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Deviantart, 3D, scribbles

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>>181074 I remember that i saw an edit of Tyr'ahnee wearing the Space Jam new legacy, I wonder if anyone has it?
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Reposting request from last thread about a shydude drawing of this lady.
Reposting request from last thread for the "Greenery and Chilean Food" comic from Imaginaria2
>>181074 >>180360 Can someone please help me with this?
not necissarily lost art but does anyone have this image uncensored? if it even exists
looking for a piece of art that either features Elise from dan vs or Helen from the incredibles. it's from an account that was nuked years ago
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(558.79 KB 2100x1256 Fq5qMVDaIAAhMoF.png)
I'm looking for an archive of chocobabka's old art.
Bringing this over from the last thread. Does anyone have the follow up art that Plumpchu did of their Rey weight gain sequence? I recall it was her much bigger and I think naked, and she was saying something along the lines of "I wonder what Ben will think of me like this." I looked for it everywhere and I can't find it. Any help would be appreciated!
Repost from last thread https://bbw-chan.link/bbwdraw/res/157386.html#157386
Does anyone have the Yaoyorozu and Jiro picture from Nomopolitainia. They talk about in in the comments of this post https://www.deviantart.com/nomopolitainia/art/Rescue-Exercises-829023590
I'm looking for a short comic about fat princess daisy thinking she's peach
>>181074 Does anyone have the full of this thumbnail by BleachedKitten?
>>181434 The full was just provided to me by a kind anon on a /d/ thread!
>>181074 I remember seeing a drawing of a woman trying to fit her massive ass inside a dress (I think it was yellow), while shouting something like "Help me with this damn dress!". There was also a hand reaching out to her, holding a platter with a stick of butter on it. Pretty sure it was called "Something silly".
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>>181074 Some rare Kips.
Idk if anyone even knows about this, but does anyone have that one drawing of Taylor Swift(I think?) as a massive immobile blob, and at the top right there’s an instagram post about it?
>>181074 Does anyone have that fan art of Emezie Okofar's characters Ayane and Kim that depicted them as mermaids sitting on a rock, while Ayane (the chubby one) was covering her naked breasts, looking away from Mina with tears in her eyes and blushing. There was a speech bubble showing melons, alluding to her being embarrassed, while Mina is looking at Ayane with regret in her eyes. It kind of looked like the pic that's attached to this post.
>>181798 The nostalgia hit me like a truck when I saw this. One of the first videos I saw just months after discovering I liked fat chicks.
Total long shot, but does anyone have the art of Kikimora by Burgandnugget? It was a picture of her in office clothes, with an exposed and stuffed gut that had sticky notes stuck to it. Can't find it anymore 'cause...y'know.
Anybody have the pic from songofswelling of a Tifa blueberry with Yuffie?
Does anyone know who drew this? Saw this with the other, but it was lost in time.
Does anyone have Satsurou's lost art?
There was this one artist who drew fat Sabrina and Erika from Pokémon but I lost their Twitter and can’t find it
>>181074 Does anyone have any more art from dubaduu1? Apparently, the faggot deactivated his Twitter account, then another useless faggot did a piss-poor job at archiving the account.
Does anyone know why CloudBoyo locked their Twitter?
Does anyone have Hdoodlez DeviantArt stuff? They're account has been deactivated.
Does some body have any newstuff4u art? Or at least a archive of that isn't mostly OC crap?
Anybody have the Yukari sequence from the long gone cEncorePlus' DA gallery? Wayback had nothing on him...
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Does anyone have the rest of this comic?
Does anyone have the art of Recette from MetalForever? I looked through their page and can't find it anymore.
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Today I found this piece long lost; it's undyne from undertale
Does anyone have part 5 of dewsh-lawnde's workout mom?
wtf happened to Jaykuma? His shit used to be so good, then it started to suck, and then he just fucked off.
Does anyone know of a sequence where two athlete sisters go off to college and one slowly stops exercising and becomes the other sisters feedee? There was one page where they run into each other in the supermarket and the one sister is groping the other
>>183623 Sounds like something midnite morty would draw
Anyone Have Yoko Littner Picture Maded By Plumpzone ?
Anyone here have an archive of SoulsParty's stuff? Specifically looking for more of his hat adult art.
>>181074 Just a reminder to please archive art somewhere. I suggest links should be included in the OP where art can easily be archived publicly. Options: https://curveybooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list (dedicated fat/chubby booru) https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=all (very big popular booru that has been around for years and has millions of posts) https://e-hentai.org/ (Primarily for hentai but does have bbw art backed up onto it) https://www.deviantart.com/ (Used to be a decent option used by many but has very restrictive rules like no nudity) Anyone else have any suggestions for where we can archive?
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>>181074 Here's some of mamoru45/qyxfcwasd/froglybaxter/DebuCake's lost art.
