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Dragon Quest Thread Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 21:20:47 Id:4fae32 No. 160128
Hey anons, I don't see this franchise being talked about much in the weight gaining sphere. Which is weird to me, considering that there's so much content specifically about DQ3 fat ladies. If you have some rare ones, please, hit me up with some pictures. I am in need of some big women.
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There was a fucking Square Enix thread, did it die?
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>>160132 No clue. I don't really care for other Square Enix properties but Dragon Quest and Tifa's tits.
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>>160145 Remember that you're supposed to keep explicit content under spoilers.
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>>160146 Whoops, I'm sorry about that, any chance a mod can do that for me for the picture I forgot to do so?
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>>160190 And that's all I got, hopefully you fellas have some more.
>>160128 >>160193 Was this the entire contents of the last DQ thread from like a year ago? But sure, here's some stuff
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I wanna draw more DQ stuff. Perhaps a Sophia next.
>>160212 Who made these pics. Their sexy.
(215.52 KB 816x400 [email protected])
(149.66 KB 701x889 sofia.png)
>>160218 Good pick. I always liked how chunky she looks in old official art, especially the original cover. Look at that meat slab
Does anyone have Benichiga-ya (Stigaya)] translate only couple but rest not
>>160147 There's no rule about putting NSFW pictures under spoilers; only if it contains something that might belong on other boards such as dudes, bodily gas clouds, furries, etc. I honestly have no idea how people keep believing that shit. Also, you need to learn how to pace your uploads; Dragon Quest doesn't get new stuff that fast even with the crappy DQX offline out in Japan and the DQIII remake down the pipeline though looking like vaporware now.
>>160224 He asked who the fuck made these drawings, you might as well reply
>>160208 Not really sure, I have lost a great deal of data in a hard drive failure. Any Jessica pic you might get is greatly appreciated though. >>160218 Please do, she's got a pretty memorable design. >>160230 >There's no rule about putting NSFW pictures under spoilers; only if it contains something that might belong on other boards such as dudes, bodily gas clouds, furries, etc. I knew about the alt stuff (hence why I spoilered whatever didn't strictly adhere to /bbwdraw/ standards), but I usually see very little nudes, so I assumed that's how it is. >Also, you need to learn how to pace your uploads Nah, I don't wish to bother anons by bumping a very old thread, if nobody wants to fap to the stuff I post I think it's fine with letting the thread die. Plus I mirrored these uploads on my /hyper/ board anyhow, so they're never truly lost.
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>>161463 Do you have these Chunks pictures in higher definition? Jade's protuding crotch is killing me. Also, too big apparently https://files.catbox.moe/t1h5p9.png
(3.73 MB 1650x1650 JADE.png)
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>>162135 >That face Thank god there's a monster you can steal a hood from.
>>162142 Are you surprised by this? The guy majority of the time draws so much furry shit to the point I'm surprised he remembers what human faces look like.
>>162142 Oh.. I think I get that joke. Btw, nice art.
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>>162135 Honestly? It doesn't look as horrible as the other anons are saying, it's definitely competent. The face is ugly, but it's not unrealistic. Makes sense that the bridge of the nose and the chin look like that for the kind of face she's making. Obviously I like pretty faces better, but I don't really think it's worth shitting on the picture. Second pic of >>160641 is comparatively uglier. By the way, what's the source? >>161993 Thanks!
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>>162403 @IchokeMk is the artist. He draws a lot of bbw art, but like I said before, most of it is furry shit.
>>162417 i need translations, please
>>162791 It's just sound effects. Eating sounds, she burps, then on the last page it's heavy footsteps, she huffs and puffs and burps again
It's astonishing how little fetish art of Dragon Quest exists even on Pixiv. Deviantart is barely usable, and I sure as hell don't know how to find very specific stuff on Twitter if the artist won't tag them correctly. Where are you guys even getting your stuff?
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>>163251 No magic technique, I just keep an eye on tags and artists and get lucky sometimes
>>163251 Japan either needs an in or has too much respect for DQ, I guess the Brits somehow ended up with all the artists being the few that weren't into DQ in the chunk of the West that was carrying it, and here in the US it's been handled like absolute shit so the vast majority only really have played babies firsts (DQVIII/DQXI) which explains the load of Jessica and Jade is produced while everyone gets slow feeds throughout time with Alena and Bianca usually getting it.
>>163374 >Japan either needs an in or has too much respect for DQ, I don't think so, I believe it's just a case of Japan having different favorite girls. I have seen the DQ III Priestess being done absolutely abhorrent things, but no one seems to care about all the other characters. The quality is also all over the place, most pieces are really bad but occasionally there's a good artist who makes fat art of every charcter from the series.
>>163456 Soulful artist, but he's better at inflation than fats
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>>163456 >DQ III Priestess No preset personality, you create them and think about what kind of character you want them to be. Why do you think DQX where you can cook and it having so many top tier females rarely gets anything that isn't the players avatars or close to something like that? DQXI fat production is almost entirely western, DQVIII rarely got much fat art out of Japan too. >DQIX I always found it criminal that the Japs didn't take advantage of the Hammibal grotto boss and have him fatten up females who fall to him in battle because his deranged state think they're all his daughter.
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>>163590 DQ3 has a glutton/gourmand personality, so it's sort of canon that you can brainwash any party member into having a huge appetite. If adventuring is too much exercise just leave her at Luida's bar to sit on her ass and pig out
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>>163689 Very based >>163590 >Why do you think DQX where you can cook and it having so many top tier females rarely gets anything that isn't the players avatars or close to something like that? DQXI fat production is almost entirely western, DQVIII rarely got much fat art out of Japan too. Extremely sad, maybe I really should be the change I want to see in the world
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Any girls from dragon quest dai?
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>>163689 I was far more interested in the Tomboy personality; also before I found out the pervert personality was just the male version, that one too. >If adventuring is too much exercise just Just change her class to Mage; practically all the fattest characters are Mages. >>164691 Ma'am only rarely gets boob which is surprising since I figured the new series might gain actual traction in the west since it's an anime and XI got more eyes back on the series but I guess it's been too long or what they did with the new series flat lined interest.
