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Love Live! Thread Anonymous 01/31/2023 (Tue) 10:54:56 Id:1993c7 No. 138575
Fat Love Live girls here. Last one saged.
(1.04 MB 1600x1399 EeopkjcU0AI1g4t.jpg)
(2.95 MB 2900x3800 skeb20220621.jpg)
(2.48 MB 1590x2048 1584763564674.png)
(881.20 KB 2046x1447 19032002.jpg)
>>138575 source on that Nijigasaki pic?
(1000.80 KB 3029x1974 Love Live Umi by amami_317.jpg)
(186.54 KB 1240x1754 Love Live yohane 2 by mochigome.jpg)
(202.05 KB 768x1024 Love Live Riko by mochigome.jpg)
(440.77 KB 1536x2048 Love Live Riko 3 by mochigome.jpg)
(387.23 KB 1536x2048 Love Live Honoka by mochigome.jpg)
(477.47 KB 1835x2048 Love Live Riko 2 by mochigome.jpg)
some pics i havent seen before by amami_317 and mochigome_kine
>>139609 It's from kurocazenosora.
(591.28 KB 1191x1000 Commission_153_by_kurocaze_s.jpg)
(480.35 KB 1042x1000 Commission_190_by_kurocaze_s.jpg)
(3.16 MB 3000x4000 skeb20230111.jpg)
(142.42 KB 1024x724 Love Live Kanan Mari soft.jpg)
(140.84 KB 834x946 Love Live Hanayo Rin beegs.jpg)
(1.21 MB 2000x1800 Love Live Nozomi Beret.png)
(1.55 MB 3508x2480 Love Live Nozomi by grip 5.png)
(208.15 KB 1658x933 CpVmY1JXYAAzKzS.jpeg)
(599.99 KB 1200x600 1808162.png)
(694.79 KB 1350x690 1808172.png)
(5.74 MB 4092x2893 190614R_bV03.png)
(3.21 MB 4092x2893 190614R_bV02.png)
(9.11 MB 4000x2500 181001R_bV02.png)
(4.88 MB 4092x2893 190614R_bV01.png)
(2.02 MB 2250x1300 2.png)
(417.84 KB 1240x1754 210707Skeb.png)
(25.67 KB 310x310 Fp0WkaEaYAQhWG6.jpg)
new Sunny Mari but its a hidden skeb commission that blows.
(293.27 KB 1024x1024 haha pengin!.png)
(4.84 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (1).png)
(4.07 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (2).png)
Sunny's we are in a dream. saw another translation before but it got some stuff stuff mistranslated or interpreted wrong due to the lack of love live knowledge.
(4.32 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (3).png)
(4.23 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (4).png)
>>143756 file size limit have to upload in parts
(2.98 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (5).png)
(4.21 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (6).png)
(3.19 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (7).png)
(3.98 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (8).png)
(3.97 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (9).png)
(4.31 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (10).png)
(4.40 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (11).png)
(2.96 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (12).png)
(4.52 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (13).png)
(3.44 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (14).png)
(7.51 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (15).png)
(2.45 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (16).png)
(5.36 MB 3507x2480 We are in a dream (17).png)
>>143765 last page
>>143766 aww...
>>143756 >>143758 >>143759 >>143760 >>143761 >>143762 >>143763 >>143765 >>143766 Still my favorite work of Sunny's. I know it will never happen but I'd adore if he did a Nijigasaki version.
(1.30 MB 1458x2046 12318.png)
quick edit got curious how it could look
(120.92 KB 1200x1700 love Live Hanayo by Dasan242.jpg)
>>145130 not sure why the images didn't attach
not letting me upload images odd
(474.12 KB 1857x4096 20230314_221432.jpg)
(392.06 KB 1536x2048 20230314_221422.jpg)
(30.50 KB 500x662 FB_IMG_1678843496576.jpg)
(241.52 KB 2000x3400 20230314_221322.jpg)
>>145468 Do you know whose work it is?
>>145468 Do you know whose work it is?
>>145499 Tet: @nsfwylft
Anyone happen to see if there was any new Umi art on twitter or anything for her birthday?
>>145627 Thank you. And can you tell me who’s the creator of this?
(763.28 KB 772x851 Love Live Ayumu Coke.png)
(120.92 KB 1200x1700 love Live Hanayo by Dasan242.jpg)
(307.96 KB 1344x1607 love Live Hanayo by HONI-SAN.jpg)
>>145813 i used a few different image searches and turned up nothing. there is a signature but i can not make it out enough to figure it out. maybe some one else knows
>>146206 Thank you. And who did this?
