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Salt Thread VII 05/04/2024 (Sat) 19:52:59 Id:db1a1a No. 200432
The last One ended
>>200432 Learn how to title a thread. You don't need to explain why you're making a new one either
>>200433 He did, are you blind?
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>>200444 The last thread was VII as well
>>200444 No he didn't, he set his name as the thread title. The sun will burn out before the retards here learn how to use an imageboard correctly
>>200480 Who cares, it gets the point across.
>>200480 this thread just got created and people are already starting shit. just shut up and send art. it aint that deep
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(1.16 MB 1945x2859 Nudist Beach.jpg)
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(919.11 KB 2246x2342 Hungry for More.jpg)
Ref sheet when?
(1.13 MB 2979x3245 An Irresistible Offer.jpg)
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(1.03 MB 1995x1588 Exposed(_) Valentine.png)
(3.58 MB 2579x1990 Valentine’s Thrust.png)
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(1.01 MB 2942x2984 The Lap of Luxury.jpg)
(1.13 MB 2942x2984 Lapping Up Wine.jpg)
(1.07 MB 3540x2888 Pinned Cushion.jpg)
(1.36 MB 2890x4088 Naughty Girl.jpg)
(1.30 MB 3172x3152 Reference Sheet_Val.png)
>>200480 do you have autism
>>200491 Whenever I see that first image I get reminded of that one greentext.
>>200507 I wonder how he's doing.
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(6.54 MB 2365x2714 Blossoming Thorn Princess.png)
(7.75 MB 2463x2458 Hidden Creative Potential.png)
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>>200563 >>200560 >>200556 >>200555 >>200543 >>200542 Best sequence he ever did I hope he does another one with Sammy or Brooke and that other girl
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(2.00 MB 2894x4093 Fitness_Comic_5 (1).png)
(1.65 MB 2892x4088 Losing Control.jpg)
(4.08 MB 2894x4093 Back Cover Uncovered (edit).png)
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(629.80 KB 1604x2404 Santa's _Little_ Helper.png)
(1.86 MB 2029x2625 Overfilled Cups.png)
(5.57 MB 2581x4162 Squishy Clean.png)
(2.47 MB 1478x1786 Wake-up Call.png)
(2.48 MB 1478x1786 Lifting the Censors.png)
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(2.87 MB 1668x1880 A Slow Start.png)
(2.90 MB 1668x1880 Laundry Day.png)
(746.26 KB 1506x2778 The Squeegee Squash.jpg)
(3.17 MB 2223x1722 A Sweet Surprise.png)
(3.53 MB 2223x1722 A Big Thank You.png)
(1.33 MB 2905x3152 Reference Sheet_ Sammy.png)
(1.85 MB 4005x2347 Something to Drool Over.jpg)
(2.02 MB 2894x4093 Loaded Question.png)
The only artwork Courtney and Shannon have gotten in 2024 so far, and it's a boring nude edit. Where have these two been?
>>200584 >Where have these two been? You can ask that about most of his characters honestly. Nat and Chloe got the most content this year but it was just a prequel comic page, a Star Wars shitpost and a nude alt. I hope the "long-term projects" he was working on are related to his current OCs and they aren't about some popular character I don't care about, someone's else OC (don't care either) or new OCs (cast is already bloated imo, keep adding more characters and you'll be lucky to get content of each one once in a year)
>>200596 >Nat and Chloe got the most content this year but it was just a prequel comic page, a Star Wars shitpost and a nude alt. I hope he stops with the shitposts. The Chun-Li he did was the worst offender, using her for a shitpost after she won a fanart poll. Disrespectful to everyone who voted for her. >Other OCs Selene got a new one this year, and Nicole is in the same boat as Courtney and Shannon where her only artwork so far in 2024 was a nude edit. His nude edits taking over every other Thursday sucks, it's preventing new shit getting done.
>>200596 >I hope the "long-term projects" he was working on are related to his current OCs and they aren't about some popular character I don't care about, someone's else OC (don't care either) or new OCs (cast is already bloated imo, keep adding more characters and you'll be lucky to get content of each one once in a year) INB4 it's Lucy again or Rebecca who might as well be Lucy. He has too many OCs now, and he's not the only artist with this problem. Although he'll never do it, I'll ask; If he were to ever drop doing an OC or two, who would you all be fine with never seeing from Salt again?
