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Nikutsuki thread 2 11/28/2023 (Tue) 19:46:21 Id:d3e916 No. 179262
The old theme is blocked . Nikutsuki didn 't keep his promise . His Twitter account is still closed for viewing . And apparently it won 't open in the near future . Therefore , we will continue )
My guy, since you're the only one who has posted here thus far, is it too much to ask for 2 things? 1: Could you post pics that are part of a sequence together instead of just completely randomly? 2: Could you pay enough attention to at least not post the same pics several times?
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Youve posted a lot What if it runs out?
Oh my god what is the point of making ANOTHER THREAD of the exact same images out of pure spite. Who the f cares. Maybe we'd actually get new drawings if we stopped doing this weird hate boner obsession.
>>179262 Based
Hold on, did he really made that promise? What was the exact agreement?
Where's the whiny OP from the last thread?
>>179409 He spammed the last topic by saying that if the last topic is deleted , NIkutsuki will continue to publish drawings . I don't see any point in waiting another month or two
>>179405 His defenders promised that he would continue publishing if his content was removed. As a result, he blocked Twitter for viewing. And it is unknown how long it will last . I am surprised by their faith in his honesty .
>>179380 Another naive person . He will begin to publish openly in the best case in a year if his drawings are removed .
>>179374 That 's not all . There are still drawings . + There were those who asked to remove the watermark
>>179380 1 This is a pirate site 2 There is no hatred here 3 He doesn 't really care about his fanbase , his value as an artist is not high 4 His fans-defenders have already promised that he will continue to publish if his drawings are removed . Closed Twitter for viewing is not a fulfilled promise 5 His fans-defenders were so active in the previous topic that they caused the Streisand effect
Sorry for the mistakes, I don 't know English well
>>179425 So, second hand source without a reference (or pics) about that. Also, Nikutsuki was in that random locked/unlocked account crap, so how do we know if he knew that the old theme was locked, maybe he expected it was removed/deleted. I believe that >>179426 was the best possible option (without the whole year waiting period, though). Anyway, this is still a mess, maybe it will go the Tetsujinex way.
>>179429 Your English isn't bad at all.
>>179431 Thanks ! I try .
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What a joke. His reactions over this past year has made me lose all good-will I had for him. The Toonami event was one thing; I get that and he had my sympathies then. But to be this much of a stickler over the unauthorized sharing of your art is just pathetic. You can't control how people consume your work once it's out there. To try is to become so exclusive to the point of futility. Even if he somehow published doujins exclusively on FANZA, for example—who now block all non-Japanese IPs from accessing the site, people would still find a way to share his work with those who might like it. Why is that so difficult to understand?
>>179430 1 Read the old topic before it is finally deleted . His defenders assured him that only if the theme is removed NIkutsuki will continue to draw further 2 He has a lot of fans-defenders who tell him everything and have exclusive access to his Twitter at any time. In order for him to approve the application, it must be earned. 3 He is not interested in ordinary fans of his art . I wrote to him many times on Twitter , including pointing out obvious mistakes , he ignores me . If he was more open to communication and he didn't have his own exclusive community of trusted people, then I would like to help him.
>>179433 All this talk about foreigners supposed lack of 'manners' in the previous thread and tweet replies is just beating around the bush on respecting artists' intent; which at the end of the day, doesn't fucking matter. Japanese art history has a rich post structuralist tradition; maybe he could read some Roland Barthes with all that free time he's given himself.
>>179303 Regarding the first drawing, it would be very nice to see these characters separately, and also in full body
His twitter is public again. . You didn't even give him 2 days before you created another thread fuelled soley from a """""""""Broken Promise""""""""". Listen, I actually agree with some of your guy's frustrations, but I can't help but feel that you guys have put this current situation on yourself even more so than Nikutsuki has put it on himself. Like, yeah the guy who made the Original thread is a moron for creating the thread and then screwing himself out of removing it himself, but, c'mon, what's the point of this? You didn't even let the thread rest for a decent amount of time to even allow Nikutsuki the chance to """"Fulfill the promise"""". You played with fire, got burned, and then played with fire again expecting it to not burn you this time because you used a different hand. . Again, I agree with almost all of your grievances. Again, this doesn't excuse some of Niktsuki's bizarre actions corresponding to here. But the way you are going about it is silly.
