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Fat Elegg (and other Gacha Girls) Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 11:12:43 Id:ea25f2 No. 196421
A thread primarily focused on fat art of Elegg from NIKKE, but also for any other Gacha waifus from any other series you can think of.
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It best to put it as a Nikke thread to be honest since most threads in this site already has it's own thread and they're gacha related. Such as fgo, azur Lane and etc.
>>196526 I agree with this too, since there are other Nikkes too, so hear are some anis that I have saved from over time (also one rapi and a donation drive featuring 2B)
>>196526 Ye have a point. I just didn't want to be one of those guys who put up a thread for a singular kinda niche character that wasn't good for anything else, but I might of overcompensated. Making this just the general Nikke thread sounds like a way better idea.
(107.91 KB 1280x936 affo_anis.jpg)
(175.54 KB 1280x977 affo_anis1.jpg)
(2.23 MB 1734x1337 Anis.png)
(2.29 MB 1491x1337 Anis1.png)
(1.87 MB 3114x2167 Rupee.png)
(202.92 KB 1200x1200 GHOe027WQAAem-f.jpg)
(193.54 KB 1058x1200 GIQET0FawAAKiE5.jpg)
Some drake here. I feel like thus should just be a nikke thread in general
Here’s some noir and a bit of blanc that I have found a while back.
(192.56 KB 1440x2036 20240409_170729.jpeg)
Some pics from belt buster. funny enough. files are two big with each other so ill post individually
(6.00 MB 4335x3275 N- Yuni crush.png)
(3.53 MB 3628x4351 N- Brid sneak.png)
(9.97 MB 4078x4960 N- anis taunt.png)
(7.58 MB 3233x3501 N- frima's ideology made real.png)
(4.64 MB 3723x4772 N- Folkwang gets help-min.png)
>NIKKE Needs more of torturing Syuen.
>>196866 Here you go
(4.48 MB 3507x2480 シュエ〇_03.png)
(4.50 MB 3507x2480 シュエ〇_04.png)
(3.29 MB 1200x1800 SYUEN_FC_COMM_ALT_LOW-RES.png)
(3.32 MB 1200x1800 SYUEN_FC_COMM_LOW-RES.png)
While no bullying. There is still more chunks work
Here, a Drake fat art
Here a folkwang that I found recently
>>196425 Who made the fifth one?
>>197340 @OOKIIKUNAT
>>197404 Nothing shows up when I look that up
(7.83 MB 4670x7442 IMG_8610.jpeg)
Here's some Maid Privaty
>>197692 Oh, what the fuck? Is Lemonadcake the only one drawing Nikke art at this point?
>>197479 Replace the t with and i, stupid autocorrect changed it, plus check on twitter as well
(152.04 KB 1092x1560 20240417_073611.jpeg)
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(67.60 KB 1200x859 GLvkLEcXAAAOgAM.jpg)
(206.82 KB 1447x2048 20240422_170250.jpeg)
>>196866 started playing like a week ago, how often in the campaign can i expect to sucker punch her?
>>198795 chapter 4 and onward. but the game will make you hate her
>>196531 source on the first one?
>>198832 The artist isn’t around anymore, they had a DA account which would later on get deactivated and they went on Pixiv with the name Laddius but then they must have deleted the account since that was where the Anis ych was posted on. Really do wish they would come back, plus I was the one to commission that and I figured to share it as well
(68.73 KB 900x1200 20240429_155532.jpeg)
>>200165 Who is the artist that made this?
>>200176 pvtfcf they are on twitter and deviantart
>>200179 Thank you
(883.51 KB 320x180 1NFsZ9.gif)
>>200201 larper
(444.68 KB 1502x2000 20240507_192238.jpg)
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(899.99 KB 2448x2592 20240509_114215.jpg)
Seems like lemonadcake has started a Crown WG Drive. How did everyone feel about the Last Kingdom event? I thought it was pretty great personally. The minigame was fun and I enjoyed the story quite a bit as well.
>>201962 Loved it. The ost in the menu of the Kingdom event goes hard lol. Crown is also an amazing character with a very sexy skin. (Sadly gacha skin.) Other then that it was really good and enjoyable.
(220.05 KB 919x1160 20240516_062619.jpg)
>>201962 It was alright. But it gave me one tear jerker with kilo and talos. I can't always get that so I'm thankful for it. And indivilia themes go hard
on a semi related note, the new character is 110% feet fetish material, which makes me wonder if they plan on trying to appeal to other fetishes. maybe even a properly chubby character? one can only hope...
>>202434 Just let us force feed Syuen as a punishment
>>196844 The fact this is, to my knowledge, the only fat Frima art that exists is criminal. Sleepy girl needs to become her own pillow asap.
>>202689 If you guys really want more Nikke art then you should art commissioning it
(1.85 MB 1440x2036 20240519_115612.jpg)
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(1.09 MB 3000x3541 WxorGkekzSlzco7OolAVethR-1.png)
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Is there any fat art of Isabel, Tia or Belorta?
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(312.28 KB 1604x2761 @kairunoburogu.jpg)
>>198655 Who is the artist who drew this?