>>200601 >I hope he stops with the shitposts. The Chun-Li he did was the worst offender, using her for a shitpost after she won a fanart poll. Disrespectful to everyone who voted for her. I'd have to agree, overall if you want to try something a bit different it's cool but it shouldn't be related to poll results. That Chun one was a total waste. >His nude edits taking over every other Thursday sucks, it's preventing new shit getting done. This one is at least understandable, he said he would take a break chill a bit and to work on the projects I mentioned so I can't really complain for now. Also, the break should end around this month I believe ("2-3.months") >>200603 >and he's not the only artist with this problem. Ain't that the truth. >Although he'll never do it, I'll ask; If he were to ever drop doing an OC or two, who would you all be fine with never seeing from Salt again? I can't pick any of them specifically, it's not that I dislike any of them, but I just prefer the "main group" (Nat, Chloe, Sam and Halie), they're the ones who had the chance to get fleshed out the most so I'm more invested in them than the others.
>>200597 I really don't care if you're a troll, quit speaking like a hood thug who's only form of communication is the fucking Melvins.
>>200601 More Selene would be kino
>>200606 Despite making the change to work on long-term projects, he's still suffering from the same issue of having too many polls and patreon commissions to do anything with his OCs. The shitposts are his way of having fun with concepts, and I can't blame him for that. But there is a time and place for it. With his OCs, the shitposts are fine, but when a good chunk of people want to see them in other scenarios, he's stuck due to the aforementioned problem.
Even if Salt is having fun making these (which hopefully seems to be the case), the patreon itself is also at a stage where I want to think it's a job more than being able to let loose on certain things.
>>200628 >Despite making the change to work on long-term projects, he's still suffering from the same issue of having too many polls and patreon commissions to do anything with his OCs. He'd do better if he lessened the amount of polls, and learned to take less commissions at a time. I'd be cool with seeing him no longer doing explicit polls, as well as reducing how many sketches he does a month. >Commissions Having to wait a whole year after not getting picked, then to potentially not get picked again and wait another year is fucking atrocious. His commissioning process is the worst one I've seen any artist do, and it's made even worse by how picky he is with his choices. He's got to take fewer of them at a time, so he can open them more often to give newer people or people he hasn't worked with before a chance. >>200629 He still been able to do what he wants, because of the aforementioned pickiness in what he chooses to do. It been limiting variety.
>>200564 yeah is there a better Wg comic out there?
>>200631 Whether he takes 5 every 6 months or 10 every year what’s the difference? He’s going to do the ones he wants to do regardless. Your comment reeks of “I didn’t get picked” bitterness.
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The second WIP of this month's newsletter kinda looks like a sequel to >>200575
>>200531 News bulletin: This is fucking fake as fuck and you're retarded if you think it's not. More at 8 PM.
>>200895 I’m so excited to see this when it’s finished. Sleepy and groggy BBWs are cute and sexy. They’re my favorite. And since it is Sammy, it is even better!
>>200901 As funny as it is to believe this shit actually happened, there's just no fucking way, for one, anon would have to be pretty fucking stupid to mention his favourite fat fetish artist to someone irl, and she just happened to be into it? No human is that lucky
>>200895 >>200902 Sammy again? Where's Courtney ffs?
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>>200911 Facts man we need more her
>>200631 I mean it's a mix of too many things to do from polls and from the ever increasing number of people saving points or whatever the system is there to get commissions. Which is cool, but it adds up lol I personally don't mind it, just whether that trade off influences how much you can do. Since you're still doing the same number of pieces a month + comms people saved up. Considering it's his choice what he does, the commission process is terrible. Just set up typical rules of do's and don't. Or at the very least make it so say a commission in a given month is a certain size like with the current polls and such. Just so people get an even chance. It's not even FCFS or some wait list. It can be a game of chance and that can be frustrating. Mind you they deserve a voice too, but doesn't take away from some level of annoyance. Think I answered the 3 points there.
Can anyone post the new art?
>>200901 I want to believe, anon.
(1.74 MB 2632x3087 Surfers in Surplus.jpg)
>>200911 I will agree that some of BWS girls do need more attention aside from Sam, Nat, or Chloe.
>>200895 I honestly just like his sketches. His sketches and process helps make for references and basic ideas of he manages to draw bodies and fat bodies
>>200959 Anyone else find this image underwhelming?
>>200895 Sammy my beloved
>>200999 No, as much as I would like to be cynical or nitpick, it's actually very cute and it's always nice to see fatties doing things other than eating or lying around (as hot as both of those things are). I do think that his last few pieces have been boring, but I don't think this one is bad.
