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Make your own stories. Make your own stories. 10/07/2022 (Fri) 22:18:04 No. 5144
Please make your own stories and post images with your own stories, too, but please keep the text limit at 9999. Here are two examples below. P.S: this is a back up thread incase if >>5291 ever gets.bumpblocked.
>>5319 "Rubbing that big, belly of yours, but wanting it even larger for the inevitable 'pleasuring'~ XP He steps away for a bit, putting on his uniform, so strained it's already tearing even before buttoning up~ He swallows down a few donuts in one go with a loud gulp, as his belly rumbles and bulges out, completely tearing his uniform to shreds /just/ to tease you~ "Urp...~ Well cadet? How's that for 'beefy'~" he chuckles, causing his belly to jiggle up and down gently, making loud, sloshing sounds as his fleshy layers grind against eachother. the big bufallo steps forward, pushing the wolf against the wall with his belly, pressing tighter and tighter "You're such a fat pig, aren't you?" he leans in for a sudden kiss "I like that~ Means I have someone to whip into shape~" shoves some more donuts into the big, blushy wolfs maw, moving his jaws up and down to help him chew the large amount before gulping it down, immediately going to his thighs and exploding them out of his trainee uniform "Ahaha! Well, you're a fast learner. he says, pressing his belly against the big grey wolf's so much that their fat spills out sideways, making their moobs meet and gently rub against each others, tight buffalo skin against fuzzy wolf fur"
>>5319 Once upon a time, a grreedy little witch conjured an everfull flask of honey, and obviously it affected her body... and eventually, the ceiling, until she went to the basement, on her quest for more food and magic - and fell asleep there. Waking up, she realized she forgot something - the everflowing honey flask was still doing it's work! Now the cellar is nearly full of honey (and witch :-p) and like Goethe's Apprentice Wizard, she's gotten herself into quite a predicament. Far from despair though, a mix of greed, megalomania and a bit short-sightedness has helped her to decide on just drinking the honey faster than the flask can pour... all while she's growing fatter and rounder...! Eventually; Slowly, but steadily she managed to catch up with the flask, consuming more and more honey in the process. Not only did her absurdly large tummy expand from the sweet filling, but over time, her body started converting the nourishing liquid into more and more layers of fat... Soon, the constricting tightness of her master's quarters couldn't contain her vast bulk and gave way - but she was set on her task. She would not lose to a mere item of her own conjuration! Bigger and fatter her belly grew, lifting her up, until finally, she managed to snatch the devilish device and closed it shut. Satisfied, she gobbled up the leftover honey thinking of leaving no trace of her mishap, blissfully ignorant (for the moment) of the havoc her monstrous meal had caused. If one were to walk by now, one would be able to observe a bizzare scenery: A huge crater where once a Warlock's Den had been, some rubble and some puddles of honey spread around and in the middle of it, a cute but unbelievably fat young sorceress, resting on her swollen paunch - of which only the top part was visible - the rest (like an iceberg) hidden inside the remains of the home, it's size one could only imagine...
"J-just shut up and feed me the damn thing!" The bloated creature growled between panting breaths, her skin still tense as she felt the dangerous claws and needle sharp protrusions dance lightly across her painfully taught flesh. A massive hand caressed her side and gripped roughly on to her breast and she growled. She could feel a wet tongue dance across her flaring gills and a hot breath on her neck as the squirming, suffocating fish creature squirmed in the grip of the colossal creature behind her. Once again a spoke pushed painfully into her side, and that stinger grew ever closer to puncturing and rupturing her too full stomach. "Ooooh, poor little fat shark is whining for food...." The dragon like creature hissed with multiple voices from behind her. She could feel her formidable bust squished against her back as she continued to pant. She was so full but there were still several more experiments she needed to dispose of. Binging is one thing, but it became more and more difficult the longer she had to wait between delivery of subjects, and it gave her stomach time to settle and to tell her that it didn't enjoy how full she was. She grabbed hold of the large, muscular arm that gripped and massaged her breast and leaned back to the creature, snapping her teeth at her. "J-just feed me the damn thing, you can touch my boobs afterward or something, I have an actual job to do around here unlike SOME people." She hisses. The other girl raised an eyebrow and frowned as her stinger pushed lightly against that taught skin again. "Fine... I'll keep feeding you these, and I'll do it quickly. But I'm Not. Moving. My. Tail." She said pausing between each word as her tail wriggled along her stomach, stinger pulling back, only to slowly sink back into her flesh without penetrating it. "And we'll see if your as durable as the doctor believes you are..." she hisses again, feeling a little annoyed and sadistic. She lifted the squirming and screeching fish man over Scarlet's head and lowered it down tail first into her mouth as she greedily shore through it's flesh with her serrated teeth, snorting and panting as she scarfed it down, followed by another. She could feel her bloated middle slowly expanding, pushing more and more into the micro thin point of her stinger, but once the bloating subsided, her thick skin remained impenetrable, for now at least. Echks frowned and sighed as she let go of the girl's bust and sauntered across the room, leaving her panting with the occasional belch. "Alright, time for round two, you may have taken care of the Pacu men experiment failures, however you still have yet to take care of the bio contaminants, never mind the failed clones, And while you do that, I'll be right here... waiting until your poor little tummy can't take any more.... Because as soon as a single drop of this venom hits your bloodstream, you'll be a walking blood bomb." "Why don't you save this for my sister?" Scarlet asked, leaning back and pampering her stomach as much as she could. Echks giggled, her laugh more of a sick cough than anything. "Easy. You're much more durable than her..." She hissed. "So if I can kill you. She'll be a piece of cake."
