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Fatty Emblem Thread 5 Anonymous 04/20/2024 (Sat) 02:19:26 Id:fd0b7e No. 198358
Last one bumplocked, so you know the drill.
>>198392 Lapis, my Engage beloved.
Here’s what I found on Yunaka.
>>198426 Nice knowing there's others who like her!
(162.46 KB 1280x1356 33791654.jpg)
(230.03 KB 2048x1426 34556840.jpg)
(1.62 MB 2500x2454 30580806.jpg)
(222.79 KB 1480x1143 34819322.png)
continuing this engage streak with best girl
Here’s a certain someone who loves food.
>>198428 Glad someone brought Yunaka here.
Just wondering if anyone has anymore Lilina fat art
Anybody have some Bernies to share?
(3.71 MB 3395x1800 Eirika and Tana January.png)
(2.81 MB 2406x1600 Eirika and Tana's bad dream.jpg)
(2.93 MB 2948x1600 Tana's dream_montage.jpg)
(2.96 MB 2948x1600 Eirika's dream_montage.jpg)
>>198442 But of course! Gotta love and appreciate our potato goddess.
Perfect story scenario to do but sadly has bad style.
>>198497 I’ve got one in the works, sequel to a previous pic.
>>198588 Can’t wait for it when it comes.
>>198588 Holy neck flab...
Extrabaggageclaim's Patreon has a WIP on the big FE3H sequence spread, if anyone has that.
(2.36 MB 4600x4000 shamir_commission.png)
(940.33 KB 2036x2048 7zncRyi.png)
Here’s some Marianne art.
To the guy who posted it in the last thread, yeah this is the one thanks
(79.81 KB 774x1200 IMG_1976.jpeg)
(353.32 KB 2900x2300 GMDHAePWsAAtnLB[1])
>>199391 Didn't mean to reply
(6.01 MB 6000x4000 Qt Hungy bab.png)
(60.64 KB 634x865 EP6ckd4X0AAjqoY.jpeg)
(228.38 KB 2048x1487 FSaS5VSXwAAIkcm.jpeg)
(231.59 KB 2048x2048 FSaTezFXoAAbgpA.jpeg)
(71.10 KB 915x535 IMG_2048.jpeg)
Anybody got any more Lilina pics by any chance?
>>199852 source?
(3.02 MB 4000x3000 20240503_142555.jpg)
just finished this sketch lmk what you think
>>200324 not bad. setsuna is underrated and the huge tits are hot the photo is low quality do u have better
(2.62 MB 4000x3000 20240503_150103.jpg)
>>200332 my bad i hadnt noticed, hope this is better
>>200334 Setsuna definitely needs more art of her as a massive fatty
Where are all the Hana fats? My favorite samurai needs to be fattened up too.
(292.23 KB 1920x1122 GMacwZWXMAAz58M.webm)
SicStories is doing a Fire Emblem Three Houses WG drive if anyone's interested
(361.90 KB 1920x1068 constancehungerhairalt.webm)
(439.20 KB 1920x1126 constancesad.webm)
(555.58 KB 3000x2417 setsooner.png)
>>200334 ended up doing a bit of a recreation digitally
>>200593 This is really good. Definitely do more if youd like to.
>>200609 thank you so much! i definitely plan to, i actually just started a twitter account for my art if anyone's interested it's @Mahou_Mocha_
>>200980 Ingrid becoming part dragon I see.
>>200615 Would you be open to taking art requests?
>>198660 >>198661 Here’s my favorite Marianne art their is.
>>201115 Excellent find man. Who made this? Don't worry one the photo this art is perfection.
Reasons why the anon commissioning Axel should request Flayn. 1. Already requested Pre TS Lys who is 15 2. She's the most ignored of the entire cast in terms of fat 3. I think she's just neat.
It’s Robin time. Post Robins.
>>202107 I'm on it, boss.
>>202107 I should have said it’s time to tip the scales. I’m a dumbass.
(823.50 KB 3000x2000 Nuevo_Lienzo55.png)
(916.22 KB 3000x2000 Nuevo_Lienzo58.png)
(694.34 KB 3500x2000 Nuevo_Lienzo60 (2).png)
(358.22 KB 2000x2000 Nuevo_Lienzo61.png)
(2.69 MB 3508x2481 bernadetta fire emblem.png)
(4.22 MB 4844x4439 137_bernie.png)
>>201115 Here’s three more but these are done by the same artist of this art.
