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Better-With-Salt / BWS Thread Anonymous 11/04/2021 (Thu) 00:14:04 Id:5792b3 No. 69567
Back again, the sequel, with a vengeance
(2.93 MB 2422x1839 Seiyuu.png)
(4.10 MB 2481x2088 Sophia_Rose.png)
Let's get this thread started
and because it's in season
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(1002.24 KB 2922x2413 Ochako6_EX (1).jpg)
(2.19 MB 2048x2481 Honey's Good for the Skin.png)
Anyone got the nude version of starbucks Sammy yet?
>>69707 When was that announced or previewed?
I hope Halie is able to win the Nat bowl. Can't wait to see what Salt comes up with next for those girls.
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(644.91 KB 1374x1104 May Snorlax_EX.png)
(3.25 MB 2254x2324 Wailord May (1).png)
>>69753 Could you please upload the whole secuence?
>>69758 The dappled shading on that last one is gorgeous
Any new comic pages?
>>69753 Wonder if Salt will eventually draw Halie giving in to her own depravity and start gaining weight instead.
>>69823 What sequence?
>>69850 The secuence related with salt's ocs, there's more pictures besides those
can someone update his kemono page he made the november news letter
(254.44 KB 2517x1761 Ivy by bws.png)
Anyone got the new page?
(2.38 MB 2480x3508 Patreon post image.png)
>>70029 He is not going to redraw his old Lucy comic, right?
I tkink he will <_< ( a remake )
>>70029 Nice to see her being drawn thinner again. She wound up getting a little big for me in the end.
>>70050 Who is the character in the middle?
>>70093 remake of a comic ive seen, lucy;'s stuffing bws flagship work,
>>70029 So wait is this a remake of the Lucy sequence or is this a whole new thing cus it seems a bit boneheaded to make a remake of a comic that isn’t even that old
>>70163 I think it was just that page getting a remake, not the whole thing
>>70182 We can only hope that's the case. I'm so tired of this freaking waste of a character.
>>70029 May be in the minority here but this looks better than the original. I'm sick of Lucy too but this is promising ngl
>>70243 Kinda agree here. The amount of Lucy BWS makes can get annoying but the sheer quality of the work kinda makes it hard to complain about it
Apparently next Losing Control is a two parter if anyone has it.
(3.31 MB 4961x3508 Patreon post image.png)
I dislike this comic quite a bit, so slow
>>70379 >I dislike this comic quite a bit, so slow shit taste
>>70379 Compared to every other longer than like 7 page comic out there right now this is actually quite well fast for a slow burn.. Some have gone on 80+ pages with almost nothing for it....
(2.39 MB 2312x2947 Please Feed.png)
>>70379 Why don't you go and check on Kip's and Pixiveo's comics and come back here and tell us that this is "too slow"? At least an actual huge gain is happening in this comic.
>>70379 I don’t get the “slow burn” complaint. It’s only been like 18 pages right? Her gain has been noticeable and continuous since the beginning.
(16.60 KB 250x208 coomer-2.png)
>>70386 Probably because weekly pages plus slow burn means people who just want coom actually have to wait for the payoff. That being said, if the payoff ends up being shit I'll be along with them, bws doesn't tend to disappoint though.
>>70379 now i wanna see a chubby-muscular or sumo-type version of her
>>70382 nah m8 i agree with >>70379 its one thing to have it go slow, but this is way too slow
>>70385 He should do more Senran Kagura. I just know he'd knock it out of the park.
>>70399 What do you guys want a 3 page comic where she goes from 150 to 500 to 1000? Honesty compared to a lot of other comics out there it’s a nice slow burn with gradual gains and good art, this ain’t no 200 pages nothing has happened kip comic so stop complaining
>>70379 The fuck do you mean so slow, she's already clearly obese and is probably going to crack in 2 more pages.
(2.28 MB 1916x2996 Lucy_EX.png)
>>70386 They've been spoiled with the Lucy comic and think that she should gain 100 lbs every page.
>>70386 We're practically at the half way point and she's fat as fuck. Hopefully (and i know they probably will) BWS hits the mark on the patheticness of being fat, huffing being out breath, sweaty, constantly hungry, social interactons, her will erroding completely. >>70389 He has a better track record than a lot of others in the game right now so i trust him. I really just want to see this chick fall apart and become a blob
>>70379 It probably feels that way right now because he's updating it every week on top of the other stuff he's doing. When read from the start up to this point it feels fine. >>70410 >>70413 Yea even with those tits she's class 1 at least. I want to see her actually eat something like that mountain of food a few pages ago, binge on a pile of donuts and double cheeseburgers.
Holy shit, you guys must be a bunch of coomers to think this is too slow. BWS is literally the only guy in the community making actual professional mangaka level stuff. If you are dissatisfied, go read Saxxon and his 2 panel planet sized blob shit.
>>70521 This man spitting
Can the other thread just die already so I can post the other stuff from it?
