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Civil Discussion AKA totally not insane ranting Civil Discussion bonanza 07/16/2024 (Tue) 01:02:19 Id:7ea9fa No. 210766
Previous thread: https://bbw-chan.link/bbwdraw/res/193234.html A thread to have totally deep and insightful discussions™ To start off with, are there any artists in this field that you would say are "Sleeper hits"? Given that Twitter likes are gone, it'll be a bit harder to find new underrated artists, so sharing some more lesser known artists here can be a great way of finding new artists we otherwise wouldn't have found.
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Blimp-Enjoyer dropped one of the greatest comics then vanished into thin air…
>>210767 he still actively favorites stuff on dA thoughbeit
>>210766 What're we considering "sleeper hits" here? Anyone under 'X' thousand followers? Artists who may have a large following but aren't talked about much?
i want to imitate an art style... what should i do... i mean i think i have the idea to how to do it but now how to improve it...
>>210788 I've been debating doing art that is basically Saxxon's themes but instead of hyper gluttony and unrestricted hedonism it's the complete opposite.
>>210846 That and bitching about a guy I don't like, who doesn't even know I exist is pretty stupid and I think bitching about him is pointless, that and I should touch grass, whatever works.
>>210846 I think i was that gay, i mean well two of the artists that I follow use or are inspired by the art of Saxxon, and well i don't know how to imitate that or do it well at least
>>210788 Assuming you already have the general foundation for art or anatomy what I'd suggest is making a reference collage of the style, maybe put notes on it about what you like with the style and what you want to imitate about it (I reccomend PureRef HEAVILY for this, just set the donation amount to 0 if you don't wanna pay for it.) Then, do some studies where you construct over images in that style, trace over images in that style, etc. and then try to copy your traces and draw-overs by eye. Basically you're building up muscle memory and getting a sense of how and why things are depicted like they are. It's a lot of repeating the two of these steps and getting more refined/granular with it until you have your style at a level of imitation or inspiration that you're happy with.
>>210878 Well my anatomy it isn't so bad but neither good, it's okay and that's all and the main artist what i want to imitate is named Drilldan, and at least their anatomy and exaggerated sizes are based on those of Saxxon, and yeah i only want his anatomy and his lineart , and yeah i mean i almostwell if at least I have already approached a little to his style, and what programs he uses, his stroke, his pen and the way he does it, more or less I have the notion of how to do it but I still lack a lot, I don't know if what I need is more practice or if imitating his strokes on one of his drawings is the right thing to do.
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911 for the breast expansion community. Singlehandedly ruined a generation.
>>211057 For context, that character is a "Boy with boobs". Even worse, a self insert
>>211057 >Draw a girl >Call it a boy These faggots have been around trying to gaslight others for a long time now. Granted the whole "femboy" thing has become more common as of late. I find them an annoying nuisance.
>>211059 Can someone please tell me why we're stuck with all this femboy shit?
>>211064 Because trannies are retarded
>>210767 The girl is really cute, the first part is great and the second part also has plenty good panels but beyond that she's too round. Kinda looks more like inflation at that point.
>>211065 If they were mentally sane they wouldn't choose to be trannies.
>>211058 >>211059 >>211064 >>211065 >>211085 Cope and seethe lmao, ya'll let these people live in your head rent free. Its so easy to just not look at it and move on if you arent into it
>>211086 I like how you don't have an actual counterpoint so you go to that retarded "don't look at it then" response.
>>211086 >Cope and seethe >rent free This doesn't mean much coming from a person who keeps choosing to go out of their way to engage with these threads. >Its so easy to just not look at it and move on Clearly it's not.
>>211057 Why are the people above me arguing about trans people when this is about bustyboys? You guys need to chill. Kinda related, but I've thought bustyboys (and to an extent, futanari) are the lamest fetishes of all fucking time for a while. They're always designed the same way, which is either a boy with massive tits attached to them or a girl with a mild bulge, that's it. It's just wanting to have your cake and eat it too and whenever I see an image of a cute girl and the description mentions the character is a boy I don't even stop finding it attractive I just think it's such a copout because nobody could tell they were a boy unless the artist said they were. And what makes this worse is that whenever those artists draw actual girls, they just draw them like their bustyboys, sometimes with a mild bulge and all.
Oh my fucking God.... not this again....
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>>211094 >or a girl with a mild bulge What a way to tell you know nothing about it, exactly.
>>211105 Not sure why you replied to me but this thread immediately devolving into trans-posting and CP appearing more often than it was a month or so back is a bit frustrating. I thought the new protections would help against those things but I guess not.
>>211086 >cope and seethe I'm just tired of all the femboy/femcel shit, and all the shitty slop memes from it.
>>211126 Same,
>>210846 Basically I want to draw woman growing to absurd sizes but slowly and instead of being gluttonous they got huge from being lovely fed. They also wouldn't be total blobs and their personalities aren't as horrid. It's less fetish art and more art celebrating the positive aspects of feedism to a fantastical degree.
Who would be a new flavor of the month faifus for the fat art?
Smh should have known complaining about Boys with Boobs would somehow get immediately derailed by others into trans complaining. And nah, futanari/chicks with dicks are way better than bustyboys because 99% of the time futanari are literally just ladies but they have a penis that may or may not replace their vagina. Meanwhile 99% of the time bustyboys are just ladies with a penis, but no vagina, and the artist will somehow try and convince you it's a man. I could at least respect the old busty boy art back on deviantart in the late 2010's when busty boys actually looked like men with waterballoons strapped to their chests. The rise of femboys has just made it lazy, and became easier for autists with no self restraint to be overly indulgent about it and do the whole self insert thing. . On a COMPLETLY inrelated note. I heard through the grapevine that SexyBlimp is "literally a pedophile". Is this true? If so, what did he do?
>>211135 Probably one of the ZZZ characters.
>>211183 The thread just started, it'll probably get back on track. For example, anybody willing to share a music taste? I've been listening to a lot of Japanese fusion jazz and metal on my behalf.
If I have to be honest here, every time BWS posts something closely related to Lucy Heatfilia from Fairy Tail, or something else, it's complete chaos, with people saying left and right that it's "Lucyguy" this, or "Lucyguy" that. I just wish people would be happy with everything, but even I know that would probably be impossible. Everyone has their preferences after all.
>>211192 I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck happened starting on Christmas break that killed three BWS threads. Within. A. Fucking. Month. You also had that schizo ranting about delusions of grandeur killing threads, glad he's gone.
>>211183 I can't find the exact tweets/proof but sexyblimp/boomie has been ousted for sexting, roleplaying, and grooming minors (and he knew they were minors) on discord and vrchat. He may have been caught doing something worse, I'm not sure, but considering the amount of stupid nasty shit he's done I wouldn't be surprised.
>>211130 Man im in the same situation as you right now
>>211183 >utanari/chicks with dicks are way better than bustyboys Same shit, you're delusional if you think there's a difference lmao
>>211189 Speaking of which, Nicole Derama deserves more fat art
I don't get why does some artists always have a dramatic and crying converstiations about "someone tell me to stop draw this or that". Or shit like this. Just don't give a fuck that's all. Or answer with a business peach like "ok I hear you".
>>211351 It's attention-whoring for internet points. No, I don't wanna hear "Oh, HuMaNs ArE aTtEnTiOn SeEkInG cReAtUrEs!" because I've been told you don't need to go into full detail about something all the time. Just take your leave and come back when you feel like it.
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>character gets retconned into being a tranny >western art stops being about the character her/himself, and instead revolves entirely around the tranny retcon and the same unfunny, tired old jokes >can't escape this shit even in fat art Bridgetfags, I feel your pain
>>211440 I've come to really hate this shit, and it's less on the gender politics bullshit, and more bisexual/tranny humor slop, especially when it's paired with games such as Revengance, Ultrakill, or some random indie Earthbound clone game about "le trauma"
>>211440 >character gets retconned into being a tranny It was never a retcon. Vivian being implied to be trans was present in the original Japanese release for the Gamecube, but it was cut from the English localization. For the remake, they added that line back in.
>>211481 It was a joke back then.
>>211440 >both examples being from weird pedo creeps, the first one even being a tranny himself the jokes write themselves
>>211481 Vivian was a male crossdresser in Japan, you tranny faggot. Still is in the remake.
>>211500 Then is it a retcon or not?
>>211189 The anime with a bad luck girl who ends up with a stud went irrelevant a few months ago, really shows that you don't need AI to shit out generic cartoons to cater the losers who will never feel the touch of a woman instead they just jerk off whatever hotstuff is trending at reddit and move on. Class of 09 fats fucking when? >>211501 It's simply a fucking visual gag, while Bridget's case is basically sodomy projected. Desperate trannies always wanting to be represented in some way or another, just like Chris Chan being the Jesus Christ of present day.
>>211500 You're wrong but go off
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It's so fun to hate on Bambooale. All his OCs are so indistinguishable and personality-less, and the only one that isn't is the one he now shares with Toro.
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>>211057 Doesn't matter if they're a dude I'm still going to wank off to em
>>211440 >>211489 >>211490 >>211500 >>211505 >>211634 This was never implied, where the fuck did this "Vivian is a male crossdresser" rumor even come from?
>>211643 Don't mistake me for one of the people going off about it but I can explain where it's coming from. There's an ever growing anti-localization stance on the internet due to a history of incompetence or purposely being loose. Some of the infamous examples include characters getting rewritten as trans even if they were originally crossdressers or in drag or it's a gender bend scenario for comedy or whatever. Bridget from Guilty Gear was the straw that broke the camel's back in that corner of localization debates. People originally thought it was localization going at it again instead of reality where Bridget got retconned as trans in Japan despite questionably going against previous media. So regardless of what Vivian's situation is, it was doomed to start these kinds of debates. The overlap of English and Japanese speakers isn't that great so most people don't actually have a way of verifying one way or the other.
>>211630 Rent free lmao
>>211691 Hello, Bamboo!
>>211691 Rent free and proud. My very being thrives on it. Nothing will ever fan the flames of my perfectly distilled hatred for Bambooale. It's just so fun! He's such a dipshit that I can't help myself! It's just so funny all the shit he threw at other artists, only for his own stuff to be just as meaningless. Trust me Bamboo, you have a graduate degree in gender studies, but my qualifications are better. A bachelor in the fines arts of PROFESSIONAL HATING
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Poking the hornet's nest my guy. Sorry, I mean they.
>>211723 Now wait a minute, Sunslept lurks here a lot.
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>>211723 nigger tranny lol
>>211741 I have the most morbid of curiosities to how normal people would react to such a hyper specific meme
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>>211723 Sunslept I thought you wouldn't be this petty :(
>>211723 Don't worry DUDE, your art has always been shit
>>211723 I don't care.
>>211723 Literally what did making that comment even accomplish if anything? Most people who are fans of this person either don't know what bbwchan is or know full well to steer clear of it. Why give the undiagnosed schizophrenics here more ammunition?