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(328.85 KB 1500x2133 GPhGIhIWsAAJfXw.jfif)
(281.09 KB 1926x1976 GOYX5d9W4AA7GN2.jpg)
(814.22 KB 1422x1818 IMG_2994.jpeg)
>>205894 >tfw they will never release a nikker whose ass is as tall as the barricades while lying prone >reverse cover mechanics: covered while firing; exposed to fire when she turns on her side to reload >gives great booba canyon and oceanic belly shots when she does Feels bad
>>205900 Maybe mods can help with that one day
>>205390 PurringPastry on DA https://www.deviantart.com/purringpastry
hope we get waifu dekais bunnies soon to complement this
(4.04 MB 3312x3192 fatty_frima-1.png)
I love Frima and her sleepy ahh
(97.17 KB 900x473 IMG_8403.jpeg)
>Noir by Kurocaze Hell yeahhhhh >one of his few paywalled pics Hell noooooo
(2.82 MB 3000x4658 ahXCZfoa2FNpYwg6aWECua6n.jpeg)
Ask, and ye' shall receive.
>>207050 Thank ye stranger. A blessing in these trying times
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(227.55 KB 1440x2036 GQ0wQLqaQAA1l3z.jfif)
inflation for the final pic
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(895.94 KB 4096x1627 GRCRm3mXwAA0-nr.jpg)
this is a great thread
>>207890 Damn, how much fucking art is Lemonadcake pumping out?
>>208175 More than enough to continue this thread to live on at this point, they also enjoy Nikke (and other Gatcha games) as well
>>208175 Lemonadecake speedruns nikke arts. Bro. I swear
(209.16 KB 580x727 20240629_014829.jpg)
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>>208244 This is the artist that created these two amazing art work: https://x.com/viivoovaa?s=21&t=RVdfFegmclWA0AM-USS4DA
>>208270 0o0 well damn. i wasnt expecting my yapping to work. he made a post for characters to draw. i gave him some suggestions and here we are
>>208276 Eh, don't expect it to work a second time
>>208290 Oh. of course. pure luck of the draw type shit. but hey. he says he likes em. andim okay if even if its just this drawing
(250.68 KB 1700x2048 GRRxZSeawAAY2cg.jfif)
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>>208648 Artist?
(272.95 KB 1284x599 IMG_3696.jfif)
>>208650 same dude behind these >>208240 yeah. oh yeah. things are happening
(239.48 KB 1080x1322 Screenshot_20240702_094048.jpg)
>>208683 This guy draws fats?
>>208803 not kurzgesagt this guy https://www.deviantart.com/viivoovaa/gallery
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(457.42 KB 4096x2182 GSFbZpgaUAEkd-W.jfif)
pvtfcf is at it again
>>205894 Does someone happen to have that finished Alice pic by ekusupanshon?
(6.35 MB 2707x2948 NSFW04 Elegg IceGlowCave.jpg)
some OC
(728.48 KB 1624x1769 NSFW04-Elegg-IceGlowCave-Smaller.jpg)
>>210379 Can a mod remove this? I didn't realise how gigantic the file is :< Here's a smaller version
(2.76 MB 3671x4008 389 - Cheeps Anis.jpg)
(1.82 MB 4000x3000 GSwVMo0WgAIBkN0.jfif)
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>>211328 Nice Syuen abuse you love to see it
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>>211860 is that first one CultOfKoochi
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(1.24 MB 2944x4140 Page-3-Done.jpg)
I made this Nikke comic featuring Rupee. (I have another Nikke image at the line art stage)
>>212210 pretty solid. good shading and paneling. my one thing is that the fat. its hard to describe what is an critique or just your way of expressing your fat preference. but keep it up. im looking forward to whatever you got next
(467.77 KB 2500x1800 GTb3vcpbEAA4a4H.jfif)
(467.77 KB 2500x1800 GTb3vcpbEAA4a4H.jfif)
>>212217 > my one thing is that the fat What? Did you mean the fat face? I can't quite guess which word/words are missing. I personally like when the girls kind of balloon up, and I'm not too into saggy/rolls of fat.
>>212222 I figured as much. i prefer the droopy nature of fat. but regardless. right on, bro. I cant complain
HEY NEW GACHA OUT! theres already 14 new girls that fit right in to this thread why has there been no art of it posted
>>212272 No need to write in caps, you fucking idiot. We know Zenless Zone Zero exists
>>212272 There is already a zenless zone zero thread. No need to put those fats in the nikke thread.
>>212272 Bro. after the chapter 31/32 update. you aint telling me shit
(631.27 KB 2220x2592 Belorta-Final-Image-01.jpg)
I finished the Belorta belly stuffing drawing :^)
>>211327 Any way to get this translated?
(237.51 KB 1920x1080 GT2GYNBWUAAi4p-.jpeg)
Mysterydad seems to have dropped something good. If only their Kemono were up to date...
(975.88 KB 4096x3579 GT1obTGXcAAH4F4.jfif)
lemocake drop. dont care to much for the OC tho
>>212861 These elegg pics are fire, here u go. Even had an alt that shows her eye
(797.48 KB 4096x4042 GT2cWRbX0AAvwLl.jfif)
(257.63 KB 2400x1200 GT5LWRjaQAEw8Pu.jfif)
(174.60 KB 2048x1152 20240801_220040.jpg)
(191.86 KB 2048x1152 20240801_220043.jpg)
(917.42 KB 4096x3438 GT689nhXYAEV8_c.jfif)
Wont lie. one of the hottest pics ive seen yet
(613.84 KB 3030x3652 GT8D2xhXQAApbl9.jfif)
>>213055 >>213056 Sauce for both of these?