(1.58 MB 3025x2005 Filling Up the Feasting Fatty.jpg)
(1.19 MB 2364x2515 Mounting the Meat Mountain.jpg)
>>69567 >>70521 Honestly who tf likes planet blob shit. To me that shit is just disgusting. I'd so much rather have stuff the size of Lucy or even Nikume than literal planet blobs any day, besides at least someone the size of Lucy is realistic. I've seen some big ass motherfuckers but I'd be impressed when I see someone that is literally a celestial object that NASA would classify as a planet
(314.46 KB 1307x1097 AK_Saria.png)
>>70629 Guess what? This ain't real.
>>70639 Is that an amputee? Who tf commissioned that one?
>>70379 lmao the background face looks like a darkest dungeon character
>>70645 It's Emi from Katawa Shoujo, It's probably an Undertaker33 Commission since he's got a few stories about these characters
>>70639 >>70648 i cant believe its not lucy lmao
>>70660 Don't give Lucy guy ideas. I don't want to see Lucy Clone #32: Amputee Lucy.
>>70661 idk man legless lucy sounds hot uwu
>>70639 Based Undertaker33
>>70670 Do his fanfics have new art out?
>>70671 Yeah, just check out his Deviantart account, these are the most recent Salt ones
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>>70639 >not her taking it in the butt missed opportunity smh fat emi is very cute though
(3.46 MB 2517x1955 Phoenix Grilled.png)
>>71208 >thumb in navel I am diamonds
>>71227 I see you're a man of culture as well
Anyone have the newest page?
>>71235 checked his pateron not on there the last one was both pages. Next week we should have one.
(845.24 KB 2517x1761 6 sin título2.png)
Fat Ivy drawn by a Lucy fan and colored by me
>>71452 You rarely see it, but there's nothing like one of these fat girls in tight fitting formal wear. Also god damn, this is like pro quality digital art.
>>71452 Hard to admire her curves when she's behind a shadow that's nearly as dark as ink. Hate it when BWS does this.
>>71469 Otherwise, the quality is really good.
>>71452 It's always nice when top quality fetish art of Cynthia is made. I feel like she has so much bad art of her.
>>71472 That's just Pokémon in general. Kiddos with a circle tool always go for Pokémon characters.
Anyone going to get the game?
>>71691 Holy fuck this is so good
>>71691 I like seeing her thinner again. She's been recently drawn a little too fat to be hot to me anymore. Anyone else feel the same way?
>>71752 No. Bigger is better.
>>71752 Hell no. The fatter the better
>>71752 I like the size, but what irks me is she's just like a static 600lb whale everytime she's drawn now instead of being depicted gaining that weight. What was originally hot about her to me from stuff like the original >>71691 was seeing her having to cope harder and harder as she grows and watching her attitude/outfits begin to crack in the face of too many pounds to ignore, not this borderline comical denial of reality her canon has settled into
>>71756 600 pounds is not whale size. While I agree that seeing the gaining process can be nice, I think it's often much better to be greeted by a woman who's so fat that she can barely move, and is already ready to be your plaything like this woman I'm posting. Thinking of all the different ways of affection I could give her and how much fat there is for me to grab makes my dick so fucking hard.
>>71691 Salt really improved as a artist, kind of rare for a fetish artist. About the picture, I like the marks of her shorts in her skin, its subtle
>>71770 Dunno about that, Salt definitely improved but I feel like most big name fetish artists I follow also improved. Except maybe Axel and Metalforever.
>>71775 I feel like that’s a bit unfair to metal. Their art has improved maybe not as much as others but he definitely isn’t stagnant like axel
>>71801 I really wish I could agree but if you look at Metal's recent pics and some from say six years ago, it's hard to say he improved. Here's an example but almost any pic would do: https://www.deviantart.com/metalforever/art/Princess-Bubble-Butt-546639561 (2015) https://www.deviantart.com/metalforever/art/Zelda-WG-Sequence-Pregnancy-Alt-890970416 (2021) Do the same comparison with Salt or others and it's like day and night.
>>71752 I have to half agree with you. I think you just don't like fat but there gets to a point of being immobile or near immobile where it's too much for me
>>71824 Naaah. I think it's perfectly reasonable not to be into ssbbw/ussbbw. I love em, but different strokes for different folks. Even in the FA sphere, people still like girls who can move normally.
>>71825 And I think it's reasonable to not be into chubby sizes. There's a lot more chubby women then SSBBW off the web, and sometimes chubby size isn't enough for people.
>>71756 It's comical, but if you read the stories BWS has written it becomes more obvious that it's a bit of a front she puts up
>>71825 I'm here and there on immobile. I can't stand slob or fat rolls or super gross shit, but I'm way into the soft way Salt and Axel draw them. I think it's because the way they draw it maintains female proportions so it still looks like a fat girl and not a flesh planet. That being said the fat scissoring drawing doesn't do it for me.
hey can someone post his new art?
(4.78 MB 1620x2298 All Beef Wiener Thief.png)
>>71855 Here you go pal ;)
>>71831 >>71858 I want to see her bigger. Slightly chubby isn't gonna cut it for me
>>71858 She's one of the thinnest women he's ever drawn. Very underwhelming after the massive beauties he's done over this year. She needs to be made much, much fatter.
(7.63 MB 2353x1963 Winry.png)
>>71979 erm?
