apartment sounds like a feeder’s dream. I’d try and keep them both fed and satisfied and see if I could feed them both to 650+ pounds…
>>79633 No kidding, I'd work as hard as I needed to to make sure this shit was locked down. These are hot, fat roommates that have gained hundreds of pounds since meeting eachother.
>>79645 There will be a day, likely in the not too distant future where both of these hogs will be pinned down to a sofa, taking up the entire thing themselves. I could easily see them pushing well over 600lbs together, in roughly the same timeframe
>>79645 Wow, must be something in that hair blinding agent
yo I've never been envious of some dude in a porno, but that shit looks fuckin awesome. I love this- he's got a bed made of soft sexy girls, rawdog buried to the hilt in wet pussy, free hand on emmas doughy belly.. once he hops off the girls are layin there, panting, moaning and giggling.. he's standing there talkin bout "damnnnnn. I need a water.. YOU TWO ARE HOT AS FUCK!" santa-god, if you're listening- I want a nice week filled with filling my mouth, hands, eyes and mind with multiple sexy fat girls and filling them up with me.
>>79633 forrrreal. I'd do a lot to enter that sweepstakes. shit, I've almost gotten killed over a parking spot half a dozen times.. this seems like a much better endeavor to pour ones life energy in.
Ooph, I'm too late. Any chance of a few reups? I've wanted to check Emma's content out for a long time, it figures I'd miss it lol These two gaining pigs are adorable and hot af
Can someone reupload the drop?
>>79780 >>79803 OP here. Going to reup this one more time but it would be really nice if someone else uploaded something, there's so much of her content that has never been shared before. p.s. Here's to hoping she doesn't stop until that belly hits the floor
and here's the code YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlaUmxKTFNYWXhOM2hRY3k5MWN6ST0=
>>79873 Thanks champ
Does anyone know how much she weighs?
She’s into the 4’s but I don’t know exactly.
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To get this thread rolling again here's a collab with Emma and Wilson YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzl0T1hrelRXeHZUazVOTmk5MWN6ST0=
>>85234 Just stop
Damn, Emma's belly is just getting huge these days. Can't get enough of her VBO in those denim shorts that barely make it around her waist. Don't know who's feeding her but he's doing a great job.
She’s getting big…not as big as Summer Marshmallow tho…she really ballooned recently
>>85055 Reup?
>>85332 I don't know, they definitely seem to be a similar size but if I had to guess I'd give the edge to Emma. It would be an absolute dream to have them both laying on the bed like that waiting to be fucked but I certainly know which one I'd dive into first.
Nah…Summer is bigger…she confirmed as much.
>>85588 Sauce?
Also would love this thread to get rolling with content so here's a fresh video that's never been shared where she shows off her fat pussy. WVVoU01HTklUVFpNZVRsNlkwZEdkV0V5U21oaWJXTjFXVEk1ZEV4NmFHdE5iVkl5VEROYWNGcEhWblpNTTA1NldXMUtNd289
>>85658 But its a decade-old Kelly Kay hardcore video... on spankbang. Seems like you've encode the wrong thing.
Wilson is too opinionated and not really a feedee. She’s chubby bit hasn’t gained in years…it’s all an act with her.
Who have this clip https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/32150-nurse-degrades-ssbbw-patient/
>>85700 Sorry, I must have accidentally pasted the wrong link. Here is that fresh Emma video, a GFE where she showcases her fat pussy. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzl0WmxSTVZEVkZXVnBMY3k5MWN6ST0=
I know most people am aren’t into these type of vid but does anyone have this vid? https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/201495/27489635/super-fat-fart-compilation Here’s jackie and a few other vids in exchange https://we.tl/t-yYG52oA3V5
>>85588 Summer always struck me as kind of a hanger-on... seems to only post videos with other models... for my personal tastes she's a little to sad and saggy for me... videos are pretty weird too... hope Emma continues to work with more exciting models like Wilson and LisaLou... and yes I'm aware that LisaLou is the one who got Emma into modeling in the first place, just saying...
Is it me or do I get the feeling that this thread is dead?
>>86026 For me i alway liked Summer, her Belly is literally one of the best, hence her name. But her solo content is lacking some basics imo
>>88939 Yeah fart guy did the thread in
Does anyone wanna share the recent denied by trainer or fat body comparison vids?
Let's get things back on track with some content. Here are three brand new Emma vids: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlMVlRGUmJXTk9WMmwxUXk5MWN6ST0= 1. Only 26 and I'm Already This Fat 2. Good Piggies Eat Out of the Trough 3. Behind the Scenes with Summer and Wilson I hope everyone enjoys, Emma has got one of the best, billowing apron bellies in the game and someone has been feeding her quite well because it's been sticking out further and further lately. Sharing any new content from any of these models would be much appreciated, even though Wilson is much smaller I love her pear shape and desire to be just as big as Emma and Summer. https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/119504/27491443/emma-wants-to-watch https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/119504/27413773/date-outfit-for-feedee-roommate https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/119504/27680025/mutual-gaining-goes-too-far I hope everyone has a nice day.