>>179464 Don 't act out the tragedy . Well , he opened Twitter and well , let 's see how long it will last . While Twitter is open for viewing , I will not post anything in this topic . If his defenders-fans appears again , then I will continue to publish drawings again. If there are no problems with it , then the topic will gradually lose relevance .
As soon as he closes his Twitter account for viewing again. As soon as his defenders appear again-fans demanding to delete the topic, etc. I will continue publishing the drawings again
>>179270 Regarding the fourth drawing, as I said, it would be nice to see them in full body
>>179433 “ I thought about erasing the dirt, but I decided to leave it at that and create a sub-graduation and use that to draw the primary creation. I started thinking that it would be good to come”
>>179486 He started an alt: @nknk1129bbw
Does anyone know how to add their stuff from Fantia onto Kemono? Asking because they have a lot of stuff on there Nikutsuki: https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/191040 Kemono: https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/44056823
>>179489 Last I heard the Fanbox importer was down; could be the same for Fantia, I dunno.
Also, does anyone know how to access the drawings that they "privated" on Skeb, because I can't seem to find a way to view them, even with an account on there.
>>179489 I knew he need to build a Wall… A Pay Wall.
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>>179496 "Privates" drawings on skeb are private commissions. They're not for public viewing, and are for the commissioners eyes only. It's a bit annoying that they still take up room on the skeb page anyway, but dems the rules I guess
>>179527 That's stupid
>>179508 Where is that?
He has already blocked his Twitter again
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>>179567 So I'll continue
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I will gradually share everything I have from his drawings. Who needs to remove the captcha , write , I will do it in my free time . I suggest that we continue to distribute his drawings and share information .
If he opens his Twitter account for viewing , and will no longer hide from others . I 'll stop again . Free and open communication is always important. Otherwise , the Streisand effect will work .
Seeing this, it makes me wonder what these characters would be like if Nikutsuki drew them: Girls from Senran Kagura, waifus from Genshin Impact, female protagonists from the Pokemon games, Hatsune Miku, girls from Queen's Blade, girls from Sora No Otoshimono, girls from Sword Art Online, girls from Puella Magi Madoka Mágica, girls from Hyperdimension Neptunia Their weight would be between 500 and 800 pounds, they could move, looking threatening, or however they want, but they should be mobile.
>>179600 Did you order him a paid commission ? I doubt that he will be able to draw the girls from Genshin properly. Few people can draw them really well . The rest of the characters on the list were not particularly impressed. Personally, I liked the Girls from the Chainsaw man and Mirko from My hero academy from his drawings. Most of his content girls from One Piece and Fairy Tail are very annoying (but that's just my opinion) If he wants to further develop his creativity, then he needs more variety of content. And I would like more openness and friendliness , the constant blocking of Twitter discourages the desire to support it .
Apparently he doesn't understand how the Internet works and what the Streisand effect is. The free distribution of his free content from Twitter does not pose a problem for his creativity, it only increases his fame. More fame = more fans .
It's a pity that I don't know English well. Many things cannot be explained. NIkutsuki is the first of the artists who causes only irritation with his behavior. Instead of being open to dialogue with his fans, he creates his own list of trusted people. Ignores others. He cannot make a request to the audience if he is concerned about the distribution of his free content. Artificially creates a stir around its content.Why doesn't he write to BBW-Chan, for example, asking her not to distribute his "unique content", instead he closes his Twitter account and expresses dissatisfaction with "trusted persons".
Yes, I understand, a pirate site, etc. Why can't he be open to dialogue? Why does he do everything through third parties? Why can't he write, for example, on sites where his work is distributed? If he had been open to dialogue, more people would have supported him and his demands.