>>211723 >shit that was posted back in early may A little slow on the draw, aren't ya?
>>211775 Wait, not even May, it was March
>>211723 >>211735 Yeah it's just unfortunate that people can't take a joke for a joke since I frequent these boards lmao. I figured others who do would get it and people who didn't wouldn't
>>211716 This how I feel about saxxon and debulover at this point.
>>211723 So was this post deleted? I checked his account and I don't really see the tweet
We live in a sick disgusting world and the only cure is fire… (I’m just going through it…)
i'm still confused is vivian a boy or what
>>211970 Vivian is biologically male either way. Ignoring the trans debate, the only things to claim otherwise were the old English (and German) localizations but that has been corrected. My opinions on it are pretty obvious to go any deeper into it is opening the "Are transwomen women?" debate which I think is irrevelant.
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>Anons when they haven't brought up Trans people for 5 minutes.
>>212009 >Tranny anons when they try projecting
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Since people keep bringing ups trans, I will say this. Anyone who uses porn/hentai as inspiration to become trans should of never been allowed to become/be accepted as trans. At that point they're just fetishists & autogynephiles.
>>212160 What ever happened to "I like fat guys/girls because it makes me horny?" I'm about to sound like a boomer here, but, let's say something simple, like a cooked well done meal. It's like, just fucking say the food is good, we don't need the "bussin," "no cap," or "shit is gas" shit.
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So can we agree that this "bodytype" is appallingly ugly? She's built like a trashbag filled with sludge
>>212235 C'mon anon, throw up a spoiler next time.
>>212235 Reminder that Fefero was liking and retweeting fat dudes not that long ago.
>>212235 The worst looking legs they've done.
>>212235 DWN quit art again, but not before starting this horrible 'Cankles fatter than the thighs' trend. . Speaking of weird random things. Rediculouscake/secretgoombaman is the only inflation artist to have not just one, but two soundcloud megalovania AU remixes made for him. Source? Was deleted I think, but trust me bro
>>212235 Honestly not everything that this person made was bad. But I believe they need to make mistakes like create this thing to actually improve and to do the opposite later on
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>>212271 >starting this horrible 'Cankles fatter than the thighs' trend Crapcom should sue.
I shouldn't but it sorta pisses me off that someone has co-opted July 28th as "Yang Day" in the fetish community to seemingly get free art of their waifu every year. Maybe it's just my hatred of RWBY
>>212521 Just be thankful it wasn't "Lucy day"...goddamnit
>>212235 I don't find it appealing but I can't fault him for drawing what he wants when he's clearly into the "less flattering" aspects of WG. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to turn around and be a massive hypocrite and start bitching about artists I follow, who have never associated with male content, starting to dabble in male content.
>>212530 I fap off to WG art so that I can forget about my real life, this ugly ass crap makes my boner disappear
>>212521 It's "Yang Day" because July 28 is her birthday, dude. And there is less than zero reason to 'hate' RWBY, aside from maybe getting rid of Vic Mignogna without even waiting to see if he was guilty of what he was accused of (I never found out how that whole thing ended, so possibly they were justified getting rid of hem, but they should have waited for evidence at least, whether they were right or not). Not liking it, sure, but 'hating' is is just dumb.
>>212535 Yang day is retarded and tr4sh is a brainless moron who can only function if it has his underage blonde waifu involved, hope this helps
>It's "Yang Day" because July 28 is her birthday, dude. so? >And there is less than zero reason to 'hate' RWBY The shitty writing, Bumblebee, Volume 2, Volume 4, Volume 7, Volume 9, Cinder, Blake, Bumblebee, Faunus, Bumblebee , The DC crossovers, Bumblebee
I really wish there was a place with all of StrongMoist's art but without his constant "Boo hoo I'm the fool" attitude. >Please pity and feel sorry for my suffering that I myself caused I can accept someone else can have a different opinion but he virtual signals more than drawing
>>212555 It's objectively mediocre at best as an actual narrative, yes, but it still features four reasonably attractive female characters in a setting that lends itself to fetish scenarios from what I've heard. Personally I don't care for it but I really don't believe it's that outrageous for it to get lots of porn. Stuff like BNHA and most gacha games are in a pretty similar situation where lots of people refuse to engage with the source material and only consume the porn >>212559 Media tab. He still generally pollutes it with memes but they take up far less space than actual posts do so it's relatively easy to tune them out
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>>212525 As shit as Fairy Tail was, it's still better than RWBY, autistic commissioner or not. >>212535 >there is less than zero reason to 'hate' RWBY, Vic was crippling symptom of what made more and more people start hating it. >waiting to see if he was guilty of what he was accused of There was no point in waiting, none of them called the cops. >I never found out how that whole thing ended It boiled down to a bunch of woke pieces of shit wanting to get rid of him because he was religious and didn't toe their degenerate line while being popular and loved among those who really care about Western VAs. Here's the thing about that whole situation, very early on, not only did the underaged person they said he was perving on come forth and said that she asked her mother if it was okay, there were people posting the accusers doing the same thing because that shit is no worse than when Rockstars did it back in the day or when a politician kisses babies; they're all gonna at most kiss their adoring fans on the cheek or forehead. >possibly they were justified getting rid of hem Nah, if they were gonna go after anyone with evidence against them, he'd still be here and some of the other Dragonball VAs would've been shitcanned instead. Hell, Bulma's VA was one of the people who created the Ghost Stories dub while Funimation was pandering hard to the woke. >>212555 >The DC crossovers >s Woahwoahwoah, you're telling me there's more than one?! >Faunus I read that as F Anus and thought Rooster Teeth did a porn parody of the Frieza movie. >>212561 >BNHA You would've done better using Overwatch as an example.
>>212572 >Vic was crippling symptom of what made more and more people start hating it. Honestly, we can say anything about Vic but I absolutely don't hate him. In fact I even a little pity for him, and I'm still pissed by the fact that some people are trying to ruin his career. These retards are the reason why him and other voice actors didn't return for Persona 3 Reloaded
>>212561 His media tab looks like >48% shitty memes and reaction images >32% teasers for his stupid subscribestar >20% actual art
>>212573 Didn't all the accusations start because of the fact that he got more popular than all the other VAs for DBZ? >>212577 I mentioned it like two threads ago, I seriously wish artists would just make an alternate account for their art, even if it is DeviantArt.
>>212585 Shit I didn't read that part, my mistake
On a different topic, What the fuck is up with belt buster, pixiveo, and kipteitei and the autistic need to drag the fuck out of their stories? Like nice art and all but christ guys, you're making a wg comic, why are you shitting out all these dumb plot points. Belt buster feels like the lesser of the 3 evils as his shit for the most part doesn't feel like word salad and constantly repeating plot points and feels like he took his time writing it. Shit like that just makes me appreciate bws, joekie3wl, habutton, and fusa more than I already do. They don't beat around the bush and show us what we want, which is cute girls getting fat as shit, yeah they add a little plot in the mix, but it doesn't prioritize over the main point. I'd like to hear some thoughts about this so I don't feel like a schizo.
>>212605 >What the fuck is up with belt buster, pixiveo, and kipteitei and the autistic need to drag the fuck out of their stories It's not a need, it's the unescapable inability to make a good comic that every artist that starts doing WG, ends up with.
>>212639 I would really prefer a series of shorter, focused, 50 page comics that fed into a larger multiverse than all the long shit we get, especially with Kip.
>>212639 They shit would be way more popular if it was a doji about any existing series. Like a bbw konosuba story. I never get an appeal of this OC stuff.
>>212605 To be fair, Pixiveo has stated he actually had an entire plot outline done for his story, so it's coherent if a little dragging at points. Log Myu has some more to go but it definitely seems to be past the climax of the plot imo. Kip I dunno what the fuck is going on, it's like the same 15 pages on loop. I actively cringe whenever I read a new page because it's Saiya just doing the same thing over and over again.
>>211748 >>212605 I think a lot of BBW artists are extremely anime-brained. They go hard on chibi type cutesy humor and severely lack the effort on writing an engaging story and characters
>>212693 The retard humor is more born from cartoons than anime.
>>212693 Why the fuck did you tag my message? lol
>>212722 Chill. It was an accident >>212701 Maybe, but I find it hard to believe. Look at BWS and Kip’s comics and they absolutely have a ton of anime “lol random” anime humor in it
>>212605 Belt also has been upfront about his comic being story first, so if your not into it, then it's plainly not for you.
>>212722 Why the fuck wouldn't I? The humor you speak of is something gained from the last decade of cartoons. I guess you could say they're the bastard of both sides, with the "quirky" character being a toss up since both sides have that problem. I will admit that Kip and Pix are fucking weebs, though.
>>212731 Got the hotlinks crossed too. >>212723 Yeah, Kips a major weeb of one of the worst kinds but if BWS is Beltbusters comics, I could only stand to read so much before I couldn't see it as anything else but Twilight tier garbage.
>>212723 Kip's humor is miles worse than BWS's tho
Why did the Steph thread and her art in another thread get purged? Is it because she retired? We burning bridges now?
>>212605 Kip and Pix are Patreon grifters, especially the prior. >>212683 That's a mistake a lot of content creators make. OCs created specifically for fetish wank rarely make for interesting stories, especially long term. Pre-existing characters are already liked and ready to go, and even if they go insanely out of character it's easy enough for most to overlook that for most if the art is good enough. Might be just greed in their case due to extra merchandising opportunities, I remember Kip kept trying to grift even more money out of people with "would you buy (cheap shit of the moment)?/ A Physical copy of (NAME) comic?" type polls.
>>212866 >OCs created specifically for fetish wank rarely make for interesting stories I'd argue they're probably easier to work with if you plan to tell any kind of long form story and some artists just want to do their own thing rather than have to work within the constraints of an IP. I seriously doubt anyone would want to do OC stuff solely for merch sales when they'd sell a lot more with characters like Tifa or Samus. >A Physical copy of (NAME) comic Did Kip ever go through with this?
Am I the only one who thinks saxxon is getting burned out ? Also I get Debulover is his pay pig but why does he have to commission like thirty drawings that take saxxon six months to make ?
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I was checking SevenBySeven's gallery and it seems pretty obvious that they traces BWS's sketches, even on commissions worth of 70$ per character
>>213979 I mean...hey, as long as that retard isn't forcing me to sub to a Patreon then anything is okay
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>>213979 It would be a shame if he literally listed the artist's he's tracing as his favorites in his bios. Specifically BWS and Axel.
>>213993 to be honest, thats up to people perception on using others art as poses/size inspiration vs actual tracing like that im pretty sure these two naruto girls were commissions, so i kinda feel bad for that guy
>>213979 >Anonymous The Sakura one is from the last komi drawing from salt
>>213979 That Sakura one is definitely NOT that sketch, nothing about them lines up lol. It seems pretty clear that it's taken from this piece though:
What other sites are people using? Most of the stuff I use has been taken down over the years, and it seems like people are now posting to replacement sites that I don't even know about.