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>>164691 I've only ever seen one fat Maam. Have some Daisys too, she's cuter and from a better show. >>164775 >practically all the fattest characters are Mages. Maybe, but the fattest party member in the series is a merchant. DQ3's merchant isn't very popular but I like the idea of the one you leave to run the immigrant town getting huge as she turns into a greedy dictator
>>164691 The manga does have a couple of nice female characters, but I think the amount of people capable of drawing good fats have a very small intersection with those who are interested in DQ spinoffs. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of quality, here. >>164784 >Maybe, but the fattest party member in the series is a merchant. DQ3's merchant isn't very popular but I like the idea of the one you leave to run the immigrant town getting huge as she turns into a greedy dictator Get the Squish master on the case
>>164784 >but the fattest party member in the series is a merchant Okay, lets meet in the middle, a merchant about 30 years of age, got a hold of and unknowingly equipped a cursed item that turned her half demon, or dragon, or whatever. She gets the comfortable and "filling" life of a merchant and also the predisposition to massive amounts of weight that she'll be able to carry around like it's nothing. >I like the idea of the one you leave to run the immigrant town getting huge as she turns into a greedy dictator Crap, I need to stop getting sidetracked and start playing DQIII again. How far is it in the game? But this talk reminds me... >>163456 You're a jinx, got me wanting to start playing DQIX again and a day or two after I started, a cord got snagged by part of the vacuum I was using and my DS fell and broke. It's honestly hilarious how destructive my luck is these days. >>165390 >I think the amount of people capable of drawing good fats have a very small intersection with those who are interested in DQ spinoffs >Spinoffs Nah, it's more zero interest in DQ whenever it's not tied to something like FFXII or whatever got DQXI its attention if all the fat Jades were cropping up before Smash Bros; it's Final Fantasy that gets the spinoff's ignored.
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>>165428 >How far is it in the game? The middle third, after you get the boat.
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>>165527 Shit memory has me wondering if I actually got the boat or if my memory is mixing DQII and DQIII up. I can't remember if I said it here but I hope they let you have two slots so that you can have a mixture of personalities in the remake, if it actually comes out because right now it looks like vaporware.
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>>165428 >You're a jinx, got me wanting to start playing DQIX again and a day or two after I started, a cord got snagged by part of the vacuum I was using and my DS fell and broke. Ouch, very sorry about that Though you can just emulate it through DesMume or similar emulators, it runs pretty well, you can even use trainers to get the wifi-only rewards on the Inns >>165853 >if it actually comes out because right now it looks like vaporware. I really do not understand Squeenix, or major studios in general. It's like they want their projects to fail, same thing happened to TWEWY NEO, it flopped extremely hard all because the publisher wanted to make an example out of the devs.
>>166290 >Ouch Honestly with my luck it's become a dark joke I can laugh at. >>166290 At the rate Square's going, they're gonna be bankrupt before Final Fantasy can cross 20. I wonder how many people married Jessica over the princess in the DQ8 3DS version.
>>166295 I like Jessica better, but unlike in 5 or 11 it really does feel scummy in 8 not to go with the default girl. Jessica squeezing into Medea's wedding dress is pretty hot though.
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>>166300 Hey, it isn't your fault you didn't get much time to know her in comparison to Jessica; blame God.
>>160212 Bless the Japanese anon who's getting all these skeb requests of Meena and Maya being fattened up
>>165528 Gag lips ruin the first pic. Big time.
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>>165528 >>166934 I truly do not understand them, it's not even like they made them like in many lip-inflation pics.
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>>168515 artist for the first image?
>>170283 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101781481 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/10445837 https://twitter.com/millethefeuille
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Has there been any final boss whose plan was to recreate the world instead of destroying it or dominating it? >>165853 Haven't gotten the boat just reached first Parchisi joint and went north. >>168131 There was a swell of lip slug transformations, a while back.
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>>171255 >Has there been any final boss whose plan was to recreate the world instead of destroying it or dominating it? Not in the mainline series as far as I know, but in DAI (the acclaimed manga turned anime turned bunch of games) the Demon Lord is kind of justified in that the Humans just pushed his race in the underworld and he's trying to upset the Dragons - Humans - Demons balance of power using Monsters, with Dai just happening to be aligned to all four in some way or another.
>>171255 Maybe Mortamor from DQ6. I don't remember that game's story very well. >>171925 In Dai the normal world is a lid on top of the underworld that the bad guy wants to blow up, so he basically does just want to destroy the world.
From the Axel thread
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>>173830 >>173832 What was deleted here?
(3.88 MB 2500x2763 249.png)
>>174854 Burp alt just didn't feel like uploading
(195.75 KB 1158x1637 103172703_p0.jpg)
>>174866 Heh, just post them under a spoiler There's so little art that you might as well post it all
>>175776 >just post them under a spoiler Let's see if that works. It was refusing to show up rather than getting deleted by jannies. I thought it was detecting a duplicate but obviously that's not an issue.
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>>175829 (It didn't work)
(882.85 KB 1200x2000 Alis10101-841249-yyyygggg.jpg)
>>175830 At this point even alt stuff would be appreciated, but if you find any good art, please share it! spoiler for vore
>>176459 Here's another dragon
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Vore. For some reason witches get tons of it.
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(9.42 MB 2760x4514 Veronica and Mia halloween.png)
>>177157 why is just vomitting Majin Buu?
>>177609 >>177157 I thought it was supposed to be the same essence from the other Sex Appeal attacks to be honest
Don't die on me, my pretty thread
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>>180884 Source? I feel that I've already seen this artist somewhere else, but I don't know where their account is and "Eclair" or "Eclair 14"" don't show any promising results either.
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>>181179 '14 is the year. I forget the artist's name. I associate her with TAD for some reason, but I think she was wishy-washy about drawing fetish art and I don't think she drew any other DQ stuff
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>>181179 >>181195 I only remember Kaigestudo or however you spelled the name. Anyone found out if the DQX witch is in the new Monsters game? >>176473 Hansel and Gretel.
>>181362 Spoilered for male. >Anyone found out if the DQX witch is in the new Monsters game? I don't think so. It has Krystalinda at least.
>>181373 >Krystalinda Classic Squeenix; replace the witch that showed skin with the witch that's in a full bodysuit. I guess it's not as bad since I never heard of mounting monsters returning, so you can't ride on Witch Valencia's giant hat.
>>181179 Lovelytasty. Kaigetsudo's wife.
