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Axel-Rosered Thread...11! Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 22:58:03 Id:7634d7 No. 209651
Last one got the X.
(495.71 KB 1650x2550 Demencia Pinup.png)
>>214126 this one?
>>213654 >No Corpse O Heena It's so joever for the manbaby diaper fetishists.
just when i thought axel was done with the diaper fuckery
>>214141 Yes, thanks.
Did anyone ever get that Seras Victoria sketch that Axel did?
Anyone have that Samus pack he did?
any comics?
>>215178 Thank you so much!
Kemono Update?
Does anyone have the pictures of a number of one piece girls as blueberries?
(427.12 KB 1950x2850 20240825_065524.jpg)
(396.19 KB 1950x2850 20240825_065521.jpg)
Anyone have the colored versions of these? I remember seeing them in another board
>>216670 hey do you have the one of palette too?
>>216757 Do you haave the megaman pics from here?
>>216771 Where’d you get this from?
>>216771 Exquisite. Nami and Robin content seems to be going up there with Panty & Stocking and Scanty & Kneesocks. Shannon and Harley Quinn too.
(993.51 KB 2222x942 IMG_6019.png)
(1.06 MB 2222x942 IMG_6018.png)
>>213279 considering the canvas size and the amount of stupid shit Axel has posted that anyone would have to wade through to find the one good high quality, you're better off removing the artifacts with a waifu2x denoiser or something anon
>>216670 These fat and preggo packs really are his best shit. Something so hot about seeing the same girl healthy, full of life, and unhealthily overweight side by side.
(329.66 KB 1034x1600 Image 27-08-24 à 18.36 (1).jpeg)
(433.21 KB 1036x1600 Image 27-08-24 à 18.36.jpeg)
(995.76 KB 2478x1600 Image 27-08-24 à 18.37.jpeg)
>>214869 either he's still really into it or 34cuker blackmailel rolling cutter or axel again for diaper art
>>216961 hey thanks man
>>216961 i missed these nice thanks for the uploads but was there a few more girls in this pack if so can you upload them
>>216985 i just scrolled up im dumb
>>216851 Is no one gonna update Kemono?
>>217057 It's down rn
>>216983 You are welcome
Does anyone happen to have this one in a higher resolution? I hate when Axel removes some of his old art
>>214022 Hell yeah brother, there’s always a chance for diamonds waiting in the other side
Hey so does anyone know of an archive of axels packs aside from ehentai cause im looking for this pack specifically. And no one has it or wants to post it i guess.
New Pack
(150.32 KB 1280x543 IMG_2039.jpeg)
(140.83 KB 1280x543 IMG_2038.jpeg)
(141.38 KB 1280x543 IMG_2040.jpeg)
(746.70 KB 1650x2550 Dorothy.png)
(652.56 KB 2550x1650 Dyna Girl.png)
(895.51 KB 1650x2550 Dyna Girl Ear Pull 1.png)
(1.07 MB 1650x2550 Dyna Girl Ear Pull 2.png)
(697.79 KB 2550x1650 Electra Woman.png)
I got it
(847.16 KB 1650x2550 Finii Fat Boobs.png)
(885.02 KB 1650x2550 Finii Swimsuit.png)
(635.48 KB 1650x2550 Furina Casual.png)
(969.73 KB 1650x2550 Ibuki Swimsuit.png)
(710.05 KB 1650x2550 Ikuko Tsukino Berry.png)
(1.03 MB 1650x2550 Kimberly Swimsuit.png)
(638.20 KB 2550x1650 Makoto Swimsuit.png)
(992.67 KB 1650x2550 Manuela.png)
(814.55 KB 1650x2550 Neptunia Booty Shake.png)
(862.57 KB 1650x2550 Misa Hayase.png)
(1.75 MB 2550x1650 Piper.png)
(779.11 KB 2550x1650 Piper Recline.png)
(942.56 KB 1650x2550 Psyme.png)
(1.10 MB 2550x1650 Ram.png)
(1.01 MB 2550x1650 Rom.png)
(749.65 KB 1650x2550 Shinomiya Butt.png)
(1.10 MB 1650x2550 Tail Red.png)
(704.28 KB 1650x2550 Tatsumaki.png)
(1021.12 KB 1650x2550 Usagi Swimsuit.png)
(723.00 KB 1650x2550 Spicy Back.png)
(763.00 KB 1650x2550 Spicy Front.png)
(653.84 KB 2550x1650 Spicy Nap.png)
(712.32 KB 2550x1650 Spicy Recline.png)
(727.34 KB 2550x1650 Spicy Sit.png)
Axel really is playing it safe huh Thx for sharing
Where the fuck is that Symphogear dude when we need him? There's no commissions in this pack
>no Kneesocks, Scanty, Panty, Stocking, Harley or Shannon Precisely fuck all value in this pack. I suppose the Sailor Moon pic is good.
I wonder if his current Kemono is just as bad. It needs an update
>>218598 I like this artstyle change, looks better than the new weird awkward way he draws fat women's faces
>no panty & stocking characters, harley FUCKING FINALLY
>>218647 >FUCKING FINALLY >a pack with zero value. Keep seething P&SwGlet
>>218602 Finally, some good fucking Sailor Moon art.