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Kind of a weird request: It's taken from an isometric angle and it's about this restaurant where women go in, get fat, and get turned into mattresses of sorts...weird, I know, but I'm sure it's better in the pic.
Anybody got those 2 Brandy images by Marmalade Man? They were colored, I can’t find them anywhere.
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Would anyone know/have anything about this artist and or have a gallery of their works before it fell of the face of the planet?
Looking for lost art of hinoka from fire emblem hiding a muffin behind her back
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does anyone have Messier31 art before the artist nuke all of their work
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Hey uh, I'm sorry in advance if by any form making this request is wrong, but hum..., does anyone have the Missing images that @Plumpcognito made for other artists on Twitter on Christmas, ESPECIFICLY DOWNLOADED AND UNCROMPRESSED FROM ITAKU? Currently I have downloaded some, but noticed some are missing, I analysed the complete set and marked the ones that are present, and the 3 are no longe available.
>>186181 Sometimes I forget Zari_Wari, who is responsible for making Baka Mitai a meme, has an OC.
(5.82 MB 2048x1536 001.png)
>>186181 came here just to ask if anybody got an archive of his stuff on itaku. I was gonna do such a task but by the time I was getting ready (my windows pc is shit and I have to switch to a linux one for such actions) he went awol and seems to be planning to nuke everything about himself off the net. >>186217 also, he ain't funny.
>>186181 which this is all I got unfortunately. just the non crossed out pic of what you posted.
>>186579 Yeah that's why I made the quest I made earlier, currently I'm busy, and not using my laptop, But don't worry, I have colected what I could find out of his Itaku and despite his claim of giving up, there was no futher explaination has to why and what would be of his account.
This is a lot more harder to do on my phone, I was only able to do it with mediafire for the time being https://www.mediafire.com/file/8do4e2lr9f6adzw/PlumpCognito.rar/file
Futher more, I found out that Plump did post the missing isolated drawings, But only 2 of them, sadly MysteryDad's OC Elise is still missing, and mostly likely we will never get it untill someone point that out for Plump and he agrees to post it on Itaku, unless he's not going to nuke his legacy before hand
I will look forward to see If there's more stuff or there's something wrong with It, until then beware this is all I got and there might be some other stuff that does not belong there
Does anybody have the super spoe sequence of the fat adult kanker sisters
>>186662 checked and huh, I guess they're deleted now. very strange I must admit..
>>186605 which thanks alot mate
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Looks like Fapo deleted this one. Just posting it in case anyone else wants to save it.
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Anyone have Mistko artworks? It's all I have.
>>187159 Apparently, he reuploaded almost everything on this Twitter account. https://twitter.com/Miistko
Not sure were to request these, but I'm trying to find the original source from this two images of the Annalynn Game
>>187204 I had no success finding the orignial source with anything, neither SauceNAO or anything like it
>>187205 When it come in the mail throw it away.
>>187208 Why?, no, I wish to find the original artist, and/or a better resolution of the image
>>187204 Art style looks a lot similar to this artist: https://www.deviantart.com/odditymew/gallery Be warned, they also might have some unwanted things to see
Does anyone have an archive of Merhaps gallery?
>>187223 I couldn't find anything of these two drawings, neither from Twitter, DA, or anywhere else sadly
Does anyone have Thelycanhobo re:zero edits? If so, where to find them?
>>187226 Some of his art that I've managed to save. Anyone who possesses more is welcome to contribute.
>>187282 All her bikini photos are deep nudes now
Do you have some archive files of TheNeverWere's art?
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Anyone have this art of Girl Who Stinks Good by Holotuff?
(170.46 KB 836x955 Debu Note by TheTripleFool.jpg)
I can't find this even through yandex reverse image search
also to this day I have yet to see any of these in the wild and not overly pixelated stuck in a mini game besides the monika pic skullgiest did
>>187478 Took me a while but I found the full size version
>>187497 Thank you so much.
>>183531 Does anyone know if there's a collection of Dewsh's art before he got rid of it?
Anyone happen to know where the rest of the parts of the SuperSpoe WG comic of Gwen & Charmcaster are? This is the last part, but I can’t find the others anywhere on any site. Did they completely vanish from the fact of the internet?
Anyone have the audio Queen’s Feast by MrDemo on newgrounds? Was absolutely fucking fantastic, like legit the best audio out there. Got nuked semi recently.
>>187519 Likewise his DC Super Hero Girls sleepover pics.
Hi all. I`m looking for art of CgHonk. He deleted his twitter a few times and I can`t find his early work. If anyone archived it and can share, it would be great!
(1.83 MB 4094x3594 1704892827379016.jpg)
Does anyone happen to know what source this pic belongs to?
>>187519 Seems like either the DA mods or Spoe himself took it down because of how insane DA mods have gotten in the last few years. Usually not an issue since Spoe uploads a lot to Twitter and Tumblr but I guess this was just never posted else where.
