>Moeshit language
Something occurred to me as I gazed upon the glorious aesthetics of this CHAD. He is just a ripped as fuck ayy. Nothing more nothing less. Obviously everyone can see that, and it's been criticized many times. What people failed to see however, was that therein lies the value. His simplistic, "boring" design was not an accident. It was a symbol. A symbol for his belief in absolute strength.
You see, CHADren is unique among the many antagonists Goku faced in that he is simply strong. Nothing more, nothing less. He doesn't have weird gimmicks, he doesn't have fancy techniques that border on magic, his race doesn't have weird biological gifts, he doesn't have transformations. He's just fucking strong because he worked for it.
And with that raw strength he surpasses everything, no gimmick works on him, no transformation helps, even freezing him in time doesn't defeat him.
He was the first antagonist since VEGETA to mercilessly shoot down every single thing the protagonists tried. Nothing fucking worked against this guy. Technically he was even worse than Vegeta, since at least Vegeta took damage, (he just kept standing up like he had protagonist-tier plot stamina), but Jiren was straight up invincible. Then MUI happened, Gokek did it, he achieved the impossible, he's finally surpassed Jiren in power, he can win! Except no, he fucking doesn't. At the end of it they had to basically meme Jiren out of the ring to win because he was required to lose one way or another.
>Kekold fantasies
Kekarroo! Bejita sperms really do be like that!