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BWS Thread Better With Salt 02/03/2025 (Mon) 02:31:30 Id:0c4612 No. 243224
New Thread same fat girls
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(1.03 MB 3120x1927 Feeding the Algorithm.jpg)
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(2.01 MB 2053x3416 Killing You Softly.png)
(1.03 MB 4088x1517 Big Mama's House.jpg)
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(835.46 KB 2365x2714 Blossoming Thorn Princess.jpg)
(758.40 KB 2316x2714 Exposed Killer.jpg)
>>243224 Hooray, BLOBSHIT!!!!
>>243299 Hooray indeed
>>243299 Hooray, an anti-blob retard!
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(2.03 MB 3238x3640 Private+7-24+(Colored).png)
(2.31 MB 4056x3957 12-24+Private+(Colored).png)
Can someone edit the Mina sketches together?
Can someone post the first Tifa sketch uncolored?
>>243299 Based, get fucked
New comic confirmed increased from 9 to 11 pages in the latest newsletter.
>>243459 If it's just being negative and not even posting pics then fuck all the way off, if you're gonna bitch you better post shit I can fap to
Salt she deserves more art !
(1.73 MB 3890x4164 1-25+Private+(Colored).png)
>>243473 She does not deserve anything, she is not her own man.
(1.98 MB 3084x2978 Angelically Soft.jpg)
>>243577 I know right I was surprised too. It’s good 👍
Who is this cutie
>>243569 wish she was fatter
>>243609 Blobfag. >>243579 Blind and rabid fanboyism.
>>243615 That's a compliment from you. You still have yet to EVER post art.
>>243325 went ahead and did ochako too (and may someone less broke than me get salt to draw her more)
>> 243627 Thanks, mina makes such a great fatty
>>243627 Thanks, mina makes such a great fatty
>>243618 Of course he hasn't, he's too busy arguing with the voices in his head about Salt being a puppet for israel or the reptoid armada.
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(719.75 KB 1223x1324 8 sin título_20240531183759.png)
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(243.03 KB 2399x1839 Blob Chiho.jpg)
(8.63 MB 2266x3123 Testing_the_New_Arm.png)
>>243885 You're probably retarded.
>>243615 >Blind and rabid fanboyism. I've missed you bro
>>243227 This still ongoing?
>>243898 it's ogre bro
(2.59 MB 2539x1900 Eatsuki.png)
(4.44 MB 3935x2852 Spicy Buns.jpg)
(889.20 KB 3195x2481 Nino_Itsuki.jpg)
(494.27 KB 1357x3204 A Lesson in Shapes.jpg)
(465.21 KB 1357x3204 The Deep Tissue Treatment.jpg)
(1.02 MB 2750x2481 FATSUKI-2.jpg)
(425.40 KB 1609x1315 Private 1-24 (Colored).png)
(2.48 MB 3895x4088 Eclipse on the Beach.jpg)
(2.73 MB 3895x4088 Looming.jpg)
(469.14 KB 1768x1736 11-24+Private+Sketches+(Colored).png)
>>243627 Everything here besides the first is peak.
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>>243930 you got a higher res?
>>243932 He just finished it on stream, it hasn’t been posted yet
>>243927 The first what? The first Mina? The first Ochaco? And what's wrong with either of them?
>>243911 TF you mean it's ogre? There's nothing on the patreon saying that
>>243930 I know he never does this but I hope the nsfw alt of this is her ass ripping through those pants o3o
>>244072 The voices in his head told him so anon, don't argue with his plurals.
>>244075 Swap Ass Ripping with Ripping Ass and I will agree
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(2.15 MB 2699x2970 IMG_20250208_175106.jpg)
Damn the red one must be like 5XL
>>244100 You'd have to shell out a small fortune to get Salt to draw any girl brappin' anon.
>>244237 This is getting to be cartoony for the levels of bullshit that's going on. No way in hell that shapewear should've got on her.
>>244248 You're already fapping to cartoons
>>244248 Yeah, how dare Salt take advantage of the fact that this is art and not real and do things that are more exaggerated?!