>>187519 >>187631 I know it was reposted onto curveybooru but an anon has reposted it here now Spoe might've not reposted it because it was a commission he might want permission from the commissioner before reposting >>187564 https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=cghonk nearly 200 reposted
Does anyone know of an image in which there is a roughly 300kg girl likely Asian wearing white see through shirt covered in sweat. Through the shirt there was a bra visible. It was fairly realistic and quite well made
>>187599 Darkage_art, but don't forget that farts belong on alt next time you want to post something here.
>>181074 Here's an archive of Marabobpsy's art for anyone who's interested. https://cyberdrop.me/a/QGaRxFDJ
May someone spare all Thelycanhobo re:zero edits? If so, where to find them?
Does anyone have the fat Izutsumi by Piffledoodle that she deleted back in 2020?
>>187105 thats such a god damn shame, this is one of my favorites of theirs. this is how im tryna look fr
Does anyone have a Mipha pic with a pose and shape similar to this Zelda? I think it was made by Pewbut but I wouldn't know for sure
(361.17 KB 2967x2815 mipharun_by_chechecheart_dgej5sn.png)
>>188195 maybe this one? but it was made by ChechecheArtist
>>188198 Aw yeah, I think it was this one, thought it looked similar to Pewbutt lol Thanks man
Anyone have an old pen drawing by KawaiiDebu of a fat Linkle? She was wearing black shorts
(240.48 KB 2048x1535 F6k-MCfXUAAbipx.jpeg)
I'm just collecting some @marshmall0fluff artwork but I'm missing one. I can only find this gas alt. Does anybody have the original image?
>>188326 I remember seeing that on her account but she has deleted it out of nowhere and I didn't save it. Could you upload your collection to curveybooru.com or some other website? There isn't an easy way to see all of her art because she keeps deleting it all at random.
>>187478 The post with that art was still on their active Tumblr: https://files.catbox.moe/ai8u9e.png
>>188432 Aside from her cute character design, I don’t get it why she’s called “girl that stinks good.” Is it like a smell fetish thing?
I saw a halloween weight gain sequence of Lisa from Genshin Impact as a pumpkin
does anyone have or know of this comic where a girl gains the ability to shoot food out of her hands or something. and she uses it on people but it backfires and she ends up filling up the entire room. it’s an older comic i believe and i can’t find it anywhere
>>188570 I'm guessing you're talking about Biostuffed by thejiggly? Was my fav comic back in my early days of this fetish lmao it's still on deviantart if you're wondering
Does somebody have a pic pic from Samuraibo of Gamora from the recent GOTG game?
>>188433 I think it's more of a nostalgia thing, where she smells like she just walked out of a Hot Topic with new merch. Who knows.
did anyone save pastblast12's art?
Anyone have ArealLad's art? He nuked fucking everything recently :(
trying to find this multi-part sequence of this bitchy girlfriend who ends up getting fat staying at her bfs place, i dont know the artist name, sorry but i know it was posted in either one of the general threads but isn't there
Anyone have the Bridgette pic Superspoe drew? It got pulled from his DA and I can't find it on Twitter
Anyone saved that picture of Asuka and Yoko that was made by the-murdellicious?
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Anybody have more parts with this piece? I'm pretty sure it was maggie moo recruit
(1.78 MB 3510x2481 yoko asuka murdelli.jpg)
Putting out a request for the pic of Rin Tohsaka and Aoko Aozaki done by kawaiidebu >>188981 This the one?
>>189353 You posted pages 4, 1, and 3 of the series. Here are pages 2, 5, and 6:
>>188760 Anyone?
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Does anyone has the alt version of this art? Kemono page for the artist shows cropped version of it yet I couldn’t find it anywhere
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Does anyone have the art SolitaryScribbles made of this Moony design? I can't seem to find it anywhere but I know it exists.
>>189862 Wrong board, furry.
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Does anyone have full res versions of these? Artist is Holotuff, their Twitter got suspended last month.
Does anyone have ErasedGorilla Fat Lapis picture lapis was wearing her casual outfit if that's helps you find it
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Does anyone have any of Beabelly’s other art?
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>>189853 >SolitaryScribbles I got you fam !!
anyone got the second part of this sequence from analog_al from his growth drive? I have all the pacifica shit but not this one
>>188961 bumping this
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Does someone has the Pyra and Mythra getting fatter video but the camera was set in one angle made by Nurico? If I remember correctly Nurico, before deleting their DA, posted those videos but after deleting and reviving their Twitter and DA they haven't posted them again.