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>>89722 Thank you so much for the excellent upload. Oooof, Emma’s belly is my absolute favorite, what an incredible shape and belly hang. Agree with you about Wilson, she’s very sexy too.
>>89722 Unironically I think both of her friends are cuter.
>>90093 https://mab.to/t/2Ip9xuwF7ik/us2 (Lesson: repeated spamming and begging works)
I saw it asked earlier but does anyone have Emma’s denied by personal trainer vid, here’s what I have to offer https://we.tl/t-nh5aRSWooG
>>89722 reup?
>>90696 Can I get a reup?
>>92532 I’ll reup if you upload the vid I was looking for?
>>92669 sorry couldn't find it >>90735 YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV1F4ZDBsSlVXSm1lamc9
Something new?
Can anyone reup the Only 26 and I'm Already This Fat video or can anyone tell me where to buy it (couldn't find it on manyvids)?
https://coomer.party/onlyfans/user/ssbbwemma/post/633633016 Link to 26 and already this fat
I remember when she was like 40 pounds heavier than LisaLou. Now she’s probably 40 lighter. That’s an 80 pound swing right there
>>95292 How long ago was that? I doubt the gap now is that large. Anyone have Emma's weigh ins?
>>95292 Idk what their current weights are but Lisa blimped out like right as she left BigCuties. Last year must have piled on like 60 pounds at least, and she looks fatter lately.
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>>95304 Blimp out sounds about right. This side profile is crazy. What is she gonna do if that belly gets bigger? I wonder what she weights nowadays
>>95308 Gotta be pushing 5 bills. Last summer I think she did a double weigh in before/after a trip and she started at like 450 and ended like 458 I think? She looks much bigger since then
The difference is in the legs. Chicks with big legs always end up weighing more. Lisalou is a true feedee who really wants nothing more than to get fatter. Not sure Emma is the same.
>>95327 50lbs in around a year is a lot. I guess we'll know when the weigh in drops.
>>95345 I think theyre both into it, Lisalou just does a better job showcasing it in her videos. I'm just glad Lisalou stopped working with Summermarshmallow, as she's mid and irrelevant, but Emma is obsessed with her. She's posted like twenty videos with summer over th last few months. Hope the mid-ness doesn't rub off on Emma too much
They’re both into it but Emma is a natural gainer who just goes with the flow because she has no other choice. LisaLou was skinny and is obsessed with getting fatter and it’s taken her a long time but she’s overtaken Emma by a good margin at this point.
>>95463 LisaLou wasn't into it until she realized she was a natural fatty and put on weight like no one's business, and found a lot of success despite a really rocky launch with BC. She's probably okay with it all now, I can't imagine she hates how she looks anymore.
>>95464 You’ve obviously never chatted with her but she’s been obsessed with gaining for years. Look at her younger pics. She wasn’t even chubby. Getting this fat from that starting point takes real effort.
>>95345 This. Same reason Sadie looks like she weighs 250 pounds from the elbows up when she really weighs twice that.
>>98895 That one has summer marshmallow in it. She ruins every video she's in. If it has just been Emma and lisalou I would have bought it
>>107466 Nah, that guy is 100% spot on, summer is trash. Ruins every video she’s in, all the models know it and for some reason they keep collabing with her. She’s probably the closest thing we’ll ever get to an industry plant, lol. Always making obnoxious sounds and says the weirdest shit. Really distracting. I’ve passed up on quite a few videos over the years when I saw she was in them.
>>107522 Trash isnt the word!!!!! Im done.
>>107466 Yeah but her face ain’t it
>>107644 nah her face is cute doesn’t ruin her like Ivy’s
sumthing new:https://mab.to/t/yxKREW0fMCx/eu1 OP (or anyone else) can you please reupload your clip collection from her? (nothing from Coomer/OF por favor).
>>116420 Thnx a lot anon
I like her face…also the fact that she and Lisa are having an unspoken competition about who is going to hit 500 first.
>>117270 no stop fucking begging, didn't you see I uploaded something before requesting a thing.
Ayo, if the thread is dead. Can we close it please?
Can someone share Secretly Feeding Your Stepmom
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>>128510 https://gofile.io/d/qZ0n0r First weigh in, immobility fantasy and part 1 of stepmom series. I’d like to see parts 2 & 3 if anyone has them
>>128623 Thank you so much!
Why is there no summer marsh videos on bbwcahn?
>>128666 Because summer marshmallow sucks.
>>128677 L take
>>128677 imho she's pretty underrated, her Belly and size is pretty dope ngl
>>128666 Theres no videos of summer marshmellow on here because no one buys her videos. Or videos tha thave her in them. And no one buys her videos because everyone knows she sucks lol. I made the mistake of buying one years ago and haven't made that mistake since
>>128731 L take, she has good videos.
