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Metroid thread Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 01:46:54 Id:647d6d No. 160340
Or rather the Samus thread, because this isn't the furry board
there's already a thread for nintendo girls what a waste
>>160385 We have several threads that could fit in several other threads and few more that are even more pointless. At this point I don't give a shit, At least Samus has more than enough art to sustain a proper thread by herself
>>160388 You don't give a shit, but we do. Just let this fucking thread die and keep posting in the Nintendo one
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Oh hey, I’ve been waiting for a thread like this
>>160391 You know that's not what I meant Also nah
>>160391 The Nintendo one keeps getting clogged with shitty doodles from the Super Mario princesses, fuck that.
>>160440 Don't understand why you didn't just post in the Nintendo thread. It could've used the Samus art.
>>160471 Do you have pivete-o-grande's drawing of his OC Sophie as Samus Aran, wearing a Zero Suit.
>>160473 *cosplaying
>>160476 Anon really desperate to keep this thread alive
>>160485 Not like we're gonna run out of content
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samus aran-https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=RYUzTLkXrIcU9jtONjYCOL7TMF48ST0W3lTOfQcZXr8
>>161966 https://spicychat.ai/chat/92a3c844-1f0a-472b-b847-9b5cbcc548c1
>>161966 It need tweaking, less horror preg more annoyed wg.
The hidden ones are burps
>>161966 Your script has consumed days of my life and I regret absolutely nothing. If you ever release the character on a nsfw ai please let me know
>>163397 https://spicychat.ai/chat/92a3c844-1f0a-472b-b847-9b5cbcc548c1 here you are
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>>168492 Sauce?
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>>169099 Could I ask who drew this?
>>169458 Classic
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>>169911 @makuma_9ma
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>>180267 >2nd What Metroid for the 3ds should've been: An infected Samus eating anything on her path leaving the federation no other choice but to put her down.
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Anyone got this sequence?
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>>193959 Forgot to post the story that goes along with the first and last images but it's pretty good https://skeb.jp/@nikutsuki/works/82 堕落の果てに 「任務完了。惑星ブリンフィアに巣食うスペースパイレーツの残党を殲滅しました」 銀河連邦本部。 暗いホールに凛とした女性の声が響き、僅かな沈黙の後で拍手が鳴り響いた。 喝采を浴びるのは、長い髪を束ねた金髪碧眼の美女。 名をサムス・アラン。 『銀河連邦の最終兵器(リーサルウェポン)』『伝説の賞金稼ぎ(バウンティハンター)』『平和の守護者』 数々の異名を持つ凄腕の賞金稼ぎだ。 その細身からは想像もつかない超人的な身体能力を有し、鳥人族の技術の結晶であるパワードスーツを駆使して幾人もの悪を屠ってきた。 彼女以上の賞金稼ぎはいない、そう断言される程の実力者である。 サムスは任務の報告を終えてホールを出ると、本部から旅立つ為に通路を歩いていた。 すると、連邦のスタッフに声を掛けられる。 「よう、サムス。もう次の仕事か?伝説の賞金稼ぎ様は多忙だね」 「…いや、暫くは羽を休めようと思う」 「へぇ、宛てはあるのか?」 「あぁ。惑星ファットムという星へ行く」 「……聞いた事ないな。銀河中を駆け回る内に見つけた穴場か?精々楽しんできな」 「そのつもりだ」 サムスは笑みを浮かべ、コツコツとヒールを鳴らし、軽やかに歩いて行った。 *** どすっ どすんっ 重い足音が響く。 ーー惑星ファットム。 自然豊かなこの地は、豊富な食料が採れる星として知られていた。 銀河中を回っても、これ程緑豊かな星は多くない。 美しい自然は人の目を集め、その中には悪人の影も…。 この惑星をサムスが見つけたのは任務中。 偶々近くを船で飛んでいたサムスが緊急信号〈ベイビー・クライ〉をキャッチし、ファットムで略奪をしていた武装犯罪集団を殲滅した。 別の任務があるからとその場を離れようとするサムスに、現地人はお礼がしたいから必ずまた来て欲しいと一言。 サムスは暇が出来たら寄ると約束をした。 そして、それから数ヶ月。 再びサムスが集落へ訪れると、現地人は大いに歓迎した。 サムスをもてなすのは、緑豊かな地から作られた色取り取りの料理。 ファットムの文明水準は決して高くはない。 建造物を見るに、百年は技術が遅れているだろう。 精巧な作りとは言えない歪な建物が幾つも並んでおり、そこに高度なテクノロジーを感じる事は出来なかった。 一部機械化も進んでいるようだが、銀河の平均水準に遠く達していない。 …だが、その食の水準はかなりのもの。 見た事がない豪勢な料理の前に、サムスのポーカーフェイスも僅かばかり崩れる。 