>>190058 Not sure if these are the highest quality, but they're the only ones from their long gone Tumblr
>>188961 >>190480 >>190655 >>190656 >>190657 >>190658 This was also backed up onto curveybooru a long time ago https://curveybooru.com/index.php?page=pool&s=show&id=2 It seems like every thread this is reposted and I still don't know the name of the artist behind it
>>190887 afaik it was a random drawfag on /d/
Does anyone have an archive of Kuratama's old weight gain/fat animations? They scrubbed them a while back and I haven't been able to find anything. All what's really left is the model that a trans vruber uses.
>>191199 https://furarchiver.net/Artist/Gallery?artist=kurotamaart
>>191246 That's all that got saved? Fuck...
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Does anyone have art related to "sprite37"?(Anything, even normal Art)
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>>191321 Here, someone made a Archive in E-Hentai https://e-hentai.org/g/2646342/ce4d02b1ec/ Fair warning though, Expect less belly, and more tits and thighs
>>191357 There's also a image I have that's not present in the Archive, but I might not be able to show since it's not Far Fetish related, but it's still Lost media regardless
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>>191498 >>191499 >>191500 >>191501 >>191502 Had just been thinking about this artist but couldnt remember their name, thanks. Any idea why these were taken down? I feel like i remember seeing some of these before, and they're all great.
Just a heads up, rumor has been spreading around that Twitter might start selling user data to MidJourney, and I have a hunch that that might prompt a lot of artists (NSFW for not) to start nuking their accounts soon. Start archiving before it's too late.
>>191515 https://twitter.com/feelinwtdgood (old twitter account; nothing posted for >1 year)
>>191502 >>191541 Yeah i saw that while looking earlier, but almost all of the pics you posted aren't up on there or the deviantart
Who have Jucika's Beach Bod by Starlight-Pierrot?
I'm looking for 2 morphs, I have collected as much information as possible on them, however no archive that I can find has them saved for me to download at high quality both are by darthvujin123 the first is pic related and called "the growing nightsister" the second features the same character (as well as another) and is called "bounties of the empire" (however this was originally reuploaded slightly differently, I do not know if its name was changed when it was)
>>189526 Anyone got his art???????
Looking for a comic of a queen gaining weight and her husband feeding her.
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Anyone have the full res or alt versions of this pic? By PulseWave on Twitter, ScytheJudgement on DA.
Not sure if I should ask the pinned sauce thread, but there's an artwork I'm looking for, and while I've asked around and searched around, I still can't find it. It was a B/W sketch picture of a long haired (down to her waist or knees) elf woman. She had a seductive facial look, with a chubby body type with a handbra over her boobs, and she looked to be standing in a pool of water. I really think Exponential-atomic-mass did it, but I've gone through his art and can't find it.
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Does anybody have the og version of this bedbendersinc pic, as seen in the background of the second one? Also does anyone have their pic titled “Stretching New Threads?”
Who made this?
>>192698 https://www.deviantart.com/dukemcmuffintop/art/Random-4-923836203 The Spanish comment says it was made by princecoffeecakes, who has since removed their older drawings from the site. Account is still up, though: https://www.deviantart.com/princespookycakes/gallery
(5.37 MB 4036x3700 The_best.png)
Who the hell is Quetz's and does anyone know if they have networks
I'm looking for an old sketch page from Axel Rosered. It had Gwen from Ben 10, her standing next to her future self, past Gwen has a fat belly. I can't really remember the other characters on that page. I think Ashley from WarioWare was on it?
Has anyone seen an old drawing of two girls on a beach, both in bathing suits, where one is feeding another who is tied up while she occasionally lies on her belly and the other wonders why she likes it so much? It is a comic-like and sketch-like image.
Does anyone have anymore art from wahffuru?
>>183382 I thought made bump post for this but maybe I didn't I've realized that MetalForever's gallery got suspended for some reason and a lot more artwork besides the one I was looking for is gone as well. Does anyone have any of the other art missing from their gallery as well?
Archive of @adoralotte?
Does anyone have a two part sequence of comic of She-ra and her friends getting super fat by lactation? It was uploaded in FurAffinity.
>>192519 It's lost forever I think. The dropbox link is dead
Anybody have fapolantern’s stuff from his evilfapo account? His dumbass deleted everything on it without any warning again
Anyone have the old Batgirl drawing from Shydude? Probably my favorite piece from them and it's impossible to find after the purge.
Does anyone have/remenber a Tenchi Muyo comic where weight gain candy/pills were used?
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Does anyone have the full resolution of this one from ShweetMagnet?
Does someone have a higher quality of this art.
>>192703 https://www.deviantart.com/quetzaltecq/art/the-Blue-Haired-Maid-Feedee-And-Messy-1030247233
>>194869 Yooo, thank you so much!
(133.39 KB 857x932 112.jpg)
>>181542 Found it myself. The artist is Tuomashart.
>>187859 anyone got this?
>>195271 What the fuck are you talking about?
>>195284 Just report and move on, it's just the neighborhood schizo.
>>195312 Projecting
>>195313 That's bullshit.
