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(387.28 KB 1400x1400 Fz6Fa5HXoAIys0j.jpg)
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Vtuber/Hololive Thread V3 Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 16:42:25 Id:27d62d No. 158780
Another thread, more fat chuubas
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Discord Server https://www.deviantart.com/vern101/journal/Hololive-fats-discord-made-come-on-over-854527876
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I'm surprised nobody has done anything with Henya from Vshojo yet considering her thing with Reeses
(1.66 MB 1800x2500 1634514731298.png)
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>>159842 (First) >>160279 (Second and Third) Source of these?
>>159001 Source of the first?
>>160308 1 Yuujin F and 2 + 3 MythZ @fyuujin @MythZ19
(526.66 KB 1752x2646 FToVQ_lWQAAQnCz.jpg)
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(173.50 KB 2048x2048 1614673863381.jpg)
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>>160309 @7sUFYFhySFsdKN0 on twitter
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(538.34 KB 3600x2700 Fur03oGXwAUWecp.jpg)
Anyone got the Subaru alts from Plok90?
>>160914 Could you give the source of the second image please?
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>>161207 @zeinikunouen on twitter
Found this in an old thread does anyone know who this is? https://files.catbox.moe/6uwlfi.mp4
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>>161386 Still trying to look for this vtuber in particular
>>161841 the video you posted had 3 pixels in total, i tried, but found nothing, knowing indie vtubers she rebranded at some point
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>>161089 Who is the artist?
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Does anyone have the colour version someone did of this pic? I thought i had it saved but nope.
Not sure if it's the right place to ask, but there's this one animation of Saa that was on here until very recently, anyone have that?
(897.95 KB 1497x2048 1673350519859989.png)
>>163415 This the image?
>>163462 This the animation?
>>163567 No, it's an mp4 where she's on top of someone who's banging her, everything shaking with each slam down on him, and her ass is steadily growing and eventually has a screen-filling growth surge.
>>163152 Sauce on 4th Image?
>>163566 Thank you very much
>>163577 I know what you're talking about. It's an animation by KurotamaArt. She stopped doing NSFW with videos and models/vtubers and deleted most of it. You can find the Saa one on R34 or Xboru. I have it but I can't post it due to the mp4/webm being too big.
>>163654 >>163577 Here's that SaaVlewd vid you mentioned. Sorry about the quality since they don't let mp4s here anymore. You can find the source on those sites mentioned in better quality or kemono.
>>163659 Well shit, I've just checked on her Kemono profile and she deleted the video from MEGA
>>163665 There's reuploads of the full res on r34 and booru's. They deleted all their NSFW stuff after they went fully SFW for branding.
>>163577 Here's the full res version, anon. I can't upload it because shitty size limitations: https://rule34.us/index.php?r=posts/view&id=6241413
>>163152 Who sketched Bijou? SauceNAO et al can't find it.
>>163771 first one is yuujin f, the other one is another twitter artist, i know exactly who they are, but i cannot for the life of me remember the name, give me a few minutes.
>>163694 >after they went fully SFW for branding so she just sold out and threw away her whole gimmick? lame
>>163789 She was literally doing "grinding" asmr the other night.
>>163789 they meant the artist that made tge animation, not Saa herself
(91.08 KB 1632x1900 1691450383781762.png)
>>163796 >>163798 Referring to Kurotama, not Saa obviously. Saa's literally surfing the line of TOS with every stream.
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>>163609 @goblantt on twitter >>163779 I think the artist is @Spiritlander who is also on twitter
>>163798 my mistake then
>>163853 sauce for the last pic?
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>>163866 It's TheBreadGuardian, but I don't what site the pic was posted on. It does look like a DeviantArt URL though.
>>164155 It's either Patreon or Twitter, they don't post sketches on DeviantArt.
>>164154 damn, that Kiara pic really makes me wish I could buy a comm from Massgrave what even are his prices?
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>>161386 name is Shm0oo
>>161386 /shm0oo/clip/AwkwardProtectiveQuailMingLee-fNKUpLgBOAYUB3Bz
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>>165325 More nsfwilliam!
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Happy 2nd Anniversary Council!
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>>166526 Any more Saa? >>166778 >>167002 Ahoy, more Marine!
>>167939 More Marine art...and it's kinda shit. I wish she wasn't so niche
(232.91 KB 1616x2048 F1h1-jcacAAUMRs.jpg)
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(1.13 MB 2002x2298 Dinobonoid-929071-MoguMogu.png)
>>167979 Retard, you know vore ain't allowed here right? Even with the spoiler tag.