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>>214000 i think they tried mixing both of these, most of his stuff looks like a """"mix"""" of most of salt drawings
not defending him tho
>>212271 >DWN quit art again He's still posting on Discord and Tumblr.
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>>212866 >"would you buy (cheap shit of the moment)?/ A Physical copy of (NAME) comic?" I would. In fact, I'm still waiting to receive my Tessa standee from Dr-Black-Jack.
>>213979 >>213993 Then call them out on it directly instead if bitching about it here.
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>>214010 im sorry i must prove this its so fucking funny
>>213979 This one feels traced too honestly, any chance we can get a source on it
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>>214179 thats right, thats from another old bws sketch
>>214179 I swear to god these ones ALSO feel traced, but from my work (sunsleptOS here). I've been digging through my arrchives and cant find the specific sources, but I know I've done the same kind of arm placement/posing as the Cheelai and did the same hand patting type thing as the second one. Y'all seem to be magical so maybe you can lend a hand there
Hey seven here, just wanted to say that I won't do that again and I feel really ashamed for doing that, also wanted to clarify I did not took any charge on the Naruto girls commission (the other two are not commissions) This doesn't change things but, wanted to specify that
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>>214194 Also I used this drawing as a reference for Cheelai
>>214290 Ok, who the heck reported this to you?
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And this Zelda commission was made up after this one, judge me however you fell like
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>>213979 if this was reported on twitter he'd apologize and keep tracing like nothing happened like ghostvalla did
>>213979 Damn, I thought he was actually getting better. I guess this explains the wild jump in quality from his older pieces.
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>>214308 Same. Always felt weird his art improved so much in so little time. A shame, I like his style.
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>>214290 do these screenshots really mean anything being that the previous commissions you've done for that same guy have been traced pieces as well? (for any doubt, ive NOT deformed the salt pic on this gif in any way more than separing and rotating the belly from the breasts, it just fits the way it is)
>>214188 >>213979 Fuuuck, I really liked their art too. rip.
>>214290 That's really not cool, Ahmed. Why do you think you get to take a shortcut and just trace other artists' hard work?
>>214351 Damn, I'm really sorry. I won't do commissions ever again, I'm notifying all of my commissioners the situation :( Sorry for the trouble, should I delete my socials?
>>214354 how about you just you know stop tracing stuff instead of just deleting every single trace of yourself online seems easier to me tbh
>>214356 Fair enough, should I finish this Nobara? Here's the comparison with the original piece (it's not a commission) I think it's far from the original
How about you just stop copying other people's art? Taking inspiration from them is fine, but doing literally the same pose and angle is kinda shitty
>>214360 Okay, I understand
>>214354 You should probably like, publicly admit to tracing outside of just this thread, otherwise it just looks like you're trying to gain sympathy from us in hopes it'll stop this from spreading
>>214354 No??? >>214356 >>214360 I agree with these two. At the end of the day, the tracing not only cheated and deceived other people, but cheated yourself. You didnt LEARN anything or improve by tracing. You artificially improved the quality of your own work without actually taking the time to actually learn it, and the result is that without tracing the quality of your work will INEVITABLY be lower than when you trace. You don't have to delete your socials, but you should strive to be better and you should want to strive to improve your work independent of tracing.
>>214354 Not to add fuel to the fire, but why did you think it was alright and honest o take peoples money by tracing others works in the first place
You can tell bro is cooked because nigga hit him with the Fortnite Ninja copypasta
>>214367 Im fucking cackling
>>214366 I thought they were different enough, I see my mistake now and won't do it again, I swear (I know I'm gonna get roasted with something like "different enough? You copied it!" so bring it on I already said I won't do it again)
>>214377 Honestly until a statement is made on one of seven's socials I'm not even entirely convinced this guy is him/her
>>214377 Because of >>214290, it's either legitimately Seven, or the person whose name is covered up.
Well looks like we got the mexican version of bws now that we know Seven traces. Better With Salsa.
>>214388 Okay that made me laugh way too hard XD
>>214385 >>214387 I can confirm it's seven, they sent me the same DMs over twitter
>>214390 Alright, then he needs to post what happened on all his socials.
>>214392 Oh I agree, and if he doesn't within a day or two I believe the current plan is for me or one of the other affected parties to.
>>214377 Honestly if you just stop tracing and get back to improving your own art you'll be fine. I liked you originally because you were doing stuff that Axel used to but stopped. You need your own identity and stop being derivative of other artists. Apologizing is one thing but actually being original is one too
>>214354 All of the posts that involve tracing need to be deleted, at the least. No idea how much that is, looks like A LOT. I'm baffled they're still up. You're caught red handed. You're schmoozing in the comments with others basking in the light of your amazing traced art work. Show some decency, put the fire out. You already have an artist in here aware and crawling through your posts to see what you've taken from him. It's utterly reprehensible.
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>>214418 "The art will stay up because the commissioners asked it to stay up" So like even though it's built out of the stolen work of other artists, instead of just telling the customers "Well you can still keep it and post it and etc. but I'm gonna remove it", dude's just gonna keep all the traced works up anyways. Gimme a fucking break.
>>214469 Like someone already said, it's better to stop tracing instead of deleting everysingle trace of it online
>>214470 I think personally in this case you CAN do both. Ultimately owning up to the tracing doesn't make the artwork any less stolen, but at the very least I wish the apology didn't feel so absurdly rushed. I'm glad SOMETHING was said becuase I really didn't wanna have to be the one to post about it first on Twitter but just. What a chain of events this has all been.
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"among the latest 18 posts I've made at least one trace" >theres like ten why
>>214472 this guy is so pathetic haha why is he still trying to save face
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>>214470 Fine, you don't want to fully delete them for archival reasons? Upload an archive of the traced works and toss it on Dropbox, Mega, or Stash, then provide a link with your apology post for those who still want access. Your active uploads on DeviantArt and Twitter are being algorithmically served to people 24/7, bringing new viewers to your page, generating favorites and watches, and boosting your profile in the algorithm. You don't deserve any of the benefits from your theft. Look at how many watchers you have on DeviantArt—12.5k. Compare yourself to other mid-popularity artists: TheBreadGuardian --- 16.3k Waltzpurgis --- 14k educabezon --- 12.9k AshenWolf55 --- 12.5k Big-Hammy --- 9.5k Nepirou --- 6.7k Where do you stand in relation to these artists?Do you think you're as good as AshenWolf? Same watchers count as her. Are you able to draw comic pages like Waltzpurgis and Big-Hammy? Soft fat like Bread Guardian and Educabezon? Nepirou is a talented up-and-comer, pushing hard, yet you have double their reach. Should Nepirou trace BWS a few times to pump up their numbers, then claim they’ll just leave the art up because the commissioners they scammed don’t mind, and continue on like nothing happened? Win-win-win, huh? I've attached the analytics showing what your tracing is doing. Please explain how this is correct and honest. Explain how it's okay to keep the traces up. If this seems alright to you, then everyone below you should immediately start tracing. So, let me know why this is OK by you—I'm really curious.
>>214477 The numbers game isn't about how good you are but mostly about what characters you do.
Wow, for once I don't mind if BBW-chan shits on a certain artist. Even better in case you manage to scare him away from the internet
This shit is crazy in hindsight
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Since the trace drama is just about done. How about we talk on what artists do to deserve their popularity or even place in the community? Whether it’s fan service, great art/style, or active community engagement even just low price comms and patreons. Would like to hear your thoughts on who are the top and possibly those who are horrible and greedy to stay away from. Also I didn’t even realize this pic existed because whenever someone dumps all of the Val art BWS has this stays hidden.
>>214489 I was actually planning pn commissioning him in the future because I thought "his art" was appealing. I'm glad I didn't after all.
>>214493 Pretty curious about this myself. I'm too autistic to just see the trends unless someone helps lead me along. Problem is I'm a practicing artist and want to make a money, hopefully a living off of it. Probably the ones that immediately come to mind are Spellsx: Amazing art, but does furry/non-human shit and pregnancy if you aren't into it. BWS: Good art, but some parts of his style might not stick. Beltbuster Pewbutt Axel Rosered: Just going off the threads they get for this. Can't think of much that truly explains why beyond my passing thoughts.
The response from our community that images like this get gives me lethal amounts of second hand embarrassment. At the same time I can't be too mad at getting a lot of fats of a fav waifu, but the how they're presented is cringe nonetheless
>>214493 Well first off their art has to be their own work, lmao. But aside from basic stuff, I feel the community prefers more semi-realistic proportions in the art. Sure, you've got artists like Lewdsona or SodaTaeko that have a more cartoonish, or chibi style, but the popularity of their individual artworks tend to get beat out by even smaller artists who draw more normal proportions. It's deserved attention, I'd say. It's much easier to pump out simple drawings than ones with complex anatomy, much easier to fuck things up on the latter too. There's a much higher skill cieling to drawing complex forms that encourages improvement.
So how do we feel about Plus-Spider? I think his art is pretty neat
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>>214555 It all went downhill once jerking off to fat woman became a zoomer meme
>>214592 can't blame the younguns for having taste
>>214590 It's as good as your taste in art; absolutely dogshit.
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>>214555 >The response from our community that images like this get gives me lethal amounts of second hand embarrassment Why? No belly, no right to speak.
>>214590 >Hey guys, so for no reason, how do we feel about this sub-5k nobody artist? >I think he's pretty neat, haha! We all know it's you, retard
>>214641 Same, here's hoping that guy makes an actual chubby model.
>>214590 >>214637 >>214653 A lot of the anons here are anime-brained retards and can't stomach art styles that deviate from Eastern styles. I like this style, it just needs some work with shading and proportions. This reminds me a lot of Ray Norr who's criminally underrated imo
>>214660 Shading and angles definitely seem to be his weak spot, it does end up making his stuff look a bit too flat a lot of the time
>>214653 The first post in the thread literally asks about lesser known artists you retard
It's extremely cool when you can tell an artist has found a way past some of their own limits, humps, or habits from their most recent artwork. Everyone's giving BWS a lotta props for his most recent piece that's from his first short-form comic, but RounderSofter did a great/hot Juri piece when he tends to have trouble with viewing angles and body part positioning. Hope RS is one of the lurker artists here because I think the work is paying off. >>214573 >Lewdsona Lewdsona is so weird skill-wise because on his main, Kujikawaii, he'll do work that's pretty good/above average and there's very clear skill progression from his earlier work. Then you'll see his work as Lewdsona and just wonder what the hell happened.
>>214669 I like it when artists are nice enough to talk to us, and don't just jump to conclusions and call us problematic because we don't support Current Thing™ or some other bullshit.
Are Kujikawaii and Lewdsona really the same guy?
>>214676 This is probably never going to change because Political Opinion Holders are always loud about it, which isn't artist specific, it happens here too. Good way to put in any kind of effort to stand out from the loud posters and artist fellaters is to try to post positively with concrete views on artist work.
