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Axel-Rosered Thread...11! Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 22:58:03 Id:7634d7 No. 209651
Last one got the X.
Stop simping for Panty & Stocking you fucking goons
>>209656 No one tells me what I can or can't goon to!
Anyone got some of his old castlevania stuff?
>>209706 >>209707 >>209708 >>209709 With a third part coming up I’m looking forward to it.
Anyone got this one and also the Alear art the artist did.
Anyone got this in better quality?
anyone have the new pack?
>>209766 Thanks.
>>209812 nice was just looking for these
>same commissioner >same character >a paid for commission (because the dude pulled the Robin and Nami running pic again) that he now sells in a pack Axel didn't even bother to check the character.
>>209818 now that's a new one
These are edits I found much better than the original.
Do we want to post previous packs on here now?
(627.23 KB 1024x638 May copy.png)
(626.16 KB 1024x638 June copy.png)
Anyone got these packs?
is he better at handling commissions these days? I'm somewhat tempted to get something from him.
A lot of these threads are often complaining about Axel, just their style, focus and mad at how they repeat stuff. Maybe more of us should commission different stuff from them. Like characters they haven't drawn before or different scenarios/builds/etc. Like why not ask they do women from Eden's Zero? Or Plus-Sized elf, or Keijo!!!!? Or ask they draw sumo women? Or women that are bottom heavy/belly heavy/etc.? It just gets repetitive and is a slog if all it is is just complaining. I get it, they are repetitive with stuff and what they draw. Maybe instead of a complaining a million times about the same thing, commission them to draw something different. Maybe it can inspire them to be more different with what they draw.
It doesn't hurt to try and at least get them to do something different.
>>210457 bitch we have no money
>>210539 You're a stupid incel for saying that.
>>210457 You've said this before. The problem with giving Axel money and commanding him to do better is that even the people actually doing that aren't getting good results, and he'll just resell your commission in an image pack anyway. Not to mention, even the commissioners giving him good ideas aren't impacting the quality of his personal work, which there's a lot more of. There used to be actual themes for packs, sometimes they'd be themed around a particular comic or series. Now they are just a scattershot of random stuff.
(141.72 KB 1280x829 Axel-Rosered 10.jpg)
Does anyone have the rest of this sequence? I know for a fact there's more pictures, I just can't find 'em.
(706.37 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Maddy Bikini.png)
(730.35 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Maddy Secretary.png)
(834.25 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Grace Workout.png)
(1.03 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Daphne.png)
(1.03 MB 2550x1650 Balloon Grace PJs 1.png)
(1.00 MB 2550x1650 Balloon Grace PJs 2.png)
>>210374 Maybe Its May
(832.84 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Grace.png)
(898.75 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Grace Shorts.png)
(833.16 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Rebound.png)
(853.92 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Grace Sci Fi Business.png)
(835.77 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Maddy.png)
(880.63 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Grace Troubleshooter.png)
(685.49 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Mayl.png)
(753.21 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Sonia.png)
(801.13 KB 1650x2550 Fat Yuri Cat Panties.png)
(965.06 KB 1650x2550 Ball Mayl & Sonia.png)
(1.15 MB 1650x2550 Ball Yai & Luna Stuck.png)
(864.68 KB 1650x2550 Fat Kei Cat Panties.png)
(881.08 KB 2550x1650 Balloon Gwenpool.png)
(1.22 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Siki.png)
(1.31 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Mihoro & Fordola.png)
(1.93 MB 1650x2550 Fat Panty Cat Panties.png)
(1.69 MB 1650x2550 Fat Stocking Cat Panties.png)
(2.03 MB 1650x2550 Fat Ryuko Cat Panties.png)
(1.43 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Ryouga.png)
(1.02 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Solution.png)
(1.05 MB 1650x2550 Illustration Kim Possible.png)
(1.27 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Rogue.png)
(1.77 MB 1650x2550 Fat Rally Cat Panties.png)
(1.22 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Rosado.png)
(958.81 KB 1650x2550 Illustration Sorceress.png)
(1.15 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Alear.png)
>>211099 would appreciate it if anyone shared the summer pack anon asked for and also Gigantic July
>>211102 >Panty and Stocking as fatcats Good >>211104 >Pepsi-Woman Excellent.
Anyone got this pack?
>>211100 >>211101 >>211099 megaman fats nice
Does anyone have no more skinny girls 2 ep 5 and 11? they seem to be wiped off of his DA
>>211100 Hell yeah, these are all nice. Now let's see that June pack.
(199.66 KB 828x1279 a.jpg)
Does somebody have this pack?
