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XipTeiTei Thread XipTeiTei Thread 06/10/2024 (Mon) 08:09:36 Id:411bce No. 205822
XipTeiTei Thread
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>>205826 Ignoring the constant outfit swaps, what is this supposed to be?
>>205827 Guy I'm fortnite with a balaclava but I guess no eye holes or mouth holes
His art went to shit šŸ˜”
>>205834 in fortnite*
>>205826 Ahh, that new thread smell. So cool, how do we feel Aika can counter these slick manoeuvres from Tessa? Since Tessa has her public image to maintain, she can't be seen eating junk so Aika might recognise this and dig into a junk food counteroffensive. Aika stuffing inbound? Would be interesting if Aika notes Saiya somehow keeping pace with her...
>>205826 >Portlynite Not fatnite? GrubG? Overweights? Team Fatness? Anyone else have fat game title puns? Unironically more fun than reading the comic, lol
>>205952 >Aika stuffing inbound? No. A man can dream, though; a man can dream.
>>205990 Bellyfield Call of Booty Risk of Gain HELLFRYERS Full Guys Dark Bowls: Prepare to Fry Edition Dragon's Doughma Halo: The Massive Cheek Collection I'm not particularly proud of any of these but a fun exercise
>>205991 Okay, not stuffing per se though, but at least some feeding action. Aika hamming it up to rub it in Tessa's face while Saiya is only too happy to oblige. > Saiya *tummy audibly growls in hunger* > Aika: "... Huh. So you want me to turn the tables on you as well? That can be arranged~"
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Ok so Aika was Saiya's childhood friend. Glad we FINALLY came back to this plot point. Also can someone please tell me did Kip just change the upload schedule and if so what is it now.
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>>206217 I think is actually Tessa, i hope this means Kip is gonna wrap the story soon
>>206218 As much as Iā€™d love for this to mean weā€™re nearing the end I feel this just means weā€™re gonna get 200 more pages to prolong the plotšŸ’€
>>205990 >>205994 Kip should hire you two, you're funny and you put more effort in than he does
>>206218 I find it more likely we're just going to get a 50-page flashback featuring the two as children with absolutely no belly content whatsoever
>>206217 >Aika was Saiya's childhood friend How tf do you look at that girl in the flashback and see Aika?
>>206217 Why does Aika, the largest friend, not simply eat the other one? Then Saiya can date them both at the same time.
>>206218 >>206232 There's two girls in that panel it's obviously both of them, Kip literally just lifted the "Love Hina" "promise girl" plot but added fat
>>205826 Why are Tessa's sleeves changing panel to panel?
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Someone pointed this out on Kips patreon but when Saiya tells Aika about the childhood friend, her friend looks like Tessa but when Saiya tells Tessa about the friend, she looks like Aika. Either this is intentional or Kip changed who the friend was down the line.
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>>206358 There was a fat kid in Florida who was too fat for a ride, the staff let him ride anyway, and he fell to his death. This is no laughing matter.
>>206358 Hopefully she doesnā€™t fall. After all, Gabriel Iglesias said that while they may have too many safety harnesses, fluffy people never fall.
>>206358 Mika's dress is sooo cute in this and the last few panels.
SHIT!!! I mean Aika.
>>206359 Damn I donā€™t think Kip was trying to imply that man. Itā€™s a comic donā€™t take it so seriousā€¦
>>206364 lol of course I donā€™t think he was trying to imply that. Itā€™s just kind of a weirdly unintentionally dark thing to include in a goofy fetish comic.
>>206364 The ironing
>>206359 I actually witnessed a fat chick getting ejected from a roller coaster. It was conceptually arousing, but she was unfortunately ugly.
>>206358 Aika is too fat to ride and gets kicked off, then Tessa takes her place next to Saiya
>>206425 Was that at blackpool a few weeks ago? Fuck you if it was, my gf's gorgeous.
>>206758 Shame, but it happens.Hopefully see y'all on Wednesday!
>>205822 Can we ban this cunt for deliberately misspelling KipTeiTei, thus making it needlessly more difficult to find the thread?
>>206966 >Making it needlessly more difficult to find the thread Idk how you search threads but you can just scroll through the board in less than 3 minutes in whatever device you're using, see the banner image that is assotiated with Kip, and look at the name of the thread to know in fact this is a Kip Thread, even if it's spelled wrong.