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>Pixiv artists creating huge pictures >Site about huge women having a tiny file size I protest >>160128 >>181195 >>181362 >>181551 Thank you kindly brothers. I'm sad to hear that, they have a very cute art style. >>181362 >Anyone found out if the DQX witch is in the new Monsters game? Only Witch I could find is Krystalinda, there are the bat women from DQ XI but I never really liked their design. The sexiest monster by far is the notBulbasaur dragon you get like two minutes in. >>181376 I liked the demo a lot but I just pirated it after I heard they censored both Maya and the "Monster Manster" phrase in the English translation because of slavery. If Squeenix wants my money, they'll let Toriyama and Horii do their little thing and give them the artistic freedom they deserve.
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>>182596 It seemed like people had a lot of fun with the demo but were disappointed by the full game. What they did to Maya's costume is criminal.
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>>182596 >I heard they censored both Maya and the "Monster Manster" phrase in the English translation I thought they only censored her outfit >they'll let Toriyama and Horii do their little thing and give them the artistic freedom they deserve They do; in Japan. Here's hoping them adopting that DEI bullshit will burn them hard enough that they'll drop it by DQX, DQ3HD, or DQXII comes over. I guess this means whenever I actually head out and get a Switch, I'll end up taking a copy out from my library. Did they do anything to DQXI? It will always be criminal how Japan gets all the McDonalds collabs while us burgers get nothing**, but hey, at least a burger mimic exists; that combined with the ideas Gingerbread House from Yugioh puts in a persons head, should produce some interesting situations.
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>>182604 >It seemed like people had a lot of fun with the demo but were disappointed by the full game. The demo was very beefy, unexpectedly so, but the flip side of that is that it pretty much showcased exactly what you would expect from the full game. A choppy, samey rendition of the world from DQ IV with an interesting retelling of the events from the perspective of the sorta villain. The problem with the game is that it lacks much mechanical depth, at least to me. It's more about finding new monsters or figuring out the best combinations for making newer ones, then grinding a lot for the best levels and picking only one among two possible skill trees per monster. Granted, there's a lot of variation, but it's just sort of all the same song and dance like other games without much personality. >What they did to Maya's costume is criminal. There's also the matter of voice actors kind of phoning it in and being severely mismatched to their character type (the cat monster has no right to sound like that), the dialogue being just awfully plain and other weird aspects like the framerate tanking during season transitions and when certain monsters are on screen. The roaming monsters are also kind of boring to look at, they do small animations where they act like dorks or go about their wild lives, but they're really not that interesting and older titles did that much, much better. Also, for some bizarre reason, they modified Rose's face to shrink her eyes and move them further apart, so she kind of looks diseased to me, which is not something you want in your heroine. And finally, they really shafted DQ VIII by not getting some of their best monsters in the game, which is annoying since that's my favorite entry. >>182612 >Here's hoping them adopting that DEI bullshit will burn them hard enough that they'll drop it by DQX, DQ3HD, or DQXII comes over. Hopefully >Did they do anything to DQXI? It's not as egregious but they did cover up the Divine Bustier with silky white thigh highs (which look hotter but it's still technically censorship) and made some other outfits less revealing. It's not as bad though because the game itself has plenty of babes and studs, plus it's a much more mechanically deep and story rich experience than a spinoff about capturing critters. >It will always be criminal how Japan gets all the McDonalds collabs while us burgers get nothing Some people on /vr/ said you can still synthesize those Jap exclusive monsters, they're not mentioned anywhere in the game and require a lot of grinding but you can do it. If you know Moonrunes or have a translation plugin installed you can use this https://gamewith.jp/monsters3/417737 to get whatever monster you want.
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>>182652 >There's also the matter of voice actors kind of phoning it in and being severely mismatched There's no dual audio? >they did cover up the Divine Bustier with silky white thigh highs (which look hotter but it's still technically censorship) and made some other outfits less revealing That's what I'd expect out of Squeenix, along with censoring any sign of Christianity before they started drinking the kool aid. >Some people on /vr/ said you can still synthesize those Jap exclusive monsters Nice to hear you don't need to blow money on codes from Japan.
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>>182712 >There's no dual audio? Luckily there is, but as VIII was my favorite and Heroes not that far behind, DQ is the one series I prefer the English VAs over the Japanese ones, especially since the settings lends itself better for that stuff, so I hold it to a higher standard than the usual Japanese game, so I am disappointed when both voices and dialogues suck ass. >along with censoring any sign of Christianity before they started drinking the kool aid. In that case they really couldn't do much, it was either not selling to the Americans or slightly altering something about their game no one in Japan cared about. At the very least the concept of the Goddess and the trident symbol became interesting and iconic concepts that make the series stand out. Plus I wouldn't really say they removed Christianity entirely, sure you don't have Cristo as a character, but Pearly Gates is still a thing and DQ IX even had that whole Ishmael parable part. Not trying to grasp at straws to justify censorship here, just pointing out what's what.
>>182722 >VIII was my favorite and Heroes not that far behind, DQ is the one series I prefer the English VAs over the Japanese ones That's not that hard to pull off since the mainline didn't have VAs til VIII 3DS and XI (dunno if X had VAs at the start). I haven't bothered with it much beyond looking at videos years ago but the only thing I remember is my utter contempt for what they did to Alena. I too loved DQXIII but at the same time that shit was a double edged sword that was responsible for the ruination of the DS ports and Squeenixes go to excuse as to why there was a DQ drought back in the day. >the Goddess and the trident symbol became interesting and iconic concepts What's iconic about them; I don't think anyone gave a second glance at the trident and they've either been switching what represents God or they only started with the Goddess with IX, and since they've been dangling X over our heads for years, there's only XII. >I wouldn't really say they removed Christianity entirely You change the symbols and names of deities when there's not really much of any info about the religion, it's no longer the religion. >Pearly Gates is still a thing Lotta religions borrowed things from others. >DQ IX even had that whole Ishmael parable part When was that, I only really remember god having it up to here with humanity after Corvus blew up his throne; and decided to take the chance to go on vacation by splitting himself up into the map dungeon bosses. I just honestly don't get why anyone bothers doing it since the only ones who'd have a problem likely wouldn't bother buying the game because it's satanic like Pokemon.
