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Capcom Girls Thread Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 15:28:39 Id:97ce87 No. 183656
Was thinking about doing a MH thread but I figured it'd be better to just have a general thread for all Capcom franchises, like the Nintendo one.
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>>183666 we NEED more fat fiorayne
Don't let this die people
>>185175 Even if it's just a daily dump of Chun Li or Juri, it's all good. There's also fats based on the Dead Rising girls, Devil May Cry and the horror game whose protagonist looks like Jill from RE5 her name is Fiona.
>>185175 Artist? Nothing's coming up on reverse image searches
(1.42 MB 1300x1100 1705197703497947.png)
Anyone got some Ladies?
>>185745 What happened to Sushi_knight anyways? His artstyle is really good, simple yet efficient.
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(234.81 KB 2048x1282 IMG_3752.jpeg)
tbh Sherry needs more fat art
>>183656 >>185229 Hi I commissioned the Felicia one and this DMC one! Here's some more Capcom girl ones I've commissioned!
>>187572 source on the first pic?
(84.61 KB 1000x1200 lady yeggsknight.jpg)
>>185229 >>187578 Think this is the first time I've seen art of the DR1 girls lol
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>>187578 Damn, both came out great, thanks man, Lady art is so rare
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>>187578 who are these girls carrying those weapons?
>>187943 artists on those cammies and sakura?
>>188139 Jessica McCarney and Isabella Keyes from Dead Rising
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You want monster hunter fats, I’ll give ya some monster hunter fats
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(2.59 MB 1916x1691 IMG_5078.png)
(3.80 MB 2483x2341 IMG_6442.png)
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>>185229 >>187578 Hello again! I've commissioned another Capcom girls piece from Ekusupanshon. Hope you all enjoy!
>>193899 Hey, that's pretty gewd!
>>193900 Thank you! And if any of you want, give me some Capcom girls you'd like to see and I'll try to commission them when I have the time.
(117.25 KB 800x1300 mhrs-fiorayne-concept.jpg)
>>194023 fiorayne
>>194023 the rise twins
(94.57 KB 800x1750 Sherry_Birkin_RE6_Lanshiang.jpg)
>>194023 Sherry Birkin
I too shall ask for the rise Twins
>>192750 Source on this one?
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(378.77 KB 1080x1080 felicia 2.png)
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(781.68 KB 1008x900 Thicc_Menat.png)
(279.06 KB 900x635 lilith_redux.png)
Did a full sequence to my Maki and Lucia comm
>>198030 BASED Regina posting (Spoilered nude alt)
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(4.61 MB 1513x1780 1.png)
>>199091 Also larger res ones cause I'm retarded
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doing my damnedest to keep this thread alive
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>>190321 which character is this? >>190323 artist for third pic?
>>209315 That's Luce the Soaratorium Gal from Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate! And the Hinoa's from here: https://x.com/FFdon1012/status/1391127643672793095
>>210552 >>209315 yeah, you beat me to the punch. I think I'm the only guy that drew her ever. And also I drew all of these
(1.07 MB 3000x3000 ladyfat.png)
Even a Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition when he loses a loved one, don't you think? Pinnacle of writing
Any Rivals of School?
>>214877 Why the hell is it always this Ekusupanshion idiot? Can't we get more artists to draw Capcom characters?
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>>214884 >Can't we get more artists to draw Capcom characters No; with Capcom going to complete shit, you only really get fat art early in the games life before it quickly tapers off into one or two every once in a while unless you're lucky and certain popular artists making art for a series gets others wanting to join in. Plus they only really make games for 3 series, with 2 of them being the type of game the average consumer doesn't bother with for more than 5secs, a game for autists and a fighter. And don't expect a remake/port to get even a fraction of what its original did.
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(610.89 KB 850x1000 Jan 24 sr s1.png)
(588.12 KB 900x1000 Dec 23 sr s3.png)
>>221020 Sources?
>>222951 lewdsona
>>185745 Does anyone have any more Trish stuff that hasn't been posted already?
Any good art of the Haunting Ground girls?
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>>228110 >Haunting Ground >Any
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(1.22 MB 1771x1254 skeb2s_3.png)
(349.17 KB 1912x1860 GeknnpmW4AAY-HO.jpg)
>>233264 Artist name?
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>>230839 Source?
>>228110 dozens of us! dozens!!
>>244858 One of the outcomes that'd fit the game perfectly, yet the closest thing they added was forced pregnancy.