Does anyone have Satsurou's lost art?
>>192665 any word on these?
squishysofty controversial now, anyone got her art?
I remember a sketch of Belt Buster, I don't remember the character just that it was a girl riding a guy while eating a melted cake from her tits with a spoon
(650.17 KB 909x879 2019-01-01.png)
I don't know how the artist who made this feels about me reuploading their art. But their entire DA Page is wiped and I don't think they have alternate pages.
>>195452 Make a zip, I've been searching for their stuff.
So i remember this really sexy pic of emily ramirez from close enough being huge and posing with her underwear talking about "doing taxes". I dont remember the artists name but it captured the show s artstyle close enough.
Does someone have the original? The one on the right had armor on
Anyone have any archive of the artist sillyroseyy? They recently got rid of a lot of stuff due to some anxiety issues.
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>>181074 Does anyone have the non-blueberry version of this Fat Cleo from johnwham?
Anyone have one Art from Tharja for kawaiidebu?
>>196160 Found myself, it was an edit tho
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Lost another one. SliriX stopped posting for a while, then came back as "Rislosh", randomly abandoning the old account. They then held a big poll to determine the subject of a weight gain drive. Then they silently deleted both accounts. Yuck.
Does anyone have the lost archive for 801dcnb on a file somewhere. They are all to big to post on here please and thank you. Here are some examples
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>>197202 If they are too big to post here then whoever has them should upload them to curveybooru or catbox https://curveybooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=add https://catbox.moe/
>>192079 iirc he got into some big-time bullshit by that one autistic fucker with the South Park icon about a commission, and it burned him out
>>197498 He goes by crosporcus/karlcros now >>197202 Here's a few I'll post a link in a bit
>>192079 >>197504 Good to know On that note, does anyone have any of his Noodle pics? There's a particular one where she's bound and force-fed that I've been looking for
>>197504 oh yes please will be waiting excited but patiently
Was wondering if anyone managed to save this sequence? Pretty sure it had four parts, but I can't find the rest anywhere. https://www.deviantart.com/toothntail/art/Girl-s-Night-Out-2-891236196
Does anyone have art of Patchouli Knowledge with huge thighs by Munimuni? I have seen it years ago but it was gone from their Twitter account. Hoping that some of you lucky ones saved it.
>>197202 >>197504 >>197791 Sorry for the wait. Not sure if I got the last of what they uploaded, but I can update it if anyone has anything missing saved. https://we.tl/t-8tIJOBNRfE Here's some other stuff too I'm sure isn't on DA anymore
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There is supposed to be a slob/gas alt of this image, but it’s not in Ashgallalla‘s kemono page. Does anyone possibly have it?
>>198452 >Slob/Gas Are you lost? This is not /alt
>>198254 You really are the true GOAT for digging all of these down. The wait truly was worth it. Thank you. I'm never letting these go again. Going in my locked folder
Does anybody have anything from an old deviantart user by the name of coldrules?
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I'm trying to find the full res version of this pic. The Artist is BronzeBanana and they still have an account but it seems to be an alt or 2nd account. Most of their art is still there except for this one. I'd be very grateful if someone could help with this! I believe the original name was something like Flapper Elf.
>>198508 I'm pretty sure this is the highest res. Had it stored on my PC still.
holy shit thanks man
Does anyone have alternative versions of this drawing?
https://www.deviantart.com/comments/4/33773153/5131181089 Lost Becky Comic https://www.deviantart.com/lordstormcaller/journal/Becky-Comic-525023900
Not sure if i should go to the begging thread for this, and also not sure if i'm schizophrenic, but does anyone have an archive of Gain-Overs stuff? I seem to remember there was more of it than whats up on the deviantart page
>>198254 Anyone please reup
I hate to ask but my own search has been fruitless. Looking for a picture of Fubuki from one punch man being fattened up by her sister. Cannot seem to find it again. I understand it might not be very much to go on.
https://www.deviantart.com/vanboop Looking for an older comic by VanBOOP or VanDuo (goes by two names). It was black and white, with a girl in a hoodie that agreed to test some sort of soda? Slime? Something like that. She began to gain weight rapidly, and it was very belly heavy. It was 3 parts, and I believe each part had a big chunk of story in the description. The second part was her blowing up in her car looking embarrassed, and I think the third was her squashing the person who gave her the drink under her belly. If anyone has any idea what I'm talking about please let me know!
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Anyone remember Dekashi from the old oekaki boards? He posted in a lot of the wood threads. Wo deri g if anyone has higher quality version of the images below
Woot* threads
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>>200038 Here y'go!
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>>199219 Not sure if this is it but this is what I found
There was a comic of hansel and gretel where both were feed by the witch Who ends marryng both. I cant find it
Does anyone have a short looped GIF from PrinceSpookyCakes of a character, described to be riding on horseback, jiggling her belly, breasts, and cheeks as she bobs up and down? Can't seem to Find it anywhere, must have been Deleted?