>>200999 >artist draws generic fat bitch stuffing her face lying on a couch or being an immobile blob >”man this guy’s so lazy he only draws the same thing” >artist draws something other than the generic fat bitch stuffing her face lying on a couch or being an immobile blob >”man this sucks why doesn’t he draw them fatter or stuffing themselves or being immobile”
>>201003 To me it lacks details that help show off how fat they are. No signs of their bikinis being tight, no squishing anywhere, no double chin on Ingrid as she's looking down towards Tiki... The best this has is Ingrid's fat roll above her knees, but that's really scraping for something.
>>201012 Oh god you're that guy who can't shut up about how the fatty bits don't look fatty enough to you. Just shut the fuck up man, you're insufferable
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Fat tsun tsun Chloe?
>>201023 >nooooo!!! Don’t talk about art on the image board for fatties!!!
>>201023 I believe they're a pretty infamous guy called SomeLostLeo. Just some entitled hypocrite who cries on multiple people's DA and Patreon pages when artists don't do exactly what they want and tries to tear into others when they do the same AKA the worst kind of loser on the internet
>>201032 Oh god I fucking hate that guy, didn’t know it was possible to sound like such an entitled snob while talking about fats yet he makes it look so easy
>>201012 we don't need any extra details to show off how fat they are because they're wearing almost nothing and we have eyes
>>200999 What the fuck do you want? Just look at another artist at this point.
>>200999 Just you little bro
>>200959 It's just meant to be cute. And while I'm mostly here for the fetish aspect of it, this is really good to look at. Can't really be too upset about it.
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>>200959 >>200999 Maybe it’s just because I like summer and beachy things in general but it’s refreshing. It’s just nice to look at.
>>200901 Ignorance is bliss and it's funny as shit so who cares
>>201085 What are you talking about?
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Wow… Chloe’s so dumb… [SPOILER]God I wanna choke on her cock[/spoiler]
>>201103 Ok Sunslept wya
>>201107 Oh I’m not sunslept, I just found it lurking her kemono.
>>201103 Bro what?
>>201076 Anyone else knows that FarfallaOfFate retard? He's pretty famous for commissioning a lot of Steins;Gate and Fate art from people like BWS
>>201114 Sunslept is known to show himself on BBWDraw sometimes, I've talked to him about art before and he mentioned something about Fapolantern.
>>201195 Does he do the areku thing where he shows a small sketch?
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>>201243 A sight that would make my morning.
>>201243 TFW you will never live in an apartment with 2+ fat girl roommates. Why even live.
>>201245 my guy its the same person
>>201249 but she lives with nat and chloe, right?
>>201243 Look at the texture on the shirt! It looks like you would sink right in if you laid your head on her giant chest!
>>201250 Nope. They're close friends but Sam lives by herself. I do like the idea of Sam moving in with them though, that would be cool for a comic/story series
>>201243 Dear God she looks so soft.
>>201243 Holy shit, this piece is immaculate, she looks chubby & gorgeous, that skin texture is awesome, I adore Sammy, shes my second favorite bws girl! ;D
>>201244 Indeed, its a dream to fight for, its a blessing, having her or a curvy woman most mornings to share some love & precious time is a heavenly experience. ;)
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What's your favorite bws piece?
>>201413 Mine’s this one of Alakshmi
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>>201413 Asking for the explicit of this is actually how I found out this site exists lol
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>>201413 My forever GOATs, still desperately praying the last can get a sequel or explicit someday
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>>201413 I got too many
>>201448 Those Chloe ones are my favourites, next to Chloe in the beach, Chloe trying tight underwear, Sammy foggy bath, Courtney in red dress, Ann Takamaki running down Futabas pyramid, Obese Kasumi, Chubby Nami... too many awesome pieces I cant mention all
(7.97 MB 6711x2408 Familiar Shores.png)
(6.00 MB 6711x2408 Excessive Blubber.png)
>>201503 She looks so chubby and soft
Does anyone have this?
>>201413 it's old probably this christmas one because it has variety and great outfits. Catherine one is a close second, also the Aerith stuck one
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>>201534 shut up you walking contradiction
>>201533 Salt Self-insert?
>>201570 Salt's sketch streams suggest otherwise.
>>201572 That's impossible because it would require Salt's own artwork to do it. Besides, you've been deluded by all the AI artwork going on, haven't you?
>>201572 And another thing, AI sucks at drawing signatures and text in general.
>>201570 Just go watch his fucking streams you dunce. People like you would literally do anything to shit on BWS
>>201570 His stuff is very safe and mainstream and that's why it can feel kinda soulless but it's definatley not ai
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>>201570 >>201572 >>201585 He's one of the only artists in the community who posts line arts, flat colors and PSDs of his content at the end of every month...
