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Hypnosis and Weight Gain Anonymous 08/30/2023 (Wed) 14:56:27 Id:9a8bba No. 42588
Post any pics with people getting hypnotized to grow big and fat.
>>42588 >hypnosis Glownigger fetish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra
>>42589 >goes on alt thread >complains about alt fetish being there
why don't hypnofags just make edits of various fat art pieces to suit their shit kink? almost no skill required, just slap some purple color in the eyes and throw in a few lines of cringy dialog
(166.87 KB 1328x2200 49758 - SoyBooru.png)
>>42590 Well... i am absolutely NUTS!
>>42589 >>42591 >There's a thread on this board that's unironically dedicated to robot001 who's one of the worst artists this fetish has ever seen. >GMOD/SFM thread is mostly garbage tier furry renders and male content >Every single draw/edit request thread is mostly just full of autists begging for the same shit over and over again. >Multiple dead on arrival threads with unstainably niche or bizarre subject matter pop up every month, thanks again to the autists >Mystique Sonia fag has returned and been allowed to post freely on alt unchecked >PvZ thread exists and has already been derailed by autists begposting for fat of plant from the local drawfag All of this shit is happening on this festering cesspool of a board and never gets called out for being so disgustingly below the quality threshold, and yet somehow tame hypnosis stuff is what draws immediate disapproval, vitriol and mockery from people. I don't even have anything funny to say here, this board and its userbase are genuinely pathethic. Alt is on a continous downward spiral to hell.
>>42631 >>42632 shit fetish, consider joining the CIA
>>42632 >>42631 Love these! I love the thought of perfect gals getting so dumb and fattened up
>>42635 MKUltra but fat fetish?
>>42635 Cope seethe and mald. Go look at fetishes you actually enjoy then
>>42730 love how lost those last two look <3 >>42669 first and last are so good! skinny gals getting so ruined and lost in gluttony
>>42589 >>42594 sage goes in the email field to be effective, newfag
>>42588 Who made these pictures?
(97.68 KB 1069x706 skiptty confused.png)
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I am a normal motherfucker with a dick that likes hypnosis kink porn and I am PROUD
>>44651 Looking at images like these genuinely starts to dull my brain lmaooo, the brain rot is real
>>44651 I am fucking in love with how nickgam drew the body in the second pic. Dear god. Pear-shaped goodness. Like a marble statue...
>>44644 Artist?
you like hypno because you want a girl to become fat against her will, i like hypno because i like the idea of a girl who subconsciously wants to do nothing but eat and grow to be given the intrusive push they need, we are not the same
>>44661 I'm waiting for these to like go somewhere, but whoever's commissioning them just wants pictures of girls walking around.
>>42629 >the very existence of loli and Violet Beauregarde threads which btw is illegal in many locations
>>50054 They're drawings anon (The lolis) Take your meds.
>>49258 We actually are the same, Anon. I'm into hypno as a kink because it forces someone to give into their subconscious desires.
>>50056 >it’s not weird to jack off to children if I draw them!!! faggot.
>>50098 Hell no signing off.
>>42629 its not like alt had a strong leg to stand on in the first place
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>>58788 Corny ass nigga
>>58798 kike
>>58788 Imagine making the conscious decision to visit a coomer chan, read the entirety of a months old thread and then systemically tag every single post in it just to make a borderline schizo post baseslly saying that hypnofags are worse than people who commit actual sexual assault on children. I know shit-flinging, malding and sperg-outs are typical chan behaviours but jfc this is especially pathetic. And all because you're a fragile little snowflake who can't tolerate the mere thought that other people enjoy a fetish that you dislike. By every objective metric that immediately makes you more pathethic than the hypnofags in this thread, not sure what you sought to accomplish here lmao And you just had to besmirch Gamma's good name with this too, for shame anon.
>>58788 If gamma was real he would not be your friend
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>>58823 Dress up as a clown and have sex with children and kill them
>>58828 pilgrims
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>>44661 The Passion Patties I get but the Yolkian mind control devices are just weird
>>69507 we need dc ladies