戦う為のエネルギーを補給出来れば良い。 サムスが食事をそんな風に思っている節があったのは、粗末な携帯食料ばかり口にしていたからだ。 銀河中を飛び回る彼女が、ゆっくり腰を据えて食事をする事は珍しかった。 そんなサムスだが、食事の楽しさを思い出し始めた。 ゆっくりではあるが、徐々に食べ物を口に運ぶペースが上がる。 豪勢な料理が次々と運ばれてきた。 現地人の長は、「遠慮はいらない。貴方の為なら何でもしよう」と口にする。 …もしあの日、サムスが緊急信号をキャッチしなければ、抵抗も出来ず滅ぼされていたかもしれない。 彼らは温厚な者が多く、戦い慣れしていない。 しかも、食が豊かな星を象徴するように、皆一様に肥えている。年寄りから顔立ちの整った娘に至るまで、だ。 平均体重は100kgを超えるとか。 温和で、しかも肥え太った身体、加えて武器の水準が低いのでは満足に戦える筈もない。 サムスは大恩人。 お礼をしても、し足りない。 過酷な戦いの日々から一転。 美食が彩る日々を送る事となったサムス。 そんな日々を綴るサムスの日記は、下記の通りだ。 --------------- ■滞在4日目 3日程の休暇のつもりが、気が付けば4日目。 彼らは私に寛げる場と、豪勢な料理を用意してくれた。 食に余り関心がなかった私も、ここの食事に心動かされる。 手取り足取り私の世話を焼いてくれ、何だか申し訳ないくらいだ。 豊かな自然に、彼らのもてなしに、戦いの中で傷付いた私の心が癒えていくのを感じた。 ■6日目 もう6日だ。 残念だが、この星を離れなければならない。 そう告げる私を、彼らは引き止めた。 その優しい言葉に…甘い誘惑に、私の意思が揺らぐ。 粗末な携帯食料で空腹を満たす日々へ戻る事への躊躇いが、私の胸中にあったのかもしれない。 何より、もう少し…この安らかな時間を…。 彼らの好意に、甘える事にする。 ■9日目 私の緩んだ気持ちと比例するように、輪郭がなだらかになってきたのは気の所為ではないだろう…。 頭の片隅に追いやっていた現実を、直視しなければならない日がきたようだ…と考えた。 今度こそ旅立とうとしたが、彼らは私を再び引き止めた。 これ以上は流石に…と伝える私に、ならばこの星の用心棒として雇うと提案してきた。 彼らの為にという大義名分を"得てしまった"私は、ここへ残る事を決めた。 ■16日目 私は過食を繰り返し、明らかに太った。 ふくよかな彼らと一緒にいて感覚が麻痺してしまっているが、ふと自分が太った事を自覚する。 鏡に映るその顔は、見慣れぬ丸顔…。うっすらと二重の顎を形成している。 ゼロスーツに身を包んでいると、身体のラインが崩れていくのがよく分かった。 食事量を減らして欲しいと彼らに話すと、理解してくれた。 雑念を振り払い、明日から体を絞るとしよう。 ■18日目 痩せようとする意思は、一気に色褪せていった。 何をしていても、酷く空腹感を覚える。 履いた唾は飲めないと頑なに耐えるが、彼らの「我慢すると身体に悪い」「好きな物を我慢する必要はない」という甘い言葉に揺さぶられる…。 私はこれ程意志の弱い人間だっただろうか…? 今日も、次々運ばれて来る食事を一人で完食した。 完食すると、膨れた腹を撫で回しながら横になる。 私は、食の余韻に浸りながら横になる事の気持ち良さを知ってしまった。 アダムが今の私を見たら、何と思うだろうか…。 ■27日目 今の私を見て、サムス・アランだと分かる者が果たしているだろうか? そう思える程に、太ってしまった。 輪郭はぼやけ、腹は突き出た、締りのない肥満体。 ふくよかな現地人に、私も違和感なく馴染める体型に…。 身体をスキャンしようと一度船へ戻る…そんな事で僅かばかり息が切れた。 体重は■■■kg(黒塗りされている)。 彼らの好意に甘え切った代償は、余りにも大きい。 甘えた考えはもう捨てなければ…。 …食料が豊富にあるとはいえ…私が恩人とはいえ、こうも居座られて彼らも思うところがある筈だ。 明日から減量を始めよう。 ■33日目 こうして日誌を描くのも久しぶりになってしまった。 最近、何かと面倒に感じる事が増えた。 減量については…触れないでおこう。 それより、今日私が味わった… (以下、食べ物への感想が長文で綴られている) ■45日 何をするにも面倒だ。 こうして日誌をつける事すらも。 食べて眠り、また食べる。 これが今の私の日常となっている。 危機感を持つべきなのだろうが、この星の のどかな空気にその気持ちも霧散する。 幸い、彼らに武器を提供した事で、私が何をするでもなく彼らは自衛が出来るようになっていた。 だから私は、もう少しだけ……… ---------- ーーそして、今日。 滞在70日目。 ファットムの集落。 石造の建造物が30、40程並び、周りには豊かな自然が広がっている。 そんなのどかな村を、重い足音を奏でて身体を左右に振り歩く肥満体が1人。 全身の贅肉を波打たせ、時折止まって息を整えながら、のっしのっしと進んでいる。 「ふぅ…はぁ…」 このファットムにおいても目立ってしまう肥満体。 軽やかに歩くなんて事は叶わず、息も絶え絶えに鈍重に歩く。 耐久性・伸縮性に優れた水色のスーツが限界近く引き延ばされていた。 それが今の、サムス・アランだ。 銀河連邦の最終兵器?銀河最強の賞金稼ぎ? 今のサムスを見て、そう思う者が果たしているだろうか。 身体のラインが一目で分かるスーツが…官能的にすら見えるスーツが、酷くだらしないラインを描いている。 体重は200kgの大台を超え、まだまだ増加している。 これ以上太っては賞金稼ぎとしての活動も危うくなる。 …いや、手遅れかもしれない。 何にせよ、早急にこの星を離れて食事を控えるべきだ。 しかし、サムスは… 「あむっ、んぐっ…んふぅ…」 1つの建物へと入ると、サムスはどっしりと腰を下ろし、提供される料理を豚のようにがっつく。 僅か70日の間に、すっかり堕落し切ってしまった。 自分を無条件に肯定してくれる現地人、蕩けそうな程美味しい食事、1日寝て過ごしても誰も咎めない…。 死が隣り合わせ過酷な日々の反動か、サムスは堕落の極みとも取れる生活を送り、抜けられなくなっていた。 料理を提供してくれる者に「ふふ、サムスさん、そんなにがっつかなくても料理は逃げないよ」と笑われる始末。 小馬鹿にされているようだが、サムスは大切に扱われている。 現地人は、恩人をここまでもてなす事が出来たと、サムスの太った姿を見て喜ぶ。 凛々しくも暗い表情だった彼女が、明るくも惚けた顔になった事も喜んでいた。 ファットム独特の価値観なのだろうか。 サムスの蓄積された脂肪を、堕落ではなくのどかに幸せに生活している証と思っているようだ。 太っていくサムスは、それすらも肯定され、感覚が麻痺していく。 サムスを最強の賞金稼ぎたらしめた危機察知能力は失われつつあった。 いいじゃないか。明日…明日から控えれば。 そう考えて、堕落の日々を積み重ねていく。 「ぶふぅ…すまない。とても美味しかった」 5人分はあったであろう料理を軽く平らげるサムス。 そんなサムスに現地人は「折角いらっしゃったのにもういいの?」と一言。 「そ、そうだな…実はもう少しだけ…」と答えると、更に料理が出てくる。 「もう少しだけ」が積み重なる。 「あ」 食事中のサムスの手が止まる。 急に顔が赤くなった。 食事をしながら座っている体制を整えようとした際に、尻が裂けたようだ。 ずっしりと椅子に乗っかる尻肉…その水色の塊から、肌色の割れ目が…。 更には… ビビッ 食べ過ぎた余り、ゼロスーツの腹部が大きく裂けた。 サムスのポーカーフェイスが、大きく崩れる。 流石にその場を離れようとしたが、周りはそんなサムスを優しくフォローする。 結局、現地人が甘やかすまま、更に腹がはち切れんばかりに食べたサムス。 破れた箇所も広がり、何と間抜けな姿か。 そんなサムスは、身を布で隠して貰い、荷車で運ばれて行った。 荷車で運ばれるサムスを可愛いと笑っても、馬鹿にする者はいない。 それすらも、肯定された。 …全てを肯定され、こうも甘やかされては、感覚が麻痺するのも仕方がないのではないか…? あの伝説の賞金稼ぎであるサムス・アランですら、甘やかされた肉の塊に成り果てている。 そして…そんな生活を送り、更に2ヶ月後。 ファットムへ着て100日以上が経過する。 銀河連邦がサムスの行方を気にする中、当の本人は呑気に、そして着実に太っていった。 