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Civil Discussion Rebooted Anonymous 12/17/2024 (Tue) 13:47:12 Id:f818e0 No. 235655
Previous thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwdraw/res/229373.html Can't wait to see what a shit show this becomes. Before we continue, what are some of your favorite tropes in FA?
>>243110 Yeah these faggots come from FallenChungus' family tree of clout chasing cocksuckers.
>>243145 woah, discord smash drama, is that really the best opener for the thread? i lost interest instantly.
>>243101 He made a single shitpost and then dipped not long after. He even made a follow up post about how at most he's just reposting shit for his friends. You're making a mountain out of a molehill here.
>>243162 Christ this guy cannot make up his mind like a woman.
>>243145 I'm not familiar with either party of this, Anyone got a tl;dr for this edition of nigger faggot tranny whining?
>>243162 >Guys listen to me. I'm not coming back >Seriously, I'm not coming back >I'll use this account to post a shitpost, but it doesn't mean anything really >Okay I'm reposting some stuff here, but I'm really not coming back >Guys believe me when I say this What's the point of even doing this if his friends could just make an account on bluesky and do it there? If he's not going to return then just nuke the account already and be done with twitter as a whole
>>243162 I didn't even bring it up initially, but you inquired, I answered. I was also under the impression that he fully deleted/deactivated his Twitter this time, but I guess I was wrong. Also it's not much of a "dip" if he's saying in the screenshot you provided that he'll repost important things now and then.
>>243162 Why repost on the site that uses his work to train the AI and it's owned by a nazi? What was even the point of deleting everything and leaving? >>243246 Anastimafilia is a turbo autist chuddie but everyone knew about that beforehand
>>243297 >owned by a nazi Elon's a retard, but he isn't a nazi. >chuddie You're also a retard.
>>243300 >elon isn’t a nazi The only retard here is you if you genuinely believe that.
>>243310 Elon is MAGA, and the MAGA constituent of the Republican part is not remotely comparable to the German Nazi party. The Nazis practiced race supremacy and were openly antisemitic, MAGA's neither of these things. Am I saying MAGA is good? No, but I don't think you should be lying about them to get easy owns. It's incredibly dumb.
>>243311 I think a majority of Maga supporters do believe in racial supremacy though.
>>243311 My guy, he literally did a nazi salute. You’re retarded.
>>243315 How do you know? Do an overwhelming amount of MAGA supporters believe one skin color is superior to another? I don't think you can assess shit like this unless you're some poli sci giving these people surveys about their views. >>243318 Roman salute=/= Nazi salute Just because it was adopted by the German Nazis, doesn't mean it's solely owned by the Nazis. Is antisemitism exclusive to the Nazis? Are Islamic Jihadi terrorist orgs Nazis too or has "Nazi" become a broad umbrella term not unlike how "trans" is used now too?
>>243323 The entire MO of the alt right is that they are superior to blacks and other races. The whites in the group hate mexicans and want them alld Deported. When Trump says shit like "DEI caused the plane crash" what he really means (and what Maga people interpret it as) is "Fucking niggers, right? Get them to fuck." Regardless of what Musk's actual intentions were with his salute, the favt he doubled down afterwards is proof enough of his character. Musk is a literal troll who only cars about raping the poor and owning the libs. He would absolutely do a nazi salute just to piss people off. "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words."
I bet that when chainsaw man movie come out here would be as much Reze as this Squirrel girl
>>243323 You aren't getting payed to suck their dicks, try thinking for yourself for once
>>243145 This is like the dumbest drama thread I've ever read. The poster grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory. Post the screencaps of them dropping the hard N bomb and the anti-gay sentiments and be done with it. Ana would suffer some real damage maybe if they had a lot of paying subs to lose. Instead, OP muddled the message as much as possible by inserting themselves who, seriously they sound so fucking exhausting they should be banned from patreons' and shit. Ana's drama is dumb but discord nonsense and strong derogatory remarks are a completely different category. Another lesson for artists to post art, interact positively related to their art, and otherwise be quiet. WTF is all that crap in those pics. Keep the mlg pro gamer takes to yourself. >>243246 TLDR Ana literally cannot shutup and wants to mix spicy gamer takes into their 'business' >>243129 That's crazy, advanced art work theft.