>>201570 Just look at a different artist at this point, man. I don't think every single piece is perfect, some are definitely better than the others. But do you hear me bitching about it?
>>201572 Then do it yourself faggot
>>201570 What’s soulless about it now compared to how it used to be? I’ve seen multiple people say this and they’ve never actually explained how. I don’t see any drop off
>>201594 Oh I get it, you’re just a fucking retard
>>201594 >can easily be AI generated You’re a fucking imbecile
>>201594 No Patrick, not every drawing you happen not to like is AI.
>>201594 This is 100% rage bait but salts art style has remained the same even before ai was a thing stop bitching
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>>201570 AI is using betterwithsalt; not the other way around. Not yet, anyways. Eventually everyone will utilize AI in some capacity eventually; Aside from a few purists. It will be the modern day version of migrating from watercolour to digital tablets. You can complain about the future but you can't stop it.
>>201619 im being serious until i see 100% definitive proof he isnt using ai he is using ai. i genuinely cannot comprehend how his art hasnt improved in years and is so consistently the same if he actually isnt using ai, then the guy is stuck in a grand canyon size rut
>>201638 Check his picarto streams. There is no evidence of him using any AI related feature in Photoshop. If you feel like his artstyle has stayed the same all these years, it's not our problem. And by the way, stop accusing Salt for things he didn't even do.
>>201638 Out of curiousity, what do you think his art is lacking? What improvements could be made?
>>201638 this has to be bait "how his art hasnt improved". are you retarded? compare his art from now and like 8 years ago always someone in these threads that has to start shit for no reason
>>201638 Even as someone who isn't the biggest fan of BWS, that's a stupid claim to make. >>201643 He's def gotten better since he started, but he's stagnated over the last year or two with his girls.
>>201632 piss off AIfag
>>201413 Here's a favorite of mine.
>>201413 This one. Yang's shape is perfect here.
>>201650 >he hated him because he spoke the truth many such cases
>>201642 personally first of all: too many large women. he's drawing too many blobs actual complaints - his art feels a lil bit soulless. like, something about his shading, his design, it isnt working. while he has 100% improved since a few years ago, he has been stagnant for at least 2 years. hes improved since 8 years ago obviously, but i feel like he really hasn't improved since his expressions dont fit his artstyle (his art looks sorta realistic but he has really anime expressions, and it clashes) i think this is a symptom of nothing but blobs as well but especially on his larger girls recently his shading and design has felt plasticky. like his older art actually felt more natural his modern drawings sometimes look like the girls are plastic salt is often hailed as a god but genuinely i think his art is nowhere near as good as everyone claims it to be (even if its alright)
>>201670 >salt is often hailed as a god but genuinely i think his art is nowhere near as good as everyone claims it to be (even if its alright) Which other artists are delivering work at his level of quality and polish then? I ask this frequently whenever it comes up and never get any good answers, if I get any at all. There are artist that draw fat in a way that I prefer but I wouldn't call them better artists at all.
>>201675 >>201670 >too many large women. he's drawing too many blobs Here's all the immobile or bigger women he's done since last May, not counting nude edits or the few sketches of similar sizes. 9 of them in the span of a year is too much for you?
>>201670 Saying he hasn’t improved at all in the last two years is actually fucking retarded.
>>201670 Keep in mind that he's been averaging about 2.5 posts a week for the last year, which would be around 130 posts that he's done. If 9 immobile or bigger sizes out of roughly 130 posts in a year is too much for you, then that's a you problem.
>>201660 Either that's bait or you're retarded
What do you do when you get so good at art you start to stagnate? Fuck around and break the rules, that's what. I think Salt should start experimenting again. Make the characters do other shit than just sit around or stand there. Make them move, more dynamic like Jeetdoh. Salt work still hits here and there but most of it has been meh for me personally.
>>201674 There's Belt, but I wouldn't want to compare the two. Drastically different art styles, with both excelling on their own ends.
>>201676 when i say big, i mean above 500ls, larger, salt really doesnt draw a lot of stuff smaller than that. youre objectively retarded if you think otherwise >>201683 this too although to be fair his posing is alright recently he's been doing more dynamic things with his art >>201674 his art is technically fine (anatomy is ok, it looks fine) but that doesnt neccesarily make it better. other artists do shading, posing etc better than salt and have an overall better style >>201677 he genuinely hasnt though, he's maybe gotten a little better? but he's nowhere near improving as much as he was. again the posing/angles of his work are probably the only thing that has. I genuinely think his shading has been getting worse recently actually
>>201688 >his art is technically fine (anatomy is ok, it looks fine) but that doesnt neccesarily make it better. other artists do shading, posing etc better than salt and have an overall better style I asked for names and I don't see the names
>>201687 Belt's faces are horrifying and his proportions sometimes suck balls.