(1.15 MB 2000x3400 plump shio fatter.png)
>>145813 @StaReikachan
(495.92 KB 3162x4096 20230321_045921.jpg)
(100.65 KB 1131x1324 20230322_214441.jpg)
>>146286 honi-san/ @lowproteinhighf
(155.46 KB 1263x1661 Love Live Yohane 4 by mochigome.jpeg)
(354.91 KB 1263x1661 IMG_20230326_005027.png)
Le puse un poco de color 👍
Saludos al idolposting
(201.65 KB 1190x1883 20230328_221324.jpg)
(3.58 MB 2480x3507 ì¸üøù£üø_05.png)
(5.13 MB 3600x2480 żî¦üZõ+_05.png)
>>148476 I thought this one was posted as a private skeb. were you the one who commissioned it?
>>149202 nope, someone from sunny's Thread said it was from a paid package, it came with more drawings that were not from love live
>>149262 Yeah, I'm the one who shared the pack. Both images above have some alts, but they don't change much
(406.42 KB 2048x1707 FttQpqeXsAEhvSx.jpeg)
(392.78 KB 2048x1707 FttQp97WcAAntOi.jpeg)
(382.50 KB 2048x1707 FttQpDVWAAIk0bK.jpeg)
(396.21 KB 2048x1707 FttQpVdWYAMotL0.jpeg)
from BiggerThanWhales
https://kukuru100.fanbox.cc/posts/5607207?utm_campaign=manage_post_page&utm_medium=share&utm_source=twitter If anyone could download and post the full Maki sequence it'd be much appreciated
(845.49 KB 1394x748 FuE1lGdaEAgkx8a.jpeg)
new pic on motimoth fanbox
I've been drawing something myself but keep putting off finishing it.intil then here's some
(188.92 KB 1081x795 image.png)
(455.07 KB 505x719 adwdaw.png)
huge you
>>155042 Who did that masterpiece ? + is there a version without the big sample ?
>>155077 it's by sunny. there is but idk if anyone bought the pack to share it yet.
(6.48 MB 2933x3980 98896320_p1.jpg)
(168.79 KB 1580x1754 FyCkuYAaIAAXywa.jpg)
Ayumu by plump_pine Nozomi by SinfulB3RRY but i edited to not be v*re
>>156929 Excuse me Do you know whose work it is?
>>157013 yeah here's their twitter https://twitter.com/mochigome_kine
by @gIcx50h9SnO06D0
Why the fuck is nobody posting Sunny's full res art? I get their art packs cost a few dollars, and nobody wants to pay for that, but...c'mon, they're still cheaper than stuff like Axel Rosered
>>158013 they dont always put whats in each pack idk which have ll stuff
(122.22 KB 1179x1754 F0nwlmjagAA2Pvb.jpeg)
(146.56 KB 1240x1754 F1A2wZKakAE9W4Q.jpeg)
(109.85 KB 1062x2048 20230721_101941.jpg)
(3.07 MB 2480x3507 ônòËüZ_07.png)
(3.37 MB 2480x3507 ônòËüZ_05.png)
>>155077 >sample not posted to this sort of site before. have a couple of things.
(48.17 KB 1280x794 49.jpg)
(85.00 KB 1280x794 51.jpg)
(93.74 KB 1280x882 136.jpg)
(116.43 KB 1280x882 137.jpg)
(124.78 KB 1280x905 206.jpg)
(127.77 KB 1280x905 207.jpg)
(174.69 KB 1280x905 447.jpg)
(88.63 KB 1280x905 449.jpg)
(98.93 KB 1280x905 450.jpg)
(180.91 KB 1280x905 448.jpg)
(187.24 KB 1280x1810 525.jpg)
(154.92 KB 1280x1810 526.jpg)
(278.57 KB 1280x1600 72.jpg)
(93.21 KB 1280x800 75.jpg)
(110.29 KB 1280x800 77.jpg)
(182.21 KB 1280x1600 73.jpg)
(170.21 KB 1280x800 74.jpg)
(172.39 KB 1280x800 76.jpg)
(163.31 KB 1280x800 78.jpg)
(82.68 KB 1280x800 79.jpg)
(95.16 KB 1280x800 82.jpg)
(111.37 KB 1280x800 83.jpg)
(147.43 KB 1280x800 80.jpg)
(198.50 KB 1280x800 81.jpg)
there's more on hentai-img, search sunny3257 purchased the you images myself.
>>138575 Is this the idol anime where one of the girls did gain weight and later smacked her #1 fan for shaming her? >>162009 >>162011 This is why Sunny's stuff must be archived at all costs.
