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KipTeiTei Thread Part 3 Anonymous 11/25/2020 (Wed) 20:21:56 Id:9ccaa4 No. 24617
Time for a third thread, everybody!
This time, let's not ruin it with worthless discussion
>>24629 so it'll just be pics then? if thats the case what is the point of the thread? https://www.bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/24617.html heres a link to part 2 for in case it gets lost.
To whoever said f r i d g e r a i d I think she just took her shirt off to try and dry it with the hairdryer At this point I refuse to believe that Kip would actually give us a stuffing scene
>>24632 its too early in the story anyway. if she were raiding the fridge right now that means that all along she was just waiting for everyone to turn around so that she could stuff her face. that goes against what we already know of her as a character.
>>24633 >too early in the story Didn’t Kip say that it would only be the length of the last spinoff? Like 35/40 pages?
>>24633 Kip does ostensibly care about that shit, true, our time has been wasted on so much of it so far, but it's too good a setup to leave, even for kip, surely >cut to next page where she calls a taxi and leaves
For the love of God don't fuck this up Kip
>>24632 I'm all for seeing her getting on the stuffing but she showed she's embarrassed by her weight. If she starts binging with the two other idiots around without a good explaination, it's going to make no sense.
>>24629 fr people complain about Kip too much in these threads
>>24714 Thats literally where the 2/3rds of the fun from these threads come from. Also Kip should be glad there's people who care enough to even criticize his shit, instead being among the hundreds of talented yet overlooked FA artists
>>24710 thats what I was just about to say. we already know the plot is a waste of time but I can't see kip throwing these past twenty one pages out the window to show her stuffed that fast.
Anyone have that old Christmas comic?
>>24724 Funny how a single sequence got more belly developing in 3 scenes than a whole "short comic" in more than 20 pages
>>24724 I was really hoping for some sort of thanksgiving comic. kip ought to have an eating competition between his main characters.
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>>24809 This turned out surprisingly nice
>>24809 >>24845 was that a custom?
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>>24724 tfw kip's gag comic has more fetish material than the main one
Damn, that's a very nice Mary Jane Kip cooked up
His art is very good, but they are insufferable slow and boring, and when action starts, fairly tame. I wish he'd get a move on! And like someone else said, I definitely prefer yuri stuff!
I... I feel like we’ve been had
>>25004 Kipped again
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>>25004 oh Kip....
>>25004 give it a chance boys. This could lead to a movie marathon and eating tonnes of junk food?
>>25004 Man get this weak shit outta here
atleast I can kind of see us getting somewhere from this, now that the brat is asleep and the MC is alone with her
>>25015 >This could lead to a movie marathon yes >and eating tonnes of junk food? doubtful
why so much criticism of kip?
>>25025 It's kips own fault. once you start to treat your own audience the way kip has it just creates an ever growing rift between you and the people who pay and enjoy your content. Look at how many stories from past kip patreons are on here, some may be larpers but the overwhelming consensus seems to be that kip clearly hates their audience. ever notice how the complainers that complain about us complaining on here avoid talking about how kip has treated us like the plague because it's an undefendable position. and this rift of mutual hatred has only frown and will continue to do so the more kip refuses not to listen to criticism not because it isn't right, but because kip just doesn't like the people it's coming from. that being the disgruntled part of people who fallow him who are unsatisfied with his current quality of work and expect a lot more from kip.
>>25004 You think they're gonna make out?
>>25004 How many pages are we in now? 24?
>>25031 Oh, I did not know anything about that ... thanks for clarifying, I guess everything fits me now.
>>25004 Make SoL on your on time Kip
>>25004 This almost feels intentional at this point, like he's experimenting on how far he can get away with teasing and then blueballing
guys just chill you’re paying nothing for all this
>>25035 nope. kip wouldn't go there. >>25045 he can go as long as he wants. this comic could go a hundred plus pages and he knows it. >>25055 because of comments like this. so what if people aren't paying for it? doesn't his pattern start at like $1 or $5? this isn't quality content. this is crap and people have the right to call it that.
>>25004 wasn't her shirt ripped in the last panel?
>>25031 If you want another story, just recently ended my pledge after getting my pic I was owed because I’m not giving kip any more money when he defends child exploitation. And he was so bitchy about my pic, whining about how “he bent the rules in so many ways for me” as if I wasn’t paying $150 for a simple fucking pic, but he cried about me being entitled. I’d get what he meant if I even just was paying $50 for the pic, but I fucking AM entitled to what the fuck I want within reason when I’m paying almost 200 fucking dollars. He always says how he doesn’t care about money to do things because he gets paid so much, would be nice if he took a sizable hit to his income so he wouldn’t be such a pompous ass. Kip is a fucking retard and I have him blocked because I don’t even want to engage with his autistic ass, or even get messaged by him. TL;DR, Kip is not even worth a dollar.
Edited last time by scruffy on 12/02/2020 (Wed) 04:45:38.
>>25066 What picture is that?
>>25004 >Dawn of the Bread >From Mollusk Till Dawn Can one of you fine gentlemen just shoot me in the back of the head and end this now for me, please? This would be lazy for a fucking Dorkly cartoon.
>>25067 The massive May pic
Post your comments on deviantart, people. Every kiptard fan keeps praising the slow pace there
>>25065 that would be the apron
>>25066 can you elaborate on the child exploitation bit? what the fuck
>>25004 This isn’t your average everyday kip faggotry..... this is advanced kip faggotry. All jokes aside those this has gone passed parody likes what’s even the point of this comic anymore?
>>24629 Ffs guys, we had one job -_-
>>25093 I've been browsing Kip threads on here for 6 years now and these threads have continued to be a constant shitshow the entire time. It's honestly impressive.
>>25089 Said cuties was a good movie and said what was done with the child actors was completely acceptable
>>25066 >$150 commission >complaining to the commissioner Motherfucker any artist that is doing a triple digit fetish commission better be rolling out the red fucking carpet for the customer, not complaining to them AFTER accepting the job. >>25098 This is genuinely worse than yelling at your commissioners. Anyone who actually watched any part of Cuties would know that shit is softcore child porn.
>>25066 >And he was so bitchy about my pic, whining about how “he bent the rules in so many ways for me” as if I wasn’t paying $150 for a simple fucking pic, but he cried about me being entitled. Not sure if I should add hearsay without evidence to the compilation, although I do believe you based on all the things I've seen and read about what he's doing in the background, I'm wondering if Kip'll go the path of Dobson at this rate. I would say I'm surprised he has any supporters left after he dropped that not-so-secret rant about how he hates everyone who criticizes him not giving him money to fuck around with "writing" his awfully written comics, but onlysimps exists so it's not surprising at all. AFAIK most of the ones participating in patreons/onlysimps/etc circlejerks for these sorts are spending other peoples money in the first place. >>25073 >Post your comments on deviantart, people About that: You know Deviantart lets you (or in this case Kip) block peoples comments/criticism, right? >Every kiptard fan keeps praising the slow pace there That's kind of what happens when you censor anything remotely negative. -Kip discussion aside, I will say this comic feels a notch higher than NLB at least character-wise, which had that "bitches and whores" feeling to it, I can't remember anything remotely likeable about any of the characters in NLB, not accounting for Sandy BEFORE she was turned into an antagonist. The babysitter here at least seems like a decent person so far even if the lewds are likely never to come like the last several comics.