>>201688 >other artists give names >He's nowhere near improving as much as he was No fucking duh he's not improving at the same rate anymore, you can't keep getting better at the same rate forever. Everybody slows down.
>>201688 >when i say big, i mean above 500ls, larger, salt really doesnt draw a lot of stuff smaller than that. youre objectively retarded if you think otherwise Then your problem isn't blobs you dumbass, it's you not getting what you want.
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>>201691 >>201689 belt was mentioned before i think other artists that are more casual are better. pixiveo does better smooth shading and blobs. pewbutt is like salt but with better shading and faces several other artists draw bigger girls better proportionally - miraclemiraclerun is one for me fair few japanese artists also do alts kind of realistic comic style better theres also artists I like more but can't say are technically superior to salt - but their art doesnt feel as soulless. even objectively worse creators are better if their work is more passionate (my fav recent example is pocharimochi) probably others i cant remember the name of off the top of my head, although i bet youll respond with "salts better because, because he just is okay?" anyway
>>201695 >Belt How is Belt better? Belt's proportions, poses and faces are worse. >Pew Pew fucking rocks but only draws like one thing a month >Pixiveo And you say SALT'S shading looks plastic? >Miramiraclerun does better proportions Are you fucking high? >better if their work is more passionate Who are you to say if Salt is passionate or not? He may be the most passionate artist out there. You probably just don't like what he likes. Genuinely your takes suck donkey dick. Nobody should take you seriously.
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>>201698 >t-theyre worse than salt because, well, they just are okay? fuckin hell you didnt even debunk anything. stop sucking salts cock and actually browse any art website these days, you just might be surprised
>>201699 I gave just as much reasoning as the comment I responded to. Why is what they said ok and what I said insufficient? They didn't prove anything. They just said "Belt's better" "Pixiveo's better" and left it at that. No images, no breakdowns, no proof. Why is my argument worse? It's literally the same.
>>201698 I actually agree with them that both Belt Buster and miramiraclerun are better than BWS. >Belt's proportions, poses and faces are worse. This one drawing here is better than most anything BWS has made.
>>201704 Cracks on the floor to emphasize weight, fat spills over the countertop on both sides, has a very full yet adorable face, her top holding on to her fat tits, and overall excellent proportions.
(34.90 KB 142x142 Grunty_Speaking.gif)
>>201701 They explained why in a simple manner, While you just seethed and went nanners. It wasn't hard, you're pretty dull, Get it through your thick skull (got bored so i thought id make my argument rhyme)
>>201704 this is what illustrates the difference between bws and others shading. yeah this is a bit more painterly, but there is just the right balance between the shiny and shaded areas - this gives the flesh a realistic texture. pick any of salt's examples - salt's skin is way too smooth, like everyones either oiled up, or made of porcelain. the divide between the dark and lighter shaded areas isn't enough and the shine shading is too plastic like
>>201704 not gonna call you wrong here but i think proportion accuracy gets to a point where you can be as technically correct as possible but it would be irrelevant since the fat proportions are usually fictitious per the taste of the artist (fat can be firm or flabby or be anywhere the artist wants, but no woman will look like that once fattened, its just fantasy). fat rendering is just a matter or artistic direction, some people like jorking it once pores are visible and raytracing is on, apparently as to who's better, coming into a salt thread to argue salt isnt peak would be like coming into a beehive, arguing honey isnt peak and not expecting to be stung
>>201704 Genuinely, what has Mira done that's better? In any way? That isn't just subjective preference? >That pic from Belt It's a nice pic but it's a meat pile? How can you even judge it properly it's so different from the stuff Salt does
>>201713 half of salts stuff is also a meat pike the fuck you mean
>>201714 You're trying to judge it on proportional accuracy compared to Salt's work when they aren't really a factor in this piece because of her pose, size, and angle. That's what I mean.
>>201670 Name 3 fat artists better than him. Go.
