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(560.78 KB 2229x1511 IMG_20231127_230221.png)
Komi San 2 Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 13:14:41 Id:584987 No. 188509
Does anyone have a link to the person that made this? I can't find them on DA or Twitter, and Tineye has failed me
>>188513 https://www.deviantart.com/quetzaltecq
(228.64 KB 1200x1200 103796766_p0_master1200.jpg)
glad there's enough Komi out there to warrant a second thread tbh
>>188509 >>188509 Whis is the source?
(3.84 MB 3718x5724 KomiXL.jpg)
>>188656 BetterWithSalt
(92.37 KB 853x1280 IMG_20240305_172636_376.jpg)
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(122.41 KB 2047x1755 20240321_121957.jpg)
(419.27 KB 1981x1417 Otori Kaede Edit_20240323005356.png)
The original image is from plumpknight
(394.59 KB 2437x1235 7 sin título_20240323123122.png)
original image is plumpknight
(726.84 KB 3390x2010 8 sin título.png)
Original image is plumpknight
(59.70 KB 1024x576 shoko_komi_.jpg)
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(256.97 KB 1451x2048 GLv1AkQWkAAS8Qp.jpg)
Komi WG comic gonna be starting soon hopefully it'll go real big lol
>>198721 fun fact: the fifth image actually has Komi's right hand the wrong way around, her thumb should be the other way around
>>201423 >>198805 Is it out yet? If do please post it, i wanna see the comic
>>201424 doesn't show until the 15th
Not lost but does anyone have these in better quality please.
>>198805 Anyone have the first page of this? JuicyJuicy isn't on Kemono unfortunately
Could anyone share the Hehehegross piece colored of Komi san running and sweating, please ;)
(5.03 MB 1748x2266 Komi jog2.png)
>>202679 Thank you for this meal anon! Godspeed!
Anyone got this art but in better quality.
(167.84 KB 1280x1484 __by_zp_4_dhg6duw-fullview.jpg)
>>204513 what artist is this?
Does anyone have the two weight gain Komi comics posted in the previous thread? One was Komi finding a weight gain manga and going all out. The other was Komi falling for an April Fools joke but she couldn't stop gaining weight and eventually her mother started helping her gain even more weight.
(68.82 KB 828x1053 1.jpg)
ANOTHER Komi WG comic starting
>>205040 Also yea, here https://gofile.io/d/BuZ5AP
>>205366 ('_')7 thanks bro.
(647.77 KB 1505x2125 20240616_005257.jpg)
>>198805 Well, remember this comic? Well, it's already starting to become public and I must say that it looks promising. So if someone subscribes to the pattern and shares, that would be great. https://x.com/Juicy_Juicy0
(526.80 KB 1505x2125 2.jpg)
(294.24 KB 2000x2000 GR2kHCkWEAAEN3o.jpg)
(8.11 MB 3213x2559 Breaking_the_Silence.png)
>>188509 it finally got finished!
(766.53 KB 2501x3529 GStXCD2XoAAs3ip.jfif)
(709.76 KB 2501x3529 GStXCuDWsAEvf0L.jfif)
(703.65 KB 2501x3529 GStXDinWQAAp-uR.jfif)
(71.27 KB 1253x638 FYgFImDUEAEU78D.jpg)
If anyone finds more drawings of Onemine please post them :D
(444.18 KB 2500x2500 20240809_225203.jpg)
Need more onemine fat art!
>>214517 just fucking draw it yourself already.
(3.33 MB 3403x1759 komi_and_mangabi__dressed.jpeg)
(461.26 KB 3403x1759 nude_alt.jpeg)
>>217070 Stop reposting
>>217224 Kill yourself, clown
>>217229 But I don't understand, what's the problem? man you just insult me ​​but I emphasize what the problem is
>>217279 what'd you even do?
(1.39 MB 3000x3750 V.png)
(8.03 MB 4000x4800 Komi X.png)
>>217229 Look, I am the artist behind this piece, I don't understand what the problem is, I'm just publishing my art, I'm not asking for anything, I just want to expose my art to others. Also this drawing is a Remake, it is not the same
>>217286 I just want to publish my art that I made, but this bub doesn't want to because of his holy balls. I'm not spamming, nor begging for interactions, I just want to expose my art.
