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Monogatari Series Monogatari Series Fats 04/08/2020 (Wed) 01:13:22 Id:8c6f15 No. 7757
For Monogatari fats!
(207.21 KB 2000x1667 IMG_20200407_210715.jpg)
senjougahara mmm
Does anyone have Bee-lly from fraap? 'Cause i can't find it.
(288.98 KB 844x1200 Hanekawa Nyxondyx.png)
(4.76 MB 2800x3200 Teen Shinobu by ITAOHS.png)
(1.24 MB 1281x2073 Karen 2 by J-Mangi-Low.png)
(1.75 MB 2500x2030 Suruga_Kanbaru.png)
(2.63 MB 2480x3507 Kanbaru 1.png)
(2.23 MB 2480x3507 Kanbaru 2.png)
(2.81 MB 2480x3507 Kanbaru 3.png)
(1.53 MB 2283x3135 63183153_p0.jpg)
(1.14 MB 2256x3008 55686705_p0.jpg)
(1.44 MB 3264x2448 59663262_p1.jpg)
(344.56 KB 2500x2500 IMG_20200411_012828.jpg)
(266.91 KB 2048x2048 IMG_20200413_050603.jpg)
(1.39 MB 3000x3000 oshino_ougi_by_itaohs_dd652xu.png)
(780.36 KB 800x1193 Senjougahara by orukaniumu.png)
(1.12 MB 1055x2073 Tsukihi by J-Mangi-Low.png)
yessir (bump)
(315.92 KB 1000x1000 1536510910498.jpg)
(410.99 KB 702x772 l9v4ymq7.png)
(84.59 KB 750x1000 J-mangi-low Nadeko.jpg)
(6.75 MB 3197x2798 marshmallow_by_itaohs_ddwahdx.png)
(515.93 KB 1327x1314 Kiss-Shot by BWS.png)
(431.68 KB 4096x2867 EaKsHj1UYAEIH7u.jpg)
(428.50 KB 4096x2867 EaKsILzUcAEFG88.jpg)
(374.20 KB 1160x1134 Screenshot 2020-06-13 at 7.44.21 PM)
(2.11 MB 3538x1973 20200624_200236.png)
Does anyone have the hanekawa sunny drew awhile back?
>>7902 Anybody at all?
(2.91 MB 4092x2893 1593556840715.png)
(86.11 KB 750x1000 Hanekawa J-mangi-low.jpg)
(336.12 KB 1063x1111 Hitagi Senjougahara by Kappass.png)
(1.70 MB 2448x3264 68699849_p0.jpg)
(572.85 KB 3642x3713 IMG_20200802_230910.jpg)
(2.49 MB 3600x2400 bandage_by_itaohs_de2fxii.png)
(85.74 KB 1160x1297 Eh6kna8UMAEYjMz.jpg)
(9.65 MB 3024x4032 83074819_p0.jpg)
(685.69 KB 1447x2047 Karen by Sunny3257.jpg)
(376.13 KB 1304x1373 85408531_p0.jpg)
(254.48 KB 2000x2712 EnZqlc3XcAIn1ji.jpg)
(189.16 KB 2391x1276 received_290095512412519-1.jpg)
My job
(602.10 KB 4096x2341 EoknyHYVQAEkVda.jpg)
(332.29 KB 904x1200 61232899_p6_master1200.jpg)
>>7955 Who drew the third one of catgirl stuck?
(214.53 KB 1276x1401 86794933_p0.jpg)
Who made this
(292.65 KB 1275x1691 IMG_20210116_090730.jpg)
Hanekawa that I drew. I might scan it later for better quality
>>29796 You planning to do any other of the girls?
>>29796 Sweet! Great work!
>>29811 Yeah Senjougahara or Kanbaru probably
(296.00 KB 1221x1705 IMG_20210117_144436.jpg)
>>29845 As promised
>>29937 Now do Senjou
>>29937 This looks great! Do you have a gallery somewhere?