>>206966 kys nigger
>>206966 While I do not support a ban, I do support calling OP a dumb nigger. Not being able to search up a thread is just plain fucking stupid.
New Page
>>207020 So they definitely talked about something on that ride right? Also imagine this moment leads to Aika weight loss arc or smthin lol
All aboard for the Depressed Aika Arc, now departing... >>207021 Might reintroduce Stacy back onto the scene for a surprise Aika x Stacy pairing. It's a long shot but it's there.
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>>206473 >>207020 bro called it lmao
>>207020 Guessing smth happened on ā€œthat bump in the middleā€ or like >>207021 Or maybe nothing actually happened and Saiya is just acting weird for no reason lmao
>>207054 Are you dense? She's obviously saying "oh it wasn't THAT fun" because she doesn't want Aika to be upset that she missed out on the ride.
>>207023 Saiya x Tessa & Aika x Stacy. Make it happen capā€™n
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>>206217 >did Kip just change the upload schedule Yes. TLDR is his office building got bought out and he's looking for a new place. >>206425 "Ejected" as in actually fell out, or did the "walk of shame"? >>207032 Kek
Anyone has the new pic ?
Does anyone have that collage of kip the character's wg progression
>>207147 I pray for the day Kip opens up comms or lets the $50 tier back up
>>207167 Could always pay 100 bucks if u want a comm so bad
>>207170 >>207167 If itā€™s possible, please see whatā€™s the biggest size you can get?
New Page (my favorite trope, fat girl vs ordinary objects)
>>207211 I hate how Kip tries to have their cake and eat it too. Doesnā€™t want to draw fat characters over 300 pounds, yet treats them like theyā€™re ussbbw. Aika is in no way big enough to fill one of those boats herself. Thereā€™s no way in hell she weighs more than 3 girls either, especially with one of them being fat herself. I canā€™t find this hot at all because it doesnā€™t line up in my brain.
>>207211 >F-FOOD?! Finally, Aika's time to shine and to press a counterattack! I hope that this isn't gonna actually be a genuine swerve to a weight loss arc for Aika, suddenly trotting out the "uhh, n-no I'm just not hungry..." bollocks. Girl, you know Saiya's into that shit! Double down on it and press the advantage while Tessa is stymied by maintaining her public image! Go the whole hog!
>>207217 Say it on deviantart then.
>>207164 These are great but I meant from the breakfast with sister trilogy.
>>207211 As much as I like this trope, gotta agree with >>207217 the only realistic one is Aika getting stuck in that gate entrance thing. >>207221 Really hope that Kip doesnā€™t pussy out on it or somehow make it about Tessa.
>>207217 I must admit that it bothers me that Kip is not consistent with the characters' bodies or their weight. >>207211 How much must Aika weigh to break a wooden chair, a metal chair, and a fucking gym bench? Those things support like 150kg or a little more, Aika should now weigh more than 200kg, although I like that Aika has problems with her body and weight, the truth is that Kip doesn't help her feel very genuine...
>>207234 Say this on Kip's post. Make other readers aware of what Kip is doing.
>>207235 >Make other readers aware of what Kip is doing You say it like it's some kind of secret Kip has always struggled with consistency and it's been blatantly obvious for like a decade by now, lol
>>207236 True, but this is not a consistency issue. It's, Kip exaggerating Aika's weight because they don't want to make her bigger/fatter due to preference. All of these weight related issues that Aika has been going through would make more sense if she looked double her current size/weight.
>>207237 >this is not a consistency issue Well, the fact that characters change size between panels certainly doesn't help, lol >Kip exaggerating Aika's weight because they don't want to make her bigger I think you're overthinking it, pal. I reckon it's just kip tryna do comedy "fat girl falls on ass", etc
Yeah it's just a hee hoo funny gag. Don't read too much into it.
