New thread, same autists here to spout our shit
>fav tropes
Contrast is a good one that a lot of people attempt, but I rarely see it truly done THAT well. A lot of this is because this trope is often implemented to compare one fat chick to an even fatter chick. Problem is, it can be very easy to undermine just how fat the smaller fat chick is to a regular person, so the true effectiveness of the contrast becomes a little lost. Even when the contrast is between a fat girl and a skinny girl, I feel that it's not done that well because there's too many fat artists that don't really know how to draw skinny girls all that well. Like their artstyle might be normally stretched out and weird looking because they only draw fat chicks, so when they draw skinny characters it just looks too cartoonish for their skinny characters to even have attractive designs. Basically, you need a good artist that is really good with the proportions of both skinnies AND fats, has a good sense of illustrating depth in their works, and also can cohesively draw both characters in the scene so that they look like they're both actually there. Doesn't even have to be a super detailed art-style or anything. W-oo-T comes to mind as an artist who drew this kind of thing fairly well in some of his past works.
Jeet is pretty lame, aint he? Cool pic related too. Wonder who made it
>I just want fat ladies. Draw them myself than pay for them.
Ah, that is a tricky thing that comes with a dilemma. Drawing stuff yourself will never be as titillating as stumbling across something hot in the wild. Still, it's not too hopeless. Once I've finished with an artpiece/writing, barring any edits in post I have to make, I usually don't even look at it again until years later. By then, I will usually have forgotten most of it, so then when I look at it, it'll basically be the same experience as if I just randomly found a drawing/writing that just so happens to align with things I like. 'course, it only works if you can actually draw well though.