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>>181074 Who’s the name of this artist again?
>>200197 That was it! Thank you so much. Was driving me crazy.
Looking for lost art of lifelinelemon's Ms. Cocoa. She's an aged up version of their oc Linda, and for some reason nearly all art of her has vanished from his gallery, and only some stuff of her is left on twitter.
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So basically, i've been looking for th rest of this sequence for a while now to no avail, it was made by AbsolonAnonymous and i just can't find help, please help
I know this is a long shot with the little info i have but does anyone have or remember who made an immobile Hinata Hyuga image. The only thing i can remember of it was the huge double belly and she was facing left.
Not sure if it is lost but it was a sequence by yerkejifercash it was a queen being fed by a chef
>>198254 Any chance of a re-up please?
Anyone who knows the artist's name from that image? https://imhentai.xxx/view/213613/52/
Does anyone have archives of bond_dayo's older stuff before it got nuked?
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Anyone got gooseworse stuff?
>>201113 Not sure where the full sequence would be
Would anyone happen to have the other parts of this sequence? https://www.deviantart.com/toothntail/art/Girl-s-Night-Out-2-891236196
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Anyone got the rest of this sequence?
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Can someone help me find the artist that made this?
>>202343 The reason I'm asking is because I recently found it again, and then was curious to see if the post was still around with pbs twimg, and it did, so it must mean the original account is still around
Anyone have an archive of Sillyroseyy? https://sillyroseyy.deviantart.com They deleted everything from their DA.
>>181075 Also I hope it's not too late to have found this
Does anyone have a Marshmall0fluff archive ?
>>202458 She just changed to @CarnieCarnival on X
I remember seeing a 3 part weight gain sequence on deviantart a long time ago, I think it had misty and two others from Pokémon and there was also giantess growth in it. Can’t find it, but if anyone has it that be awesome
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Hey, I'm looking for wg comics from a few years ago on DeviantArt. The artist name was mo0toko or something (with o and zero), maybe with some x before/after the mo0otoko it was in black and white, drawn with a pencil. One comic was about a group of girls with one gaining weight without stopping, they went to a desert at some point, and another one was about a witch looking for an antidote to a weight gain potion after an incident with a princess. I thnik the witch had a talking hat or something like that. Some of the comics were in french (I think the girls one was, and the witch one was in english). Can anyone help ? Thx !
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Way back around 2006-2007, there was an obese edit of Yuffie's Chain of Memories sprites on DA. Any chance that someone knows who the artist was or might have them?
>>201760 You mean the creator of TDAC has a fetish account? Where can I find it?
I am finding a sequence involving a girl getting fat and gassy all because she listens to the same music day in and day out.
>>203256 You never knew that?
>>203951 Does anyone know what happened to Whumpty? His DA account got deactivated out of nowhere a week or so ago.
Anyone have an archive of Carcupholders stuff from Twitter?
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Some lost Chrimnas-themed Sayori stuffin'
I’ve been looking for a sequence LargerPoundage had on his former twitter, before deleting it and creating a new one. It’s about a blonde Internet celebrity who moved to her friends house, where her friend starts fattening her. They are around 10-15 images of the sequence
edgeofmind account has most of their stuff gone, did anyone save an archive of their work
there was a comic of this morbidly obese witch who "helps" a girl by swapping their appetites, causing the witch to become skinny and the girl to grow tremendously fat. once the girl was an immobile blob he brought, the witch brought the man she loved, a prince, to show him how disgusting she was now so that he would love the witch instead. but the prince said he liked the girl this way so the witch undid the spell causing herself to become immobile again and the girl to be back to skinny. the prince still loved her at this size as well so they left, leaving the witch trapped as a blob. does anybody know what im talking about?
Does anyone have this in a bigger size?
>>205630 https://www.deviantart.com/superspoe/art/CM-Feeder-Trouble-894309286 Here's the link to the original but it wasn't colourised by the artist.
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>>205630 Unfortunatly is not even close, however it is quite a second alternattive https://x.com/Com1calD1saster/status/1447165829783638024
Does anyone have this in good quality?
Does anyone have an archive of TrippleDigit's art?
>>197803 Willing to buy any singular piece of content and post it here if anyone manages to find the whole sequence.
>>205630 The original is in black and white and available here: https://www.deviantart.com/superspoe/art/CM-Feeder-Trouble-894309286
Does anyone have a GelatinGent archive??
Does anybody have this set of pics by ManiacalFork? They aren't available on Imgur anymore.
Does anyone remember a black and white sequence with Callie from Splatoon in a swimsuit attempting a restaurant eating challenge? I specifically remember Marie joined her partway through and the artist was known for drawing a decent amount of bursting.