Zarah came to a stop beside the stairwell door. Although brought her momentum to a halt ripples of movement still waved over her body, clearly visible due to her much too small clothing. Almost all of the fabric of her shirt went towards covering her gargantuan bust, leaving a pitiful amount to cover her belly, which hung past her tiny skirt and down to her knees. The skirt itself was essentially sitting on top of her vast hips rather than covering them in any way, leaving her legs and rump pretty much entirely exposed. It had taken some time to find a college that would allow such a display, but fortunately this one was very understanding that even the thinnest layer of clothing would trap in enough heat to almost make her pass out. Plus the airflow felt nice against her fat folds. Right now she was also trying to prevent herself from becoming overheated by taking long, slow breaths. After all, the worst was yet to come- the class she had today was on the second story of the school building. Zarah absolutely hated stairs, which was to be expected from a 975-pound girl such as herself. It didn’t help that her hips were so wide she took up the entire width of the stairs, and even then her hips mashed against the wall and the railing on either side. As she was about to reach for the door to the stairwell she heard a ding. Turning around she saw the doors to the elevator on the opposite wall open. Surprisingly, Zarah used elevators a lot less than stairs- being such a big girl she didn’t fit in small spaces very well, and as such she was a bit claustrophobic. Not only that but she knew that if she got in an elevator there would be no room for anyone else. But this elevator was completely empty, and she only had to go up a single floor. She looked back at the stairwell door, then to the open elevator before swinging her massive form around and walking towards the opened mechanical doors. She made sure to hit the ‘doors open’ button in hopes that they wouldn’t try to close on her as she got in. The gigantic zebra was about to start squeezing through the much too small gap when she remembered the last time she had used an elevator. It wasn’t big enough for her to turn around in, so when she arrived at the floor and the doors opened she had to back out of it, which was awkward since she had no idea if anyone or anything was behind her. With this in mind Zarah turned around in order to back into the elevator. She made sure to angle herself sideways a bit since her front-to-back length was merely eight feet, compared to her ten-foot wide hips. Though door was wider than average, it was still only a measly five feet. Fortunately about seven of her eight-foot front-to-back dimension was pure body fat, meaning it could squash inward significantly. She started forcing herself through the gap, feeling the cold wall against the side of her belly and rump. Taking a deep breath she tried to suck in her gut, making her a whopping 1 ½ inches thinner. Zarah continued to push herself against the gap, wiggling back and forth to get her colossal form through little bits at a time. The doors suddenly tried to close around her, causing her to let go of the breath she was holding. The doors struggled for a moment, squashing her butt and belly even further, before giving up and re-opening. Seeing her chance, Zarah pushed herself again. The elevator doors had squashed her enough that the entirety of her belly passed the threshold. There was an audible smack as her hip smashed into the back of the elevator, which also caused her body to wobble madly. She quickly twisted herself around so that she was facing forward, forcing her other hip through the door. The result was a very squashed Zarah- she guessed the elevator was only seven feet wide at the absolute maximum. This resulted in her hips and rump riding up her back and sides, as well as falling further down her calves. The gargantuan zebra took a deep breath, then let it out slowly as she smiled. The whole ordeal had taken several minutes, but it had been a lot less trouble than trekking up the stairs. Carefully, she leaned over and pressed the second floor button. The elevator made a terrible buzzing noise. Zarah tilted her head to the side as her eyes darted across the control panel until they fell on a small line of text. Weight limit: 800 lbs “You have got to be kidding me.”