>>182727 >That's not that hard to pull off since the mainline didn't have VAs til VIII 3DS That is incorrect, the first voiced Dragon Quest game was VIII for the PS2, and funnily enough the Japanese version lacked voice acting, but the Western one had both that AND the orchestrated score. Apparently something about trying to appeal to a Western demographic that hadn't touched DQ since Dragon Warrior III. They also heavily marketed as "By Akira Toriyama" to cash in the hype for Dragon Ball. >I remember is my utter contempt for what they did to Alena. What exactly are you referring to? Her voice actress is pretty good imo. >I too loved DQXIII I'm assuming you meant to type VIII, as >that shit was a double edged sword that was responsible for the ruination of the DS ports and Squeenixes go to excuse as to why there was a DQ drought back in the day. Is an on point argument. In fact, Level 5 was so good at localizing the game (or rather, they convinced people they were good at it) that Squeenix assumed they could just insert cockney accents in every game, ignoring tone and settings at all, and that it only worked because Yangus' voice actor is a talent specialized in that sort of Bri'ish schtick. >What's iconic about them; I'm not going to die on this hill defending censorship, because even if I dig some changes, I can still see them as diverging from the original intent for stupid reasons. But at the same time, most of the Christian concepts in DQ still exist, they just have to tip toe around the stupid censors. Empyrea is probably the funniest to me, as the name is quite literally the highest of the Biblical Heavens. They're casually throwing bona fide God(dess) without the cross referencing idiots at the game ratings' offices noticing it. >When was that I probably forgot the name, but I tink it was the one with the whale bringing fish to the shores. Of an Australian island, sure. >I just honestly don't get why anyone bothers doing it since the only ones who'd have a problem likely wouldn't bother buying the game because it's satanic like Pokemon. I share the same thoughts with you, I don't know why developers in general would go out of their way ot remove parts of the games when the target audience wouldn't have minded and those who would hate it wouldn't have bought the game anyhow. Reminds me of how the Switch has by far the highest amount of smutty games out of all the currently selling consoles, but somehow some games have to remove bikinis, exposed thighs and the pelvic bones of women because they're problematic. Anyhow, I'm not here to argue about any of this, please, refill me with some more fat dq lasses, I'm almost out of new things to post.
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>>182770 >That is incorrect, the first voiced Dragon Quest game was VIII for the PS2 I wasn't talking about western variations before the Japanese started also doing voice work themselves. >They also heavily marketed as "By Akira Toriyama" to cash in the hype for Dragon Ball I thought all they did was slap a demo for FFXII in and gave the Heroes full tension super saiyan hair. >What exactly are you referring to? Her voice actress is pretty good imo She sounded like an idiot. >I'm assuming you meant to type VIII No, I'm from the future. >Level 5 >Localization They never attempted such a thing until around their Yokai Watch, Inazuma Eleven, and Danball Senki boom. >that it only worked because Yangus' voice actor is a talent specialized in that sort of Bri'ish schtick No, it only worked because it was voiced, unlike IV-VI DS, and then you have how they outsourced the translation to a two person company which left them unable to translate the party chat because of time constraints caused by having to translate the script and then retranslate it into accented bullshit. >I'm not going to die on this hill defending censorship Answering a question about why you feel they're iconic isn't exactly defending censorship. I'm simply curious because I'd say Stella in DQIX was far more known and thrown around than both of those combined and she was mostly hated the last I remember. >I'm not here to argue Who's arguing? I mean besides the Alena thing, that I'll argue about but everything else is simply a discussion.
>>182989 >I wasn't talking about western variations before the Japanese started also doing voice work themselves. I may remember this wrong, but didn't the Japanese only add voice acting to DQ after the Western version of VIII was positively received? >I thought all they did was slap a demo for FFXII in and gave the Heroes full tension super saiyan hair. They did both, actually. Some parts of the world just had a demo disc by itself in manga magazines. >She sounded like an idiot. I kind of like her silly like that. I can understand how she can get a bit grating after a while, and I respect your opinion on that, there's a lack of restraint in most localizations with funetik acksents. Would have probably been better as just very tomboish rather than speaking broken English, but some of the lines are pretty funny. >No, I'm from the future. Please, tell me all future DQs have a female mc option, time traveler sir >They never attempted such a thing until around their Yokai Watch, Inazuma Eleven, and Danball Senki boom. What about Dark Cloud? I even heard rumors that DQ VIII was supposed to be a Dark Cloud sequel that got out of hand in scope. >and then you have how they outsourced the translation to a two person company which left them unable to translate the party chat because of time constraints caused by having to translate the script and then retranslate it into accented bullshit. Yeah, that shit is unacceptable. I can't believe the mobile versions of the game are somehow truer to the original titles, even though they're their own kind of fucked up for different reasons. >I'm simply curious because I'd say Stella in DQIX was far more known and thrown around than both of those combined and she was mostly hated the last I remember. I must be in the minority here, but I really liked Stella, especially how she just dolled up your menu screen since she kind of lives there. They probably hate her a lot due to the stupid RNG stamp missions in DQ VIII 3DS I guess. And about the trident being iconic, it's probably just a me thing but I've seen a lot of western fanart with it. Might as well just be because people don't even know it was supposed to be a cross though. Happy new year!
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>>182989 That roly-poly Maribel is so good. I wish she was a more common target
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>>183179 >didn't the Japanese only add voice acting to DQ after the Western version of VIII was positively received Why? Japs aren't Americans; they didn't start putting VAs into Dragon Quest mainline until DQVIII 3DS that was about a decade later and then the first new game with it was DQXII. >Some parts of the world just had a demo disc by itself in manga magazines So you're talking about what they did in shit like the UK that carries the West DQ sales. >Please, tell me all future DQs have a female mc option, time traveler sir >Female MC option You'll get your occasional party builders where you customize your character and the next DQ MMO and you'll like it! >What about Dark Cloud Dark Cloud is Sony; it's why they haven't tried making another entry. Sony either handled it in house or outsourced it to whoever they used. >>183179 >They probably hate her a lot due to the stupid RNG stamp missions in DQ VIII 3DS I guess Her hatred came with DQIX; I've been mostly out of the fanbase loop after that besides keeping my eye on DQX and some talk of DQXI. >>183231 I don't care for these extreme apples; at most I'd like a bean shape so Maribel's round belly is easily seen wobbling under the fabric clinging to it and maybe causing her to be too focused on it and not notice her butts gotten just as large and causing the back of her dress to mold more and more to it with every footfall tremors up her meaty legs.