>>30104 Yeah https://www.deviantart.com/whatevaman03
(216.55 KB 888x1145 sloshed snek.png)
Sengoku getting a little too comfy accepting offerings
>>30749 >That Karen image I haven't came this hard in forever.
>>30114 Nice! You should definitely post your Monogatari stuff there (and if you feel up to it please draw Ougi she makes such a great fatty)
(227.85 KB 1856x1425 Ett1D7rVoAAAGvv.jpg)
>>33532 I wish this guy's paid stuff was available somewhere
>>32313 Saw the big snek today on Patreon. absolute madlad did you also commission that Kiss-Shot that they did?
>>33532 Who drew this and is there a version without color
>>34809 https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2813313 sadly most of their recent stuff is behind a paywall
I swear this is the only place on the internet with bbw Sengoku artwork. Literally all the other female characters but her have bbw artwork.
(408.97 KB 2000x1500 85393361_p1.png)
(113.85 KB 1920x1080 EwQjb4XXAAsYQFz.jpg)
(329.73 KB 1192x1207 tumblr_pi2g794hdY1s2p30fo3_1280.png)
Anybody got more fat Suruga images?
(127.44 KB 1865x1698 IMG_20210218_183841.jpg)
(229.63 KB 2655x2295 IMG_20210218_184031.jpg)
(253.62 KB 2258x1904 IMG_20210218_184017.jpg)
(179.02 KB 1800x2100 20210331_003446.jpg)
(480.89 KB 4096x3072 20210327_022308.jpg)
>>37508 Source please
>>37640 https://twitter.com/shedrawsome/status/1375693548658495490
(2.07 MB 4306x2795 1497106975414.jpg)
(808.19 KB 1280x1114 RaincoatFinished.png)
(111.85 KB 720x982 IMG_20210419_104039_568.JPG)
Couldn't find it in a better resolution
(292.56 KB 1309x1458 Eyt8xLgXAAUdjBv.png)
(829.20 KB 3202x3144 194 sin título (1).jpg)
my contribution and art then I upload the colored version
>>32313 Anyone have the colored version of this from the better with salt thread?
(256.85 KB 600x685 cFNZRnm.png)
(1.74 MB 2480x3508 hitagi_by_dmxrated_dehfur4.jpg)
(2.43 MB 2480x3508 nadeko_by_dmxrated_dei4di7.jpg)
(1.71 MB 2480x3508 tsubasa_by_dmxrated_defztgl.jpg)
(5.48 MB 3630x5063 hanekawaXL.jpg)
(2.50 MB 2480x3508 suruga_by_dmxrated_deh17k2.jpg)
Kinda sucks a lot of the non-bake girls have like 0 fats, like Tsukihi only has 1.
(1.72 MB 2480x3508 mayoi_by_dmxrated_deg4khs.jpg)
Bumping to keep it alive.
(410.97 KB 2048x1467 illust_66846255_20210609_202152.jpg)
(561.74 KB 1536x2048 illust_59663262_20210615_030709.jpg)
Bumping to keep this alive
(112.80 KB 759x1074 E3gnC9CUYAAQecd.jpg)
(1001.80 KB 3345x2575 228 sin título (2).jpg)
my contribution and personal drawing
>>49311 Desagradable a la vista, pesimamente dibujado y aparte esta mierda es inflation, posteala a >>/inf/lables.
>>44399 Damn how I would like to hug and lick my beautiful girlfriend Hanekawa's tummy
(69.86 KB 800x244 228723_0.jpg)
thread keeps dying so here's a full version of something posted here earlier
>>49311 Yo te conozco
>>51049 800x244, smaller than a thumbnail. >Full version ... >Doubt
>>51063 You could just click on the image and it would be bigger But yeah, the quality is shit unless someone has a more optimized image. The only one I could find is locked behind a paywall
(371.92 KB 1143x1147 img20210705_19513872.jpg)
>>29937 I'm the same guy who did this. Lately,I've been watching Monogatari and Monogatari AMVs while stoned, and have been enjoying it immensely. Monogatari might be the ideal digital anime. The directing is strange and strangely fitting, the colours are somehow dull and vibrant all at oncenand they blend the CG backgrounds/objects in with unusual skill. Anyway, here's Kissshot, based off that one shot where Araragi is holding up her mangled body.