Kip is wasting everyones time tis a shame
wtf has this thread become i just came for kip leaks like 4 days ago and now it is just cancel kip.
>>25066 man thanks for that. Id have loved a commission from him. kip is really beginning to sound like faf / myfetishsituation. he started off real promising too until he got cocky. now he's putting out bad maid. have yall noticed how the quality has dropped? bad maid part 1 was mediocre. bad maid part 2 was right up until the vore. I never saw bad maid part 3 and now look at part 4. he's dropped it down from a comic page to two panels to a single panel with crappy artwork. I pity whoever supports him at this point. thats the way kip is headed.
>>25066 >when he defends child exploitation. What??? Otherwise as a former commissioner I agree this is mostly spot on.
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https://kemono.party/patreon/user/748756 so there’s an alternative site to yiffparty called kemonoparty and it works sort of like yiffparty but I can’t get it to work any thoughts? This is the closest we gonna get to another yiffparty for a while
if y'all hate Kip, why make threads? why post his shit? just block him everywhere and ignore him if he's a shitty person
>>25187 when the hell did kip say that?
>>25196 When I was talking to him on discord I can go pull some DMs later
Anybody got the full comic HD of "Breakfast with my sister"? I don't know if the DeviantArt version will take away its quality but it would be great to have the version of the Yiff.party since surely the quality is sharper.
>>25066 >waaaah an artist was mean to me over a commission >Time to call this artist a pedo with no evidence to back it up >Totally not just saying this because I’m mad at them >Better call them a racist slur to drive my point home Cope
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>>25213 hello kip
>>25214 Y’all are going to make him quit
>>25217 fuck if I care, I already got what I wanted and he's a sack of shit anyways I want to see his patreon take a massive hit
>>25214 >>25218 It's one thing to complain about Kip being a hack or greedy or lazy or some other shit, but this is just extremely petty slander.
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>>25220 >slander I mean he says it himself, do I need more proofs or something I may be an ass but I'm not a liar
>>25220 So this is fake and you are just trying to ruin kip's name because you don't care for the artwork. If you want to cancel kip go to twitter with the rest of the cancer.
>>25214 Cuties? Great? Is Kip on clown drugs?
>>25228 he's a finn so he's inherently a mongoloid he complained how everyone who said it was bad "didn't watch the whole movie" and then didn't have a rebuttal when I posted multiple vids explaining the entire plot and why it's bad the best part is he won't even admit it's a mediocre movie even without factoring in how bad the child exploitation is he's just a babbling pompous retard and should be knocked down a few pegs
>>25229 wtf do you mean you posted vid explaining why it was bad to kip? Majority of these claims have nothing to back them up with.
>>25232 I mean I’ve already posted screenshots and I can sift through the discussion for more, but the claim is literally just that kip is a retard who thinks cuties is a good movie and child exploitation is okay “because the parents and kids consented” I’m not claiming he has CP on his hard drive because I have no evidence of that and I frankly don’t believe he’s likely to anyways I just think that he’s a fucking asshole who brags about how money doesn’t matter to him and with as shit of opinions and an attitude as he has, people should know that and frankly shouldn’t give him their money, especially for as shitty of comics as he does Nothing I’m posting is faked, he’s literally not worth the effort of faking shit And honestly even if his audience was presented with this information, I doubt most would care because at least a sizable chunk of them probably agree with him anyways, and the rest are cumbrains throwing money away because “hurr durr tummy and titty art good”
>>25214 >>25225 Nice source element, bro
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>>25214 >>25225 >>25233 This is pretty fucking petty. If they were to say they liked the sexual parts of the movie then you'd have a point, but all I see is her saying that she simply liked the movie, this is a simple case of someone having shit taste, is this a sign of things to come? I hope not! In the mean time let it go, man.
Anyone remember in the before times where we actually posted images to the image board on a website most people come to jack off too? Good times..
>>25233 That's because people thinking it's a movie pandering to pedophiles have brain damage. I don't like it, but I have enough grey matter to understand it's condemning the sexualization of youth in the media, not approving of it. Netflix garbage poster doesn't change that fact.
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Let's get back on track. What do you fuckers like in Kip's artwork? Personally, I really like the way Kip draws bellies, and distributes some weight to other parts of the body. Sure it's not perfect and Kip has made some really big anatomical errors in the past, but in terms of shading and colouring, Kip's one of the best I've seen
>>25250 Meh at least all this talk makes the threads interesting, also its more or less only with about 2-3 artists that this happens anyway
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They don't know how I would like Kip to draw a picture of my waifus
>anon said he dropped from Kips 50$ pledge >been on the lookout the entire day since it’s the 1st and it’s today subscriptions are renewed >still manage to miss it and some other lucky bastard got it first I just want a commission man, and I don’t have 100$ to throw at that a month
>>25289 it's not worth it anon, and the $100 doesn't get you a comm, it's literally just an option to whale kip some money for literally no benefit over $20 kip is a jackass who will complain to you about what you're asking for, despite the fact that you are going to pay at least $150 if not $200 per pic I also dropped my pledge like 3-4 days ago go find a better artist to commission
>>25260 >waifus >s kill yourself, normalnigger
Say the one who jerks off to obese women lmao. Get a life loser.
This thread is something else man.. I just want to enjoy some kip art, and that's all,,
>>25297 Bruh then just make a new thread just for the art. Im tired of these guys thinking they are entitled to cancel kip because they threw away $200 to bust a nut to their waifu.
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Does anyone have this crossover comic?
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>>25292 >Paying 150-200 dollars for Kip How does a person rationalize that much money for Kip of all people? The only thing people go to him for isn't even near the best in the field and I think even they're cheaper than that >>25295 More than one waifu will ruin your laifu. >>25297 Just go illiterate and skim for pictures.
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>>25303 I wanted something in his style and as a continuation of a previous pic he did and I got that, even with all his bitching at the very least he did exactly what I asked for, mostly because I made it clear I would raise hell if he objected to anything within reason when paying as much as I was still not worth it in hindsight but whatever, I just recommend others don't do it
>>25214 Don't know anything about that movie, though what I meant more was evidence on them trying to weasel out of the commission rather than their opinion on pozzed shit media coming from (((Netflix))). >>25233 >And honestly even if his audience was presented with this information, I doubt most would care because at least a sizable chunk of them probably agree with him anyways, and the rest are cumbrains throwing money away because “hurr durr tummy and titty art good” This is true for more people than Kip, and based on that Tinder experiment I imagine it'd be more or less the exact same result if he'd done something as horrible as killed or raped persons IRL. This world's irreversibly fucked like that, Streamers, Patreon, Onlysimps, etc, all of those things will continue to flourish as long as people are allowed to spend their "free money" (at taxpayers expense) on these things. Though going any further with that is getting a bit off-topic. I find Kips non-winged-ear-characters art to be significantly better than the comics.
