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Slob, vore, muscle, etc

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(67.36 KB 963x580 slobbin mama.jpg)
Post slobs lolis Slob lolis 02/27/2023 (Mon) 01:40:32 Id:0e65b6 No. 32596
If you guys have any slob lolis post them here. and if you wanna rp my discord is Messy momma~#1174
Source for the board image?
Not sure I forgot
>>32607 It's an edit of a piece by Jimman https://www.deviantart.com/mask-de-jimman/art/COM-Learning-the-Food-Pyramid-With-Cooking-Mama-5-431475611
Why hasn't there been any slob lolis?
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Hotty by ddoraing13
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(2.60 MB 3391x1707 morepeni.png)
>>32660 Fat, slobby lolis are a fetish within a fetish within a fetish, so it's hard to find stuff that fits.
>>32777 Nice, sauce?
>>32788 https://kemono.party/patreon/user/16539457/post/36485289
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First pic spoilered for soiling. Also, if anyone wants to rp with some slobby lolis, add me at Fat Fuckin' Bear#8940
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I hope we get more soon. if you can draw, pls draw some and send them here.
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>>34278 Artists of these images?
>>34341 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/19945333
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>>36651 yo, does shysho do scat alts? where can we see them at?
>>36662 That's my own personal comm from him. I'm not sure where/if he posts any scat pics, but he's definitely open to extreme slob stuff.
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Anyone got more from dmsfdm?
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>>37405 Source?
>>37421 Personal comm from RAIZENGAX. https://twitter.com/raizengax
>>36615 Artist?
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(3.48 MB 3156x1928 SPOILER_Elsa_Gas_Powers.png)
>>37703 KennMatsuru. I'm interested in commissioning him at some point.
Any artists down there, please contribute
>>38629 like what
(2.56 MB 3259x1770 1561607633548.jpg)
Here u go I'm not the artist
(1.36 MB 3116x1640 IMG_1398.png)
Have this
>>37730 Who drew the last two here?
>>39357 They were drawn by Da-Fuze, who also drew the first Lip pic here. >>36651
>>39365 Really? I remember them from about a decade ago, they've improved a lot since then.
>>38637 source?
(83.25 KB 963x830 129_a_by_pkmshn_dg2m92f-pre.jpg)
>>40078 slob lolis are just so cute <3
>>36206 who is the artist?
(136.40 KB 640x384 SamuraiHack03-3.jpg)
someone should make a discord
that'd be great. I love roleplaying as a slobby loli
>>40351 what is your discord?
>>40406 blobtobe#4131 Id love to get some RPs going
freklel45 not sure how this discord new name thing works lol, but thats mine
(284.65 KB 956x975 kannaslob.PNG)
figured id make a little somethin.
>>40728 Cute blobface
>>40349 unfortunately discord doesn't allow lolis, but you could technically call it something like "Slobby Shorties" and just a disclaimer that everyone is 18+ in the art
>>40730 I can do more if ya like, any suggestions?
>>40749 Obese peni parker from spiderverse farting?
(8.75 KB 184x274 download.jpeg)
>>40749 Wendy Testaburger has this line in Fractured But Whole where she mentions something about being on her 3rd plate at a seafood buffet. Wouldn't mind seeing something lile that where's she's stuffed, bloated, and farting
>>40413 what's your discord? I couldn't add you >>40756 omg yeah <3
(222.78 KB 1082x1786 1661620284138882.jpg)
>>40749 I would love a cute slobby Koharu blobface from you, also hose-fed
>>40749 Assuming she counts as one. I'll suggest a slobby blobface Maka.
(3.84 MB 2900x2500 90823 alt.png)
>>40728 Can I add you? My discord is yurio3886
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Illya booty <3
>>40728 You gotta discord? I'd love to see more of your works!
>>40756 >>40756 I second this. we need call girl eating crab people
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>>41737 Oh damn that's way better than what I tried to do
>>42841 Ho made the first image9
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>>43373 Indranjheta. Made some great stuff a couple years back before unfortunately nuking their Twitter account.
(3.38 MB 3644x1360 image.png)
>>43379 1st holy shit I have no idea how I fucked my question up so bad. 2nd do you have more of their stuff? Or is there an archive?
>>45562 Source?
>>46304 I do not, and I don't think there's a collective archive anywhere. I know that he also drew a Midna pic at some point. >>47588 Another commission from Raizengax. I love those Game Tengoku lolis.
>>46304 I know that artwork, that's probably either mrwastemaster or wasteLARDZ on twitter
>>43379 I recognize that artwork, it's either mrwastemaster or wasteLARDZ on twitter
Is there anymore stuff of Pan from Dragon Ball?