Now, it's your turn.
And what it does for images it can do for animations and videos, too.
>>5340 Watch.
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>>5347 The Charizard laid alone on his bed, the floor of his bedroom littered with the remnants of his epic binge. Satisfied with his gorging, he lets out a sigh of relief through his nostrils, but just as he starts to relax a loud moaning roar erupts from his fat engorged belly, causing his eyes to go wide is surprised. Realizing his massive belly still craves sustenance, the Charizard re-positions himself further back on the bed, causing its springs and frame to groan under the shift of his massive weight. Once settled, his reaches down to his right, and rummages for a bottle of coke, which he then holds in one hand while taking the cap off with the other. As the bottle opens it lets out a loud hiss, causing the Charizard the dart his head left and right with shrunken pupils, fearing the noise had disrupted the previous quiet. Wasting no time, he then brings the bottle to his lips and starts chugging its contents with gusto, the calories in the drink causing his frame to quickly balloon outwards noticeably more. With bottle's contents now emptied into his gullet, the Charizard, then briefly looks down at his newly expanded frame, but soon feels a great pressure within him as he unleashes a loud, deep belch. Covering his mouth for fear of making too much noise, the bed suddenly gives of a loud creak before suddenly settling a bit, making his fat belly jiggle. Just then his belly wobbles vigorously as a loud rumble, the Charizard watching helplessly over his frame as all the food in his gut causes a chain reaction, with a mighty bubbling making his body to swell outwards with fat. Just then the bed makes a loud crack as it settles a bit more, his body bloating and wobbling some once more with his final growth spurt. however, this proves too much for the legs of his bed and with one final crack the bed collapses to the floor, causing the Charizard's body to wobble like a waterbed as it settled. The Charizard lets out a sheepish look before letting out a quick burp. Realizing his previous efforts at quiet now utterly in vain, the Charizard just simply looks down at his even girthier frame and smiles with a moan of satisfaction as he looks at the more massive wobbling mass of fat he has become.
>>5348 What's the source for the gif?
>>5349 You know! https://www.reddit.com/r/fatfurs/comments/y4wnqp/charizard_post_weight_gain_by_fattydragonite/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
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"How's my prized cow doing" Junko said to her prisoner, former ultimate detective now turned to ultimate dairy cow Kyoko Kirigiri. Junko was planing to kill her but changed her mind after deciding another to bring despair to Kyoko, being taken prisoner and degraded from a extreme talented human to a fat cow to be milk by the very Mastermind she was trying to unmasked. Kyoko admittedly struggled the first few days but after several weeks of non-stop feeding she went from defying and resisting to pathetically begging for mercy, which Junko denied and instead belittle and mock her for failing to stop her Killing School Life games and would grope Kyoko every opportunity. The next few days after that, Kyoko when from an intelligent detective to a mindless cow with the only things in her mind are eating, sleeping, being milked and pleasing her owner. Kyoko moaned as she was milked, fed and groped at the same time. "I have a present for you." Junko said sadistically bringing a tank that has kyoko face on it. "I believe that you should as least try to milk that you worked sooooo tiredlessly make.'" changing the tubes and attaching it to the milk tank. Kyoko gulped big mouthfuls of the milk. "So creamy and rich" Kyoko thought. "Gotta go now," Junko said slapping Kyoko's massive ass "I got another killing game that involves the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, stay here and enjoy the food that the momokumas will serve you later." knowing full well that Kyoko is to large to walk. As she leaves the room which has a large entrance that has no door, Kyoko constantly has thoughts of escaping or at least crawl her way out but they are overshadowed by thoughts of being fed as she is nothing more then Junko's pet cow. Forever. And ever.