(7.20 MB 8955x5859 91154609_p0.png)
>>51114 Great artist that sadly no one seems to care about. Also he puts his stuff on fucking Booth.
>>52028 Lamb sauce?
>>52900 @ConcertDrill on Twitter
>>52895 Do kind of wonder whether it's possible to find his Booth stuff in high quality elsewhere, but I haven't found much so far.
(212.43 KB 2000x1500 20210812_141108.jpg)
>>57025 source?
(942.16 KB 1500x1500 Tsavo-402226-Sodachi Vore.png)
>>51049 any better quality yet?
(107.59 KB 900x473 9h2Dy6FC.jpg)
>>62907 Been searching for months and this is the best I can dig up. Sucks because I liked the second phase the most.
Any more?
(441.89 KB 1600x488 228723_0_auto_x2.jpg)
>>62976 Gave up and just ran the image through an enhancer tool. Here's the end result
seems like we can't really bump anymore
>>66178 Oh no...
>>66178 I reported 4 or 5 posts that tried bumping this thread without any art in hopes of not keeping a dead thread around, then you finally did the right thing and decided to post art instead of bumping with nothing. If you want this thread to stay, post art. Otherwise, let the thread die.
(388.85 KB 2100x3300 Shinobu_request.jpg)
(76.69 KB 675x900 DcBt-BfV4AA8Esd.jpg)
(1.59 MB 3029x1661 ezkerbkun-733907-kiss shot.png)
why is there so much vore recently
>>70244 Source?
>>70281 https://www.deviantart.com/piengoo Enjoy
(316.16 KB 1080x1506 Screenshot_20210730-022707__01.jpg)
(226.25 KB 1323x1647 20211111_134002.jpg)
(88.05 KB 960x720 received_615445879501696.jpeg)
(56.88 KB 960x720 received_422046702741013.jpeg)
my best friend gave me this for my birthday
(51.54 KB 720x960 received_162119159452547.jpeg)
(38.79 KB 720x960 received_200543512194672.jpeg)
(40.57 KB 720x960 received_1102160820526607.jpeg)
(45.16 KB 960x720 received_924723045147988.jpeg)
Anyone got any Tsukihi?
Looking for this Comic where Senjougahara asks for her weight back but than gets fat and says something like "this is too much" Anyone know??
>>36563 Bruh...how did we not notice that?
>>72689 I think Satsurou is the artist.
(48.69 KB 960x720 received_2045940962223050.jpeg)
(249.79 KB 2000x2000 20211219_202734.jpg)
(810.96 KB 1967x2024 152 sin título (6).jpg)
I'll be honest I was bored as fuck and horny so I did this, taking advantage of it is also my first full nsfw xd enjoy it my dear friends 🥵
>>77008 Is this a alien pregnancy thing?
(276.53 KB 744x1052 shinobu_by_sunny3257_dapzmrv.jpg)
(83.03 KB 800x1193 1621961337274.jpg)
(55.29 KB 618x954 g0352.jpg)
>>81848 source please?
(211.45 KB 683x946 09-21 (1).png)
>>82548 Some unofficial color variants.
>>81864 That artist stopped a long time ago and the oekaki and archive sites his work was posted got shut down.
>>84809 Ok, thanks!
>>86566 They says they are going to be posting fat art in line with events from the show. This year might be a good one for monogatari fat art.
>>86579 Seems like this person has been absent for more than a year before this post, would they really keep up with the schedule?
(57.42 KB 1161x1190 20220409_201404.jpg)
(140.70 KB 1280x905 002_180117R_bV01.jpg)
(272.83 KB 2048x2048 20220412_221449.jpg)
Repeats, sorry
(1.47 MB 3400x4600 SR3.png)
Kemono and mofu are blessings
>>86639 Kept up so far.