>>244237 Once again this comic continues to be peak. Can't wait to see her bust out of it
>>244237 unimmersive, fat is supposed to have volume, mass, heft. The fetish comes from the idea of abundance, excess, meaning. This feels a bit too disconnected to be hot. Even the Ayano artist didnt got this cartoonish.
(7.17 KB 305x309 cd6.webp)
>>244237 Genius level paneling. I can't wait for this girdle to explode
>>244237 her entire body shrunk after she put it on. her legs and boobs got smaller too
>>244282 Get your fucking eyes checked. Any change to her figure (besides her belly obviously) is negligible.
You guys worry too much, it's more than obvious that Salt is going to make use of her shapewear barely fitting her. We're going to have some bursting incident for sure, perhaps combined with her becoming embarrassed, due to it happening in public.
>>243299 >>244254 That's exactly what I want though
>>244288 you get your eyes checked bozo. her boobs and thighs are twice as wide as her head in the first panel and half that size in the last. and no, it's not a perspective thing
(6.69 MB 2352x2898 The Elixir of Gluttony.png)
>>244394 Stop butchering my beautiful language you Godless shitskin.
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! The Violet sketch request for Joekie3wl has been accepted and I’m on the list.
>>244237 Look forward to the end of the comic where she inevitably bursts out of her corset as though it were an instant WG.
>>244520 Hold on does joekie own violet lol?
>>244545 Nah, I just asked for a sketch of her for this month. He does a monthly sketch request thing for a limited amount of people every month.
(542.92 KB 2800x1800 IMG_4368.png)
Got one from him of Shannon and Courtney. He pretty chill about others ocs which is nice.
>>244520 Thats cool, looking forward to seeing it
Guys, which one of salts Oc do you think is capable of winning in each certain race? Swimming, running, or biking?
>>244573 Hailey and its not even close. The only other OC who I could see winning any kind of sport/physical activity is Sammy with tennis but that's it.
>>244573 Oh actually the ginger from tipping the scales could win something maybe but Hailey is still going to be faster and have more stamina.
(2.82 MB 2216x2684 Sweet Nectar.png)
>>244573 Alright let me rephrase that. Which one of Salt’s Fat Oc do you think is capable of winning in each category?
>>244662 Halie because she's the only one without a 3 digit BMI. Chloe - collapse from exhaustion after she puts on whatever sports attire is needed Sam - too out of shape to be an athlete anymore Nat - too stuffed to even think let alone exert herself Fat dykes - self explanatory blob whore - is immobile
>>244607 I should like this one more but the eyes are kinda weirdin me out
(241.17 KB 752x1150 Tifa.jpg)
>>244662 I imagine Selene would win at swimming, considering she's the beach girl. She probably spends a lot of time in the water. Biking, I'm not sure any of these fat fucks can even ride a bike Running, Brooke has got it. She's the only one who has worked out enough to have any stamina
(2.45 MB 3284x4088 Assassin’s Ass.jpg)
>>244767 Kinda wish this wasn’t spoiled by that dumbass who posted it early here. (I was that dumbass) and she’s got a fatass
(1.23 MB 1280x990 IMG_4075.png)
Recently found out that he deleted this photo so I thought I might repost it.
I want someone to commission Salt to draw Chloe bitching at a uber drive for breaking his car suspension with her blob ass.
>>245001 How do you think each OC would react to this situation? (assuming there big enough to even break it.)
Manifesting Salt drawing another hardcore scene of Val for Valentine's Day
Someone have this?
(6.88 MB 5151x2524 Two+Sides+of+the+Same+Scale.png)
>>243224 Do you think that those two will get reference sheets or more content in 2025?
>>245100 I mean in High resolution
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Discovered a massive archive for bbwchan that includes all the previous BWS threads, so I’ve been looking for these old animation edits. Unfortunately, they’re all 404’s so I have no clue how to bring them back in their full glory. Help?
(1.51 MB 2376x1896 MisakiCowAnimation.webm)
(1.82 MB 2396x1734 NikuGrowAnimationC.webm)
>>245181 These are the only two I've got, could've sworn I had the Mai one
(1.10 MB 760x720 YouCut_20250214_105323904.webm)
>>245181 I've got this one
>>245217 Dafuq?
>>245215 Do you have the burst edit too? I remember it was an edit of this edit. Her stomach suddenly gets red all over, she coughs blood, and then her stomach bursts.