サムスがここへ訪れた際に与えられた貸家。 そこでサムスは、堕落の極みとも言える生活を過ごしている。 バシュッ ベッドに巨体を預ける肉塊が、太過ぎる指で短銃のトリガーを弾き、ビームウィップを放った。 天井に、ビーム状の紐が繋がる。 それを肉塊が… 「んぎいいぃ…ふぐっ…‼︎」 と太い声を上げて引っ張る。 ミシミシと音が鳴り、肉塊は全身を激しく ぼよん、ぶよんと揺らしながら、徐々に起き上がる。 が… バチンッ 頑強なビームウィップが千切れてしまった。 出力を上げ、再び放つ。 そうして立ち上がる為に格闘する事5分以上。 ようやく立ち上がった肉塊は、人間と言い表して良いものか…全身余す事なく贅肉塗れ。 金髪碧眼という特徴で何とか分かるが、余りにも肥え太ったサムス・アランの姿だ。 体重は687kg。 異常な肥満体。 ゼロスーツはとうに弾け飛び、今は最低限の部分を隠すのみの殆ど全裸の様な格好をしている。 全身をブルブル揺らして起床一番に行った事が、ガブガブとシロップの様な甘い液体で喉を潤す事だった。 このファットムで育つ果実の蜜をブレンドしたものであり、サムスは知る由もないが、コップ一杯で約2000kcalにもなる代物。 甘ったるいそれを、顎肉をたぷんたぷんと揺らしながら飲み干していく。 飲み物を飲むという行為だけで、大きく食生活が乱れている事が伺えた。 食事となると尚の事。 先程の飲み物の様な高カロリーの食事が山の様に運び込まれ、それをがっつくサムス。 暴飲暴食の限りを尽くす。 これらの食事も、現地人の身体には慣れたもの。 だが、サムスの身体にはそうではない。 結果、僅かな期間で現地人を超え、余りにも太った肉の塊となってしまった。 現地人はそんなサムスをこの星の豊かさの象徴と称するようになり、サムスを荷台に乗せて村を周り、その太りっぷりを披露した。 ただ太るだけで、有り難がられ、褒めて貰える。 外部の者からしたらおかしな価値観に、サムスは疑問を抱かなくなっていた。 食べて、眠り、また食べる。 そして、食事以外にもマッサージなど、サムスには最上級のもてなしがされる。 「もう…このままで……いい…」 無力な贅肉の塊となろうが、このまま……。 そんな彼女を銀河連邦が発見したのは、更に2か月が経ったある日だ。 荷車に乗せられ、村を回っている最中だった。 体重は、1000kgを超えており、サムスの超人的な身体能力を以ってしても殆ど自力で動けない状態。 余りに太ったサムスを目の前にしながらも、現地人にサムス・アランが来ている筈だと問う連邦スタッフ。 目の前の肉の塊とサムスが結び付かず、現地人にこれがサムスだと聞いても信じる事が出来なかった。 余りにも別人。 スタッフはサムスを銀河連邦本部へと6人がかりで何とか連れ出し、ホールでその姿が晒された。 銀河連邦の重役達は、サムスに深く失望する事になる。 …しかし、サムス程の実力者がいないのも事実。 銀河連邦は、試験という形で最後のチャンスを与える事にした。 どんな姿になろうと、どれ程弱体化しようと、ある程度の働きは見込める筈だ。 見込めれば、スターシップ(宇宙船)等の支給、支援を継続して行うつもりでいた。 …が、結果は酷いものだった。 ビームウィップを用いて高所へ登る…なんて事が出来る筈もなく… 余りにも太い指の所為で短銃の連射も出来ず、射撃精度も悪い… 新たに仕立てたゼロスーツは贅肉に耐え切れずに裂け… 5mも歩けば滝の様に汗を流す… 軽重力下ならどうかと試せば、それですら鈍重にしか動けない… おまけに、酷く勘が鈍っている事に加え、知力も下がっている事が伺えた…。 伝説と謳われた賞金稼ぎが、全く使い物にならない状態。 結局、サムスはファットムへと送り返され、そこで暮らす事となった。 サムスも、復帰を考えていない訳ではなかったが、試験により自分が如何に無力になったかを思い知った。 ならば、この星で、このまま暮らそうと吹っ切れてしまった。 それについて悲観する思考力さえも、今のサムスには残っていないのかもしれない。 或いは、悲観するような事はなく、楽に暮らせる事に喜びを感じているのかもしれない…。 ーーそして、1年後。 ファットムは、サムスによる武器を初めとした技術提供のお陰で急速に発展していた。 加えて、ふくよかな現地人が少しスリムになったようにも感じる。 のんびりとしていた彼らだったが、サムスが持ち込んだ技術に刺激を受けて、引き締まったようだった。 サムスはというと… 「んぶふううぅぅ…かひゅううぅぅ…」 形容し難い肉の塊となっていた。 体重を知る術もない。 巨大な肉の塊に。 サムスはファットムの富の象徴として、際限なく太り続ける。 伝説の賞金稼ぎ サムス・アランは、言葉通り伝説となり、その姿を見た者は…もう…。 (了)
>>194034 Translation?
(9.28 MB 4096x2160 Strongfat samus1.png)
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>>196755 Sauce?
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Some old stuff from SaladTaste4622 https://twitter.com/SaladTaste4622/status/896383924997308417 https://twitter.com/SaladTaste4622/status/862278657175207936 https://www.deviantart.com/saladtaste/art/Too-fat-Samus-542900256 https://www.deviantart.com/saladtaste/art/Samus-and-drink-747967848 Rest of the pics are from pixiv
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>>197041 And the rest I could find. Could've sworn he drew more but I can't find anymore atm. I added a couple unrelated sketches from his Pixiv to make up for it (If you kinda squint, you could pretend the first two kinda look like Samus tho... Also the last sketch is Eri from Metal Slug. Speaking of which, anyone here wanna make a Metal Slug thread?)
(153.87 KB 1813x1640 GLCWpKAWQAAsG8-.jpg)
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>>198475 Honestly the best artwork Moist has done, but that's saying a lot honestly.
(503.34 KB 1639x2048 GAnm3--XkAAUhIG.jpeg)
>>198868 >>198869 Thank You so much for finding this.
>>198974 No Problem.
>>192913 Artist/Source?
(722.16 KB 2365x2600 sum_1_5_by_mindset75_dbs5zck.jpg)
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>>206913 Always was
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Mizz-Britt did more Samus, we should update her kemono page methinks. https://kemono.su/patreon/user/95480836