>>211343 It's on the last thread, might have to use the wayback machine though
(223.96 KB 1024x638 deleting.jpg)
iirc this pack was in the x, anybody still have it?
Can someone post the new Patreon image?
>>210457 >Or ask they draw sumo women? I want more artists to draw sumos in general, realistic or otherwise cartoony.
>>211898 Same here, I feel there's something there that isn't fully explored. I do want to see mainly from artists whose styles aren't super cartoony or just plain amateurish. My hope is if Plus-Sized elf can inspired a BBW sumo manga. But one can dream can't they?
yeah I got it gimme a sec(fucking spelling mistakes)
Please post summer smash anyone has it theres some good stuff in it
(457.95 KB 1700x1100 31_Troi_Ice_Cream_Stuffing_1.jpg)
(492.32 KB 1700x1100 32_Troi_Ice_Cream_Stuffing_2.jpg)
(545.96 KB 1700x1100 34_Troi_Ice_Cream_Stuffing_4.jpg)
(336.46 KB 1700x1100 35_Troi_Ice_Cream_Stuffing_5.jpg)
(372.95 KB 1700x1100 36_Troi_Ice_Cream_Stuffing_6.jpg)
>>211038 alright risked getting a virus for these hope it's worth it
Can someone post the newest Patreon image?
Anyone have his most recent Felicia inflation picture? It was on the last thread
(137.23 KB 1280x905 2cb.jpg)
I have no idea where these come from. But the niche fetish grind I can respect
>>212799 >someone pays top dollar for this shit
>>212799 If memory serves those came from the Summer smash pack i think theres more in there
>>212801 And the jew even uploads them publicly, making MORE money from commission packs
Someone has the other girls dancing ulaula only i found the rouge.
Is there an archive with all of his packs? Ehentai only has his comics and stuff from his patreon and Anongts is down.
Anyone have some HD versions of some of his Mass Effect stuff. Particularly the sequence with FemShep and Liara
Anybody have that real old piece Axel made of Teela from He-Man being blown up like a balloon by Evil-Lyn?
(90.02 KB 1200x849 142916682116.jpg)
(100.34 KB 1200x849 142948861121.jpg)
(386.94 KB 2315x1637 142415134518.jpg)
(412.56 KB 973x822 141151272476.png)
(79.80 KB 500x707 1419408489437.jpg)
>>212844 You mean these?
Sorry if i keep spaming it but please can anyone who has the summer smash pack post it i want it for the megaman pics.
>>212856 Yes. Thanks so much.
does anyone have slayers miniscule?
>>212848 Here you go.
(801.03 KB 1650x2550 !Y_a9d7a9e6eae0717996dcfe8033.png)
(1.31 MB 2550x1650 !z1Power Girl Lunch Break.png)
(1.26 MB 1650x2550 !z2.1Power Girl Lunch Break.png)
(991.98 KB 1650x2550 !Z1.png)
(1.07 MB 1650x2550 !z2.2Power Girl Lunch Break.png)
(742.79 KB 1650x2550 !Z2.png)
(1.45 MB 1650x2550 =a_yunon_dapw1.1aw-pre.png)
(1.57 MB 1656x1070 =a_yunon_dapw1.2aw-pre.png)
(1.36 MB 2550x1650 0lx-N7I4WgAYF8.2Us.png)
(1.07 MB 1650x2550 0lx-N7I4WgAYF8.1Us.png)
(912.12 KB 1650x2550 0lx-N7I4WgAYF8.4Us.png)
(1.09 MB 1650x2550 1da0836cec05.2d96a62c9133e.png)
(1.57 MB 2550x1650 1da0836cec05.3d96a62c9133e.png)
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(1.14 MB 2550x1650 1da0936cec05d96a62c9133e.png)
(1.53 MB 2550x1650 4.2ucTcauXwAIeWMV.png)
(1003.16 KB 1650x2550 5n9.4.png)
(943.18 KB 1650x2550 5n9.1.png)
(2.07 MB 2550x1650 4.1ucTcauXwAIeWMV.png)
(80.38 KB 719x1112 tracer2.jpg)
(271.56 KB 1240x1754 daphne1.jpg)
(99.90 KB 605x856 daphneass1.jpg)
(780.95 KB 1650x2550 tracer1.png)
(269.06 KB 1280x1978 Pin_up_MC_Adore.jpg)
(505.93 KB 1650x2550 111837886_p15.png)
Does someone have the first image in better quality? >>209764
I know you retards deleted my message
(768.01 KB 1536x957 May Banner copy.png)
Anyone got this pack?