>>25319 >Kip liked Cuties It's a movie about child actors playing characters twerking and joining a twerking competition.Its creator and Netflix call it a coming of age story about a young girl rebelling against her Muslim upbringing or some shit but the Texas Grand Jury calls it indictable.
>>25214 >>25214 leaking discord chats to try and slander an artist is just lame, this says a lot more about how shitty of a person you are than it does about the artist putting in the time to work to draw jerk-off content.
>wwaaaahhh! Don't bitch about kip because I like his art >Kip liking cuties doesn't effect me if he keeps making content! >Your being petty! >Kip for fucksake plz give us jerk content! I don't care about character development! The mental gymnastics is strong here. Ignoring whatever the fuck he posts on discord, his content alone has been absolutely trash lately. Why even defend him at this point, let along continue to fund his work? He isn't the only artists that make this kind of content.
Today’s page is simply sublime
When the belly stuff gonna happen?
>>25359 Another page of nothing happening? WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? Here on Kip's comic? Nah it can't be
>>25361 It's not, friend The comments on kip's DA are genuinely infuriating
>>25361 He’s setting up for something romantic to happen, r-right? He wouldn’t just keep blueballing us into oblivion, would he?
>>25361 Another day another mediocre page as usual. I swear maybe its just Ayano's WG diary that's spoiled me, but i wonder if Kip understands that its possible to make pages enticing even if it isn't a crucial scene. Ah well... >>25363 Are you referring to his UwU sychophants who praise every single mediocre page Kip's created, providing no insight into the comic at question therefore cementing Kip's terrible story telling and pacing? Because if so, yeah fuck those guys, them and the ones who always go "BUT ITS FREE"
Kip sucks
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It's so funny how so many people are arguing on the useless stuff like Kip's comic. Just wait for a few days/months/years/decades for belly content to come in, it's simple, very simple...
>>25361 There's too much build up for a short story, this thing is going to end 100+ pages and/or a serie.
>>25361 This page would get me excited and optimistic if this comic were intended to be like two hundred pages long, but I just can't see it leading to anything worthwhile in the short time we have left.
We’ve beeb Kipped once again
>>25375 >>25382 kip could spin this off into a series like breakfast with sister if he wanted. the next one would be them headed to the college dorm club where she stuffs herself as they watch the movie. figure now that things are a bit awkward between them he might go get the food or popcorn to break the ice but what do I know?
idk maybe it's stockholm syndrome but I'm really coming to enjoy this current comic. Every page is a little horny but I feel like kip is finally delivering on the slice of life/plot angle by keeping it very simple. I've also just come to enjoy looking at his art and the cute girl in the comic. Or maybe it's because of the self insert that I share a name with. Shout outs to the person who knows me irl and things get awkward.
>>25389 That you, Kip?
>>25395 Anon found you Kip >.<
>>25361 How many pages this train wreck supposed to be?
>>25389 thanks, so how much did you donated to kip today?
>>25361 I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed. At least theres the chance that this will turn into a fatty harem story but knowing kip that'll never happen
>>25363 This all like "UwU so wholesome and cute UwU" Every where I look its an echo chamber
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>>25429 >theres the chance that this will turn into a fatty harem story
>>25389 I will admit that it feels a lot more like a proper narrative for once rather than some cringeworthy wattpad-tier thirteen-year-old girl's idea of drama, but that's not what the bulk of us want. We want cheap porn, and what's aggravating is that it'd take less effort to just crank out a 25 page typical hentai plot based around fat and feederism than try and do whatever the fuck this is. I would actually prefer a hypothetical long-term slow burn with some genuine plot and SoL if I thought Kip were capable of having it pay off in the end, but precedent inspires little confidence. If he can't prove he can at least write a good fetish scene or two without it being swamped by his typical narrative bloat, I'm not gonna trust him to include one eventually whenever he starts something that looks like it could be longform like this. I just cannot believe he will ever get to juicy fetish content as opposed to a handful of gags tangentially related to fat and a wrap-up because that's what the past tells me.
You guys need to respect kips work . The fact that he is willing to put in the hard work to create a comic like this should be more than enough. All you people want is more jerk off material . U should be thinking about the fact that he would actually create a story instead of straight up porn . All your horrible comments say more about u than what u tell us
And if you keep on complaining than why are you people still here
Also if you have problems why not speak with Kip himself instead of coming here and complaining like a bunch of children
>>25440 >>25441 >>25442 Okay. Let's go point by point. >You guys need to respect kips work No, we don't. Respect is earned, not given. >The fact that he is willing to put in the hard work to create a comic like this should be more than enough No, it shouldn't. I don't care how much effort Kip puts in his scribbles if he doesn't deliver what people want him to deliver. >All you people want is more jerk off material Yes, that's why we follow Kip. Problem is, every comic Kip draws has only a handful of pages that can be classified as "jerk off material", and that material, sadly, is kinda subpar since Kip appears to incapable of scrounging at least a couple of fucks to give about anatomy, among other things. >U should be thinking about the fact that he would actually create a story instead of straight up porn. Straigt up porn can be a part of a fairly interesting story. It's rare, it takes talent and effort, but if you look into actual stories we have on this scene (as in, written stories), you will find a couple of fine examples. >All your horrible comments say more about u than what u tell us 1. I never pretended to be holier than thou. Neither did most of the people who post here. 2. Your comments also say enough about your mental capacity. >And if you keep on complaining than why are you people still here Because this is the only place where dissenting opinions about Kip's work can be voiced, heard and evaluated in a free and fairly civil discussion. >Also if you have problems why not speak with Kip himself instead of coming here and complaining like a bunch of children Because voicing dissenting opinions about Kip's work on his DA and his Patreon will get you instantly dogpiled by Kip's mindless sychopants and the banned by him, so his fragile artistic ego won't be challenged in any way.
Are you criticizing Kip's comic because it is giving a bit of character development instead of showing big stuff? If so, I understand the point, but a bit exaggerated
>>25450 I criticise it because it's fucking boring, pages and pages and pages of clumsy fairly lame stuff, and every now and again you get something good. It's irritating because the crumbs he throws are just barely enough to keep you coming back to check for updates, but literally 95% of the time you'll roll your eyes and regret doing so.
>>25440 but isn't kip being paid for jerk off material? no one asked the man to try to make this into a spanning saga. i get your point and i want to applaud his attempts. the problem is that he sucks. it wouldn't be that bad if he were just doing this for free on his deviantart. at that point people could complain but so what? its free. this man has a patreon set up with people paying him to pump out this garbage. they're probably just like the majority of us here, checking in every wed and sun hoping something happens and getting "kipped" each and every time. >>25425 didn't someone say forty? were on twenty-four now. kip better get to the point. he's running out of space. watch him get to the belly stuff on page thirty-five and show her with very little noticeable weight gain and end it right there.
>>24629 This aged poorly
>>25457 im not sure that there can be any worthwhile discussion on such a subject.