>>213062 The elegg is _softon on twitter but idk the other
>>213062 It's lemoncake
while not an art piece. Since this is the only nikke thread. I figure i's put this piece of erotica i found with a very obese Rosanna https://www.deviantart.com/songbird567/art/CM-Drunken-Nikke-1081269365
(978.11 KB 1898x1397 IMG_3244.jpeg)
(3.56 MB 1638x2048 IMG_3322.png)
Bro made us a mona lisa
>>213501 My only complaint is that bro still doesn't know how to write proper English
>>213503 i can fill in the blanks
(696.19 KB 2531x2531 Anis Big by IceGlowCave.jpg)
>>212210 New Nikke art I made, might be the last artwork for a while.
>>213807 Very nice, just makes me wanna hug her belly
>>213807 Very in character and makes her 10x hotter
(89.36 KB 1200x1055 GUAtrYLW0AAtth9.jpg)
(3.90 MB 2952x3410 GURrTWfWwAI2dpp.png)
(624.08 KB 2956x3713 GUPfLp2XIAAmEIL.jpg)
(154.51 KB 1303x1518 GUartxZbYAAWjBE.jfif)
(57.25 KB 1082x683 GUarxVaa8AIS3Ch.jfif)
(780.80 KB 2540x4096 GQrY08Ba8AAX6Rv.jpg)
guys literally only want one thing
>>214440 Who the fuq is this. I won't say I don't like it. But I know for a fact this aint nikke
(117.51 KB 900x620 IMG_1345.jpeg)
>>214687 shes a character from some other gacha game that was chubby and people were going crazy over her design. She got a ton of fat art too.
>>214732 Yeah, but still...what the fuck is she doing here? This ain't the "gacha games" thread
>>214734 Not trying to be a jackass but the thread is titled "Fat Elegg (and other gacha girls)" so she can be here too
>>214761 I mean your not wrong. But this has primarily turned into a nikke thread. I'm down to make her an exception but it'll be up to you to post the content then
>>214764 It's not an 'exception', it's literally the purpose of the thread. OP literally said "any other girls FROM ANY OTHER SERIES."
(4.50 MB 2507x3541 Sunny Helm.png)
(4.54 MB 2507x3541 Sunny Helm alt.png)
Just realized we never posted this
>>215228 Why the heck is Sunny unpopular here? Most of his stuff is great
(4.03 MB 2322x3259 flower.jpeg)
(3.98 MB 2700x3600 Sigillaria.png)
>>215446 Daviel with fries still hasn't learned how to draw a nose...
>>215451 It's anime style, retard.
>>215452 Most "anime-style" artists still bother adding noses to the characters. It's common sense, retard
>>215453 Sometimes the simplest nose is the cutest one. It's simple
>>215470 The point is that she doesn't even have one, none of his drawings feature a character with a nose
(87.58 KB 649x922 IMG_2663.jpeg)
>>215809 plug suit elegg plug suit elegg
(4.54 MB 5000x3500 76.png)
(4.33 MB 8000x5000 89.png)
had to resize her and unfortunately changed the colors
Kemono is a blessing
(854.81 KB 1440x1200 29_Mast.jpg)
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(5.00 MB 2116x3510 IMG_5563.jpeg)
>>217732 So this is what they call round shaped fat
(705.78 KB 4096x2440 GWSz1E3W4AAFcx7.jfif)
(839.35 KB 3884x5100 A Chubby Bunny-min.jpg)
(114.33 KB 1200x714 GW0nMBhWYAATY6N.jfif)
(298.22 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 1.jfif)
>>201136 Who’s the artist for the second image?
(159.16 KB 2160x1410 20240920_183504.jpg)
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(267.42 KB 296x602 IMG_4072.png)
>>218314 >no art of Blanc fattening up Noir to blimp bunny sizes to make her more confident because “all eyes have to be on her if she takes up the whole stage” GRAHHHHHH I NEED MY YURI INCEST FATS
>>221189 yuri incest huh. thats certainly a way to describe it a good idea tho
(244.39 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 8.jfif)
(246.90 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 9.jfif)
(244.56 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 10.jfif)
(143.16 KB 1410x1250 ViiVooVaa Wardress 11.jfif)
(86.95 KB 1410x910 ViiVooVaa Wardress 12.jfif)
(295.56 KB 4096x1697 Lemoncake- rupee and ein.jfif)
(304.02 KB 1536x2048 GYsX5wSXUAApL29.jfif)
>>221849 Holy hell... please tell me there's more
>>222173 There will be. yes
>>221849 what is this? where is the rest?
>>220701 >>221849 Found the source....holy hell this is the hottest thing I have ever seen. It's like someone ripped out my darkest, guiltiest fantasy as a feedee and all the shame and desire turned perfectly into smut https://x.com/viiVOOvaa
(165.64 KB 960x1200 GXZ6LCEX0AA60_E.jfif)
(37.17 KB 600x600 2dd-2334872216.jpg)
>>222447 Jesus Christ. This is the hottest shit I've ever seen
>>222458 Indeed anon, holy moly
(804.18 KB 1507x2018 9-29_elegg.png)
(736.49 KB 1507x2018 9-29_elegg_3.png)
>>220701 >1 yuni tummy shot it's over
>>222539 Bro it's only begun >:]
>>222458 Seen this reply while scrolling and thought "it couldent be that good?" And I was wrong, shits fire.