Why are you idiots seriously combating this retard? he used the tired ">it just is okay" with a generic soyjack image, you guys are being clowned by a clown just ignore his post or even hide them ► and move on
>>201713 >How can you even judge it properly it's so different from the stuff Salt does You specifically mentioned proportions, poses, and faces. I shared something that's comparable to what Salt does. >Genuinely, what has Mira done that's better? In any way? A pair of examples. Knows their way around anatomy and making it believable how soft fat girls are.
>>201720 Those are good pieces, Mira's work is great. But these aren't any better than what Salt is capable of. Best you can say is they're on-par. And I wouldn't even say they are, because Mira draws mini-arms a lot of the time and the first piece you posted definitely has them
>>201722 Care to explain more reasons that you think what I shared is not on-par with Salt? For how much you've been talking, you can do better then just saying mini-arms and leaving it at that.
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>>201695 What part of "at his level of quality and polish" didn't you get? Belt's anatomy and faces are inconsistent as shit (check any single page on his kemono, the whole thing is all over the place, even individual pages of his comic are like that). Pew is amazing and his work is a lot more consistent but he rarely does anything beyond flat color pieces and he doesn't even try to draw backgrounds at all (if he does anything at all these days tbh). The others aren't even on the same league (Pixiveo???) >>201728 "T-rex arms" is a pretty fair criticism, especially because he's pretty consistent at that. Narrow chests and shoulders and big heads are also common. I wouldn't say Mira is bad but his pieces are also nowhere near as complex as Salt's either. To paraphrase his own words, he's the kind of artist that is more interested on the fat girls than the process of drawing itself (and it shows)
>>201779 You're the one who started by accusing him of using AI art, retard. You're gonna act like a coward now?
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>>201781 >c-coward! y-youre a coward! not a legitimate argument, please actually try to debate legitimately or keep your hands in your pants and not on your keyboard
>>201782 "It feels soulless" isn't an argument either and no one cares about your opinions. Post art or shut up.
>>201783 it feels mass produced, like he didnt care as he was making it. its the generic sort of realistic anime style that you'd find fed into an AI generator while also having poor shading and (until recently anyway) very static characters uh heres some positives though. he does good backgrounds and i like his 300lb ish women proportions. stuff like this is when he's at his best
>>201751 >To paraphrase his own words, he's the kind of artist that is more interested on the fat girls than the process of drawing itself (and it shows) I'd say Salt does the opposite. It feels like the fat girls themselves are a lower priority than everything else about his works, so it creates a contrast in quality between them and stuff like his environments. >"T-rex arms" is a pretty fair criticism, especially because he's pretty consistent at that. Narrow chests and shoulders and big heads are also common. I think that's because Mira doesn't age up characters like what Salt does, so of course the arms Mira draws wouldn't be as long, especially if the character is on the short side.
>>201788 Stop posting your kids on exotic genetix dis cord child porn all over that server & ex cons
>>201790 hoenstly if we're judging artists for pedoshit 90% of fat artists would be out the picture even salt has drawn below 18 the age up excuse also wouldnt hold up if anyone actually did anything about it
>>201792 uh no, are you retarded? no reading comprehension? i said in the thread earlier that salt was drawing 15 year olds and i didnt like it. i was saying theres a reason most people don't report stuff like this - most artists do it and they dont wanna lose their favourite artists
>>201795 I feel like you just wanted to stir up some random bullshit because you were bored out of your mind. But whatever, I guess we'll entertain you a little longer
>>201796 no i just like some gneuine discussion but the salt seethoids hate that actin like youre a smug grandmaster of the situation
>>201802 Well, maybe we would actually talk with you like normal people if you didn't act like a spoiled, butthurt kid. Nice try though
>>201802 the edge oh my god, and you call me a kid? jesus
>>201795 >i was saying theres a reason most people don't report stuff like this - most artists do it and they dont wanna lose their favourite artists Actually it's because most people outside of Twitter don't give a shit about the ages of fictional characters.
>>201808 okay kid rapist whatever you say listen they might not be real but its still creepy you wanna fuck children bub
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>>201813 Have you ever had a single independent thought in your life? Have you ever stopped to think about the rationale behind the things you say? Do you not have anything better to do than copy-paste Twitter hivemind opinions onto a bbw image board?
>>201813 Who let a twitter drone in here?
>>201690 "Belt's faces are horrifying?" Belt is drawing the prettiest faces in the community, have you even looked at his work?
>>201817 >twitter bad twitter bad you call me a drone, and you ONLY say "but your opinion is le twitter????" MAYBE, and this is just a maybe, but maybe some of us understand that "sex with children = bad"? how the actual fuck can you call me an NPC and respond like that omg do you hear yourself talk sometimes
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Did he ever do an ass shot with her?