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>>182989 >outsourced the translation to a two person company which left them unable to translate the party chat because of time constraints caused by having to translate the script and then retranslate it into accented bullshit. Squnix flat out told Plus-Alpha to not do the party chat because it wouldn't have been worth the cost in the company's eyes, not due to any time constraints. Localization director Richard Honeywood explained this during his interview with 8-4, and sales figures of IV allowed the budget to be increased so that V and VI had their party chat out of the gate. The fact that squenix saw fit to have IV's party chart translated for the mobile release is yet further evidence that the series is bankable in the west. It's really cringe and gay that you faggots are still bitching about accents, it's been 20 years and you still haven't learned how to read. >>182596 >I heard they censored both Maya and the "Monster Manster" phrase in the English translation because of slavery. You are a retard.
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>>183237 >>183275 >Why? Japs aren't Americans; they didn't start putting VAs into Dragon Quest mainline until DQVIII 3DS that was about a decade later and then the first new game with it was DQXII. Was it not a direct consequence of that success? >So you're talking about what they did in shit like the UK that carries the West DQ sales. AFAIK DQ is relatively unpopular in the USA compared to Europe. >next DQ MMO A fate worse than IP death >Dark Cloud is Sony; That's only the publisher. Level 5 are the devs. No idea if they hold the rights anymore, if ever, considering it's not on their anniversary banner. >Her hatred came with DQIX Is there any reason why she's hated? I never found her that grating. >some talk of DQXI Did you play it? >>183275 >Squnix flat out told Plus-Alpha to not do the party chat because it wouldn't have been worth the cost in the company's eyes, not due to any time constraints. Localization director Richard Honeywood explained this during his interview with 8-4, and sales figures of IV allowed the budget to be increased so that V and VI had their party chat out of the gate. The fact that squenix saw fit to have IV's party chart translated for the mobile release is yet further evidence that the series is bankable in the west. That's just awful, don't know if which would be worse, being a localizer or being a short sighted suit. >It's really cringe and gay that you faggots are still bitching about accents, it's been 20 years and you still haven't learned how to read. I don't mind if they're in and don't mind if they're not. Some parts of the games are better off for them and some other don't really work. >You are a retard. Maybe, especially since I could not spell "Monster", but play the game with the Jap Audio and English Subtitles. Everyone clearly says "MONSTA MASTA" but the text box displays Monster Wrangler. If you're more upset about the reason I gave you, it's just what I've read online on other forums, but even if it isn't so, you really gotta wonder why the hell they bothered changing those details.
>>184388 >Was it not a direct consequence of that success? No, a decent a bump in the West for a single entry isn't gonna get Squeenix to make such a massive change on a series that always sells like hotcakes in Japan. If anything I'd say they decided to mess around with it in a side game since it was getting close to the big anniversary and the VAs were actually loved with little to no rejection. >AFAIK DQ is relatively unpopular in the USA compared to Europe Yes, that's what I said; we're all just Brits sloppy seconds and if they didn't speak English, we'd be stuck having to import from SEA. >A fate worse than IP death I dunno, X looked fun and the closest to a MMO with a sense of exploration. >That's only the publisher. Level 5 are the devs Dude, like I was saying, Sony owns the rights, that's why Level 5 hasn't put out a 3rd entry; they even said it themselves that they can't do anything without Sony giving the okay. >Is there any reason why she's hated? She's an annoying Gyaru but I don't remember the exact reason. >Did you play it? Dude, I tried getting it the other day and there wasn't a copy left anywhere. Them price gougers sure are thorough. My only options seems to be to put my trust in Gamestop not to send my a download code instead of a disc and getting it off of Amazon. >Some parts of the games are better off for them and some other don't really work Dude, don't bother trying to reason with these defensive accent bastards; they completely refuse to accept that shit gets unreadable at points and blocks most people without English as their first language. Should've kept it only whenever VAs were involved. >you really gotta wonder why the hell they bothered changing those details Originally "translators" went out of their way to change things because they got paid by the change but now it can be anywhere from that to them doing whatever they want to brag about it to their friends or some stupid reason like that.
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>>184388 That is the worst Alena I've seen yet, actual russian bitches look better than this. As for monster wrangler it's more likely that it was done to keep the spin off terminology distinct in an overcrowded genre where every monster taming game has a specific title for the profession; monster master, monster scout, and monster wrangler have all been used in recent years to refer to the main characters of the DQM spinoffs, where as monster master is still used in the other games. VII is a weird case since it's a different name in the Japanese version as well, similar to the gadabout and jester. Just read the wiki and ditch the cringe conspiracy bullshit, I swear to Christ every imageboard goes 110% full retard the second vidya is brought up. >Is there any reason why she's hated? I never found her that grating Just faggots not being able to appreciate a fine faerie. Low Testosterone men just cannot handle the sass. >>184450 Post a screencap showing where you're struggling to read so I can laugh at you even harder. >and blocks most people without English as their first language. Not my fault you're late to the party on speaking God's language, get with the fucking program already. >now it can be anywhere from that to them doing whatever they want to brag about it to their friends or some stupid reason like that Maybe for companies with shit quality control, but nothing in Dragon Quest has ever been changed for the overseas releases except for the crosses becoming tridents and the censoring of the Puff-Puff scenes in the Zenithia trilogy, and that comes down to Nintendo instead of Square Enix's contractors. Builders 1 kept the sex joke about the hammerhood, the Marilyn Monroe reference was kept for III, and in TDP Daffers makes it clear he'd be using the mod rod to turn into a bunny girl and feel himself up if the group wasn't on a vital mission, etc. I know you're a faggot but spit that L out of your mouth already.
>>185341 Gemma's looking remarkably Amber-esque
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>>185556 Learning how to cook under the village mom will do that to a gal's figure.
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>>187318 >>160641 Serena's doomed if you pick her.
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I feel like I was the only one who saw the large Iron Maiden in the lower layer of the Circle of Indulgence and got stuck thinking about losing with Rose being unable to escape and being reduced to being the monsters pet, which she keeps locked away when she isn't petting Rose or feeding her whatever chunk of sweets she's found in that layer made of snacks. I wanna say it'd be force feeding but Rose is so good natured, I think she'd go along with it with a smile on her face. >>182596 >there are the bat women from DQ XI but I never really liked their design I saw and I see your point but that didn't stop the Japs for making art for them. Also best monster is King Bubbleslime; it's face floating around as its body constantly bobs around makes it look like it's perpetually high as a kite. >>182652 >Some people on /vr/ said you can still synthesize those Jap exclusive monsters The info I've found and my attempt at following a synthesis line point to it only being possible if you took part in or got the monsters from a different avenue.