>>214669 Probably intentional so no one knows that he has a fetish account >>214677 Yes it is. You can tell just from how they draw lines and eyes. Even abit of the mouth.
>>214590 Never got around to checking out his stuff but I've seen him pop up from time to time. Doesn't he do stories too?
>>214356 actually forget about what ive said before, go ahead and delete your account
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Let’s shift the topic to promoting small(er) artists (that don’t trace) that you’ve been enjoying recently. I’ve been staring at SkeleSoda’s stuff a lot recently.
>>214885 What the fuck is this? A fat futa?
>>214894 I think that's supposed to be her... vagina? It's hard to tell
>>214894 >>214906 Seems like they misunderstand how fupas work and thus this somewhat jank rendition of a vagina far away from where it's supposed to be was born
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>>214894 it's her fupa but the crevice is too defined, the lines of her belly resting on top of it makes it look way harder (maybe more solid is the better term), also her left hand is way smaller than it should be. putting those issues aside think they do nice work.
So...guys, how many of you followed a certain artist called Satsurou? He wasn't the best ever, obviously, but he was one of the better ones from the mid 2000s to the early 2010s. What the fuck happened to him? Do we even know what he's doing right now?
>>214940 >What the fuck happened to him? Genuinely, I don't think anyone has any actual idea. Just general assumptions
>>214945 On his last Deviantart post, he mentioned something about being hired for an internship as a graphics designer. But it's been 7 years, so...yeah
Do you guys think that Jeetdoh got some inspiration from this movie. I thought about this while looking at his non-fetish art.
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>>215617 That's the stupidest comparison I've ever seen, is this guy oblivious to the fact that weight gain artwork stems from using real bbws as reference (the exception, not the rule)? not like he would know with those proportions but damn
What would y'all say is the worst trope when it comes to weight gain comics/sequences?
>>215617 also this guy is fucking stupid
>>215634 >I think I may have overdone it a bit
>>215634 >Normal size >Normal size but small belly developed >Fat but still realistically sized >Mountain blob
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Nah bruh, 2D drawn fat women ARE better than real fat women 100000000000% and I'm not even joking. Like, duh obviously it all originates from people drawing based off of real fat women, but it's come to a point where fat art has existed for so long that there are people like myself born in the new millennium that grew up without an attraction to real life fat women, but see drawn fatties and get attracted to that and see it as superior. Does it sound retarded? Yeah. But sometimes that's just how it is for some people. So yeah, real fat women are gross, ugly and lame (And in many cases just horribly unlikable people) and theoretical fat anime girls are superior in every way.
>>215617 >>215633 Really don't understand why so many FAs are surprised that fat people are high maintenance—that the vast majority of them don't have the self discipline or confidence to take care of themselves, and more importantly: that it is possible to be fat and beautiful! It does require a lot of effort, most of which runs contrary to popular conceptions of fatness itself. But that's just part of the struggle.
>>215665 And to be fair, I totally understand why some people would prefer 2D over having the deal with everything associated with 3D, but it's a tired conversation at this point.
>>215634 I can't bring myself to care about stories where the girl gets super huge yet literally faces no consequences for it (sequences don't apply of course, this is more about comics or plain stories). It's just boring to me. I don't mean drama or morbid details, just literally any downside to keep the story grounded and interesting that doesn't get solved immediately after ("oh, they fired me from my job for being too fat? Well, I'm now a plus-size model and earn even more money like this!" Yawn) Also, going from average girl with a sweet tooth to full-blown hog that gets turned on with her fat out of nowhere. The progression is hot, it happening too fast isn't though
>>215617 I bet this guy probably thought he could go "viral" with this shit by generating engagement, instead the post was seen by few people and he probably lost followers instead kek
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>>215617 The whole thing is just bizarre. I've seen a lot of high profile artists that seemingly have never interacted with this dude before suddenly come out of the woodwork to condemn this. Is it a good joke? No, not even remotely, but hardly offensive enough to justify the random hanging from the gallows I've seen. Like seriously what the fuck was StrongMoist and TAD even doing here, don't they have better things to do than to chastise some mediocre no name? Meanwhile Bamboo-Ale has posted WAY worse shit on a much more frequent basis, all of which are ignored by these same people going after this guy while they follow BA's fifth alt account. It's all so perfomative and cliquey that it just rubs me the wrong way. It's fucked how small artists have to walk on eggshells lest they post something doesn't align to the groupthink and be an easy target for it. This community is a fucking tar pit sometimes.
>>215685 >The whole thing is just bizarre. I've seen a lot of high profile artists that seemingly have never interacted with this dude before suddenly come out of the woodwork to condemn this. What's so bizarre about it? This is social media, some people did QRDs which likely reached those artists if they followed them. The community is pretty small dude >Meanwhile Bamboo-Ale has posted WAY worse shit on a much more frequent basis Such as? Do you guys have any other boogeyman that isn't Bamboo especially when he barely even posts these days? >It's fucked how small artists have to walk on eggshells lest they post something doesn't align to the groupthink and be an easy target for it Bro wtf are you even talking about? The artist literally did this knowing people would get mad (his own words), this is your average cheap engagement-bait that a lot of artists try on Twitter. Problem is no one agreed with him, no one is defending there. He literally lost followers after that. He created a problem where there was none I don't even disagree entirely with him but he went full retard
>>215685 You hit the nail on the head. When it comes to that era of artist in general it's an extremely "cliquey" environment, and those guys have only gotten more bizarre with how they treat their fellow artists as time has gone on. Moist especially, given how some of these conflicts he seeks out himself to jump into. . One would assume that there will come a day when the new artists will outnumber the pretentious old guard, but given how a lot of new artists in the scene nowadays end up having all the same ideologies and similar personalities just by the nature of being like minded artists attracted to fat chicks, it'll probably just end up making the clique bigger. The mere concept of that pretentious circlejerk doubling in numbers sends shivers down my spine. . With that said that artist's post is a little cringe with the whole engagement bait nature of it, so I'm not gonna lie and say that the artist is 100% based and not cringe just because the premise is something I agree with. But given that engagement bait is the norm and is actively encouraged across social media, seeing one that goes against the grain in such a circlejerky community as this one is admittedly refreshing. . Like fr, I would not last a week in a discord with some of these guys while trying to play nice and make connections and all that jazz. I think I would just end up in a cringe induced seizure.
>>215692 >This is social media, some people did QRDs which likely reached those artists if they followed them. Anon I checked the post engagements, almost nobody retweeted this. I checked DA, and while people didn't like it there either, it was also nowhere near as vitriolic. These accounts went out of their way to start shit. >Do you guys have any other boogeyman that isn't Bamboo especially when he barely even posts these days? Why wouldn't I bring up the most imfamous example of a community shit stirrer when so many people were, and still are, willing to tolerate his garbage personality solely because he drew good? >this is your average cheap engagement-bait that a lot of artists try on Twitter And like most cheap engagement bait, it isn't even worth interacting with, much less unironically starting a witch hunt over. It just annoys me because the main culprits starting this shit are the same people who are mostly disconnected with the community at large outside of their own bubble. They never try and prop up up and coming artists, they never bother recommending new faces to their own fanbases. But they sure as hell will tear them down any chance they get, if it means they can virtue signal in the process. New artists more or less HAVE to resort to rage bait in order to gain any traction on twitter, and they all know this. They just don't care because their own egos are more important.
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>>215685 >>215695 If the fat artist clique had consistent standards, they'd dogpile Chillday for lusting over a fat 15 year old's thighs after they all had a collective "come to Jesus" moment and decided that underage fatties were "icky squicky no-no" territory. Guess it's a "Rules for thee, but not for me" sort of thing.
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>>215685 >TAD How was it surprising for him to be there, not like he really draws much of anything anymore. All he does anymore, the last time I checked, was post pictures of his toys and spank his monkey to whatever trash comes out of Hollywood. >I would not last a week in a discord with some of these guys while trying to play nice and make connections and all that jazz For me, if by some miracle, a couple hours, tops. >>215696 >They never try and prop up up and coming artists, they never bother recommending new faces to their own fanbases Lets be fair, most on the creation side, do it as a business, so I would see why someone wouldn't want to redirect traffic to a potential competitor. >New artists more or less HAVE to resort to rage bait in order to gain any traction on twitter No they don't; all they really need to do is become decent enough of an artist and post their own pics and occasionally take requests. Once you do it long enough, open up commissions or whatever.
>>215696 Rent free >>215699 There are no consistent standards among the "clique" because the whole clique shit is just schizo crap. SOME big artist are vocal about underage characters but most of them aren't and draw them either way, not sure why even bring up this completely unrelated shit
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>>215702 Whatever you say, Chillday. You're still a hypocritical faggot either way.
>>215699 >they'd dogpile Chillday for lusting over a fat 15 year old's thighs I honestly don't think people have cared about fictional age for a while in the fat community. if anyone has they aren't that vocal about it or people are realizing it's not that big a deal
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>>215706 >Oh? You think sexual attraction to Kanna is weird? Well, heheh...I see that you made a horny post for Lyn... Hypocrite much?
>>215710 So if someone "looks" old enough it's okay to sexualize them? You do know that's an actual groomer talking point, right?
>>215706 >>215710 Eww you fantasize and draw obese teens? That's weird and gross dude
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>>215706 >Hates Kanna He must've been watching the dub because that's legitimately an impossible act with how cute she is, combined with how soothing her JP VA sounds.
>>215700 >Lets be fair, most on the creation side, do it as a business, so I would see why someone wouldn't want to redirect traffic to a potential competitor. That'd be fine if they were honest about that. It's the fact that they aren't while pretending they give a shit about the community that gets me. If all you care about is money cultivating your own echo chamber, fine by me, but don't pull shit like this in the process. Stay in your lane if that's the case.
>>215712 They're fictional, dumbass. But even with that, there are going to be people who find loli porn gross and degenerate the same way one would find drawn guro vile.
>>215685 >I've seen a lot of high profile artists ... come out of the woodwork to condemn this. Something something "Fatphobia/Healthy At Every Size". The same thing happened to Cozynakovich when he sperged out about not liking fat people or thinking it was unhealthy or whatever. Suddenly everyone wanted to comment on it and make a huge deal out of it, but not even a fraction of that energy was directed at him for stealing commission money on several occasions. >Meanwhile Bamboo-Ale has posted WAY worse shit on a much more frequent basis I think he's an ass but those posts were quite a while ago so it doesn't really help the argument to bring it up. >StrongMoist Unfollow and then Mute/Block, you'll thank me later. >It's fucked how small artists have to walk on eggshells That's the internet as a whole, not just small artists. >>215699 I'm not familiar with Chillday but unless he jumped on that bandwagon back in the day I don't see how he's a hypocrite or why he needs to get called out. Actively wanting that "think of the children!" drama to be revived seems very counterproductive.
>>215715 Kanna is definitely one of those characters where you're immediately labeled a pedophile if you even remotely like her.