>>167949 Niche? Marine's been there since the beginning with Coco. Don't you remember her "I'm horny" moment? It's up there with Ha<- and "A". She's just not as popular as some of the newer girls or her other gen mates. Every tuber has their own dedicated following. I do agree though about her getting more art.
>>167979 I only now realized that Rushia, Coco, and Sana all have graduated. God has it been 4 years already? Pandemic starting and discovering vtubers feels like yesterday being locked inside.
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>>169087 forgot to put that I got this sketch from joekie3wl, the colored version is by me
(10.04 KB 480x615 1679673362100.jpg)
>>169087 >shota
anyone know of some breast expansion and/or fats artists that are vtuber friendly with open commissions
>>169093 hell yeah, brother I realize now that I should've spoilered it though. Whoops
Any Fat Art of Ironmouse?
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>>169352 this is all i've got
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>>169353 Thanks
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Raden fats where She’s an alcoholic AND a smoker, I require fats of her
>>170316 sauce for the second pic?
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>>170520 @superdeadaly on twitter
>>170611 Source for the first picture here?
Here's a Zen I found.
(488.60 KB 2048x1901 Fc8avgmWIAEw1cL.jpg)
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>>170661 >>170898 Sorry forgot the source, it's @pivk00 on twitter
(128.16 KB 1707x2048 F0Fz-BaXoAI_6NV.jpg)
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>>170899 And who did those first two?
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>>171557 @F91Marumaru on twitter
(30.08 KB 1547x1405 7J_W1K_O.png)
(176.86 KB 1024x617 GK8955e_ copy.jpg)
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(224.13 KB 2520x2100 bbb chirstmas special Saa 2.jpg)
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(754.40 KB 2480x3496 cX7Bgti8aq.png)
>>172140 Who's this vtuber?
>>172382 SaaVLewd
Is it just me or am I the only one who wants more obscure/less popular vtuber/Lewdtubers to get more fat content?
>>172398 i think that's many of us, but specifically of the ones we like. i wish my drawing skill was high enough to at least finish something even if shitty, i would draw every vtuber under the sun, but fat
(3.82 MB 2800x3550 F7xg0p4XMAADjRU.jpg)
(3.75 MB 2800x3550 F7xgym3XcAAFJjn.jpg)
>>172398 I would love more but you can definitely find some if you know where to look
>>172370 Who is this Vtuber?
>>172445 Source on those please?
>>172461 Andou/ @Andouilles
(223.92 KB 1843x2149 E-FAiyGWEAQftqA.jpg)
(136.24 KB 1843x2149 E-FBhbzWQAQoCbt.jpg)
(176.99 KB 2048x1333 FQZ7dIKXwAIOlBO.jpg)
(635.21 KB 2740x3754 FRIOmQuXoAAeZxY.jpg)
>>172483 Okay, so while the artist is @mahrr_mm, the actual art was posted by @Jolly_Hussar. Both are on twitter.
(2.24 MB 2596x3000 limesglasses.png)
(2.23 MB 2596x3000 limesnotglases.png)
Laimu by @SinfulB3RRY on Twitter
(1.98 MB 1795x1203 cow-calli-lewdmayo.gif)
>>172522 This may be the single greatest piece of fat content I've ever seen. At the very least, it gets my vote for pic/gif of the year.
>>172555 are we looking at the same gif?
>>172522 Where does lewdmayo post this stuff now?
>>172626 the funny thing is, on twitter, and then the "official" upload is on here, since bbwchan is now lossless. so THIS is the source.
(269.16 KB 1111x2048 F79jDHuaMAAC8GR.jpg)
(195.18 KB 1111x2048 F79jeT_bYAA1ULI.jpg)
(682.14 KB 4096x2187 1640182581889.jpg)
(526.58 KB 2941x4096 F6_z9V5XIAAmHzD.jpg)
>>172809 Source on those first two please?
>>172809 What Vtuber is the 4th image in that?
>>172912 Saa VTuber again
(247.68 KB 1536x2048 F8MaW19XYAACMjd.jpg)
>>172937 *waves* hi andou
>>172938 hi :)
>>172916 >>172912 Boy they sure have a lot of alternate models/costumes. Some don't even look like her at all so sorry if the question was redundant. >>172496 Miss Rushia.