>>25440 >>25441 >>25442 Either say something substantial or return from whence you came. "You should like it because the creator spent a lot of time on it" is not an argument
>>25257 Their rendering is definitely the best part. Everything has a really nice heft about it, so it's really pleasant. The few times they've done larger sizes has been amazing too, with that in mind.
>>25434 I'm the guy you're referring to (and also not kip or a patron lol). Don't get me wrong, I agree with everything you've said. Maybe I'm just optimistic because fat anime art is much easier to come by now than it was like 15 years ago
>>25440 If kip wanted to write a story then just do that but don't make it fat stuff because that's just ruining it. Either make a story or just do fat drawings. Don't shoehorn one into the other
We can see that people definitely care about Kip's work, otherwise nobody would be spending so much time on these threads getting triggered over how the newest panel doesn't have enough "jack off material", and I agree on some level with that criticism, but it's getting rather tiresome when basically every time a new page comes out the discussion goes back to the same topic. The problem is that you guys expect most of the panels to be packed with horny content, Kip has always been about story arcs and slow paced comics, with the exception of the stuff they post on patreon. And yes, this comic has had a slower pace than nlb and bws so far, but there's no use in furiously typing about it every time in this thread, chill, and jack off to something else; there's plenty of stuff to talk about Kip, let's not autisticly focus on that specific thing, even if I agree it's still a problem, and let's talk about something more interesting, like Kips gender... nvm please don't do that
i'm sure that if you politely talk about the fact that this comic is too slow in the comment section you won't get banned, maybe just try not to come off as a raging twelve year old cod player and you'll get somewhere. and don't pretend you don't like kip's work, because otherwise you wouldn't be here, and in the case that you actually don't enjoy it get out, this isn't the place for you.
>>25485 Look, I don't bash Kip, but the thing that annoys people is not 'slow paced story arcs'. It's the fact that he has no idea how real people, especially female ones, actually speak, feel or behave, and no idea how to tell a story. I'm sure kip's a great guy and I read his stuff and enjoy a lot of it, but there's no use pretending people find it irritating because of details of the pacing. It's because Kip wants to write stories and characters, and can't, and it's awkward and unsettling. having said that, except for a few clangers, the fat babysitter is a lot more real and less obnoxious than any of the NLP characters.
>>25485 what will we discuss then? theres really nothing to be said for each page besides "the art is nice". if people didn't bash kip there'd be nothing to say. >>25487 but will that get kip to stop this stupid plot and get to the point? no. this is a fetish comic. no one asked for this terrible excuse for a plot. people came here for bellies. kip knows that. kip is just killing time. see this wouldn't be so bad if kip could take criticism. back when faf / myfetishsituation first started out he took commissions and he did comics. i mean people would write the comic and he would illustrate it. why doesn't kip try something like that since he wants to try plot so much. kip won't because kip refuses to admit he's no good at writing plot lines.
>>25487 It's current year 2020, the only thing people like you would accept is kissing the artists ass and nothing less. If you don't like the discussion, don't read it and look at the pictures.
Anyone got the most recent pic from their Patreon, pretty please?
>>25512 You need a snickers or something?
>>25512 AAAHHHHAHAHA You got called a bitch!
I love how all 3 of these threads get derailed and go down in flames the same way.
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>>25551 >rat >rydBERG h-holy shit cool it with the antisemitism kips
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>>25551 >rydberg lol
Can we please make a discussion board? It gets tiresome for those who actually want content to sift through all of the idiots.
>>25605 >Can we please make a discussion board? >/gen/ exist How does it feel to be the dumbest person in the thread?
Any one of you guys have the latest aqua drawing?
>>25501 This. Even anime characters aren't this cringy
>>25583 Actually thought I had a stroke reading that name is it like finish or something?????
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>>25640 t. has never seen a single word of finnish
>>25646 TFW you see the topic got a new message hoping it's the new art Kipteitei just made when instead it's a video about Finland. YP being down really does suck.
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>>25619 Hope the quality isn't too bad but it's the best I got at the moment
Anyone wanna be a homie and hook the boiz up and upload that new “finally fantass” patreon post?
>>25608 First of all, no u cocksled, secondly, is /gen/ some way of filtering out non image content, if so I’d appreciate it if you explained how to use it please.
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>>25646 Lakupiipu
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>>25659 That's a goddamn good piece Belly play + humiliation + Aerith's expression Btw anyone got this one? It's not the Final Fatass one
>>24809 >>25665 That would be that one anon 👍
>>25665 I think he just needed to give more attention to the ass size. Sometimes seems that he forgot to put big booty on the characters, but the belly is legit tho boobs too
>>25665 I think that would be >>24809
Oh damn, I didn't even realize it, I'm a retard. Thanks guys
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Btw seems like Kemono is finally working properly
>>25682 Can I get a link to Kemono?
>>25686 >https://kemono.party/patreon/user/748756
This is good C’mon Kip you can do it
>>25728 Hey, Kipp is making some progress, let's see how much it lasts
>>25728 I know a woman that talks like that and is just as shy. I have no idea just how and why its such a turn on but it is. thank you kip. you finally did it right.
>>25754 Is she single?
>>25728 His mom's gonna get home before anything interesting can happen, at best we'll get a hug and kiss on a cheek.
>>25728 Don't get your hopes up lads
>>25755 a lot of bigger women will acknowledge their size even if they're not happy about it. I find this especially the case with geekier girls who aren't necessarily AS concerned with appearance
>>25755 I dated her. twice. its overrated. i mentioned her in the other kip thread. we would have sex and she wouldn't show her belly. she hated it actually, to the point that she wouldn't even eat around me in the house. if we were in a restaurant fine but in the house, she wouldn't eat. shed send me home, stuff herself silly and then txt me that she ate too much. no pics. no video. nothing. and if I mentioned wanting to touch or rub her belly shed get mad. if I mentioned her stomach at all shed get mad. but she would be fast to talk about her weight. wed be eating and shed grab it and tell me she looks pregnant then jiggle her fat. it was torture. trust me, it wasn't worth the time.
>>25757 maybe a sequel where he goes to her dorm or the movie club? surely shed cut loose and eat then? wouldn't that be a bit inappropriate though since he's underage? maybe kip would have him hit his 18th birthday and shell take him out for dinner or something? you know, that actually wouldn't be a bad idea for a plot. she takes him out to celebrate his birthday and overeats.
Im really hoping Connor sticks his finger in Cindy's belly button. I woul cum my brains out.
https://www.bbw-chan.nl/bbwdraw/res/17232.html I found part 2 of this thread but wheres part 1?
>>25728 oh shit now were actually getting somehwere good i like where this is goin
Anyone have the most recent patreon post(Finally fatass) Kemono's import is busted so this is basically the only place to find new posts.
>>25825 It's that one anon >>25659
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I. Don't. Give. A. Shit. About. Full Night Nanny. It's boring.
>>26012 do you think, uhm do you think kipteitei sprays their DNA all over the ladies... when they're in paris, france
>>26013 Do you think Kipteitei had girl power? Do you think they effectively utilized girl power by funneling money into shitty and boring fat-wank comics that never have any satisfying ending?
so is connor going to reach over and rub her belly? is he going to somehow offer to stuff her and make herself bigger? the last page was good but I can speak from experience when I say that while it is hot when a woman admits she has a big belly things get noticeably awkward afterwards especially if they hate it.