>>243326 >The entire MO of the alt right is that they are superior to blacks and other races. The alt-right hasn't been relevant since 2017. Richard Spencer has been a literal who for years and only gets mentioned because he claimed to support Joe Biden over some retarded Israel shit. >The whites in the group hate mexicans and want them alld Deported. That could be true of some, but I think most of the MAGA base just doesn't like illegal immigrants. >When Trump says shit like "DEI caused the plane crash" what he really means (and what Maga people interpret it as) is "Fucking niggers, right? Get them to fuck." How the fuck did you infer that from Trump's schizo babbling? The man's crazy, but I don't think he's dogwhistling about hating black people. >Musk is a literal troll who only cars about raping the poor and owning the libs. I agree with you 100% on this. A lot of MAGA's positions are entirely knee-jerk and Musk really is no different with his actions or positions. >He would absolutely do a nazi salute just to piss people off. Musk's salute still wasn't invoking the Nazis, though. >>243336 MAGA paying some random lib fatfag to debate a few lefty fatfags on bbw-chan would be fucking hilarious. >try thinking for yourself for once no u lol
>>243352 I honestly cannot tell if it was or not, but considering his response and history, I fully believe he knew what he was doing (making it just unambiguous enough). Not that it really matters, what is anyone gonna do? Hold him accountable?
>>243272 It's all in the name of attention. He's been doing this since he was first going by capnfapin and it'll probably never end until he finally decides one day to just cut his online presence.
>>243311 >The Nazis practiced race supremacy and were openly antisemitic You forgot that they were also socialists. >>243318 If having your hand raised meant you did a Nazi salute, so many politicians against him that you'd ass lick,would be in the same group. I don't even know why they even tried to make it out to be that when everyone and their grandparents have gotten WWII constantly thrown in their face nonstop, for decades. and should be able to spot the difference between that and borderline flailing.
I have a question for people from USA. Do you have a lot of 24/7 shops? I fucking hate how I do have one near me but. Ok it is a 24/7 and then oh it is closed because some holiday then because it is a fucking night of the last day of the week. Fuck it
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>>243323 >Roman salute =/= Nazi salute Next you'll say the skinhead with a funny pinwheel tattoo is just a Buddhist, lol. >>243389 There's a lot of "freeze-frame while they wave and it looks like a Nazi salute!!" shite out there, and both sides do it, but let's not pretend what Musk did doesn't resemble one(especially the second salute), even if it wasn't meant to be
>>243389 > You forgot that they were also socialists. You forgot you’re a fucking retard. Read a book you inbred shittard (https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists). Bet this waste of genetic material is 5’9” tops and obese.
>>243323 i just want you to know that the rest of the world thinks you're stupid.
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>>243326 Bro, we already have a schizo thread
>>243406 >let's not pretend what Musk did doesn't resemble one(especially the second salute) Neither does; without a strong stance and straight arm, it just looks like flailing, to me.
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>>243323 >>243416 >>243416 >the guy who openly supports nazi propaganda and ensures they get top priority on his own damn website isn't a nazi! It wasnt a salute, honest! >oh but he did the salute poorly, that means he didn't intend to do it Burn in hell, you gaslighting shitstick. Literally no one is falling for this shit, especially now that he's literally robbing the country blind.
>>243418 Stop being a faggot and post more gossip about fatty artists being retarded.
Go back to the Schizo thread. We're here to talk discuss overly specific things about fictional fat chicks. Not a Trump knob gobbling thread number 700000
>>243457 I agree with it. Probably Cakehoarder would return to Twitter if it was no commissioners on bluesky. But bluesky is gay af and she draw a shota shit so maybe she would have even more commissioners. Who knows.
