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Last one is dead and gone so time for a new one K-ON thread 11/28/2022 (Mon) 02:42:10 Id:1606a8 No. 127202
Huge Mugi Good
I’ve got a few from Eugene McGreen. https://www.deviantart.com/eugenemcgreen
>>127965 That face tho
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(380.97 KB 1677x2355 4 - ez1C6XJ.jpg)
Was a shame to see the last one die since it probably inspired new fats of the series. Hopefully the same magic will strike again here
(340.85 KB 1547x2308 5 - ivIXBaW.jpg)
>>128036 Also it's funny looking back at what chet considered "ssbbw" back in the day.
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>>128036 Honestly why did the last one die? Did it really hit 400? Here's a mug getting enhanced
>>128390 Sauce of that mugi?
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>>128390 Just got bumped off the board due to inactivity. Could've been a wave of spam or just people creating a buncha new threads at once. >>128428 Pretty sure Bamboo Ale drew it ages ago as part of a patreon sketch dump. I think some kind anon coloured it in though.
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>>128474 im inclined to believe the latter tbh, it did get bumped semi regularly Also, Ritsu was aboutolutely made to be bottom heavy. Here's a reminder that Mugi was made to be a huge fatso, but kakifly was too much of a coward to make it happen
(714.34 KB 3089x3584 ritsu_is_stuck_by_akkyon_dfjroa6.png)
If I wanted to repost Sweet Rewards, I’d have to split it into two posts due to the size of the pages. Am I allowed to make consecutive posts that way?
>>129677 Yeah man I don't see why that woudln't be allowed.
>>129678 Is there any way to do it from Dropbox?
(95.22 KB 750x736 20221016_032249.jpg)
I must instate Mugi as the true fattest keion, for that is her rightful position
>>129679 You mean post stuff directly from Dropbox? Don't think so. You'd have to save it to your computer and then upload it first. >>129974 Fat Mugis are blessed! It's a shame that most art and fics tend to make her the feedeer.
(1.32 MB 1698x2200 Sweet Rewards 1.jpeg)
(1.19 MB 1697x2200 Sweet Rewards 2.jpeg)
(2.55 MB 1697x2200 Sweet Rewards 3.png)
(2.69 MB 1697x2200 Sweet Rewards 4.png)
>>130113 Then I’ll just upload the regular way, then. And yeah, Mugi needs more fattening love.
(3.48 MB 1697x2200 Sweet Rewards 5.png)
(121.91 KB 1024x606 Sweet Rewards Halloween.jpeg)
(505.93 KB 546x600 Sweet Rewards Soda.png)
(160.98 KB 1024x594 Sweet Rewards Thought.jpeg)
(1.23 MB 1504x700 Sweet Rewards Eating.png)
>>130113 Indeed! Although I have to admit she does key in as the feeder, since shes the cake bringer and all, she also fits in perfectly with being the biggest of the group. (damn, am I already running low on fat mugis? is this even mugi?)
(375.46 KB 1125x1500 illust_97666251_20221215_095956.jpg)
>>132170 Funny how the artist of the first one had no idea what K-On was even about, yet they nailed the look and feel of the girls
>>130223 Source?
>>132764 sadly i know not of the source of this one. I found it once on Twitter, and it refreshed the page, never again to be seen
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(236.85 KB 1103x1197 mio_birthday_by_akkyon_df4684d.png)
(445.72 KB 4096x3137 FHt9Y23XwAIhlis.jpg)
There were some drawings by Axel-Rosered that were keions in tubes... im not into that but I've heard that there's an edited version that removes the giantess and the tube aspect... anyone got anything?
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>>137506 Damn I could have sworn I had it saved. Hopefully someone else has it.
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Does anyone have the paypack here? I'm not even sure you can buy it nowdays.
>>140087 I've looked around kemono but i haven't been able to find anything. Who's the artist on the lil azusa though?
>>140509 Huh I actually can't find it on Deviantart, though i'm sure DA's garbage search isn't helping. Hopefully someone remembers the artist.
>>140087 https://www.patreon.com/SaintxTail Here’s the link, anyway.
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Real shame that Magicstraw never scanned these properly, really adore Yuis shape here.
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Moderately sized mugi
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Anyone got more Tsumugi stuff?
(684.46 KB 2446x2049 1521926329380.jpg)
>>145686 It's a real shame that Mugi is always pinned as the club feeder because really she looks great soft.
Got another one from Eugene McGreen.
>>145687 TRUE. She should be just as soft, or softer, considering she brings cakes to the club because she canonically gets western sweets brought to her home so much that she's tired of them. >>146239 Holy shit, is that new? Seems to be a newer version of this pic. She looks even better now.
>>146407 Something like that, I guess you could consider it a spiritual sequel. And yeah, Mugi should be the softest and fattest.
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Man,I wish K-ON got a new adaptation, or an OVA or something. That extra spotlight would do wonders for new fanart.
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does anyone have any sawako stuff?
Eugene’s third picnic pic
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>>154896 >>148001 Remember artist pls?
>>154928 Akkyon
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Fucking love SSBBW Mugi.
I just finished it I did the best I could
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>>165600 No scat. Cmon.
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>>167228 Oh man I haven't seen this one before.
(92.20 KB 738x601 F8GoSDEbEAA2xlV.png)
(634.38 KB 1941x2809 Mugi tubby.jpg)
>>172865 Sauce?
>>172876 IntangibleTang
>>172876 Really cute. Sauce?
>>130187 I still don’t understand, why did they end the manga at that spot?
>>174174 He didn’t, it went unfinished due to several factors and the original commissioner died before giving the ending.