>>222447 source?
>>222650 EduCabezon on twitter
(1.01 MB 2753x2048 GZTfZipbgAABE1P.jfif)
(570.05 KB 2742x2214 MysteryDad Emma 1.jfif)
(560.46 KB 4096x2802 MysteryDad Emma 2.jfif)
MysteryDad- fat fetish artists when a character is mentioned to like baking one time:
(137.42 KB 1108x1315 IMG_7100.jpeg)
>>223529 Isn't it a joke that Emma's cooking is monstrously awful to the point where it can barely be recognized as food?
Bay deserves fat art.
Same goes for Crow
(284.75 KB 1410x1800 ViiVooVaa Wardress 13.jfif)
(322.52 KB 1410x2050 ViiVooVaa Wardress 14.jfif)
(205.87 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 15.jfif)
(237.58 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 16.jfif)
HE's still not done!
>>224865 Fucking peak. Can't wait to see where this goes
(2.42 MB 1464x2048 GaLBBhJaMAA5X2G.png)
anyone got that fat fimra from nikke baqua7 drew once? i can't find it in their media tab anymore
>>225305 There isnt alot of frima art period. this it?
(100.98 KB 835x1349 20240707_093611.jpg)
>>225664 bless you anon, you will pull a pilgrim
(344.87 KB 1803x2335 Gabrg6bWQAAS8oC.jfif)
(2.01 MB 4088x3447 Belt-buster Bunnies.jpg)
(1.30 MB 3000x2248 Belt-buster Bunnies dos.jpg)
(325.09 KB 1827x2400 Yuujin- brid 1.jfif)
(334.97 KB 1670x2145 Yuujin- brid 2.jfif)
and i forgot to spoil it. My b
thank you mod
(3.64 MB 2160x3840 bananamilkshaker - rapunzal.png)
(2.89 MB 3072x3072 girl1..png)
(3.81 MB 3072x3072 eleeg.png)
(74.67 KB 501x764 image_2024-11-02_143202643.png)
The fact that there's a lack of Tia fat art, especially since most of her dialogues are like this feels like some kind of psy op
>>227873 truly an unjust world
Daviel delivers
(205.65 KB 1191x1684 IMG_0652.jpeg)
>>227873 Unfortunately Tia just isn’t popular so that means she’ll get 1 random fat comm and then literally nothing else ever again
(596.20 KB 1530x2224 122759731_p0.jpg)
(733.58 KB 1685x2138 122834113_p0.jpg)
(4.77 MB 2237x2474 Illustration55.png)
>>228949 Artist?
(241.27 KB 2048x1279 Gb7VuAkbwAE6MMo.jpg)
>>227873 I've been advocating for Tia in the Nikke Discord for forever, and you're right for this The moment she gets a chub skin or alt like Elegg's default is the moment I fully embrace becoming a dolphin - MLB Day 1
(407.39 KB 2048x1536 20241109_103808.jpg)
(164.72 KB 1085x1200 Belt-buster tia sketch.jfif)
>>227873 >>229070 almost forgot about this
i had no idea this was marciana
(2.16 MB 3000x3206 rizzaty-1.png)
I think Privaty's cute, so fun to fluster her.
>>229693 Ekushupanshion :)
>>229693 I read your comment wrong lmao, I thought you asked about the artist, haha, ye she's Marciana!
>>>229101 Link plz
>>229969 https://x.com/kdubs_matt/status/1855077152552583405
(1.33 MB 1469x3100 GcVWuBFbkAIoN_n.jpg)
>>229940 this is great stuff anon, nice job
>>228949 Source? This shit is too good to be left in the dark
>>229940 what the other anon said too, do you have any socials? i really like how you did the belts pushing against her midriff
>>230797 My source is that I made it up
(1.51 MB 2400x3000 Gc1pAfaaIAAXax2.jfif)
(543.89 KB 2048x1590 Mister M Leviathin 1.jfif)
(668.12 KB 2048x1475 Mister M Leviathin 3.jfif)
(721.60 KB 2164x2077 Mister M syuen.jfif)
(984.83 KB 4096x4006 GcT5ogzXkAArG-D.jfif)
(76.92 KB 577x898 GdR-UP-W0AEdgkx.png)
>>232032 blanc justice
(901.85 KB 3000x4000 20241127_131339.jpg)
>>233212 https://bbw-chan.link/bbwdraw/res/114589.html
(1.08 MB 1232x2074 GdTywgNa0AAfDWh.jpg)
(4.23 MB 4963x3805 scarlet.png)
Guess who got core 1 for his Scarlet Just need the SR doll
>>231718 >>231718 The 1st and 2nd pic who is the artist?
>>233539 https://www.deviantart.com/mister--m/gallery/all
(587.53 KB 3507x2480 GeNjzebacAA-XCN.jpg)
(554.46 KB 3504x3931 @crowbotx.jpg)
>>233494 really cute scarlet anon, do you mind if i ask for socials?
If I had money I'd commission several Fat Ice Rose Maiden's
>>233494 Congrats! I'm still working on my Diesel for her Item. And finding Crown some gloves.