Since you are going to upload content, could you upload more new or recent content? Many of these drawings are from the previous thread
More like suggestions, and also to try with other characters, for a change and see how said characters would look.
>>179577 You're a moron. You are literally the reason this is happening at all. They were going to open their twitter again if you bothered to wait two damn days, then you got pissy and decided to upload everything yourself, causing them to close their twitter again, making you think you could start uploading again until they open again, when your very stupidity is what is stopping them from wanting to open again. They don't have to bend over to your tantrum, if anything they may just stop drawing publicly altogether in favor of private commissions if you keep this crap up. All you are doing is driving them away from public art and then complaining about them "hiding" when they refuse to follow your logic.
>>179719 I 've already uploaded it . I will continue a little bit , most of it has already been uploaded )
>>179722 Hello fan and devoted fan of Ikutsuki. You haven't forgotten where we are, this is a pirate site. He could come here and ask not to publish his Free drawings if it's so important to him. Or leave some kind of appeal publicly asking not to publish his FREE drawings from Twitter. And this topic would lose its relevance faster . The artist's personal request is worthy of respect, and I promise that in this case I will support his request. This is the Internet, and only one line in the profile header is not enough here. And don't forget about the Streisand effect.
>>179722 By the way. The reason for what is happening here is the author of the previous topic.
>>179722 Even before creating the first topic, he blocked his Twitter profile from viewing so often that I personally have no reason to support him at the moment.
>>179566 Sotwe.com
Goddamn, is this where all of the retarded members talk or something? I swear god y'all spaniards are weird as fuck you either speak proper English or get the fuck out of here
>>179758 let spanish people commit mistakes to learn proper english.
>>179732 First, shut the hell up about the Streisand effect. Second, I'm not a devoted fan, I'm barely a fan, and just wanted to know how this thread was getting so big so damn fast.
>>179812 80% of the thread are drawings made by nikutsuki posted here by the baby anon who started this thread
>>179827 Should there be something else besides the drawings? big anon .
Just in case, could someone upload their Kemono works?
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His Twitter account is still blocked
>>180647 So what? We don't give a shit. His profile will be private forever if you keep sharing his fucking art here. Great job, idiots
Isnt this site going to shut down? Does someone know the date?
>>180659 Well , do you like it? Your favorite artist created a separate account specifically for jerks and unworthy of his attention, where he throws off his trash art. He will keep the main account closed to the unworthy . Now only the elite approved by him personally is worthy to see his unique art. Do you like that your favorite artist thinks you're flawed? How do you understand who he really is? Even before creating a theme here, he constantly closed his account for viewing. If you like his behavior, that's your problem.
>>180662 Do you naively think that if the site closes, the artist will reopen his account and will not close it anymore?
Actually, thank you. The more often this topic is written, the longer this topic will be relevant.
I'm genuinely surprised how many people believe him. They think he will keep his word and respect his audience.
>>180662 No it's not, at least for a year unless rebill.
I already suggested that the previous thread be closed, but I was ignored, and now look what has happened
>>180674 You were the OP. Shut the fuck up.
Shut your fucking mouth, son of a bitch, at least I suggested that it be closed so that he could continue making more drawings, which you didn't want.
>>180687 You better shut the fuck up, little nigga. You created the thread and caused Nikutsuki to make his profile private, all because he doesn't want his art to be shared outside Twitter. Don't post these goddamn drawings, is that difficult to understand?
But I regretted it, and that's why I asked for the thread to be deleted, in the same way that you can create a thread, you also have the right to ask for it to be deleted, plus I didn't know that what I was doing was wrong, it was never my intention, really. , that's why I also decided to stop publishing it, and that's why I said to delete the thread. Is it that difficult to understand?
>>180674 >>180675 >>180694 >>180696 Unintelligible autism
>>180694 By the way, shut up, YOU FUCKING SUBNORMAL
>>180703 You're the autistic one here
>>180703 You're ignorant.
