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SuperSnackSized Thread 02/21/2024 (Wed) 04:15:55 Id:9cab88 No. 190124
The original name of the artist has died except kemono. Long live SuperSnackSized.
>>190124 1. Couldn't you have posted this in the general thread. 2. Did they die or something?
>>190137 >Did they die or something? They changed their name dumbass.
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>>190155 What's their new name?
>>190169 >What's their new name SuperSnackSized, retard. Same as the name this thread is named after.
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Revenge Page 217
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Gym Gf Sketch
You mean 218
Yes, someone has it?
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Revenge Page 218
>>192406 Her bed is going to break, she's going to hit the floor and jostle her overstretched stomach, and then it's going to rip and spill inside her. Honestly not how I expected this to end but super glad. POP LIKE A ZIT YOU WHALE AND GO HANG WITH BEELZEBUB.
>>192440 Wtf dude
>>192465 Ignore them. They are probably one of those people that have a fetish of character's death
>>192440 Go back to BBWalt
>>192406 >>192440 >Bed breaks and tears up floor boards from impact >jostles her gut, settles everything into place >she burps, asks for seconds
219 up
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Revenge Page 219
I think she might have gone too far.
>>193081 Yea I'm calling bullshit if she isn't immobile now.
Lex should do the same thing cass did to her
D-did she died?
>>193040 Holy fuck she's dead. Based comic kek
I doubt that because it seems clear SuperSnackSized isn't into death feederism, probably shocked her weight broke the bed and reeling from being super full and eating all those calories.
>>193085 Nah, luckily the artist is pretty good with making it clear when they draw immobilized characters, seems do be when anatomically they are literally incapable of the range of motion needed. she’s just mountainously huge and bloated. Will probably move at a glacially pace (and momentum) wise, but still move for a few panels at least.
someone has gamer girl pages ?
>>191184 I wish he did more Stretchmark stuff
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>>190124 This artist is a ghost outside of deviantart, what gives?
It goes up from Wednesday to Friday
>>193040 Is it just me or does Lex look like she’s dead
>>194057 These sort of bottom feeders change their online names once a week to try and make it harder to upload their shit to kemono.
>>194074 bit rich calling someone a bottom feeder for making it harder for leeches like you to steal their work. Now apologize and I might buy you a sub to an artist.
New page
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Revenge Page 220
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>>194116 Idk where this story is supposed to go anymore cuz we got that the other cheerleader who's name I already forgot is in love with Lex or something like, also she never called her parents at least once. Not complaning tho, I'm just curious if he's gonna do something with those already established sub-plots.
>>194111 Not wrong lol. Friendly fired yourself there
>>194116 >>193040 Wait so she just broke the bed and slept on the floor all night? Goth girl sleeping half on the bed, half on top of her? lol what a force of a nature. Girls basically a geographical feature. Wonder which is firmer: the mattress or lex. Hope the author answers the important questions!
I found out that there's a new gamer girl gain page.
>>194169 I imagine it’ll end with the cheer with a time skip where the cheerleader has become a titanic blob
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>>194116 Wait what’s the plot of this comic again?
>>195181 Goth chick gets called fat by cheerleader, so goth chick curses cheerleader with weight gain. Over the many days/weeks, the cheerleader leader gets fatter her personality softens, even as going as far as falling to in love with the goth chick
A new Revenge page is up.
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Revenge Page 221
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>>195200 Might not be everyone's taste but I would like to see this end with her having an epiphany after becoming immobile. She realizes that she will almost certainly live for under ten years due to how she irreversibly damaged her cardiovascular system, and that she will never live out anything she dreamed about as a kid. She can't go to college, can't have kids, can't have a career or even a shitty wagie job. Even if she loses the weight, her health is almost certainly ruined forever due to the rate she gained it. And then she resigns herself to binging nonstop and bringing about her death as quickly as possible, since she should get it over with rather than wait ten agonizing years through diabetes, heart failure, and limb necrosis. I think that would be really hot.
How many times do I have to say this, the creator isn't into all that The creator isn't into death or serious health problems brought on by immobility. She'll probably be a bedbound fatty in a loving relationship with Cass.
>>195244 Finally the people speak.
>>195241 Are you one of those sick fucks that the F&H Thread mention? If so, go get some fucking help
>>195246 Anyone on bbwchan needs help
>>195244 Lesbians
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>>195181 Fat chick who wears too much makeup spikes a cheerleader's drink with an obesity potion to get revenge over...basically nothing. Once the obesity potion takes effect and seriously impacts blondie's health: the two of them immediately become the best of friends, since drugging people is cool and based especially when it makes them sexy. Now they're in a feeder relationship because the emo chick is so awesome and irresistible that everyone immediately likes her even though she was initially depicted as some kind of social outcast.
>>195176 Anyone have the next page
>>196133 Braindead takes. There's enough moralfagging in the Kip thread.