(8.93 MB 4450x3500 Guillotine-Winter Slayer.png)
(288.30 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 17.jfif)
(313.43 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 18.jfif)
(178.03 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 19.jfif)
(315.83 KB 2160x1400 ViiVooVaa Wardress 20.jfif)
(227.45 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 21.jfif)
(340.37 KB 2160x1410 ViiVooVaa Wardress 22.jfif)
ssr rapi confirmed means ssr rapi art should be soon
(3.81 MB 3600x2700 Daviel- cinderella r.png)
(1.59 MB 4200x2700 Daviel- Anis.png)
(4.27 MB 2621x3494 Ge0BmowbsAAoMHP.png)
bro. someone gotta update that sunny kemono. bro is cookin and we cant even see it
(826.65 KB 1200x1440 Rounder Softer Emma.jpg)
(3.86 MB 874x1216 IMG_0297.gif)
>>237643 Holy fuck this is good. Im trying to find the artist but xep is pretty common. could we get a link?
(168.61 KB 1200x900 GgGPXwnXcAAytT5-1.jpg)
>>237622 >>237803 elegg supremacy
(584.18 KB 3496x3000 SecMemArtPlace Rupee.jpg)
always on the hunt
Anyone found any pics of Rapi: Red Hood yet? Finally our girl got SSR!
>>238334 Rapi has left the chair
(356.65 KB 2048x1720 Tumblr_l_362230082966597.jpg)
(1.30 MB 2048x1650 Tumblr_l_362292411684898.jpg)
(1.95 MB 3217x3435 Frima_Nikke.png)
(391.95 KB 4096x3072 SuperDeadaly anis.jpg)
(439.13 KB 1290x973 IMG_0180.jpeg)
(482.00 KB 1290x979 IMG_0181.jpeg)
>>239179 >anis heavily implied to have been Pretty, the first ark superstar idol >is assassinated at a show by antinikkefuckers >gets rebuilt into canonically “a bit… stout” Anis So Anis is a retired idol who got fat, huh…
spoiler has the big preg alt they always make
>>237695 https://xep.straw.page/
(1.43 MB 3000x3000 unfit_maid.png)
You think the SKK makes the select sound when he speaks or he has a voice? Also unfit maid privaty is fun to tease
(1.20 MB 3843x3059 GY44XuCWYAAxuN4.jpg)
(289.33 KB 4096x1692 20250128_213849.jpg)
(361.28 KB 4096x795 Oedone- syuen.jpg)
(469.64 KB 2307x2354 anis.jpg)
(366.45 KB 2048x2048 GjUEwNxaAAAgzDc.jpg)
(3.32 MB 2580x1990 WaifyDekai cinderella.png)
(1.66 MB 3000x3000 frima_sketch.png)
(674.11 KB 1440x1200 101_Rapunzel.jpg)
(527.04 KB 2800x3000 meat maiden 1.jpg)
(785.44 KB 3300x3500 meat maiden 2.jpg)
(891.38 KB 3814x4096 meat maiden 3.jpg)
(901.85 KB 3000x4000 meat blanc.jpg)
(3.28 MB 3507x2480 sunny rupee.png)
(2.53 MB 3507x2480 sunny helm mirror 1.png)
(2.79 MB 3507x2480 sunny helm mirror 2.png)
(2.82 MB 3507x2480 sunny helm mirror 3.png)
(2.46 MB 3507x2480 sunny helm mirror 4.png)
(2.46 MB 3507x2480 sunny helm mirror 5.png)
(2.04 MB 3507x2480 sunny helm mirror 6.png)
(3.96 MB 3507x2480 sunny dorothy.png)
(4.00 MB 3507x2480 sunny dorothy alt 1.png)
(5.43 MB 3507x2480 sunny cinderella 3.png)
(3.90 MB 3507x2480 sunny helm body 1.png)
(3.96 MB 3507x2480 sunny helm body 2.png)
(7.76 MB 2621x3494 sunny helm room 1.png)
(4.96 MB 2672x2004 sunny helm room 2.png)
(4.03 MB 4000x2000 sunny tia and naga 1.png)
(4.05 MB 4000x2000 sunny tia and naga 2.png)
(391.24 KB 869x1228 127747583_p0.jpg)
(663.59 KB 2000x3500 125932519_p0.jpg)
(1.53 MB 1934x3000 127321187_p0.jpg)
(1.90 MB 1934x3000 127321187_p2.jpg)
fresh eggs
(3.27 MB 3000x4000 RDkqe3QlhU7of27qmfaqXeNP.jpeg)
waiting patiently for trina art to drop
(755.21 KB 4096x2907 pivk00 leviathin.jpg)
(3.62 MB 3507x2480 sunny bunnies 1.png)
(3.72 MB 3507x2480 sunny bunnies 2.png)
(439.35 KB 680x383 image_2025-03-22_211259733.png)
New Nikke just dropped
(888.11 KB 669x824 Screenshot (4113).png)
Found some hidden Chunk art in the kemono
>>250614 chubby supremacy. a rival to elegg chubby art
(117.43 KB 989x1236 Bready 1.jpg)
>>250618 That was fast
The thread is getting close to closing. Ive saved every piece in this thread to assure nikke's fat art is preserved. with the new chubby bait. future's lookin bright
(157.17 KB 1210x1088 bready 3.jpg)
>>250622 Bready done saved us all
>>250622 the hero the nikke thread needed, bless your valorous soul shikicum
(176.46 KB 800x893 image-11.png)
>>250766 Fuck it, we ball when she drops.