(416.16 KB 1948x2480 20220510_015311.jpg)
>>92671 I would staple staple my face to her ass.
>>86566 >>91504 >>92671 I just fucking realized. He's posting the pics according to the actual show timeline. First pic - Kizumonogatari, End of March Second pic - Nekomonogatari Kuro, End of April Third pic - Bakemonogatari 1 Hitagi Crab, Beginning of May So if he keeps this up we'll be in for a long year, plus some notable gaps like between bake and niso.
>>91125 Heard of kemono but not mofu, what is that
(169.73 KB 592x771 20220511_072046.jpg)
(132.70 KB 640x960 received_797121240965229.gif)
>>92775 wow, good observation. I would have never caught that
(314.12 KB 1495x2048 20220604_075829.jpg)
Disconcere's most recent two
(290.24 KB 2792x2800 1655490409830.png)
>>98203 dang, was honesty disappointed on the most recent few but this one's great
(865.67 KB 1536x2048 illust_94444318_20220621_022736.jpg)
(692.98 KB 2048x1536 illust_99117300_20220621_022505.jpg)
(1012.94 KB 2560x1600 IMG_20220705_160137_854.jpg)
My contribution
(288.08 KB 2048x1702 20220708_112635.jpg)
Finally... more tsukihi..
(291.38 KB 2048x1982 20220720_023709.jpg)
(264.91 KB 3200x1888 20220801_202959.jpg)
Omg they did it again
>>7757 Genuinely surprised there's not that much fat art of this series. I mean, this is pretty good so far, but compared to "nintendo girls" and "dragonball", this forum hasn't changed much in a few years, considering the series has a large enough fanbase, you would think..
>>104972 its a decently niche series, it's mainstream enough to get this many fats though.
(107.43 KB 663x559 1571837785533.png)
>>104972 >>106851 >Protag is an unrepentant lolicon >Even the lolis get the lewd >That toothbrush scene >Incest Those along with the fact there's no readily apparent idea to grasp upon in a short span of time, beyond slice of life harem anime; I don't think you're not gonna get much of anyone to jump on it. I never watched a single episode or read a single page and even I know that much. >mainstream I don't think you know that word means; just having a couple beautiful women doesn't make it anywhere close to any meaning of mainstream. That thinking is Kodomo no Jikan tier denial.
>>106858 >I never watched a single episode or read a single page That's all we need to know, move along guys
>>107218 Like the people we're talking about. Those are the scenes and information that most easily gets around through people joking about them or being suggested.
(155.33 KB 1168x2020 20220826_005222.jpg)
(146.18 KB 304x538 30191273_p0_master1200.jpg)
(234.06 KB 381x526 30191273_p1_master1200.jpg)
(306.52 KB 444x595 30191273_p2_master1200.jpg)
(470.50 KB 651x666 30191273_p3_master1200.jpg)
(628.82 KB 1200x441 30191273_p4_master1200.jpg)
(5.76 MB 4359x4558 July%202022%20Hanekawa-min.png)
I was hoping finding more Monogatari stuff here. I guess I'll have to draw some. I'll post it later. In the meantime, have this.
>>111970 Sauce?
>>116221 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/30191273 Made by the same artist who made >>64853
(345.54 KB 2110x2566 Tsukihi.jpg)
You guys have more Tsukihi stuff?
>>67811 Is there a colored version of this?
(865.21 KB 4096x2546 20221117_192832.jpg)
(213.73 KB 1280x1707 101.jpg)
(176.16 KB 700x919 20221207_001857.jpg)
Can't let this thread yet
(188.27 KB 1726x1100 IAzmkcK9.jpg)
(2.43 MB 2480x3508 nadeko_by_dmxrated_dei4di7.jpg)
There's not enough nadeko fats in the world.
(2.43 MB 2480x3508 nadeko_by_dmxrated_dei4di7.jpg)
>>135554 Weird the image didn't get posted.
