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fat Yu-gi-oh girls Anonymous 09/18/2023 (Mon) 03:58:48 Id:59316f No. 170016
The old thread is gone, so I started it again. Please post art of fat Yu-Gi-Oh girls.
(153.23 KB 1354x2048 FaiTYMbaUAAIJDY.jpg)
(791.31 KB 978x1336 105112266_p0.jpg)
(2.94 MB 2400x2000 84783903_p1.jpg)
>>170016 doing god's work
God how long did the previous thread last? 4 years?
>>170275 >when the fetish thread appreciated the franchise more than what Konami ever did.
(823.81 KB 853x1449 1693866704633282.png)
(1.18 MB 1536x2048 1689351467241123.png)
(1.37 MB 4096x3071 FlYKr_YaMAEGQ1T.jpg)
(1.56 MB 4096x3091 FlYKiiDaUAEqZNl.jpg)
>>170791 sauce on first?
>>171517 Delivery by an anon on /d/
Anyone got an image of Blair by Dimensional Expander? I'm trying to find it.
(430.90 KB 4096x3571 20231020_215431.jpg)
>>174284 sauce?
(78.86 KB 1091x1225 20231025_000738.jpg)
(83.04 KB 841x1040 20231025_001409.jpg)
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(145.87 KB 1075x1246 20231025_000841.jpg)
https://skeb.jp/@Sunny3257_29/works/131 Just found this, but don't know how to get the original resolution.
Here you go bros
>>171455 I remember him, his name was Metabondo, he did this type of arts, they looked like giants due to their great size, the truth is that nothing more has been heard from him for years, and that makes me wonder what has become of him
It is a pity that MadnEvil has not drawn many Yu-Gi-Oh girls lately.
>>190275 That's all well and good but why are they slim?
>>189543 I found these two artworks.
Has anyone go this art of ishizu that looks like I was done by cookis cat, I'm not sure who the actual artist is
>>189023 A true bummer. It's just furries and hellhounds nowadays.
(298.98 KB 1539x1479 DD-pzcKVoAATEZs.jpeg)
(638.83 KB 3672x1059 DD6jgcWVYAAhYqH.jpeg)
(729.57 KB 4096x1423 B6oJlSPFXEIif9a-.jpg)
(971.64 KB 4096x1573 Fm8pWosakAEkFWO.jpeg)
(1.10 MB 3196x1976 charmer.jpeg)
(2.25 MB 3672x960 Fat Madolches 1.jpg)
Any more madolche art?
>>201332 Yes, but I didn't feel like saving it and I don't feel like looking for it.
(721.02 KB 1200x800 66098604_p6.jpg)
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(174.46 KB 900x819 E_shuycUYAMSSVB.jpeg)
Any more Ecclesia art
(654.81 KB 1376x1700 AKIZA for ignoredbynightfall.png)
>>192818 ??? he based his ocs of yugioh girls dude just wanted to do something diffrent honestly id like to see people draw more yugioh girl fats themselves flex those creative muscles of yours you dont need to post them but i'd be nice if we saw more new artists in the community
the best girl
(297.69 KB 2400x1200 IMG_7564.jpeg)
>>170016 Does anyone have that Cathy picture with her belly bigger than the whole body? She had a fat face as well, I can't seem to find it
(163.75 KB 1280x1197 1437307477.madnevil_cat-chan.jpg)
>>210585 Nvm, I managed to find it myself
(5.24 MB 2400x3516 111133032_p0.png)
(171.57 KB 888x1215 Feedh2RacAIoXOU.jpg)
What happened to MadnEvil’s old squashing yugioh pics?
(743.97 KB 1700x1350 67151692_p5.jpg)
>>216375 only one I can recall was this one from his pixiv. were there others?
(2.12 MB 4108x5583 torigainedabit.png)
(819.18 KB 1610x1250 66179297_p0.jpg)
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(662.56 KB 1610x1000 66179297_p4.jpg)
(930.79 KB 1590x1350 66179297_p5.jpg)
>>216375 Still have these backed up
(662.70 KB 1700x1350 66179297_p12.jpg)
(837.10 KB 1590x1350 66179297_p8.jpg)
(759.87 KB 1700x1350 66179297_p14.jpg)
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(1.10 MB 1700x1350 66179297_p13.jpg)
(637.29 KB 1700x1350 67151692_p4.jpg)
Thanks for the squashing pics! I was trying to look for any that survived and I remember most of these ones. Good to see them again!
(378.00 KB 1300x900 Aki_Sequence_2.jpg)
(424.84 KB 1300x900 Aki_Sequence_1.jpg)
(546.53 KB 1400x900 Aki_Sequence_3.jpg)
(536.78 KB 1400x900 Aki_Sequence_3_Berry.jpg)
(2.13 MB 800x2778 RinSlimeFeeding.png)
(3.01 MB 1550x4864 SelenaSlimeFeeding.png)
Anyone got higher quality versions of these two images?
(199.79 KB 1020x1055 1729956649747341.jpg)
(758.25 KB 910x907 Yubel(compressed).PNG)
(1.27 MB 1782x1968 GX_Ilhib0AAFqnK.jpg)
(1.88 MB 2460x2480 Aki+Izayoi+Overfed.png)
(1.86 MB 2460x2480 Aki+Izayoi+OverfedBerried.png)
(314.78 KB 1594x2048 GegaFCeawAAsEKr.jpg)
>>235509 sauce?
(250.38 KB 1460x2048 125637576_p0.jpg)
>>235548 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/31517152
(163.92 KB 2048x570 pixelcut-export.jpeg)
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(340.80 KB 899x686 IMG_2045.jpeg)
(338.53 KB 895x686 IMG_2046.jpeg)
Does anyone know why MadnEvil stopped making fat and inflated YuGiOh girls? He might make Aki (Akiza), but mostly he focuses more on her hellhound variant. And it’s been years since he drew anything with human Asuka (Alexis).
(131.27 KB 1200x1022 pixelcut-export.jpeg)
(245.67 KB 2191x1233 GYn4iysasAEwZvk.jpg)
>>238842 I figured he got tired of doing yugioh art. which sucks because later yugioh stuff is pretty niche outside the fanbase. its easy to find a piece on dark magician girl or maybe tea gardner here and there but there don't seem to be many inflation artists that regularly do stuff with characters from 5ds, zexal and onward
>>238842 No clue, but I assume furries and furry art simply generate way more money than his yugioh stuff. Still sucks.
(477.40 KB 2400x1600 pixelcut-export (1).jpeg)
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(424.69 KB 3550x4096 20250109_170122.jpg)
(340.71 KB 2048x1448 pixelcut-export.jpeg)
>>239680 Never thought I'd see something I commissioned here.
(267.63 KB 868x1228 52837925_p1.jpg)
(356.64 KB 1932x2048 20250203_181835.jpg)