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(1.84 MB 6387x2027 11.png)
(2.15 MB 7360x2454 12.png)
(2.04 MB 3476x3460 Goin’+Up!+(Flats).png)
>>245219 Man was mindbroken by blobs.
>>245240 I don't have that edit because THAT DOESN'T EXIST!
Is page 6 of dress to compress out yet?
>>245119 that saber, oh my gaw
I thought we would get a new Val piece or something since it's her name a birthday today
>>245275 He doesn't always do a piece for an OC's birthday. He's skipped some before.
>>244237 How the fuck did the rest of her body slim down? This is some looney tunes shit.
>>245275 Some of y'all are slow as fuck
>>245284 After years of constant therapy, Salt overcame his fear of blobs...
>>245284 hgoly shit
(3.01 MB 1735x1416 Wait What_!.png)
(2.81 MB 1735x1416 Not That Surprising.png)
Fuck some of these mods man. Anyways, I want to see them have a fat wedding
>>245284 No full body show? J-joe wari da...
>>245278 that's what i'm saying
>>245284 This one is peak but tbh it'd be like 200% better if you could see more of her, 300% if it was full body
>>245287 Fuck you if you don't like a girl with meat to tighten
>>245293 Agreed. Idk wtf he was thinking limiting us to like a quarter of her body
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
>>245308 It leaves stuff to the imagination. It's a common compositional tool, and Salt is very far from the first person to use it for fat art. >>245309 >Fucking finally! Salt has literally done it before you fucking retard, open your eyes
>>245293 Classic Salt move, can never be to be optimal with great ideas. This is why he sucks.
(45.21 KB 789x800 Lap Wine.jpg)
(6.57 MB 2984x2668 Pushin’+the+Cushion.png)
>>245312 >It leaves stuff to the imagination. Fuck that, seeing all of a woman her size is always better. Salt's a pansy for not delivering.
>>245314 Hope you all had a great day!
>>245316 Salt is probably saving the best for the explicit edit
>>245316 even if i spent it single, i know that i'll truly find my partner one day and still had a good day random anon, thanks for asking 👍
from the fattest to the thinnest 1.- val 2.- Selene 3.- brooke (from tipping the scales/ the role reversal comic) 4.- Courtney 5.- choel 6.- Sharon 7.- nat 8.- Nicole 9.- maddy 10.- take me out girl( i don't remember her name) 11.- halie
(7.67 MB 2673x2284 Sammy Graded Meat.png)
>>245363 you forgot Sammy.
>>245363 Courtney is bigger than Brooke.
And you also forgot the new girl from compress to impress named Brie
>>245365 U right, umm she should be below nat, not for much i think
>>245368 You sure?, i don't know, maybe You are right the two of them fight for the 3er place
>>245370 She is not in her biggest weight yet, so that is why i she is not in the list
>>245423 >Lower panel makes her belly look much smaller then in upper panel, bottom right panel looks like garbage. Weight loss is imminent. Underwhelming comic is becoming a trash comic.
>>245424 She's sucking in her gut, you fucking moron.
>>245424 you must be retarded. the whole shtick of this comic is her sucking in her gut to appear smaller in public.
>>245423 This comic is getting kind of boring because its just a collection of moments without a real narrative and story. It's not bad, it's just dragging on and once every page is out I think it'll be more enjoyable, but it's not that fun to follow along with.
>>245423 pancake ass + stupid looking panel in the bottom right shit page
>>245423 >>Deformation fetish imminent What in the "comicalweapon" is that shit!
>>245425 >>245426 You guys are the retarded ones. People aren't supposed to suck in their stomach when using an exercise ball, it's bad for the core and causes unnecessary strain. Plus her stomach isn't shaped in a way in the lower panel that would make her look like she's sucking in.
>>245432 It's a fucking fetish cartoon
>>245423 >>Beach Stuff >>Fuck up timeline >>Salt slowly transitions into a inflation/transformation artist Perhaps hes doing it on purpose, fucking up with the community before doing a 180° into another public
>>245433 Inconceivable. Using the visual medium of a comic to have multiple bodytypes in a story, and build up sexual tension using cartoon logic. What is this guy some kinda porn artist on the internet???