>>26047 We got the backstory on how she ballooned up, we're doing good For the love of God, don't fuck this up Kip
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>>26047 Not bad, or it wouldn't be, if this had been 20 pages ago
>>26055 The secret to reading Kip stories is waiting for him to finish and read skipping all the bullshit
>>26047 I'd have rather read a comic about cindy gaining weight at uni than this, TBH
>>26047 and she still had the same outfit the whole time?
>>26071 Its the same design but a couple of sizes bigger, can't be the same as when she was skinnier, those for sure doesn't fit her now
>>26082 id love to see her try it on. now heres the question and this is what we have with each and every page kip drops. what next? say whatever you want about kip but not once has he ever done something that we have seen coming. thats quite impressive. from a plot standpoint I'm not sure what he can do. they are talking about her weight which is fine but as I said earlier, convo gets really awkward afterwards. just how would connor get her to eat now when its obvious that she doesn't like being so big? that woman would avoid any and all food in that house even if connor said she's kinda cute which he probably should and would. I'm curious as to how kip is going to dig himself out of this awkwardness and get her to stuff her face.
>>26084 I dunno about that man, kip can be pretty predictable
simple, he just won't. the story will end. gg
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I claim Cindy She belongs to me now
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>>26108 So I guess she waited until she got fat to get her belly button pierced?
So I guess she waited until she was fat to get her belly button pierced?
>>26110 I've been editing that stupid belly button piecing out on every page.
Does anyone have all of the persona girls
>>26110 so I have a lot of friends with big bellies. my ex, my recent ex, one friend I grew up with gained a lot of weight. she actually had a belly button ring. she also hated her belly and yet wore the tightest shirt I had ever seen. I asked her what was up with that. how you going to wear a belly button ring and not like your belly? it causes people to look when they see this huge stomach and something sticking out of it. she said it hurt too much to take it out. kinda different from the story. kip probably just wanted the woman to have a belly button ring.
>>26108 so what else does kip do on his patreon? id drop some cash for him to do a quick custom of the nanny at her absolute largest.
>>26087 >>26091 >>25757 and thats how the story abruptly ends.
>>26135 that'll be $150-200, anon and you have to get a $50 slot, nothing else works kip's a "rich" asshole so he won't just take your money to do shit, even if it was $1k for a pic
>>26137 man, $200-250 for that? thats a bit much. please tell me the turn around time is a few days at most. no way anyone would drop that kinda money for some art and wait weeks when the man can't even be bothered to do a comic each day.
Idk about you guys, but belly piercings are super hot, for some reason
>>26145 >turnaround is a few days at most Hahahahahaha Turnaround is 2-3 months, $50 per month
>>26160 by that time id have lost interest if not reported him for fraud. I have had models rip me off for $100. I'm about sick of paying for stuff and not getting it so I wouldn't take my chances with him. there really is no reason for him to take so long. the sad part is if he moved faster he could make more money. say he took a week at $200, I might like it so much I might want more. for all he knows I might even have a comic idea that I wanted to test out and pay him to draw. money may not be an issue for me. who knows how long a single comic page would take when he takes months for a simple drawing? id keep my money to myself and go elsewhere. he'd never know because he's busy goofing off and taking peoples money.
>>26163 the thing is he spends most his time on the comic and has 9 other people he has to draw pics for actual turnaround is about a week or so, it just takes him 2-3 months to actually get to you
>>26164 but he only does two pages a week. I mean I know artists who do comics in color each day and still squeeze out commissions. I have watched artists do commissions in the span of an hour just goofing off online. is this his side job or something?
>>26176 No he’s just slow as fuck and takes his sweet time
>>26114 Can you post them? I HATE belly-button piercings with a fashion. When you have a fetish for womens' midsections I don't understand the appeal of seeing them puncture their flesh to ram a piece of metal through it.
>>26047 Kip did great with most shots of Cindy so far, but that flashback shot of her on the couch has some WONKY anatomy to it. Kind of totally ruins the fact that it's supposed to be a cheesecake shot.
>>26180 Okay dude we get it, you don’t let piercings. Take your edit and let us enjoy piercings in peace.
Anyone got Kip's new painting?
>>26177 Kipteitei has many artistic ventures under different aliases, although It's not obvious as he has more than one drawing style. Releasing a page a day wouldn't be as profitable as working on a lot of different projects.
>>26311 Proofs?
>>26311 please go on. I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to know of these other artistic ventures.
>>26311 Now that you mention it, are kip and fishflavored related in some way? Both seem to have similarly proportioned art, if not looking really similar to each other.
>>26337 Not even remotely Can artists not just be inspired by other artists?
I don't too much about pokemon, but in the last thread i saw like a gif that have a pokemon girl with a huge gut and the girl was making so much expressions.
>>26343 I have no idea what you're talking about but I looked up fishflavored and found this. I might commission him / her before I bother with kip.
>>26311 Kip has split personality confirmed
>>26346 I really appreciate your help, and i'm sorry if i wasn't enough clear, i talking about this girl, in the previous thread someone posted like an animation with this girl, and how the thread got erased i'm not able to find the animation anywhere. And thanks once again for your help
Anyone got some of his more recent posts
>>26363 I really really thank you fella
>>26363 Is there any way to open in cellphone?? Here the video dont start
>>26396 finally some good fucking food
>>26396 the whole comic shoulda been this Kip, can we get a prequel?
>>26396 I'm fucking done. Sure it's nice to have a weight gain backstory but it took him like fucking 3 months for doing this shit. The rest of the shit is unnecessary. Hopefully it gets better.
>>26414 Come to think of it we've seen this same backstory in LWS and NLB.
If that kid doesn't grab her belly by the end of this comic I'm going to scream. Three months and this is all that happens
>>26363 >>26385 I know, that was a phenomenal piece of work. Whoever did it has talent and should do more. I was like an iron girder!
Kip has posted some new stuff called "Code Gain Expansion Pack" and an advent callendar. anyone know what these are?
>>26396 since connor is now getting her to open up I have no doubt he's going to say something like "well you're cute anyway" and have her blush. he may get a hug or a kiss on the cheek, end story.
I need the illustrations of Elizabeth, Toga, Rias and Hibana
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Kip sure as fuck takes their time, but id be lying if I said they were not my favorite artist out there. Something about the way they draw thats more appealing than 99% of other artists.
>>26604 > 99% of other artists. Kip is literally the only artist you are even watching if you truly believe that>>26604 You haven't even seen 99% of other artist calm down.
>>26742 Ok guys, that was with the good pages for now, see ya in 20 pages more
>>26744 >implying Calling it now, there’s 10 pages left of this at most
>>26557 The closest we ever get to kill drawing brown fat
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>>26742 really kip? were going to do this? so obviously something horrible happened which is why she stuffs herself. I ask again, how is he going to get her to eat and get bigger?
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Why doesn't he go back to rounding out the fat in other areas anymore? The belly stuff is getting old.
