/bbwdraw/ - BBW Drawn

Deviantart, 3D, scribbles

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(800.42 KB 610x535 Untitled.png)
>>194941 >>194877 I know its close to Easter but is that a fucking Leshawna egg?
(703.41 KB 1692x1561 IMG_0955.png)
(566.47 KB 1280x717 IMG_1141.png)
(184.97 KB 519x479 IMG_0492.png)
(144.81 KB 597x417 IMG_0493.png)
the most poorly done edits I've ever seen
>>194975 leshawna ball OC
>>194941 Pondering as usual I see?
>>194982 >>194983 >>194984 Do you have Kitty by any chance?
Does anyone have the full version of this
(228.73 KB 2048x1659 IMG_1798.jpeg)
(110.27 KB 979x1065 IMG_1799.jpeg)
(841.85 KB 1356x1750 Adobe Scan Oct 26, 2023_6vsc.jpg)
(767.42 KB 1657x1275 Adobe Scan Feb 19, 2024_4.1.1.jpg)
(770.95 KB 1700x1252 TDI2.jpg)
(1.24 MB 1700x1769 Adobe Scan Nov 16, 2023_7.jpg)
(191.98 KB 1280x1280 IMG_1288.jpeg)
Can someone get this?
Anyone got the one where all the girls are giant blobs?
>>201615 Is it one of these two you're thinking of? Also thinking about how Lauren's normal look is vaguely reminiscent of the Passion Patties uniform
>>198711 https://kemono.su/patreon/user/79907605 Here is the Kemono one of yall can update…
>>201633 No it has a nude and clothed alt
>>201633 The 2nd pic is hyper preg I saw it when I was a kid looking for TDI art
(440.76 KB 4096x1836 EiLpiXGXsAA8std.jpg)
(1.30 MB 7000x3137 totalblobs.jpg)
(1.29 MB 7000x3137 totalblobs(naked).jpg)
found them in higher resolution
(1.20 MB 3840x2160 IMG_4703.png)
We always need more!!
Forever confused by the lack of any Sadie art. She is like the og fat bitch alongside Leshawan yet barely gets any art
(379.73 KB 604x1314 ezgif-1-44c839d28b.png)
(635.14 KB 629x2203 ezgif-1-97ed806ef4.png)
>>202525 Emma & Kitty should really partake in sumo wrestling using their swimsuit as mawashi. 😁
>>202515 Well, the fetish is called weight gain, not weight remain. People are more inclined to draw skinny characters gaining weight because the contrast is hot
(567.76 KB 1956x1864 emmagotlarge.jpg)
>>202525 >>202581 We need more fat art of Emma & Kitty
(144.82 KB 1066x2047 IMG_2488.jpeg)
>>205938 That's what I'm saying! The Sisters would make great sumo wrestlers if they gained a lot of weight.
(160.84 KB 1003x2048 IMG_2489.jpeg)
>>205953 who made this?
(173.13 KB 1298x2047 IMG_2493.jpeg)
(151.73 KB 1128x2048 IMG_2496.jpeg)
>>205984 https://x.com/garazune
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(3.59 MB 3962x3656 IMG_4331.png)
Here’s Bridgette
>>206295 Wow. This is garbage.
>>206298 so is most of the thread
(427.08 KB 1280x960 J.png)
>>206295 >>206298 I hope this is better
>>201633 >Scary Girl/Lauren's normal looks like the Passion Patties uniform from Totally Spies! It's only a matter of time before someone draws Scary Girl/Lauren in the same predicament Clover and Frankie were in.
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(467.00 KB 2104x1619 IMG_7139.jpeg)
(367.14 KB 2160x1491 IMG_7140.jpeg)
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(140.22 KB 1192x670 IMG_2585.jpeg)
I'm looking for an old Heather pic made by Metalforever, in which Heather was massive and she said "Oh my...". I can't seem to find it
>>207561 Gotcha homie
>>207407 >>206310 >>202497 Who made these? They look like SB99, but aren't on his Twitter. Where are they from?
>>207586 Thank you so much!!!!
>>207616 I know SB99 made the middle one, I don't know about the other 2 though. He could've made all 3.
(422.05 KB 1204x1500 Gwen2.jpg)
Now here is the only god emma drwa i found
Anyone got this Leshawna by SolitaryScribbles in high quality? :'(
(1.23 MB 2366x2000 [CM] Apples And Peaches.png)
>>210816 Here ya go.