>>243492 I never saw the appeal in cakehoarder's work, she always reeked of that faux-SFW style the creepiest fujoshits go for.
>>243351 Hi there, I'm the guy who made the post on Bluesky and Twitter. Thanks for the criticism about how I should have made the threads! Though, I wanna clear something: >>Ana would suffer some real damage maybe if they had a lot of paying subs to lose. The purpose of that thread is not to make Ana lose money, nor to cancel him. I've only made those threads as warning signs to tell people that Ana is a toxic artist that does not take it well when you have a different opinion than him. People are still allowed to sub to his Patreon, because I do not believe they hold or share his opinions. >>Instead, OP muddled the message as much as possible by inserting themselves who, seriously they sound so fucking exhausting they should be banned from patreons' and shit. I inserted myself into those threads because he believes I want to cancel him, which I'll stress multiple times, I don't fucking want to. I wanted people to understand that he's saying a lot of pretentious stuff, then Ana plays the victim card by saying that I'm demonizing him over "his opinions", which he flips flops around from being subjective to factual. Dude openly said that he avoids BBW-Chan because of me all because I chose to talk about him. The dude is scared of me, says that I'm causing pointless drama, but he refuses to talk to me or to DM me on Discord because he's either too afraid of me and/or of his audience turning against him, too prideful to admit that he's wrong on things when it's okay to be wrong, or he still genuinely believes he's in the right. At the end of the day, again, thank you for the feedback on how I should've done the threads, but my threads are not there cancel Ana, and I've inserted myself into it because I wanna point out all of his takes on games were all brought out by himself. Oh and Ana, if you just so happen to be here; DMs are still opened and don't be afraid of DMing me. If you want me to stop it, we can talk about it in the DMs. And no, I won't screenshare it, promise.
>>243637 Her start with a Skullgirls art was good. But I stop fallow her when she start to draw only this endless OC shit and then a males. I fallow artists because they are drawing a hot girls from anime or mange when they are have a story and personality and not a noname shit OC with no story. Maybe some people care about a character just because she looks hot but it is not enough for me.
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>>243698 Shut up faggot, nobody cares about your little discord spat. Nobody is going to be cancelled over some basic bitch 4chan humor no matter how much you squeal. Watching you beg for someone's attention like this is one of the most embarrassing things I've seen on this site, and I've been around for the worst of POST WINS
>>243698 shut the fuck up snom. you have never failed not to insert yourself into drama where it doesn't involve you, try to get attention on your "side" of it, post your shitty chicken scratch on servers, and suck the cock of any big name artist near you to get their approval. you are the most embarrassing motherfucker involved in this kink on twitter, discord, whatever and that's saying something. stop sticking your nose in places it doesn't belong or it'll be cut off.
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>>243926 You sound too invested to not explain what the fuck is going on. Spill the name and beans, faggot.
>>243937 Not that anon, but ana has been known to show up here from time to time so I don't doubt that some of the replies to that post are from ana themselves
>>243698 Either nut up and actually be dedicated to your problems with this guy or shut up and let other vultures try to go after canceling him, you fag. If your problem with a Twitter artist or someone popular on Twitter in general is that they don't take criticism well or are a hypocrite then you might as well go on a crusade to any other Twitter account with over 10k followers. Supporting your arguments with screenshots about him asking you to back off for being a stalker who can take a hint as well as a fish takes to dry land or "guys he doesn't like Steve in Smash or some indie game?" or some other two faced artist talking shit about him after a block for the same shallow reasons makes you look like the stupidest ratshit motherfucker alive, as if your MS Paint doodles didn't prove that already. We get it, you're one of those "people" that goes on about how much they don't like politics even though all they do is bitch about anything considered a right wing topic by "the grifters" that week (of course not considering any lefty grifters as that, just the right wing ones) who also hates loli but has no problem with anything else weird on Twitter, I found five people like that under a rock I turned over yesterday. You're not Dog the Bounty Hunter or Chris Hansen finding some criminal ring, you're a Twitter "artist" who jerks themselves off to how much they hate Elon even though you'll never really leave the site but even that couldn't raise awareness on the one thread you wanted to post as a moral outcry. Nobody cares, and you going to the one place where anyone is allowed to say whatever the fuck they want to capitalize on the attention your post got over trying to "educate" a guy because he says troon only shows how flimsy your actual morals are >>243926 >>243937 >>243942 I doubt it's actually him, but if it is really then all I have to say is don't listen to people like this. They don't care about any moral correction, they just want to control people and get what they want. Treating Ana as some sort of failing because he does the same thing I've seen twitter artist after twitter artist do over and over again just considered right wing is such a huge crock of shit. You're better off just cutting that retard off completely and not appealing to him or trying to come off as nice or neutral.