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Man I really gotta learn how to draw. I like this artist, but it seems he's the only one making big DQ women. >>184450 >If anything I'd say they decided to mess around with it in a side game since it was getting close to the big anniversary and the VAs were actually loved with little to no rejection. Makes sense, it's not like it had high stakes to begin with. >Dude, I tried getting it the other day and there wasn't a copy left anywhere. Them price gougers sure are thorough. My only options seems to be to put my trust in Gamestop not to send my a download code instead of a disc and getting it off of Amazon. I just own the digital version and the buccaneered one for modding and screwing around. Physical media is becoming almost impossible to find though. >Originally "translators" went out of their way to change things because they got paid by the change but now it can be anywhere from that to them doing whatever they want to brag about it to their friends or some stupid reason like that. I am not even sure if AI translations are going to help with anything, seeing as the ones making the final choices would have to go through several diversity consultants or whatever. >>184751 Squish Meister is one of my favorite artists, that's some nice shine. >>185541 I see. Can't help it though, seeing as it's the media that is hit the hardest by dubious localization efforts, lately. > Just faggots not being able to appreciate a fine faerie. Low Testosterone men just cannot handle the sass. Can't argue with that.
>>162791 https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/8876866/post/5728685 God damn niggardly file size limit prevents me from posting the full-sized images so here's the kemono link altogether. >>189309 AI translation has some flaws, but nothing that a bi-lingual Nip proof reader couldn't fix and anything is a better alternative to the actual communists using squenix's products as soapboxes for their basic bitch college kid talking points. The one good thing that Jello Apocalypse has done in is had, stupid, and stinky life is to spill the beans on what localization actually is and get even more eyes on the situation: yes discotek being an anime licensing company is a different side of the entertainment industry, but its the exact same type of xitter freak ruining a Japanese man's hard work.
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>>187467 >The info I've found and my attempt at following a synthesis line point to it only being possible if you took part in or got the monsters from a different avenue. I mean, if you get too desperate to synthesize them you could just use Cheat Engine on Yuzu and transfer the save file. I have trouble finding the energy to grind monster catching games and just play them to challenge myself and push the stats to their limits. >>189992 Thanks for sharing the high res versions of the pictures. Wish we could use a larger file size at some point - I do own an altchan board just for fatties but it's not worth advertising. >Jello Apocalypse Yeah, all those animu grifters are huge hypocrites and show their true colors once someone digs even a little bit in their private lives. What I also don't understand is how can such a nepotistic and ideologically minded cult not understand that gloating about your subversion, even if in private, will just result in you getting found out. I guess it's just people never getting a reality check early on in their youth. Anyways give me chubs
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The fuck is DQX Offline? Do they do the same accent and language crap in Asia releases? The localization in DQXI is far worse than I thought; they not only have been forcing random languages from other countries, they also Belka'd Jade. >>190961 >if you get too desperate to synthesize them you could just use Cheat Engine on Yuzu and transfer the save file I imagine that would involve breaking my Switch so I'd have to buy another that hasn't been updated too far and at that point it'd be better to just buy a code off a Jap. I don't actually need to own it, the best part is that it simply exists, so the only thing I need to do is think of why the burger mimic would fatten someone up besides making them too slow and awkward moving to get away before it can steal their treasure. >I have trouble finding the energy to grind monster catching games Once you get to the upper levels, leveling becomes a breeze, though not to the point where max comes easily but that's why people jumped on that DLC that makes metal slime hunting a lot easier. >What I also don't understand is how can such a nepotistic and ideologically minded cult not understand that gloating about your subversion >I guess it's just people never getting a reality check early on in their youth Nah, it's this era of wokeness; nobody got the consequences that used to exist for shitting on a companies customers and putting in garbage work for your job, and instead rewarded them for doing such. They all got too used to that and just out themselves for the virtue signal points to fall upwards but we're at the point where it's finally dying, so getting shitcanned is back to being a possibility. >>189992 I absolutely refuse to believe that nobody has even attempted to taste that slime; it's a lot more believable that they did and ended up gobbling down the whole thing and ending up like that or worse, so they slowly waddle home to never be seen again from embarrassment and an inability to lose that massive amount of weight.
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Well, it happened. Pour one out for my brother in heaven. >>190994 >Nah, it's this era of wokeness; nobody got the consequences that used to exist for shitting on a companies customers and putting in garbage work for your job, and instead rewarded them for doing such. They all got too used to that and just out themselves for the virtue signal points to fall upwards but we're at the point where it's finally dying, so getting shitcanned is back to being a possibility. Post aged like a fine wine after the whole Sweet Baby arc
>>192388 And I was watching some clips of an animated Dragon Quest spinoff whose narrator in the english dub was the late Long John Baldry
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>>192397 Long John Baldry? Honestly, if you ignore the legacy he did as Robotnik and his contribution to YTPs, he actually has quite an impact on music, such as being responsible for the Elton John song Someone Saved My Life Tonight. But for his own music, I really like Get It While The Getting's Good, and Ain't That Peculiar.
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>>192384 Horii's the last of the pillars holding Dragon Quest up. >Sweet Baby arc And? I was talking about how they got to this point of outing their shit without a care in the world, and last I checked Warner seemed to still want to work with them while Warner itself had a major bomb not once but both games with Sweet Baby. Couldn't wait to talk about it later after you announced Toriyama's death?
>>192435 Artist?
>>192560 karaage53ko
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>>192434 Didn't know that, guy was easily up there with Deem Bristow as far as Robotnik voices go. Anyhow, where do you guys usually find good artists? Pixiv has been slowly depleted of good ones and Twitter makes it really hard to discover them unless you find some of them.
>>194085 Both also died the same year, and IIRC, a regional Eggman VA (Spain?) also died the same year.