(5.39 MB 2536x1823 Winry 2.png)
>>71981 I did say "one of". Hopefully she gets something similar to >>71982, if not bigger then that.
>>71990 I don't usually like double chins much in art or real life, but the first and last pic are perfect double chin for me. BWS does a good job at making them cute.
(1.93 MB 2481x3508 Losing Control_Pg20.png)
>>72157 That some well shaded booba.
>>72157 Looks like her gut goes past her tits now.
>>72157 you know... I really do look forward to Tuesdays for this.
Anyone else think BWS is like really good at drawing belly buttons? Like next to Kip I don't think anyone draws them better. I just want to stick my finger in them.
>>72157 God, dude knows what's up. I hope he lurks here, I come to this thread to elevate my mood.
>>72200 No joke, this comic is so well done (great linework, good pacing of the gain, believable story) that I anxiously await each new page every week. Tuesday nights are a “yay, new page!” night now lol
(797.79 KB 820x634 Lewd.png)
(245.00 KB 820x691 Festive Poll.png)
Explicit and Festive polls. Guess which ones are winning for both
>>72252 My guess is either 5 or 7
>>72157 This one strikes a chord with me because my wife has slowly blown up from 315 to about 440 in the few years we've been together and her usual McDonald's order has changed from picking between a double cheeseburger or a10 pc. nugget, large fry and Dr. Pepper to a Big Mac, 10 pc. nugget, large fry, large Dr. Pepper and a chocolate shake. Whatever I get, I also get a large just so she'll finish my fries.
>>72253 >over 128 in votes
>>72254 Aren't you worried about her having a heart attack or diabetes? I could never encourage my wife to gain...because I actually love her and want her to live!
>>72254 >>72261 Not to be rude, but why are you two here if you already have wives? Wouldn't they not like that you visit here?
>>72278 At least she knows they don't care about her waistline I guess?
>>72278 do you think people in relationships dont jerk off?
>>72349 I know that there's times in a relationship where one of the two could use a break, so the other would need a way to satisfy their own drive in the meantime or just deal with it until they're ready again. I'm moreso wondering how the one who's taking a break would feel about it, if they would be understanding or if it would be a red flag for them, and again I'm only talking in terms of looking up art of fat women one the internet.
>>72354 depends on the person really, there's no universal attitude to porn use. many couples are completely fine with the other regularly looking at pornographic material, for others it's considered cheating. looking at porn and being satisfied/satisfying your partner aren't mutually exclusive. so long as it's not at the expense of their partners why would they necessarily care? (besides the content itself being weird lol)
>>72356 That's a good way to explain it. If I ever got to be with a woman later in life, this content would be good to have in my back pocket in case she needs a break. However if she were the type to consider this as cheating, I'd leave this community behind.
>>72254 Keep up the good work brother. Enjoy life with your wife, and Don't let the haters ruin it.
(1.92 MB 2036x1821 Breath of the Exhausted.png)
(1.42 MB 2036x1821 Breast of the Wild.png)
Does anyone here have the witch explicit that doesn't exist anymore
>>72409 For some reason I can't upload this file. You have a Jpg or lower quality version of it?
>>72258 Of course they vote for the most abrasively fat one. I can't find this hot but his art is never ugly to me.
>>71752 I agree with you. I still like her as she is but I prefer smaller sizes. The progress pics are hot. But in my opinion I like chubby better and have a limit on how big I like 'em. Blobs don't do it for me.
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(1.92 MB 1661x3132 Komi Can't Lose Weight.png)
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(1.38 MB 1763x2690 Lucy_Dungies_EX.png)
(1.82 MB 2359x3061 Bustin' Out.png)
(1.59 MB 2359x3061 Bustin Out.png)
Lucy guy is BWS
>>72638 Would love to see more Rebecca tbh XD
>>72636 Holy hell that Komi is the perfect shape
(2.59 MB 2470x1964 Melony.png)
(2.53 MB 2470x1964 Melony_EX (1).png)
>>72466 If you're trying to download it from kemono it sometimes does file names weird. Sometimes I get jpe and a bunch of weird numbers and letters as the file name. I changed the jpe to jpg just by changing the e. Anyone else getting that?
(1.09 MB 3748x2481 $10 Sketches3.png)
(3.31 MB 5802x3819 Nov_sketches2.png)
Can anyone color in the Tohru and Shiki ones?
>>72937 Refs
>>72979 Shiki is the first one on the bottom left. Charlotte from Fire Emblem is fourth top row. Lucy from Fairy Tail looks to be the girl on the upper furthest right. Weiss is the girl on the far left middle row. The girl to the right of Shiki looks like Cherry: an OC from a fat kink game.
>>72985 Far left middle Row is RWBY but that's Pyrrha lol
>>72985 Who’s the bottom far right?
(2.04 MB 2481x3508 Losing Control_Pg21.png)
>>73066 good lord
>>73066 Is this class 3? She looks like a stuffed pig.
>>73066 She’s burping and laying about like a lazy pig. Who knows how huge she’ll get in the end of this.
(582.30 KB 1295x1293 Untitled2.png)
>>72909 Already color in Katsuragi from senran kagura what do you all think about this color picture I did?