>>172945 michael cat (mikeneko) streams on youtube very often
(1.31 MB 2480x3508 1716864-1.output.png)
(1.27 MB 2480x3508 1716864-2.output.png)
(3.23 MB 2150x3035 1713609-1.png)
(3.22 MB 2150x3035 1713609-2.png)
i'm just here to drop off pictures of my fat ass vtuber getting fucked. just crank your hog and chill out, bro
(65.73 KB 733x700 F78QREcWkAAidlJ.png)
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(3.81 MB 3578x2269 F8GOXNabgAAO-_1.jpg)
(198.08 KB 600x900 F22xnGJWIAA1Fj6.png)
>>172858 Both are by @mumunijo on twitter
>>173040 Giveth sauce
>>173091 first two are @norihito on twitter, last two are @zettaizetumei17
(210.53 KB 2504x2960 1697225716719993.png)
(1.28 MB 2450x2700 F7ySh5cXgAAbD34.jpg)
(4.54 MB 3000x4000 F7j2KnqaYAANblE.jpg)
(89.11 KB 2500x2000 Untitled33.jpg)
(811.72 KB 1280x1920 1689423914590629.png)
(35.27 KB 637x628 1624311383881.jpg)
(105.30 KB 894x894 1637358117842.jpg)
(293.92 KB 1080x1920 1645316426883.jpg)
(191.64 KB 992x1403 1645543503544.jpg)
(212.77 KB 1016x794 1644600206387.jpg)
(135.58 KB 747x639 1644600284944.jpg)
(341.43 KB 1441x2310 1645068411215.png)
(930.81 KB 3508x2480 1645076730918.jpg)
(1.15 MB 3703x3000 neograycomm.png)
(2.45 MB 1651x1824 kaida bg.png)
(1.41 MB 1200x1391 ryoko cosplay vgen.png)
the site's dying and I haven't posted here in a long time so I offer some vtuber stuff I've done over the past couple of years
(984.42 KB 2048x1875 chundelphi.png)
(2.27 MB 2074x2000 Linari_Lardara.png)
(6.40 MB 4032x3024 ovschinikovo.png)
some more offerings today, this time its all my model but i didn't draw these this time
(274.79 KB 1198x1791 FohAmtXaIAE_qkG.jfif)
Kinda wish there was more Towa, but I'll take what I can get
>>166421 Sauce for this?
>>174076 blah866 on Twitter
(4.61 MB 2673x3564 1719201-1.output.png)
(98.62 KB 1265x1678 F8rphpoa0AAqyAX.jpg)
2 fats and a preg
>>175402 did you draw these?
(172.96 KB 1884x1702 1699038378428547.png)
>>158780 I just love how William can't stop the leaks despite removing his DA account and privating his Twatter account like a massive coward. It just feels my heart with warmth and joy.
(340.77 KB 1818x1703 amelia_easter_2.png)
>>176069 fills*
>>176074 Sauce?
(1.02 MB 1280x720 chubby_marine.png)
>>176153 William Leonard/unwilliam_/notsfwilliam (pic unrelated).
Anyone can find Marine art?
(139.96 KB 1080x1006 IMG_20231107_025307.jpg)
Uwooooogh fat fubuki Someone pls colour it
>>175404 nah, they were by someone on pixiv, can't remember who though
(147.87 KB 948x839 1700640591927130.png)
>>176443 what is her color scheme?
>>179447 I think this is supposed to be the color scheme and outfit. https://files.catbox.moe/d7389t.webp
>>179447 >>179563 It's actually this https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkcx28xj7.png
>>179447 >>179594 No wonder I couldn't find it, I've never seen that outfit of hers.
>>176398 I know this is AI but I just absolutely can't pass up imagining her tweet while looking at this photo
>>179675 Put this abomination to AI board. Spoiler do not move it to Ai asylum. Fucking poor man's worthless pron
>>179637 Yeah it's a lawson's collab outfit. Not "official".
>>179686 I don't mind. It does belong to the AI Board tho. But this is uncannily amazing fat Millie Parfait.
Istg if I don’t see some new Mococo belly art after this I’m gonna lose it, they’re practically begging for it https://youtu.be/kZnjaUgIbWU?si=rbgEvN8WBc71MVtl
>>179751 goddamnit where did it go? it got deleted and they haven't posted in the ai board. millie where are youuuu
(195.68 KB 2048x1456 20231205_182101.jpg)
new Calli pic from Tomok on Twitter
>>180304 Hm, thought it would work that way. Oh well, just hit up the /bbwai board and Find In Page "image request" thread #2. Then look for Millie there. >>>8672
(505.55 KB 2800x1800 Scarle Yonaguni.png)
(280.19 KB 1200x1191 FLrNjCWUcAc2bNC.jpg)
(704.58 KB 4096x2370 F_V--2.jpg)
Does anyone have bbw/ssbbw art of Snuffy? Specifically of her blue design. There were a few pictures that I recall vaguely but I can't find them.