(2.43 MB 2480x3508 nadeko_by_dmxrated_dei4di7.jpg)
Not nearly enough Black Hanekawa stuff out there.
(1.80 MB 3031x2553 45 sin título (1).jpg)
I did the best I could
(1.63 MB 1836x2668 53 sin título (2).jpg)
Recently made
(225.58 KB 2048x1725 IMG_20230128_010343.jpg)
I corrected my eyes tomorrow I will do a weight again or inflation of my pretty little vampire
(247.06 KB 1627x2048 received_912634746575833.jpeg)
another mine to the list
(1.36 MB 1837x2465 65 sin título (2).jpg)
(79.10 KB 1890x1482 received_562138985825851.jpeg)
(54.22 KB 640x960 received_539301330409364.webp)
(54.22 KB 640x960 received_539301330409364.webp)
>>140478 this isn't monogatari dumbass
>>140478 Dats priconne
(2.12 MB 3380x4420 140 sin título (1).jpg)
(5.43 MB 4480x5531 145 sin título (4).jpg)
>>42034 Late but here's what I can find
Higher quality
(88.64 KB 1638x2048 received_521305726650324.jpeg)
(89.10 KB 2000x1500 received_1074282049824686.jpeg)
(5.56 MB 4640x6391 369 sin título.jpg)
(2.62 MB 4126x3914 355 sin título.jpg)
(2.26 MB 2242x3914 353 sin título.jpg)
(2.26 MB 4193x3751 376 sin título (1).jpg)
>>150841 source?
>>153436 https://twitter.com/Heilkein?t=At_S_pU24Rlj6KBslefpEw&s=09
>>153695 Hola Freeman!
>>153709 Cual de todos eres xd?
(98.42 KB 1024x576 20230519_154136.jpg)
I finished my first collage
>>154041 Have you thought of drawing other Monogatari characters
>>155157 I have thought about it but honestly it does not call me at all I say the one I like the most is shinobu and if I make another character it would be by commission
>>155157 forget what I said
>>155367 Based.
I started to make an ononoki and I want to do the other monowaifus I don't know if you want to support by following me on networks
>>155873 Sure, as long as you don't open a Patreon and crap like that...
(892.45 KB 2304x3072 562 sin título.jpg)
(1.88 MB 2903x3051 544 sin título.jpg)
(1.47 MB 2869x3734 511 sin título (2).jpg)
(1.46 MB 2649x4096 564 sin título.jpg)
(2.44 MB 2154x3332 573 sin título (2).jpg)
>>155886 These are some samples of the work I was doing and a patreon is currently not profitable for me xd https://twitter.com/Heilkein?t=TXTevW1Vq7z8W2qvhB8m1w&s=09 https://www.deviantart.com/heilken
Genuine Surprise there isn't more art of tsukihi. She seems like getting fat is right up her alley.
>>157482 True. Wish there were more art of her. I should draw her later.
I will be responding to requests from monogawaifus leave your craziest and hottest ideas shinobu I'm bored already so I have a lot of time to draw if you like you can pass references I will be doing everyone regardless of the girl also be creative here a drawing in progress
>>158010 In summary, leave your requests for the monogatari waifu that you want, also sorry if my spelling is wrong I'm using a translator
>>158011 Very crazy idea, hanekawa but she's very fat, a blob you could say
>>158067 You just said blob and well I more or less understand this has a cow headband I'll finish it tomorrow
(214.69 KB 2048x1498 20230624_113315.jpg)
>>158067 I have to keep my word
>>157482 I'm kind right now the tsukihi I'm doing is making progress
>>158164 You don't need to show us the progress every time, you know? You can just send the sketch once it's done
>>158140 Very nice man thanks a lot, keeps he good work!
(348.08 KB 1599x2048 20230624_212753.jpg)
With this I put some tsukihi I'm going to try to make at least 5 requests that they do here monthly. the file is too large so I lowered the quality with twitter
>>158011 I just want a nice, simple Nadeko before she became a god
>>158381 Don't take it the wrong way, friend, but you can be more specific. I don't know if I explained myself, I mean, with references and that.