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>>215709 >I honestly don't think people have cared about fictional age for a while in the fat community. Pic related literally got bullied out making an animation based off the ghost from TAWOG because of it. Also FUCK Lumeracc for being a part of that shit. Absolute bitch ass motherfucker that will be the first to be thrown under the bus the moment he does something slightly off-kilter.
>>215710 Underage is underage, Chillday. By your standards, you're a pedo either way.
>>215795 It was that alt_for_fat_art faggot that started it, he literally sent his followers to witchhunt him then got cold feet and privated his account.
>>215617 I get what he's trying to say but he's doing a piss poor job explaining it. Not all fat bitches are created equal.
>>215804 is the end-goal here to hunt any artist who doesn’t talk like: “🚂🍇 daughterwife cunny 😭😭”? there are like 8 alt threads idk why you lolicons need mainstream approval from English speakers.
>>215877 Who cares about approval? Being annoyed at holier than though moralists assholes isn't the same as demanding them to like it, there's plenty of stuff I don't like but I don't get on my high horse and shit on those people.
>>215878 First Jiren, now Cell? Go fuck yourself and stop trolling
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>>215709 Oh boy here we go
>>215893 Is there going to be another purge?
>>215893 Fuck, I will be devastated if squarewave gets cancelled.
Just ignore it and hope for the best, this is just trying to stir shit for the sake of it. Im so sick of this moral fucking grandstanding for fictional characters. Yes sometimes I question it, but if the artist hasnt done anything wrong them leave them alone.
>>215893 Hilarious how he's starting this shit the moment he updated his profile to look like how a pedophile would draw themselves to appear unassuming. He somehow managed to give himself a pedo stache while being a pink cloud thing, so many red flags at once.
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>>215617 oh, this is what all the wimps vagueposting on the TL are talking about sorry but where's the lie, there's obvious differences between drawn smut and actual fat people it's such a dumb thing to get all righteous about >>215876 exactly this, being ESL didn't do them any favors >>215893 threw them in the mute pile after this loser tweet a few days ago a prime reason why removing likes ended up being a good thing
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>>215893 Calling it: SweetnessAdmirer is going to be outed as a pedo groomer in the coming weeks. Always happens with these fags. Seriously though, Squarewave is one of the nicest people in this community and if moralizers scare him off, I'll be devastated.
>>215893 Why the fuck are these dimwits targeting Japanese artists now?
>>215893 Why is it everytime an English-speaking fatartist gets on Twitter, they sooner or later start moralfagging about fictional characters?
>>215906 Because they get corrupted via Twitter's woke crowd, obviously
>>215907 Corrupted or cowed, to be more exact
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>>215795 >if she is, she's dating a child These retards can't comprehend that Carrie's body is long long and her mentality hasn't grown since then, hell, if anything, it's Darwin who's the cradle robber, with how short Goldfish lives are. For fuck sakes, she's not even humanoid. I wonder how many fattened up newly built robots/androids. >>215893 >Going after Square now I hope he has a bigger spin than what'shisface during the MickeyDs debacle. >>215897 They can't cancel a Jap, they can't even properly cancel anyone here in the West; everyone just bends over the moment the bastards tell them to. >>215903 I like how they always try to make the removal of likes is somehow a win for the side that always used likes to make these retards look like hypocrites. >>215905 They burned through everyone with no balls, so now they gotta go after the only other source of fat artists (Chileans are mostly if not all pre-whipped).
>>215893 What a pussy. Yeah dear Japanese artist stop do what me, a noname mediocre artist, dislike. You both do a fetish art morons. I'm not from the west and I never can get thins huge ego shit. He is a mediocre nobody and other one is a good artist from other country with a different values
>>215893 Would it kill these faggots to just go mask off and call him a pedophile? That's obviously how they feel about the guy, and dancing around it with their passive aggressive zoomerbabble is so cunty and childish.
>>215913 It doesn't even make sense because the girl isn't even fat until she reached the 17-20 mark. The other girls are just fucking normal, at worst being used as a reference point. Are they seriously implying just drawing a little girl AT ALL counts as lolishit? There's grasping at straws, and then there's this sad attempt at moralization.
>>215913 I think someone already attacked him on twitter, well that didn't take long lol
For me the funniest part is that I already had these two guys blocked (can't remember why specifically but it's likely because I found their art ugly and/or they yapped too much) and that Square has been drawing these content for years yet they and some of the people replying are surprised as if the mask dropped or something. Oh and some guy saying "how come only two people are talking about this????" Yeah no one cares dude
I've messaged Squarewave a couple hours ago, my Japanese is pretty shite but I hope he understands
>>215904 Oh absolutely. He’s the one I’d bet money on it. Think he was the first one I ever unfollowed from their art because of artist themselves being unbearable.
>>215904 >Xitter sandnigtard somehow isn’t aware. every tranny like this is such a fucking rape victim but so often it’s the raped who rape. Start the clock back up, and send that zoomer to fagsodom in the meantime. obviously, that means /raid/.
>>215930 Heck yeah, let's call the FBI on those trannies
>>215904 Simpler than that. A lot of these artists drew fat kink of a teenage character or drew fat kink as teens and now feel guilty for it in retrospect. Then you have people convinced seeing some fat shonen female character is going to influence child rape. It's bonkers.
>>215934 I've said it before in these threads and I'll say it again, this is a long-term consequence of MistyStuffer drawing teens in his heyday and in later years just regressing to drawing art of children, toddlers and babies, confessing to creeping over IRL fat kids in playgrounds in his forum and allegedly getting his computer seized by the fucking FBI. Even though he's been chased off many internet spaces, the dude was one of the most important members of the community during his time so his deeds spread around like wildfire through the Discords, Social Media and even these Chan boards. In real time I saw people getting more cautious about minors. All before Jeetdoh's public statement, even before Trump got into presidency. It's easy to solely blame the trannies for this paranoia but no, this legit runs deeper. Mistystuffer fucking ruined everything from the start, the trannies just latched onto it as the older figures started to feel guilty and worry they were turning into MistyStuffer. Notice how barely any of the older members in the community draw minors any more?
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Holy fuck how much of a moron can you be. Something something "Pedophile is when anime girl". That third example this he/it gives is the cherry on top of stupidity. Like, Nico isn't even the one in the pic getting fat, it's Umi, who isn't a loli (Not to mention Nico is actually a legal-loli since she's in her last year of highschool). . This is all the more retarded because this dude is just trying way to hard to sound rightious towards a "The immoral Japanese" even though he has had lots of mutuals and friends that "Drew minors" that he's even drawn for and done art trades with (For instance, he drew Chie Satonaka, who is a minor, for Darkfireballz, who is an artist that is so prevalent in drawing minor characters and refusing to do the aged up thing that he doesn't even post actual art on his DA anymore and just posts stash links) . Maybe he's just jelly that his mediocre, overly self indulgent self insert tf art will never have any semblance of the quality and pure unadulterated whimsy of Squarewave. As someone that's commissioned Squarewave twice, and both times were loli characters, I'm glad to have been contributing to the cause. In my short time casually commissioning art, I have only commissioned one adult, MWAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA . Squarewave doesn't deserve this. He's a better man than you will ever be
>>215938 If it's any consolation, it's not like it's gone full 1984 YET. A good handful of the really big non-japanese artists in the scene still have no problem drawing "minors". BWS, Sweetdreamcoffee, Beltbuster (Who even seems fine with just flat out drawing Blue Archive lolis now I guess?), Hypnagogum, Gnibbles and Miramiraclerun. . There's actually a lot of prominent people in the community that don't care for any of this faux moral righteousness crap that just simply obey to not get banned and cancelled and whatnot. But one of these days I want all of them to have a coordinated attack and all just bring back that "weekly waifu" week for one month and have all the characters be underage and not aged up, like Pre Timeskip Yoko Littner, Pre Timeskip Ochaco Uraraka, Pre Timeskip Inoue Orihime and then Megumin from Konosuba. Something like that would be soul cleansing for all sides.
>>215913 They have to dance around it becasue if they were to go full mask off they could get into actual legal trouble for defamation. >>215939 You know how earlier in the thread anons were talking about how most artists in the circle treat this scene as a business? I wonder if this is a extension of that, where these low rung losers with nothing to offer try to take down established artists in the hopes they can drive them off. They don't actually care about the art, they know they're hypocrites and don't care. They just want less competition for themselves.
>>215914 don't be disingenuous kek, they wouldn't be included if they and their progression weren't part of the appeal. also if you don't think 14 is fat then you're fucked
>>215939 And another thing. If this dude actually considers Squarewaves art to be "Literal Child Porn", why tf would you retweet it and spread it around while including more attached images of what you consider to be "Literal CP". By your own logic, wouldn't that make YOU a distributor of CP then 🤔 .
>>215911 What exactly happened to MickeyD again?
>>215945 they wouldn't be included if they and their progression weren't part of the appeal That's like saying you fap to the skinny woman of a given WG progression. It's total nonsense, you're clearly here for the end result, saying otherwise is delusional. It's just a frame of reference and little more. >also if you don't think 14 is fat then you're fucked At worst it's feasibly chubby, and certainly not the cartoonish, clothes splitting obesity that's actually the appeal here.
>>215940 And Roxas617.
>>215950 yeah man it's total nonsense to think that the little girls contribute to the appeal when one has donuts in her mouth and the other is already a fatass (also he's drawn other little girls both as the emphasis and as the accessory to fat kink) yeah I'M deluded
>>215952 Of all people, you want to go around championing that autist? Nah.
>>215940 >big non-japanese artists >gnibbles he's great but he literally doesn't post anything, it's all gross shit for discord friends
>>215940 it's usually the smaller artists bitching about bigger artists #noticing
Probably just more errant bitching on my part but it really feels like Bedbender's gone too deep into their 'style' choice and everything has an almost sketchy, faded look to it. They were probably an 8/10 artist for me but the more I see it, the more I kinda wonder why I follow them.
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>>215913 >>215939 Going through their history, they want to fuck baby Pokemon, they love sexualizing characters from series directed at children, they love drawing in a cutesie and infantalized manner, they don't mind art of characters below the age of 18 and don't mind retweeting artists who have drawn characters that are canonically below the age of 18 (BWS, Fapin, Softon, etc). But do go on about how morally righteous and superior you are and generalizing about an entire group of people. Sorry for the autism but this shit infuriates me
>>215961 There's no way this guy is real, complaining about the age of characters while having drawn BABY POKEMON is CRAZY.