(179.84 KB 1434x1500 fatfroot.jpg)
(923.68 KB 3021x2654 FCxOi_bUUAA0roJ.jpg)
(2.01 MB 7000x7000 1693424524298225.jpg)
(161.11 KB 992x1403 FrootVShojoB.jfif)
(162.48 KB 992x1403 FrootVShojoA.jfif)
fat froot for fans
(524.51 KB 1487x694 ghdfgdfg.PNG)
Does anyone have this from zeiniku
(145.45 KB 839x1200 GCMS3X-WsAA09dA.jpg)
(1.43 MB 2229x2178 kpmii-899746-fa_t_unafix2.png)
(1.26 MB 1683x2319 kpmii-898926-marine.png)
(188.82 KB 1600x1462 aia_by_happypal_dgn3qqg-fullview.jpg)
by kpmii on aryion.com (they do vore, this isn't) + Aia by Happypal
(385.92 KB 2048x1579 20231231_234537.jpg)
Anymore pippa art???
(523.32 KB 2800x1800 monarch ass.png)
(1.48 MB 2800x1800 monarch ass colored.png)
Here's a Monarch sketch I got from joekie3wl today, plus my own amateur colorjob
(518.02 KB 3151x4096 media-GCnCewsbIAARNIP.jpg)
(675.75 KB 4096x3413 media-GCnCewrb0AAodZm.jpg)
by @thejuicystuf
(69.13 KB 641x904 EmberAmane.jpg)
(584.53 KB 1350x1350 EmberAmane (2).png)
(7.27 MB 2800x3500 EmberAmane (1).png)
Need Ao or Ririka wardrobe malfunction weight gain
Anyone got the pic of fat lui and Kiara bumping their asses together?
(1.07 MB 1080x1620 GCB9PrdagAAHIH4.jpg)
New Pippa from ITAOHS
(597.45 KB 3600x2700 GFIgN8yXIAE8ePf.jpg)
(914.96 KB 4096x3723 GEuo88uWsAA16Tr.jpg)
(927.22 KB 3283x2424 Yozora_Mel_immobile_by_OdaLee.png)
(2.35 MB 3500x4093 GDXLqKGaIAAADS7.jpg)
(2.47 MB 3850x4200 ZbetOqN0cLo3KkFMCAx97tpV.jpeg)
>>187643 Chibidoki fats!? That shit is rare as fuck. Source?
>>187659 >>187643 Second this. Might comm some Chibi fats.
>>187911 >>187659 https://superdeadaly.fanbox.cc/
(132.12 KB 756x2160 qb3fuq-WV4k.jpg)
One Sinder (KipTeiTei) and one Bao (TheJuicyStuff)
(924.60 KB 2250x2000 image0 (2).jpg)
>>158780 Yet another notwilliam leak. Enjoy!
(1018.15 KB 1079x1121 pbysteria-963903-ollieGains.png)
(83.27 KB 1264x632 IMG_0686.jpeg)
https://youtu.be/HkTfmf-fnQ8?si=OM0S6FI3p0HzOZpA Animated clip of Matsuri talking about how much she eats/used to eat by Teritama
(759.58 KB 3677x4096 Tsukino Mito.jpg)
(4.14 MB 2745x1743 saa.png)
(237.16 KB 1723x1600 twitter_1679388023887212544.jpg)
(313.45 KB 2048x1152 twitter_1681470626261786628.jpg)
>>183239 Smaller chub Pipkins, but chub Pipkins nonetheless
(1.15 MB 1483x2419 Patreon post image-252.jpg)
(88.14 KB 1101x1574 GGuFTSZXYAA33QF.jpeg.jpg)
(103.44 KB 694x1221 F6BmuTqW4AEEmvZ.jpeg.jpg)
(197.17 KB 1746x1895 GIGnQ2SWAAA6GqL.jpeg.jpg)
(159.31 KB 1756x1907 GGLruVMXsAES_hv.jpeg.jpg)
(856.73 KB 3360x3480 M8 - Aradia L.png)
(1.62 MB 3360x3480 M8 - Aradia.png)
(1.41 MB 1248x1824 1710114618171746.png)
>>192771 who drew this?