(4.78 MB 2233x3162 7eLvqfET.png)
Another great commission done by Raizengax to end the year off with. I look forward to commissioning more slob lolis in 2024. I like how the detail of the mother holding the receipt in this image could be interpreted in a variety of ways, like either the father is insane and spent his life savings on McDonalds, or the daughter found her parents' credit card and ordered it all herself.
>>49605 did your commission come with a non scat version by any chance
>>49606 No, sorry about that. His Xitter account also got suspended not long after delivering it to me.
>>49605 >>49608 Does he have any other websites where he posts his art?
>>50146 Looks like he made another Twitter account. Also has a Discord and Pixiv. https://twitter.com/drawerofs3x https://www.pixiv.net/users/58961499 Note that he's not primarily a slob loli artist. I like commissioning him because he's one of the few artists that I've come across that will draw just about anything.
Fuck you werent kidding, most of this shit is absurd
Currently getting a commission done by WAリでし. I'm interested in how it will turn out, since I've never seen her really do blobs before.
>>50651 what's it about
>>50652 I requested for her to do an assorted image collection featuring 3 different characters. Minky Momo, Princess Silver (Crayon Oukoku), and Dejiko (Di Gi Charat). There should be images of them both normal sized and slob-like. I didn't really request anything complex scenario-wise as slobs, just for each of them portrayed as massive, immobile slobs with a big sheet of slob pics to reference from.
>>50655 getting a retro vibe from the character choices, looking forward to it
Can anyone draw Kanna being a digusting slob? My discord is yurio3886 Dm me if you can draw fat slob Kanna
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Incredibly niche kink
>>55457 New york killing off people faster then nursing homes. Enviroment is everything for a healthy peaceful long life
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Source is DarkmasterN.
>>55641 There they go hating on bro & sis again. For doing right things in life.
>>55641 nice, always appreciate more of the powerpuff girls
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>>55641 love that 3rd pic <3 kanna's so huge but she's so greedy and still asking for more <3 really need to watch that soon
>>56452 I missed KennMatsuru. Its just that I don't have access to their DropBox folder anymore.
Any Toph? >>56459 Did he delete it? or did you delete your search history or something
(2.43 MB 4067x3000 comm 013e-5.png)
(856.22 KB 4200x2854 toph 1.png)
>>56742 nevermind, found it myself https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yopujozo8wbcvvt/AADCudmpEpdu6WlZjE8qTCEIa
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>>57511 Oh yeah, I see the Loli Burger thing. I remember there were other artists that drew art of that concept too, wonder if anyone still has the rest.
(9.88 MB 1080x1080 Blossom audio edit.webm)
Great audio edit by an anon from this board
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>>57764 Did this Anon make anything else? Loli or not I'd like to see it.
>>59306 here >>57337 you might want to check the audio threads too
>>51670 i sent you a friend request
(489.52 KB 4096x2978 Ey9cmcFVcAE5YvG.jpg)
>>59429 Source for the first one?
>>36666 Source?
>>59749 Da-Fuze, it's in the filename
>>59752 Ah gotcha. Wonder if there's more fat of them. I also got some renders featuring her but they're pretty lame.
>>59848 you might as well share them, this thread is pretty dead
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Alright, here's just one. I might make a Hat Kid thread if I do feel like it. This'll lead to a possible slob thing. (If I make one that is. And the fact I made this on Paint 3D is unsurprising to me.)
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loli bumpp
>>32797 i know its an old post but did you change your name anon?
Anyone wanna rp still? Send your tag if ya can
>>63705 What are you into?
>>63705 Are you a feeder or feedee?
>>63931 Could be whichever, but I’m a feedee :3
>>64178 add me then thegiantunknown
(90.44 KB 827x468 unsee.jpg)
>>37053 i need unsee juice
>>64802 Cracker
10 year olds aren't allowed on this site, retard
>>37053 Does anyone remember this artist's name/twitter?
(3.42 MB 2664x2968 image.png)
>>66223 Is there a non messy version?
>>66223 Source?
>>66223 amazing >>66226 looks like raizengax
>>66229 Yup, another comm by Raizengax. I'm surprised he posted it on his twitter. >>66224 No, sorry. Either way, I don't think I've seen anyone else draw the girls stuck in their bedroom windows before.
>>66230 Can ya link to his Twitter? For the life of me I can't find it.
>>59869 You know what we need more of? GAMM Fart Content
>>66537 https://x.com/drawerofs3x
>>66230 Well that was a damn fine comm you got, lots of detail while still remaining in the show's art style yet not 100% on model as to not feel dull/flat. Great work all around. >>66543 Definitely, I'd kill for more of Andrea
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>>57764 >>67932 Slob blossom is so good
There was an artist who drew very fucked up slob hentai with lisa simpson, with health issues etc and in style very similar to original, maybe someone still have it
>>67937 Yeah. I'd love to spend hours making out with her gargantuan, dirty butt, among a whole bunch of other filthy things.