>>201825 considering how often he draws her i think its statistically impossible he hasnt
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>>201823 "making a drawing of fat tits is literally the same as raping children bro" Take your shitty unoriginal takes somewhere else you autistic retard. I've seen them a million times before and they haven't gotten any less ridiculous.
>>201828 your argument boils down to "i find it hot because its a child" and that makes you a pedophile no matter what way you slice it. you enjoy it because its fat tits on a child. that is pedophilia. its just a drawing is not an excuse any sane or rational person would uphold
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>>201825 Yeah this art piece
>>201830 Say for the sake of argument that we put semantics aside and we agree that liking a drawing of a fat 15 year old, despite the fact age the age of the character is never brought up and that she looks like a fat chick in her 20s, makes Anon a pedo. What makes this problematic? Sure, jerking to actual images of minors is problematic. But where is the victim when its a drawing? Hint: There is none. You are complaining about a victimless crime that is not even a crime.
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>>201825 And this page from Lucy's Stuffing remake comic
>>201832 what the fuck are you on about is this lore i missed when i was away or something
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>>201830 >your argument boils down to "i find it hot because its a child" >you enjoy it because its fat tits on a child Man is actually just making shit up now. Sad.
>>201840 Its sad because it got you to reply because we know its you. Hamilton isnt far.
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My Favorite pages of the comic
Where the fuck are the jannies when we need them? We've got two trolls running rampant in this shitty thread and the mods aren't doing anything to deal with them
>>201848 We've got some unhinged retard who's clearly not taking his pills and you're worrying about "the pedos"? You clearly must be a new innocent user or something
>>201849 unhinged retards are the norm around here recently. Don't know if its the constant raiding but half the threads are filled with them right now
>>201830 People don't find these characters hot because there hot people find them hot because there by design meant to have a sex appeal momo is half naked the invisible girl is naked tsuyu has some weird saliva fetish and even is uraraka isent as sexualised as these other characters she's still meant to be hot quit your bitching these aren't real kids and people are meant to find them hot there designed that way
>>201881 Even if/
>>201881 People don't find these people hot because there kids/ Should've spell checked this lol
>>201830 Take your meds schizo, or just do us a favor and walk in traffic.
>>201892 >never want to watch mha So he's doing you a favor? lmao. Anon, be honest with me, why do you think of children when you see art depicting well over 300+ pound women?
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>>201892 It's easy to just assume the MHA characters are being shown at a later time in life and are no longer children
>>201906 >The imaginary number for the imaginary person is above 18. >But they look exactly the same. >Totally not a "Child" anymore, yessiree! Just admit you like them dude, stop being a pussy.
>>201922 I fucked bigger booties so I dont care for it am I gay for that ? Lol
>>201895 because the 300lb character is a 15 year old and the fact you cant seperate that is a bit silly >>201906 this excuse does not hold up to any reasonable person anyway about salt, know what >>201902 actually looks alright. it doesnt look plastic shame he's still posting 'za on twitter
>>201947 It's not like the drawings have the character's age printed on them. It's actually very easy to separate fanart of a character from the official details of their bio, and the fact that you can't manage that says a lot about your mental faculties. Uraraka in canon is 15 years old? Well Uraraka in canon is also like 120 pounds, but seeing her drawn as 5 times that doesn't bother me because I can use my goddamn imagination. And I can do the same thing for her age.
>>201956 fat and age are not the same thing. being fat is something that can change easily and theres no moral qualm with being 120lbs compared to 500lbs (certain weirdos not withstanding) age is not something that can be justifably debated. it doesnt matter if you can "seperate the age in your mind" youre still getting it off to a child lmao
so is it ok if the character is canonically a 1000 year old vampire but looks and acts like a toddler? According to you, the only thing that matters is the arbitrary number attached to the character. I find the designs in MHA appealing and it doesn't matter that they are canonically 15/16, you could easily say they are actually 20 yo and the only thing that would have to change is the school being for training adults and not teens
Even though the artist has salt in his name, what are you all bringing it here. I’m lowkey not trying to see that I’m trying to see the art associated with the artist
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>>201892 >please engage in constructive debate You're on a fat fetish imageboard. No one comes here for a "constructive debate" you fucking autist. >fat and age are not the same thing. being fat is something that can change easily and theres no moral qualm with being 120lbs compared to 500lbs (certain weirdos not withstanding) >age is not something that can be justifably debated. it doesnt matter if you can "seperate the age in your mind" youre still getting it off to a child lmao You know people actually get older, right? They don't stay 15 forever and a reasonable person would probably assume a few years had passed in the time it took for a character to gain 600 pounds.