nothing short of incredible. Nowadays, none of the Sailor Soldiers would even recognize Artemis as a cat if they saw him in person again. He had no more torso to speak of, considering his entire upper body was almost entire belly at this point. His midsection was so enormous and flabby that he even sported an extra dollop of chest fat layered atop his gargantuan waterbed belly that shoved up into Artemis’ chin. His muffin top overflowed and smothered his lap and groin, and the sagging backfat he sported only rounded him out even more. His arms and legs were cradled so much fat that they swallowed themselves up in accordions of adipose. He could hardly move them anymore, and the digits on his limbs couldn’t manage any more than helpless wiggles, being weighed down by swaths of hanging fat. Every day, they grew closer and closer to being lost and smothered in his ever-flabbing limbs. But when it came to swallowing up his limbs, his butt was the most gluttonous part of this gluttonous cat. His thighs and legs became one with his enormous growing ass, which spread out along the ground by the day as Artemis continued to eat, easily becoming the biggest layer on this layer cake of a cat. Luna’s breath fluttered as she remembered how breathtaking the sight of Artemis gaining day by day was. His movements became more labored and lumbering until he couldn't move on his own. He grew more lazy and lethargic and loving, and Luna loved nothing more than to dote on him with endless treats. And nothing made them grow closer than Luna intimately feeding her growing man. “I missed you today,” Artemis said as he finished inhaling another treat. “You say that all the time, Artemis,” she said bashfully. “Because it’s true every day! You know how much I love spending time with you.” “Oh, Artemis! You butter me up, you enormous fat cat!” “Well why don’t you return the favor?” he said with a wink. Without another word, Luna clapped her hands twice. A Luna-P immediately floated around, balancing a rich cake with especially thick-looking pink frosting and a cutting life. It gently placed each thing on the ground and flew away to perform some other unseen task. Luna happily sliced off a piece of cake. She leaned on Artemis, her free hand sinking into Artemis’ fat like quicksand. With her other hand, she placed the cake near Artemis’ mouth. He took it in his jaws, but Luna let it rest on the apex of his belly before actually feeding it to him. Artemis made a questioned muffle through his cake. “I thought it would be fun if you fed it to me.” “Oh, I’ll be there in a minute, big guy!” Luna rolled over to one side of Artemis, making him giggle as his fat shifted around. “I just need to relieve some stress for a moment!” Luna then started to snuggle with Artemis’ fat belly, letting her arms wrap around as much kitty flab as she could and letting herself sink into him again. Artemis giggled again as her cheek pushed into his chest fat. He felt as warm and fuzzy as a comforter, and as Artemis ate, he felt all too happy to be her cushion. As he started to munch on his cake, Luna climbed on top of him to give him a peck on his chunky, full cheek. “Hurry up the rest of your cake.” she whispered lovingly. “I can’t wait to roll you into bed, Artemis.” “Why bother with the bed, Luna? You’ve got your perfect mattress right here.”
Glory started to feel sick as she was stuffed to above and beyond like she was before. She clenched a fist as her belly stretched so tight that it felt like a drum. Her breasts fought her shirt and pushed into her face a bit more as she ate. She was just blowing up like a balloon. She could feel how the volume inside her was dangerously decreasing as all the food filled her up. She leaned back as much as she could and squeezed her toes in despair as her belly pushed her legs apart. "GWACE... TWOOO... FWAAT!" Glory tried one last time to say in effort to get her sister to stop forcing food into her. "Too fat?! You have absolutely NO idea what too fat even is! Not until I'm done with you!" Grace replied kneeling and taking a big clump of cake with a fork and pushing it into Glory's already full mouth causing crumbs to fall onto her breasts. "Yes that's right you fat cow eat!" Grace exclaimed and followed with another forkful of cake.
Darin's visit to the Candyland was. proving very fruitful. The obese wolf tottered along, his weight causing his feet to sink through the sticky coating of icing that coated the ground. Pausing occasionally, he would reach down over his belly and tear some of the sweet treats out the chocolate ground they grew from. His recent gorging had left his face smeared with icing and his stomach felling heavy and full. As he was making his way up the hill, he noticed a thick river of liquid chocolate coursing down the valley below. He immediately licked his hungry chops and waddled down towards it, flabby thighs chafing together. Arriving at the bank he flopped down, letting his feet dangle over the edge precariously. The chocolate looked so warm, so inviting; so tasty. The obese wolf leaned forwards and dived in.