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>>215938 >I've said it before in these threads and I'll say it again, this is a long-term consequence of MistyStuffer drawing teens in his heyday. > >I've said it before in these threads and I'll say it again Stop saying stupid shit; everyone starting this shit wasn't even around back when his site was at the top of its game or before MS became nothing more than a joke to anyone not old enough to know what instant messengers were. >getting his computer seized by the fucking FBI. When the fuck did that happen; I've heard of him being reported to the FBI on 3 separate occasions but nothing of alphabet soup doing anything. >Pisscord >Unsocial Media The two places with memories of gold fish. >Mistystuffer fucking ruined everything from the start He was nothing more than a lolcow; what triggered the turn would be found by looking outside of fats, hell, I think most if not all artists that make fat art tend to be college students while the brunt of the followers are yes men who want to do anything possible to make the artist happy for fear of making them unhappy or scaring them away. That all combined with Japan putting more and more focus on merchandising and picking up manga/LNs that have weirder stories/characters and more attractively designed females or even going the length to create new characters to bait people for the anime, to bank on sex sells. The wokes hatred for Asians, doesn't help keep them off their high horses with this shit either. >Notice how barely any of the older members in the community draw minors any more Barely any of them still makes art. >>215947 You know those anime commercials that McDonalds had with the family that got a ton of fat art for the mother; a Japanese artist (names on the tip of my tongue) did a fat picture that included the daughter in the weight gain. They made a stink and he took it down and apologized. He's turned around on it though but you can't really respect him as much after he took the kneed. >>215952 Oh yeah, if the other Anon wants someone who at least has a chance to have had an affect on the increased anti loli shit, I'd say Roxas is top of the list. >>215961 >Anne and Grea If only they'd kept Anne, deaged after that fate episode, the meltdowns would've been entertaining.
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>>215962 I don't know why furfags are hellbent on being moral crusaders when they draw shit like little critters and feral animals. I remember a few months back rushrabbit was crying about drawings about but then took a photo of an actual hippo's ass at the zoo for him to masturbate to and posted it on twitter like it was nothing
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>>215963 >you can't really respect him as much after he took the kneed. The culture among Japanese artists is very different so I wouldn't really hold it against him that much. It's why "delete this" had to be explained, because they actually thought they had to delete if someone said it. >>215893 >>215903 I probably won't make another collage like with the other guy, but looking over his stuff he draws a lot of characters from children's IPs, which always strikes me as odd when people want to moralize about protecting kids and no minors and all that. Drawing certain characters from Pokemon like Hex Maniac is pretty dicey because you can make the argument they aren't 18. Also he retweeted Blewdle, who was found out to draw diaper stuff and mental regression/age play art. Blewdle wanted to jump on the moralizing bandwagon too so I don't feel too bad bringing it up. >>215903 Likes were removed so people would stop getting called out for having porn in there, and so people like you wouldn't be exposed for the hypocrites you are. PS - The entire world doesn't work on left-right politics, grow up. PPS - You don't need to agree with everyone 100% to be nice and civil with each other, double grow up.
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>>215965 >took a photo of an actual hippo's ass at the zoo Next time some furfag cries about loli, someone needs to throw the "Drawings of WHAT" question right back in their face.
>>215971 The cope from lolifags is hilarious. Anything to draw false equivalences and the "they're just drawings, they aren't reeeal" My guy, no one's jerking if to the literal concept of the drawing, yeah? You think they're getting off on the fucking line work and brushstrokes? Orrrr is it the intent the image conveys? Think: if you were hypothetically an actual pedophile, how would you defend your actions? How would you couch your language and arguments in order to justify your sick behaviour.... Really think about it. It's probably gonna overlap a fair bit with you lolifags I would bet.
>>215977 Schizo, go outside, touch grass. Then walk into traffic.
>>215979 Bro, we on a website literally made for whacking our shit to fat bitches. We all need to go outside, that being said, some might need to more than others
The fictional character age debate is a stupid fixation and there's no winning honestly. You can't push back on it without setting off red flags. It's usually just people who like a character's appearance or personality rather than anything genuinely harmful. I also hate some of the people I have to vaguely agree with because I don't think it should be a crime to lewd a character like Lyn who came up earlier. It's not anymore weird than being in the state of mind that leads you to cartoon porn in the first place.
>>215977 >Anything to draw false equivalences >"they're just drawings, they aren't reeeal" >Think: if you were hypothetically an actual pedophile >an actual pedophile >actual You say all this and yet even you admit there's a distinction... I don't like loli shit but I also don't like it when people want to label "person/thing I don't like" as "pedophilia" and try to dictate what is and isn't acceptable to draw and who is/isn't acceptable to associate with while also labeling them as one of the worst possible things you can accuse them of being, especially when it's over fictional characters of ambiguous look/design/age. They aren't real, they don't look real, and over half the time you'd believe a character was an adult unless you checked a fucking wiki. I've seen plenty of drawn shit that's disturbed me, made me second guess the intentions of the artist, etc, but I also don't go out of my way to harass them or go "HEY THIS PERSON DRAWS WEIRD SHIT" and try to get others to jump in on it. I just block/mute and move the fuck on. Harassment campaigns are fucking stupid and trying to dictate what is and isn't appropriate "expression" is also fucking stupid and is a path no one should willingly want to go down, especially if you're an artist yourself, and doubly so if you're a fetish artist.
Someone please educate Twitter about throwing rocks in a glass house. Especially when just about any major fat artists has drawn the Pokemon protagonists multiple times when they're all 10.
>>215977 I hope you'll die sooner or later
>>215985 This. I don't like loli shit but there's so many hoops to try to claim a connection to abuse. >>215986 Tbf the 10 year old thing just the anime but the game ages aren't much better. XY protagonists have throwaway dialogue implying 18 though iirc
>>215977 Over half an hour later and I still have no idea what this post is trying to say.
>>215963 How could Roxas have an effect on anti loli sentiment if they draw loli?
If supposedly drawing children characters means you like kids IRL and want to have sex with them, then obviously drawing fat people means you support an unhealthy lifestyle and want people to die a slow painful death at 800 pounds every time you see Samus being the size of a galaxy. :) Bros, we really need to come together and warn artists that their drawings of fat people are influencing poor diet habits of those who see their art before it's too late and we increase the already problematic obesity epidemic in the US. (Btw, there are artists who draw fats but do not prefer fat people IRL, food for thought.)
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>>215993 I think it's just the fact that he's a loud-mouthed, obnoxious, politisperging retard who seems to be in this permanent state of autistic aggression, he was real prone to starting shit with people for no reason on twitter.
>>215995 Bruh, this fucking idiot is giving autistic people a bad reputation
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>>215970 >The culture among Japanese artists is very different I'd understand that if the degeneracy hadn't been long established and aggressive enough that even the Jap goobermint took notice and ended up with people joining to push against the effect it's having on their shit. >>215971 Wouldn't it be better to point out the people who raped animals and posted about it online? >>215977 >Orrrr is it the intent the image conveys Oh shit, EVERYONE is going to prison. If we end up as cellmates, I call top bunk. >>215983 >we on a website literally made for whacking our shit to fat bitches. We all need to go outside Either Anon hates himself or he's practically on this site 24/7. >>215984 >I don't think it should be a crime to lewd a character like Lyn I disagree, fattening all Fire Emblem characters should be a crime. >>215986 They're all mostly raging lefties; people will calm and clearly explain how doing shit like this will come back at them, and they'll still fucking do it and double down when it finally blows up in their faces. >>215988 >XY protagonists have throwaway dialogue implying 18 though iirc No it doesn't; at best it would be 16 but I can't see them moving past 14(Black/White), until they try to make something darker. >>215989 He's telling you to find more fat lolis. >>215993 DUDE, the interactions Roxas has with people, in and outisde of fats over loli, makes MS look normal; he'll outright berate people over it and keep going at it for a long as time before he's lost so fucking hard he blocks them. He's our very own Dobson but with a heavy dose of roid rage.
>>216036 >No it doesn't; at best it would be 16 but I can't see them moving past 14(Black/White), until they try to make something darker. Emma is 16 and refers to you as older than her so it's up in the air.
>>215893 Whenever someone brings up this topic, no one mentions how Better With Salt does full nudes of underage girls on their Patreon.
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>>216114 based salt know to shut up and not cater to twitter retards >You could have shut your mouth, cooked, and made as much money as you needed
>>215685 Yet another random Bamboo-Ale reference lmao. Rent free
>>216114 The way he draws them makes them look pretty adult but that's also why this whole "character age" debate is stupid, especially when you factor in artistic styles, artist's intent/interpretation, etc. Oh there's also the fact that stepping to a big name like BWS would be incredibly stupid. Much easier to pick on smaller artists and ones that don't speak English that well. >>216122 You came here, after roughly 30 posts and 3 days worth of different topics of discussion, just to post "rent free" about someone talking ill of Bamboo. I can't think of a better example of "rent free" than that.
>>216124 It's also stupid because they're not real.
>>216122 Hi Mofu
>>216122 >anon goes into detail on why Bamboo is a jerkass >"LmAo ReNt FrEe" Nah, you're just a dumbass.
>>216122 Stop sucking his cock already
>>216124 >The way he draws them makes them look pretty adult but that's also why this whole "character age" debate is stupid, especially when you factor in artistic styles, artist's intent/interpretation, etc. These look pretty young still. >Oh there's also the fact that stepping to a big name like BWS would be incredibly stupid. Much easier to pick on smaller artists and ones that don't speak English that well. So you're saying that it's fine for a double standard to happen because of how popular BWS is? That's retarded.
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What happen to the Marmalade is Missing thread!? I made it yesterday night and now it’s good… can some explain what’s happened?
>>216180 >so you're saying it's fine for a double standard to happen No, you retard. They're saying that it's easier for the anti crowd to pick on smaller artists because going after the big names might actually get backlash
>>216187 That's still a double standard. Not going after a bigger artist because of the risk of backlash compared to a smaller or non English speaking artist is pathetic, especially when the bigger artist is also the bigger offender of what's getting called out.
>>216191 >That's still a double standard. ... that's what I was pointing out. I didn't think I had to spell out that it's shitty these kinds of people only go after smaller artists or ones that exist behind a language/cultural barrier.
The only way to """""win""""" this retarded character age forever war is to just ignore people who whine about character ages and draw whatever you want. Sure there are occasional spells of westerners finding out some Japanese artist draws kids, but they never go far because those artists have the common sense not to indulge those people. These people only have power if you actually listen to them
>>216200 I remember some people tell me about the character age and shit but I just never answer. And even better if it would be an artist. Why should I care about any opinion from a horny man, I don't want to suck his dick or something. Imagine a fat coomer on the other side who screaming about that you should stop to draw this or that. Why would you stop to draw this or that just because this creature dislikes you.
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>>216180 >These look pretty young still Fat makes things look youthful and the huge knockers make them look like youthful adults or late teenagers, instead of fat oppai lolis. >>216184 Barclay allowed his administration to become corrupt as hell and start deleting threads they personally don't care for. That being said, maybe your thread was too focused on talking about that artist with nobody posting any of his art. >>216193 No one said we didn't have a problem with stupidity either. If only the Greek gods were real and humanity found out that Athena got fatter the smarter humanity got; we'd all be Einsteins.
>>216222 Uknon, I don't think you're in the right thread. /alt/ is the other direction
>>215994 yeah a significant of fat artists do. Every fetish that’s possible in real life is something a chunk of people want. that’s the entire fucking reason that guy got called fatphobic earlier in this thread. fucking embarrassing.