>>202661 I wish #FE were more popular. Kiria deserves way more art. And Maiko deserves at least SOMETHING
>>202791 It's mostly a victim of circumstance. Both fanbases thought they got bait & switched when what really happened was IntSys and Atlus weren't satisfied with earlier concepts and decided on a 3rd way. That plus the idol angle not appealing to Western audiences and being a radical departure from both series. You have to get through all those roadblocks to get a fan to the point of trying it to see if it's good or not
>>203066 Announcing it as one thing then changing it into something totally different is a bait and switch. Making a real SMT x FE wasn't some impossible task where the only option was to make an idol game instead.
>>203103 tbf that trailer came out before the game was actually being worked on which they shouldn't have done. They couldn't even decide if IntSys or Atlus would develop it at the time, let alone genre.
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(2.80 MB 2161x2812 IMG_2482.png)
(4.90 MB 6000x3000 IMG_6968.png)
This thread could use some Timerra fats.
(996.80 KB 6500x5342 timmera.jpg)
(104.12 KB 1199x583 Fon25J8agAA_f-W.jpg)
ExtraBaggageClaim has finished the 3H mega-spread. Any gem have the acess to share the glory?
I shit you not i just tried to post them but they're so high definition that they exceed the file size limit>>203474
>>204004 I guess our only hope is a kemono update then…
>>204004 Damn, now that's getting me even more excited.
>>204004 Have you tried posting it on a Discord and grabbing the link to the picture here? Dunno if that makes sense or works, though.
(577.62 KB 5688x3416 XHrqvoi.jpeg)
a wonderful tharobin mutual done for me by mfa :)
>>204227 >>204228 >>204229 Oh mods, tell me why I was banned, but this delusional guy stays?
>>204231 Not a clue. Took a break to start supper. I rarely ban. Just delete
(5.48 MB 4700x2650 EdelgardXPetra.jpg)
>>204587 Ok, it's Petra's fat arm. Why post this by itself?
>>204589 Cuz EBC uploaded this on his twitter and not the whole thing
(6.21 MB 5028x2390 Sauna Prologue.jpg)
>>204727 Can you be a real one and update ebc's kemono
Here are three random SSBBW videos hopefully in exchange for a drop of all of extrabaggageclaim's recent Three Houses content or a complete update of the kemono (https://kemono.su/patreon/user/5945215) https://gofile.io/d/tWrX1i if the video download is scuffed at all, then let me know
>>205030 The resolution is criminal ;_;
>>205062 It's on EBC's Kemono if you wanna see it all higher quality!!
>>205062 The photos would be over the limit if we posted them here which would be a problem like this person said >>205063 go there for it.
>>205030 Man these are outstanding in full resolution. Hilda is looking incredible but I gotta say I'm peeved by how much of Shamir is obscured, she was the one I was most excited for. But still, damn.
(7.74 MB 3900x3000 ManuelaTipsyV2.jpg)
Anyone got this artist stuff and better quality of the photos displayed.
(3.49 MB 2000x1545 Bernie&Marie_P2_Small.png)
>>198588 I've finally finished it.
>>206062 Nice work. I've seen Marianne paired with characters from different franchises over the months on another board.
Anyone got this art in better quality.
>>206112 Yeah, sure. Here you go.
Shit, I was too late in sending the picture...
>>206122 Hey, it's quite alright. At least it means that we were dedicated enough to post something that we love. Julia and Deirdre art doesn't come along often so it's nice whenever it does happen.
>>206120 >>206121 Thank you both of you.
>>206123 Both of them are rare in terms of these types of art which is saying something.
(344.42 KB 964x525 mercedesventz.png)
I figured I might as well try asking here but over on the literature board, been trying to organize a community Three Houses choose-your-own-adventure with aspirations of maybe one day turning it into a visual novel asking here just in case there are any writers who frequent this thread and might be interested link to the thread: https://bbw-chan.link/elite/res/9094.html#footer
>>206464 also, don't mind the AI art in the thread, don't really know what's going on there I can assure that AI will NOT be used in the actual project
I'm trying to find a fic featuring edelgard getting her birthday wish granted and eventually leading to her and a ton of other girls gaining a ton of weight, and ending with her voring flayn and rhea? I can't remember the name of it at all tho.