>>213240 Anyone got this pack
(1020.62 KB 1650x2550 Panty Passion Patties.png)
(1010.88 KB 1650x2550 Stocking Passion Patties.png)
(1.06 MB 3000x1650 Balloon Stocking.png)
(1.13 MB 3000x1650 Balloon Panty.png)
>>213430 Here are the good parts of the pack now stfu about it. Check the previous threads if you want it that badly.
>>213228 >>213229 >>213230 >>213231 This oc is literally the only good thing axel has going for himself
>>213431 Kill yourself, Panty & Stocking simp
>>213431 well guess im not gonna get the actual stuff i wanted from the pack then no archives of thread with it either.
>>213486 tbh if there's a panty and stocking drawing in a pack it at least means he gave a shit for once.
Does anyone have the old Battle of the Bulges pic of Mei Terumi vs Korra?
(1.55 MB 1475x918 Super Sized Summer 2024.png)
New pack
He makes good fat Panty and Stocking I’ll give him that.
>>213646 Far as I'm concerned the rest of the pack may as well not exist. Unless there is more Panty, Stocking, Scanty and Kneesocks. In which case it exists and needs to be posted.
>>213647 No this was the best part. Luckily I had some disposable money on me. But no this is it. Inless you want a turn around of Charlotte and DeeDee Pickles.
>>213647 Wow, you americans are really simple-minded...
>>213648 please just post the rest if you have it, there is absolutely more good looking stuff - can see the naga and mirko in the preview for example
>>213653 I’ll spare you guys the pig alts since I know we all hate them.
>>213658 bless you anon for sharing the pack 🙏
(990.95 KB 1650x2550 IMG_0753.png)
>>213656 What's with fetishists also being Slayers fans? Genuine question...
>>213658 >I’ll spare you guys the pig alts since I know we all hate them. Now if only the blueberry fuckers could do the same.
>>213658 Pig transformations of who? If it's Panty and Stocking I want em. If not then I don't care.
>>213696 Stop being a faggot already
>>213635 missing image of the winged jellyfish girl left stocking
>>213734 My bad
>>213666 Lina has a running joke of eating a lot in the anime, and Naga is usually also drawn fat because she's hot and her teasing nature can lend itself for weight gain scenarios so why not. I'm more confused about your statement of Slayers fans having a fat fetish? I don't really come across that much fat art of them to where I'd believe what you said is true. Most old anime with a bunch of fat art are usually the ones that are extremely obvious like Evangelion, Black Lagoon, Urusei Yatsura, Sailor Moon, etc.
>>213658 Speak for yourself man I want those alts
>>213762 Eh it depends which pictures get the alts honestly. I wish he would do a comic or a sequence or something for once. That's what these packs used to be they used to have a theme and a main attraction kind of deal. Now it's just random shit and comms. His art is the most polished it's ever been but he won't do anything more ambitious than this unless someone tells him to. And that shit costs an arm and a leg.
>>213656 hes clearly getting tired of the totally spies pics just threw on a hat and normal eyes
>>213658 Thank you, my good man.
The Kemono needs updating.
>>213773 Hopefully not. They’re what I look forward to now, weirdly
>>213845 i was on the same boat seeing different girls get the happy girls treatment but this laezel pic looked so rushed hopefully this was just a one off
>>213847 I wish we could see like a before and after, that'd be really nice. Still not a fan of the Jimmy Neutron brain device thing tho
>>213931 "Rolling Cutter Sketch Derby" Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time....
>>213657 >Fat Karin >Inflation sequence of the Stunt Dawgs girl never_give_up_digging_for_diamonds.jpg
>>213668 Fat/bloated berry can be pretty cute, it’s full round I have a problem with. Anyway I’ll never get why Axel caters to so many ultra niche fetishes when he can draw damn good fatties/bloats/preggos. Really squandering his talents.
Does anyone have the Summer of Roundness.
>>214048 Money is money Need less retards to commission him and more people commissioning good art I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, as someone who has commissioned him, at least 80% of the content in these art packs are commissions, either patreon or other
(495.71 KB 1650x2550 Demencia Pinup.png)
>>214126 this one?
>>213654 >No Corpse O Heena It's so joever for the manbaby diaper fetishists.
just when i thought axel was done with the diaper fuckery
>>214141 Yes, thanks.
Did anyone ever get that Seras Victoria sketch that Axel did?
Anyone have that Samus pack he did?
any comics?
>>215178 Thank you so much!
Kemono Update?
Does anyone have the pictures of a number of one piece girls as blueberries?