(328.37 KB 1280x1280 Untitled4_20250216040816.png)
Salt has started drawing nat's hair darker recently and I don't like it.
Her colour pallete in general is also more dull and monotone lately and I also don't like that Also her figure is worse
>>245434 Wtf are you talking about? This isn't the schizo thread
>>245423 Getting real now, this shit feels reminiscent to air-inflation art, character deflates and goes back to normal, the connection to fat fetish just doesn't feel there...
>>245464 She's *sucking in her gut* what about that feels like inflation?
Also Nat is only 2 inches taller than Halie and in this image she's roughly 3 inches taller
>>245465 The unnatural and instantaneous change in size, i know is fiction, but it just looks goofy.
I also just fucking hate this piece it's so shit
Honestly Nat used to be my favourite oc so I'm so fucking mad right now
>>245466 >>245468 Her hair also looks so thin in one and looks like putty in the other
>>245465 Look, i just find hot the right amount of realism in Salts art, this is lacking a small crucial bit. Without fat that makes sense, it just feels bizarre and unappealing. It kills any arousal it can give, It detracts importance from the weight the character is gaining if it can make it magically dissappear like this.
>>245466 >>245468 >>245460 Wait, you mean people actually like Hailey and Nat? I’m a fair weather Salt fan but from the outside looking in these two characters always looked to be the absolute bottom of the barrel in regards to his OCs.
>>245479 I mean Halie is just “UwU anime shy lesbian” #9285 there’s nothing new salts doing with it
>>245423 Yo guys I know that this new page is not all that but I bet that the next page is going to be fire
(15.73 KB 196x190 u.jpg)
>>245423 the ultra flat ass plus whatever this is supposed to be are honestly a huge turnoff. I hope something decent happens in the coming pages bc this is kinda a big letdown so far. also, i feel like this page should have come before the one where she gets the corset.
Hot diggidy damn, still as autistic as the KipTeiTei thread
(2.19 MB 2643x2828 Let+Them+Out.png)
(3.55 MB 4144x4982 8_24+Sketches.png)
This comic is alright but I a good replacement would be take me out girl she's got potential for another comic and we'll be getting a name drop and reference sheet and her boyfriend is into biggirls !>>245423
(8.83 MB 2564x3371 Mountain+Rescue+Disaster.png)
(6.89 MB 2748x2591 Wide+Awake.png)
>>245491 This is salt putting a little humor into the comic or one of his assistants Ideas that's all
>>245491 Fr tho
>>245428 Yeah I haven’t been able to jerk it to a single page so far
>>245491 >>245506 Salt thread whiners not acting like autistic, humorless retards challenge: impossible
Every now and then, I read the comments because I'm bored. I cannot believe you idiots keep track of their names, let alone their relative heights. What the fuck is wrong with you.
(1.38 MB 3262x3156 Reference+Sheet_+Nat.png)
>>245553 Nothing too crazy about remembering the names (specially if you've been following him for years) since there are plenty of comics and even ref sheets of them. Remembering the heights is an special kind of autism though since I don't think even Salt keeps track of it beyond "x is taller than y, y and x are around the same height" and shit
>>245460 >>245468 >>245557 Not a Salt fan, but this character looks fine to me.
>>245557 Man I forgot how bottom heavy she is, she'd look good in goth clothes cause her skin is all pale
(8.17 MB 3048x3278 Thirsting for More.png)
anybody got the image of sheik being fed through a tube
(411.35 KB 340x393 20250219_000445.gif)
>>245814 here you go
No fat girl art tonight guys.
>>245839 oh yeah???
>>245814 does such an image actually exist? I've never sern that
made a spelling error time to kill myself
>>245814 Seems it's no longer in BWS' Deviantart This is the best I could find unfortunately
Someone please post the new art
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>>245861 There's a guy in it so I'm spoilering it for now
>>245865 Lord it might be gay, but that is one sexy tank of a guy
>>245866 I mean, just look at how heavy he is, that's not too thick, but just enough imo
>>245866 >>245948 It's just a tank?
(2.27 MB 3213x2559 Breaking the Silence.jpg)
>>245865 God, look at that long shaft on that thing...L-lewd!