>>73066 Can someone upload the entire comic? We haven't had that for a thread or two.
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(2.04 MB 2481x3508 Losing Control_Pg21.png)
>>73092 Well, it looks not so bad, but there's a plenty of white pixels here and there, so it looks a little sharp. I'm not sure, but it seems like you added colours above the lineart, it;s better to convert brightness to opacity and add colour on the layer below the line.
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(140.24 KB 500x600 vd.jpg)
>>72937 Can anyone colour the Charlotte? (4th in the front row) Pic for reference
>>73267 You might wanna send that to the colouring thread tbh
(2.56 MB 2138x1600 Stretched Birthday Suit.png)
>>72640 Here it be
>>73315 I know we're all sick of Lucy, but is it just me, or are the versions with clothes kinda hotter than the ones without?
>>73325 Still sick of Lucy, because I know that the fucking OCDONUTSTEAL is just outside the viewpoint of this image.
(270.67 KB 826x683 Lucy Chap8.jpg)
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(283.73 KB 1172x889 Lucy Chap13.2.jpg)
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>>73333 Der he is
>>73325 Can't get that sweet skindentation when she's naked.
>>73325 fucking same
>>73325 Honestly, fat girls wearing clothes will always be hotter to me than them just being naked. I personally like seeing them spill and peek out of their outfits, showing instances of being unable to contain their chubbiness
>>73402 Agreed. Cleavage that tries to spill out of a woman's bra and side fat that goes over their panties is eye candy. At the same time, I dislike when they have their pants pulled over their belly, like what he did with Hilda.
>>73402 You perfectly described how I feel about this. Thank you.
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>>73427 Writing may be cringe, but at least we're getting good art.
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(843.94 KB 2677x1916 Struggling For the Meme.png)
(5.63 MB 4088x1425 Whale Watching (1).png)
>>73408 Don't forget belly peeking out from beneath clothing
(1.32 MB 3507x2481 $10 Sket1ches.png)
(1.56 MB 3748x2481 $10 Sketches.png)
someone have the colored version of this two?
Technically, if someone edits that shitty self insert OC to have pink hair, you could say it’s Natsu and it works out canonically.
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(3.38 MB 2900x2000 HALIE-AND-NAT-UNCENSORED-01.png)
(3.15 MB 2900x2000 HALIE-AND-NAT-UNCENSORED-02.png)
(6.30 MB 3000x2517 Jiggle All The Way.png)
>>72645 Here you go
>>73606 my hatred for lucyguy knows no bounds he gets lucies every month, and when he doesn't he gets rebeccas which are basically lucy but sideways i am literally dying from lucy overdose also he stole my great grandfather's prize goose
>>73608 I don't like dedicated commission slots as a Patreon perk. The people who have them will never let them go so no one else can commission BWS. Between this Lucy guy not commissioning other characters and Undertaker who is allergic to BWS's biggest sizes, there's rarely anything to look forward to from them.
>>73608 While I agree with you on the hate for that Lucy loving, goose stealing mother fucker. I gotta say, Rebecca>>>>>Lucy
(1.73 MB 639x346 1468965767112.gif)
>>73608 Stop being a betch and go get that goose back.
>>73608 Has anyone here ever actually spoken with the Lucy guy?
>>73616 Holy fuck can all of you spergs shutup about the "Lucy Guy" You all malding every time he gets a comm is a waste if space. Go take your meds and play with the choo choo train to calm down.
>>73621 I'm just sick of Lucy in general. She's cute, she's got big tits, but there's like 5 pictures of her every month. I imagine Salt likes Lucy too, but I feel like the real waste is not getting full rendered pictures of characters that Salt hasn't been drawing for four years straight. It gets old and knowing it's one sperg who keeps commissioning her is kind of hillarious.
>>73621 >You all malding every time he gets a comm is a waste if space At this point, yeah it is a waste of space, ESL guy. It's a funny story to tell that one guy has basically controlled an artist's commission output for the past however many years he's had the slot, but the reality is that the argument of "oh just commission artists yourself" is basically impossible because I guarantee LucyGuy isn't the only one of his kind.
>>73648 Lucy guy isn't just monopolizing BWS for his delusional commissions, he's got his autistic claws in Chet now too. Every other sketch batch is another cringe worthy LucyXLucyGuy image.
>>73698 >>73648 Are you guys ever going to realize that this guy doesn't "monopolize" BWS's commissions? Sure he's an ongoing commissioner, but BWS posts plenty of commissions from other people as well. You'd think that his entire gallery is nothing but Lucy with the way you all talk...
>>73705 i think the annoying thing is the fact that basically 1 slot is always saved for lucy , and gets old , not to mention the cringe self-insert male in some pics. Lucy winning polls, sketches upgrades and even nsfw edits is so lame, boring and ruins the chances of other characters to get more art. i don´t see the point of putting lucy in those types of polls since she´s gonna get drawn in a future anyways. makes no sense to me. and yeah sure, there is other commissions but at the end of the day is the same 5 or so people that would NEVER let go their sketch/drawing tiers , making your chance of getting a comm from bws very slim.