>>190951 Why is fat Saa rare? There's tons of expansion, specifically butt and vore but no WG of snek wife.
>>189577 these legs god
(2.16 MB 3200x3600 Kawaiiope Mori_S.png)
(2.47 MB 3200x3600 Kawaiiope Mori_K.png)
(4.16 MB 3200x3600 Kawaiiope Mori.png)
a request for an anon on /vt/
More Saa sneko.
(576.82 KB 4096x3324 GJNOCkSX0AEg5y1.jpg)
>>187643 Is there anymore Chibidoki or Emmy Dook?
(115.13 KB 1500x1080 GBGUFzbWoAEbDHR.jpeg)
(1.69 MB 4353x3716 patcom nov23 fauna sm.jpg)
(7.62 MB 6000x6826 mar24 affo goth fauna.jpg)
(619.04 KB 1902x1391 FaunRonii.png)
by Better-with-Salt
>>188686 Need this with Rissa solely based on her Difficult Game About Climbing stream title
(6.88 MB 1920x1216 saa.webm)
>>195700 any idea who made this?
>>195736 The artist who made it is mysterydad You can find them on twitter
>>195700 Lord almighty, that is one SUCCULENT thicc Saa.
(430.22 KB 1024x1024 pippa_pipkin_chubby_bunny.png)
(568.90 KB 1024x1024 pig_princess_haachama.png)
(2.61 MB 2560x1920 fight on! oomfie!!.png)
(4.01 MB 3840x2880 not-so-itsy-bitsy-aranha.png)
some assorted vtuber fats for you all.
>>196111 Oh shoot, I remember seeing the piggy haachama, but I didn't see the other ones. Nice job!
(8.50 MB 1920x1210 saa_audio_6RGm1As.webm)
>>195700 >>195736 >>195737 >>195738 Fun Fact: MysteryDad got Saa to voice over this herself so this is technically canon.
(110.71 KB 460x553 1712625027649855.png)
(152.58 KB 505x552 1712625180425814.png)
(59.33 KB 1468x1996 1712625079241911.png)
>>158780 Here's more of William's recently leaked art!
(172.88 KB 1362x1489 shiori_valentine.png)
>>196721 managed to find a bigger version of the Shiori pic! also does anyone have his sheriff Mori saved? he only posted it as a discord link and now it's busted https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040703086479544463/1089163698557435975/sheriff_calli_2.png
(195.79 KB 1440x1645 sheriff_calli_2.png)
>>196722 never mind, i got it to work!
(7.78 MB 5519x5124 affo 7.22 callie.jpg)
(6.19 MB 4200x4800 affo mori maid 1.jpg)
(5.24 MB 5219x3892 affo mori.jpg)
Does anyone have the last part?
>>198372 checked the artist's DA and Twitter (softservice on both btw) and it doesn't seem like he's done anymore Moris past the maid ones
>>198379 Ah, bummer. I thought they did.
>>198381 >>198379 >>198372 they did a part 3, it's on their patreon it seems
>>198532 yep, just found it on kemono https://files.catbox.moe/rtckpx.jpg
(206.55 KB 2048x1412 GLt6cd_XYAAUQKp.jpg)
(179.79 KB 876x1200 GMNEu-DWUAAZdXU.png)
(102.57 KB 884x1200 GMNEu-DXIAA84Ox.jpeg.jpg)
(314.87 KB 1467x2048 GAEojQ8agAAueRt.jpeg.jpg)
(363.10 KB 2048x1871 GLsw1NPbgAAV_Ih.jpeg.jpg)
(311.20 KB 2048x1871 GLsw1NNbkAAhHBR.jpeg.jpg)
barely anyone's been posting when there's been so much new stuff lately, guess I'll do it myself
(433.39 KB 1615x2048 GLo5vPXXkAANUJU.jpeg.jpg)
(430.34 KB 1615x2048 GLo5wEtW0AEiOoV.jpeg.jpg)
(446.87 KB 1615x2048 GLo2n-9XgAAdM2o.jpeg.jpg)
(460.90 KB 1615x2048 GLo2m0yXgAAnZfR.jpeg.jpg)
spoiler: gas
damn size restrictions
(215.20 KB 1472x2048 F8UE5RYaQAAWWjS.jpeg.jpg)
(198.81 KB 1294x2048 GDvIffXbAAA9GWN.jpeg.jpg)