>>250784 same. I dont care whats coming for anni. Im getting that damn wallpaper
>>250614 oh FUCK
(1.85 MB 1080x1920 GmyMmRQXwAAKWfe.jpg)
(75.17 KB 759x1350 GmyIRPZXAAAi6Ge.jpg)
>>250614 https://x.com/NIKKE_en/status/1904051352663388411 The wording of this post is very intriguing to me.
next nikke thread is gonna have so much content to hit the ground running
>>250793 Well, another girl who pretends to be Chubby, but she's not.
(151.28 KB 992x1403 Gm0A52jbUAAMVEK.jpeg)
(565.67 KB 1500x1640 128520544_p0.png)
(463.37 KB 1075x1300 128547223_p0.jpg)
(2.32 MB 2480x1411 128522254_p0.jpg)
(1.27 MB 2000x2000 128540653_p0.png)
New Nikke girl drop
(174.28 KB 1250x2050 GmxO36GacAEg1Mj.jpg)
(138.64 KB 960x1200 GmzKCMMboAAa3lZ.jpg)
(474.34 KB 2207x3072 GmzKIeQaMAAhade.jpg)
(204.60 KB 1536x2048 GmxTIZdXMAAYa-J.jpg)
(633.95 KB 2480x3508 Gmyz7OiaIAA8ykh.jpg)
(999.27 KB 971x1500 Gmy67uZbEAAUFd2.jpg)
(234.78 KB 1413x2048 GmzFQL-aQAAxhAs.jpg)
(173.00 KB 768x1024 Gmu3x4ZbIAAVLfp.jpg)
(165.05 KB 1200x1567 GmyZ_lObYAAd7Ua.jpg)
(605.67 KB 2439x4096 GmyzdQWa8AAL8ao.jpg)
(1.24 MB 2755x4096 Gmwgna6XwAA9jtj.jpg)
(1.88 MB 2894x4093 GmvtfXGboAAGF1N.jpg)
(148.54 KB 828x1792 GmyNLscakAABP6D.jpg)
(217.84 KB 1080x1442 Gmze92da0AA78-d.jpg)
(361.56 KB 2644x2779 Gmz0XIwbwAAg67X.jpg)
(594.83 KB 2894x3925 GmzZjBpbwAAGy3t.jpg)
(764.38 KB 2892x4096 Gmz4Gv3akAAFiz1.jpg)
(1.85 MB 1080x1920 GmyITE1a8AEh2YH.jpg)
(158.80 KB 900x1200 Gm0IMxZbwAAku4O.jpg)
(216.81 KB 1208x2208 GmzeQmYbgAE9u2L.jpg)
(710.04 KB 3143x4096 Gmzv3-2bIAAvg_U.jpg)
(874.02 KB 1920x1080 Gmyl4vJbYAAARER.jpg)
(2.64 MB 3456x2600 GmzypBtbkAArkeO.jpg)
(3.15 MB 3240x4050 GmzRa2YaQAAfmwB.jpg)
(183.73 KB 1084x1499 Gm0lrwrXYAEM_0E.jpg)
(660.69 KB 2585x3566 GmzhG0ZacAAhYac.jpg)
(2.01 MB 2291x3082 128575346_p0.png)
(871.05 KB 1182x2011 Gm0KDGAa0AAOp2B.jpg)
(4.22 MB 3113x4416 128574976_p0.png)
(720.76 KB 2894x4093 Gm0lG8vbkAAWzP8.jpg)
(516.20 KB 2916x2625 Gm0oCFMXcAAHc5Z.jpg)
(419.69 KB 2291x3082 Gm0DntMXAAABmox.jpg)
(1.81 MB 1255x2055 128560630_p0.jpg)
(1.75 MB 2000x2400 Gm0LtBCWoAEhFFI.jpg)
(3.87 MB 3308x2894 128551789_p0.png)
There might be some duplicates, but I can't be bothered to sort them out if they are, so take that as homework for y'all
(26.01 KB 309x521 Gm0Sh_VW0AA1GOE.jpg)
(130.80 KB 728x884 Gm0SiCeWYAAEN6u.jpg)
(278.10 KB 1512x2150 Gm0FcXnaQAA3Swa.jpg)
(286.64 KB 1452x2048 GmzFEeeasAAz01_.jpg)
(341.28 KB 1464x2048 Gmus34gbEAA4J6E.jpg)
(387.51 KB 1467x1800 GmvqGDybsAAvjUe.png)
yes, a new art for the flower knight girl made it in. also don't care
(47.72 KB 655x897 GcQb7oHaoAA_X72.jpg)
>>250860 >yes, a new art for the flower knight girl made it in. also don't care
two queens
(408.92 KB 1685x2603 Gm15P99XQAAXPRc.jpg)
>>250863 This thread has the intention of letting any and all board-less gacha characters in.
>>250908 Gacha Woman* >>250891 This genius labeling with the rarity system
(8.50 MB 1536x864 Its+A+New+Dawn.webm)
This is my first and hopefully not my last genuine contribution to the thread. My undiagnosed autism works in retarded ways.