>>174174 >>174204 Sats, Jack Black and another artist I can't remember did do a K-On WG story as a tribute to him, probably not within the same span as the original comic would have been but it was something he would have enjoyed none the less. You can find it on ShinDirafeh's page, it's "K-On Milestones".
>>174230 Yes I decided to google the artist midway through my post and forgot to update it lol. Anyway the story attached to the images is fun, would recommend looking it up.
>>174231 It’s a pretty good story, albeit bittersweet at times. The perfect story/comic would still be ALL the girls becoming fat and rolling, but that’s just me enjoying worldwide stuff. I tend to think that still happens if not explicitly debunked.
>>174275 We need more comics or some kind of redo of Sweet Rewards that can be reliably completed. Don’t know if anyone here is interested. Writing and paying is all I can do.
>>174318 >writing and paying is all I can do that's... like over half the process. what artists could draw the keion faces right while also doing some good huge fat? I find the artist from >>174231 to be pretty good for it. I do believe a new story would be fun though, starting from scratch and properly fattening all keions (and sawako?) sounds better. pic unrelated
>>174334 You mean Shindirafeh? I don’t think she’s willing to do that series anymore. Also, it’s funny, the pic you posted happens to be one I commissioned.
(26.48 KB 750x750 1451993548555.png)
>>174318 >>174334 Very much doubt anyone would be willing to continue Sweet Rewards. Trying to continue a comic that was the passion of a guy who has been dead for almost 10 years now just seems in poor taste, especially when his close friends have already completed a spiritual successor of it in his honour. A new K-On WG comic would be great but at this point I can't ever see it happening. Not only would bankrolling it be expensive, but K-On has become pretty reactively obscure now in the grand scheme of things. I think Chet Rippo would do a great job since his passion for the series is strong but very much doubt he would be up for it even if money was involved, especially when he tried to make a K-On WG series on old bbwchans /oe/.
>>174462 I don’t disagree that thinking about it, it doesn’t exactly feel the best taste to make a continuation. It just felt necessary to me in order to get more proper closure.
>>174548 >To me Yeah that’s the problem, the people who originally made the comic would find it extremely distasteful they don’t want to see it continue and this is an accepted thing in the community. The old comic isn’t coming back it’s left up as a tribute to the person who died, if you really want another KON WG comic you should commission a new original comic.
>>174551 Then I guess that’s my best course of action. Hard to get someone available, unless anyone here knows someone who is or who themselves could do it.
>>174589 Someone said Chet Rippo is unlikely, but has anyone asked him? Surely he'd be down for some new fat Mio goodness. Unrelated, does anyone know a good board for R18 non-bbw K-ON art?
>>174657 I guess I could ask him, but he’s been so busy. I haven’t seen much from him lately.
>>174394 god bless for your service to proper tsumugi sizes
>>174708 I’m just the commissioner. This guy made it: https://www.deviantart.com/eugenemcgreen
>>174731 I'm aware, but few people commission Mugi, let alone such a good one like that
>>174775 She’s the cutest and should be the fattest.
>>171223 >>174589 https://twitter.com/anniechrist620 Funny thing is this artist has been making scenes similar to Sweet Rewards. I only just found the pics a couple days ago.
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moe moe kyun bump
>>173386 This was by RemRamWaluigi a loooong time ago, same with the second image here >>145687
>>177247 Oh shit, is he an actual obese Mugi truther?
bump no new fat keions :(
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Someone has it in Hd I've been looking for the image for months.
(2.83 MB 2963x4336 K-on%20%28English%29%20-%2001.png)
Alas, some good fucking food is coming.
>>189013 Sauce?
>>189022 Kurocaze-s
>>189013 Do u have the newest page by any chance?
>>189067 couldn't find it on his fanbox
>>189013 Alas? What's so bad about it?
>>189097 Dr Jackblack is funding it so you'll probably find it on his page.
(2.68 MB 2963x4336 K-on (English) - 02.png)
>>189118 oops. used the wrong word hahah. anyway, id say a proper "alas" would be that whoever is posting it on kemono skipped page 3.
>>189148 can't find it on his page nor on kurocaze-s
(3.73 MB 2963x4336 K-on%20%28English%29%20-%2003.png)
>>191260 no check drblackjack kemono page, its a bimonthly comic also someone finally uploaded page 3!
>>192184 Kemono page is broken. It’s said: This site can’t be reached kemono.party is currently unreachable. ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED
>>136395 Sauce on that blob Mio?
>>192201 Domain moved to kemono.su
(2.37 MB 2963x4336 K-on%20%28English%29%20-%2004.png)
Anyone got part 5 of the series? Kemono hasn't updated yet. >>192184
(1.50 MB 3264x2448 Mugster.jpg)
Saving from page 10
(2.37 MB 2963x4336 K-on%20%28English%29%20-%2004.png)
>>193478 Someone posted a new page... and it's skipping two of them.
>>196402 My bad, here's the posted page. Like I said, skipping two. Here's another thing I found, too.
>>196403 someone can update correctly drblackjack kemono page in order to get the 5th & 6th pages?
>>196402 someone have the 5th and 6th pages?
(3.12 MB 2963x4336 K-on%20%28English%29%20-%2008.png)
Page 8 uploaded. Still no 5 and 6. Also, if anyone here is subscribed to BlackJack, can someone tell him that Mugi has blue eyes and not green?
(1.98 MB 2963x4336 K-on (English) - 05.png)
(2.87 MB 2963x4336 K-on (English) - 06.png)
>>197144 Ask and ye shall recieve