>>73705 We've had Lucy content for a long time now. There's a weight comic with nearly every phase of fat girl in it. There are pages and pages of sketch pages that Lucy appears in, and she's one of the only characters that keeps getting full pinups and upgraded sketches. I want to see other characters with these big long comics and pinups. It's the same fucking dude that keeps commissioning this shit, it feels weird. And Salt is a good artist that's why everyone is so mad about it. This sperg with his coomer dollars keeps asking for the same fucking thing over and over again, meanwhile we know Salt is capable of something way better.
lucy is so mid im just fed up of salt drawing sameface blonde girls
>>73616 I've interacted and did a few commissions for the Lucy Guy. He's certainly not an spergy creep like you'd probably think, his overall demeanor is pretty chill and friendly. Not to mention, he allows for a lot of freedom with his commissions, letting artists draw practically whatever they want, as long as it includes Lucy. That's probably why Salt likes doing commissions for him, he can knock out a quick drawing of a character he also happens to like for some easy $$$ While I find his specific focus on Lucy to be a bit odd (I like to obsess over characters too, but eventually I get tired lol) , ultimately he's a pretty alright guy who just happens to like Lucy a lot, at least in my opinion
>>73729 >Not to mention, he allows for a lot of freedom with his commissions, letting artists draw practically whatever they want, as long as it includes Lucy. Freedom in the case of scenario, not character. My problem with him isn't his behavior, but the fact that he takes up one of BWS's dedicated commission slots and completely lacks character diversity with his commissions. The fault is also on BWS for not rotating commissioners so others can have a chance of working with him. He's one of the best artists in the fats community, so that's an incredible shame that one of his rare commission slots is always taken by someone who focuses so heavily on strictly one character.
>>73608 Then stop being poor and pay to get comissions
>>73609 one of these days I'll try and commission Salt. But then again I might try to commission him to draw a fat couple
>>73748 Have you not read a word I've typed? Limited. Commission. Slots. You can't commission BWS unless you're in one of his higher Patreon tiers, which there are limited slots of.
>>73616 I have actually. I didn't say anything about the Lucy situation but we talked about her (and no he is not a basement dwelling coomer who is madly in love with her). We had a nice chat but then he blocked me
>>73754 >We had a nice chat >Blocked me. So it wasn't a nice chat then.
>>73776 When you are so bad at communicating properly that people blocking you becomes a normal occurrence.
Is the lude sewer jam on this thread or was that a previous one?
(5.30 MB 4097x2222 April_Ex.png)
>>73939 it's on Kemono, here you go m8 I was never really a fan of this one, the colors are drab and her ass looks weird and square.
>>73956 fat nude lady chillin in the sewer. This fetish takes people places i swear
>>73958 The turtles clean the place twice a week okay
>>73970 They dress Donatello up in a maid costume and make him clean all the old pizza boxes.
>>73956 It might be the fact that everyone is used to seeing her with her yellow jumpsuit >>73974 A sequel to Donatello Gets Screwed and now he has to clean her mess.
(1.78 MB 2481x3508 Losing Control_Pg22.png)
>>74000 itd be cool to see more day to day interactions of her at various weights, even if people already complain its too slow, maybe as addendums after the series is done
>>73993 I saw some chick posting on the fat thread on /d/ about wanting the MC to find comfort in her gain, but personally I want her to utterly hate it and then just resign herself to being fatty like it often happens IRL. As much as I like seeing gains where the chick revels in her fatness its also hot seeing them hate it but because they've lost all control they can never go back to being thin.
(2.70 MB 1250x2176 1638959586374.png)
I mean obviously not a perfect 1:1 but dammnnn
>>74047 >>74047 Nah, I genuinely do like this newest piece. The fatter the better…ALWAYS!!!
Hey, does anyone have that Tifa sketch. Not the blueberry piece. I'm pretty sure she had muffin in hand?
(166.49 KB 812x1153 The Blue Beauty 1.png)
>>74248 This It?
>>74248 Can you post the blueberry piece of Tifa?
(700.71 KB 1827x1220 The Blue Beauty 2.jpg)
>>74260 Yeah thanks mate
>>74260 Forgot how dog shite that looked after I colored it lol
>>74327 Dude don't worry, it looks fine
>>74327 Well you can always redo it if you want
>>74039 I don't see how else it could end. Fit character with fit friends gets big because of her one decision to cut back on produce and get a bit of junk to cut back on waste snowballed into a junk food problem. That's the whole story of the comic.
>>74273 I kinda wish he did more like these, not blueberry, but like, instant loss, role reversal, teasing, smaller girl teases the immobile girl kinda deals. I'm sure he's done more like this but I'm lazy.
I'm once again asking for a sketch. Shinobu Kochou one. Thanks in advance
(272.35 KB 1206x1256 Sketches 2020 1.png)
>>74362 This It?
>>74477 Yes. Thank you
(325.16 KB 1077x1085 bws150.png)
>>74362 >>74477 One upping ya.
can someone upload his newest patreon post?
>>74572 Oh hot damn. Didn't know he did a color. Thanks
(1.79 MB 2481x3508 Losing Control_Pg23.png)
>>74802 Already too big to hide, and too lazy & embarrassed to do her clothes shopping in person in the low-mid 200's. Loving this comic.