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I really wonder if I’m the only one but holy shit this guy’s art activates my fight or flight response. I think it’s something with the way he draws faces and *especially* the fucking eyes, shits legit terrifying to look at.
>>216234 Nah, he's just the 200th shitty American artist
>>216234 Who’s this?
>>216238 Cutie doodles
>>216234 Agreed, his art is very unsettling. It's like TubbyToon where they have this weird artificial vibe to them, it's hard to put into words but it makes their art hard to look at.
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>>216227 Pic related; losing 4 years of hard work the close finale, while getting no response as to why for over a week, leaves you little recourse but to end your self imposed exile and annoy everyone like you used to. >>216234 Hold the fuck up, someone is actually using Solios as reference material?!
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>>216234 Face had no structure. But hands/arms was fine.
>>210766 What's a character you would argue is popular amongst the fat art community that aren't surface level picks like Peach, 2B, or some FOTM girl
>>216266 I guess Samus? lol
>>216266 Probably Filia? Seems to be the rare kind of character that feels a little more overrepresented in this scene while also not being a generally popular character like a FOTM character or a Nintendo girl
>>216267 Probably should've been more specific. What I'm talking about is characters that have a large association with fat art, like what >>216269 suggested. Some other characters that I think fit that bill are Stocking and Yang (debatable)
>>216269 filia is popular thanks to thursday /v/ threads
>>216184 Unless a thread has the ability to sustain itself it's not worth making one solely for an obscure character/piece of media that hardly anyone knows or talks about, and even less likely, makes content for. Sometimes it's best to look for a general thread and post stuff in there. >>216234 The face looks too masculine and creates this weird uncanny feeling when paired with giant tits. Women characters generally have more defined eyelashes, the eyebrows look more like creases/brow ridges, the pupils are pretty small (larger pupils can make a character looks more cute/gentle/feminine) and the nose shape looks more like a man's. >>216259 Did a great job of fine tuning it and making the facial features look more pleasing and feminine. Aside from that, I think the hair doesn't frame the face in the most flattering way and the shoulders/arms look too broad. >>216266 Man that's a tough one... Hardly anyone gives a crap about Kancolle anymore, but I feel like Tenryuu deserves a special mention. Iowa manages to pop up every once in a while too.
>>216266 The Wii Fit Trainer? Tough question when I usually feel like entry level waifus like Peach, Cynthia or Tifa also get the most fat art
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>>216266 >>216269 Vivian from Paper Mario, since she's got a cute round potbelly. And now I'm sad because /v/ used to have a lot of fat Vivian threads until the TTYD demake turned her into a tranny and killed all the fatposting as a result.
>>216282 Again with this tranny bullshit? She's always been a female, goddamnit
>>216266 Characters from Doki Doki Literature Club, Helltaker and VA-11 Hall-A somehow have gotten drawn by most popular artists and still get art these days with some artist being pretty attached to draw them often, there were projects in the community related to these games too. Always thought it was weird as hell how they got so popular specifically among the community compared to other things but here we are
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>>216266 Ganyu, most certainly. Of all the popular Genshin characters Ganyu gets the most attention in this fat fetish sphere due to the 'she was once chubby enough to choke a monster that tried to eat her' part of her bio.
>>216291 I don't really hate Ganyu herself, but goddamn she has too much fat art. I wish other Genshin Impact characters were famous too
>>216266 Hex Maniac from Pokemon. Is an ordinary NPC in the games who doesn't have a specific name tied to her, yet gets tons of art without being anything special, beating out many major NPCs like Gym Leaders.
>>216293 Yeah, but that's just Hex in general, even in more normie spheres. The question was about characters that are abnormally popular for fat art specifically.
>>216282 >>216285 Jesus, hate Vivian all you want but stop lying about the situation
>>216298 I don't hate her, dumbass. I'm just correcting anon's bullshit message
Guys, it's been 7 years since Gain-Over's death. Do we know how the fuck it happened anyway? All I could find on deviantart were some random comments and rumors
>>216349 I heard it was suicide, but those were just rumours. I still miss him. He was one of the originals and I liked his art.
>>216293 She just wanted to sell milk!
>>216350 Yeah, I miss him too...the worst part is that all of his fucking Patreon stuff isn't available anymore, so we can't even preserve it
>>216356 The worst part is that he's dead, dumbass.
>>216296 Still applies to fat art as well. The vagueness of the question is stupid.
>>216289 DDLC is peak surface level.
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>>216289 Doki Doki Literature Club Big meme game. Helltaker Wasn't that free VA-11 Hall-A Wasn't that "free"? >>216293 Same reason Spaghetti-chan was popular for a time. >>216349 Cowboybefat sucked him dry. >>216352 >Gloomy fuck up >Suddenly finds herself with gigantic tits >Never gets depicted like webm related at least once
>>216296 >>216360 I wouldn't say the question is vague, but it's a bit of an oxymoron. It's basically asking "What's a popular character that's not too popular or current." >>216292 It's a shame, I like Ganyu but seeing her all the time makes her a bit boring. It also sucks when you want to see characters like Lisa, Ningguang, Jean, etc but it's mostly Ganyu, Hu Tao, and Furina.
>>216282 >>216285 >>216299 Vivian was always a biological male either way. I'm sorry you believed in the original English localization but this was always bound to happen to some degree. Be it the new one going "UwU" or getting a more faithful translation
>>216372 Vivian was an actual girl in the version that I played, so as far as I'm concerned she's a girl. >b-but it's localizer fanfi- Don't care. >>216349 My theory was always that he fell victim to cartel violence. Not out of retribution for drawing some dude's waifu fat or anything like that, it's just a consequence of living in Mexico.
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>>216349 >>216350 >>216485 According to a comment left by a supposed childhood friend on his SFW account, Gain-Over's death was from a heart attack, which they claim was pnot related to the depression present in the last year or so of his life. https://www.deviantart.com/somaruiz On an unrelated thought, it's interesting look back at his stuff from his late-Revolver and early Gain-Over heyday, as it's all very much a time capsule of the trends in the characters, art style, and drawing methods. With so many more artists now compared to back then, it makes me wonder if there's a similarly definitive sort of artist now in both influence and popularity? The closest that comes to mind is better-with-salt.
>>216485 >Vivian was an actual girl in the version that I played, so as far as I'm concerned she's a girl. >>b-but it's localizer fanfi- >Don't care. So you're mad at localizers for destroying your fantasy made by localizers? This is exactly what I mean by you were always going to lose with Vivian. People who played it in anything other than English or German told you for 20 years and you never saw it coming.
>>216490 The Italian localization was actually pretty forward thinking since this shit was still a taboo topic back then. It's the americans who said "Nooo we can't let kids know about trans people!1!!11"
>>216493 Personally I don't care for it for still taking liberties. I'm very strict on seeing the original language of any media as the one true canon. It's half the fun for me. The trans debate doesn't interest me either to be frank and honestly I have a very negative view of trans people as a group. Localization is still wrong.
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>>216493 From my understanding about Vivian being a dude, was that he only does it to fit the theme of the group, for which the others bully him for, which wouldn't make him a tranny but far closer to a crossdresser like Bridget was for a load of games before the creator wanted to pander hard to EVO.
>>216490 I'm not even sure what there is to get mad about at this point.
I think I miss pewbutt
>>216524 Why? All Pew did was Overwatch, furry art, and talk like a loon; I can barely remember the before times, when Pew didn't have an addiction.
>>216526 Might be crazy to imagine, but, there WAS a time where the guy didn't prioritise being a furry and having panic attacks about Adventure Time characters being minors. He was genuinely one of the most high quality artists back in his time
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>>216576 A real example of just how cancerous social media is. Was one of my favorites and just like all the rest, was gone, just like that.
what's the lore on Pewbutt?
>>216576 I don't remember a panic attack, just a statement along the lines of "Hey I thought about it and I feel a little weird drawing these characters so I probably won't anymore." Pretty sure he decided against deleting his old stuff too. His response to the whole situation back then seemed pretty measured. Speaking of Pew, is there something weird about how he does faces or is it just me? It felt like he got really good a while back but the faces just never seem appealing to me. Also it's hard to like his stuff when the only Overwatch character I like is Mercy (and sometimes Mei).
While you won't hear me complaining about the furry art, I think Pewbutt also excelled at those office monster girl sequences. He should lean in on those. It worked for ImpossibleSnail and his Office Ghouls. Monster girls: where every freak can finda a waifu.
>>214590 I like his stuff as well. I like how he draws women. Seems to be really to be into interracial paring
>>216518 >Acted like a girl >Used a feminine first-person pronoun ("atai") >Didn't like to be called with male terms >"Vivian was just crossdressing or whatever bro"
>>216493 >>216657 She's a male crossdresser in Japan and a girl in the original, superior US localization. You, however, are a crossdressing boy and will always be one.
>>214590 Until his proportions improve, it gonna be a 5/10. His faces also suck sometimes for women.
>>215893 TL;DR version people need to learn fiction =/= reality and lolicon =\= pedophilia Remember back in the old internet days, people drew fat art of “underaged” fictional characters and no one cared and if someone did they would be clowned on them for it? What happened Since when did this generation become so delusional and equate fictional characters with real people? Sure u have a right to be weirded out by it, but people are so fucking retarded in claiming it is pedophilia or has a link to pedophilia, which is not true, there are no psychologic or academic studies that prove this is the equivalent to CSEM Like back then people didn’t care if something like Dragon Maid had weird scenes surrounding Kanna, it was popular nowadays, you have people saying the mangaka should die, or how they are glad the KyoAni arson attacks happened all because of fiction, we honestly need to make school mandatory for everyone no matter their age so they can learn media literacy and how fiction does not affect reality And on the topic of that, tell me how many artists or lolicons got arrested for having legit CSEM, fucking none, now tell me how many people who go on crusades against lolicon and other taboo fiction went to jail for having CSEM, numerous, a recent example is Kyle Carrozza who got someone fired and blacklisted cuz they drew Invader Zim porn, and they do it cuz they are a CSA survivor and do it to cope, and their life was ruined Fast foward to today, that same man that accused them is arrested for having 16 TERABYTES of CSEM, it is all projection, and it all needs to stop we need to hammer in these speds fiction is not reality and no one cares if u draw lewds of Pokemon trainers cuz at the end of the day it is fictional and not the same as sick fucks trafficking children to preform heinous acts on them for losers in a red room on the deep web.
>>216700 At this point it's just pattern recognition. You can be grossed out by some loli shit, but I've noticed that the loudest screechers on the matter about it, almost always turn out to be huge creeps, and the cycle always repeats. I understand, the age of consent's 18, but when you keep yelling it out over and over again (looking at you, Reddit), you're probably hiding some skeletons in that closet. There's that one image that provides a great but morbid example about this, but I don't have it downloaded, but it shows up from time to time here.
Fucking nazi mods deleted the "girls trying to masturbate" thread.