>>64802 Bruh. It's not that bad... I requested that even...
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>>32596 Is your discord still the same? Im definitely interested
>>32596 I’m interested in RP too. Making sure if your Discord name has either changed or not.
(586.22 KB 1794x1788 charliesketch2.png)
does anyone have the slob alt/followups to this old pic by xanderdwulfe? everything but the base pic seems to have gotten deleted a while ago
Does anyone got Fat, slobby loil from dmsfdm?
Hey everyone add me at professionalbunny for limitless slobby loli rp/discussion
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(1.22 MB 1628x1925 gwen charmcaster.png)
Anyone got any artwork they drew/requested/commisioned they want to share? feel like it's been rather dry out there (these were drawn by KennMatsuru)
>>72971 Sauce for that second one?
>>59867 What's the source of the 2nd
>>74580 @WasteLARDZ on twitter
>>32706 Source for the 2nd image?
>>76475 An old Darkfireballz image that was cropped for BHM reasons. Don't know what account it was posted on, but considering that artist got all his Nanako stuff sent to the shadow realm it's probably not anywhere publicly anymore.
>>66223 Been a while since I commed it, but this image, especially the top interior view, is simply too perfect.
>>77830 >Buttercup's fart is dry >Blossom's fart is wet >Bubbles' fart is REALLY wet I guess that makes sense.
(9.89 MB 5760x3960 Fionna 17.png)
>>77830 did you comm any more artwork?
>>78010 I'm just patiently waiting for Raizengax to reopen for comms again. There's a lot of ideas circulating in my mind, but there's also a part of me that kind of wants to comm an expanded comic sequence of the PPG pic, where some male character(s) come into their room and indulge in their butts in a completely hedonistic manner.
does anyone here take request? I got some ideas I wanna share in the form
>>78983 >does anyone here take request? sure, go ahead
>>78994 (with scat, messy eating), lisa simpson being stuffed with cake, Lilo eating chili fries Sophia being treated like royalty the power puff girls Misty being fattened by ash I want all of these to have messy eating and scat
(4.78 MB 2233x3162 IMG_1316.png)
>>79146 i wanna please pass me the direct link
https://discord.gg/uU49z5KB Link server here
>>32596 discord say to you accout not work
>>47588 hey wanna chat in discord?
>>79299 Can you post it again please
can someone make slob art of Dora or the Harvey girls?
(279.46 KB 960x732 dora.png)
>>81462 who drew this?
>>81462 i did, and no, i don't have any a place where i post
(39.02 KB 495x912 Render-Dani_Fenton.png)
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>>81465 Oh damn. You take requests big man? would love to see you give the same treatment to Dani Fenton
(644.31 KB 1768x1264 dani.png)
>>81468 Yooo that's so good, very fast too. Can't thank you enough for this man seriously, I love it
>>81462 You have a discord?
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Might as well make a request before this thread gets swarmed. Can you draw moon rabbit cookie, she's pretty underrated when it comes to fat art despite the fact she's a confirmed glutton.
>>81468 Nice stuff! Would you be willing to do Henrietta?
(324.36 KB 468x481 Henrietta-biggle (3).png)
>>81476 Shit forgot pic
>>81471 dumb_b3ll >>81472 >>81477 i have no interest in cookies or south park characters.
>>81495 so they don't get their hopes up thinking i'm working on it
>>81496 Think you could do Zee? With an ass focus maybe
(723.15 KB 720x795 IMG_3521.png)
>>81496 Can you give the same fat slob treatment to Penny (The Rescuers)?
(839.29 KB 1988x1844 zee.png)
(43.57 KB 576x720 Profile_-_Lisa_Simpson.webp)
>>81496 Do Lisa Simpson perhaps...?
>>81514 apologies, not interested
(54.58 KB 424x777 Sarahjimmy7ue.png)
>>81494 Fair, any interest in eene characters? Wouldn't mind seeing a naked sarah
>>81516 >>81494 Do you do scat stuff?
>>81517 i don't find the designs appealing >>81518 nope
(31.27 KB 225x358 download (14).jpeg)
>>81512 Think you could do a blob Becky from Wordgirl or Mustache Girl from A Hat in Time?
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>>81521 Chances for a gassy Andrea blob?
>>81494 Damn that's unfortunate
(318.11 KB 1116x738 penny.png)
>>81504 here >>81521 >>81524 these are good suggestions, but unfortunately my time off is over
>>32596 so guys, i need people to join this server RIGHT NOW, so please :)) https://discord.gg/cvCF9Aev
>>81512 Thanks dude! You’re the first to draw her I think >>81524 Seconding this one
>>81537 Out of curiosity, do you have a pic of Mertle without the discord link in it?