>>74802 Too big to hide that round double chin and big hips
>>74802 Oh to see those fingers sinking into that soft tummy...
(3.20 MB 2517x1955 X-Rated V-Tubers.png)
(1.21 MB 2716x2334 Festive Feast.png)
(2.08 MB 2201x1812 Mei.png)
Page in any minute
>>75509 you jinxed it no more pages for a month
>>75511 D'oh
(1.17 MB 2864x2228 Fat Cat Christmas.png)
Does anyone get his new Christmas Lucy art?
>>75883 I mean on patreon, the High Resolution one.
>>75884 I've gotchu
>>75889 thanks, my firend
yoooo bet more lucy art :/ that hasn't been done for the 50th time by the same artist
>>75902 At least she's huge here. Maybe someday if we're fortunate, there'll be an immobile or blob pic of her from BWS.
>>75902 Yoooo bitching about Lucy art, that hasn't been done 50 times on the same thread :/
>>75906 funny how your defening bws addiction over a bad character xD
>>75919 >defending People aren’t really defending anything, they’re just sick of people complaining constantly. >bws’s addiction These are commissioned, and this one in particular won a poll. Bws’s preferences don’t come into this at all. >bad character What exactly about the character is bad? I’m not obsessed with her, but I don’t think she’s a bad character either. She’s fine.
>>75937 Finally someone who's unbiased
>>75937 Honestly don't get the issue either. Yeah she get's voted on in a lot of polls but BWS still puts out plenty of other art.
Like I understand bws I have a character I really love and I draw that character alotttt
>>75977 Exactly besides at least he draws one character from a franchise every once in a while unlike the many other artist that draw every single poke/genshin girl like three times a month
>>75990 For example kip and pixiveo are good artist but damn they gotta put limits on how many times a poke girl can be nominated
(629.80 KB 1604x2404 Santa's _Little_ Helper.png)
>>75991 I generally don't mind artists drawing Pokegirls (if anything I actually really like the idea of it), the issue is that its always the same handful of characters like Hex or Cynthia when there's such a huge selection otherwise
>>76016 Hex is easily the big offender. I don't mind how often Nessa gets drawn because black women don't get much love in the community.
>>75906 It's not the character. It's who's generally associated with the character. 90% of the time its a Lucy guy picture (Looking at you Chet)
(1.73 MB 2481x3508 Losing Control_Pg24.png)
>>76197 >that tit and back fat spilling over the bra
>>76200 Indeed. Athletic characters turning into “marshmallows” is pretty hot
>>76048 I honestly think people wouldn’t have as much of an issue with Lucy being drawn if the guy didn’t have an entire collection of fanfics featuring her and his self insert OC. Also, here’s something that’s been on my mind for a while: I’m not sure if the Lucy portrayed by Salt is in character or not. I’ve barely seen any Fairy Tail, but from my understanding it’s a fantasy shonen style action show, and Lucy isn’t that much of an all out glutton. Despite that, most of the drawings of her are just fucking around in a regular house or eating lots of food. At least when other artists draw characters (like Jeet drawing Bea or Axel drawing Panty and Stocking) you can clearly tell that they watch the source material the character comes from, because they also add elements and other characters from the respective franchises. But with the Lucy art, if you changed her hairstyle you would probably never recognize her as a character from Fairy Tail. I’m sure most people wouldn’t probably care about this stuff (wank material is wank material after all) but I think it’s another big reason why people are sick of Lucy art. Salt extensively drawing her feels like he’s giving into a specific person’s odd fantasy of himself fucking his fat, anime blonde waifu
>>76277 I’m torn. On one hand, there’s been a lot of Lucy lately and it’s been weeks since we’ve seen Nat and Chloe. On the other hand, Lucy guy is paying the bills.
(1.08 MB 3507x2595 $10 Sketches4.png)
>>76314 Oh man, ANOTHER Lucy. Who would have guessed?
(1.54 MB 3507x2595 $10 Sketches (Coloured).png)
>>76317 That's Juvia
>>76318 Lucia 2.0
>>76323 see, no, as much shit that i give lucy (which i still think lucy is annoying cause salt draws too much art of) at least thats a different fairy tail girl, i can respect it
>>76277 Wow, I actually thought Lucy was an OC until this.
>>76318 It was a long haired girl eating Plue cookies. 90% chance it was Lucy.
>>76318 >Clover One can only dream of him doing a thing about Passion Patties
>>76326 To be fair, the way that patreon writes Lucy in his fanfiction, it's so OOC that I'm not surprised that you would think so. Otherwise I'm happy to see monthly Lucy fanart (when it's not with his OC character).
>>76285 >On the other hand, Lucy guy is paying the bills. it's not as if someone else wouldn't if he stopped. the demand for one of those highest-tier patreon slots is probably immense >>76277 yeah, i don't really begrudge the guy, all the lucy content tends to be hot as fuck, but it is slightly uncomfortable having this whole OC-verse with mediocre writing attached to all of it that has practically no relation to fairy tail whatsoever aside from one girl's appearance. not enough to make them unwankable, but mildly dissatisfying enough that i'm praying for him to get displaced along with everyone else
>>76375 passion patties art is so good, people can make up WG scenarios for any other character in any other fictional universe but passion patties art will always be great because the madlads creating totally spies actually made the greatest weight gain episode of all time and the art reminds us of that.