>>180662 Seethe harder,fag
>>180735 he was curious dipshit
Hey... so what's the deal with the nikutsuki guy and his no repost thing? i know that japanese people doesn't like piracy but still
As people keep ignoring, reposting a creator's work without their permission is considered rude in Japan. A good chunk of them don't understand that on the internet people are always rude and stuff annoying to you will happen regardless how many times you tell them to stop. LIke I can say I don't want anyone on this thread to use words like retarded, nigger, faggot, slut, asshole, fuckhead, shithead, etc. But how many of you are going to do that? How long will it be before someone uses any of these words? Nikutsuki is from a communal culture, so they don't know what to do about repeatedly rude people or to accept them. Will I understand where they're coming from, I'm afraid that they need to learn that stuff like this will happen again and again. This is the internet, your art will be posted and reposted again and again without your permission and telling people to stop won't end it. Nikutsuki can grumble and threaten to stop all they want, but nothing's going to change. Their art will be posted and reposted on whatever site without their knowledge or permission.
What is the point of another Nikutsuki thread if all his available art was posted in the previous one? At least post something new.
>>180757 The truth is that it is something I always say, that as long as this thread remains open it will not continue publishing, and we do not want that to happen, but they do nothing, they continue publishing
I'm gonna be honest, knock on wood, but sometimes this thread feels more deranged than Community Salt.
>>180761 they're REALLY dedicated to making the spastic jap quit drawing
>>181218 Literally just to spite the guy I think. I don't care for Nikutsuki, but this is just dumb
>>181232 Well, the best thing, just in case, is to delete the thread.
>>181754 This can only be done by an administrator or moderator. And it won 't change much, he now publishes normal art only in a closed account for the elite. He created a second account in order to post junk art, which, according to him, does not matter much.
>>181754 But all you had to do was not create the very first topic. The existence of the second one does not affect its publication in a closed account in any way.
>>181754 Understand that deleting this topic will not force him to open Twitter again to read on a permanent basis. There was no need to create the very first theme.
Would love to see this thread deleted or at least manually bumplocked at this point. A little tired of seeing the same exact argument occur every other day, especially when there doesn't seem to be much more of this person's art worth posting.
>>181773 I already know, and that's why I asked for this topic to be DELETED.
>>181811 One of them is obviously Nik himself using DeepL or some translator. No human types like that.
>>181825 Look, I'm just tired of seeing the ignorance to reaping what you sow from the two OPs from last thread and this thread.
>>181809 Themes are not deleted at the request of their creator. Surprised? And the content of the content in the topic has nothing to do with it. The fact that this continues is the fault of the one who created the very first theme.
>>181809 And it was over, there was no need to create the very first theme. Now only those who are approved by the artist get the best content, those who are guaranteed TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS. THE SECOND TOPIC NO LONGER MATTERS BECAUSE the decision was made when the first topic was still there.
>>181907 >The fact that this continues is the fault of the one who created the very first theme. You're crumbling under your own logic
Is anyone that's following his first account able to download all of his pictures into a single folder in chronological order? Instead of random order on this thread cause some of them are low resolution for some reason. I did half a year ago with a chrome extension but its outdated now and I forgot to follow the instant he unlocked the account for a day.
Well, if more Nikutsuki content is not going to be published, that is new, it is best to delete this thread and never create any new ones EVER AGAIN.
>>182028 Only administrators and moderators can delete topics. If the very first topic had not been created, this incident would not have happened initially....... You keep the topic relevant with your messages, do you know that?
>>182029 Well, this message goes to the administrators, if more cool content is not shared, please DELETE BOTH TOPICS
If it were possible, wouldn't it be better to gather all your works so you can download them or something like that?
What I was saying, no one is publishing anything on this topic, so I propose to close it, delete it and see if, seeing this, Nikutsuki leaves his Twitter free again so that we can all see his works
>>184013 You're a naive fool. He won't do as you want if this topic is closed.
