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(560.78 KB 2229x1511 IMG_20231127_230221.png)
Komi San 2 Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 13:14:41 Id:584987 No. 188509
>>222925 Gotta kill yourself lmao
(332.65 KB 1564x1600 IMG_3609.jpeg)
>>223594 source pls?
(356.35 KB 2048x1358 IMG_3652.jpeg)
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(218.39 KB 1683x1114 GPFZqRVaQAAmmoK.jpg)
(3.54 MB 1683x1114 Komi facegrab.png)
>>224508 Who's the artista?
>>224517 Hehehegross, colors by Suitcat
(12.81 KB 654x546 20241014_220217.jpg)
Big and Fat Otori Kaede
(61.90 KB 654x546 29 sin título.png)
Big Otori Kaede and Fat Artist:@Qmitv_
Apparently Sadie is doing some like, VR set? Honestly not sure what the deal is, the account that's for the company that's doing it only has like 6 posts, I have no idea what their deal is lol. Curious what it'll look like, though.
>>225253 oop, wrong thread lmao. No idea how to delete it.
by Better with Salt
>>214409 Source?
(354.97 KB 1080x1468 IMG_20241123_064041.jpg)
Someone hace the full version of this? Why it looks so fucking hot https://www.deviantart.com/reuhain/art/Komi-Halloween-surprise-1116141587 https://patreon.com/reuhain?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_fan&utm_content=join_link
(25.51 KB 532x671 GdEt8vRXYAAaIla.webp)
>>231462 I'm 90% sure the only difference for the patreon one would be lack of a bra. Seeing nip isn't enough to make it worth it imo.
(31.29 KB 554x670 GdMwk2pWUAAFcAj.webp)
>>191908 OG artist
>>232126 @bighammy9 on twitter.
>>232692 I love this piece, Komi's skirt is as big as a table cloth XXXXXL
(245.09 KB 1448x2048 20241130_123033.jpg)
Komi San greets Hito Tadano after the Halloween holidays and Hito Hito meets her with her new image
>>232704 Shitty drawing, learn how to draw properly first
>>232749 Hey, come on, that's a bit harsh. And they didn't even ask you for your criticism.
>>232775 I second this
>>232749 post art retard, surely you can do better.
>>232749 suck a fuck
(2.24 MB 3466x3477 Komi_Can_Burp-min.jpg)
>>232749 do better put up or shut up retard
(257.13 KB 1443x2048 20241208_181215.jpg)
Otori Kaede more fat
>>234183 Sauce?
(9.76 MB 3102x2057 Komi scooter sweat3.png)
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Spoiled for cursed Komi fat face lol
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>>245457 Jesus christ! They tumblr'ized Komi. They look hideous.
>>245478 Nah that's just the artist thing he just makes fatties but almost always makes them older (adding wrinkles thicker lips etc)
>>245457 Your whining touched my heart, anon i made a quick edit to learn to use a new program
