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TIGHT BELTS and BUTTONS! 04/17/2024 (Wed) 00:43:24 Id:109259 No. 197911
The underappreciated problem of girls having trouble fitting their previously fitting belts around their waist! Might as well throw in struggling to button things cause it's the same thing pretty much.
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This is commission I ordered
>>197914 Source?
>>197938 Praxxus716 on DA
>>197911 What a stupid thread idea.
>>198006 disagree
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>>197981 Thanks
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>>198006 There’s one dude on this board just spamming oddly specific threads left and right. I get that hes likely autistic and can’t understand when it’s appropriate to make a thread, but damn it’s starting to get annoying.
>>198357 Is it the neighborhood schizophrenic with a hypocritical god complex with delusions of grandeur?
>>197911 Hot art. Need more like this.
>>198357 I'm the guy who started this thread and definitely not the local autist. This is my first and only thread I've ever created. Am just a dude with a specific fetish hoping for more content.
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>>197911 >>198124 >>198489 cool thread idea. where are these 3 pics from? they look like they're from the same artist but ive never seen them
>>198516 baqua, on twitter
>>198516 Ya I commissioned them all from baqua on twitter he's kinda pricy at 60USD for the quality but he's mf fast like all commissions I've ordered were finished within a few hours
>>197912 Who made this?
>>198762 Original Artist was again Baqua I commissioned the art and then commissioned another guy called chubbyornotchubby2 on DA to animate the art
Spoilered: Second part of the hot dog sequence. Why? It's not clothed, which isn't an issue but it IS a clothes thread.
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Spoilered: rest of the sequence. Doesn't necessary fit the theme of tight clothes but nice to have a full sequence in one place if you're into it.
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Considering I'm big into tight clothes as a fetish, I'm surprised I don't have any more specifically related to belts. I've enough to fill the thread with fat but barely exposed flesh, but that would turn this into a weight gain general thread and I upload my stuff there when a new one comes around. Must have the rest on my deviantart.
>>199559 Yup it's tough out here I love all types of tight clothing but specifically trying to squeeze into them and even more specifically belts are hot. I think part of it has to do with the fact that they're usually superheroes or it's a uniform idk smth smth failure and wg denial who knows BUT WE NEED MORE BELTS
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