>>158414 Ah sorry if I came off as a bit crude. Wasn't my intention at all. I want a fat Nadeko (design from Bake) that's towering over Koyomi as reference to her size. If you don't want to you don't have to draw Koyomi, probably replace him with Shinobu for reference
>>158424 No hay problema solo quieres la nadeko con buen tamaño supongo
>>158424 I'm already on it tomorrow or tonight you will have your fat and voluminous pre-goddess
>>158438 Sweet, thanks man!
(4.92 MB 6772x6534 Ilustración175.jpg)
(6.32 MB 7669x7027 Ilustración171.jpg)
I just watch slither xddd
>>158477 Good shit, again thanks man!
(1.94 MB 3008x2936 5-30-2023_Shinobu_copy.png)
(5.37 MB 9654x2054 Tsukihi_Donut_6.png)
>>157640 Well, I drew some Tsukihi. Took me a while to finish it. Hope you guys like it.
>>159363 Amazing job, anon, especially love how you depicted most of her looks through the series. She and Karen really need more fat art.
>>158010 Are you still doing requests?
>>161004 Retarded literally asked about requests twice in the hopes of keeping this thread alive
>>161008 How nice of you to think I'm doing this to keep the thread alive. Guy offers requests and I was wondering whether they are still doing it. I ain't getting Twitter to ask since it's being run like a shit hole. If the thread dies it dies, but I'm not passing up on a free request.
>>161013 I'm the one who did >>159363 I could draw something for you if you want. Just won't draw the lolis like Mayoi and Shinobu in the series.
>>161053 >I could draw something for you if you want. Just won't draw the lolis
>>161054 So what? He ain't obligated to draw shit like lolis, you know
>>161064 Yes but.. Loli's sort of..... life right now
>>161064 Yes but.. Little Girl's sort of..... life right now
>>161108 I'm the one who did the 4 drawings before the tsukihi
(4.45 MB 6500x7761 591 sin título.jpg)
>>161053 Senjo sequence would be nice
(193.40 KB 762x599 20230727_025732.png)
>>161590 I'm currently working on a part 2 of the Tsukihi sequence with Karen in it. Should be out in a few days, I hope. I'll do a Senjo sequence when I'm done with it.
>>158477 To whoever made this image, I was wondering if you're willing do do another Nadeko, but something that is like the "Nadeko pussy fat and warm" meme. Like be this image of her but from behind, and she's turned around looking at her massive rear
(1.24 MB 2832x4779 Ilustración380.jpg)
Anyone got new Nadekos?
(2.79 MB 3568x4779 Ilustración489.jpg)
(2.04 MB 1600x1538 kaoticlegion_comm_editre.png)
Some really old trinityfate when hed still draw stuff besides furry
(467.87 KB 2480x4092 F4CmB5PbkAAh26v.jpg)
(1.01 MB 2480x4092 F2TxlZCbcAAHoVs.jpg)
(494.07 KB 2893x4092 FylhNU2XsAEQ3yb.jpg)
>>169885 His old stuff was so good. Even a decade later it's still some of the best fat art out there.
(1.98 MB 4022x4779 Ilustración571.jpg)
This fucking thread is deader than shit, it's my turn to try to revive it like almost the entire fucking year, I leave this to you, my dears, just finished shit.
>>172308 hey, can you open dms on twitter? would love to comm you.
>>172312 ready now you can send me a message
>>172312 https://x.com/HeilkenDren?s=09
(1.21 MB 2832x4779 Ilustración585 (4).jpg)
(1.24 MB 3151x4566 Ilustración580.jpg)
(1.22 MB 2832x4779 Ilustración585 (2).jpg)
(4.36 MB 7123x4779 Ilustración593.jpg)
a drawing I'm doing
>>169885 oh hey I'm the commissioner of that one, lost it in a computer change a while back. Thanks for posting it here!!