>>245955 It's a joke...
(1.26 MB 4093x2893 GkCYMovXMAAGpRM.jpeg)
He's pretty good at drawing.
>>245865 ...must resist ...talking about ...tanks
>>245969 >>245990 Somehow this predicted the actual drawing
>>245990 Too skinny. She should've filled that corridor with her bulk with bullets bouncing off of her. Wellrod guy failed us. It's a nice piece but still.
>>246026 It's for a Girls Frontline art contest on Pixiv. Welrod guy didn't commission this.
>>246032 Is Salt trying to go legit? He already tried do this not too long ago but failed, I wonder what changed his mind.
>>246042 >He already tried do this not too long ago Source?
>>246032 I don't see how this changes the core of what I said.
>>246042 I mean, he's probably legit outside of the fetish community. I don't think he's gonna retire and go entirely sfw if that's what you mean.
>>246046 He can join FoxFire/Toroboro in whatever cubicle he managed to claw for himself being hunched over 16 hours a day and being paid in peanuts if he wants to go sfw.
>>246042 He earns more than I do doing less work. He'd be a fucking retard to go legit.
>>246044 He's not gonna enter fetish art into a regular art contest is he
>>246042 >He already tried do this not too long ago but failed Things that never happened. He's simply a legitimately good artist instead of just a fat fetish artist like most in the community. You need to know the basics well (anatomy, perspective, backgrounds, composition, etc) instead of hyperfocusing on fat rolls. >>246047 Not sure what do you mean considering FoxFire never went "legit" or SFW, when he came back as Toroboro he simply focused on fat asses instead of just fat. He doesn't even have a Patreon or accepts comms anymore so it's not like the guy wants to make much money out of this shit
>>246042 He makes 8 grand a month drawing fatties and poorfag comic artist barely make enough to pay rent, why the hell would he draw normalfag shit you retard?
>>246056 it would be funny tho
>>246068 Because those poorfag artists will look down on him and not consider him a "proper" artist. Don't ask me why it's like this, I've seen fetish artist who make bank forsake it all for a 9 to 17 at a studio.
Salt draws one (1) sfw pic and the retards crawl out of the woodworks
it's really good art makes me want to see him do more sfw art
>>246084 It’s because they haven’t gotten their daily doses of porn art that day, they get hungry for that and when they don’t get it like their entitled self think they deserve it, they get grumpy like the little fucking losers they are.
>>246088 >anti-blobfag at it again You'd think the wind would've blown you away by now.
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>>246068 it's not always about money, i can see why an artist might not find it entirely fulfilling to draw porn for a living for the rest of their lives.
>>246090 I’m sorry, it’s just I get a bit heated when people complain about good art.
>>245865 Germany suffers
(3.31 MB 4088x3244 Tricked for Treats.jpg)
(2.42 MB 3750x3826 Bewitching Eye Candy.jpg)
>>246076 And that right there is why the starving artist stereotype has persisted for centuries. Sex always sells, but the holier than thou prudes still haven't figured it out >>246093 It's always about the money you retard
>>246072 Well, can't argue with that
>>246032 Oh my god I hope he wins lmao, I hope they say Better with Salt won and unsuspecting people go to check out his art
(2.84 KB 320x180 kingpin.jpg)
>>246121 It's not always about the money, Spider-Man... It's about the fat bitches
>>246121 It's art, dumbass, if it was all about the money then we'd only ever see shit like the banana on the wall
>>246153 Nothing extreme or out of the ordinary will happen. The "Ramen with Extra Pork" guy who's close to the assistant circlejerk has been making the (soulless) 4chan birthday art ever since Hiroyuki took over 4chan when moot retired/left, and no major outbursts have happened.
>>246203 Slop like that only appeals to leftoid schizos and Salt wouldn't be able to keep the mask on long enough. Shit like that banana is like how retards like you only see the top 1% of OF whores and don't realize that 99% of the rest of them are flashing their snatch live to no viewers. Unlike you and that other faggot Salt isn't a dipshit and knows he's got a good thing going.
Salt posts a thin bitch and you all lose your fucking minds lmao
>>246214 Aren't you supposed to be contained in the schizo board. Jannies, banish the schizo.