>>184023 And why not? The problem was due to the fact that both topics were created. If both were deleted, Niku could leave it public again.
Don't people realize that all that one has to do is pay 10$ a month to see this dude's art? It even allows paypal which is unlike other Japanese product sites, so how about being a normal member of society by getting a job and paying for it? All in all, people who refuse to pay a simple thing with the ability to use paypal just doesn't make sense. If you people want to look at his art, its as simple as working a job and having a steady income of money so you can subscribe. Is that all that Americans crave? Getting things for free without having to drop barely any sweat? Makes me sad to be an American if that's what it's all about now.
>>184057 You didn't know that all these idiots are spanish? I thought you would've noticed their shitty grammar by now
And what is their Twitter for?
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He seems inadequate . He deleted the drawings from all his accounts, even from avatars, so that only those he trusts could see them. As I said, he is predictable and continues to draw for a paid job and continues to be active. But now only those he trusts can see his work.
>>184039 Why do you continue to openly demonstrate your ignorance? Imagine that ordinary users do not have the rights to delete themes. This can only be done by Admins or moderators. And since the topic still exists , they didn't give a shit about what you want.
>>184039 Eat a dick. I don't give a flying fuck about the artist or even drawn. This place exists to pirate porn. Neither your nor the artists feelings matter. Stop crying and learn accept it. Now take this shit to the archives
>>184333 He's not uploading any new art on that account since September last year. He's uploaded three things since then on @nknk1129bbw, and that's it. The only other place is his Fanbox.cc account, and he only uploads once or twice for that and it's paywalled at ~1000JPY. I don't know why anyone thinks that deleting this thread is going to magically make him "come back". Do y'all think this is the only site that's sharing his stuff?
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Anyway, here's some stuff from Fanbox.
>>184337 Commit a dick, you disgusting subnormal son of a bitch, well look, it wouldn't be a bad idea, for someone to share all their files here if possible, from Twitter, Fanbox, WHERE IT IS
>>184346 Jesus christ, kill yourself you autist mongrel
>>184360 Kill yourself, you son of a bitch, DISAPPEAR, you're only here to do harm, and I also proposed the files thing.
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What I'm saying, no one publishes anything in this thread, on top of that Nikutsuki still hasn't unlocked his Twitter, looking at the situation either more of his content is published or better to close the thread once and for all to see his art again, at least on Twitter
>>184333 He deleted everything? Shit does somebody have a zip file of all his artwork before he deleted? I did years ago but its out of date
>>184864 But look at the thread, nothing new about Nikutsuki has been published in it, I don't see the point of keeping it
>>184884 Stop gargling his dick and go outside for fucks sake.
>>184899 Its huge why would she stop you come gargle it hoe
>>184899 Stop gargling with your shitty cock, and DIE, scum like you don't deserve to live.
>>184884 That's not true. >>184340 This is new stuff from his Fanbox from December and January. I know you desperately want this thread deleted but don't lie to people to do it. Besides, it's worth keeping open to circulate the art we currently have.
>>184957 However, some old drawings that were published in this thread have also been deleted, that's why I say it
>>184959 your point is stupid. it will never change the fact that a new nikutsuki thread will be made after this one dies. you're just arguing with yourself at this point.
>>184960 Your fucking mother who gave birth to you would be stupid, well then what do I do? Because I've even given her a follow on Twitter and nothing
>>184963 Killing yourself is always an option
>>184988 Well, you do it, as I said, I tried to go to his Twitter, I clicked on him and NOTHING
Humanity was a mistake.
Yeah, these humans are stupid as fuck. I'm going back to my home planet
Is it so difficult for you to understand that we want to continue seeing more user art?
Not doing to lie. It just sounds like Nikutsuki needs to grow a pair and get used to fsact his art will be shared no matter what. Though. This is petty on both ends.
>>184988 LowTierGod Reference?