>>196136 I'm ok with telling stories about drugging chicks to make them fat. It only got weird when the comic, and people on bbw-chan started trying to frame it as some righteous act of retribution, that's the real braindead take. Some of these goobers were simping for scuffed Morticia Adams like she was their girlfriend IRL. I'm not denouncing the comic for being immoral. I'm making fun of the comic and you for being mad goofy.
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Revenge Page 222
>>196163 I wonder when they will have fat lesbian sex…
Sorry to burst your bubble, but if these pages go to devaintart, no way they will allow for sex, they can allude to sex but not actually show it. Plus some creators may not want to show explicit stuff. They may be cool with nudity but not sex.
>>196163 lex complatly mogs the goth girl, her huge tits make goth look like a ant
>>196205 I mean Lex was literally worshipping Cass’s ass (hah) a few pages ago. I don’t think flat out sex is much of a leap at this point.
Manatee sex
Maybe they could allude to sex but not actually show it. They can probably do kissing and fondling body parts and planting face into boobs/butt but nothing involving genitals.
If something's going to deviantart, no way you can show sex
>>196161 Just turn your brain off and beat your dick, faggot. Nobody cares about your grandstanding for fictional weight gain comic characters.
Can someone update kemono party please
>>196273 No one's grandstanding, you're just a snowflake crying that someone made fun of your art daddy's yee-yee ass comic.
>>196288 >Snowflake Stopped reading.
>>196293 Triggered AF
>>196298 It's outdated, Gramps.
Someone has gamer girl page ?
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Goth Milk (1/4)
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Goth Milk (2/4)
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Goth Milk 3/4
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Goth Milk 4/4
Anyone got the rest of the Goth Milk saga?
Someone has Gamer girl pages pls ?
Revenge page 223 is up
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Revenge Page 223
>>197240 >missed the shot of her actually rising to her feet and squeezing down out the door/down the hallway >takes 3 more pages to get to the kitchen I get that it might have been redundant but this is just speed running to breakfast at this point
Some have gamer girl pg 5 and 6 ?
>>196622 Found this gallery on e-hentai that has all the parts to the Goth Milk saga so far. https://e-hentai.org/g/2887890/29133be9a9/
This is why AI art is the future. Why the fuck am I going to wait 2 weeks for a page when I can generate hundreds of images a day of similar quality.
>>197425 Alright, let's see it then. Go create hundreds of images that are of similar quality in a day, put them in a .ZIP folder, throw them on whatever hosing platform you want, and link us to it. Prove it. Show us the future of AI. If you can't, then shut the fuck up and stop wasting everyone's time with your retardary.
To me, the AI art debate is quality vs. quantity. We can get quality art from artists who work and try hard, as well as give something that can show personality and humor, versus AI art which is just an image but doesn't try to convey much feeling/humor/etc. We can yeah have something that can generate thousands of images quick and easy but as many say they would look off and not carry personality. I will admit as flawed as an artist's style can be, I prefer interacting and getting feedback about what can work, what can't and how to improve on something, even if I have to wait a bit, I prefer human artists creating over using AI.
>>197425 Oh hey it's this faggot again from the One Piece thread
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>>197485 Damn her friends have a good design too
New Gamer Girl Gain page is out.
>>197486 This is what I don't get about people who want to shack up with immobile, hulking blobs who needs constant assistance. Having a partner like this at this size is just peak for me.
>>197939 You dont get it bruh, having a huge soft warm blob to take care and pamper is peak for me, even better if has a bratty and spoiled attitude but can do nothing on his own.
New revenge page and gamer girl please
>>197974 The latest Revenge page has already been posted here
Anyone have the new gamer girl page!
>>197939 If I had enough money and magical powers to remove the health risks and also some how met somebody willing to turn them self into a blob I'd be down
new page
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>>198325 Good lord
New gamer girl page please
>>198411 Do you have anything else going on in your life other than begging for the next page?
>>198413 New gamer gorl page please
Can commissions of the characters in revenge be posted? As well as other commissions SuperSnackSized agreed to?
>>198596 Considering a few of the other artist threads have OCs of the artist drawn by other artists, I'm sure it'll be fine to post it here too
198639 Huh? What are you talking about? The person just said that yes, commissions of SuperSnackSized characters can be posted here. I also wondered if commissions they did of like fictional characters could be used. Like if someone commissioned them to draw an anime character, it could be posted here.
Here's a commission I got from SuperSnackSized of Cindy, I hope to do some more commissions in the future. The base premise is her going to a Sumo class, training and wrestling with one of the students named Becky. With Becky, I wanted to have more Black BBWs, women with darker skin and hairstyles like braids, dreads, cornrows, afros, etc. Just to see more of that in BBW art.
Here's a textless version of the Cindy comic.
>>198684 For the training it's shiko (THh stomp sumo wrestlers do to build up flexibility and a strong base), along with palm strikes, and of course food to make sure you're big and strong.
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>>198821 Is she doing the fucking MrBeast hand pose???