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>>194047 Oly shit sorry bout this At the End of Corruption by Nick "Mission accomplished, we have eliminated the remnants of the Space Pirates infesting the planet Bryphia." Galactic Federation Headquarters. A dignified female voice echoed through the dark hall, and after a moment of silence, applause rang out. The person who receives the applause is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty with long hair tied in a bun. Her name is Samus Allan. "The Galactic Federation's Final Weapon (Lethal Weapon)", "Legendary Bounty Hunter", "Guardian of Peace" She is a skilled bounty hunter with many nicknames. She has superhuman physical abilities that are unimaginable from Her slender stature, and has slaughtered many evils by making full use of Her powered suit, which is the crystallization of the technology of the bird people. There is no bounty hunter better than her, and she is so powerful that it can be assured. Samus had finished reporting her mission and walked down the hall to leave the headquarters. Then, She is approached by a federal staff. "Hey, Samus, are you ready for your next job? The legendary bounty hunter is busy." 「... No, I'm going to rest my wings for a while." "Hey, do you have an address?" "Ah, I'm going to a planet called Fattom." 「...... I've never heard of it. Is it a secret spot that you found while running around the galaxy? I'm going to have a lot of fun." "That's what I'm going to do." Samus smiled, clicked her heels, and walked lightly. *** Boom Dosunh The sound of heavy footsteps echoes. ーー Planet Fattum. This land was rich in nature and was known as a planet where abundant food could be harvested. There are not many stars in the galaxy that are so green. The beautiful nature attracts people's eyes, and among them there are the shadows of evil people. Samus found this planet during her mission. Samus, who happened to be flying in a boat nearby, caught the emergency signal "Baby Cry" and destroyed the armed criminal gang that was looting in Fattom. When Samus tries to leave because she has another mission, the locals want to thank her and tell her that she wants to come back. Samus promised to stop by when she had time. And then a few months later. When Samus returned to the village, the locals welcomed her with open arms. Samus is treated to colourful dishes made from lush greenery. The level of civilization of Fattum is not high. Looking at the buildings, the technology must be a hundred years behind. There were a number of distorted buildings that could not be said to be elaborately made, and I could not feel the advanced technology there. Some mechanization seems to be progressing, but it is not far from the average level of galaxies. ... However, the standard of food is considerable. In front of the sumptuous food that she had never seen before, Samus's poker face crumbled slightly. It would be good if you could replenish the energy to fight. There was a point where Samus thought of her food that way, because she was eating only poor portable food. It was rare for her to sit down and eat slowly as she flew around the galaxy. However, Samus began to remember the joy of eating. Slowly, but gradually, the pace of bringing food to the mouth increases. Sumptuous dishes were brought in one after another. The chief of the locals says, "Don't hesitate, I'll do anything for you." ... If Samus hadn't caught the emergency signal that day, she might have been destroyed without being able to resist. They are often mild-mannered and