(194.28 KB 900x1200 Gm217TsXEAAts8B.jpg)
(258.41 KB 1536x2048 Gm39uc4bIAAgHDR.jpg)
(264.11 KB 1448x2048 Gm0C4bybgAAtscA.jpg)
(391.28 KB 2442x2796 Gm4Ru7_boAADhw9.jpg)
(827.22 KB 1600x2001 Gm3VQg5bcAABU6U.jpg)
(1.53 MB 1132x1750 Gm3zxn9XEAA7pVn.jpg)
(1.51 MB 1457x2865 128589540_p0.jpg)
(901.64 KB 2121x3000 Gm3E5Xya0AAL2xv.jpg)
(172.71 KB 1098x1490 Gm1fRO2awAAvfta.jpg)
(144.35 KB 1131x1600 Gm36KCwacAEt5QL.jpg)
(391.71 KB 2318x3386 Gm0rr-maYAAduSW.jpg)
(826.75 KB 1200x1697 Gm3WBlJaQAATJ8q.jpg)
(6.46 MB 2121x3000 128590488_p0.jpg)
The fanart floodgates have opened WIDE for her lmao . .. ... (Get it? Cuz she is also pretty wide?) I'll drink my coffee soon, don't worry
(83.87 KB 768x1024 Gm2UVONb0AA4MPs.jpg)
(150.35 KB 946x2048 Gm15wGKaUAApmyd.jpg)
(242.45 KB 1536x2048 Gm2b-ktawAAm0Iw.jpg)
(506.97 KB 1748x2480 Gm2SRsyb0AAf95p.jpg)
(598.28 KB 2480x2447 Gm2sOZdaEAAX9-b.jpg)
(957.16 KB 2063x2894 Gm0C3lPakAAbF4d.jpg)
(618.77 KB 2904x3420 Gm4R3_ObYAAp39S.jpg)
(212.11 KB 1443x2047 Gm4KLj3aIAAB0R1.jpg)
(2.04 MB 2480x3508 128593011_p0.jpg)
(1.58 MB 1440x1920 127311618_p0.jpg)
(5.25 MB 2480x2704 128595938_p1.jpg)
(393.69 KB 768x1024 128584797_p0.jpg)
(2.74 MB 2067x2166 128568699_p0.jpg)
(1.01 MB 2048x3180 128595304_p0.jpg)
(2.60 MB 1500x2050 128519745_p0.png)
(3.23 MB 2480x3508 128554271_p0.jpg)
(769.07 KB 1467x1800 128544731_p0.png)
(1.04 MB 1009x1769 128573124_p0.png)
(6.33 MB 1748x2480 128599238_p0.png)
>>250924 hell yeah
Dear lord the Bread line just keeps expanding
(3.68 MB 3607x3511 Gm3wIDEagAA3YBZ.jpg)
Hoo boy, literally every fat artist on earth already started drawing her...what a surprise
>>250994 Its beautiful. Isnt it? >>250924
(172.86 KB 900x1200 Gm4ar3basAArmrk.jpg)
(194.29 KB 1477x2048 Gm5NlnJa4AAyheE.jpg)
(268.69 KB 1318x2048 Gm4b6k2bIAAfZI8.jpg)
(304.47 KB 1377x1929 Gm48Xs4a0AAIksj.jpg)
(313.12 KB 2000x2064 Gm4P6oIbsAAVcqN.jpg)
(633.89 KB 2480x3508 Gm4uiBSasAA-Kzs.jpg)
(295.65 KB 1707x2048 Gm47MzpbEAAN9sZ.jpg)
(290.38 KB 1431x2048 Gm4nhr2aIAACwtE.jpg)
(298.92 KB 1502x2048 Gm4B75laMAAndpO.jpg)
(672.66 KB 1560x2069 Gm4zBVaawAA9IKz.jpg)
(905.27 KB 2086x3005 128609996_p0.jpg)
(107.93 KB 926x1200 Gm5Vc1Da0AAOvCY.jpg)
(425.67 KB 2050x3000 Gm55NyCXYAAuDKF.jpg)
(354.59 KB 637x825 Gm3vN2Ja0AA-VWg.png)
(439.95 KB 3072x3072 Gm552cSXkAA7nJf.jpg)
(171.22 KB 857x1200 Gm4ZHZgaQAAhE9J.jpg)
(395.75 KB 2000x3000 Gm2UbUTWUAAKfG2.jpg)
>>250996 >>250994 >>250987 just wait its over for us all once that burst animation drops everyones head gunna expldoe
>>251016 So I'm the guy who posted like 99% of her art so far (basically every submission with 3 or more pics), and by my count we are already up to in the vicinity of 80-100 unique fan arts of her (counting drafts and sketches speperate from final drawings, BUT not counting minor variation of the same art (so like is she has the popsicle or not)), AND I'm fairly certain I've not only cut out like the bottom 20% from uploads, those that were "skinnified" or were just very poor quality, but that I've missed an additional 50% or so, simply due to limitation on my time and website search radius. And it has only been 2 fucking days.