I know there's a bunch of artwork like what I'm describing, but there was this line art of an immobile Nico Robin feeding herself with her devil fruit. If it helps she was wearing sunglasses on her forehead and her eyes were closed.
Might be a fool's errand, but does anyone have old art by DoWhatNow? Stuff from before he shortened his name and everything turned to scibbles?
I'm searching for a Tumblr user who posted a bunch of art several years ago but who seems to have disappeared off of the Internet since. She posted these really cute lineart drawings with fat lesbians in them, I remember one with a fat girl standing up and crying and one with a really fat near-blob girl getting fucked by a thinner girl with a strapon. That second one was posted from an alt account which was deleted before the main one iirc
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>>206354 Remember kids, don't do social media, it'll fuck your head up.
>>206395 Do you happen to have any of Lordstormcaller's human fat art, such as "Squigly Wants Cake"?
This is driving me crazy but does anyone remember an image on deviantart of an extremely wide hip woman woth a shirt that had a controller on it. The title was something along the lines of do you want fries with that shake or something like that.
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>>181074 Looking for a high quality version of this image from Jaykuma. It was available on deviantart before, but it's taken down now.
This seems like a better thread to ask... So I'll just paste it here I guess. Heya, does anyone know a weight gain sequence manga comic thing where a girl gains weight for her senpai? It's really old since I remember watching it at YouTube decades ago, or just hit me up with comics with that same premise since there's probably a lot of them, btw it features a distinct japanese artist artsyle (if you somehow understand what I'm trying to say) Anyways here's some parts I can remember the most: The main girl walks in the classroom in an obese state so that her classmates are shocked, with one dude going "Is she a monster!?" And the main girl seeing senpai talking with another fat girl that prompts her to gain more weight. A lot of thanks in advance.
>>206943 Search Tetsujinex on Google, it's a classic WG doujin.
Does anyone have the 1st one and the 3rd one in a bigger size?
Is there a marshmallow-maker archive? I just found out she deleted most of her stuff off da
Does anyone have that one jane romero of dead by daylight piece from superspoe??
Anyone have this animation GIF made by Whumpty? His account got deactivated a while ago. I also remember a comic with "bellyfish" in its name.
Looking for a (non-AI) drawing of an anime bbw in a red bikini, submerged in the water up to her upper thighs, with the light source behind her and resulting shadow on most of her front. Cannot remember the artist's name. Any possible submissions would help.
>>181074 I'm looking for an old Heather pic made by Metalforever, in which Heather was massive and she said "Oh my...". I can't seem to find it
I was wondering if anyone has the full HD sequence of Fat Fighters from Overlordmetal, because are no longer in his gallery?
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Does anyone have this Bulma?
>>207271 Luckily another anon had it
>>207621 metalforever drew this? man, he fell off
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Anyone have this piece of artwork in full resolution? It was by an artist named "Peach-Blobbler". Unfortunately their acc got deactivated.
Does anyone have that one Rogue Superspoe did? The X-men Evolution version... haven't been able to find 'er
Does anyone have this certain piece? It was a two parter where a girl with a blonde bobcut was teasing this brunette for having a big butt then the second part had the blonde girl embarrassed with a big gut and the brunette teasing her, it was just called stuffing commission and I think the artist was something like sharmpolaski or something like that? Idk I have been thinking about that piece cuz I remember looking at it when I was a kid can someone help me with this?
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>>207238 So I found it (first attached picture), but need some more information. SauceNAO comes back with an artist called Sin, with a pixiv id of 12192734. The artist appears to have disappeared. Any other information about the artist's name and works would be appreciated. I have attached a few more here.
https://x.com/SleepyQ?lang=en Looks like sleepyq nuked again. Cant find them in my followings list and this is all i get out of google. Anyone have an up-to-date archive?
>>207809 Update: this artist went by the handle sin_chitose_ on twitter. Their account is still active but I'm unable to find their artworks there. Any info on where more works can be found is appreciated.
Does anyone have this character art form chechecheArtist,I remember that she is immoblie and have hamburger and soda on her hand
i'm looking for a pic from one of Anastimafilia's old OLD stuff, like back when he drew on yellow backgrounds, it was a blonde blob in a blue bikini, I think the title was beach bod or something like that
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>>207881 Took a while to find but here you go
>>207881 Here's another question, is SuperSpoe still working on this?
I'm looking for a Marvel expansion comic featuring Black Cat. I think it was four parts, and had Black Cat sneaking into the Sanctum Sanctorum and becoming bloated after touching one of Dr. Strangest artefacts. Afterwards, Dr. Strange and Spidey comes in and then Spidey carries her away while making quips at her expense. It used to be on DeviantArt, but now I can't find it anywhere; any help would be appreciated, thanks!
>>208108 You're thinking of "Black Cat Augmentation" by Satsurou, which is three parts, and you can still find it on Deviantart, but I'll post it here. Enjoy, amigo.