not used to fighting. Moreover, just as food symbolizes a star that is abundant, they are all uniformly fat. They range from old people to well-formed daughters. The average weight is over 100 kg. He is mild-mannered, and Her fat body, plus Her low standard of weapons, makes him unsatisfactorily capable of fighting. Samus is a great benefactor. Even if you thank them, it is not enough. A turn from the days of grueling battles. Samus spent her days colored by gastronomy. Samus's diary of those days is as follows. --------------- ■Day 4 of stay I thought I was going to take a vacation for 3 days, but before I knew it, it was the 4th day. They provided me with a place to relax and sumptuous food. Even though I didn't have much interest in food, I was moved by the food here. I'm so sorry for taking care of you. The abundance of nature, their hospitality, and my heart, which had been wounded in battle, healed. ■Day 6 It's already been 6 days. I'm sorry, but I have to leave this planet. When I told them so, they held me back. In those kind words... My will is shaken by the sweet temptation. Perhaps there was a reluctance in my heart to go back to the days of satisfying hunger with meager portable food. Above all, a little more... This restful time... I'll indulge in their favor. ■Day 9 I don't think it's because of my mind that the outline has become smoother in proportion to my relaxed feelings. It seems that the day has come when we have to face the reality that we have been relegating to the back of our minds... I thought. This time I tried to leave, but they held me back again. No more than this... He suggested that I hire him as a bouncer for this planet. Having "gained" the cause for them, I decided to stay. ■Day 16 I overate repeatedly and obviously gained weight. I'm numb to being with them, but I suddenly realize that I'm fat. The face reflected in the mirror is an unfamiliar round face ... It forms a faint double jaw. As I was dressed in the Zero Suit, I could clearly see the lines of my body crumbling. When I told them I wanted them to eat less, they understood. Let's shake off the distractions and squeeze the body tomorrow. ■Day 18 The will to lose weight faded at once. No matter what I'm doing, I feel terribly hungry. - She stubbornly endures that she can't drink the spit she wears, but she is shaken by their sweet words that "it's bad for your body if you put up with it" and "you don't have to put up with what you like". Was I such a weak-willed person...? Today, I finished the meals that were brought one after another by myself. When he finishes eating, he lies down while stroking Her swollen belly. I learned how good it feels to lie down while soaking in the afterglow of food. I wonder what Adam would think if he saw me now... ■Day 27 Who can look at me now and tell me that I am Samus Allan? I've gained so much weight that I think so. The outlines are blurred, the belly is protruding, the body is obese without tightness. I have a body shape that I can fit in with the plump locals without any discomfort. I went back to the ship to scan my body... I was out of breath for a moment because of that. The weight is ■■■kg (painted black). The price of indulgence in their favor is too great. I have to get rid of my naïve thoughts. ... Even though food is plentiful... Even though I'm a benefactor, they must have something to think about. Start losing weight tomorrow. ■Day 33 It's been a long time since I've been able to draw a journal. Recently, I've been feeling more and more troublesome. As