(215.38 KB 1586x2048 IMG_6050.jpeg)
Thinking about making a Google doc archive of this thread in light of the recent news Though no promises because this thread is long
(376.50 KB 1086x1210 illust_105849707_20231022_024740.png)
This thread some how stood 3 whole years despite the series not having much art as most. It's been an honor posting fat art of mono girls with you all.
I swear this thread has lived through so much that it's going to last until the end of time.
Because of this thread I started drawing taking advantage of some practices from a Shinobu and Hanekawa comic that I'm working on
(321.09 KB 750x857 5556.png)
(549.10 KB 750x857 5557.png)
Am I blind or these have not yet been posted
(182.91 KB 1677x1081 20231215_192202.jpg)
New Hanecowa!
>>176665 GBF thread is still going since like what, January 20th of 2020?
>>185283 >Blueberry AND AI You are a special kind of retard huh?
>>185511 why did you repost this dogshit you idiot
>>185530 Aren't you ashamed to bark like a dog on a forum dedicated to pornography? You just look like a retard with a lack of attention span
>>185531 duhhh duhh im retarded duhhh im retarded as fuck. thats what you sound like
>>185511 >>185531 You dumbass, this is the wrong board for both of those. AI has it's own board, and Blueberry goes to either /inf/ or /bbwalt/ boards.
>>185544 Go back to your own board, blueberry fucker.
>>185544 Go fuck yourself, nigga
(1.55 MB 3389x3547 20240129_025806.jpg)
We are so back
(467.77 KB 1319x1754 20240130_160722.jpg)
(5.83 MB 6499x8315 Ilustración23.jpg)
I've been working on this drawing for months and I felt sorry it was going to get lost, so I'm publishing it here. I have open commissions Exclusively about monogatari If anyone is interested I don't have any limitations in terms of fetishes and preferences
(46.42 KB 937x966 GGOKXYDWEAEZDWA.png)
(29.74 KB 885x829 GGPVIdLWYAAV0yw.png)
>>189095 Source?
(21.60 KB 743x841 GGUkQNBXcAAmSuR.png)
>>189119 https://twitter.com/anniechrist620
(25.74 KB 923x968 fatasshanekawa.png)
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>>196905 I'm surprised someone uploaded that drawing of mine here other than me. It makes me a little nostalgic I'll upload new monogatari content better.
>>197131 I notice you're still drawing Monogatari, have you ever thought of drawing another Nadeko? I really liked the one you drew above
Actually on second thought just noticed the other discussion above, ignore my autism.
>>197253 I can but I would do it under commission I have more preference for shinobu and hanekawa or well they 2 would be the characters I always use. I can give you 10 usd for monogatari with everything already included color etc. I have no limitations on girl fatness.
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>>162412 I don't know if you are the same person on twitter but it took me a while to adapt to the request
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Fat senjougahara
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>>200885 You fucking idiot, she's from Doki Doki Literature Club
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Keeping thread alive, don't think this Hanecowa has been posted yet
>>216736 I mean...this cartoon as a whole is pretty frickin' complex, and very few people will bother watching it from start to finish. It's probably why there is still little to no fat art
>>216736 It's tough when your series most notorious traits are being "hard to get into" and "for freak degenerates." People don't know what they're missing.
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>>219258 Woah, we finally got a fat Sodachi. A pleasant surprise tbh.
>>219258 Source?
>>219258 Rare fat Sodachi?! About time!
>>219329 Yeah, freaking finally someone drew her. Wish we had more art with her
>>219314 https://x.com/discrotart/status/1812056716785209755
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>>223822 Blueberry does not belong on this board, go to /inflation/
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Do you see potential in my drawing? Its a sketch pratice
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>>225571 The Gaen sisters getting fat art?! Wonderful!
Anyone gonna archive this thread btw? We've made it 4 years
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A recent sketch I did
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>>242149 Parts 2.
>>242791 And 3
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If someone has ideas on how to draw Hanekawa I can do them for free just be creative please
>>243284 >>243285 Uhh...dude, just go to the drawing improvement thread
Here's a old Axel-Rosered drawing I found
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