>>76377 Agreed the self insert thing is cringe border lining on creepy
Oh let the Lucy man live his dream. I wish I could do the same but with Erza or other lasses. I’m sure you’d all do the same too.
>>76406 >I’m sure you’d all do the same too. Cope so fat it makes me wonder if you jerk off to it.
>>76406 Nah, I obsess over waifus too, but I can only jerk off to a specific one for so long before I get tired and want someone else
>>76406 There are characters I'd commission that much if I had more money and less shame, but turning the girl into your half OC who's in love with your self insert is on another level
>>76423 Agreed
>>76197 Dis some good shit right here.
>>76406 Surprised you could type that with Lucy guys dick in your mouth. Shut the fuck up Erza guy.
(4.94 MB 6930x5085 12-21.png)
Get ready for more Lucy
>>76431 For fucks sake...
Welrodguy here I can only hope that one day y'all will hate me as much as you hate lucyguy
>>76433 You got the fat artist to draw muscle. We hate you just as much.
>>76432 So instead of enjoying any of the other cute girls you’re just gonna get pissy because Lucy and an OC on the sheet. Grow up.
(299.24 KB 1313x1241 Squatrod.png)
>>76435 Success! :D
>>76433 Only if you throw hundreds of thousands of dollars at BWS so he has no choice but to draw what you want, until then I'm pretty indifferent, same with Lucy Guy (I actually have no problems with Lucy weight gain stuff honesty).
One thing I think people don't realize is that a Patreon creator can kick or even block people if they want to. I'd be suprised if BWS felt in any way he had to keep the high tier patrons coz if he didn't no one would take their slot. Considering how long the LucyGuy, Undertaker, Serena/NikumeGuy and this WelrodGuy have been getting commisions they're probably friends with BWS (I should join a stream sometime and see if that's the case actually since it seems likely). End of the day most of the art's going out for free and the art that isn't is (and there's no real other way to say this) being pirated here. If you wanna complain about paid content you're being given for free there's a manbaby thread for that.
Makise Kurisu guy here, do I get a pass since I sometimes comm other characters? And damn wish I could get a sketch tier slot again, they're so good and BWS doesn't really do comms otherwise anymore.
>>75889 I bet your ass she's gonna get a nude edit, I bet one's already in the works
>>76433 Are saying that not only do you make these commissions because you like muscles but to also to make us seethe ?! This is a level of trolling I was not ready for.
(37.26 KB 720x691 20211227_113048.jpg)
>>76431 Omg mommy misato
>>76431 Fascinating, i like it.
>>76433 It's a shame because I'm liking you. That's right, I also have a fetish for muscles.
>>76433 You the one who commissioned the welrod cake weight gain pic a while back? cus that one was pretty great don’t mind more of that not really a fan of the muscle though.
>>76384 It's kinda sad that the only high quality fanart/ fetish art (to my knowledge) of Passion Patties was done by goddamn Seriojainc
>>76484 yeah, I wish someone whose style wasn't inflation disguised as weight gain would create a good weight gain sequence for passion patties. recently ffanumber made a good single piece about clover at least. it's depressing that passion patties, which released on May 11th 2002, still hasn't been equalled or surpassed as animated weight gain fetish fuel almost 20 years later.
>>76197 joynado origin story
(1.92 MB 2894x4093 Growing Closer.png)
>>76654 I hope he does more with the weight contrast between these two, it’s something I find really hot.
>>76654 love this pair
>>76654 looks like it might not be 'notice me senpai' for longer maybe this will be the next comic series once losing control is done? would make sense- judging by this thread it seems like people enjoy Nat more
>>76752 Nat and Halie's relationship got some development in that Halloween story. Sam got some character too, but that doesn't stop people from thinking Losing Control is more depressing than they thought it would be. Odds are this is his next comic.
>>76758 was sam mentioned in the nat series before the Halloween story? I don’t remember her
>>76775 I don't think so.
>>76758 What Halloween story?
>>76800 The Culinary School Spooktacular. Two parter on his DA page
>>76785 Lilly!
>>76439 Me neither. Lucy is what got me into the fetish anyway If only I had the money to throw at him to draw fat guys
>>76925 He doesn't allow dude stuff in his discord, pretty confident that would get you a hard "no" even if you did have the cash.
>>76935 Even if he was willing to do it, I don't think you'd be happy with the result. Some people just don't know how to make fat guys look good. There's no indication that salt has paid any mind or practice toward that side of this fetish. You'd be better off commissioning someone like sweetdreamcoffee who does equal parts guys and gals.
>>76940 I thought sdc did mostly guys
>>76940 This is something that I feel some commissioners don't really get. Some artists just have a more "specialized" style, hell fat art is already kinda specialized. There's a comfort zone, and trying to commission them out of it is a risk. In example: If an artist primarily draws firm, single-bellied BBWs, I would err on the side of caution commissioning them to draw a USSBBW with a saggy belly that has rolls galore. Chances are that it won't turn out like you want.