for weight loss... Let's not touch it. More than that, today I tasted... (The following is a long sentence about my impressions of the food.) ■ 45 days It's a hassle to do anything. I even kept a journal like this. Eat, sleep, and eat again. This has become my daily routine now. Perhaps we should have a sense of crisis, but the idyllic air of this planet dissipates that feeling. Luckily, I provided them with weapons so they could defend themselves without me having to do anything. So I'm just a little bit more......... ----------
>>213717 -- And today. ■Day 70 of stay. Settlement of Phat Tum. There are about 30 or 40 stone buildings lined up, and there is a rich natural area around it. In such an idyllic village, there is one obese body who swings Her body from side to side with heavy footsteps. The flesh of Her whole body ripples, and her moves forward slowly, stopping from time to time to catch Her breath. "Whew... Sigh..." An obese body that stands out even in this fattom. I can't walk lightly, and I walk breathlessly and slowly. The light blue suit, which has excellent durability and elasticity, was stretched to the limit. That's what Samus Allan is now. The Galactic Federation's ultimate weapon? The strongest bounty hunter in the galaxy? Looking at Samus now, I wonder if anyone thinks so. A suit that shows the lines of the body at a glance ... The suit, which even looks sensual, draws a terribly sloppy line. Her weight has exceeded the 200kg mark and is still growing. If he gains any more weight, Her activities as a bounty hunter will be jeopardized. ... No, it may be too late. In any case, you should leave the planet as soon as possible and refrain from eating. But Samus... "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hmmm..." Entering one of the buildings, Samus sits down and munches like a pig on the food that is served. In just 70 days, she was completely corrupted. The locals who affirm you unconditionally, the delicious food that makes you want to eat, and the fact that no one blames you even if you spend a day sleeping. As a reaction to the harsh days of death next to her, Samus lived a life that could be taken as the height of depravity and could not escape. The person who serves the food laughs at him, saying, "Hehe, Samus, even if you don't get so stubborn, the food won't run away." She seems to be being ridiculed, but Samus is treated well. The locals are delighted to see Samus's fat figure that she was able to entertain her benefactor so far. She was also happy that her face, which had been dignified and gloomy, had become bright and lovely. I wonder if it is a value unique to Fattom. He seems to think that Samus's accumulated fat is proof that she is living a peaceful and happy life instead of being corrupted. Samus, who is getting fat, is affirmed and numbs herself. The crisis sensing abilities that made Samus the most powerful bounty hunter were being lost. Isn't it good? Tomorrow... If you refrain from tomorrow. With that in mind, we accumulate days of depravity. "Uh-huh... Sorry. It was very tasty." Samus lightly flattens the food that would have been for five people. The local people said to Samus, "Are you okay with the fact that you were here?" "Oh, yes... Actually, just a little more...", and more dishes come out. "Just a little more" piles up. "Oh." Samus's hand stops while eating. Suddenly, my face turned red. It seems that when I tried to get my ass set up to sit while eating, my butt split. - Ass meat that gets on the chair heavily ... From