(108.14 KB 749x1058 鞠莉_01.jpg)
(107.55 KB 750x1055 鞠莉_02.jpg)
>>162050 Friendly reminder that Kemono's DLSite importer is working now and that if anyone has any of Sunny's stuff from there, consider putting them up there for anyone interested in the other variants or non-Love Live images they may contain. Have some Mari someone posted from one of the packs here in return.
Any good Blob Lanzhu?
>>162301 What the fuck are you talking about? I've just checked and the DLSite importer still doesn't work
(4.48 MB 2628x4165 umi 2023 fat.png)
(192.48 KB 1640x2160 20230822_100214.jpg)
(190.91 KB 1000x1800 20230910_223142.jpg)
>>168703 artist name?
>>168878 nsfwylft
(2.84 MB 2808x3710 F7Rz-jhb0AArhI-.jpg)
>>172434 I love this dude but MAN can he get weird >This sequence turns into the scene from Matrix one of Smith putting the tracker in Neo
>>165324 Who made this one?
(592.54 KB 2400x3300 20231113_191651.jpg)
(3.05 MB 2894x4093 F_iawEEbsAAKZfF.jpeg)
(118.39 KB 764x1091 iu_116366_7342179.jpg)
>>178613 source?
(1.88 MB 2894x4093 F_sqKWuacAAosAN.jpg)
(1.77 MB 2894x4093 F_sqLqraIAASw9c.jpg)
>>179518 konaka0222 on twitter
(782.38 KB 4096x3342 GBK0IHrWAAA3j3G[1])
(949.63 KB 4096x2749 GBN0mDqa8AAKudU[1])
(262.13 KB 2598x1824 20231213_150729.jpg)
(243.88 KB 2598x1824 20231213_150727.jpg)
(196.79 KB 1793x1506 20231213_150725.jpg)
(275.86 KB 2233x1641 20231213_150723.jpg)
(370.92 KB 2579x1757 20231213_150720.jpg)
>>140564 anymore from sloshing? Cant find the nozomi and nico pics
(915.73 KB 4096x2304 20231222_203109.jpg)
(266.82 KB 1372x2144 20231229_131520.jpg)
(855.40 KB 2200x3500 stuffed_dia_by_nsfwylft_dgnp58d.png)
(327.93 KB 2426x1640 GDBiCGTboAAELM1[1])
>>183689 Didn't mean to quote
(142.58 KB 900x1300 20240115_134208.jpg)
(288.76 KB 2376x2982 20240116_122459.jpg)
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(17.49 KB 640x550 20240131_230031.jpg)
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(4.42 MB 4000x4000 20240210_140601.jpg)
(157.22 KB 1181x1535 20240213_132356.jpg)
(1.10 MB 3641x4096 sumire.jpg)
(3.05 MB 2894x4093 kanon 0.jpg)
(2.06 MB 2894x4093 kanon 1.jpg)
(2.25 MB 2894x4093 kanon 2.jpg)
(2.02 MB 4093x2894 kanon 3.jpg)
(1.89 MB 4093x2894 kanon 4.jpg)
(337.01 KB 1548x2127 shioriko 1.jpg)
(343.81 KB 2554x1528 shioriko 2.jpg)
(229.67 KB 1551x2046 shioriko 3.jpg)
(187.31 KB 1771x1214 shizuku 1.jpg)
(240.88 KB 2069x1771 shizuku 2.jpg)
(246.55 KB 2372x1771 shizuku 3.jpg)
(218.76 KB 1229x1638 Fw5wHBmWcAQI11M.jpg)
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(186.54 KB 1240x1754 FoD49jsaMAAawxQ.jpg)
(115.13 KB 1240x1296 FoX3tZ-agAAK-Kd.jpg)
(100.65 KB 1131x1324 Fr2ReibaIAAvr_k.jpg)
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(212.53 KB 1711x2019 GCnq4HvbsAApNt7.jpg)
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(196.79 KB 1793x1506 GA2vFRYasAAOmWQ.jpg)
(262.13 KB 2598x1824 GAcyI93bIAA6zbM.jpg)
(146.69 KB 1219x1648 F1ldzMKacAAskiU.jpg)
(113.69 KB 910x1754 Fzk18QXaAAEb5uG.jpg)
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(468.77 KB 1536x2048 FJj5z4rVUAED7dn.jpg)
(440.77 KB 1536x2048 FJovfKOUcAIS5vn.jpg)
anyone have this pic by honi-san unmarked? or know if it's on their fanbox or anything (didn't see it through the previews)
>>190525 It's most likely from Skeb given that's their usual Sample text. Meaning you can only get it from the person who comm'd it.