>>251021 Ah. A fellow hero of the thread. Thank you broski. And sweet jesus. This chick is exploding. Figuratively. And very literally
(19.63 KB 603x166 Capture.PNG)
>>251022 Unfortunately it also means I have to scroll through several minutes worth of retards like this fine specimen, so just for my mental health's sake, I might pass the mantle of the collector to another
Let's get that bad taste put of your mouth
More tasteful then I would've thought >>251016
>>250987 for real. this shit is starting to look like the soviet union
Bready might singlehandedly cause me to play a gacha game for the first time.
>>251092 If my ass wasn't already playing ZZZ I know I'd be done for that's for sure.
(1.99 MB 2508x3541 128619486_p0.jpg)
(250.70 KB 2048x1536 Gm6iY0vbYAEo21V.jpg)
(581.23 KB 2896x4096 Gm5YNDva8AA5ywF.jpg)
Never forget OG chubby
(2.49 MB 3035x4299 128614258_p1.png)
(144.17 KB 720x1015 Gm6oD-pXUAEZldU.png)
(1.05 MB 2515x4000 Gm5w5eiaYAEmrmw.jpg)
(413.85 KB 1371x2048 128612711_p0.jpg)
(734.94 KB 2668x3499 Gm66AwXbYAADqmw.jpg)
(2.75 MB 3035x4299 128614258_p0.png)
(71.35 KB 613x1011 Gm9Dfx3bsAAlqg1.jpg)
(262.21 KB 796x1200 Gm89rXoaIAA_s-N.jpg)
(304.98 KB 3220x3360 Gm5IpHVakAANZkh.jpg)
(722.15 KB 2390x3240 Gm68oqdXkAEjw_2.jpg)
(808.42 KB 2048x2641 Gm74YG2bUAABVQP.jpg)
(1.10 MB 1431x1689 Gm4UxegaEAE2BQu.jpg)
(83.85 KB 1000x1200 Gm4a1ATa4AAMO_2.jpg)
(168.31 KB 931x1200 Gm9IJ_-bYAQq4GY.jpg)
(271.80 KB 1158x1637 Gkne8EAb0AAbOst.jpg)
(329.56 KB 1647x2467 Gm7iHgebYAMFlau.jpg)
(923.86 KB 1470x2235 Gm9UOeraUAA0n_z.jpg)
(3.28 MB 2894x4093 Gm53j9mbkAArbmS.jpg)
included some Vanessa in this one cuz why not
>>251132 I.... uh.... I beg your pardon? No clue what you on about
>>251134 What does any of this have to do with the my picture dump you replied to??
>>251136 He's a schizo who's been shitting up all the threads, just ignore.
thread almost made it a whole year but Bready nuked it time for a new nikke thread
(123.46 KB 675x1200 Gm9pb0sbYAUKCnh.jpg)
(290.54 KB 1451x2048 Gm-L7z1bgAAEQL1.jpg)
(408.67 KB 1736x2456 Gm-JP36bYAMzJ-n.jpg)
(1.43 MB 1447x2047 Gm9CZ2zbsAAa7LH.jpg)
(1.06 MB 1660x1959 Gm5ZgB_aoAAdtEH.jpg)
(2.99 MB 2325x3343 Gm9b_ExbYAYvU6T.jpg)
(268.53 KB 1459x2048 Gm98HnCbYAAPQUy.jpg)
(755.17 KB 2986x4096 Gm-RIHeXMAAOavV.jpg)
(912.21 KB 2975x3850 Gm-AYoGXsAA0eDj.jpg)
(946.58 KB 2975x3850 Gm6eahzXMAAiYc5.jpg)
(1.41 MB 3000x3000 Gm8dt8wbYAI5iin.jpg)
(2.17 MB 2894x4092 Gm5FbMpbIAAdw2D.jpg)
(538.66 KB 2302x3374 Gm79rCNbYAE4naW.jpg)
(343.92 KB 2015x2747 Gm97UXmbYAEUvcA.jpg)
(222.42 KB 1110x1553 Gm3kS3gawAARv9g.jpg)
(306.20 KB 1988x2048 Gm9l8iYbYAA6drJ.jpg)
(799.92 KB 2547x3900 Gm6qfXdXgAAbob4.jpg)
(923.67 KB 3072x4096 Gm-Lw_FacAAwA6M.jpg)
(143.95 KB 626x1200 Gm9b285bYAAUVBf.jpg)
(731.97 KB 3151x4096 Gm6x2lraIAE4Kh-.jpg)
(303.72 KB 1269x1920 Gm7kz16bwAAO8_o.jpg)
(202.34 KB 1444x2048 Gm049fgagAEiqXr.jpg)
(238.86 KB 1502x2048 Gm-HTTCWEAAxMgd.jpg)
(435.73 KB 1750x2160 Gm7q8azWcAAM0Oa.jpg)
(351.32 KB 2000x2000 Gm-aGozbYAIzmRU.jpg)
(362.03 KB 2332x3388 Gm233NUagAAdeGP.png)
(263.79 KB 1587x1822 Gm9xoOMbYAQa_td.jpg)
(526.69 KB 2160x2160 Gm54viTbYAQgqA0.jpg)
(2.06 MB 1976x2343 Gm7jxzXWcAAaBJK.jpg)
Any of you remember (or if you just scroll up in the thread) about how I estimated 80-100 unique illustrations for Bready, like less than a day ago? Welp, we can already double that number as of rn. AND SHE STILL ISN'T EVEN IN THE GAME YET
i like bread
>>251176 Bread 👍

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