that light blue mass, there is a flesh-colored crack ... And more... Scared He ate too much, and Her abdomen was torn wide. Samus's poker face crumbles drastically. As expected, she tried to leave the place, but the people around her gently followed Samus. In the end, Samus ate even more with the pampering of the locals. The torn part also spreads, and what a goofy figure. Samus was asked to cover herself with a cloth and carried away in a cart. No one laughs at Samus as cute as she is carried in a cart, but no one makes fun of her. Even that was affirmed. ... Isn't it inevitable that if you are affirmed and spoiled like this, your senses will become numb ...? Even Samus Allan, the legendary bounty hunter, has become a spoiled hunk of meat. And... After another two months of living like that. More than 100 days have passed since I wore Phettom. While the Galactic Federation was concerned about Samus's whereabouts, she drank and steadily gained weight. The rental house that Samus was given when she visited here. There, Samus lives a life that can be described as the height of depravity. Bash A huge chunk of flesh resting on the bed flicked the trigger of the short gun with Her oversized fingers and fired a beam whip. A beam-shaped string is connected to the ceiling. A chunk of meat ... "It's good... Whew...!! ︎」 and pulls with a thick voice. There is a creaking sound, and the meat mass gradually rises up, shaking violently all over the body. But... Boom The sturdy beam whip has been torn to shreds. Increase the output and release again. It took more than 5 minutes of wrestling to get back on Her feet. The lump of flesh that finally stood up can be described as a human being... Paint your whole body with luxury. You can tell by the characteristic of her blonde hair and blue eyes, but it is the figure of Samus Allan, who is too fat and fat. She weighs 687 kg. Abnormally obese body. The Zero suit has long since burst out, and now she is dressed almost naked, with only the bare minimum hidden. The first thing I did when I woke up with my whole body shaking was to moisten my throat with a sweet liquid like gab-gub and syrup. It is a blend of nectar from the fruit that grows in this fattum, and Samus has no way of knowing, but a glass of it can be about 2000 kcal. Drink it up while shaking the jaw meat. Just the act of drinking a drink showed that Her eating habits were greatly disturbed. Especially when it comes to meals. A high-calorie meal like the aforementioned drink is brought in like a mountain, and Samus is clinging to it. Do your best to binge drink and eat. These meals are also familiar to the local body. But that's not the case with Samus's body. As a result, in a short period of time, they exceeded the natives and became too fat lumps of meat. The locals came to regard Samus as a symbol of the richness of the planet, and they carried Samus around the village on a cart to show off her fatness. Just by gaining weight, you will be appreciated and praised. Values that seemed strange to outsiders, Samus no longer questioned them. Eat, sleep, and eat again. And in addition to meals, Samus is treated to the highest level of hospitality, such as massages. "Already... Leave it as it is...... Nice..." Even if it becomes a helpless lump of luxury, it ...... like this. One day, two months later, the Galactic Federation discovered her. He was in a cart and was in the middle of going around the village. She weighs more than 1,000 kg, and even with Samus's superhuman physical abilities, she can hardly