>>216700 They are being told about what to hate. And then which degeneracy to love. They can't form any opinion by themselves. I give a zero shit when some random western moron are trying to tell me about what I should and shouldn't draw. They are crying about mah culture only when it is about they western standarts.
>>216700 Good post, and this reminds me of something I've been thinking about. Yeah as much as I hate loli/shota shit, equating it to actual CSEM has always been stupid. Especially since a lot of stuff within this fetish and adjacent fetishes, or even porn in general, could be considered just as "morally dubious" if you overthink it/equate it to real life. For an example, think about how popular non-con, dubious consent, and the like are. Do we think that the people who enjoy that are creeps who would take advantage of people irl? No. It's the same thing with loli/shota, it's a fantasy and enjoying it as a fantasy doesn't hurt anyone. If it came down to it, I would defend whatever nasty content I don't like (as long as it's fictional and made by consenting adults) because credit card companies, payment processors, and the like have already shown that they want to stop all pornography from being produced and they plan to stop it slowly and by targetting the "nasty" content first.
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>>216700 >Remember back in the old internet days, people drew fat art of “underaged” fictional characters and no one cared and if someone did they would be clowned on them for it Eh, almost everyone just ignored it; I don't even remember anyone really getting bent out of shape outside of whenever MS was posting. >we honestly need to make school mandatory for everyone no matter their age so they can learn media literacy and how fiction does not affect reality I'd say the shit school system is one of the major contributors to this rash of stupidity and "activism". >16 TERABYTES of CSEM Rogue FBI agent? >>216713 >here's that one image that provides a great but morbid example about this, but I don't have it downloaded, but it shows up from time to time here Here's four of the like.
>>216748 Yeah it was a combination of one and four. Thanks anon.
>>216700 >Remember back in the old internet days, people drew fat art of “underaged” fictional characters and no one cared and if someone did they would be clowned on them for it? I don't think anyone used to think about it back in the day. You'd get "mainstream" dirty jokes about Misty or Sailor Moon without equating it to anything. You'd get jokes about anime fans being creeps too though. I'm not entirely sure if there's a nice point to put the shift but it is fairly recent. >>216713 >>216747 >>216748 I don't think I've seen anyone go into it before but it'd be interesting to see a big deep dive on the subject. Besides this cartoon crap, pedophiles have a long history of hijacking advocacy groups for their own agendas especially under the guise of saving children. They're very opportunist creatures who wear whatever skin they think will save their hide. A saving grace is they're also naturally retarded so they slip up often. I'm pretty sure there's actual studies showing a connection to low IQ. I won't do it because I already feel like I'd end up on a watchlist saying this stuff despite not being a lolicon but it'd be a really fascinating read or watch.
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>>216798 >A saving grace is they're also naturally retarded Think it was said that they tended to be successful, so I'd say that only really pertains to the internet warrior goblin subspecies. >they slip up often Even if they did, it's not like anything will happen to them. >I won't do it because I already feel like I'd end up on a watchlist Too late if you searched for anime.
>>216700 The 16 terabytes thing was an exaggeration Twitter made up for attention. Like, Kyle still had a fuckload, but not THAT much.
>>216798 Lolicons making the “fiction reality” axiom is what’s recent. It’s an osmosis from women who talk about “proships” and “antis” who’ve infested all corners of media. Actual classic points were that “the age of consent in Japan is 14.” Which was phased out for a large number of reasons. Lolicon PR is still recovering from doing itself no favors.
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>dookus' "overfilled garbage bag" style of drawing fat girls has finally spread to his fat Pokemon art It was bound to happen sooner or later, but it's still sad. For a while, they were one thing he could still draw competently.
>>216927 Care to post examples of the garbage bag body type?
>>216700 People are never not going to find people jacking it to loli weird, gross, and creepy. Rightfully so. It is weird as hell to be attracted to children, drawn or otherwise. You're icky. Most people aren't even talking about shit like pokemon characters lol, it's literal toddler/pre-teen like characters that gross them out. It also doesn't matter that there aren't studies showing a link between loli and real life attraction. You're still wanking it to drawings of children, and it's never not going to be much of a stretch to assume people who do that aren't also attracted to irl ones. "It's not real!!!" is just a cope, it's still disgusting and morally reprehensible to be into that shit.
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>>217212 >Most people aren't even talking about shit like pokemon characters Put the pot down, Anon, you're overdosing. Whenever someone talks about loli characters, they think of everyone under 16, unless they're within the miniscule extremist group, which will think of everyone under 18.
>>217212 >People are never not going to find people jacking it to loli weird, gross, and creepy. No one is arguing with this, and the post you're quoting even says it outright: >>216700 >Sure u have a right to be weirded out by it >Most people aren't even talking about shit like pokemon characters lol From what I've seen it's almost always this. >"It's not real!!!" is just a cope, it's still disgusting and morally reprehensible to be into that shit. It may be a cope, but it's also a fact. Regardless of how disgusting or twisted it is, putting it on the same level as actual criminal behavior minimalizes the actual crime and also sets a dangerous precedent in policing thought rather than action. My problem isn't the fact that some people, rightfully so, find certain subjects and topics morally reprehensible. My problem is this current climate of having to make callout posts, trying to rile people up, "canceling" fellow creators, etc over superfluous shit and not things that actually matter. It doesn't make any community better or safer, it just makes them actively worse. It's this stupid culture of having to publicly disavow and distance from certain people and things because if you don't, you automatically condone them. What makes it worse, is that this shit is usually spearheaded by people who have absolutely no room to talk, or are incapable of the slightest bit of introspection in regards to applying the same set of standards that they set for others.
>>217223 Once you go under age 16, anime/manga artists usually start drawing them with bodies that look their age, instead of blatantly sexualized adult bodies like you see in MHA, so checks out lmao. If you're wanking it to drawings of young children or pre-teens, you're nasty.
>>217212 No one here is saying that you have to personally enjoy lolishit at all, they just don't think engaging with fictional porn should be a criminal offense worth shunning people over. Rape, incest, and cuckoldry/NTR are similarly morally reprehensible and taboo, yet those are also some of the most common fetishes/sexual fantasies out there, and you don't see this same variety of retarded pearl-clutching paranoia directed towards them.
>>217234 I think you're online way too much if you think any of those are some of the most common fetishes lmao Also none of those are as bad as pedo-shit. Its totally fair to think people into that are creeps. Incest/rape is creepy too, just not as bad as liking kids. The fact that you have to throw yourself in alongside shit like that to try and feel better speaks volumes.
>>216700 all people have to do, anon, is read ashcroft v fsc scotus shut this down years ago
>>216723 Damn, I was just looking for that thread
>>216723 Thank god, that shitty thread wasn't needed
>>217245 It being legal doesnt stop it from being disgusting and creepy.
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>>217232 >instead of blatantly sexualized adult bodies like you see in MHA Why do you idiots treat puberty like climate activists treat the weather? Like it should be static and the same for everyone except for sharp changes due to the season (that 18th year). If you don't want want a heavy female character anime banking on merch, research your shit and stop constantly selecting the one with a slight bit of lewd to it, so you'll stop looking like your fighting against your own urges.
>>217240 No, they are all pretty common. Even if you want to argue that you can't count online stuff (where do you think people find the porn?), you can pretty much watch any live-action TV drama or novella and run into that content frequently and still be highly rated. >Also none of those are as bad as pedo-shit. Its totally fair to think people into that are creeps. Incest/rape is creepy too, just not as bad as liking kids. And? I don't think your opinion matters, given you are talking shit on an anonymous fat fetish image board. We are the same sort of creepy to any normie about. You don't need to act high and mighty for not having a fetish.
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>>217283 >I don't think your opinion matters, given you are talking shit on an anonymous fat fetish image board One Anon cant discern between reality and fiction, while the other can't see different degrees of severity.
>>217212 >Most people aren't even talking about shit like pokemon characters >>217223 Most of the time I see it come up is things like Pokemon characters or random shonen series or jRPGs. Ironically I'd agree it's suspect if making that kind of art of Nanako or the little girl from 3 but I don't think it's that weird with the romance options in Persona.
>>217212 > "It's not real!!!" is just a cope, it's still disgusting and morally reprehensible to be into that shit. Someone is projecting hard.
>>216524 I miss good artists not going insane. I also miss Pew's bodyshapes they were nice, and he had a good sense of value in his art.
>>217331 Cakeboy something was really good when she did fanart and not a shota and OC bullshit.
>>217300 >Ironically I'd agree it's suspect if making that kind of art of Nanako or the little girl from 3 but I don't think it's that weird with the romance options in Persona. This is my rule of thumb. I generally think any character is okay unless they really look like a child or a toddler. Fire Emblem likes to pull the +1000 year old dragon whose human form is a small child trope and no amount of supposed millenia are going to make me think Nowi is okay.
>>217368 >if they look old enough, it’s okay to sexualize them Literally groomer rhetoric.
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>>217377 >Heh, so you're attracted to Ann, but think porn of Nanako is gross? Hehe, groomer...
>>217368 >>217377 >literally groomer rhetoric So are you saying that its okay to draw those "1000 year old loli" characters then, because theyre adult aged? If no, then is it because they look like children or are child coded? If thats the case, wouldnt that mean that they "dont look old enough to sexualize" to you? (Personally I just age up any and every characer that I even consider placing in nsfw situations, I just think this is a BAD argument on your part)
>>217383 Yes, by your logic, if you are attracted to Teena gers, you’re a pedophile. >>217391 Do you masturbate to real life teenagers?
>>217396 I do not masturbate to teenagers, no. I'm just trying to make sure I understand your point of view.
>>217399 I’m saying you can’t call someone a creep for jacking off to drawings of minors when you Jack of to drawings of minors.
>>217402 Gotcha, I think I misunderstood then. Sorry about that
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If the loli is just a loli because she's in a weakened state and >>217368 >no amount of supposed millenia are going to make me think Nowi is okay Dude, she has to constantly watch as her friends grow old and die, let her eat her feelings away until she can be comforted by her soft cushiony body. >>217300 >I'd agree it's suspect if making that kind of art of Nanako What if Nanako isn't being fattened but is doing the fattening?
>>217405 >What if Nanako isn't being fattened but is doing the fattening? What makes it uncomfortable is she's a fairly realistic depiction of her age. At least with the romanceable girls, they're always "on your level" regardless of canonical age. I suppose somebody could make predatory art of them but I've never seen that nor am I going to look. By suspect, I meant it starts crossing lines I don't feel comfortable with and I'd raise an eyebrow if I heard somebody really into that. I don't actually care if people beat their meat to cartoon characters though nor do I equate it to the real world. I know it's a very subjective way of looking at it and you will find inconsistencies in my personal opinions especially comparing series.
>>217212 Anti-loli virtue signalers have a really weird tendency to be outed as actual pedophiles. Got something to confess, lil' zoom-zoom?
>>217212 And video games are totally responsible for mass shootings, right?