>>217287 Oh, that's a good remake! idk why it got taken down lmao Heres a FULLY new pic as well
>>217290 It's a beautiful drawing, but I wonder what happened to that bub.
>>217287 Yo I follow ur shit on deviantart, ur samus pic is fire. Are you still going to do a komi-san comic?
>>217330 That's what I'm planning, maybe the first page will come out after September, I want to know that this comic is something special and I'm working on the story and translating it into English, because I'm not Anglo-Saxon. In addition to academic responsibilities, they do not allow me to draw as I would like.
>>217388 Ah, dang, been excited for it for a while. Hope it goes well!
Where did you find the bra edit? I commissioned the original and never seen the edit before
>>217928 Bra edit?
(3.33 MB 3403x1759 IMG_9464.png)
Yeah this one i commissioned the original the nude one
(244.14 KB 2048x1846 IMG_3385.jpeg)
(313.83 KB 2048x1833 IMG_3386.jpeg)
(1.70 MB 2455x2065 komi2.png)
>>210972 sauce?
>>220756 Better with salt bro
gotta keep the thread alive lmao
>>222925 Gotta kill yourself lmao
(332.65 KB 1564x1600 IMG_3609.jpeg)
>>223594 source pls?
(356.35 KB 2048x1358 IMG_3652.jpeg)
(394.34 KB 1336x2048 IMG_3632.jpeg)
(218.39 KB 1683x1114 GPFZqRVaQAAmmoK.jpg)
(3.54 MB 1683x1114 Komi facegrab.png)
>>224508 Who's the artista?
>>224517 Hehehegross, colors by Suitcat
(12.81 KB 654x546 20241014_220217.jpg)
Big and Fat Otori Kaede
(61.90 KB 654x546 29 sin título.png)
Big Otori Kaede and Fat Artist:@Qmitv_
Apparently Sadie is doing some like, VR set? Honestly not sure what the deal is, the account that's for the company that's doing it only has like 6 posts, I have no idea what their deal is lol. Curious what it'll look like, though.
>>225253 oop, wrong thread lmao. No idea how to delete it.
by Better with Salt
>>214409 Source?
(354.97 KB 1080x1468 IMG_20241123_064041.jpg)
Someone hace the full version of this? Why it looks so fucking hot https://www.deviantart.com/reuhain/art/Komi-Halloween-surprise-1116141587 https://patreon.com/reuhain?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_fan&utm_content=join_link
(25.51 KB 532x671 GdEt8vRXYAAaIla.webp)
>>231462 I'm 90% sure the only difference for the patreon one would be lack of a bra. Seeing nip isn't enough to make it worth it imo.
(31.29 KB 554x670 GdMwk2pWUAAFcAj.webp)
>>191908 OG artist
>>232126 @bighammy9 on twitter.
>>232692 I love this piece, Komi's skirt is as big as a table cloth XXXXXL
(245.09 KB 1448x2048 20241130_123033.jpg)
Komi San greets Hito Tadano after the Halloween holidays and Hito Hito meets her with her new image
>>232704 Shitty drawing, learn how to draw properly first
>>232749 Hey, come on, that's a bit harsh. And they didn't even ask you for your criticism.
>>232775 I second this
>>232749 post art retard, surely you can do better.
>>232749 suck a fuck
(2.24 MB 3466x3477 Komi_Can_Burp-min.jpg)
>>232749 do better put up or shut up retard
(257.13 KB 1443x2048 20241208_181215.jpg)
Otori Kaede more fat
>>234183 Sauce?
(9.76 MB 3102x2057 Komi scooter sweat3.png)
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(1.37 MB 4700x4000 IMG_3974.png)
(1.38 MB 4700x4000 IMG_3973.png)
Spoiled for cursed Komi fat face lol
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(824.15 KB 1692x2022 IMG_1402.png)
(961.03 KB 4608x1974 IMG_5509.png)
>>245457 Jesus christ! They tumblr'ized Komi. They look hideous.
>>245478 Nah that's just the artist thing he just makes fatties but almost always makes them older (adding wrinkles thicker lips etc)
>>245457 Your whining touched my heart, anon i made a quick edit to learn to use a new program