New Page is out if anyone can upload.
>>76991 I love it when gaining includes trying to fit into school desks.
>>76991 Do you have the orginal res image?
>>76991 Even with all that sweaty waddling, she’s getting a pretty big ass
>>76997 >>77000 No but maybe someone else does.
(1.51 MB 2481x3508 Losing Control_Pg25.png)
>>77010 Yooo! Is she hanging out with Haile and Nat?
>commission fat artist >don’t actually have them draw fats >instead make them draw whatever the hell this is For what purpose
>>77219 Welrod guy this is no longer based, what the fuck even is this
>>77219 limited commission slots were a mistake
(165.36 KB 800x450 hes too dangerous.jpg)
(4.10 MB 2598x2968 Welrod.png)
(3.18 MB 2598x2968 Welrod_EX.png)
(3.38 MB 3254x2157 Welrod2.png)
>>77219 What the fuck this isn't even fat art
>>77230 It's probly some dumb OC or something. Maybe he just liked Salt and wanted him to draw this one thing. Fat artists can draw other stuff after all. Although if this is from his Patreon I don't know why he's put it there.
(66.52 KB 1280x720 Jokerprank.jpg)
>>77219 It's in my nature Fear not boys, fats will resume after this brief interruption. Eventually!
>>77236 Listen man I just wanna talk
>>77236 Thank you for ruining my January. We may have to wait a whole month for more fat art
>>77240 >A whole month >BWS literally posts 2-3 pieces a week top kek
>>77219 kek >>77236 keep doing what you're doing anon, its funny as shit and at least allows BWS to have some cash. At least you put your money where your non fat fetish is
>>77254 man i don't even mind, first of all he paid for the slot so he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it as long as salt's okay with it. second, she's still thicc even if not fat so i'm personally satisfied lol
>>77219 Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if BWS had a lot of fun with this one, the quality alone could be indicative of this. Nothing wrong with a palate cleanser, dudes.
>>77236 Based Also reminded me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGAtMNn3td0
>>77272 What is that character from I know its BWS art but the girl and guy?
>>77276 Welrod MKII from Girls Frontline.
>>77265 BWS likes studying anatomy for his drawings, so he probably had a lot of fun drawing stuff like the musculature.
>>77219 >damaged weldork Muy Basado
>>77236 I can't even be mad. Watching people fight over this piece is a great chuckle
>>77236 There gunna be a follow up?
>>77219 absolute madman as long as salt never draws malefats im fine with shit like this
>>77314 I hope he draws a malefat now just to spite you
>>77219 I really have to wonder if this is fetish material or just commissioned scifi >cyborg thicc amputees it's a coinflip. people be even weirder than us.
(28.74 KB 540x383 srdxtcfygvuhyiui.JPG)
>>77219 this is not only cool looking but infinitely better than the average comm from that faggot undertaker, I don't really see what the problem is. >>77236 keep living your best life anon, godspeed.
>>77319 If he drew a malefat I wouldn't be mad, all genders are hot with a little meat on their bones
>>77233 It's from girls front line. Welrod guy has actual blackmail on Salt.
>>77340 gtfo while you still got time. your about to start a storm
hey is there any more areku aleku commissions from other artists out there, mainly his OCs nikume and serena?
>>77342 What could the guy have to blackmail bws that would ruin his reputation? And also why does he have it?
>>77361 to be honest, no clue
>>77342 Where’d you hear that from?
>>77361 What shitstorm? Nothing's actually happened. A little discussion and everyone starts assuming there's drama afoot. It's all cool, chief.
(330.30 KB 640x480 hello fat fetish artist.mp4)
>>77236 Please comission bws to draw a book accurate Tyrion Lannister pointing a crossbow towards the viewer (as if we are Tywin)
>>77219 Its still a nice drawing >>77236 Holy based >>77399 Fucking Kek
(1.78 MB 3209x2672 Fatty Camper.png)
>>77236 Honestly you're an absolute king. Anything to interrupt the flow of Fat Of Lucy or Undertaker comm faggotry over and over again. >oh Lucy/KS girl fat but in a christmas outfit >oh Lucy/KS fat but in overalls >oh Lucy/KS fat but nekkid Enough. You're the warrior we needed. I'd even comm something SFW from him based on how your request turned out if I could. I look forward to your next bout of based mischief.
>>77485 Brb, paging lucyguy so we can do a theme-coordinated set of lucy/welrod images next month
(34.12 KB 379x269 1356029715129.jpg)
>>77399 O V E R T H E L I N E
(185.52 KB 966x1001 maysalt.png)
Boy, people sure do hate that Lucy guy.... Anyways, here's more Lucy
>>77571 Where did you get these?
>>77574 Lucyguy's basement.
(2.46 MB 1920x1080 Lucy Heartfilia.png)
Here's every Lucy drawing BWS has done currently (I took apart the Lucy comic and added nude versions he did)
>>77624 Nice
>>77493 >>77497 Oh god....what have you done.....
Lucy guys wallpaper