>>201966 >you all It's literally one person throwing a tantrum while refusing to leave. I guess they like spending all of their free time surrounded by "pedophiles".
>>201959 i never brought up the vice versa case (which i think is wrong also, if something like this actually happened the debate would be messy as shit, no whataboutism) >>201959 still 15/16 though >>201967 i know its not easy if you dont go outside, but there is a visual difference between a 15/16 year old and a 20 year old - the body is still growing at that time. yeah, maybe not much in some cases but still. the only way an age up like this works is if you explicitly go out your way to show how these characters have moved forward in whatever story theyre in, or visibly age them up. if they look identical, then as far as most reasonable, non-pornrotted people are concerned, they are still 15
anyway so im not distracting too much, heres one of my fav pieces salt has done. the uniform is nice on this one
>>201970 Yeah that part tbh
>>201972 It's almost like cartoons/anime are not an accurate representation of real life, obviously there are clear differences between adults and teens irl. Also, I'm a bit confused as to why the 1000 year old vampire is wrong in your opinion, they are clearly a consenting adult, their canonical age implies so.
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>>201972 >the only way an age up like this works is if you explicitly go out your way to show how these characters have moved forward in whatever story theyre in, or visibly age them up. Or you can stop being autistic about a zero-context drawing where the character is clearly very different from canon already and read between the lines.
salt is simply the complete package. they can do all sizes, different shading styles, comics, backgrounds, good anatomy, sense of volume...i feel like most fat artists only have a couple of these qualities at best. mmr and pixi are...fine...but there's no way they're on par with salt.
>>200482 >>200500 It's a fucking problem since you can't see the thread title on the fucking catalog. Learn to fucking use an image board you faggot.
>>201922 >they look exactly the same Lol you’re retarded
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>>202081 Bws Rent-a-Girlfriend piece, huge pog. Need to see Chizuru too tho
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Is the pedofag trying to run psyops again?
>>202127 Yeah, that nigga is still here
>>202164 Lets get it. Show your face. I keep my clip on me alwayssssss
>>202165 Oh, fuck off you stupid american
>>202164 Fucked more women and made more money then all of you. Still hold more in a disclosed account. I can get you hired at boa let me jews dont pay well
>>202167 Oh yeah? Well, I bet you don't have the balls to fuck a jewish woman
>>202168 Oh I have lol
>>202169 You've gotta demonstrate it, send pics and everything or you ain't a real man
>>202127 nah thats not me thats some other weirdo. i ate bad shrimp and im currently dying from food poisoning so i cant argue today. apologies
>>201243 >>202195 We have a Nat sleeping pic We have a Sammy sleeping pic Why don't we have a Chloe sleeping pic? Preferably one where she's snoring loudly and keeping Nat awake.
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I feel like these should get colored tbh, especially Marin (top left)
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>>202399 No I have to wait in case BWS does a nude version of >>201243 This is just so fuckin good! I bet she would feel so heavy and warm.
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>>202356 It was already colored in bro
>>202195 >>202399 they have the same sleeping position
>>202419 Nat seems more like a Cuddlier Sammy seems more like she rolls around in her sleep
>>202538 And Chloe?
>>202538 That makes it very sexy and cute. Just feeling NatMs warm body and her belly on me when we cuddle, or when spooning. I really would love to feel Sam’s weight on me when she rolls in her sleep.
>>202628 >Just feeling Nat's warm body and her belly on me when we cuddle, or when spooning. Question being big spoon or little spoon?
>>202660 As if the average man can even fit his arms around her lol
Wow lucy restuffed comeback
>>202678 What does that mean with the information that bws post Lucy restuffed page 6?
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>>202686 Wonder how he'll make page 7?
>>202660 Nat being the literal big spoon.
>>202707 Wonder when he'll tell Lucyguy enough is enough
>>202710 That will never happen as long as Lucyguy is giving him a fuckton of money, this is how artists manage to live after all
>>202686 I genuinely think we're not gonna see the end to this comic until like 2026
>>202714 You say that like it's not already finished
>>202710 Oh come on, he hasn't posted anything Lucy for a while. Give them a break!
>>202418 God the that super pochaco is so good
>>202721 No. He's drawn Lucy enough for multiple lifetimes.
>>202710 Both him and Salt are friends, so probably never. Also, as far as I remember, the one paying for the comic remake is not even Lucyguy funnily enough
>>202729 I disagree.
