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Draw/Upload your art Draw/Upload your art 03/01/2024 (Fri) 13:32:58 Id:417a85 No. 53626
Make your own stuff and upload it here. Anything is allowed, just spoiler it if you think it requires it. (Kinda curious to see where this goes.)
>>53627 that's for requests, this is (pressumably) for people who just want to upload their art without it being attached to a request, this way you don't have the same guy spamming requests because this isn't the thread for that
>>53629 Yeah, that's what I want for this thread, shoulda clarified
>>53629 >Thinking that this thread will actually be civil because it isn't explicitly for requests. I pity your naivety. Literally every single drawfag I've seen who's posted a unique work to this board without prompt is almost immediately sniped by someone who badgers them for their other works or asks them for a unsolicited request. It doesn't matter what context it appears in, the braindead coomers that make up a considerable chunk of this site's userbase will pounce at any opportunity they see to get free art. I appreciate the nobility of OP in making this thread, but honestly it's a retarded idea. Having a dedicated thread like this will only amplify the issues I've described above and there aren't even enough drawfags active on the board to sustain this with content.
So.. I can post pic about my ocs too?
>>53659 Yeah >>53644 Also, calm down, I’d rather we suffer the consequences of our actions without warning thank you
>>53676 I am calm anon. I just called your idea to make this thread retarded, because it is. >'I'd rather suffer the consequences of our actions without warning thank you' What. So you'd prefer to look like an idiot rather than listen to warnings and advice from others? What.
What happened here lol Also here, B-Side Opposition i did a while ago (I'll draw GF later maybe)
>>53716 Yes.
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fresh art hot off the press
>>53742 That's real good, I like how you conveyed the thunder thighs and her chubby face
>>53742 Saved, she's cute and nicely shaped
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My oc with a growing rear. Her name is Verglas.
>>53758 Glasses? Say her name u pussy we all on here nice dinner
>>53629 Draw threads are for requests and uploading your own art until mods can be moved to stop the dispersion of the userbase.
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sketch of thunder thighs breaking a folding chair (plus muscle chic if ur into that), enjoy.
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This usually isn't my forte, but I just felt like trying my hand at a blobface pic. This is an OC of mine named Amber, and she's usually not this big. I guess you could call it a moment of extreme self-indulgence
>>54644 She was about to have a good summer. Then soon to find out her man still fucking with that bitch. Oh man air or hydrogen. She is going to balloon lol
>>54651 Well in fact.. its just a stuffing pic of a femboy
>>54666 you're responding to a bot post, notice how it has nothing to do with your drawing
>>54643 Full canvas?
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Something in pregg-res
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Yeehaw I did
>>53742 That’s cute, you got a discord account? I wanna do a request from you.
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Meh sure why not. Here are some of my art.
>>55323 Sweet! Can you send me your discord account? I wanna talk more about it in DMs, mine is biker_buckets#1702
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butt shelved bitch
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Did this for the Draw thread- wha do you guys think? (I know I can't draw fat legs)
>>55324 I usually don't use my discord, is more death than ever,
>>55464 You did an awesome job, can you make a sumo martian queen?
>>55482 How many sumo Tyr’ahnees do you need?
>>55483 Well, enough to make a weight sequence of how she passes from a stick to a butterball.
>>55487 I ain't doing your request
>>55483 five
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got bored and i draw this
>>55837 Epic
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>>56753 Male shit does not belong here.
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>>56758 Sorry about that in compensation the female version xd
>>56753 >>56759 Good stuff
>>56777 Lapadul said new faces months ago. I didnt forget. Because that uptick got quiet around the time I called. Clowns
>>56778 Listen to lap
>>53627 This. >>54622 And this.
>>57672 You dont have pictures of their kids because you dont come around. When ppl ask you you have to lie.
>>57672 Are you new to image boards?
>>55382 Source?
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>>59710 >post your own artwork thread >asks for source
>>59714 >asking for the artist in the most backhanded way possible
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>>61571 Furry board, this is not. >>61573 And fucking blueberry. How hard is it for your people to stay in your own boards?
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>>61576 Hey this is my own art It counts so leave people alone!
>>61580 It's dog shit
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I played bioshock series and I decided to draw this out.
>>61580 Doesn't fucking matter. Furry has it's own board, post it there.
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Sweaty butt shelved bitch
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Not enough Nemona out there, so I took it upon myself. Nothing amazing but yeah.
>>61595 Holly molly, never seen something like this before, really great job OwO
>>61611 Thank you. There really is a shortage of little sister fats. Surprisingly how popular the game series is there’s barely any fat Little sisters art or stories
>>53627 We need to stop random draw and artist threads.
Guess who?
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Guess who?
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>>61595 Do you take requests? I had an idea for some fat art and I was wondering if you were interested?
Here's a thread of my art, check it out! https://bbw-chan.link/bbwalt/res/59141.html
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Something i did some time ago
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