Does anyone have nickgam's old art?
anyone got that picture of the emergence girl staring at her desk while fat
I remember there being 1/2 drawings of a fat aunt - large blonde older woman in a pool in a bikini with a wine glass in one hand. Anyone by any chance have the art or know the name of the artist?
Does anyone happen to have an archive of DaysDays old art? They deleted a lot of their art a couple years back from their DA page
Dose anyone have the old roaryfrygar post
>>199216 >>201134 https://mega.nz/file/2QYmma7b#dvur-IlWMNTaDFVhmEbP2qzhM2hab866LrqW7IC61Fg In return, does anyone have an archive of DMSFDM's stuff?
Does anyone have an archive or a link to somewhere that has MarmaladeMans/ GelatinGents stuff? i've tried looking but can't find anything
Anyone have the last couple parts of shydude's Lilith's last laugh? He hasn't post anything past part 3 I wanna say.
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I took a screenshot in hopes of beating twitter’s auto refresh and finding the artist’s username/display name but my thumb slipped before I can align the post in time. Does anybody know the source of the image on top? Thanks in advance.
>>209079 https://www.deviantart.com/gentlegolem/art/Healthy-1061242634
>>209084 Thanks! For a second I thought it kay_inthedark.
Anyone have these in a higher resolution??
Anyone have yutagami’s weight gain comic? It was posted on the translation thread a couple times but keeps expiring :(
Hello, I’m looking for an image of Tak (alien version) from Invader Zim with a huge belly being fed a ton of waffles by Gir, it’s a digital drawing. I remember a speech bubble saying something like “Tak loves waffles” but I may be wrong.
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>>192519 Found it on another thread (can't remember which one).
Anyone know a way to download a DeviantArt or twitter gallery?
>>209384 https://curveybooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2157 here is the kip sketch but I haven't found the other >>209485 I am sure there is a tool for that but I have never looked into it, I have heard of a twitter like exporter existing if that helps.
sauce pls
>>209687 nvm my friends
im looking for a picture from deviantart (cant find it now) of a woman with white hair and fox/wolf ears. i vaguely remember it correctly but she said something along the lines of come closer, dont be afraid and her belly was relatively huge. the guy who made it was named something with fox and reguarly did inflation or vore stuff with near bursting. i know its far fetched, but i just wanted to try my luck. thanks in advance
>>209485 gallery-dl helps
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I found this in my Old Telephone. Anyone here have high resolution for that?
>>181074 There was this really old comic (early 2000's ish) about an asain business women getting fatter and fatter, there was even a black women as well super fat. At the end of the comic she was huge on a scale, anyone know what I"m talking about?
Wondering if anyone has the full-size image of this piece from TheNeverWere. I was able to nab the thumbnail from the Wayback Machine, but not the art itself.
>>210266 For whatever reason, mobile's not letting me attach the thumbnail, will update when I can.
>>206354 >>206395 Thanks! May you have the Mai Kawasumi one?
>>181074 Here's one of EmperorNortonII's deleted comics.
Anyone have an archive of Newstuff4U's art, apparently alot of art was lost when his account got taken down
I was wondering if anyone had shydudes art of alice in wonderland, the American Mcgee's alice madness returns. It depected alice attacking the red queen (or queen of hearts?) And she gains weight, they both do then kiss, kind of an odd and quick one but alice had a nice pear shape. If any of you have it that would be very nice, thank you.
OK I feel like a dork I just found it, Also I'm not the best editor but I figure I share.
does anyone have the old cakecatboy artwork?
>>181074 Does anyone have pencilprofligate's full gallery. It looks like they deleted lot of their stuff recently.
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does ANYBODY have the finished version of kawaiidebu's tharja?
>>202316 Here you go dude.
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Anyone have the original of this image and the sequel? I've been trying to look for these, but I forgot who the artist is.
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DWN nuked his stuff again. Share anything from his latest batch please.
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>>211279 >Everyone and their mother knows DWN can't keep an account for five seconds >There's always a fan of his that needs help collecting copies of what was lost Why do you guys refuse to save his garbage if you like it that much?
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>>211289 I have saved some, but my old laptop that it's on is acting up. Even if I did have access to it, I didn't keep up on his accounts religiously. I do have a life and get distracted by it sometimes. I'll try to be more devoted to my fap material next time.
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https://archive.org/details/@shivas_thong Looking for someone to contact ShivasThong to get the missing Flying Suit Reiko pages
Been looking for some of bonusart's old art and can't find it. Specifically, a picture of Micaiah from Fire Emblem, but it seems to have been deleted from his DA.
Boy, I've been searching but I can't find an image where Bumblebee (dc super hero girls) appears crushing a giganta with his big belly, can help me to find it
Does anyone have art from EarlStrawberry? Used to make some damn good splatoon blobs with huge face cheeks.
