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Fat Schoolgirls Anonymous 07/26/2023 (Wed) 00:12:48 Id:5504df No. 162021
Post fat schoolgirls in this thread.
Who's the artist for the last three
>>162045 Zeiniku_B , he is on e-hentai dissapeared for a while but recently came back to twitter, https://twitter.com/rin_noheki?t=66wlOz7thMsXs3GDhRZcJg&s=09
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>>162099 Source for the 2nd and 3rd images?
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>>162156 Sauce?
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>>163843 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/43699096
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>>164767 these don't make me horny they just bring back sad memories :(
>>166685 WDYM MidniteMorty still posts
>>166702 no of being bullied irl
>>166704 If you don't mind me asking, how big were you back then?
>>166704 You were a fat schoolgirl? Sorry things were rough either way. What's your story?
>>166707 >>166720 LMAO Jesus Christ, some of you are so devoid of love in your life and it shows
>>166788 You are on a fat fetish site man
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>>166685 hey, friend. You are loved. :) I hope you have healed from that painful memory!
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>>17919 >>179199 Who made these?
>>181991 Dasan242
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>>182232 Sauce?
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>>188193 Who drew this one?
>>192238 https://twitter.com/rin_noheki
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Please don't raid my fridge, Ms. Nagatoro
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What do you think is better, a world that's already filled with fat females, or a world that's currently in freefall with females weights inexplicably exploding? Which genre would you want that to be joined with? School Slice of Life? School Battler School Idol Other?
>>192190 Sauce?
>>162021 Don't know the source for this one, but it is one of my favorites.
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>>209714 Foxfire aka Toroboro
>>209416 Ok anyone got some fat carol stuff to go with this?
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>>217317is their a kind soul that is willing to translate these?
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>>220291 Damn it, second is futa.
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>>220296 Sauce?
>>223520 https://twitter.com/sinmyokonno/status/1829577614081839157
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When you don't send people to the cornfields but you send a cornfields worth of calories into them.
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>>229134 Fuck off with this videogame-y crap, the fact that this dude is making money off of the original game's creator is kinda scummy too
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>>229138 My money is on your retarded ass spamming that garbage all over the place.
>>229143 Yeah he spammed it 6 places. Now he will enjoy the ban
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>>166788 Mot me, I just wanna know your story
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What would you say is the best way to go with fattening the females of a school, from fantasy and its magic to modern civilization and science run amok.
>>239970 Stress eating, of course. You just have to make junk food available to them all the time and encourage them to eat whenever they want.
>>239970 Strange fattening virus spreading across the school, causing them to fatten up and swell rapidly while in class being stuck in their seats, eventually classrooms being packed full with fat bloated blobs.
>>236679 >>236741 Who made those ones?
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Anyone got more "nerd/class president" type of fats?
>>239970 Building your own fast food empire, buying out a school and using it to dispose all of your excess greasy fries and tripledecker Big Wacs by turning "study period" into "glutting period."
>>241282 Dasan242 made the first sequence
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Original artist is Neon Green 0615 on Pixiv (Purposefully spoilered the last part for some reason)
>>243776 source?
>>244181 Location of said nuts: https://twitter.com/OneHaunt/status/1637128606391623681
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>>239986 Sounds like that would be someone going around and one by one causing all the females lives to be fucked up but easy when it comes to getting their hands on delicious fattening treats. >>240040 What's it about the speed run scenario that gets you into it? Seeing each step leading up to your favorite but with most having the girls stuck at that huge weight you enjoy, the having to not be stuck centered around eating. Maybe it's just a simple interest in seeing the students stuck packing on so much weight so quickly that they're never able to become accustomed to it so people like student council are left with the shame of being unable to go a day without accidentally destroying school property from simply trying to move their growing bulk around and being regularly seen in unkempt uniforms from their bodies stretching out and ripping their uniforms when their bellies aren't shooting off popped of buttons like bullets. >>241358 That sounds more like you're far more invested in a fattened wallet than a fattened student body.
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>>245824 first pic got finished btw
Thicc Ass Enid piece by N-Kosi
>>236741 holy shit this is great. sauce?
>>246009 https://x.com/squishcakesart