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Happy Easter bros
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I've been posting art by Saladtaste4622 in other threads, figure I'll do it here too. I thought he drew more DQ pics but I can't find any more besides the first 3, so I added some fantasy-related pics from him here to round off (last pic is actually the Amazon and Sorceress from Dragon's Crown)
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>>197174 Alright I actually found another one by Saladtaste, my bad for not posting this earlier. Have some more pics from him to round things out, also a couple pics from fapolantern >>196782 Hey this is pretty good, who drew this? Asking bc Google Images doesn't turn up anything
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>>196771 There always will be new Jessica but sadly the same can't be said for Red. It's still weird that I don't think anyone really used latent habits leftover by her Dhoulmagus possession, whereas everyone seemed to jump on said possession going even further beyond. >>197174 >I thought he drew more DQ pics >so I added some fantasy-related pics Don't, this is a DQ thread. The best you can hope to post are characters cosplaying as DQ or maybe something heavily inspired by DQ.
>>198457 Source on the third picture? >It's still weird that I don't think anyone really used latent habits leftover by her Dhoulmagus possession Very underutilized gimmick, but I don't really like the greenish veiny skin Speaking of, is there some sort of new trend with fat fetish art being disguised as "MILF" art to get around censorship? I have seen it for a bunch of pictures at least.
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>>169229 Rosalind as "Jessica but fatter" is underrated
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>>199583 >Source Been a while so I can't remember. >I don't really like the greenish veiny skin I'm not talking about her transformed into him, I'm talking about it having left elements of his being, etched into her; specifically his large appetite for food and his ease of gaining. If you're interested in it, also his pride but warped into Jessica finding her fattening form form perpetual perfection, whether it leaves her corset long blown off by her huge belly, along with the belly area of her dress and replaced with matching tan super stretchy fabric so she doesn't have to worry about blowing more money on anything other than food whenever she stuffs herself so completely and utterly full or pack on even more weight in the aftermath, her massive lower body having grown so large that even with her dress being 3x its original size, it still ends up clinging so tightly to her ass and thighs and loosely around her calves that it looks like a giant sausage casing, and her breasts that have gotten so enormous that the fabric is only able to really cover her nipples and the breast fat lower than them, while the absolute size of the orbs has started to bulge high enough that they're starting to get in the way of her eating ; she only sees the more weight she can gain as making herself even more perfect. >being disguised as "MILF" If there's an uptick, it's only because they want more pics of women who have had children.
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Anyone else excited about the HD releases? I think I'll wait for a price drop honestly as DQ+ for PC already exists, but it'll be pretty fun to see what they've changed, considering Horii-sensei is at the helm of the project.
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>>208020 Nah, I was messing around with Jap twatter accounts and one of them pointed out how Squeenix nerfed Warriors ass and that makes me feel my worries of them removing the option of creating a perverted hero, even more likely. I can't believe they still have said nothing about the DQX Offline game. I wonder why the Heroes games never go on sale.
>>209341 >Squeenix nerfed Warriors ass I have seen those tweets as well and to be honest I think it's a matter of a different style for the battle sprites, they've added a lot of detail and changed poses to everyone. What I am worried about though is the Type A / Type B bullshit. I am especially worried that they'll err on the side of caution and completely remove all character traits that may be too suggestive, or Bunny Girls entirely and replace them with the Gadabout look from DQ IX, so we get two identical clown outfits instead. And to add fuel to the fire, they purposefully added the Monster Tamer class to the game to make sure that all discussions on censorship are diluted by hand waving that this is the definitive version of DQ III because MORE CONTENT == GOODER. >I wonder why the Heroes games never go on sale. Heroes II has been on a -15% sale on Steam IIRC, probably there is just that middle-income-trap type of demand where it's neither too much or too little to warrant a discount. For reference, (((Skullgirls))) consistently drops to 2 bucks because nobody wants to play it.
>>209562 >I am especially worried that they'll err on the side of caution and completely remove all character traits that may be too suggestive I know they will if they haven't cut ties with consultancy companies, in their bid to make money. >they purposefully added the Monster Tamer class to the game to make sure that all discussions on censorship are diluted by hand waving that this is the definitive version of DQ III because MORE CONTENT == GOODER Did that even work for the fucked script in the IV, V, and VI, DS ports? >Heroes II has been on a -15% sale on Steam IIRC, probably there is just that middle-income-trap type of demand where it's neither too much or too little to warrant a discount. With DQXI being on sale while being one a lot of peopel talked about, Dai and Treasures which were failures, and Builders which should be in the same middling territory as a Musou game, I feel it's gotta be something else; maybe Squeenix has some kind of agreement with Tecmo.
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>>209562 >>209617 Alright, let's calm down a bit with all this doomposting. The game isn't even out yet, and the only even slightly concerning thing we've seen is the Type A/B nonsense, and even that's really minor. If there's some bullshit shown in later trailers or after release, we can all outrage together, but before then let's just keep it cool. >or Bunny Girls entirely and replace them with the Gadabout look from DQ IX, so we get two identical clown outfits instead. The Bunny Girls are literally in the trailer. I highly doubt that they would get removed at this point.
>>210040 >let's calm down a bit with all this doomposting No ultimate armor Puff Puff; gone Only stock names for you Separate script for westerners. Any likeable female characters will be rewritten to be unlikeable bitches There really isn't much they can do they haven't already done to the first 3 games... The king gives the hero the quest of correction; help soften up the princesses spoiled sadistic personality! >Do you force feed her mountains of food while bullying her into a nice soft spoken girl who now hugely respects her subjects because her large belly has taken full control of her mind. >Do you curse her so that she gains weight whenever she does something bad and have her end up in tears because she blew her favorite outfit to shreds, right off the bat. **>Other ** >If there's some bullshit shown in later trailers or after release, we can all outrage together, but before then let's just keep it cool That's what they said about FF7"Remake". Being 100% serious now, we always get a raw deal with the remakes, short of maybe VII. Gonna try getting a SEA copy and see if our bullshit ends up in it.
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I come here to jerk off to fat DQ girls, not to see you sub 100 IQ braindead retards complain about stupid shit no one with a brain cares about, fuck off back to 4chan if you want fling shit at each other like apes.
>>210066 No one's stopping you. Blow your wad and leave already.
Really scraping the barrel here. Anyone know some good DQ artist that also indulges in bigger women? >>209617 >Did that even work for the fucked script in the IV, V, and VI, DS ports? Some people swear by those ports. I'm personally more fond of the SNES version or the APKs for the quality of life features. >maybe Squeenix has some kind of agreement with Tecmo. Most likely case. Probably they can't find an agreement on licensing issues, or maybe the game is so niche they don't bother working on a deal either. You can always just pirate it. >>210040 >the only even slightly concerning thing we've seen is the Type A/B nonsense I don't really care that much about that one in particular, it's been in a few games already. The English VA for Fem!Hero also seems to disagree with that but the rest of the staff mockingly called the character Bdrick. It seems to me it's something coming from the top down. What I find rather disturbing is the removal of Troll's lips, because apparently someone on the ethics committee watched one too many Extra Credits videos. >I highly doubt that they would get removed at this point. After Skullgirls I fully expect game devs to shoot themselves on each of their appendages to appease some no name celebs on Twitter. >>210064 Source on those changes?