(427.12 KB 1950x2850 20240825_065524.jpg)
(396.19 KB 1950x2850 20240825_065521.jpg)
Anyone have the colored versions of these? I remember seeing them in another board
>>216670 hey do you have the one of palette too?
>>216757 Do you haave the megaman pics from here?
>>216771 Where’d you get this from?
>>216771 Exquisite. Nami and Robin content seems to be going up there with Panty & Stocking and Scanty & Kneesocks. Shannon and Harley Quinn too.
(993.51 KB 2222x942 IMG_6019.png)
(1.06 MB 2222x942 IMG_6018.png)
>>213279 considering the canvas size and the amount of stupid shit Axel has posted that anyone would have to wade through to find the one good high quality, you're better off removing the artifacts with a waifu2x denoiser or something anon
>>216670 These fat and preggo packs really are his best shit. Something so hot about seeing the same girl healthy, full of life, and unhealthily overweight side by side.
(329.66 KB 1034x1600 Image 27-08-24 à 18.36 (1).jpeg)
(433.21 KB 1036x1600 Image 27-08-24 à 18.36.jpeg)
(995.76 KB 2478x1600 Image 27-08-24 à 18.37.jpeg)
>>214869 either he's still really into it or 34cuker blackmailel rolling cutter or axel again for diaper art
>>216961 hey thanks man
>>216961 i missed these nice thanks for the uploads but was there a few more girls in this pack if so can you upload them
>>216985 i just scrolled up im dumb
>>216851 Is no one gonna update Kemono?
>>217057 It's down rn
>>216983 You are welcome
Does anyone happen to have this one in a higher resolution? I hate when Axel removes some of his old art
>>214022 Hell yeah brother, there’s always a chance for diamonds waiting in the other side
Hey so does anyone know of an archive of axels packs aside from ehentai cause im looking for this pack specifically. And no one has it or wants to post it i guess.
New Pack
(150.32 KB 1280x543 IMG_2039.jpeg)
(140.83 KB 1280x543 IMG_2038.jpeg)
(141.38 KB 1280x543 IMG_2040.jpeg)
(746.70 KB 1650x2550 Dorothy.png)
(652.56 KB 2550x1650 Dyna Girl.png)
(895.51 KB 1650x2550 Dyna Girl Ear Pull 1.png)
(1.07 MB 1650x2550 Dyna Girl Ear Pull 2.png)
(697.79 KB 2550x1650 Electra Woman.png)
I got it
(847.16 KB 1650x2550 Finii Fat Boobs.png)
(885.02 KB 1650x2550 Finii Swimsuit.png)
(635.48 KB 1650x2550 Furina Casual.png)
(969.73 KB 1650x2550 Ibuki Swimsuit.png)
(710.05 KB 1650x2550 Ikuko Tsukino Berry.png)
(1.03 MB 1650x2550 Kimberly Swimsuit.png)
(638.20 KB 2550x1650 Makoto Swimsuit.png)
(992.67 KB 1650x2550 Manuela.png)
(814.55 KB 1650x2550 Neptunia Booty Shake.png)
(862.57 KB 1650x2550 Misa Hayase.png)
(1.75 MB 2550x1650 Piper.png)
(779.11 KB 2550x1650 Piper Recline.png)
(942.56 KB 1650x2550 Psyme.png)
(1.10 MB 2550x1650 Ram.png)
(1.01 MB 2550x1650 Rom.png)
(749.65 KB 1650x2550 Shinomiya Butt.png)
(1.10 MB 1650x2550 Tail Red.png)
(704.28 KB 1650x2550 Tatsumaki.png)
(1021.12 KB 1650x2550 Usagi Swimsuit.png)
(723.00 KB 1650x2550 Spicy Back.png)
(763.00 KB 1650x2550 Spicy Front.png)
(653.84 KB 2550x1650 Spicy Nap.png)
(712.32 KB 2550x1650 Spicy Recline.png)
(727.34 KB 2550x1650 Spicy Sit.png)
Axel really is playing it safe huh Thx for sharing
Where the fuck is that Symphogear dude when we need him? There's no commissions in this pack
>no Kneesocks, Scanty, Panty, Stocking, Harley or Shannon Precisely fuck all value in this pack. I suppose the Sailor Moon pic is good.
I wonder if his current Kemono is just as bad. It needs an update
>>218598 I like this artstyle change, looks better than the new weird awkward way he draws fat women's faces
>no panty & stocking characters, harley FUCKING FINALLY
>>218647 >FUCKING FINALLY >a pack with zero value. Keep seething P&SwGlet
>>218602 Finally, some good fucking Sailor Moon art.