Also, on consistency/continuity: This shits hard. In a story where the characters change size (and the readers are expected to fixate on said changes), you essentially have to do full character turnarounds for each weight (ESPECIALLY for subtle changes) to keep things consistent. That's what I did in my comic and it's a shitload of work (worth it tho). Kip obviously doesn't do this (3 pages a week is crazy). This is the kind of thing a cleanup artist could do and IMO, kip should either hire one or drop the page output
>>207225 >Really hope that Kip doesnā€™t pussy out on it or somehow make it about Tessa. >Aika eats a lot of food (some kind of challenge meal) and Saiya loves it >Tessa starts eating to >Impromptu eating contest begins >After the contest, Saiya has to choose just one "winner" to be with >ONE SERVING CHOICE title drop and cliffhanger ending
>>207240 A gag that doesn't work because Aika doesn't look big or heavy enough to make it possible. The only way it would is if someone messed with all the stuff she broke beforehand, like if they unscrewed the metal chair and gym bench.
>>207247 It's obviously exaggerated. The joke is just "Aika is fat lol"
>>207242 The good timeline
>>207147 Anyone else feel the clothes are off in this pic? Her white undershirt should be more visible and the jacket should stretch further down
>>207235 People on deviantart and patreon are all pointing out how weird it is for Aika to weight the ferris wheel down on her side when its 4 other people in there. The responses are either "its hot" or its Aikas wight is confusing and doesn't make any real sense.
>>207288 Kips probably gonna ignore it in the end though so it doesn't mean to much
>>207217 Wrong. He tries to eat his cake and have it too.
>I hope that this isn't gonna actually be a genuine swerve to a weight loss arc for Aika I hope not either. Iā€™m obsessed with her. Sheā€™s sweet, adorable, and has the best body in the world. She better go bigger, otherwise Iā€™m quitting if sheā€™s going to be a stick.
>>207296 Aika is both canny when it comes to people and an idiot. It wouldn't surprise me if this her turn to relinquish the one brain cell all three of them share.
I canā€™t believe weā€™re on almost 500 pages of this bs and still no end in site. Legit been going on for like 4 years now and barely any character development has been made. Just give us FNN 2 ffs
>>207330 Cindy bikini when
>>207211 I like this actually. There are few things better than public embarrassment from being fat. Now only if we had similar things every 5 pages instead of every 100.
>>207332 I miss heršŸ˜­
>>207330 4 years of writing a wg comic that hardly has any wg is honestly insane. It's like kip is allergic to draw women above 220 lbs
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Only a few more pages before we FINALLY get some action
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>>207456 Gremlin Aika
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>>207456 >Only a few more pages before we FINALLY get some action
>>207456 Itā€™s crazy how unrecognizable Aikaā€™s character is from the start of the series. Kip really dumbed her down.
>>207456 Saiya, thinking about your friends like that while dating someone is crazy lmfao >>207465 Yeah her OG personality is why she was immediately my favorite, still is but yeesh
Tessa corset is going to snap during the meal.
>>207458 I know! Then you can switch to complaining about proportions and consistency and Kip's drawing instead of the story! Can't wait!
>>207571 It's all worthy of negative criticism
>>207456 forget aika and tessa, i want the girl in the stripped sweater to gain a pound.
>>207581 Bro that's literally Fiina from No Lunch Break
>>207599 Different hairstyle so it atleast should be a different character, though it's likely she'll remain skinny by the end of this story.
Never mind, i think i took my comment to seriously and assumed you were saying they're the same character. apologies.
>>207603 She's cute for sure, I'd rather be reading a comic about skinny girls at this point.
>>207440 Same šŸ˜ž
New Page
>>207849 Well, phew, it looks like weight loss ain't gonna be on the cards anytime soon. Think Tessa will be unable to back down? Or will her public image force her to concede this point to Aika?
>>207859 I think it'll take a month to find out
>>207849 I think Tessa is gonna drag Saiya into getting the same.
>>207878 I did wonder about that. We've not really addressed Saiya's expanded capacity and appetite to go with it since it got teased. Would be fun if in an impulsive moment Saiya orders the same and, lo and behold to Aika, actually manages to keep up to a degree...
>>207882 Nah think, Tessa just goes, can i get 2 of those, Saiya stuff herself, ignoring Aika display, and making her sad/angry
>>207849 So are we thinking Tessa is gonna order the same thing as to not lose the race? I really don't think Tessa would jeopardize her career in a VERY public place like this and shes infront of ppl from her school.
>>207888 >Tessa just goes, can i get 2 of those Tessa ordering two would be such a power move, lol
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>>207970 This is probably the worst one out of all the Helltaker arts Kip has done
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New page!