Just one more thing. What can we do to continue seeing more Nikutsuki art, eh smartasses?
>>186389 Paying for art and sharing it. :)
>>186501 Yes, of course, why do it if Twitter had it for free?
>>186505 Just find another artist you like, easy
>>186505 It doesn't. Fanbox is the only place where he posts now, and you get 2 pics a month for 1000 JPY ($7). That's a shit deal. >>184856 >>186389 >better to close the thread once and for all to see his art again >What can we do to continue seeing more Nikutsuki art, eh smartasses? What makes you so certain he'll start posting publicly again if we stop posting in this thread? You literally have no evidence for that claim.
I told you guys this thread is the most retarded idea on this entire website, and now look where we are. Whatever anon created this better be ashamed of themself. Now it is likely Nikutsuki will never post publicly again because he gets very pissy about people sharing his pictures. I tried this before, he got mad and I took it down, it was that simple. Now because of some retarded anon I cannot do that and we may never see Nikutsuki again. Great archive of his stuff though I gotta say. don't see people's entire folders of fat porn that often.
>>184883 Look at this entire thread. I have quite a bit of it myself and I wonder if I should create a zip file of it on mega or we transfer too.
>>186576 He needs to stop being a bitch tbh.
>>186576 The more you people bitch about this thread's existence, the more attention comes to it and the more people will want it to exist. Read up about the Streisand effect, you stupid piece of shit. Secondly, you act as if this is the only place on the internet sharing this stuff, and it's not. Literally try googling his name sometime. Hell, there's even an e-Hentai mirroring everything he uploaded on Twitter. Even if you banned everyone in this site from posting, the issue wouldn't be resolved because PEOPLE ON OTHER SITES ARE ALSO SHARING, you dumb cunt. Thirdly, like >>186549 said, you people have absolutely zero evidence that Nikutsuki is going to magically start posting art again when people stop posting it elsewhere. Literally when did he ever say that that's what the plan was? Lastly, if he's going to throw a hissy fit the second anyone hosts his work elsewhere, frankly I don't mind him taking his ball and going home. This is the internet, people rehost.shit all the time, it's just a fact of life. What makes him think he's so special that he gets a pass from that? Finally, I'm not sure about anyone else, but at this point I'm posting here out of spite. I see you dumb fucks bouncing off the walls of the 'Tism Prism, screeching your heads off and demanding the thread be deleted like spoilt brats constantly, and it pisses me off. We don't want to delete the thread, the mods think it should stay, but you refuse to let it go and you continue to make demands like you're owed something, which loops perfectly back into the first point I made. Tl;Dr suck my dick and choke on it, you whiny cunts.
>>186596 Epic, based and redpilled
>>186578 Plymouth Volare
>>186576 That's what I was trying to say, at least the creator regretted it, so much so that he wanted it to be erased forever.
>>186578 Could you really make this file downloadable or even so that we can see them in MEGA?
>>186623 Yeah, well too bad. This is the internet. Nothing is gone forever.
See? No more of his drawings are being published in this thread, and there doesn't seem to be a solution. Where is the person who would share all his work in a folder in this thread?
>>187266 Do It yourself, giga-faggot
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>>187266 Holy shit shut the FUCK up already. You're the dumbass child who doesn't understand to stop putting his hands on the hot oven no matter how many times he gets burnt. You absolute cocksucking retard.
>>187391 Schzio arrived.
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>>187392 What about what I said is "schizo"? This idiot has literally been whining over and over and over again about this thread's existence, and refuses to take no for an answer.
How about I calm down the chat by singing the lyrics to Bugatti
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Yo can you blabber mouths shut the fuck up and save this for community salt
By the way, on his Twitter I clicked Follow to see if he would accept me, and I still have no response.
>>189728 He accepts requests only from trusted persons , those who , in his opinion , are trustworthy .
anyone have the tifa sequence he made? it showed her in several sizes and had weights. i dont follow his account so i cant access it.