(373.97 KB 1899x2048 GJc2mCRawAAsmLn.jpeg.jpg)
(200.10 KB 969x2048 F8z8xOja8AELVbl.jpeg.jpg)
(258.83 KB 1464x2048 GKS_Z8ua0AAG5vh.jpeg.jpg)
oops, duped the last Watame
big file size
(27.80 KB 1084x883 20240430_180912.jpg)
(168.62 KB 3200x2000 20240430_180907.jpg)
(13.14 KB 540x488 20240430_180922.jpg)
(365.87 KB 1505x2048 20240430_180955.jpg)
(74.46 KB 1738x1288 20240430_180920.jpg)
(1.00 MB 2700x3600 20240430_180447.jpg)
(146.09 KB 1038x1589 20240226_231417.jpg)
(90.17 KB 750x1146 20240309_104959.jpg)
(116.82 KB 2048x1768 20240228_163941.jpg)
(113.60 KB 2048x1768 20240228_163939.jpg)
(125.33 KB 833x1715 20240226_231410.jpg)
(556.01 KB 2560x4096 20240309_033508.jpg)
(916.93 KB 2234x1028 IMG_0236.jpg)
(7.42 MB 7396x6000 mar24 explicit shiori.jpg)
(948.34 KB 1604x1936 image0 (19).jpg)
(206.75 KB 1409x2048 GNikN0mbAAAPo5F.jpg)
(1.23 MB 1972x1915 IMG_7320.jpg)
(57.96 KB 1075x796 GM9LMKsXIAAisPF.jpg)
(860.87 KB 3600x2700 20240514_120726.jpg)
(262.51 KB 886x886 20240516_001954.jpg)
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(2.64 MB 2039x2894 20240512_121743.jpg)
What are you guys opinions on Voraisha?
(77.91 KB 1300x831 different_timelines_2.png)
>>200490 Top tier artist.
>>203455 While I'm not that into the vore thing, I can safely say she's really hot, both the avatar and irl (there's some posts on her patreon of her drinking 10 litres of soda)
(1.13 MB 1616x1278 Don’t Feed the Reaper.jpg)
(862.80 KB 2900x3700 GO3ZG4naAAArqRl.jpeg)
(143.41 KB 1536x2048 GPhFSrEWkAAnfRd.jpg)
So does Bao actually have a fat/inflation fetish or is she just joking? We know she's a bit chubby and has a bit of a dumpy irl so I got curious
(1.39 MB 6000x1518 kronii_by_chubnugget1_dhk921q.jpg)
>>205673 pretty sure it's just a joke, she is a furry though and has 'joked' about how much she wants to be eaten by wolfmen repeatedly so might be into vore.
>>205837 she doesn't really separate between blueberrification, air/water inflation, and weight gain in her jokes so that's evidence for her not knowing much about it and just using it as a funny 'weird fetish' to pretend to be into that is both very 'not normie' whilst also being relatively inoffensive/not offputting.
(253.18 KB 2048x1578 Pippa_Taquitoroyale_4.jpg)
(253.40 KB 2048x1578 Pippa_Taquitoroyale_3.jpg)
(286.16 KB 2048x1578 Pippa_Taquitoroyale_2.jpg)
(285.13 KB 1879x2158 Pippa_Taquitoroyale_1.jpg)
>>205620 Second is BetterWithSalt Here's Part 1
https://youtu.be/dlpmTEFugsw?si=rGWYHsXhCXKB9i5g&t=23 https://youtube.com/shorts/tY-RWATndqg?si=wGVIDNCFCaGsUVwO I refuse to believe there's no fat Mint art yet.
(279.85 KB 2008x2008 pea1.jpg)
(326.09 KB 1170x1650 tsc1.jpg)
(154.25 KB 1302x1274 GP6SbAOXcAAyRmC.jpg)
>>205838 idk there's a level of joking where it's like, the joke is that you're into it and you're simultaneously implying you're not to not come off as weird. i do the same shit
(1.80 MB 1851x2715 IMG_0760.png)
(1.82 MB 1851x2715 IMG_0759.png)
goth mumei comm i got from unknownukou on da
(516.20 KB 1033x1461 Chubby Mint.png)
>>207346 Only two? Very well, I'll make it three.