(6.50 MB 3300x4500 maki 1.png)
(5.75 MB 3300x4500 maki 2.png)
(5.97 MB 3300x4500 maki 3.png)
(5.44 MB 3300x4500 maki 4.png)
(277.65 KB 2100x2900 20240303_005608.jpg)
(809.65 KB 3000x3600 20240310_113154.jpg)
(82.19 KB 982x1200 GHyQ9g4aQAE3nXd.jpg)
(2.48 MB 2480x3508 20240318_131422.jpg)
(716.43 KB 872x1080 karin.png)
(4.16 MB 2800x3679 Untitled_2.png)
(1.82 MB 4096x3277 GJ4b2eebQAAzBRt.png)
(351.76 KB 1899x3032 20240406_124041.jpg)
https://ry3fvuym.fanbox.cc/posts/7644441 https://ry3fvuym.fanbox.cc/posts/7678860 Please
(228.37 KB 1399x1165 IMG_1134.jpeg)
(175.47 KB 1399x1165 IMG_1135.jpeg)
https://x.com/ensunder1129/status/1771149378428043686?s=46&t=XegzsX2AB0vaPOaOrMBFMQ https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/117218679
>>198299 https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/43194348 His kemono.party
>>198302 Is this a real episode? and if it is what episode is it?
>>198705 No it's not. It's based on an episode of the Kirby anime
(232.91 KB 1635x2029 20240424_222151.jpg)
(2.18 MB 8000x2034 yohane_by_chubnugget1_dhbk7s1.jpg)
>>198299 >>198302 Someone please upload this video
>>202701 Source?
>>202838 It's from DavielwFries patreon, but this version is from the colorization thread
(199.86 KB 1451x2048 20240527_165853.jpg)
(112.29 KB 768x1023 20240524_162859.jpg)
(100.89 KB 400x400 20240525_165937.jpg)
>>198302 Anybody have the video?
>>204380 It's up on their Kemono. You don't miss much tbh
(74.63 KB 1200x1698 received_994343195418606.jpeg)
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(75.84 KB 1200x900 received_966373615235256.jpeg)
(80.51 KB 1200x849 received_3793563274301221.jpeg)
Obese demon
(488.91 KB 3560x3596 20240609_120458.jpg)
(149.92 KB 1000x1777 20240618_145145.jpg)
(2.27 MB 4400x3700 M11 - Riko.png)
>>207509 Damn, who keeps suggesting all these Love Live characters?
(17.38 KB 585x680 FU2AqDXX0Aw3jXA.png)
Found this artist who did a Nontan today from hooligans RTs. https://x.com/alterzeru/status/1535024511204089857
(1.06 MB 4096x4096 20240713_095800.jpg)
(136.42 KB 713x1267 20240801_065248.jpg)
>>212941 Goddamn how I hate Japanese artists, they're too afraid to draw actually fat girls
(900.24 KB 1500x2600 kanon_by_nsfwylft_dhw23tk.png)
(1.07 MB 2000x994 imagen_2024-08-14_143201858.png)
>>218101 No, fuck that dude
(306.16 KB 2600x3800 20240916_102932.jpg)
(25.16 KB 677x660 20240921_002233.jpg)
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(636.67 KB 1360x1960 ych_ayumu_by_plump_pine_dfzr1cv.png)
(797.10 KB 1660x2840 rina_by_plump_pine_dfmknv4.png)
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(88.39 KB 1145x1382 20241027_165253.jpg)
(264.25 KB 2048x2013 20241105_001149.jpg)
>>228364 Source?
>>228425 RenHanasWife on Eka's, beware that they also do vore art
>>228439 Oh, it's that retard again...
(207.02 KB 1200x895 CROlE3lVFZdnsDMhgucVnQPZ.jpeg)
(189.35 KB 1200x681 mdZa7LcuoWf2JLWT18k73t7n.jpeg)
(164.39 KB 1200x809 PPqswP7HJxB2hqnTqd2vg7w7.jpeg)
(165.88 KB 1200x749 Z3lqwhAaWM69pPxQuSvu42qZ.jpeg)
(217.41 KB 1363x2048 20241112_125057.jpg)
>>205646 source?
(449.89 KB 4096x2731 20241125_111654.jpg)
(499.78 KB 550x1080 ai_s_dough_by_jaykum.png)
(142.09 KB 807x1000 20241222_010548.jpg)
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(447.00 KB 1817x3874 20250114_220123.jpg)
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