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More please, but it can be newer content, that is, it has not yet been published in this thread
>>189901 Shut up you spic
>>189901 Why havent you killed yourself?
>>189901 Good. I 'll send more as soon as I find it .
>>189918 >>189922 >>189938 Duality of man.
>>189918 Shut up you bastard, you asthmatic asshole, you piece of bastard.
>>189922 Kill yourself, you son of a bitch, you miserable bastard, you fucking cocksucker.
>>190013 Calm down, LowTierGod.
>>190037 Well, don't insult me ​​or wish me those things, LowTierGod
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Just in case, I suggest if you can gather all your work in one place, like MEGA or Google Drive
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I don't understand about Nikutsuki on his Twitter, a few days ago he had unblocked his Twitter and everyone could see it, now he has blocked it again
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>>193808 So we will continue to share his work .
>>193813 Well yes, because it is not understood, during those days no more new art was published, when it opened they continued without publishing more of their art and suddenly they blocked it again
>>193823 Every time he blocks his Twitter account, I will post his art in response.
This topic will continue to exist as long as he blocks his Twitter account from time to time. Blocking his Twitter account means continuing to publish his work
>>193834 It seems that way, and nothing has been posted in this thread for a long time, and then he goes and blocks it again.
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>>195527 nice very nice
If you want to share your images with this link, you can also use it PRIVATE: https://skeb.jp/@nikutsuki
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>>196662 Very nice. Is there a full-body version of these 2 characters?
(231.47 KB 668x800 image_2024-04-18_002656983.png)
anyone got this one in high res?
(14.12 KB 750x505 IMG_4701.webp)
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Any full images of these close-ups?
>>198672 I found these from Nikutsuki’s Fantia website.
>>198693 Do you have anymore, because I wish to see them as well
>>198695 most of their fantia.com page are ssbbw futanari
This is Makima's sequence, watch at your own risk.
does anyone have the One Piece comic in full?
>>198708 Then you can post them on Kemono if you want...
>>198746 Much bettter.
>>198708 I'm still interested in seeing more of them like the Ada Wong one or the Nami one
>>198793 I hope someone will upload those two...
(14.00 KB 768x466 IMG_4702.webp)
(14.12 KB 750x505 IMG_4701.webp)
>>198793 Anyone have any full pictures of these two?
have, I'll give more if you translate the ones that have dialogue into English
I'll give more if they translate these into English
Another thing, if anyone has the drawings from your Skeb page, on those that say Private, could you share them here?
(188.73 KB 1788x1796 GM-cZnObQAA3FpU.jpg)
DON'T DELETE MY COMMENTS, what did I say this time?
>>196662 I keep asking if there is a full body version of these 2 characters
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Anyone able to remove the watermarks on these?
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>>204935 name of the girl?
>>202144 >Rare drawing of a fat Cammy >Hits it right out of the park Oof, and her leotard is about to burst.
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Does anyone have this in better quality? I just realized I had it saved in my gallery
From what I see, his Twitter is still blocked, it seems that he does not keep his promise
>>209066 Shut the fuck up.
>>209133 Why? What did I say? You better shut your fucking mouth, YOU FUCKING BITCH, YOU FUCKING BITCH.
(91.67 KB 220x220 pepe-laugh-he-doesnt-know.gif)
>>209219 lmao this guy is back
>>209219 Shut the fuck up
>>209223 Shut up, you fucking moron, I just said that Nikutsuki keeps breaking his promise.
Good Lord, just shut up already.
>>209246 You shut up, why does what I say bother you?
>>209257 You started it.
>>209346 The one I started?
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Hello, despite all this and the way things are going, could anyone, whoever, publish ALL of Nikutsuki's works in this thread? His Twitter is still blocked and I can't find any more places to see his works
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Does anybody has the art of an ssbbw hachishakusama he made?
Anyone have the full image of this?
>>216517 Thanks
Hello, I am collecting more of these giantesses in case anyone is interested
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