(901.76 KB 1024x1024 ghost_mint_stays_puft.png)
>>207854 i make it four
>>208182 Whatever guys, just make it five now
(1.72 MB 3035x4299 119951804_p0.png)
(1.75 MB 3035x4299 119951804_p2.png)
(1.77 MB 3035x4299 119951804_p3.png)
(189.64 KB 1398x1722 FfYndBlXEAAj5hD.jpeg)
(114.25 KB 559x553 FdJ4FjSWAAAkzQn.png)
(34.57 KB 1143x1725 GRHkM_jWwAEuo68.png)
(976.34 KB 4000x3000 FQW0wVtUYAIijrZ.jpeg)
I'm surprised no one mentions Rosie the Alien on this thread.
(711.83 KB 828x948 IMG_4863.PNG)
(1.14 MB 828x941 IMG_4866.PNG)
>>178441 artist?
(989.30 KB 3602x2400 100520381_p0.jpg)
(5.29 MB 2000x2400 119295538_p0.jpg)
(3.10 MB 7000x3600 120221617_p0.jpg)
>>203720 You that is fake right?
(607.59 KB 1200x1697 XavwzsfvA94UPR3wI4x12DT3.jpeg)
>>211920 this is the artist @notwilliam_ on twitter. he posts these images usually on some discords, that's why people call them "leaks" when we get more fetish art from him
(246.15 KB 1287x2048 GTb3JlnWkAAdeqj.jpeg)
(230.20 KB 1287x2048 GTb3KBNWAAAkx-C.jpeg)
(185.73 KB 699x1080 froot.jpg)
(8.72 MB 5625x4484 Extra_stuffed_Immy_bisou.png)
VAllure fats? Yes, I will.
(200.01 KB 2000x2000 1717971813039578.png)
(110.86 KB 1038x1414 1721350794026234.png)
(122.82 KB 2000x2000 1723850664015217.png)
(294.59 KB 2000x1652 1722782750654136.png)
>>212067 He has a tumblr? Does he post any fetish content there? By the way, here's more of his art.
Marine's boat sized ass
(315.96 KB 2800x1800 Mori boombox.png)
Mori sketch I got from joekie3wl the other day
Does Raora Panthera have art? Need me some panther girl
(134.14 KB 1259x903 GQmRXXqWEAAVb0L-2.jpeg)
Honestly, fat Calli is hot. I'm not the kind of guy who is attracted romantically to VTubers, but I find Calli to be a very hot tomboy. Her voice is low and sultry, which makes her very sexy.
(257.35 KB 572x628 1627360778146.png)
>>218881 I think she's hot even when she isn't fat. Hell, I'd be her feedee if she wanted to and I'm not even into that kind of thing, she has that much of a grip on me
(714.10 KB 3392x3967 raora2.jpg)
(1.33 MB 1714x2571 raora.jpg)
(1.54 MB 3148x4096 raora meataball.jpg)
(2.20 MB 3000x3583 raoraaa.jpg)
(1.99 MB 3000x3000 waowa.png)
>>218923 *Dehydration sounds* *Raora art* "Thank you, for saving me! I was so thristy!"
(1.15 MB 3584x4096 calli1.jpg)
(841.71 KB 4096x3055 calli2.jpg)
(881.44 KB 4096x3670 calli3.jpg)
>>218881 we love fatass pawg Mori
(155.91 KB 1147x1434 GWsbs5OXMAAf9Lh.jpeg)
Have another!
>>218956 isn't Mori a pawg irl? I haven't seen any pics of her recently but I remember she started getting a bit chubby around 2022
(239.59 KB 927x1830 vora.png)
(1.35 MB 4032x3024 GYCOZmFWcAAneTu.jpg)
Voraisha claims that she ate everything on this list during one stream. What do you guys think
>>221127 I think you should go fuck yourself, everyone here hates Voraisha
>>221132 why does everyone hate Voraisha
>>221132 who the fuck is Voraisha lmao
Will Leonard does fats???? How am I just learning this
>>221127 Physically impossible lmao
Anyone have that recent Fauna sketch from BWS?
(500.11 KB 850x835 image_2024-10-02_160315888.png)
(1.08 MB 1600x1465 image_2024-10-02_160325622.png)
New fat vtuber dropped
>>222629 she have a name?
>>222629 ok reverse image search works now, sorry. https://www.twitch.tv/shikisketches
anyone have any Juniper Actias?
(130.06 KB 596x380 image.png)
>>219248 >>219244 >>218956 >>218881 Bottom heavy Mori is the call. Almost rivaling the size of Saa but with a belly to match.