The cool, white light of the refrigerator was the only light in the dark kitchen. Waves of cool air flowed over the empty shelves, ambling outwards into the outside world. It spiraled and ambled down, until it brushed against a smooth, sweaty, hot sphere. A ball of groaning, overfilled flesh, its doughy layers slowly rising up and down. Beyond its gurgling, overstuffed bulk were two great pillars of soft, pink flab, a pair of tightly-stretched denim shorts visible among the rolls. In front of the heaving belly were two bouncing, marshmallow-like breasts, barely constrained by a green crop top. Between two meaty arms was a woman's head, resting against the tile. In the middle of her chubby face, her tongue lolled around her white teeth and plump lips. Two blue yes stared out at the ceiling in a haze of pleasure and pain. Her red hair was strewn out in a mop. Around her a mob of food wrappers and partially-eaten goodies littered the ground. An empty bucket of takeout chinese lay against a milk jug and an empty pizza box. Next to her cellulite-coated thighs was an open can of pringles. A few forlorn chips poked out of the tube, their comrades digesting deep within the orb of flesh that stood but a few inches from them. By her arms was a crumpled bag of fudge bites. Grasped in her hand was a bar of chocolate, a bite taken out of it. "Late night snack?" said, as I smiled at her. He gave a groan of either pleasure or nausea (or both), and I gingerly stepped forwards. I knelt besides her, and placed my hands on her massively bloated stomach. I gently began to massage, kneading the warm, moist fat between my fingers. Her gut burbled and moaned as it struggled to break down the tsunami of food that had poured into it. It seemed liked she had tried her best to eat everything in the fridge, and she had come pretty close. Even through her dense layers of fat, I could feel that her stomach was as hard as I was. As began to reach towards my crotch, she gave a soft burp and groaned. "W..aait." She softly flicked her hand, wiggling the candy bar. "Not...until...you feed me dessert..."
"Sorry, I broke your girlfriend" Two roomates live together: one has a girlfriend, the other doesn't, but has a hobby of collecting old magical paraphanalia, cleaning them up, and selling them at a local shop. One night, the magic roomate and the girlfriend are sitting at the apartment waiting for the first, when the girlfriend accidentally touches something and ends up expanding into an enormous blob. When the first roomate comes back, they find the second trying to clean the place up, and the title comes into play. Temporary mind-break, as the expansion causes her nerves to become super overstimulated. The bulk of the story is them trying to figure out how to turn her back as she's cumming her brains out. Ending A: she's shrunk back down, but has now developed a wg fetish Ending B: they cannot fix her, and so she just becomes a staple of the house
"Her belly screamed at her as she made her way through the potato wedges, Drip huffed as she struggled to keep bringing food to her lips. Her entire body feeling tight all over, she could feel the throb of each heartbeat pulse over her dangerously thin skin. The last potato wedge in her hand, she took a deep breath and pushed it into her mouth. Chewing a few extra times for good luck, she prayed it wouldn't be too much before gulping it down. The wedge of potato, bacon, and cheese hitting her belly, her toes curled as she let out a loud moan and....
P.S: This is an example of how to make your own stories so, good luck!
I was thinking of writing my own inflation story. My idea is focused on three celebs and each of them inflate in a certain way. I'd like your opinion on this. I will list the celebs and then the inflation types and I'd like to know which celeb you think should be inflated in which way. Elizabeth Olsen Emma Stone Emilia Clarke Blueberry Inflation Fat Inflation Air/Balloon Inflation
Alyssa gets kidnapped by raiders because of her big assets. They stripped her clothes and fatten her up to become a sizeable sex goddess. Alyssa was desperate to escape. Alyssa spent her late 20s years with no clothes and forced to do any sex with the raiders and their captain. Alyssa was grabbed by her breasts, her ass groped, and her belly jiggling ked at her body to see that she must weigh like a boar. Alyssa was devastated to see her boobs get bigger causing her back pain. Her ass being huge and squishy which made her feel weep and her belly gotten very large. Alyssa hated everything that happened to her. She cried out so much hoping that she wished to lose weight and stop getting raped from her captors. Alyssa felt like there's no hope. One of her captors came in to release her and told her the captain is waiting. Alyssa tries to get up but she was too heavy. She asked the captors to help her. Alyssa gets up and the captors grabbed her boob and compliments her. Alyssa gets pissed. Alyssa walks up with her chains around her wrists and legs and seesto the captain. Alyssa noticed keys and thought of a brilliant idea. Alyssa seduce the captain and thanked him for making her a fat beautiful goddess and blessed with a very big body. She told the captain that she was born to his wife for eternity. Alyssa kissed the captain allowing him touch her belly and boobs. The captain told her she's a true goddess. Then she got grabbed in the vagina and got furious. Suddenly, Alyssa kicked him in the crotch and told him to go screw himself for grabbing her vagina. She called him a sick pig and told him he made her this way. She ran for the key to unlock her chains. Finally, grabbed clothing to wear, and grabbed supplies then head towards the boat to get on. Alyssa fought pirates and got on the boat. After her fight, she set sail to a nearby island with a lot of ships. She soon realized that she look good being fat. Alyssa promised herself to not take crap from no good drunks in her bar or any other dirtbag in the Caribbean.