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>>210066 You're right, wether it's here or in the ssbbw board people don't seem to realise that we don't give a single shit about their shitty beefs, smh just send pictures of obese women and shut the hell up
>>213781 Obese women...yeah right, this thread is 90% made of crappy Japanese drawings. And if we only consider the good ones, the girls barely even look chubby anyway
>>192435 >>211751 >>203812 Source on the artists?
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Lets see if Barlclays change lets things get through. Imagine the deaging fucked up Veronica's body so that it doesn't grow any taller because it thinks she's fully grown but at the same time puberty hits but never ends, so she eventually ends up as a massive pear shape that leaves her as queen of the shortstacks. >>211751 >Some people swear by those ports And there's a special place in hell for them; because of what those idiots did, the phone version is the only official version of DQIV in the west with everything in it. >I don't really care that much about that one in particular, it's been in a few games already It's not so much that it's being done but that it's practically one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse that signifies a far worse coming disaster; even Bamco seems to not be stupid enough to play the "sexes are the same" retard game. >English VA I'd listen to a rabid FFXIII fans opinion before I listen to that worthless group. >What I find rather disturbing is the removal of Troll's lips, because apparently someone on the ethics committee watched one too many Extra Credits videos I swear, if it comes out they were taking notes from Wizards of the Coast, I'm gonna be profoundly pissed as I laugh myself to death. I saw the censored troll, a while after I made this comment and it looks so wrong; you just feel that something needs to be added. >Skullgirls That's one of the worst devs to use as a base for what you see possible from all other devs, since they've always been one of the dumbest indie studios in the west and especially so for Japanese devs. >Source on those changes Meena fondled Maya's large orb of a belly to get the information for me; trust me bro. Looks like Squeenix had themselves delisted from Sweet Babies website; here's hoping they're aren't just going stealth with it.
>>221382 unknownparicah are you filling this thread with another one of your autistic screeds?
>>221382 This reads like gibberish to me, and I'm thankful.
>>221398 I only understood the SJW GG Sweet Baby shit and that was it. But if we're talking video games personally, I just play what I think looks good, but know my limits mentally and financially, but honestly I've been more of a casual gamer, never bothered to check out what's "woke" and "anti-woke." I guess for finished recently games I played Grim Fandango. It was fun but holy fucking shit it felt a little insulting having to consult a guide throughout the entire game.
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https://archive.vn/v9omO Apparently not even Horii and the developers, nor the Japanese public really like all these changes, which are hinted at being directed towards the Western markets. Hopefully we get a good modding community going. What's with the lack of fat mods though? >>221382 >Imagine the deaging fucked up Veronica's body so that it doesn't grow any taller because it thinks she's fully grown but at the same time puberty hits but never ends, so she eventually ends up as a massive pear shape that leaves her as queen of the shortstacks. So sort of like in >>160142 but like 30cms shorter? I like the idea of her growing back up to her original age but with a fouled up metabolism. >It's not so much that it's being done but that it's practically one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse that signifies a far worse coming disaster It's even funnier, they know that nobody is falling for that and nobody gets offended by two genders, but the changes are pushed top down, and the leads are all tired old men that just wanted to make a couple of final swan songs for their dead comrades. >Meena fondled Maya's large orb of a belly to get the information for me; trust me bro. I believe you. Imagine it just starts glowing as it's being rubbed and you need a rounder belly to get a clearer picture. Tummy satellite view. >here's hoping they're aren't just going stealth with it. Didn't DEI turn into some other similar acronym to still push the same tired stuff? >>221408 >I guess for finished recently games I played Grim Fandango. It was fun but holy fucking shit it felt a little insulting having to consult a guide throughout the entire game. Which part got you stuck?
>>222127 A good chunk of the game, but to be very specific, fuck the tree puzzle. I really liked the game though. The Lucasarts PAC games are very hilarious, despite being considered hidden gems nowadays.
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>>222127 >which are hinted at being directed towards the Western markets It's not a hint, it was pretty much said that it was the west or more specifically, the ESRB giving the game a T rating for having male/female and showing skin. >Hopefully we get a good modding community going I don't see that happening or at least being kept up long since, unless my memory is failing me, Nexus has removed uncensor mods in the past before. >What's with the lack of fat mods though Modding community only really focuses on the biggest names. >So sort of like in >>160142 but like 30cms shorter? I like the idea of her growing back up to her original age but with a fouled up metabolism. Or this >>206167 but far more boob and butt to make her an actual shortstack. >the leads are all tired old men that just wanted to make a couple of final swan songs for their dead comrades Isn't it just Horii left? >Imagine it just starts glowing as it's being rubbed and you need a rounder belly to get a clearer picture Now that's thinking like a god damn wizard; gonna need more bellies working together to make the signal even stronger. >Didn't DEI turn into some other similar acronym to still push the same tired stuff Think it was "Bridge" but it looks like they're gonna change names again.
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>>222255 Those games were pretty fun, yeah. Ever typed BLAM in GF? >>222396 >I don't see that happening or at least being kept up long since, unless my memory is failing me, Nexus has removed uncensor mods in the past before. mike9k1 is singlehandedly carrying the Dragon Quest modding scene and sticking it to the prudes of all modding sites. There's a bunch of off sites (also basedmods but those guys go absolutely ballistic if they think you're even slightly off their world view). >Isn't it just Horii left? I think there's a bunch of Squeenix old guard still at least being advisors, but Horii is the only one with any pull. >Think it was "Bridge" but it looks like they're gonna change names again. No kidding. SBI just hid all their collaborations.
Why are you guys only posting big-tiddied girls instead of proper (non-Japanese) fat art?
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>>224140 Because there just is not enough fat art to go around. I can't really draw it either.
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>>224140 >Why are you guys only posting big-tiddied girls Big-tiddied girls with meaty bodies. >proper (non-Japanese) Because this isn't the Persona or Fire Emblem thread.