move on her own. A federal staff member who sees Samus in front of her, who is too fat, asks the locals if Samus Allan should be here. Samus couldn't connect with the lump of flesh in front of her, and she couldn't believe it when she heard from the locals that it was Samus. Too different people. The staff managed to take Samus to the Galactic Federation headquarters with six people, and she was exposed in the hall. The executives of the Galactic Federation are deeply disappointed with Samus. ... However, it is also true that there is no one as talented as Samus. The Galactic Federation decided to give it one last chance in the form of a trial. No matter what form it takes, no matter how weakened it is, it should be able to work to some extent. If it is possible, we will continue to provide and support such as starships (spacecraft). ... But the results were terrible. Use the beam whip to climb to heights... There was no way I could do it... Because of Her too thick fingers, he can't fire a short gun, and Her shooting accuracy is poor ... The newly tailored Zero suit is torn because it can't stand the luxury ... If you walk 5 meters, you will sweat like a waterfall ... If you try to do it in light gravity, you can only move with a sluggish weight... In addition, in addition to the fact that Her intuition was severely dulled, it was also suggested that Her intellectual power was declining ... A bounty hunter who was touted as a legend is completely useless. Eventually, Samus was sent back to Fattum to live there. Samus wasn't unaware of her return, but the exam made her realize how helpless she had become. If so, I was blown away by the idea of living on this planet. Even the ability to think pessimistically about it may not be left in Samus now. Or maybe they are not pessimistic and are happy to be able to live comfortably. ーーAnd one year later. Fattum was developing rapidly thanks to Samus's provision of weapons and other technologies. In addition, I feel that the plump locals have become a little slimmer. They were relaxed, but they seemed to tighten up, inspired by the technology Samus had brought with them. Samus is... "Mmmmmm Kahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It was an indescribable lump of flesh. There is no way to know how much weight you have. To huge chunks of meat. Samus, as a symbol of Fattom's wealth, continues to gain weight endlessly. Legendary bounty hunter Samus Aran has become a legend as he says it is, and those who see her... Already.... (了)
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>>161277 Found the higher res version
>>216828 Why are people still posting xmasterdavid's shitty "art"?
>>216830 At least its not AI
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>>219005 please, stop...
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>>216830 because I love fat bitches, especially fat Samus, idgaf how it's made
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Does anyone have this one full? It's not Samus as such, but she's a cosplayer
>>164153 Is there anyway I can help import this to janitor ai or Sakura ai? I'm new to this
>>213717 Nigga I didn't come here to read
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StrongMoist just dropped a teaser for a new drawing on his Patreon. Would anyone be able to drop it?
>>235361 its the translation of the japanese text above the post, you illiterate cocomelon watching chicken feet licking child raping inbred cave nigga.
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