Tifa and Aerith wake up. They both noticed their clothes ripped. Tifa said "Woah, Aerith look at yourself. You have a really fatter ass than mine." Aerith said "I would say the same thing. You also have super massive boobs, Tifa. They're bigger than mine." Tifa said " Holy crap, Cid is going to come here to wash us and he's going to see us naked and fat." Aerith said "Don't worry, I'll call him." Aerith called Cid "Cid could you cover eyes for while we're washing our bodies." Cid said "Sure thing peaches." Aerith smiled. Tifa said" you think that's going work? Fine, I guess we wait till Cid arrives." 30 minutes later, Cid arrives and brought the hose. Tifa and Aerith take their clothes off and unclipped their hair. Aerith said "I hope you're okay with this." Tifa said " Like I want Cid spraying us with hose and having our tits jiggle like in a porno. Now get ready Aerith." Aerith said "So am I. Cid started the hose and spray water. They both scrubbed their hair. Aerith wash her enormous butt. Aerith said " I guess my fat butt, ain't so bad. " Tifa said " You think your ass is ain't bad, you should try carry these monster tits around." Tifa gets a funny idea with Aerith. Tifa touched Aerith's butt. " Tag, you're it Aerith." Aerith said " I see what you're planning." They both started running around in the field. Then Tifa teases Aerith for her heavy breathing. Aerith said "No fair, how can you keep up with that mega boobs of yours. Tifa said "I lift weights, squats, and pull ups. Besides these melons are nothing to your lazy fat ass. " Aerith got upset about her ass being large. Then she slipped and fell down as Tifa laughed." Aerith said "Real mature of you Tifa, real mature." Tifa said " Sorry Aerith, I'll you up." Aerith smiled back at Tifa. Then, Tifa grabbed her butt. Tifa said "Aerith, who knew your butt is so soft. Aerith gets real mad and gets up "Tifa, you bitch I'm grab your tits so hard and make you regret it. Tifa laughed. They continue chasing each other around. Cid said "It must be so hot looking at them. I prefer them being fit than fat."
Nico Robin left the Straw hats to lead the beast pirates. Few days later, Nico Robin eats 50lbs worth of food to put on a lot of weight so she can be noticed more. 8 months have passed, Nico Robin drinks a lot of beer and meat. Now she weighs 222lbs and she is surprise and pleased. She was filled with lust and gluttony and that made her determined to lead the Beast Pirates. Nico Robin announced to the beast pirates that she will lead them. She set new rules for them. She will make this land more knowledgeable than it was. Allowing the women to be respected equal as leaders. And being more comfortable with their bodies. 3 years has passed. Nico Robin created a powerful country. The women are allowed to be heftier as Nico Robin. The Beast Pirates are more smart than then they were previously. Nico Robin is proud to lead them. The Straw hats returns to visit Nico Robin. Nico Robin walks through pier to see them. The Straw Hats are surprised to see Nico Robin gotten thicker. Nico Robin explained to them that she gained weight in order to gain some recognition of her powerful demeanor. She felt so happy to see them again. Nico Robin hugged everyone of them especially Sanji. Nico told Sanji it's okay to fondle for her gut or any parts. Nico Robin has changed from a mature lady to party going voluptuous woman. Nico Robin invites them to the government building and celebrates with her reunion as she indulges with beer. The Straw Hats partying around with food and music. Nico Robin asked Franky to go inside her office that she made in the government building. Franky was impressed to see her room was like a library and have so much art from other islands. Nico Robin told him that it was impressive being the most powerful woman ever. What she ever wanted to find love with someone else. Nico told Franky that no one in this country is worthy of her. She said that Franky is the one for her. That made Franky blushed Nico explained him that she wanted to gain weight. Franky was shocked to her that. Nico Robin told Franky to do it. Ask Franky to maker her the fattest and sexist beast pirate ever. Nico Robin kissed Franky. Then Nico wanted to show Franky. Nico Robin showed him her bar. It was filled with so much fattening food. She said that she may have the devil fruit ability. But, she wanted him to stuff her the most. Nico Robin removed her clothes that covered her privates. Told Franky to do it, make love to Nico Robin, and