>>217885 They don't call it pirate booty for nothing!
(193.52 KB 1088x1566 GUeWwxkWoAA5Cj8.jpg)
(247.31 KB 2048x2048 GZBfv-QXAAA79EQ.jpg)
(369.42 KB 2048x2048 GZeW28sW0AACxyN.jpg)
(371.47 KB 1457x2048 GUeWwxlXoAASVuz.jpg)
(148.11 KB 974x2048 GZE1hL_XsAAOaBB.jpg)
(247.31 KB 2048x2048 GZeW28qWcAAvmt5.jpg)
(807.27 KB 1280x720 utIZxw0HCBgtZFAT.webm)
Hope Saa comes back from hiatus soon.
(3.56 MB 2750x3750 Pt.1.jpg)
(3.32 MB 3750x2541 Pt.2.jpg)
(3.61 MB 3750x2465 Pt.3.jpg)
(3.76 MB 3750x2591 Pt.4.jpg)
(4.31 MB 3600x2700 Club_Chungus.png)
(531.17 KB 3276x2901 overtime_by_itaohs_di2amk0.png)
(2.13 MB 3417x4000 pt. 1.jpg)
(2.39 MB 3553x4000 pt. 2.jpg)
(2.98 MB 3616x4000 pt. 3.jpg)
(4.93 MB 12675x3104 0dhh7d.png)
(8.09 MB 3900x5850 Ange_katarina_higher.png)
(3.71 MB 3541x5016 1950347-1.output.jpg)
(3.94 MB 3541x5016 1950347-2.output.jpg)
(1.28 MB 1764x1764 1811481-4.output.jpg)
(2.00 MB 1672x2361 1811481-1.output.jpg)
>>227635 I see someone here really likes Ange...
Does anybody have Chibidoki stuff?
(1.24 MB 1181x1748 1513095-4.png)
(566.70 KB 1181x1748 1667934-3.output.png)
(668.59 KB 1181x1748 1978244-3.output.png)
(885.12 KB 1748x1181 1703156-2.output.png)
(4.15 MB 3541x2508 2198696-1.output.png)
(4.04 MB 3541x2508 2198696-2.output.png)
(3.29 MB 3600x2700 Ange.png)
(2.59 MB 2048x2732 2147096-1.output.png)
(1.10 MB 1377x1653 1957387-1.output.png)
(3.97 MB 3100x3500 1929499-2.output.png)
(4.86 MB 3700x2900 1681039-3.output.png)
Is there any holoid art?
(1.22 MB 1181x1748 2042269-2.png)
(4.03 MB 2700x3750 2146070-1.output.png)
(55.27 KB 828x1764 dgckco.png)
(1.26 MB 2838x2838 media_F9STR8ObMAAXPqw.jpg)
>>227706 There's been a heap of it posted already but here are some Iofis.
(6.79 MB 6071x8598 Boobinomicon_Page_1.png)
(4.09 MB 4093x5787 Boobinomicon_Page_2.png)
(3.56 MB 4093x5787 Boobinomicon_Page_3.png)
(6.59 MB 4093x5787 Boobinomicon_Page_4.png)
Architectbros McDonald's Japan teased a silhouette, We are still winning https://x.com/McDonaldsJapan/status/1861326526702072211
(126.22 KB 671x623 image.webp)
Found this as the profile picture for a bot of Miko on Character.ai Can't find the original, sorry.
there's not as much pekora as I thought there'd be
(489.93 KB 2048x1821 GHOkAZbWUAAMCi1.jpeg)
(295.71 KB 2048x1536 GNzyUZrXcAAu4d3.jpeg)
>>233244 Courtesy of the chef
(1.06 MB 2000x1500 20241227_194145.jpg)
Does anyone have bws' Fauna sketches compilation?
(1.47 MB 4949x1587 bws fauna bw sketches.png)
>>237621 Do you mean everything he's done over the years, or did he do a special Fauna-specific compilation? I believe this is all of the former. There's a fan-colored version of the one with Kronii somewhere.>>237621
>>237621 >>239091 The colored version of the fattest sketch is too big to upload, its on the kemono. Speaking of, kudos to anyone who'll upload Pixiveo's latest Fauna from this month, not the sequence above.
(6.98 MB 4447x4752 Illustration108.png)
(1.06 MB 1483x2419 Laimu.jpg)
(348.93 KB 2800x1800 lia.png)
(324.50 KB 2800x1800 lia no husbando.png)