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>>26700 "No, no no, you uneducated fool. You clearly haven't beat your meat to as many fat girl drawings as I!" Kips style appeals to me more because they dont draw ssbbw blobs like the vast majority of art on this board.
>>26742 Looks like theyre doing another flash back to when she first started to gain. Would be nice if she got bigger by the end, but i doubt that will happen.
>>26742 Ah yes, the classic crossed leg over boner pose
>>26767 I'm trying to understand why their breasts don't get bigger at the very least.
Anyone got the recent pics, including the Code Gain one?
>>26773 This. As a fellow fat lover who has specific tastes he's one of the only ones.
>>26767 These where always the exception, even back then. Kip just doesn't enjoy drawing those sizes. There are plenty of people willing to commission him as it is, so he really doesn't have a reason to do them most of the time. It's not rocket science.
Anyone have the image of Akane and two of C.C?
>>26764 Meant to say closest we'll ever get to kill drawing a chubby brown girl
>>26887 *kip
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>>26304 >>26372 >>26454 >>26783 The advent calander is videos Kip is releasing daily. I'm hoping at the end we get the images separate.
Another good one, neat
We get more backstory! She even burps... Nothing hotter than a chubby drunk college girl.
>>27042 Meh.
>>27043 >>27042 >Cindy will never burp you in the face after stuffing herself silly on campus Just end me
This page is another filler, not only does >>26396 already serve as a flashback she's bigger here too. if it was going to be put in then it should came in at >>26047. Kip's writing is all over the place
>>27068 this entire flashback is filler. it could've ended with just this page >>26396 but we know better. kip is back to killing time again.
Even if I agree it's 100% completly filler, Kip would be doing everyone a favor by cutting it out and stop wasting everyone's time... Damn, I gotta admit, watching Cindy get fat is kinda hot. Bonus points for the burp + the thong
I would honestly prefer if kip just held out releasing their comics on deviantart until they were done and releasing all pages at once.
To me there's something hot about finding out how a fat girl got that way. There's several paths to chonk and it's great to see how Cidney got so big. Also is it just me or does she have the biggest tits in all of Kipteitei's fat OCs?
>>27043 Gotta wonder if this is what happened to kip's college-based story. I've said it before, this baskstory should have been the whole comic
>>27154 think hell do a quarantine comic somewhere down the line? a lot of women have been gaining since quarantine started. have you heard of the #quarantine15?
>>27370 called it. she insults herself. he compliments her. she's ashamed. cue awkward kiss on cheek.
>>27370 This comic is a whole ass filler arc lmao
>>27375 a filler arc to what? and I'm still baffled as to how kip is going to get this woman to eat. she's clearly got serious issues with food. the last thing she's trying to do is stuff her face while connor ogles her.
>>25060 >>27378 fucking connor
>>27387 she aint doing jack with connor. isn't that boy underage? at the very most she might give him an awkward kiss on the cheek, pat him on the head, tell him he's cute and send him off to bed. we may luck out and get a sequel where she takes him to the movie club but I wouldn't count on it.
>>27394 Connor is 18, says so on the first page.
>>27394 He’s 18 so he isn’t underage
>>27404 >>27405 my mistake. why in the world do they have a babysitter then? I was babysitting my siblings when I was younger than that. point remains. connor aint getting anything from her but a peck on the cheek and a pet on the head.
>>27406 Not everyone is mature at 18, hell, current year has 30 pushing it.
>>27413 is this bait?
>>27374 Better yet, the two fell in love and had sex. Then whenever her belly is stuffed and gets belly rubs, she gets really horny.
>>27426 we wish. kip wouldn't do that. I'm expecting kip to have this end any time now. its either she kisses him on the cheek and tells him he's cute or she continues to insult herself but either way I expect a very abrupt ending where the parents come out of nowhere and stop anything that may be about to happen whether its him making a move on her or her trying to eat.
Maybe it'll be a time skip where Connor is in college and they meet there and things progress.
There is a new drawing by Kip, can someone post it?
Does anyone have the animation Of may from Pokémon? I think it was on the last thread
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Has kip drawn any other new things besides the comic?
>>27646 I believe a new drawing, but it hasn't been posted yet
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I wrote a song to go with the sequence. The sequence is based on the Twelve Days of Christmas so the song is a parody of it. On the twelfth day of Kipmas, Tina gave to me TWELVE CHOCOLATES MELTING! Eleven 'nanas ripening! Ten buns a glistening! Nine wines a wining! Eight eggs a nogging! Seven baked potatoes! Six bowls of seafood! FIVE PUMPKIN BOWLS! Four lobster tails! Three salmon plates! Two glazed hams! and a tuuuuuurkey!
kip aint bother with a comic today?
>>27819 Kip is not going to post untill the next year
>>27866 Where did you see that?
>>27965 He said on deviantart he's taking a break till the start of 2021
Does anyone have that may video edit from last thread
Can someone upload their latest images?
I know that I shouldn't, but I'm getting my hopes up again.
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>>28475 I hope she overstuffs herself a ton. Give us stuffed Cindy!
>>28475 Yo this looks promising
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>>28475 Action is coming, just five chapters at most
I really hope he doesnt add anymore males in his comics, cause I know damn well all he gonna do is just watch her get stuffed
>>28475 >Stomach growling Fuck, my dick
>>28475 I have to admit. this was so obvious I didn't even consider him doing this. is she about to go on a binge worthy of lalia in craving control at long last? >>26087 this was kinda unpredictable. so obvious I think none of us thought he'd do it.
>>28475 Was kind of expecting a kiss before the growl? I feel like this can be teased to high heaven unless her shame is somehow mitigated. Predicting it's gonna be a while before this gets any kinkier, not that Kip comics ever get -that- crazy
>>28483 even less. this dude is clever and actually trying to trick her into stuffing herself.
>>28758 Yeah do it, make her eat the whole fridge.
>>28758 Yes... YES!!!
>>28758 Holy fuck, this is looking promising bros
You guys fall for it every time.
>>28821 This, don’t get duped you chimps
>>28758 I expect the ma to return before things go too far
>>28899 i was about to say that. i don't think were going to get a really huge belly here. we aint getting a belly so big it rips her shirt and breaks the table here. shell get a little stuffed and then the mother will return. this will be a complete wash out overall.
>>28758 this is boring JUST START THE STUFFING AND TEASING ALREADY STOP COCKTEASING US also has kip released any new artwork?
can someone post the hd phats kip just released?
Has anyone the picture of Sistine from Akashic Records and Akane from SSSS.Gridman?
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>>29044 I got you!
>>28899 >The mom joins in on the stuffing
>>29070 Chonk milf OC would be perfect. Kip's mom disappointingly didn't put on any weight.
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>>29070 dont give me false hope for a kip milf plz
>>29102 Man it's been years since I last saw this anime. Good stuff
>>29156 That anime being?