>>206490 What You Wish For by Anomnomnom
A Lysithea I ordered as a sketch comm
(69.80 KB 710x900 GHs6nb6bYAAinU1.jfif)
>>206596 Swore I attached the image originally.....
got a new fat Lissa comm
>>206597 Really nice, who drew that?
>>206734 Overlord Zeon. They have a Twitter: https://x.com/OverlordZeon?t=ubrbEuQPehpwhF7fkNYyvg&s=09 Plus a DA account: https://www.deviantart.com/overlordzeon
(649.20 KB 1920x1164 Whale Enthusiast.webm)
(611.39 KB 1920x1046 mercedes_noslob.webm)
(434.06 KB 1920x1332 hapi.webm)
(851.78 KB 1052x556 Planette.webm)
(256.74 KB 1172x506 GQTrXG0WIAAg-aj.webm)
>>205009 Who made the 2nd image?
>>204203 We need more ROBIN!!!
>>206883 My only problem with these voiced scenes is the sound effects. Like, why the hell are there fucking vacuum cleaner sounds in the background? What are they supposed to accomplish?
>>206883 Source
>>206883 Art: GNibbles Audio: SicStories
(270.72 KB 2048x1799 20240620_010635.jpg)
Rhea + Edelgard comm that just got delivered for me
>>207094 Giga-based. As a 'crack ship' I can completely see Rhea mommy-domming Edelgard.
>>207094 Amazing comm, love this dynamic between the two.
>>207094 This but the weights are reversed.
Happy Edelgard day lads
Isn't this Amelia?
>>207892 Yes that’s her. She is rare to find.
>>200582 Is there more of these audio clips?
>>207863 oh hey, that's one of my comms! glad you seem to like it.
>>208464 Yes I do love it since the artist who did this is underrated.
>Axel's comms are opened Part 3 of the 3H series soon?
>>208644 Looking forward to it. Now it makes me wonder who will be next?
(289.56 KB 2048x2048 20240706_015030.jpg)
(718.84 KB 4096x2809 GPvqSN_WAAEs7Pa.jfif)
(3.63 MB 3455x1600 Lazy Holidays 18.jpg)
(4.31 MB 3900x3000 IMG_6060.jpeg)
Fat fem Robin gives me life
(182.92 KB 2048x1536 FKX1HpVWQAIvDaO.jpg)
Can somebody get the Rinkah WG sequence by Mizz Britt?
Damn, no new 3H stuff to celebrate the 5th Anniversary?
(6.00 MB 5000x4000 (2024-07-23) Alear.png)
>>212388 source?
>>212408 fat alear is like crack to me, amazing work
>>212382 I was hoping Axel would drop the next part of the set but as far as I'm aware it's still on haitus
(1.15 MB 2550x1650 Illustration Alear.png)
(2.14 MB 3300x3300 20240802_101336.jpg)
Anyone got these five photos in better quality.
(897.76 KB 3709x3949 IMG_0244.jpeg)
(841.80 KB 3709x3949 IMG_0245.jpeg)
(789.97 KB 3461x3693 IMG_0246.jpeg)
(848.68 KB 3968x3642 IMG_0247.jpeg)
(1.07 MB 5731x3865 IMG_0248.jpeg)
(1.28 MB 6000x5000 IMG_0249.jpeg)
(1.68 MB 7263x4630 IMG_0250.jpeg)
(1.51 MB 6616x4451 IMG_0251.jpeg)
(57.56 KB 1200x900 GUmPBA1WQAEZpBa.jpg)
Looking for a higher-quality version of this pic. Artist?
(482.13 KB 3999x3000 GUmPBA1WQAEZpBa.jpg)
Anyone got this artist take on both Edelgard and Marianne it would be appreciated.
>>215443 Here you go!
>>215482 Thank you so much.
First does someone have the FE 3H sequences from Axelrosered? And also did any new ones come out?
Thanks ^_^
>>216323 Don't think there's going to be another set for a bit since Axel just had his Monthly Comms opened 10 days ago and the commissioner who pays him hasn't said anything. I could be wrong and they're keeping it to their chest but who knows.
(385.45 KB 1189x1000 bonusart fat Micaiah.png)
some now lost art from bonusart courtesy of the folks over in the lost art thread
>>217424 er, *was* lost, now is found, rather
Do we have any art on Gullveig?
(3.47 MB 1710x1290 Tharj.png)
(3.95 MB 6500x4483 gullveig.png)