fatten her to make her the most hefty beast pirate. Then, Nico Robin grabs 5 barrels of beer and food begging to be stuffed. She comments on her body being fat and sexy. Nico and Franky both drank beer together. Nico Robin makes out with Franky then they both had sex together. As Nico Robin grabs so much food. Nico Robin ate until her stomach hurts. Then, she passed out. Franky carried her to her bed. Franky is surprised to see her stomach stuffed with food. Franky went to bed with her then smile to give her a big kiss. Nico Robin wakes up in her bedroom having a massive hangover. Nico gets up to go to the bathroom. Nico Robin looked at her mirror and sees herself. Nico gained a triple chin. She noticed her arms are 10lbs bigger, her bust size increased into 2 sizes. Her belly hangs to her knee. She smiled with a chuckle. Then she started puking and then her stomach starts hurting. She needed to be more careful with her excessive eating. Nico went to the shower to wash herself. Got out of the shower to put on her robe. Walks back to her room and she smiled at him as Franky gets up. Nico and Franky are official. Later, The Straw Hats were surprised to see Nico got more fatter. Nico Robin told them that she's okay looking this and reassure them that she exercises to maintain a balance. Sanji was mad that he didn't make the food. Nico Robin asked them to have brunch with her. 1 week later, Nico Robin wakes up very sick. Nico thought it was food she ate. Then she realize that she was pregnant. Nico Robin was filled with excitement as she's going have a child. The Straw Hats are leaving wishing Nico farewell. Nico told her crew she's going to have baby. And Franky is shocked to hear that. The Straw Hats were even more surprised to learn that Franky was the father. Sanji cried so much that he wanted to be with Nico Robin. Franky learns he's the father. That meant Franky has to stay to take care of the baby. The Straw Hats wish them farewell on their parenthood. Nico invites Franky to go on a dinner date. Franky happily agrees with her. That's a super ending.
>>10236 Is this all just one nigga reposting other people's stories? In a fucking OC thread? Holy shit. What a retard. >>5350 >reddit FAGGOT
Actually, upon closer examination: >Unique posters: 3 There's me, a guy who posted about celeb inflation, and the OP. The OP made this thread for Original Content i,e, people writting their own stories, but started filling it without stories and images that he himself had not made. This thread is actual garbage. I'm also willing to wager this is Wildcat too. This is also reminding of the time he made a thread with a similar concept on /bbfurries/ and I fucking scolded him for forsaking the concept of an OC thread because he was posting other people's work rather than his own. He's incapable of learning. This guy is actually stupid. He's never left the fucking K-12 SPED short bus.
>>10238 >>10237 Do you have some stories you made you can share?
>>10314 Why should anyone be sharing OC in a thread made by an OP, AKA Wildcat1150, who dumped a bunch other peoples' stories in his own thread? I understand you lack the self-awareness required for self-reflection or complex thought, but you are dumber than an earthworm, and earthworms don't even have brains.
Does anyone have a story they would like to share that they made?
>>10322 Because it's a bright idea. (Again, the stories are examples and some of the images are references.)
>>10486 >Because it's a bright idea. It'd be a good idea if this thread wasn't made by a literal crayon-munching retard. >the stories are examples They're not yours, though. You took a bunch of random fetish writers' stories and reposted. If you're going to post a FUCKING EXAMPLE, post something you WROTE YOURSELF. POST YOUR OWN FUCKING ORIGINAL WORK IF YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING SPEARHEAD AN ORIGINAL CONTENT THREAD, YOU FUCKING LOBOTIMITE. >some of the images are references. You still didn't write the stories, though.
I'm not 100% sure this is the best thread to drop into, but the "shill your stories" thread bumplocked and I don't want to start a new one. I finally finished my latest story: "After Amber". It's a bit of an experiment with some psychodrama and fallout after getting out of an abusive feedee relationship, told from a strongfat BHM perspective, though it does ultimately lean positive like most of my stuff. https://vicepeddlerscorner.neocities.org/stories/AA/toc ~107k words, should occupy an afternoon or two