>>29158 Sora no otoshimono
Can someone share the new year hdphats zip files
>>29243 o yea that's the shit My take is that kip finally found their groove for story scope. BWS was completely unplanned and aimless, which is fine if you want a few sequence pages to jerk off to, but not if you want some kind of larger context (which serve to make things hotter) NLB tried at that larger context and had some success, but it had too broad a scope and got bogged down by trying to tell a story with too many moving parts to be sexy. (I'm not saying the story was super complex, I'm saying it was complex enough to ask somebody to engage with it and not just jack off) Anyway FNN is nice, simple, loaded with fanservice, and hits all the right contextual notes to be hot
>>29243 One...more...page until results after months and months and months of waiting for something to happen!!!
>>29243 34 pages and finally something is happening
Bruh did she just eat that cold-ass pasta, I'm done lol.
>>29243 Oh wow, in for a big surprise, didn't see that coming. So the next panel will be her devouring that pasta with godlike speed and greed and the next one we will see a huge belly, can't wait what's coming next. Kip just redeemed himself for once
>>29243 I just hope for the love of god he commits for once. I feel like all recent precedent has involved him getting tired of whatever setting he's working on after a few dozen pages and then not having any passion left to make a good, long erotic scene, resulting in tons of plot and little payoff when it should be anywhere from a balance to the polar opposite. This scene should ideally be as many pages as the entire comic preceding it if Kip intends this to be a one-off rather than a long-term project
>>29243 you know she's serious when she's eating cold lasagna. foodgasm incoming.
No Diet Break Excited for the next one. She's going full Garfield on that lasagna.
>>29315 >>29319 Not to get your hopes up, but I think it follows plenty naturally from all the buildup, thus the general reaction. The bitch clearly enjoys stuffing herself and has paper thin self-control. Of course this would happen if pressure were applied to her to eat. Also disagree on the art, shit's gold
>>29344 ^^This Honestly, I don’t know why people get so worked up about Kip’s storytelling. Clearly they are going for something a little more than just “wank material”. Not that there’s nothing wrong with comics/stories that are mostly that, I’m just saying that it’s clear that Kip’s main focus is showing off their characters and having them interact with each other, with the bonus of well drawn fat art. While I do feel that the upload rate of this comic has been slow, (only 2 pages a week, though that isn’t something I fault Kip for), the overall comic has been a pretty engaging read. People should just wait a few months for the comic to be finished so they can enjoy the full, complete story (or just skip to the fat parts)
No breaks on the lasagna train
>>29529 >>29530 I see kip trying to turn her into lalia. lalia would easily say all of that then burp and say "whole hog all the way".
>>29530 I'm hungry, I want some L A S A G A
>>29549 Me hungry, you bungry. Capiche ?
Very thought provoking discussions accuring here
>>29568 >accuring
>>29570 >taking the morel highground
>>29530 >>29549 Cindlay you fat girl. Why are you so big and fat?
>>29593 I eat, Connor, it's what I do
>>28758 come to think of it there really isn't much lasagna there. I have no doubt shell finish it off but does anyone think for one moment that shell get fully stuffed? she's either making a run to the fridge for more food, asking for desert, ending it right there with a little pudge or his mother is coming home. we aint getting some stupid huge belly in this comic folks.
Shut up my mommy says I'm smart.
Did he post any artwork lately?
I found these two on instagram, maybe any of you have the original picture?
>>29776 >>25659 heres the second one.
>>29778 thx :P
>>29776 the skye image was just uploaded to his kemono.party page
This will either go really good or really bad really fast
Reading this comic is like having blue balls for monthd.
>>29949 Kip is a master of tease
>Cindy tells Conner not to complain and starts stuffing herself >Conner doesn’t complain >Cindy gets antsy that Conner doesn’t complain and stops stuffing herself I gotta hand it to Kip for this one, he has written a very realistic woman here
Challenge: No fapping till the comic is over with a satisfying ending
>>29944 kip just slid in his reason to end it real quick. we don't need the mother. shell end it on her own. told y'all we weren't getting any expansion here. >>29964 my ex and I never got this far and yet I could see her acting like this. kip did a realistic woman and thats great but who's checking for that in a happing comic?
>>29975 This could still go somewhere. With kip you never know, but Im holding on to the hope that this'll turn into a mutual stuffing after she calls him out. Also, the realistic woman thing was obviously a joke.
Has there been any lewd edits from kip recently
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>>29619 Out of curiosity, have you ever even eaten lasagna? A 3x2 inch square with a 3-4 inch depth is essentially a full meal, and more than anything else it actually FEELS like one. Eating too much lasagna is physically painful. I can't imagine downing an entire 9x12 sheet pan of the stuff. If I make something like that, it's enough for one guy to have leftovers for like a week.
>>29983 a mutual stuffing? kip is having a hard enough time keeping a man in the story. that might be asking a bit much. possibly. as I said I dated a woman much like cindy so this isn't unfamiliar to me. if dude wants her to stuff herself he needs to leave the room and let her eat because she isn't doing it in front of him. that is, if kip keeps this as being a realistic story. >>29988 i have. i understand what you're saying but again i can't see cindy getting stupidly stuffed with a belly taking half of the table from a pan of lasagna. maybe I'm being too realistic? I know its a comic but its kind of confusing trying to keep up with this. is he going for realism or not? does he know? then again, if were being realistic i'm sure most of us would have gotten full off that hunk she just ate.
>>29983 Mutual stuffing? Kip will potentially lose tons of $$ if he sticks gay expansion shit in there. He already had to beg for people back after the rat incident in NBL. So...no.
>>30001 My b. I meant consensual, not mutual. Like she catches on to his shit and just rolls with it. Letting him feed her.
Which will people forget first: 9/11 or the vore thing?
>>30001 afaik he's not into guys gaining anyways
>>30010 i seriously doubt that.
Cindy is probably the sexiest character design he's done so far, which is a high bar anyway. It's a shame we'll probably die of old age before any kind of payoff.
>>29944 >something else Sex please!
>>30085 I agree with you on Cindy. Do you think she will end up as yet another Lesbian?
>>30122 probably not. The most we've ever gotten out of a kip comic is naked groping, kissing, and teasing. Though id love to see a belchy kip girl getting pegged ill be happy if we get a well done stuffing sequence with this girl, even if she ends up being the dominant one.
>>30085 Different content for different tastes. I see a common theme in the complaints about Kip's work that the girls are too small and that the growth is too slow. But part of why I like Kip's work is that I prefer what many here would consider small- the plump and bbw sizes moreso than the ssbbw. And I really enjoy the slow gains, the girls being girls and just getting fat as time goes on. Cindy has a lot of room to work with in that regard. The story isn't fetish-focused even though it clearly is present, and I wouldn't really want her to get much bigger than she already is.
>>30085 >Cindy is probably the sexiest character design he's done so far They're literally all identical. Every character he's ever made is. Christ, you fucks, acquire some taste.
>>30085 I bet your mind's full of crack.
>>30138 so craving control wasn't your bag then?