>>198821 This progression feels a bit rushed went from bimbo to nerd in 1 page
>>198848 Yeah, kinda feels like there was a page that was skipped between the night out she had and this one
>>198861 Were missing page 7
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>>198872 Page 7 because we missed it up until now
>>198821 Better quality page anyone
>>198884 Seconded, please upload in high-res my kings
>>198684 >>198685 >goth moms hobbies exposed Hope this is foreshadowing lex’s recruitment. Every group of female athletes needs a fat girl benchwarmer, even sumo!
I do want to do a version with Cass and Lexi, but it may take awhile, SuperSnackSized mentions being sick and busy, it may take about 2-3 months before we see Cass and Lexi as Sumos. Plus this isn't canon, it's a commission I asked for, so I don't think Cindy does Sumo in the story proper. It would be fun to dream though.
The other revenge page comes out tomorrow, right?
>>199071 Based commission bro. Down the line we might get a “the gang join a sumo gym” duo to your great taste. Salute o7
You praising what I commissioned and said? Just want to know if you're being nice or sarcastic.
>>195241 Wtf are you on about.
They're on about getting off of Lexi suffering severe health issues and dying. I keep saying that the creator isn't into that and that Lexi's death is likely to not happen and that these dudes are sick for wanting to get off on her dying.
>>199214 But the comics called revenge!
>>198821 thats hot af but I just dont like the girl, idk she just ugly
>>199125 That's because it was initially Cass getting revenge on Lexi for mocking her, it has become more of a love story now between the two, but it's likely the duo will get revenge on the cheerleaders and their leader. Plus given how lovey dovey the two are now, doubt that Cass feeding Lexi to death would happen. Even if by accident, the creator isn't into death, I know there are sick freaks who find that hot, but the creator isn't as much as those of us may ask for this sick thing again and again, it's not going to happen. I just wonder if we should just erase posts related to asking for death, all you're wishing for isn't going to happen.
>>199221 Sorry I was referring to >>199215 I am honest, looking at other stuff they did, they aren't into death feedism or severe health problems. The fantasy of Lexi getting a heart attack, severe diabetes, etc. ain't going to happen. Just don't want this board to be hopes that aren't going to be fulfilled.
Is the comic on break for the week or something
>>199364 No, the page 225 is out
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>>199374 Also how fucking entitled do you need to be to beg for more mere minutes after a new page was just posted
>>199381 Just stop asking they’ll be posted as they come out smh.
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>>200120 How many pages are left
>>200143 Pretty sure it's 2 more
>>200120 >>200144 This has been an underwhelming comic considering the scenario and it's release schedule. Thin for 1 part, chubby for 2 parts, BBW for 4 parts, and SSBBW for possibly the rest of it. Outside of the Revenge comic, SuperSnackSized has become so timid with going bigger.
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>>200120 ITS NOT FAIR... i wanna have a stay at home gamer bbw gf
>>200161 lol, okay buddy. Saxxon is back, go give him a try
>>200167 Fuck no. Saxxon is a disgrace to sizes that big.
>>200161 Like I agree he's not going as big as he used to but I think he's trying to keep the sizes more grounded and realistic also there's 2 pages left she could go blob if the pacing picks up
>>200236 >also there's 2 pages left she could go blob if the pacing picks up For the pace the comic has been going, that's not going to happen when there's only 2 pages left. It would take her tripling her current weight for her to blob out, and I don't see her even reaching 600. If she does reach 600, it would only be by a tiny amount.
Technically speaking she could have gained roughly 6 lbs from that binge eating
>>200289 I don't think we're here for logic, just expansion.
Page may be late this week, I heard that SuperSnackSized said they have been getting sick and are busy/overworked. This is something to keep in mind for why Indy creators can be late with work, sometimes they get sick or busy with stuff and work can be late. Before you trolls claim they're lazy and untrustworthy, sometimes some creators have legit reasons to be late.
>>200436 Nobody said anything skull
>>200462 Who the fuck is kingsteph
New page
Could you upload the revenge page please?
>>200436 >sometimes some creators have legit reasons to be late. Absolutely true, but these are people who aren't paying for the content, so they don't give a fuck about the artist personally enough as it is to care about explanations and excuses. Pearls before swine.
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looks like for those wondering why the title is revenge, here's our justification. Wondering if Sara will deliver the potion to the other cheerleaders and if it will be before or during prom. And if Sara will put it in the punch.
Anyone have gamer girl bonus page?
>>200775 Honestly I hope she doesn't get fat cuz she really doesn't deserve it. If anything without her we wouldn't have like half a year of just lesbian stuffing.
>>200775 >>200828 The fact that it's previewed in Cass' thought bubble tells me that it won't happen. Best case scenario is that something goes "wrong" with the plan, and it leads to Lexi gaining more.
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It's def gonna happen to Sara too, Annonnxyz has been cooking this idea for a year now probably longer, we've already got a glimpse of the entire cheer squad. He probably knew it was going to be awhile before it got to them and thus did these to make people have a little glimpse, if it's any consolation she genuinely seems better off for it
>>200828 Who doesn't deserve it? Stacy or Sara? I thought Sara would want to be fat as she seemed interested in Lexi's new size.