>>243698 Right, right. As politely as I can be, my advice to you is to realize you're not that important. I do it too, I want to talk about things from my personal point of view but then I'm swiftly reminded nobody gives a single shit about me. And the more 'me' I put into my argument, the less anyone cares about it. It's just not relevant to them. The people here care about fat girls and a list of about 15 artists. If you're not one of those... Yeah. So if you want likes, upvotes, people not to relentlessly shit on you - you present your argument in a way that engages the reader personally, not personally involve them with yourself having some problem. Make this ANA shitter their problem. You say Ana hates gays, non-whites, and is a filthy right winger? Boom, the entire fucking room hates this guy now for at least one of those reasons and it's their fucking problem to be angry about it. You tell us he doesn't like Minecraft? Yea me neither, you dork. He blocked you for being annoying? I would too dude, like honestly, to see him interacting at all with his fans and I'm liking him already. See? How counter productive was that, you wanted to drag this guy through the mud and somehow everyone here is mad at you. And this place tucking hates Ana! Maybe this too is a wonderful lesson for us all, the lesson of shutting up.
I saw this today and it pissed me off so might as well dump it here: I saw Buttery-Inkling refer to A from Future Redeemed as "nOnBiNaRy" despite the fact that she is a female, she's supposed to represent the anima side of Alvis (the unconsious image of a woman in a man's mind) I guess there's also that faggot DA commentor who insists on calling Yamato a pooner. I just want this gender retardation to end. I'm tired, boss.
>>243960 I’m sorry you’re just a queerphobe. Bet you’re too much of a coward to say this to him directly.
>>243406 >Next you'll say the skinhead with a funny pinwheel tattoo is just a Buddhist, lol. I would not, actually. A Neo-Nazi skinhead is not the same as a Buddhist monk. Context matters, and you are a fucking retard,
>>243966 Anon you're a retard, no one except for small children are afraid of faggots, everyone is disgusted by them
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>>243890 >>243926 >>243953 >>243958 Thank you kindly for all for the criticism. I'll aknowledge it if I ever chose to redo the thread later in the future.
>>243960 Shit about Yamato is the worst because it is a story about how powerful and noble the will of Oden was. I feel bad for Oda because he is carefully constructed the narrative from the Yamato childhood and her fascination with a possible good future for Wano, and then some fags just see a booba pee pee gender autism. >>243953 The more I read about any drama the more I think that it is far more safe and reasanoble to just post fetish art without sharing any opinions. Look at any bbw artists who are avoid any drama. They are in a better place and able to get more commissions just by not acting more than a providers of fap mateial
>>243968 Context does matter, and the context for his salute is that he stopped talking, put his hand on his chest, and then raised it up, all fingers firmly together, in a sieg heil, twice, without ever saying "my heart goes out to you"
>>243966 Fags like you aren't welcome on imageboards, sweaty :)
Anyway we had a talk about morons, but which artists does have a spine and acting like a normal sane professionals who are don't do any virtue signal shit?