>>208127 So I'm excited - is this how we get to see the relationship between these two rivals start to thaw? For Aika, she'll be dutifully impressed to see that her idol (and established crush, lest we forget) can actually belly up to the table and give her a run for her money; for Tessa, she's going to be seeing the object of her initial infatuation at work and in her element. Love the idea that in the future that they still maintain a sense of friendly rivalry with one another, harkening back to the days of vying over Saiya.
>>208127 >>208129 Guessing Tessa loses to Aika (obviously) then has to pay for it. And Aika helps pay for it while saying ā€œGood try.ā€ or smth. Or Aika lets Tessa ā€œwinā€, having Tessaā€™s corset explode and embarrass herself. Or They both win, showing how much of a fatass Tessa has become and impressing Aika.
>>208139 My guess is that Aika will plow into the challenge with full gusto, determined to impress. She almost considers coasting were it not for Tessa putting on a surprisingly decent effort, forcing Aika to take her seriously (as well as get her thinking about Tessa's talents).. ... Meanwhile, Tessa is super competitive and refuses to reliquish any ground... were it not for the attention this little show is garnering. As much as she wants to prove her supremacy, she has to concede to Aika as her corset creaks in protest. In any case, she can't help but be impressed by Aika's talent at putting food away, her gaze drawn to that doughy, expanding midriff... That's my $0.02 anyways
>>208543 The war paint thing is lame as hell
>>208543 I think it's supposed to be "witness me", from Mad Max, but it's been translated into finnish then back into english
>>208543 That has to be the most dirtiest ranch Iā€™ve ever seen being put on
>>208552 He already used the line in No Lunch Takeout so didn't want to repeat it, presumably. A fun page overall. Possibly a stretch, but I wonder if the war paint might also be calling back to the cat imagery when she and Saiya were fooling around a while back?
>>208543 Aika is going to finish all her food and Tessa is going to eat as much as she can but tap out and pay for the food to save her reputation
>>208543 Either Tessaā€™s corset breaks, she pussies out, or nothing happens. Place your bets. Pretty certain Aika will finish unless Kip pulls some bull
>>208606 Corset is gonna break to cause more drama. Either the internet finds out the stuffing meme was real or just the other two girls in the group know about Tessa's secret. If Aika doesn't finish that'll be such a let down.
Corset explosion is inevitable.
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>>208127 >holy shit is this faggot serious?
if the sauce is white in the pot, why is it dark on her face?
>>208654 Faggot
>>208614 I'mma take an outside bet... Tessa, obviously frustrated by not wanting to blow her corset, has to concede and is now despairing at being stuck with the bill for failing. While Aika is quietly elated at having bested Tessa, she can't help but feel a little bad for Tessa's plight, despite being rivals, since she's a softhearted, marshmallowy samaritan. She doesn't want to kick Tessa when she's down, y'know? So with a timely distraction, Aika switches the plates to at least do Tessa a small solid... Besides, she's got plenty more room left to finish Tessa's plate in the timelimit as well! It'll no doubt drive Saiya nuts as well~
>>208677 Kip if your reading do exactly as this guy says PLEASE
>>208677 I love it when a random anon comes out of nowhere, writes absolute fire, then leaves.
>>208677 I genuinely think this is too well written and characterised to be on Kip's radar.
>>208694 Hey guys, I read all of this and I don't give a shit. I'll write the comic however I want, thanksies
>>208736 wow guys look it's totally the real kiptitty and not a bad faith actor
>>208677 Uuga buga version, Two stuffed bellies, Saiya cums, Saiya does and oopsie with Tessa, Aika breaks with her.
>>208736 Aww ok :(
>>208736 Take a few more creative writing classes and I won't say anything else.
>>208736 Learn how to draw hands and/or kill yourself, faggot
>>208741 Impossible, you can't just enter anything you want into the "name" field when you post. It HAS to be him. -Totally the real Mark Rothko, back from the dead
>>208715 Well I don't plan on leaving, thankfully. I've been low-key obsessed with writing theories for this comic and these goobers for a while now. Thank you for the kind words though. I feel we've got a fun week ahead of us!
>>208777 You cooked with that theory anon and I hope your right about having a ā€œfun weekā€.
I never heard such Incredibly well-written scenario on this website. Not only do I wish it happens, but the person who wrote it needs to write all of the plots. The BBW comic authors need hire this individual soon as possible.
>>208847 nigga shut up