>>30145 This
>>30145 For real. Aside from some great rendering, Kip is just 'alright' There are many new artists who mog him brutally in almost every area; anatomy, OC design, writing, sequential storytelling, creativity with situations...all that stuff that adds up subtly to a really good fat. Kip's edge seems to me that he's just been around real long.Almost 10 years.He's not really a pioneer or anything, but there he was, when probably a good portion of his devotees were popping a stiffy for the first time to this stuff. And of course he's got some genuine skill,so dudes basically sainted him for such thrilling experiences while young. He's literally got more of a fandom than a following. He's like fat fetish JK Rowling and his stuff is fat fetish Harry Potter. It's 'alright' but weirdly astronomically popular for its league
>>30191 Frankly though, I still like him, for the same reasons as many others here. My upper limit for fat girls is pretty low, and Kip fits right in
(2.69 MB 2350x3662 AyedachristmasXL.jpg)
all this talk yet no pics your conspiracies and politics BORE me
>>30191 I don't know, harry potter might not be a good example. when you really sit down and think about it harry potter was a crap character in himself but the story was very well told. if you want to mention something thats alright id say kip is more of a fat version of twilight or 50 shades. it isn't that bad once you get to thinking about it but there is so much better out there that it looks like straight garbage.
>>30012 I’m not sure but I was thinking that at the end the guy is actually a girl who try to identify as a boy, I’m guessing that for his weird proportions, is that or kip is bad drawing guys
>>30268 Pretty sure kip is just bad at drawing men, tranny fetishist
we got kip'd.
>>30283 How could we have known this would happen?!?
>>30283 And just like the inauguration today, nothing happened.
>>30283 That was my gut reaction upon seeing the page thumbnail in my feed, but this is all but an outright coming out. If Kip uses this as a springboard for her to feel more confident about her body, it could escalate into a good teasing scene. Precedent and the fact that a member of Kip's less preferred gender is the recipient worry me though
>>30283 >>30288 so dude embarrassingly admitted he gets off on her feeding herself. she says its okay. where do we go from here? think shell stuff herself senseless, burping and ripping through her clothing? doubt it.
>>30191 Please give some example so I can find some new artists.
>>30283 I waited a week to hear 15 more seconds of a predictable conversation. Man can’t we just see her get stuffed already?
>>30283 I’m curious why this conversation couldn’t have happened AFTER she finished stuffing herself
>>30326 Cus that would have made too much sense
I'm just amazed this comic is even SLOWER paced than NLB. Didn't think it was possible. Not one meaningful stuffing scene yet and were in like 30+ pages. Yikes. Can we go back to that short comic style before? When Cindy just got almost right to the point and stuffed herself with action almost every page?
>>30339 would kip still have money pouring in if he went back to that format?
>>30191 Kip is SO FAR from perfect. But, I can't think of a single artist who does long running comics of this quality. Don't get me wrong, i'd love for them to cut the shit and just draw some fat girls. But i'd also love for you to link, or at very least name drop, some other wg comic artists. And I mean like 50+ pages of weight gain/ stuffing of solid quality. Cuz I've seen some very good sequences/mini series, but nothing on kips scale. I'm not saying it isn't out there, i just haven't seen it, and I would love to.
>>30346 "quality"? what do you mean by that? are we talking art? because imo craving control blew kip out of the water. whether it was done by arthur or noun the art was much better, in color and bellies much larger. you knew lalia would be stuffed and the comic would be finished in a good five pages or so. plot wise noun messed up in his final comics when he tried to add that plot line which may have been one reason why he quit. even with the terrible plot in mind noun was a much better artist and put out more quality work than kip ever did. noun was actually trying to do something and the plot made a bit of sense. its not the best place for it but one could appreciate his attempt. he wasn't wasting pages, he was trying to tell a story. kip is killing time. don't believe me? go read double dip. that entire story is 34 pages. lalia was bursting out of her clothes on page 3 and kept on growing all the way up to the end. now go back and reread this. knowing that kip is clearly killing time and this story has gone nowhere in 30+ pages I'm curious as to what you're comparing kip to since you're claiming he's doing quality work.
yeah, the lalia series was the only comic i know that had many pages and also great quality. in the beginning when noun took over and started to add plot I wasn't into it tbh, but fast forward a few years and I actually really like the plot and I could tell he was putting sooo much time and effort into it, which may have burned him out(our feedback wasnt really helping either lol) on the other hand kip is clearly staling(probably cause he isnt ready to make another comic). Normally I would be real critical on him, but im only paying a dollar a month for 2 pages, and a picture, not bad in my opinion.
Craving Control is too cartoony, to the extent it can kinda become off putting, the way she gains weight is super inconsistent and the whole thing is too short in my opinion. If I had to name another good series I'd rather go with Ayano's Weight Gain Diary
>>30346 Ayano's WG Diary is a great wg. I would have said the artist but cant remember name rn. You'll find him searching that
>>30468 Oh someone just mentioned it lol
>>30468 everyone is always hyping that up and I have yet to se whats so good about it. the art isn't that good and the plot is really nothing more than some girl gaining weight.
>>30502 Isn't... isn't this all people want? A girl gaining weight? Ayano's also a slow burn, clocking in at over 100 pages and still not finished, but guess what? The girl actually gets fat! And if you don't like how fat she gets, it's so episodic you can cut yourself off at your preferred size and pretend the rest doesn't exist. Also the art is best you'll see coming out of glorious Nippon. There aren't many Japs that draw fat.
>>30504 >Isn't... isn't this all people want? A girl gaining weight? Well, there's stuffing and humiliation, too. Personally, I like kip for the stuffing specifically
>>30504 but the art doesn't appeal to me like kips or arthur or nouns does. different people like different things.
>>30575 I really like kips stuffing pages as well, but thats about it for me at this point. LWS was his golden age as far as im concerned. It still had a bit of plot without there being 20+ pages of it, and kip got actually FAT, as in, bigger thighs, arms, etc. I dont even mind plot in my fetish comics/stories, i think it makes teasing/humiliation scenes hotter when the characters have some depth and it isnt just "haha food in mouth BURP" the whole time, but kips pacing is just wacky now. FNN was supposed to be short like the NLB short before it, yet we're bordering on 40 pages with nothing but a few gut/tit shots and a minor sequence.
>>30283 - *dude confesses feeding kink to random chubby chick he just met* - *chubby chick is immediately cool with it* ^ THE ABSOLUTE FANTASY Source: in RL - results varied.. XD
What’s her expression in the last panel trying to convey?
>>30671 probably another 40 pages of nothing happening.
shouldn't we make a new thread?
>>30671 pushing her belly out to make herself look better and get him even more turned on?
>>30682 Go ahead
>>30671 didn't we establish this last page? kip is truly a master at killing time and pages. >>30634 this makes no sense. a regular woman might be okay with that. maybe. you'd have to question whats wrong with her to be cool with such a thing. this woman just met this guy and confided to him that she hates her weight and has a problem with eating. how is she going to be okay with him getting his rocks off from her eating? were all hoping for her to finally eat the stinking food already and i can't understand how that would be plausible considering her attitude towards it. unless she's secretly a feeder as well and thats why she's fat. she may secretly like all the humiliation she gets from it but the problem is he wouldn't humiliate her in any way so that won't work. it seems like kip may have written himself into a corner.
>it's been 16 days since cindy started eating the lasagna
